this ratty 1965 ford econoline pickup has been sitting on the lift for too long, lets get back to fixing all the rust making our own repair panels from scratch,

Hey guys, and how's it going for those that are new to you watching my videos I'll give you a little quick update for those who have been around a while, it's probably been a long time coming for these. Uh 1965 Econoline E100 Cab over pickup truck that I picked up about two years ago. Uh, quick little back story and then we'll get into it. It was something that I found that's been sitting for a while. Yeah, we'll walk around while we're talking. It was sitting for a while and uh I got it back, got the engine up and running, went through all that kind of stuff. made manifolds, made a bunch of uh, different pieces for it and started jumping onto the metal work that you see on this side. uh, we bought that panel in the corners. everything else is pretty much I went through the trouble trying to hand make them including like that rocker you see, it's starting to get a little bit of rust on it now. what? All the edges are kind of rusty all the way around this thing. so we built that might be a little too dark, but underneath the tailgate. Rebuilt made all those going across, made some modifications to the suspension down below to clear those fat tires that we're hoping we can try to run with here. I'll give you an idea what we had for, uh, different bits and pieces that were rotted out. Here's some of the stuff that we cut out of it: Flooring: I made flooring for it. You can see pieces that are been welded in on the floor I made underneath where the oil filter is there. Those panels were handmade. A bunch of the pieces up around the corner were made and I guess you're not going to see those but a bunch of stuff behind here was also made these panels. this piece was made underneath that Barrel on the floor was made going up to it parts that I think possibly the wheel wells were made up and keep working our way around that was bought made that panel made a bunch of patch panels for down below over here and that's kind of where it left off. Here's the pieces that we made to go do this side which was I made a rocker, a piece for the back and a piece for the front that is tapped on there right now. What happened was I was as I was working on it uh um just above a novice I'm doing metal work I'm trying to learn and I got discouraged and how I got discouraged was I mean little paper dolls I call it and I think this one this one's probably the front and I'll show you first before I put that up there. So trying to form this panel to try to make it uh replace what was there and then you know I made a wood Dolly first I went with the paper doll to catch the angle that was supposed to be there. Then I transferred this to a piece of wood, clamped it in metal and then took like an air hammer and tried to beat the edges down to get it to go. but I made it a little too fat if you look at the wine here and she gets a little bulbous going into there and the same problem happened on the back one. So what I should have done was make the uh, the wood piece a little thinner to kind of compensate for how much had to go wrap around it. but I didn't do that. So I got discouraged and that's kind of where I stopped and here it sits. I think I'm probably gonna move forward with them and I'll just kind of recess them a little bit and with Bondo I could probably bring that lip up to give the line that I want. but as long as the metal is behind it not sure yet. So I'm going to leave this part of it alone. we're going to move to the front of the cab I'll pop this up there to show you so that would look. There's vice grips in a way right now. Got to give you an idea that would look something like that. This panel seems like it's fine I shouldn't have an issue with that. this one which you can see where that marker is there. it has to kind of still get curved more to match that that position. Now we go something like like that and across. Here's where we are today. What we're going to try: Working on this front section right here. It doesn't look terrible, but the more you push on the more you can find out it's pretty much just the paint that's holding it together. There's really not much left to it. It's got a curve to it going down this way and then also kind of a curve going like this. So we're going to try to replicate that and learn how to go do that. It's missing a bunch of pieces back in here too that we're gonna have to make, but we'll take that as it goes. So let's start probably by trying to make a paper doll. Maybe we'll try to make this component of it first, we'll cut that out of the way and then we can rebuild, uh, the pieces that are behind that. once we find out what we have to work with and go from there ready to go. All right, let's get to it that Visa Construction paper. I Figured maybe we'll Whittle this down to size in a rough opening and then we'll try to fold it or make it fit. I'm not sure if we can try to do anything in this in one piece or several. The lip going up and in is kind of blown out too, so we're going to want to try to capture that. but let's say lengthwise, we'll knock it to try to give ourselves anything something like I'll try cutting a piece of cardboard out that big goes that far I'm gonna go fold it and roll it, see if I make it up I'm gonna go a little further down, it gets a little bit more working room. I'm going to slice it to something like that. the Android's blown out I'm sure we pick at it, tap out of more, even get worse. So let's see if we can make that bend first. I can mark that out and try to get you know. that's ended it right there and we have a curve so we're gonna actually slice a little bit of that off. You can do that right