Because l love working on junk so much I bought this pile of a clapped out bucket truck. you would of thought I would have learned my lesson but NO.

Hey guys how's it going it wasn't enough of a lot in the first time around i'm buying a bucket truck that uh ended up being a total pile. I went to go, bring it over the shop. The latest time to go. Do a bunch of work on it and it decided not even to want to run anymore.

So i went on the internets and found the cheapest bucket truck i could find again and that is it right there, i'm waiting for the owner to come and uh see. If we can go load her up on my trailer and see how well that she's does peach you'll see so the first time i went to go, look at it, it had six inches down each side of it, so you couldn't really see much of it, but The price is right, i guess it's a 95. I think rockers rotted out you see chain hanging out underneath it. Let's see what the frame looks like i'm only using it for private use on a property probably won't even register it, but i just need it so that it functions as far as being a bucket truck.

It's got decent tires on. It seems to have the door folded back kind of the same as the other one did they go through a rough life was the last time it was on the road 2012.. They fired it up. It seemed like a rain okay.

Actually, we got two stickers on it: 2014.. It's only eight years been off the road yeah rock is blowing out on this side too. So we'll get it loaded up on the trailer and get her over to the shop and we'll start having at her trying to get stuff to work that doesn't work and get a general assessment. If this thing's gon na go, kill us or not so, okay, what okay? Oh, let's go! Hide my trucks keep coming.

Yes, it's got a secret entry. It's our empty death device. Give you a 50 50, whether the solenoid's going to be any good there. She goes.

The shifter, on the other hand, shifter moves like mud there. It goes, there's reverse, oh and steering where's amy. My guess is that the power steering's just not working, but it could be stuff. That's seized up from just sitting, hey like the shifter.

There you go now. I'm making a lot of noise. The big thing is it's going to fit on the lift she's a tad wide tad tall. I think tall, we're good wide might be another write, your own jokes.

I don't think we're squared up to it. Let's go see, we have no rear brakes, so it kind of breaks. Do it on that side now we're clear on that. It runs down about five.

There's a stop lock on the lift. Let's go see how we look. I do believe this is just brake fluid. Hopefully we got a tire on the front tires on.

I think the nose can get kicked over yeah a little bit that might be an issue and go square up a little bit and we'll start getting a walk around see. We got to work with stinking forward. Solenoids all right, so my glove for punishment. What can i say i bought another clapped out bucket truck uh.

I have one already that i tried to save and long story. I'll probably put a link to those videos. If you care to go see the saga of that bucket truck anyway, i went to go bring that one over here to try to do some repairs on it, and both fuel pumps went in the fuel tanks, along with a long list of other things that that Bucket truck needed that i decided to bail on it and for half the price i paid for that, one which was not much. I bought this one.
Actually, this one was 1200 bucks. So for 1200 bucks. What can you expect? It is a 2000. I thought it was a 95.

He thought it was a 95 um, unfortunately, did not come with a title. The state of new hampshire. You do not need the title for anything uh under 2000, so that kind of leaves me a little bit of a pickle to try to register, but i don't need it registered. I just needed to go to a property and do a bunch of work uh.

I have i'm not going into the tree business, i'm not going into running power lines or anything, but i have a bunch of tree limbs to trim. I have a sun room to rebuild and you have to go from the top and like hover over four by six sheets of glass, and you cannot rest on top of them, while you're trying to repair them and remove them. So the best bet was to try to get a bucket truck that can do the job for cheap money, we'll see how that works out for us all right so far, things that i'm already aware of that do not work. It does not have rear brakes.

So it's got a line blown out from there. It has got the belt cut off of it to run all the pulleys. The ac compressor is locked up, so the water pump's, not spinning uh. It has two belts on it.

There is another one spinning that is hooked to the power steering power steering does not work, and i know the controls do not work from the bucket, but it has a remote on a tether that does work the bucket we function checked all that before we kind Of went along, that's uh, a typical new england vehicle, it's rotted to death. It's got 164 thousand miles on, which is a lot for a bucket truck. You figure, you know. Most of their work is kind of sitting still uh doing a job.

