continuing on this 1931 ford model a pickup that sat in a leaky barn for decades, well not all things go as planned, I broke it trying to fix it.

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this 1931 Ford Model A pickup that we uh, dragged out of a barn about six weeks ago. something like that. got a couple of videos under our belt. Uh, first one was kind of like an assessment after the rescue and then I think we got one or two kind of wrenching on it.

We got it through, run on the last one, you had to take the cylinder head off the distributor Drive was busted and a bunch of other stuff. so we've got that kind of ironed out and took the carb. on the last video, it was the last thing that we did we soaked that, tried to get that to rejuvenate or free up or whatever you want to call it an ultrasonic cleaner. Here it is, but it's got issues.

The choke plate is still frozen in place and more importantly, the throttle plate is totally frozen in place. So we gotta try to get those freed up and get that carburetor back together because the end goal is to try to get it so that this thing at least yard drives or you know, drive itself in and out of the shop by firing up the key. So let's keep moving forward and see how we do. All right, get working on that carb.

So if you can see in the last video, we uh, soaked this in an ultrasonic cleaner with a carb cleaning solution in it and Heat This is the first time that I've ever had this problem where it's totally bound up, didn't even didn't even try to help it. I Have a feeling our best bet is probably going to be Heat Probably would have been a good idea to try soaking this before we uh, left last week, but that's how I roll. Let's give her a little bit down in there and let that throttle. I think the throttle is a little bit tighter fit on the board because you don't want to leak around there.

Let's just see if we can get any rocking out of the the choke part of it so it needs to go. Generally sometimes you get like a little bit of play in it. The play well how area. Once you get playing it then the fluid can kind of work its way down inside.

Yeah, hopefully the other one works that well. What? I Have a feeling it's not gonna just a guess when these the way these come apart joke in the throttle. this shaft is gone through the center event. It's got a couple of set screws down the middle and that plate comes out almost.

look at crackers wedged in the middle of that shaft. so we're gonna take that out of there is a there's a slot in the middle of that and then you can pull the shaft right out of it, clean the shaft up, put it back in. Who's making jokes? All right. should be fine this one on the other hand I think we'll have that same luck.

No. like I said, the um, the sides of the choke are not that important. It leaks. If this leaks around the sides, it gets a little.

It'll screw the mixture up so they're kind of built a little bit better. just get to even budge. That's the pliers move. That's not good.

That sucks. I did not expect that to break that easy. Well I work just got a little bit more cut out for us. Yeah uh.
this has a set screw I don't even be able to see it. There's a screw down the middle of that plate. but the problem is you can get that played out until you rotate it some. So unfortunately we are going to have to try to get that bore out of there and then we're gonna have to figure out how to repair that.

I'm not sure if that's brass or Steel it's brass. That's why it broke so easy. Hmm. all right.

it is what it is, right? Don't cry about it. You impressed. So far, show me that set screw. It's come out that easy because you don't want that to fall out.

So I am going to try now. we can get fluid in there. he's here I Don't know if I want to put a little bit heat on that and we want to try to. We got to turn that butterfly this direction to get it to slide out.

pop it in the Vise and give it some light heat. I should have done that to begin with see if that did anything for us. Problem is that Plate's gonna bend on us I Don't think it's moving a little but I don't think the shafts moving at all I think it is all because the screws out of it I don't even have anything to grab it on now like a candle. Sometimes get enough heat in it and you hit it with the fluid it kind of draws it in.

So I could burn up right now. Let it burn off for a second. Has like a capillary reaction from the Heat it's moving. good sign.

No. I should have went for that to begin with. Heat is your friend open? Then I could slide the plate out and drive the shaft right out of it and clean it up. It's going about half that's warm.

Yeah, well. I'm going to keep working that. I'm gonna need to keep staring at me and keep working that working that eventually I'll get that to free up where it goes straight up and down. We can then pull the plate out of the center of it to get that to stand up a little bit more.

Almost there. That's straight up. Let's see if it'll it'll move a little bit of brass. Rod Action I wonder if it has to come the other direction.

The board May taper down. Maybe trying to remove that backwards foreign strikes I'm out right? Try driving that the other way. Oh, it's good. They have to pay me more flush with it so we need a little.

