bought this beat up old cable truck as is for $1200 lets see if we can fix it up enough to make it work again,

Hey guys and how's it going hey we're gon na uh. This could be. I guess, part two on this bucket truck that i bought a couple of weeks ago. It's a pile - and i pretty much expected that, but it was also cheap.

So on the previous video was pretty much retrieving the vehicle getting on the trailer getting it here, getting on the lift, doing an assessment walk around and starting to do a little bit of wrenching on it and that consisted. I had a blown brake line for the rear circuit. The ac compressor was locked up, so they cut the belt off of it, and with that you have no power steering you have no cooling system, you know the water pumps not turning and no charging system. So i have no idea how that stuff is how it works again.

I just kind of putted it around from out on the trailer to in here and that's it so also the we went to go with the hydraulics for the bucket. The hydraulics have two systems on them: uh primary system which, on this one, runs off the engine and runs off of a pump that is engine driven on the van. That system was working, but then it also has a emergency system, which kind of looks like a starter motor and it runs off 12 volts. That's like a secondary case.

Something happens you're up in the air. You have another way to get the the bucket down. That is not functioning so we'll get into that all right enough talking when we say we get back into wrenching and start getting some stuff accomplished, we did get so here's the old for those who haven't seen. This was the ac clutch that was in there, and you can see that it was totally shot.

We were able to get that out of there barely and i had to go. Wait for parts and those new parts have showed up got a new clutch got a new tensioner that wasn't there and the belt that was cut. We have that also all right - let's get her up in here, start doing some wrenching, so the issue at hand is when i was taking the pulley off of the front of the ac compressor right here. This lift broke off.

This is where a snap ring would have been, and then it was probably about another 16th of metal going around. This doesn't spin the only the center of it spins. The outer part here kind of locks, the clutch from turning. I don't really care about the ac working or not working, but i do not want this to walk off.

I don't want the pulley i'll, show you here's where when it came off there, you see the broken piece, that's still on there. I don't want this pulley to walk off on us, while it's running that would kind of suck. So i don't know if we get a good enough press fit on there. I don't know if that's aluminum or steel, let me go grab a magnet, real, quick and see what that is.

Let's see what we get that's aluminum. Unfortunately i was hoping i could put a tack weld on it and help hold it, but uh. That's not gon na happen. It's all this one looks like it's all one piece right here, that's why it broke so easy all right.

Well, hopefully, i have a feeling we should probably do. That is maybe not clean the surface up so well, so that there's a lot of drag when this gets pushed on there and again how for us to get that pressed on normally they just slide on, and of course, you can tell by the rest of this Thing it looks like it's been under the ocean for a couple of years, so let's go get the new pulley, we'll set it up on there and we'll see how it goes. So this part of the clutch would just lock to the outer side. This is the magnet is the part that gets power and pulls the the clutch disc in or out.
You should tap that on there pretty good without an issue, but we're more concerned about and whether that bearing will have some drag stay there. There is the uh, the outer plate that locks the the two of them together, and that has a bolt in it too. So i don't think it'll walk off all the way, just the possibility of it having drag if it starts to walk back and get it. If that starts to walk out, the only thing it's going to do is going to rub against this plate.

This ties the two of them together and that's a bolt in the center of it. So that'll just start dragging on that probably trying trying to turn the ac it's funny. I don't see anything that, like keys, that you would think that there would be something that that would lock into all right a tab or something. I guess we just kind of line it up with that plug and get ourselves like a brass mallet and we'll just kind of tap on it again.

I'm not cleaning those surfaces up on purpose, not much of the way of room up in here, so it might hit me in the head. I apologize ahead of time see i think i'm gon na have to move you guys out of the way i got. Ta swing you, where your face, is it wasn't too bad? I ended up getting in there with a brass rod and was able to go hit on the face of it, but now this is the one that we have to try to be a little bit more gingerly with this is the one that has the bearing in It and the one that's gon na be spinning all the time that has to be able to go fit inside and still turn. I got i'm kind of leery about cleaning that surface up too much because i want it to drag the best as possible, but at the same token i want to beat the crap out of it trying to get it on and or have it rub.

So i think what i'm going to do is the same thing with the brass rod. I got a thinner brass rod, but i want to hit because this is the surface that i'm mating. I want to hit on this race right here that way, i'm transferring the energy uh through the race not across the bearing surface killing the bearing, and i don't think you guys are going to fit up in there with me so i'll bring you back well, i Would have preferred for it to go on a little bit more resistance than what it did, so it does spin everything does what it should my thoughts are. It could dribble a little lock tight.