Plus you got to remember that thing's been running every time. It was sitting somewhere doing its work out of the bucket, so it may have 164 thousand miles on it, but i got another 200 000 just idle time sitting there running keeping the charging system going up. All right enough babble, gon na walk around, get a little bit better idea of what we got again. When i first looked at it, there was about six inches on each side of it.

I couldn't even look down the side of it, but again for the cheap money if it ran and stuff moved. I was good with it. Scrap this break at 400 in scrap metal. I think it goes up.

26 feet is the height on it. He's got another back door for it. The roof is a little crushed in that seems to be par for the course. Whenever you put the boom down next to it bucket seems like it's decent.

I only see big cracks in it. I do see a bunch of wiring laying inside there. I don't know if that's somebody taking wiring out of something or if that is wiring out of the control panel on this we'll go, find out get into that later, huge rear bumper setup. It's an e350! I'm not sure what engine is.
I think it's a 5.8 rockers are blowing out on both sides of it, but again, essentially, i'm just looking for a movable platform to work off of, and you can rent one for about five days for the 1200 bucks i paid for it or you could just Buy one i could leave it on the property and use it as needed, and the other bucket truck is the same setup almost. So if i need anything for the bucket assembly, that band is an 80 85 86. So it's a tad different, but i think some of the those pieces. If we need anything we can use them, let's go open the doors and look inside oh yeah, and the driver.

George is not open from the outside typical work truck. I don't think find anything fancy inside it and there's the main heart. However, you want to call that trunk. Let's even get the slider open, it might be a two-hand job.

You guys are seeing this pretty much for first time i am too, it was full of rims when he first had it. Oh look: it's even set up for camping a little shelving unit back. There expect that yeah, it's dark and he'll grab a light. It's like the best, our rv, to go to sporting events.

You just kind of camp out in here and then when the show goes on. You just lift the whole thing up in the air for a lesser light, got a paper towel roll little spray bottles, a bunch of aluminum on the back window. I wonder what, if they kind of sat something on there? What's that set up huh just spring on it on the door, a couple pieces of firewood, it's probably for chalking the wheels. I think the battery set here has to have an external battery for this.

That would be my guess for this see any terminals anywhere. What are these that's, the cord? I wouldn't think it would run off the house battery. Oh on the back side there. It is, and it's the battery trailer battery back here and what's that thing, an inverter, so it makes its own power.

That's a nice little feature. I thought you would have just plugged into it: let's probably use it as a camper huh. Just didn't go around inverter. Is that going from dc to ac or ac dc? You think it's got a plug going somewhere.

I don't know what that would be, for that goes around oh, through the power strip over here to power, the inside must have plugged into the inverter when it's running, and i would think this is the battery that runs to boom. Let's go through a battery checker on that and see, if anything has any kind of life in there anything else. You want to look at. What's this breaker box a relay panel, some mike and ikes, i don't have two batteries.

One on the other side, maybe like. Why is that piece of wood there? What would that stop from moving around go check out our kitchen pinecone collection? You can tell it's a new england vehicle when it says wicked on it. Yes, i'm gon na use this for a camper huh, a rat's gon na. Come out and suck to my face and still batteries tester on it, if it does anything, if not with us, through a charger on a probe and see if it does anything now, it's got no voltage stone, dead, stone, getter, we don't have no connection yeah, nothing On that, needle all right, i'm gon na throw a battery charger on that see.
If that's any chance of recovering, i know it's got no dates or punched out on this. I don't know how old it is. There's a puffy on the sides. What happens is the acid and the water kind of separate, and it loses this charge and they'll puff out that date right there what's that 2011., that battery is 11 years old yeah, i'm not giving it much of a chance.

You could crack open that back door. Yeah, that might be an issue. I tilted that bucket a little bit see enough room now robin is racing good evening, yeah she's a little crunchy and we're not we're not looking to restore our vehicle. Good thing.

Huh yeah sounds like it's a platform with a boom on it, we're looking at yeah. What is this setup huh? Maybe to run power out yeah? He has to run a power cord. I don't know issue with that. What would you do with that? Saw hot dogs? A little restaurant in the back.

What was going on we're not getting the other door open, because i don't think that door opens unless you own both all that crap all right. Let's go look up top comes with. I have no idea - hopefully that's not out of it - we're gon na find out. I guess hopefully, that's just somebody was doing a repair.