Maybe the putty knife will get in there too wide. It's time to get down there. A little little flat screwdriver will probably do it too. That's on the floor and it's hot.

Hey, you see what I'm talking about? That's the plate. the throttle plate we worked out now. let's see how good our chances are that this is gonna move going. Yeah, that was not going to come out without a fight.

that's for sure. That's warm. a little bit of height, foreign, another quarter inch during my life. Right there we go.

it's free. I'm gonna go take this on a wire wheel. We're gonna go clean it up and we'll get that lever on the side here. We're going to see if possible if we could fix that.
Not quite sure yet and it's brass. Had I known a little wire wheel action. Definitely nothing to clean up the bore of the carb. That's where most of the damage was.

It wasn't much corrosion actually on the brass. We're gonna have to get in there. You can possibly like a drill bit, but you got to get that so it's free. But my main concern right now is are we going to be able to save Save that? The answer is I Do not know so we'll probably do is we'll punch the center of that out of there and I'm wondering if we can raise it.

It's really the only thing we can do. we can fill and braise right in the center of that. build it right up. I'm not sure I'm going to look upstairs real quick.

uh, some carbs that I got, but they're going to be later stuff just in case something is similar to this that we can work with. Instead of trying to repair this. I Decided to try to get this functional with the chef that was in it first and you see how much binding we are. Found the drill bit that was probably the closest to it fits about the same.

I Think we'll maybe we'll do is put the drill bit. we'll run it backwards. We don't want to cut any threads in it I just want to. uh, clean.

You know, whatever carbon's in it. So let's use that for some lube. run it backwards to see it. There we go.

It's got that side I'm not. Yeah, it doesn't have to be free all the way down because I'm sure the center of that is opened up. Let's get the other side of it. I Want to see if we have any meat left over for space in a wall? There we go, All right.

I'm going to tap that back in and Center it should free up and it goes into a spot. There it goes. Yeah, and there's a little bit of a shoulder left on it. Not enough to work with though.

it's pretty flush. Yeah, so we're gonna have to build that up if we use that one. I Found a VW carb but the uh Center screw for the butterfly has two instead of one I'll show you so I was thinking about taking that one out. As you can see, it's got two in the center instead of one another.

Choke: I'm gonna look upstairs real quick for the choke one. see what that looks like I think that one's got two on it also. yeah I took that other carb apart and grab this is the shaft out of that. Of course this one's Steel but we are.

it would be close I'm a plate tighter I think that's a probably a tad tore up a little bit. I mean worst case scenario: I think we can. we probably could Whittle this one into being what we need it to be I think before we start going chasing all that I want to try seeing if we prepare this one first. Yeah, I know so that is a TIG welder I Bought that about 15 years ago used I've used it once.

they're very good luck with it. Uh, there's a rod called silicone bronze which kind of. Hopefully we'll be able to build up on the end of that. but before I mess that up.
I got some brass Rod here I cleaned off the top I'm just going to play a little bit and see if I can get myself to be able to get a bead that'll stick up on there. so I'm going to not bore you because I don't even know what my settings and all that stuff are supposed to be yet and play around and see if I can get that and then hopefully if I can get anything to work on that we can copy and build up a little bit on the tip of that and then just kind of grind it away a little bit. Wish me luck. There we go.

I touched it, probably just sitting on top. it's on there. they contaminate the tip it did and keep practicing. We just have a lean on something to kind of float me in the air.

They evaporated it. Foreign promise too. I don't have any locks stuck on it, so there's that. we can kind of do that on the other one coming off.

okay. I'm gonna set up and go in. Nope, just eviscerated the end of it. well.

I don't know if that's gonna be a issue. It's got a separate hose on the inside of it with a shielding gas or does it run along the outside? and then there's just a wire on the inside of that? I think I have a slight leak on shielding gas. What gives it away? I I don't know. Yeah I can see the you can see the that right inside.

There is just metal and there's your problem or one of them at least that one. You don't use it for 10 years. so I don't know if you want to call that trial by fire I built up but you of course it had a big blob on the top of it. So I stuck in a drill and went over to the grinder and just kind of gave her a little bit of shape that resembles you know fine tune as we go along.