I should probably have tried this on something else. There you go not too much, you don't want to go where you don't want to go just kind of want to fit. I'm going to take a q-tip and work that around a little bit, i think, get out of the center. Oh sorry, and then i think our next best bet stop it looky to come around with a punch.
I'm gon na come around with a punch and just kind of tap right here and just try to do again tap on this outer edge here and kind of splay out the face of it, so that it has a little bit of resistance to try to come Off so again, there's no snap ring holding that anymore, so it doesn't work as good as steel as far as peening over the edges, the aluminum just kind of crumbles away, but i think the loctite will get it once it dries. So this is the internal spline, which is actually the pump itself independent of the belt. But what this gets is shims. You got a shim with washers in the center of that you space out on there.

You want to get an air gap across the end of this. I am not that concerned about that. Again, i'm not really worried about the ac working i'll, never be in this fan, driving it more than 30 feet from place to place. I'm gon na go just put in what was in there, which i think was three washers and we'll bolt that up.

If i have a problem where it bottoms out i'll shim it out a little bit further, but i'm not gon na get into the measuring. I want to get the belt on this thing and see what we got all right. That's got it and again you can see the air gap. There's three washers in there i put the new ones in came with it, and then you would take a fielder gauge and you would try to set up a dimension.

I don't know what it is right, my guess probably like six to ten thou and then when the magnet on the inside energizes. It pulls that plate in and ties the two of them together so that they spin together and that runs the ac pump and then clicks off. When you hear your car clicking on and off pc going, that's what's actually doing the clicking is. Is this setup right here? Here's what whatever that setup was on there.

I can't tell you the gap there. I was way off new part 18 to 30 thou. It would want anyway, so i'm going to move things along, i'm going to go through the tensioner on it, get the belt on it, we'll get past all that stuff and we'll fire it up together, see how it does, because we got plenty of other stuff to Go work on that tensioner is bolted on and it's got a half inch drive right here. You put a socket in a ratchet in it or extension or whatever breaker bar, and you can push down on to get the tension preload on it, so that pulley's all the way down.

It's going to go pop upwards to put tension on the belt, but i took a socket and wedged it right there to hold it in place. So i'm not trying to fight that while i'm trying to feed the bell through and then when i'm all said and done i'll, just pop the ratchet back in there and just kind of give her a little yiff and it'll go back into operating position. Well, that's one down: let's get the clamped off these help. You hold the belt in place while you're trying to thread it through the other places, see very gon na throw one of the two of those on.
So now we got to get the second one on shouldn't. Be that big of a deal. This is the one that runs the auxiliary pump for the hydraulics kind of aftermarket setup. They bolted to the front of it and belt number two.

It's got slack in it right now. I ended up putting the wrench on that tensioner opening it up and putting vice grips across it because i couldn't get anything jammed in there. Hopefully, there you go tightened right up. Let me go through the air box assembly back in.

Oh, you know what we got to do. The starter. Solenoid is no good. I'm gon na go change that out uh because it cranks sometimes and doesn't crank so get that knocked out.

Put the ductwork back on and i think we can fire it up is what the solenoid looks like here: those who care solenoid relay so power coming in from the battery going out to the starter, hot lead, you have a ground terminal and then a hot lead Coming from the ignition switch that sends a switch a signal down here and inside here, it pulls in a big set of contacts and makes power from this one to this one: that's why, when you it won't start for you, take a wrench and you jump across It and it'll start because the points are burned out inside there. I think we got it. Airbox is back on it. This lead was disconnected from the battery, i'm not gon.

Na hook it up plus the fuse was removed. Not quite sure was hooked up to that. Later on, if we find something - that's not working, maybe we'll chase that! Well, you know we've got to do. We got ta, put brake fluid in it too, because the brake fluid went down to nothing we'll top that off real, quick, well, the ground post isn't on all their all that great.

But let's just see what we get anything i got. I got no power yeah. I might want to go fix that all right, let's go see what blows up. Still no crank.

Oh, you got ta be kidding me. I hope it's not the starter cause. I crossed it and it jumped before. I also see some alarm light going off down.

There get rid of that, hopefully there's enough room to get in there. Let's see jump it see. If it goes, you stay around us figure out. Why that's not working for us.

It's not noisy, that's good nothing's hell and no growling uh pulleys. Let's go uh see if we got power, steering and all that kind of stuff and charging system, probably the biggest thing charge gauge, looks good, not saying that that's working, we'll put a meter on that. We got power. Steering, yes, nothing got a dead mist but hit the brake pedal a couple of times.