It looks like snow chains, a quart of water, water, all right. There we go now. These do not work. I think one of the buttons was broken on.

I think this one just kind of falls apart, so we'll kind of go see, looks like we get on both this don't kind of get to the back of it. Let's see what happens, this is the lock and unlock for the bucket for the swivel get them on right now. I can't do it because i got a load on it. The load being me that pulls out and the bucket can swivel seems like everyone's got: a bastion roof.

The other one was was 10 times worse than this one. I decided to replace that battery. Let's go hook that up that's drawing something inverter power. We shut that off yeah huh.

Well, how much it puts out you got ta, be able to run a drill and stuff right. I think so. That'll have power up by the bucket the plug. That's up there we'll have power.

I thought you would just want to plug the van in to land power, but it's got its own all right. Let's go see if the boom does anything. So let's get a power switch. One of these should do it see lights flicking.

Are they both turn both on see? We get there's a control box down here somewhere, let's go walk away and see what we can do, yeah just firing the strobe. Let's see what the bucket does, i don't see ever hold anything down or engine start and stop from the box. That's pretty cool. Let's go um boom raise now emergency power controller lower.
I want the e-stop up. Top has to be opened so turn the key on inside. That gives you emergency power, something that's running the hydraulics, but nothing's happening. I have a feeling it's trying to run off the battery, that's in it instead of the one we put in the back.

Let me go swap the battery out for that. It's probably trying to run off that jumper pack, that's almost dead, it's just a battery the vehicle might have to be running too. Maybe that's the issue with it. Let's go see.

I don't know why. The vein starts. Beeping, when i do that where's the engine start typical ford across that salon, i kind of like to have it working with the vans not running, though wait a second, you run out of gas light bulbs to change up there, we're gon na make it all the Way down to the ground, nice, if you can put it to the ground and step out of it, that's it as low as it goes right there. So the shutoff works killed the band we'll start from here.

Oh that relay's not working. I think it will. I think it'll start the van up from from there. I just kind of wish that it would work.

I don't know, maybe we just got a relay, that's bad! Well, it's one of the things we've got to go fix right. Let's go see how my lift likes it, because i think i peek underneath that's all the loveliness okay, one problem: you know where the flashlight is yep. It's up there all right. Let's go: take a peek underneath see how terrible it is.

Well, that might be an issue there's no frame there. The torsion bar is hanging down how about the other side. The steering box is dripping like crazy. That might be why there's no power steering let's roll this out of our way.

Oh the brakes are on yeah. I bought another pile, the setup hot, hides, hangs off of the frame with like big plates and bolted through right there. That's the structure that comes down and grabs the frame, no spare more flaky frame rain doesn't look like it's leaking or it's empty. A breather, canister charcoal canister yeah.

I guess our broken blake line or broken brake line, i would say, is right about there. So maybe we can kind of grab it up at that junction right there and we'll just lay out a line and tap in somewhere. In the other side, it's not going to mess with that gas tank. Oh wait! It gets better.

I don't know why it's kind of noisy, because the exhaust system seemed like it was on it ready for it right about. There should be a catalytic converter and they swiped that out of there and just shoved a piece of pipe in it yeah. This thing was definitely destined for never never going back on the road again, oh well, all right, so we got to get some wrenching done. We need to get primarily.
We should probably just cut that thing right out of our way. That's not going to do anything anymore, let's get that out of there and then we have to try to figure out. What is happening is that the power steering pump right there that one turns on that might be. Why has no power steering send me the airport or the power steering pump, i'm not sure rusty, huh, there's the ac, that's locked up and we got about either use that with a box.

Something above was is missing too look at the bolts, something that's bolted there. I hope it's not an idler pulley that i need that. I don't have what would go there? Hmm, we got to get that pulley off too, that belt off to get an inner one on there. Let's um: let's go throw some pliers on that ac pump and we'll see if we work that back and forth see if we can get that to free up, it might have just gotten stuck from sitting so long and we get the move a little bit.

Maybe it'll be okay, we just put a regular sized belt on it. Let's see if we get that get the bolt out of there, we'll get that sway bar out of our way. Let's go beat a socket on. I think the chances are that'll come out and just rip itself right out.