now. I Can't draw a straight line to save my life. Foreign. Let's go put a Bend on this piece right here. Let's go make a nice uh Bend in the break that we can use to go tuck up inside there. Maybe you can put a piece of tape on it. My guess is we're probably gonna try to maybe do a weld bead right around in here, somewhere not all the way up in the corner. Foreign fits for us. She looks pretty good. What I'll do to you? like if I find that I need a little extra I'll just write on it with a sharpie. add a half inch, add a quarter inch if we're off on our pattern, we're just trying to get a good window. So I'm going to trim that just a hair. Let's go get some tape on that. I'll tape that down and we'll curve it underneath and we'll describe it where we need. Well, we think the other side of it's going to end. Kind of want to make the patch bigger than what's around it anyway. and then you can. We can tweak it. folding that inside lip kind of roll. that lip kind of looks like this, but on the other end, get that a little a little rub. I Don't know if we're gonna need that lip. that corner too again. Trying to make it all in one piece is kind of questionable. Let's um, draw it out anyway. I Think we're gonna be here right there. Is it missing? It's not even there to go build? We're gonna guesstimate we'll draw I say what is it in I Think we're gonna cut. What we'll do is, we'll leave it. We'll leave um, that much material. If we want to try to fold that lip, we may end up not being able to do all those at the same time. I Don't know. All right. let me go pop that off of there and we'll see what we got sometimes. Just get your dirty hands. It's kind of good too. It kind of makes like a stain you can use. Get out of there I know I got that line right there to kind of tell where it is. Okay, so I'm going to go over that with the Sharpie probably on the inside I should wait outside on here. So I'm gonna hit get it screwed up and maybe we'll take a piece of metal and we'll lay this out. Let me go trim some of the crap off of it. Like that on the end and you gotta add I think a little bit down here. Actually, there's no lip under here. it doesn't fold back up. it kind of meets an inner Channel straight down. Then it just the dead ends right there so that I think that's what we're gonna need. So I'm gonna go Trace down a piece of metal. We'll go cut that out and we'll start trying to make it mold to this and then we'll cut the piece that's there away. Foreign, foreign, foreign. Should we do this Bend first? or should we curl it first? We gotta do a little bit of tweaking on that too. Yeah, actually this is what's holding us right here. Uh, what? I'm concerned about. let's try putting this in a slip roller. see if we can get a bit of a curve to it. try to start to get that shape. The thing is, it's a compound like I Don't think this is even a straight line going across. It looks like it kind of tapers in a little bit. Yeah, let's try getting a bit of a roll. Looks like it's fairly flat and about this far up. I need my Sharpie this far up? we need to start kind of rolling it a little bit. Let's start getting that shape first before we do the the piece on top. although I have all the fancy machines, doesn't mean I know how to use them. Let's go take a piece of scrap. this is called a slip roller. Let's see if um, what we get so we have to go run this one up. Let's see what we get for a curve and I might do it. Let me go put that up against the body of it and I'll see how close we kind of match it. I'll get this to do what we wanted to do. then we know we have the right setting for the other one. Let's take a better look at it. Most of the bandage right between these two lines. It makes a very sharp band. this is fairly flat and the under, uh, underbelly underpin is fairly flat too. Oh, this kind of curls up. uh I Wonder if we can just kind of draw it in there and then maybe we'll just kind of manhandle it and give her a little bit a bit of that. Let's um, I should have transferred the lines to the other side, right? Yeah, let me, uh, transfer that so you can see what we're doing. Close foreign. Let's get that out of there. see what it looks like I'd rather over bend it a little I think okay, not too bad, huh? Let's go bring it over to the car and look at it sneaking up on it, you know. I definitely gotta be foreign. got to kind of influence it more down lower. I'm gonna go fudge it a little bit, see if we can put it back in the roller. take some of it out of right here and add it to right here I kind of overshot that a little. didn't I should be right. that's where it goes. Foreign about another quarter inch I didn't have this. This lift doesn't go all the way in, it's that Dimension right there, whatever that is. Let me go do some a little bit more fudging. So I gotta little Nubble in there a little bubble where I tried to go bend it back and you know it's kind of made a a dent where it's not supposed to. Let's see if we can try to get that out of there a little bit. okay, foreign Harbor Freight English Wheels of course the first time kind of playing with it I Want to go change out to a flatter die because I wanted to get rid of a bit of a ridge that was in there of course I went to go put the the dye in it and change it. There's that so it doesn't fit as you can tell. First time you really using it but they call that trial by fire. Get that'll go now. Still too fat I'm gonna I'm gonna wiggle on that. They gotta be able to drop in and drop out of there. You can't be tapping them in, you know I Adjusted that roll down a little bit and it looks pretty good. Following the Contour I know what you can see I haven't pulled that Top Bend yet, but come to the front you can see where it rolls up and we have that much of a gap there