Let's go put it back in the carb and see if I just kind of melted everything away and that's that was the original length of it. or if I have enough material to work with to cut down for that little key. I don't know the plate cleaned up but it's it's in with the hole in the plate it the rod is actually a little too far that way but trying to show what I have exposed and I got it built out a little. that's not going near enough.

so I'm gonna try to get it a little bit further again. Some flux would really probably help us a lot, but I don't have it. I'm gonna keep trying to pick away at that and see if I can build up on that a little bit more. Well, it may not be pretty.

I'm just gonna end up it all the way in. just kind of centered that hole over it. Made sure that um, we had enough to work with and I think I should do it. Where's the now we gotta Whittle it down so that has a V that fits over there.

We either peen it. the other thing is too. We could probably even just take a little bit more of the tig on the outside and fill it, but that's getting ahead of ourselves. I'm not worried that it's missing a little bit of material here because we're going to grind that off anyhow.
I hope it's like it's stuck on there. Pretty good for a hack, all right. I'm Gonna Keep whittling away and I'm not sure what I'm gonna bring you back. All right.

So here's where we are right now. A little close up. so I notched it with a file to match up with the lever behind in. The guy tapped over, mushroomed at the top of it a little bit.

I can work it. It's still kind of floating on there. you can push it around so see it's a little cockeyed. but I wonder if um, we might be better off firing up the TIG welder one more time and try to make a little puddle on top of it and attach those two kind of where I'm shooting right now now.

Hopefully a little puddle that's in on top of there isn't just sitting on top of there I think we got it. We like to get a little bit more around there, but I'm not going to keep messing with it I don't want to lose it I'm gonna hit that on the wire wheel. we'll kind of. We'll tap on it, we'll make sure that everything's nice and solid and then we're gonna go call that for a win, try to get it back in the carburetor and see if he succeeded and we have.

I Would say that worked out pretty good. Who's your daddy? A little bit of play in there, which is decent. Yeah, you didn't think I was gonna get it, did you did? I I Like a good challenge and that definitely was one. Yeah, it still speed up a little bit from hammering and beating on it, but it's got a good seal all the way around for idle is what you want and then you know as long as you can go to.

Full Throttle all it's doing is letting air in so and it feels nice and free. A lot better than we had before. All right. I'm gonna go jump ahead and put that card together I think you've seen enough of me a screwing with this that uh, we can kind of move on to something else.

So I'm gonna go button this up unless I find something goofy I'll bring you back and uh, we'll just go from there. get it all back together. Looks pretty good. That is our throttle and the choke.

Works off of that Rod that pulls up. This is also the air fuel mix. You turn it and you pull it with a choke. I Had to bend this out just a little bit because it was, uh, popping off.

it's a alignment there. Go pop it back on my car. Gasket's a little iffy too. You can see the air gap there I think it's actually the uh top of the carbs.

You got a bit of a Bend to it where the screws are so we'll see if it pisses out of there or not. A couple of gaskets in there probably wouldn't hurt. let's bolted back up there. Let's go turn that gas on and see what we get.

Hopefully it doesn't come pissing out. You know that valve was real good, huh? These things are terrible I Hear it trickling in. hopefully it stops. it's not pouring out anyway.

that's good. So I got a uh jumper pack hooked up to it. We gotta put power to the coil and we got a start button somewhere. There it is there's our let's make this crank.
Let's um, a sparked to it I think we're good I think a float shut off. Let's give her a crank and see what we got. Uh, we could probably leave it. that's gonna be the choke.

We'll give her some choke and the throttle. Maybe we'll run that up a little bit. get up off idle until I Suspect it's gonna fight us a little bit. you know, until we dial it in.

That should be enough. All right, Pop! You're Gonna Stand give her a crank. oh that was afraid of so the float is over so I can give her a couple of Love taps I did shut the fuel off so well that sucks. It's gonna stop.

Let me turn this back on see if it starts really pissing foreign. Definitely going to need a carb kit I Looked real quick to try to get one I didn't see one but we'll just add that to the list. I Guess for now if we got it or not, what we can do is we'll shut the fuel off so let's keep doing that I can give it a few minutes I'll let that evaporate just a little bit, you know I hey you got a good seat. put some power to that coil I already forgot what side was the hot side I'm gonna say it was outside I should make it so we have spark.