I fully expected that's a snap and enough to get her. I can't get onto the other side of it in the face yeah. I think they pulled it with the chain and ripped her out all right. Let's go grab little forceful with her just bend that bracket right out of our way.

If we can get her to slip out so close, really twisty curvy come on get there gotcha. What do you think i can leave the rest of the bracket on there? I think i am a hack like it was never there i see if we can get any kind of movement out of the ac compressor. Oh yeah, i think it's just crud good yeah. Just a little rust kind of built up behind it, i won't get overly confident but use my hand.

Let's probably take an air gun, maybe blow some air behind the rust out of it. You got to get it to make a full circle again, though. Actually, that's just the pump, isn't it. I thought we need the pulley to turn that's the inside.

We need that to turn. How are you going to get on that move like a one of those vice grip chains chain? Vice grips, i got it backwards, so i don't see that going anywhere. So does that mean his effort should freewheel in the asian compressor? It must have a large bearing on the back side of it that it's pretty supported further out and then there's just a small shaft going through the middle of it. That runs the ac compressor.

So the ac works. The clutch on the outside of it is locked up, i'm going to try, maybe taking like an air hammer around and just kind of whacking on the side of it. Give me like a couple of rattats and see if that'll break loose any rust or crud. That's on it, i was hoping i can.

If you get a little movement out of it. If not, could we just get a belt on it without having ac? You know what i mean just like the i'm sure it comes with, and without ac i really don't care if he works and actually i'll leave that on there for now. Okay, try wrapping on that a little bit with an air hammer see if that breaks up. If not we'll go to like a plane and be trying to get a different belt on it, and i'm not giving this much hope, but let's give her a shot.
I need to hammer where you are pardon me, so all right, so it shows with and without ac, but it looks like it has a tensioner that i do not have. So let me either so: what's it which one's the tensioner one of them has got to be right. That's not that one idler, but this has two separate belts on this. One has an outer circuit which is running this stuff and then another circuit over here, so that tensioner is on a separate circuit.

It makes sense to me i'll show you what i mean get you in there. So there's a belt. That's out further running a bunch of crap over there and what is that? That's a hydraulic pump. Ah now it makes sense, so it has to be running now i get it so it has to be running that runs the hydraulic pump, which runs the lift.

So it runs off the engine itself hydraulically and then for battery backup. It has a separate circuit for battery backup to together they come down and that's a little hydraulic motor you're hearing all right so that all runs the hydraulics. So the engine has to be running. For running the boom hydraulically, hence why you can start and stop it from up above and then is this all just one circuit, so where's the tensioner.

It shows a tensioner on the right hand, side i see one there, but that is just the right. That's just the one running that other belt. Do you see another one in further? It's got ta, be something that lines up with this right. So i see one two one pulley two pulley water pump is three crank.

Is four five is a ac and six is six? Is the idler, so we need six pulleys that we're looking at. So we have that one, two, three one, two three, four five six so something's got to be a tensioner also for this system. I wonder if there's one that's missing right here, whatever this is so this says non-ac there would be another pulley here for non-ac that we don't have, but something was bolted in that location too tensioner that one's tensioner right there, so that was the tensioner okay. So can we make it? Can we grab those four? We i'm trying to figure out if we can draw a line that can make it so that we can clear all those without the ac in there.

If i just yank that ac right out of there and try to free up the pulley and just put like a bearing on the end of it, we have to then suck the work on. There's no room as you get look. What we're looking through right! Now you know that's how much area you got to work in a little cubby hole. Let's um, i'm gon na go pop, like somebody already was ahead of us.
Let's go pop. The air filter cartridge out of our way, give us a little bit more working room. Now, looking at it again, so that's the idler, we see it's not was not the tensioner. The tensioner is missing.

The tensioner would be right here. That's the thing, with the three screws that we suspected something was taken off. So that's what it is. We're missing! A tensioner setup - and i think i don't know if that tensioner would flip over and kind of take where the ac is.

If we can get attention for non-ac, does everything else stay the same? It kind of looks like the path that it takes just go up and around and we'll have a tensioner there. What if we can order a tensioner for a non-ac and see what we get? I tried the air humor. You know a veil. Let's go give her a little bit more.