trying to think of what we can do to get out of that and pop the light at a fixed position. One thing I think we can either slice it or I wonder if we can try to. Yeah, it's not a curve though. say we can like shrink it but it's already on a Bend so we're not gonna be able to get it in the shrinker I don't know, maybe take a little bit of a pie cut out of that? or should we kind of Chase that after we cut it off and do our best to fit it and I think we should try to get a little bit closer I Know we can. Um Bend this lip. once that lip is bent over, then we can put that in the shrink and we can kind of put a curve to the panel I Wonder if that'll help us? We just have too much material? Here is what it is. You know we can either that or just try beating on it right? You can try to roll this this Edge in further. Hmm. decisions, decisions. What do you want to do? Kind of I'm leaning more towards the cut because it just is so much material to move I wonder if we can cut it and just and then try to like tap it so they fold over each other and then whatever's left kind of cut out and just buzz back together. About that for a second. let me see them how much we're dealing with. and I think maybe we'll go. We'll put this band in, kind of stiffen the panel up a little bit and then we'll I Think we have a bit of a curve right? Yeah, see where Curves in the front there? Then we can kind of get this pieces this piece in the jaw and we'll get a little bit of a Twist to it. Then maybe we'll fudge the bottom half. Thank you. Oops the right way. Give her a little extra that's good. It's about right. See how that fits? I'm gonna nub that little corner right there. We'll get a little bit of relief. they can go in further quite a bit further and then we'll roll it right here. We'll try to get that edge to curve I Think we can actually put a little bit. It does look like it's got a little bit right there, right? so try to get a gradual curve going on it and give that though, curve it. so I always screw these up. So I drove a little smiley face and a frown on the other one. one bends one way, one bends the other. So this should give us a curve like this as we, uh I don't want to overdo it. We want most of it right at the end here. see what you can do. It might be a little too much. You can see how much it already made a change to it and it just starts distorting the whole panel right? All right, let's go get that up there. I think I went a little bit too much right here though. let's see what we get. Take some out though. If you overshoot it, you're just going back to the other side of the machine and kind of curve back out. but that looks actually better. Leave it like that. Plus, you know you have to get it perfect. Like if you're off that much when you're welding it, just push it a little bit and put a tack on it. We're just trying to get it really kind of roughed in, but we got to do something about that that open Gap in the front There she said well instead of uh, cutting it right there, let's see if we can try to just mush some of that together. you can go shallow and then go a little deeper. Would you know? when these Jaws are coming, they're coming in and pushing together, coming in, pushing it so they're kind of bunching up the metal again. With that curve there though, try going right around it. Maybe we can put your foot's on there. get out of there. you guys have been bouncing all over. how's that better? foreign. just Hammer that round Again, it looks like it closed it up some you can see how that looks so you can hold that up into place and I should have done the top Bend later. we actually got this curve first and then once I was happy with it. Made that bend hindsight right. I Think what we might try to do. let's go get the uh Anvil and the ear of the Anvil Maybe we just kind of hammer on it a little bit so you can kind of roll this material Underneath more if you suck it up. That's what we could have done. we've been much closer now. we get that that drop there. Yeah, it's all Learning Lesson right. That wouldn't be a must-one video without a trusty Hammer right? See if we can get a bit of a curve on that I Think we're on the right track? I'm going to work that a little bit more. see if I can get what we need like right right here. We work this curve this down a little bit more into it I think we're almost there. We've almost pushed it into place. Yeah, we we got to get rid of some of that straight right there. we're tweaking on it I think we're pretty good I'm happy with that. I Think we can go fudge this Edge Not much to make a move, you know you already got. probably extended the lift. that's there. We're probably about dancing around between a quarter inch and a half inch of extra material hanging out so we can go trim that later. I Think maybe we should start cutting some of that out of our way and see what we have for behind it to go work with. So we're going to leave material probably above that. We'll leave this lip here for now. Eventually we'll take that top lip out. but just let's just open this up right here. Let's go with I told you I can't draw straight line. it's called Buzz that much of it back. Let's see what we got won't be a little straighter than that foreign foreign. This panel went past this lip I Wonder if we can cut this out and we can make this one and then we'll work our way back to here. If you even see that, can you see that? Well, this is kind of blown out too. Thank you Can make it perfect I Am not trying to get every ounce of rust out of this. Let's go have this conversation because I know it's going to come up. The vehicle is an even coat of rust pretty much everywhere. So to try to make this absolutely perfect and is it a balance for the rest of the vehicle, No, it's like