I believe, he's got abs pump that when you hit the brake pedal pumps it through. I know it's got a bunch of air in it right now, but i just want to see if fluid comes out anywhere underneath the van it actually feels like the pedal wants to build up a little bit there. It goes yeah, but i think we get the air out of that. That should be okay.
All right now we got ta figure out. Why we don't have a crank signal. Let's go, try it again, yeah a quick look, see anything leaking underneath. Hopefully not.

I just think that the van probably sat a long time locked up that ac pulley there, and that was it. That means the gas probably is really old, too all right i'll bring it bring it back when it's up. I know i got to run it more, but i just want to see if we got anything, i don't want to fill up my shop with exhaust as it's like 10 degrees out and lose all my heat. It looks decent.

I don't see anything popping out right away. That area is kind of wet huh. What's that the cooler keep an eye on that and just see if we have any brake line issues and i would suspect anything after should be after the uh yeah you suck that one right there split. That would explain that stamp.

Yeah, pretty much all the steel lines, a figure, sir, all right so we'll get that one replaced and i'll bring you back. Well, that's not going to win any beauty prizes. Let's try it again see what we get. My fear is that the calipers are going to start moving out and they're going to lock right up.

I think my uh, my fears have uh have some validity to them too. Apparently, i don't think that rotors seen a brake pad up against it in a decade. I'm going to fire it up again. I threw a meter on the battery.

Let me go check this charging system that battery is low. It should be about 12 7 at 12 9.. Where are those contacts somewhere down in there? Come see, that's good. It's already.

Jumping up you rev it up should be about thirteen five to fourteen five, the charging system's working, that's good, because that also charges the battery for the uh backup, let's hit the brake pedal a couple times again seems decent again. I still have to bleed it, but i want to make sure it's not pushing any fluid through the system all right, so we have hopefully nothing's pissing out of it anymore. I didn't get on the other car that would have sucked getting it on the paint huh yeah. I don't see you dripping that might have it for now.

I want to go figure out why that ignition switch is not working. It's going to be kind of important when you're up in a bucket and wanting to start it. So i tried putting a test light on the terminal this terminal coming out and see. If i got any power coming down from the initial ignition switch, i didn't see any so now i got a jumper and i'm just going to run it to hot, and that is connected to where that post goes and when i go to do that, it does Crank, so that's telling me, i got a no signal.
That's telling me! I get no signal coming from the ignition switch down to that. So that's gon na be a bit more of a pain ass. Usually it's just that solenoid that acts up and did work intermittently. It would work once in a while uh, so i'm gon na go some probing uh.

Hopefully it is not the ignition switch itself and we have to go chase. That would be nice. It was just the wire was broke on the end, but i don't think so and of course this has a whole nother system tied into that. That runs from the remote of the uh, the remote, the remote of the remote.

So one thing that had me was well, i should say one thing i was thinking about was the fact that the shifter was really hard to move into parking. You can kind of see that it's not really in there. I'm kind of wondering is the neutral safety switch being an issue. I don't know if it'll go in mitchell there, you go all right.

So it's a neutral safety switch there. It is found. Okay, let's go bring. This thing up, get some lube on that shifting assembly.

There try to get that to slop around a little bit easier. Well, that was uh easier than expected and grateful for it. Hopefully you can see so this is the shifter cable coming down from the shifter up top, and this is the selector. What gear you're in - and this is neutral safety switch and probably some other stuff tied into that also, and that's where she's all binding.

So i think we're just going to go, give her a thorough lashing. I don't really want to take it apart because, as you say, looking looking at that hardware, you can definitely see that we're going to cause yourself issues of breaking stuff off if it doesn't free up or if it gets worse right now, at least we can work With it we'll open it up, but i think we might be able to get it just by giving some juice here and there get it up into the cables where i shoot you in the eye and we'll work that around a little bit. I don't know if there's a linkage up top that usually isn't where it rusts out. This is again it was probably parked in a lake and all that stuff got goobered up.

Let's see if that'll free up force far enough, i guess we could call that a win. I think i lost my battery connection. Hope those breaks all right. I say we go to the remote and see if we can get everything working from the remote and we'll work our way back to the bucket.

As far as the electronics are concerned, all right do you think i think we'll flip those toggle switches too for the work remotely so there's one. That's for start controller, selector, lower and engine start see if that'll work for us nothing. We go turn those switches on. Let's see if that one will do it there we go see if it'll start, though good shut off, do we have to have the key on, though i'm just kind of wondering like if you're sitting with the battery you run down.