I can't persuasion on it get a pipe on it. Those pliers are stronger and i went and looked at the bolts how the bolts are how the ac compressor is bolted up there and uh. Let's just say it's not gon na be easy to get that compressor out of there either. So then i bolted the front of that clutch off of there.

It just has a smaller bolt, and then you put a larger one in later it just it just pushes it off of a shoulder, and you can see what we got going on up inside here. So it looks like this is where the bearing is right in there, and that looks like a snap ring. I try to get the bolts out before the ac. Try to pull the whole thing out, not happening, but that looks like the bearing is right there and again.

We have a snap ring, so i'm gon na go try taking some compressed air blowing inside there. I don't know if we can get some fluid behind that. Maybe we should just try taking that snapping off. I wonder if if we could probably get the pulley off, i don't know if we can get that pulley off of there either replace it or leave it off of there and not have to worry about the ac pump being in a way worst case.

There's a washer: let's get rid of that capture that worst case, we could always just get this out of the way we just cut the shaft right right off flush and give us room for the idler pulley, but until i get that that's probably we'll hold off, I think for now, because i got this off, i could probably get in a little bit better. I'm gon na continue to work on trying to get this to turn, but it's not looking very good for amount of corrosion. This thing could have been underwater or something to kind of has a look to it or just new england, salt weather all right. So our attempt now is to use that puller there's not much clearance.

I have to i'll pull the radiator shroud out of there in the fan and everything i'm going to try to get that to crack loose and see if i can get it to pull forward a little bit at least off of there, not uh, very hopeful with That little baby puller, but i'm gon na give it a shot yeah. It wasn't happening. I tried it's got a lot of tension on it right now, but uh she's not gon na go. I think i'm gon na wait until i get the pulley for up above.
Like i said and see how much interference we have and where it needs to be, and all that kind of stuff and we'll probably just end up cutting that right out of there, as my guess, the bolts to take the compressor out are those on the side. There they go through the body about six inches long and they are aluminum against steel. They are totally corroded. I tried cracking them loose, it's not happening, so the compressor itself is not coming out without putting up a fight, and even if you cut the heads of those bolts off that compressor would have to drop down four inches to get off the bolts, and you only Have you know what you got about an inch and a half in between there? So that's not going to happen and again i'm not trying to dig a hole just trying to get this thing to have a belt on to spin the power steering the water pump and the alternator.

That's all i'm concerned about. So i think we'll leave that until i can get some parts, maybe we can jump over to looking at that brake line and see if we can get something going on with that all right, so our rotted out spot is right there there. So i say we try getting what's left of that fitting we'll cut the line right off. Let's you can get that to spin out of that rear line and we'll figure out where it goes on the other end and we'll try to pop it back out.

On the other side, maybe we'll just run a line from front to back and tie wrapper up in there. I'm not looking to remove that gas tank. Like i said there you go. Should i put a wrench on there we'll get a socket on there see if we can spin that out of there hey we're all kind of cozy up here? Hopefully you don't smack you in the face, let's see if we can get that area, not saying that the rest of the system's any good right, you pressurize it and blow out somewhere else, but at least we'll have that's one side now we're up towards the front.

There's that line jumped over the other side of the frame goes all the way up. My guess either goes to like a compensator valve or right to the master cylinder see if we can see chase the rest of that where that goes. If not, we might just break it right there and try to flare it. I don't know if that spring stuff comes off or is that part of the line yeah? It's got a bunch of spaghetti goes up and around and they believe it is this one right here, so i'm gon na try to get it cracked loose from the abs pump and see.

If i can push air through i'll know, i'll have the right one. I've been able to blow through it and comes out the other end right. If not uh, we'll try another one. That's the one blew air through it and fluid shot out the back.

So we i'm gon na. I think i have a roll of line. Almost the right diameter and i'm gon na go, look pardon you and i bought a flare kit. I've never tried yet so maybe we can experiment and have a little bit of fun with that.
So you could figure out how to flare a line with a new funky flare kit. We need that a snazzy, little kit, huh all kinds of little pumping handles and dies and two pieces that go into each other in different sizes and everything in between how to use it. I don't have a clue. I ordered some line with it too, and it has some of the fittings, so i'm probably to go and take that fitting out the back.