where do you stop you're gonna replace all that everywhere you know at some point you got to call it. So we're gonna try to get the best medal in it I I am. but it's just not. It will never be as nice as a rust free vehicle ever was. It's just how they are. You look at the whole thing all the way around. so we're gonna do our best. Okay to get a bunch of metal back in it Bond Over where the seams are and after it's painted it gets pretty much like greased up. All this area will have a heavy grease oil in it like chainsaw. Barn chain oil is what I use. so I'll spray it into cavity after I'm done. it pretty much stops it from rust. Plus this vehicle is never really going to be. It's not gonna be using salt or anything like it was in the past that caused all this and by the time it rots out again, it's a 65. So what is it? 57 years old, 58 years old roughly and another 58 years? I'm not going to worry about it I'm not going to be here at least I'm not playing anymore. We're gonna throw all the fancy tools out. Let's get into what a plasma cutter and see if we can slice that off. I Can't get a cutting wheel in here that well so foreign. You know you need this this piece here to figure out what we need to make this setup. So I didn't want to chop it up in little pieces. So it's got that lip. that's the we're looking at it from the other side. They spot welded those two lips together. but this is the one we just made. We stopped here and then it has like a C channel. It goes in, up and back over again. We might be able to make all that. I wonder if we can make all that where we can? Um, instead of doing this pinch weld here, we'll do that pinch weld up there. I'm gonna take a grinder I'm going to clean this edge up, see if we can make that a little bit straighter? Maybe we could do that. Maybe we could just make one piece that comes down instead of having it. You know, because we're gonna have to attach to this. Anyway, have one here and it would be a tiny little piece. we'll just make it down across and then down to to the piece that we just made and we go get some measuring up and we'll punch out a piece like that and see how we how close we make it to folding it and go from there. Also gotta get that little piece out of the front yet too reattach it back on. That is what I came up with. So like we talked about, we're not going to make this part of the lip go out. We're just going to go straight up and weld to the original panel. So that's this lip right here. This material here is going to be that material. Then it's going to drop down. That's the drop down and then it's got a tuck. It's gotta tuck back that direction and this that'll be the tuck. What do you think? My chances are that I get all those bins correctly. I Think we gotta what's the saying? Work from the center out. So I think we're gonna have to do this Bend and this then this bed because this is going to be the sharp one. This is the one that's going to be essentially the letter C that's in there that one. so hopefully we can get that bend. I Guess we're gonna go find out. Yeah, so that's the one we gotta go. I'm gonna bring that over with me. so I double check it all right? Fortunately, I had some kind of over lengthened it. Let's try to make it with this piece first. we'll use this as our our test pilot. I Wonder if we should? No, we'll do. We'll cut this in half and we'll have two shots at it. All right? So we've got to be able to make the letter C so we gotta make a Bend and a Bend Do we do? Do we do that one first that we can't because then we never go inside. So let's go do that one. and I think we're going to run into problems here. I Don't know how tight we're gonna build is. Let's see what we get. So probably as long as you get a crease on it. Yeah, that's what. I Was afraid that we're gonna end up with something like that. We probably hammer it down so that's going to be. that's gonna be that part of it. And now we need to be able to bend that direction up in the market. But we eyeball it. This is where the other problem is going to be. I Wonder if we could do that then first right there. kind of get in. there looks like hell. Well, that's why we're practicing, right? Yeah, that looks like crap. So we need something like that's the end result if we were to do that bend first. Can you see it? if we would do that band first? let's eyeball it first, make sure we're good so that would be just like that, right? Let's see if we can do this one first. So if we did that bend, could we come back and do these two? It's gonna be the same thing, right? but that was laying flat. Yeah, that's the problem. It's just so tight it's not not much room to get those three bends in there. Imagine if I was trying to make the four I Think we just wing it and as as long as we can get the crease in it I Think we we can just kind of like push it and mold it into shape as long as you can get the lines folded where they should be. Let's go for it. It's only metal. right wing it did I already screw up. Is that tab on the is that tab on the wrong side? That's where I think I screwed up. It's A that's the car. so we're going without that tab. we're just gonna go wing it. It's supposed to be like that first bin I already screwed it up All right. Well, we're going to continue on. Um, that little tab was there to add on another piece, but I'm not gonna worry about it. Foreign. foreign. Let's go see what we got. So that foreign. Excellent. except for I Put the tab on the wrong side. Oh wow, we'll keep moving forward. That was just again for folding. There was another piece there that had a lip folded down. We might even have enough length to kind of even work with that, but we'll see. Well the next thing it's supposed to have I Don't know if it shows up. it's got a bit of a