Let's see what we got I'm gonna choke off it. died it kind of sounds from a model language could sound like huh uh. let me go turn that I don't I'll give a little bit of throttle I was adjusting the air fuel mix. wasn't really seem like it making much of a difference.

I Have a feeling we have blocked exhaust because I know there's a leak. Turn the power off. There's a leak on the manifold. gasket's totally blown out right there, so it's punching it all out of there.

Let's go see. it blew a nest out before last time we ran. see if we've got any more material that's kicking out of it because it seems like it's pushing an awful lot of exhaust right out where that leak is on a gasket. My opinion is it shouldn't be that loud.

Maybe that's why I can't rev up. Let's go pick her up in the air a little bit and maybe we'll cut that muffler. I think it's kind of screwed up. Anyway, let's go see.

Yes, that's what's blowing out. See all the mouse crap up inside there? I Have a feeling another acorn. They have a weird angle on it. Yeah, can we even see anything in it? Let's go with the bore light.

I Have a feeling it's probably right. inside that muffler is a big nest. Who's this? The Plymouth that came from that same location had that same problem. I Wonder if we could just take this clamp off and we'll let the exhaust kind of hang down without trashing it? The other one was shot on the Plymouth This one looks pretty good in stock except for that that's not quite.

Uh I don't I don't know what you want to call that. That's a 90 degree turn. Yeah, let's go take that off again. We'll give it a shot again and see if uh, it'll kind of spin a little bit.
It just sounds like it's it. can't breathe, you know I might need a wrench I think we gotta do them both they can get I think it's gonna whack that with a hammer a little bit. get it to open up foreign. Any nesting up in there don't feel anything.

Let's give it a shot with that off of there. So turn that gas line on too to see if it's still gonna leak over and put a gas on. plus I probably used up whatever was already in the float Bowl could bump that timing too is the other part. We didn't turn the distributor.

Okay, all right, let's go put power to the coil, give her a crank and see what it does. Okay, something funky happens. You want to go to catch it, right? All right, Power to the coil, let's see if it sounds any better. Open Exhaust that's gonna be loud.

Turn that gas off. it's dripping. Last thing I want I have exhaust and dripping fuel right next to each other. Let's give that a second and let's go bump that timing a little.

I Think we could do it by hand right here. Let's try that up before the gas ran out of it. so we're definitely have to get a carb kit for it. Let's go give her another crank.

Foreign. So the idle speed should be that one. I'm going to run it all the way in, come out about one one and a half. then the this one should be just when it's up off of idle.

This should not make much of an effect. Let's go around that one all the way in. Run that one out about two. That's the one.

Hopefully you know when we wrap it up, we should be able to fine tune that one gas is on. It's not leaking, it may seed itself eventually. Let's go turn the idle screw up a little bit just so we're up off of that. Uh, so it'll kind of stay running.

You know? I Think that'll be enough? All right I Don't want to cook? It should go. We can probably throw that pipe back on in a little bit. We do have to take that manifold off of there at some point anyway, because that gasket is blown out. Let's get some cooling hoses on it and get some fluid in it so we don't bake it.

You had to. uh I can see it spins okay I Grabbed a uh, we'll throw some oil on these. This one should be an Oiler right here if it'll open. I Grabbed the new belt for it too so we'll throw that on there.

We'll get some coolant in it and see how that does that. Fans got a grease fitting there and that should be an Oiler that's my guess I'm gonna be oil or grease that you put in there. It's getting oil. Well, that feels feels like it's not getting anything.

Let's just go give her a little manual in there. I think if we spin it over a little bit, it's not bound up so I'm not worried about it cooking itself. There she goes, he's already already turned him like butter. This needs a little bit of love.