We'll look see if we can find that one and we'll start with that end of the van and then we'll we'll. If we can get that in hooked up with the fitting on it, we'll uncurl it all the way up to the front of the truck all right. Well, i think we're going to learn together. I have a it's a 3 16 3 16 die and over in the box.

This is the 3 16 looks like operation 1 is what would be going down into? I also don't know how far the stick out is. I got it flush with the face. As a recess down inside here and then i think this is operation two, i don't know if that's the case, but we are going to try it so does that fit through there yeah. So this is like a little hydraulic cylinder.

Let me spin that down. It says until it bottoms out: let's go pop that in here and it's got a little valve, i'm going to show you in a second: it's got a valve shut the pressure off and then it just hydraulically squeezes down on it, see what it does. I guess we just go to a bottoms out open her up kind of looks like it's what it's supposed to be already now. I know this does a bunch of different setups.

Now let me show you what it did. It does a bunch of different lines too, like you can put flares in different areas. Yeah there's the tip of it right now, we'll go over on the other die. It should open up the center of it a little bit and let's go swap that out of there come in not to do anything funky do i yeah just list right now, and i think this would just open that center up a little bit.

Do like that. Final peening over, i think, that's it. Let's go check out that, let's see what it looks like, we need the little handle you ever try using like the plumber's flaring tool for copper pipe on a brake line. That's ridiculous! I would definitely say that's pretty much what it's supposed to look like, maybe a little undersized and you're saying to yourself, but you didn't put the fitting on no, yes, i did.

I think that's all right go thread that in the other side, i'll work, it all the way out to the front and uh we'll cut that other one off we're going to use that same one over again i'll flare that one and we'll put it back on That cop, the um abs, i think it's the abs block. I think i got a little extra well, it doesn't look as pretty or have a spring going around it to protect it, but it also doesn't have a hole in it that should do it. So it doesn't run right now, because i got the air box unplugged for the mass airflow sensors out of it and some other stuff uh, but we got ta go bleed it. It might bleed on its own.
If i crack the line on the back and just turn it on and hit the pedal, i think it kind of pumps through we'll see on that and we're also gon na go find out what happens to the rear brakes. At that point, we may find up the two rear, calipers lock up, but we'll deal with that when it comes i'm going to take a wire wheel, clean up some of the pulleys. I did the bottom one already, not the crank, but the power steering i'm going to do the same to those get some of the crap off of them get as far as i can prepped and then tomorrow, like i said, i'm going to try chasing down the Idler pulley looks good all right, so it's the next day and i have what is supposed to be a non-ac, but i do believe it is missing a bracket that that would hang off. Of that.

I do not have, and i do not know what it looks like - and everything along the lines with that. So i'm kind of back to seeing if we can get that ac pulley off of there and rebuilding the bearing and putting the standard system on it, which is a little bit more accessible, accessible, yeah i'll go with that word. Ah, more available for most of them came with ac. I want to go to junkyard, just go steal, whatever's missing with that three bolts that are hanging out of there.

What was taking off the problem is this puller, it came with a long bolt. That's the that's! The bolt that was in it put a wrench on the end and crank it down. I found a small puller that had the same threads, because i don't have that much room to work with, but it was bending the rod not able to get enough torque on it. So i'm going to go weld and nut to the end of this cut that right off, we'll weld the nut over the top of that.

So i can have i someone actually put a wrench on it, because right now, i'm trying to put a piece of pipe on it where you can and trying to give a little bit of leverage in your half on it and half off it. You just can't get a good twist on it. Do i think that thing's going to come apart, i'm not giving up much hope, just uh how much heavy corrosion it's been soaked overnight and fluids. That really doesn't do anything uh.

You know unless there's a pathway for the fluid to get in there not much gets accomplished, but that's a we're. Gon na go shoot for now and worst case, then i'll chase down the other parts for a non-ac. But for now, if we can get that off of there, i could just actually just change the bearing in there and move forward all right, so welded the nut on the tip and uh grease the other end and then grease the threads. Just so wouldn't have much resistance, let's see yeah at least now we can go put a wrench on it.