curve to it I don't know if you can see it. let's go over. kind of a smiley face there how things that important that we have that underneath where you can see it. But let's go give it a shot. Um, you're going to need to make so that piece is that right? So the only one we're going to be able to get is this lift. so let's go see if we can make a bit of a curve on that. kind of overdo it. There's that this is too much over here. I'm gonna take a little bit of this back out, but this is supposed to be curved too I think I'm just gonna try maybe laying it over the Anvil a little bit and just kind of giving her a little forced persuasion. we're on the other side I think a little bit of that out of there. a little too much in so we just go the other side. We hit the undo button and what this is, this does the opposite. These come down and go the other direction. Try to make it go this way now. spreading it apart the other one, the other side bunched them up. This side is, uh, spreading them apart I think that's pretty good getting that bottom curve? that's gonna be a pain. Let's see if you're like laid in the Vise and have like a little bit of spread room as if we just kind of tap on the center. If you can get it to roll a little so you got a little bit to it right now foreign, it's going to Dent it. hear me a little more on this side. Yeah, it's got something to it. It's Kawaii ball see how it looks. So this would go like that right? And the piece that we made so like that. see how they fit on the back side. the curve we're trying to match I Want to say it's totally off I'm gonna go away on that a little bit more. It's pretty close actually. Yeah, no, we could probably do. Instead of worrying about getting this lip match yet, we could probably just bend this lip up the curve with it. you know? I hear we're gonna see it I'm gonna whale on it a little more so you get a little bit more curve out of it I got a couple of ice cubes holding it. Take a peek down, you can see how we're fitting. actually looks pretty good I haven't trimmed that? You know that lip? That lip right there is still going to get trimmed off to match the other one if we even really care. I Was thinking about what's up I Was thinking about trying to fold this to get that Contour but the lip is already gone right here anyway. I Think the amount of effort that we would put into and amount of distortion that this panel would get if we do that that we might be better off just kind of slicing it and then just making a piece for that whole area will just weld in a lip. You know, maybe cut it right here. right down. We'll just weld that right on this corner right here. Make it all one piece this is. this was two pieces, you know here and here you can see the line we don't need to. it's not getting a coverable Bondo and then you know, carve those lines back in. Anyway, the front looks pretty good. that's doing decent as far as the door. Gap Looking down at the edge of it I guess not even pushed in all the way yet neither, but that looks like it's following the door. Decent yeah actually. I think the board's got a little bit of a bump right there and they fit all that great from the factory. so I wonder if, um, we should? let's open the door probably? I Don't know if I want to foreign and cut this back to fit right on there. we'll butt weld it or if I just should just fold it right over and we'll just weld right to this lip. I Think that's what we're probably gonna do I Think I'll kind of tap this down and we'll just blend these right together. How's our gap on the door? as long as it's not going to be too tall. Just like that, it's got a good reveal. A lot of people complain that you're you're not doing a butt weld. You're doing a lap joint. But every weld on this truck is a lap weld. Any way you want to look that paint on that panel. They're not butt welded together. There's a lip that goes in and they're buzzed together. That's a lap weld so we still have to close in the end of it. So yeah, let me get the welding going. I'm gonna go buzz that back pain I Want to clean it up a little bit more Buzz that back panel on can we get rid of this one? What's holding this one out of two vice grips on the bottom? Let's get rid of that. Get rid of that clean that up draw that you know I'll weld that to there and then we still have to mark. now. we gotta cut that bottom edge off to match up with this one. I'm gonna take the back apart. We're gonna clean up some of the little bit of rust that's on here. I Got to get this a little bit better too to get contact because you don't Welding through galvi isn't good. so I just got to go clean that up a little bit more. Yes, I cleaned it back some you know. good area. you can go get a bunch of tax going across there and I I fit this panel to this lip so this is on the right angle and then I I put these vice grips on here to hold it. Uh I think what we'll do is we'll we'll Buzz this one I actually ended up folding up that the end of it over. That actually worked out pretty good. This panel of course is going to seal right off to here. This is going to remain open. it's kind of open anyway and that's what killed it last time the crap got in there and it rotted out. They put like a um I think it was right about here. They had like a little cup in it for it to drain but of course that all filled up a crap. So I'm going to leave that you know again this is it's closed over on the end and uh I think we'll be okay. You know the rest of it's open all the way going across. Anyway, that's all open so we'll let that be. I'm more concerned about this year just with a tire kicks all the crap up. So what we'll do is we'll we'll Buzz this one in place I'll fit the other panel, make sure we're good to go and maybe we'll work on making this