I Don't know if the packing's gonna be any good for the water pump, but we'll find how we put coolant in it. Oh yeah, I'm gonna throw a belt on there and uh, I think we just need the upper radiator hose. The bottom had a a drain that we drained it a little valve so I can put antifreeze in it. Quite yet, you don't know what we're gonna get.
so Plus probably wouldn't hurt to have a flush and the hose that's on I Tried putting a new belt on it, but I couldn't get it to go on. The generator only has about an inch and a half of movement on the swing because it's a 12 volt instead of a six volt so there's not so much room for it so the your belt's on it, but it's real sloppy I can't get that one tight enough to worry about that later. I think once it spins a little bit like the belt's got like a memory to it. didn't so long.

I think once it moves around a little bit might be okay I don't see a puddle on the floor yet I think next after that. If we get this kind of squared away, we're kind of, you know, runs somewhat, we will shift over to that fuse box. Come on now. All right, we have water.

So I'll back you up, set you up. We'll fire it up again and we'll see what we get. I Think the card might have stopped leaking too. turn fuel back? huh? Now we're leaking.

We were leaking. Trump So much for the fuel. We need a light and that's why we put water in. It might be just a pet where.

I Uh, it's all you get from the water pump. It's down low somewhere. Yeah. I was talking about this right here.

Foreign. Well, let's go fire it up anyway. we'll see what we get and um, we'll lift it up here. We'll go try to find out what that leak is.

might be the radiator itself. Yeah, it's like it's dripping right from there. All right. we need gas on and Power to the coil.

Foreign. That is loud. All right. What if the legal seal itself up running a little? Let's um, see if we can deal with that muffler.

Uh, maybe we'll blow some air through it. make sure it's clear we can put that pipe back up and kind of shut it up a little bit. I Think to check: I'm going to take a uh air gun. We'll shoot it in the tailpipe with a rag wrapped around it and we'll see what we get blown out of that end.

If anything. Six. All right. I Need like a vacuum cleaner or something a little bit more volume? I Don't know if I could spin it around.

it's blowing some kind of crap out, but it air is going through it so maybe we'll just throw it back on and grab the ball bag out of it and it'll push out what's ever in there. You try the exhaust of a vacuum cleaner? Foreign? Yeah, it's got way too much restriction. Something's just got a nest in the muffler. We got one.

Oh, you got some kind of spring looking contraption? Hopefully we'll get the whole exhaust off there. We'll just kind of maybe we'll hammer it on the floor or something. try to shake it loose. How was that put on? there? is that? two of them? Uh, just a clamp? I don't get that.
Bolta Well You ended up cutting the tailpipe part of it off anyway because it was kind of screwy. Plus we can take a straight shot right down and look inside. And just as suspected, yeah, she's full of nest. so I don't know.

maybe I get a clothes hanger, put a bend on the end of it and dig it out. or try hammering it on the floor see how much comes out of there. but yeah, not much exhaust is going to come around that. it's not my version of a glass pack, right? More acorns.

Okay, it's pack solved. I have to get something to get in there and dig it up. I think that's got it. You can see his carcass anywhere, so he must have made a run for it.

I'm gonna hit it with the shop back real quick. try to suck some air through as long as the air flow is decent through it. We'll throw that back on. Try it again.

Oh, we're under here. wants to take a peek and see what was pissing? I don't see anything anymore. Oh, it was I was thinking it was this. Maybe I overflowed it and it was kind of leaking out of the that trough.

It was dead center though, wasn't it? Hey, I was like right in the middle huh? I got the muffler. a couple of bungees holding it for now. I'm gonna go up there, throw that clamp on there and then take them off and we'll fire it up. We'll get up the temperature, see what it does.

Carb seems like it stopped leaking for now. Throwing that air cleaner back on too. just so that you know fuel is right there and Fire's right there At some point, they're not going to play well together. Oh yeah, leaks over Here is the stupid valve.

Take an air gonna blow some of that dry ice. Go fire her back up again and see how she sounds. Maybe we can let it get up to temperature. Now they can.

It can breathe a little bit. Still has that blown out gasket on the manifold. There's just flowing through. Hmm.

we flooding over. You think? go shut that fuel over. We can't see it because the air cleaner is on. I'm not out of gas.

Are we? I don't think so. I See air bubbles? Yeah my. God Yes, that's why it's not leaking because it ain't got no gas in it unless you dribble it all over the hot engine. What can go wrong as it is directly dripping on the coil? Again, Air gun.