Before again, i was trying to get in there with a piece of pipe and that little rod the grease helps friction and tension. Oh, the jokes, i hear the jokes, i don't want to put heat on there because i don't want to kill whatever bearings are in the pump too, you know, did the pump just turn yeah the center's? Turning, would that mean the pulley turns? No? No, that's! That's the input of the center things. I won't do not to remove that plastic fan shroud. The problem is everything's, so ratty that you just open a can of worms like you take you got to take that apart.
You snap bolts off for that, because everything's just so rusty, so you got to kind of approach it in a different fashion when you would all regular car. Oh it's moving. I'm probably just pushing the hole by pushing the shaft into the center of the ac pump. We're gon na see if it starts moving off that gap right there with a snap ring, don't think it's moving.

I think we're pushing the center of the pocket. Oh there we go. We got a pop, oh yeah, that's got ta say sometimes you got ta, modify your tool and grease the tip. Hopefully it keeps going there.

We go i'm feeling much more optimistic problem is actually we got about five, each worth of threads left half inch more threads, and is it going to be able to clear, oh nice, not out of the woods yet, but definitely one pace. Imagine if the ac still works. I wonder if, because you can see it's wanting to turn, i wonder if the pulley was actually just up against the body, a lot of crap that falls out of the back side of it all the white corrosion. I wonder if it's just so packed behind there, the pulley was jammed against the body of the air ac.

Not the yeah cause it's turning. Now, that's it nice! I got about three threads left i'll, bring you back when it's off hey it's off! You want the good news of the bad news, good news, i already told you it's off, but it broke the last little bit kind of right where the retaining ring is that is still stuck in there. Now that i can't hammer that out, but that's kind of what held the pulley in place and then i shoved the face of the clutch back on it and it seems like the inside still turn okay. My thought is that came off they're, so crappy and i'm probably gon na have to go draw that back on or press it back on.

I don't, i don't think it's gon na come off as long as it's not a sloppy fit uh. I don't know. If that's aluminum or it shouldn't be, i could also probably just put a tack weld right across it once we get it in place and grind it down yeah, i think it was um kind of bound up. I think this area all in here was all packed up with that aluminum powder and it was against the back side right there locking up, but this is supposed to move like this part supposed to stay still, and this outer part is supposed to spin.

As you see by the the hub, where it locks on and of course, has wires on it to this is a big magnet turn the magnet on and off to draw that outer disk into the face of it. Spinning and of course, the belt's supposed to spin around the outside of it and that's not happening so i need to go find one of those and the one bracket for the with ac setup. So i think i'm going to go. Try hitting ebay for that clutch part and the uh bracket that holds it.
Then we can kind of get it all back together, uh best we can and that's all we're hoping for. So i think at this point guys like we may just call this one right here. I've gone as far as i can. I don't know when parts are going to come in, but you know that's how things work you just kind of keep picking away at them.

Unfortunately, get try to get everything done and we'll get into after getting the mechanics goals of the van that's what i'm kind of concentrating on right now, just so, you can get the van up running mobile start with a key charge. Who knows what else we're going to go find yet too, you know keep most of its fluids in it, because this thing needs to be able to sit while you're up in the bucket up there, fire it up and have the van start back up again or Have it leave it running for your bucket somebody to move so that part has to be somewhat reliable again, the body i'm not that concerned about because it's probably going to get 15 miles put on it in the rest of his life that i'm going to use It for all right guys, so i'm going to cut it here. Hopefully we got another video or two or hopefully not 10 - on this, but that'll be to be determined, but for this one we're calling it guys thanks for hanging out i'll, see you soon later. So you get rid of me that fast one last point i wanted to add is: is two systems? There's a primary system which is gon na, be a hydraulic pump, runoff of something whether it's the gas motor on the back.

If it had one and it would run a hydraulic pump or off the engine by itself, but then there's another system that looks like a car starter that runs a small hydraulic pump, which is an emergency to kind of get you down that wasn't working in the System we were trying to go use that so i don't know uh what the deal is with that. But again there is two systems and one is kinda working. Well, i look into the other one or else he kind of gets you stranded. You may want to have a rope ladder to get down, or at least your cell phone with you just in case.

By Mustie

6 thoughts on “Oh the pain, bought the cheapest bucket on the internet.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian B says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheZombieKiller123 says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Smith says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Now I'm a Believer says:

    Go for it dude

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ghogue61 says:

    I'm first, who woulda thunk it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Afternoon mate 👍

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