patch in here before we put the end panel on. See how that works out all right. foreign at the front. kind of cleaned up and dialed in a little bit better and before that's welded on though. I went and made a patch something I like I'm gonna go with that. Get her close as we can and it would be nice if I was able to make a lip on that. but I'm not gonna bother I think I'm just going to make it the best I can and uh, you know, put tax down the corner there and call it good I suppose the seals up that area plus I'm gonna run around it with seam sealer afterwards too. Then we can come back and cut this lip off and we'll try to rebuild this outer one. and I think that should get it for us, you know of course other than it seems, healer and all. but I ground back where it was really rotten to some good material. get ahead of myself. let me get that one made I'd like to get a little bit better Gap right here but this will push in I want to push on though? I'll pop those tacks off of there but I feel is pretty much formed I gotta roll the rest of this lip once I get it, you know? buzzed on pretty good. I'll be able to tap that into place I did fold it on the brake though to kind of give it the line it needs to be and this this still needs to be pushed up to it and tacked on. I'm gonna go buzz this in. we'll take this panel back off. I'm going to take the panel off right right about now. Actually, we can get rid of that and I can work on welding this and get it from the inside here. Push it right up and uh Buzz that all together we can do the outside skin. they can't not catch too much of the welding on the camera. kills them from the inside. kind of buzzed on there. it's getting thin up there. I'm gonna rub some seam sealer on I still got her hit it with a grinder yet and knock them down and may Buzz him one more time and then I gotta catch that bottom lip I'll get that a little bit later I Think we're gonna go close in the front of it now I Think we're decent to go do that I Got all that buzz back together. Let me get you in there, it's looking really nice. Dirt: Contour is looking decent. that compound set of lines. It's really nice, huh? It's not gonna take much fillery at all just to kind of hide where the welds are. Go ahead and just plug welded all the way across the bottom meet those two lips. Foreign gap of the door. Looks decent. All right. let's go and trim this Edge right down here. Get it so that the same as that and we'll start working on building that lift back that's rotted out and missing right there. Let's try and get some. Uh, let me draw the line with tape and we don't want to be out there a little bit, right? Oh, we're out there a little. Okay, you could probably copy off the other side too if we have to see how it does it. maintain that line or does it either swoop in like that which I'm gonna take quickly. Well, it definitely has a bit of a roll to her. Yeah, all right, so we're gonna go. I'm gonna go measure what this distance is from here. I'll put a mark there and we'll just try to draw a line. Going to that point, we won't be needing that. It is 14 inches from the bottom There, that doesn't seem right. That does it. 14 is going to bring us to there. We got a bunch of metal in there. Hmm, we may be redesigning the front of this I didn't take that into counseling. We know the weld's there. so let's go. Uh, just try and draw on there what we think would look good. We gotta do the other side anyway. so if we make them look the same, nobody will know. All right, you won't tell anybody. look at the piece. I Cut off there. How did I miss that price? So much so that looks like that? because it wasn't there I make a good Point Yeah so I had a notch I went kind of straight down with the box there. they notched it I wasn't paying attention I was able to make the Curve Hmm oh well. foreign. I think if we try to yeah I Just cut off what was really rusty. If we ever tried to recreate that, it's gonna suck. So I think we should just bring it right to this. Edge We'll make this whole thing one square coming off and bring it down. I'm gonna try to hammer that a little closer together too. foreign Foreign. Took a little more time and trimmed it, gave it a better curve and came further into this wall. I Think what we're gonna do is we're just gonna. We're gonna bury it right into here and call for a win, but we need a some kind of line to go by as if start patterns. It's going to be long enough. apparently. let's go see if we can make a little pattern. oh my. God Okay, what I'll do is I'll make it I'll probably make it fatter than that by about maybe a quarter inch on both sides. I'm gonna cut that little J out and uh, I'll transfer it to metal. My thought is maybe we'll come you know, past it a little bit on this side and pass it on this side We always trim it down later on to the how he ever wanted to taper. but I want to be able to put like attack attack, blend it in and then we can grind down the face of it to match perfectly instead of us trying to, you know, cut it with scissors right on the money, put it right on there, try to get the tax I Think we're better off just grinding right to that edge. See how that works out that may or may not work? Yes, yeah, that's gonna work out for us I need to nip off about a quarter inch of that top right there. Match that up best we can and my idea is we're gonna just push it. We'll get tax. it'd be great if I can get tax from the back side. and then we get to run a nice smooth bead going down, but we run out of room. We're not I'm not gonna be able to do that when I get down here so maybe we'll just find our our happy spot and we'll just start putting some tacks on her. Honestly, curl across. We'll line that bottom up the best we came here. We'll start from there