Blow some of that off. Okay, how about now I'm gonna let that run for a little bit. Let it come up the temperature with it. If you have any wires that are burned that's louder about five minutes or so.

see what it does. Foreign. Let's put some adjustments. It's supposed to adjust that timing.

We don't know where that is yet. Go put it up in the air and take a look. Overflow hose right? There must be inside the radiator front half so just overflow. There's a bolt kit inside there.

Yeah, nice sticking my finger in there if my brain is rattling. Yeah, so there's an overflow. It must be inside the radiator or maybe some just under this and I don't see it. so the water level is just coming up to a certain amount and pushing out the hose.
No leak on anything that's good. like a regular radiator. Yeah, probably underneath the Shroud is a hose going down to the side of it. Good, Um um.

see if we can deal with that fuse box. We have nothing working. We have to jump wires to coils and things get into work. No key switch works or anything and I believe it was that lower fuse box was a pile last video we cleaned it all up, tried getting contacts but like there's no power from here from here to the tab, you know this part's good.

It's just the rivet in the center is no good. Let's take this whole fuse box right off and bring it on the bench see what we can do with it. Yeah, it's looking pretty good. It's hot, it's not terribly hot I like what it should be and hook the generator wires up yet neither because I wasn't sure if it was six volt, 12 volt, negative or positive ground.

I'll probably put that on too. You got the fuse box. that's the aftermarket and so this is the bus spark. I'm gonna call it and this Powers up that whole side with one wire going to it and then each link goes across.

It was three circuits on it and of course it goes across the fuse and Powers the other side. So I'm sure it's out. It blows the fuse and no power to the other side. So this, no matter where I touch this on this side, that meter should go to zero.

We're reading resistance and that top one not. then this is where the other fuse was. nothing. that one nothing.

So each each one of those contacts are crappy. I think one of the ones that weren't being used worked that one. that's the only one that works. All these other threes do not wondering if we can take, um maybe we'll just take like a soldering gun.

Maybe we'll lay some solder across these and just bridge that Gap because what it is, it's got like a rivet inside it and I'm sure that this has all corrosion in between where that pin is and it's just not conducting because I think if we put a meter I think it was conducting, it's the lower half. Maybe not. Yeah, that one works. So this part gets it.

Just this part is not getting and that's through that rivet. Let's try the last one. So in any event, if we solder right across these right here, it should work for us. Let's give it a shot.

One thing I'm worried about is gluing the screws down. I Guess the only one that's really going to matter. She can get some cider to melt. see if the Iron's hot enough, there's flux on there too.

With that a second. I guess because we only need to put Power on one of these screws. So even if like I soldered this one down, we could still put the power on this one. that's not having having any solder orbit across it because we're just going to energize this leg.

Should probably check the other side too. huh? This side, make sure they're all working. part is the box that's on top is exactly the same and all those work I Don't think this. Iron's getting very hot.
It's kind of cold-sided right now. You can fix that, Don't you guys not getting hot enough? There's a fix for it. Give it a little extra help in hand. Let's see if that'll do it.

How about now Foreign Sizzle in there. Get in there, make contact that one's got when you need to plug it in. I said it with a torch. As long as it Bridges to that tab, That's fine.

Go to this last one. Hopefully the screw will stay loose. Can I have a screw loose right? It does not smell like bacon. All right.

let's go test those with a meter. Let me see if they're good. If they're not gonna make it, we'll make it good all right. So we want to plug into the strip anywhere, turn our meter on.

You see, now you can see and hopefully each one of these. that one's good, that one's good, and that one's good. Let's uh. I'm gonna go pop three fuses, put them across, and just make sure that where these are, we have good contact while it's out.

and let's go see if that works. nothing. and we ended up doing both sides. Make sure we're still working here.

We are. that one works I Think that one works should work at the fuse right? and Down's a little iffy. This part. It's good, that part's not.

We probably should just hit them all then. huh? Yeah, Because that works there. Not working there? Yeah. I'm gonna do the same thing and go try to run some flux down where the rivet is in the center of the tread and make those have contact on the other side.