over on my way up and I'll mark where I need to slice that off. Watch your eyes I'm sure I'm on welding that grind on my helmet so let's see how we try to stir up that top. Edge First match that foreign foreign foreign to take a grinder I'm going to grind all that back so it's flush with the body I Probably get it done without so much material, but we'll grind that back and we'll try to run a bead right down the side of that. If we're happy with that, then we'll We'll draw a line in here and we'll cut this back to just give us whatever reveal you want left, see if it works. Gotta put a couple more attacks on the bottom. The bottom kind of broke loose a little bit. let's get them buzzing that up. Doesn't look too warpy for me a little bit right here. Okay, we're gonna go over with filler, but we're just trying to make because you can't metal. I'm gonna go hit that with the flapper disc and see if we can knock that smooth. I'm sure a couple of holes are probably going to pop up in it and I'll just go back and film again. Fine tune. Try to try, try, try and fine tune the corner I didn't even get that bottom at all did I Let me even get it right there. I got close there. you go. now you can see it I think I gotta clean the lens. you guys got dust in your eyeballs. All right, foreign I Wouldn't exactly say it's wave free which is not terrible right here. I Have a bit of a kick in I think I'm gonna take all of it off I Could go like try to get it totally smooth going across, but I'm gonna go put a skim coat of filler on that anyway. if I make it really thin, it's going to want to break apart all right. So we gotta go draw that inside line and trim that back to try to make it look like you know real well. you know we got pretty good. That's all learning curve right? I Got two little holes popping through where the rest is thin. I Gotta put a piece of open that up a little bit, put a piece of brass behind it and fill them and fill them. Put it like behind and go to see them. There you go. A tad bit of an issue there as you calibrate our fingers. I'd be better if you weren't there I'm trying to work over and I gotta move you I gotta be where you are. sorry sometimes you just can't always get the best view I'm gonna go try to see if you can get my oil going to call it something like hopefully the cutting will give us a straight line in a minute. Okay, it's a little fat right there. I Almost a little fat right there. It's a little thin right there. That's probably what it is, right? Kind of winning. a little too much. So Bondos for foreign, foreign foreign ER Grit disc and kind of went over and sanded it a little bit. Everything Feels really good and kind of when you're doing body work. You close your eyes and you rub your hand over it. You see the imperfections there's that's really smooth. no dings or dents in it. feels pretty decent. I'm getting a little bit of a lump right here. but I do know this transition on the other side does drop off and this line does not continue down into there. That's the only screw up I Really see is that I didn't take into account having that curve a little bit further forward. a little less sharp than that. That's all right, it's a learning curve, right? That's the whole idea you try and hopefully learn from your mistakes. So this crinkling and stuff that's all from the factory, that's how they kind of formed it to fit. So I'd say that's pretty decent. So I don't know I'm gonna move from here. uh I may go and clean all this up and weld this. If I can get this stuff welded on the side, we can jump onto the gas tank. The gas tank is not available for this. It has like an odd location for the filler neck but I bought a tank that's the same size just to filler neck is in a different location so we have to plug off. um the original that is on and relocate it to a different spot. I Actually think we have to cut off the filler neck off the old gas tank and weld it on. So if I get this done, we can jump on the tank and we can get it back to where it's It's pretty much driving again with a tank in it. You probably put the interior back in too, but there is for interior but so we got more to do. As you can see the other side, let me over there, you can see the other side is in need of love, but now you already did it once. It should take half the time right? So I don't know what I'll show on Bodywork I don't want to show doing the same thing all over again? That would be kind of redundant, but maybe when we get to the gas tank and switching that over I think I got a new radiator for it and some other things too. so we'll see. We'll see where it goes. but for this one guys I think we're going to call it I'm happy with that. That light might be getting it. It's being one step closer to being back together again. Need a little truck? It's been registered the whole time too. All right guys. with that I think we're gonna go sign off I Want to thank y'all for having some fun with me doing some wrenching, welding grinding? No wrenching, Let's do it again soon on this or something else. but I'm glad to get this one, you know. Back In Motion again and uh, hopefully uh, we can continue to carry the torch until then I'll see you bye I Picked up another set of mag wheels at the last swap meet that are a little bit skinnier than the back ones. I Was afraid that even though I put bump stops and everything in the chop to stop the travel from hitting up into that wheel, well I think they're going to cut into the tires so they're uh, one inch skinnier I think the offset is in one inch also. so we got like a two inch change and play in it. Hopefully they'll uh, work out well for us and not have any rubbing and those tires will fit on there. but that's for another day too and one more specimen to add to the pile.

By Mustie

14 thoughts on “1965 ford, lets make our own repair panels, and screw them up,”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Kokarski says:

    Check fitzee’s fabrications he’s got a lot of videos on making panels from scratch with basic tools

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jammer1 says:

    For her age she looks great & i'd love owning her but shes way over my pay scale !

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paulg says:

    I miss this build

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Anonemouse says:

    Very happy to see you back on this project. I love those old snub nosed Fords. Was wondering if you would finish it every time I saw it in the background in your shop. You have one the best channels on you tube Mustie. I really enjoy your videos. Thanks again for getting back on this old beauty. 👍 PS – I think your fabrication skills are amazing so don't be so hard on yourself.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grisa 77 says:

    Finally! I was waiting for more progress on this truck so long! 🙂 Please, show us more of this!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry OBrien says:

    This is the project that got me to be a subscriber and regular viewer. It inspired me to work on my 20+ year truck project again. So glad you got back to it. Looking forward to more videos about it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Rits says:

    best video today love that truck good job mustle 1

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Splash Workshop says:

    Fantastic video Mustie.
    Did I see a Honda 175 lurking in the background?
    That takes me back to my youth, I hope you do some wrenching on that in the near future.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Weeks says:

    Awesome I'm glad you finally got back to this project and I honestly like watching this kind of videos and besides who cares if it's not factory looking it's customized and it looks good to me

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Audio Tech Labs says:

    So impressed you got back on the Econoline! It will be great! I had the Van version. It was great for it’s day. Have a Promaster 2500 now. I’m a VAN MAN! Thanxz

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saul Zain says:

    Looks good! 🤠

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Hoss says:

    This Vheical is what got me to start watching your channel

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Bunch says:

    Drove one of these allot In the Navy in a Van Version. Very plain vehicle but was useful. Found out when you went across the Narrows Bridge in Tacoma Wa. in a 60-70 MPH wind it was not real stable with 13" Wheels.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan's Learning Curve says:

    Yep, life is a learning curve!

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