That's why we checked it all right? How about now that one's good, That one's good, and we'll call that close enough to be good. Just the looseness of the screw. All right. go put that back in, see what comes alive We Power It Up So I hooked it up.

Something's making noise. We got fan sounds like a dash cam. It's getting faster too as it goes. it turns that on there.

we know what that does. Don't know what that does. See for the crank that's not a crank has a I don't still know what? the ignition doesn't have a like a D10 on it so it's not the ignition switch I think it'd be that buttony. That's either that or for the horn.

So you got that? Yeah, nothing saying that that I'll do with that one. It's gonna go. that's not doing anything neither. Turn that switch on.

Nope. a lot of this stuff. I don't think is hooked up because they they redid it advance. we're going the other one never know, right? Yeah, so we don't have crank anymore.

I Thought we had hazards working before. Nothing saying that those upper circuits aren't working. Oh yeah, let's handle it. See if we blew any fuses too, that's the bottom one.

Oh, they look okay. That one that looks a little like it's got stuff inside it. See it inside the glass? Yeah, it's good. All right.
So I'm gonna go poking. Hope this is the same as being hooked up to the batteries that the terminal coming from the battery up to here. so that's why I just do it there and there. and now all the regular electrical stuff should work.

I'm going to take a meter see what we got going on top. What's up? Yeah, I'm gonna go probe across them and see if I got at least um, continuity if not power. This is a test light and it's going to show that we have power right where we touch. It's got 12 volts on it.

it's gonna light up for us ing that lighten up. Why aren't you playing? Really? Did I lose that one little because the lava solder just fell out of it. the first one I did kind of cold and then the second one I went over and hit with a wire wheel I hit these with a wire reel. Real real good.

in between. got a good solder joint. that bottom one I guess I didn't I'm gonna go clean that up. but anyway I was getting nothing up here at all so nothing is powering.

Let's go. uh, throw that fuse back in there for now. Not quite sure what runs on that circuit. that might be our crank circuit.

A few white skid, but let's get the little red jumper wire. This should energize that. There we go and let's go test so power's not going to that strip. Let's just go see if each one that light's getting me.

I Know that one's good good. let's make sure it's getting it on the leads. that one's good. Lights up there, not there starting to see a pattern and then that one lights up so that one is no good and the bottom one is no good.

you know? I was gonna just have to do them all anyway. right after some solder joint cleanups. See what we get Now got crank that should be spark I Don't know if we got anything. see we get.

we'll give her a little bit I Want to use it? One of these is a functioning gas pedal now I think it's that one There we go. No jumper wires or anything, no choker, nothing on all right. So we got that. uh I think the only thing we have a problem with is o that one's fan.

What does that one do? We got right directional left direction. as you can see in the Headlights they're flashing away. Uh, tail lights would be um I don't think these are doing anything anymore that's going to be advanced. A lot of that stuff's been disconnected.

so what would headlights be this before? that's Hazard that's both the front ones going I would think it would be these wouldn't it? Just click that on and see. We got anything in the rear going, nothing out back and the four ways for the front I Don't know if they'll be connected to the back anyway, right? So it's hazards and then if you click that off that falls back in and it's just the left and the right side and that seems to work, what do we need to do? How about you think that Horn's working? Oh yeah, yeah, it's gonna go. Come on. I Don't quite think it's supposed to how it sounds supposed to be more kind of hey, hey, all right.
so that's that that uh what we have for headlights I don't know. Is there more like positions I don't see how much switches do you? Is that a switch? What's that right here? No. I Thought we saw that last time. sorry about banging your head I Thought we saw him and had him last time.

So that's crank. that's what about. right behind the center of the steering column. Actually, that's it, right? Oh yeah.

hmm. Well, we got to the point where at least and try and get closer to the point where at least yard drives. so we gotta go hop in. It's got that timing a little.

There we go. like that. oh, leaking manifold. it'll shut off.

Start with the key. Gas pedal works so we still got the fuel system to deal with. You got the exhaust manifold Of course. if you still have to go, run down the brakes and all that kind of thing, but we're getting closer to what we need.

We still do not. For some reason, we lost power running to this one. So wherever this black lead comes from, which I believe is the feed for it, nothing's coming out of it. So not quite sure how or where we lost that, but it's not working.

We might use that other toggle switch out. We don't know what works. We'll hook it up to that worst case scenario, but that looks pretty decent. We got no wire going to the coil.

You know the ignition turns on and off it cranks from it. I Do not think the carb is leaking I Think it's decent. Our fuel line leaks like a Sib and comes right through the plastic right there. A piece of crap anyway.

Uh yeah. so I gotta do deal with the manifold. Gas tank cleaned it out, needs a good bath. This is not mine.

I don't own it. For those who are not aware of that, let me get that light out of your eyes. Yeah, for those who haven't seen any other videos. Just a quick backstory.

This is not my truck. I Uh, am doing kind of like a barter with it and my goal is on my end to try to just get it to the point where you can jump in it, turn the key, hit the gas pedal, fire it up, and yard drive it. I'm not saying that you know everything's going to be 100, but that's my goal of what to get it to. Uh, again, pretty close again.

We set the brake system and go through that manifold's got to come off. Fix that exhaust leak. So chasing a little bit of wire demons in it. but you know, of course it's getting closer with it and uh, it's getting there pretty neat or what of a truck.

A friend of mine's dad sent us some parts just in case, um, for the distributor if we have any more issues with that. Seems like it's pretty good though. We have a couple of spare Distributors and bits and pieces and cables and stuff to go run that. so he hooked us up with those pieces and maybe after he watches this video, he may be sending more stuff if he finds it in a stash to bring it back to life.
But for this one guys, I think we're gonna go cut it I got some other stuff coming in. it's pretty cool I got to go chase uh tomorrow and pick up and then I got some stuff that I need to get addressed for winter. this is a summertime you know, toy to go play with I Got some stuff that might be a little bit more pressing to deal with snow so I'm not quite sure what the next video is, but for this one I think we're gonna go call it I Want to thank all you for hanging out with me. Takes a while.

You know you pick away all those little things, little troubleshooting things not like a TV show where they restore a car and uh, 45 minutes on a video and it's all done. Just just real life. All right guys. I'm Ram Wood Thanks for hanging out I'll see you soon later.

By Mustie

12 thoughts on “31 ford barn find. i screwed up! now lets fix it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UnrealVideoDuke says:

    You into VW stuff right? Did the Dust-Ex actually work? It is supposed to be a car vacuum cleaner powered by the exhaust

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayHutchG says:

    You show great patience Musty1. I see your TIG skills resemble mine you DIP (LOL) TIG'ers know what I mean . . . not that I EVER dip a tungsten, he says sarcastically. I always have a few pre sharpened so I don't have to stop in the middle and resharpen. Only stop and reload. Always seems like "oh, it's not bad. I'll forge ahead." Nope it always is bad and may ruin what you're working on. Particularly something small like that rod.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AmraphelofShinar says:

    Where's Davin from Hagerty to help get this Ford on the road again?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Schmidt says:

    You should try cleaning out those fuse clamps. Do some cleaning first. Then test

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars irgski says:

    You almost did a “Jay Leno”!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronnie Pirtle Jr says:

    This is probably the only 1931 Ford original motor running on planet Earth at this time!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Smith says:

    The early success with the choke made you a little too exhuberant on the throttle. Motoring in a nutshell.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Cerisano says:

    Only on Mustie1 can a guy learn to appreciate the sound of blow-by from a 31 Ford.
    Also please fix the klaxon first thing in the next episode. Sure everyone wants to hear that sing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Ryan says:

    What a fantastic video. You have the patience of a Saint.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toby Jugg says:

    Well buddy, you gone and done it again !! Being a Gen X, ive had to sit here and try to answer questions from 4 14-16 year olds im not qualified to answer, like "Dad, whats the difference between TIG, MIG, Soldering and Braising ?" Still, its makes me smile seeing these guys glued to learning important stuff from the likes of your good self and Vice Grip Garage. Your giving hope to the next generation so hats off to ya. Oh, I dont even try to answer – its a "Go look on Google dummy" rsponse 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Aaron says:

    to get idle you would need to have back pressure in the exhaust system.. so you would need to change the exhaust gasket first

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Harrison says:

    Whole carbs available from year one and fomoco originals

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