If you get anything this way yeah, so the key has to be on for the remote to work all right how about emergency power? So i hear the pump working, but i don't think it runs any that's the next thing we have to get working for the fact that if the bean does not start, that's your backup. So i, like i said it - has an electric starter i'll. Take you inside. Take a look up inside there, nothing right there, a little motor with the hoses going to it.
That's like a auxiliary motor. That's supposed to run to be able to run the hydraulics if the primary system doesn't work. So, let's uh, you hear it spinning, but it just didn't seem like it was doing anything. Let's go, take a look at the boom and we'll try it again.

What if they just want you to leave the van running every time you're up, there seems like a kind of a waste, though huh you know moving all right, so we want emergency power and then we want to see get the boom to go up yeah. It does nothing, i don't know if you have to hold the controller at the same time. Let's try that nothing sounds like it's running dry. Doesn't it listen to it? Let's go get that side cover i'll, get a better look at that motor.

Let's get this access panel off of here should give us a better view of what's happening. It was missing one of the screws, so somebody's already been in there ahead of us got a look at what we have there's the pump. I wonder if it runs any kind of and grab light you can peek around the corner, that's a better shot at. It looks like a starter.

Doesn't it so? That's spinning. I wonder if something else i see all the valves are open. I see that valve's in the open position the one down below is in the open position. I wonder if it's just not getting an electrical signal to turn on a bunch of relays in here.

Oh my got, i wonder if so the ones on the bottom are fuses. It looks like those are like resettable fuses. I think that's a diode another resettable fuse. What is this one right now that? Well, i think that might be an issue it's hot, too.

Okay, so power's going through that one huh that might energize a circuit that allows it to do that. So, let's go re-crimp. We need a new wire. Yes, that would energize whatever that relay is so we already know we got one of them.

At least not working, is there one pair? That's that one and you got a red one, i'm not sure where that one goes and then the orange one comes down here and works that one that i don't know if i had a terminal on it or not. At one point not sure all right, let me go get an end on that and we'll see if that makes anything come back to life. That'd be easy if it was huh, i don't know if we need to strip that back, maybe we'll just cut off cut off the rotten part, so you can get it back to some shiny sure. That was any bit of a problem.

You know i got a solder swaddlish connector, which all those other ones are too feed that in there give her a good, crimp and work, something let's go, get that nut off of there i'll get that clamped on there and we'll see if anything else comes alive. Maybe we had to go a little bit deeper. That's the post after i took that off of there she's a flapper, nothing got hot huh, i think really cooked. I got a new one, but i had a tab mounted to it, so i had to go crush that off the back of it.
It was a just pop right on there want to see. What's on the inside, my guess is it's kind of like a a blinker uh switch on the old cars as it gets hot. This is like a bi-metallic metal. Probably pops up disconnects yeah opens up a set of points inside there and then, when it cools off the metal, cools off it pops back down and makes the circuit again that's on that one.

I'm gon na open this one see what it looks like. Let's go see that all right, i feel like we're. Gon na hurt it right. Oh yeah yeah.

I don't think that was functioning like it should, because this post was floating around, so it wasn't even in the window where it was supposed to contact that it may have still been working slightly because it was drawn some heat. It's definitely a bunch of high resistance. All right enough of that go put the other one back in all right. Let's hook back up, let's see if we get anything out of it all right, so we want emergency and i don't hear nothing yeah.

We got nothing. It's like crashing into the wall behind us. Let's go pop one of those off we'll pop that wire off and we'll see if that was the one for the pump and it was just barely making it it's just my guess. You know let's de-energize it and i don't want to spark anything to the side.

It's live all right, using the right tool for our job using insulated pliers, but 12 volts all right. Let's just see what was powered on that circuit, not the same. None of those relays any good right all right, let's go see if it's still still operates that and i guess we should probably get a tesla. What we'll do is we'll jump across each one of them see if we find anything that's dead, let's go see what that operates.

So is that for the crank? What's that for where is it where's the start yeah? So if we hook that one back up yeah, that's what that one's for well, i guess that one's important to at least make sure that the van will start from the up position that was on its way out huh. I wonder if that was also probably part of the problem of that, inter intermittent start from the key. I know it wasn't helping anything all right. I'm gon na go grab a test light and see if we have any of these circuits that are dead.

I mean this should light up a crappy test light, but you know lights up and lights up. That means power's going through both of those circuits power comes in from the bottom here. This is the hot lead and it jumps to the two of them power's going in going through them going out the other side. Let's go check that top one first see.
If it even has power, it doesn't yeah it does it does so that one has power going across it relays. I don't it's got power, it's got no power, i don't know what runs that circuit. I don't have a that one's got power and, of course that's got no plug on it whatsoever. I don't know if you ever had one, though you see any wires that are, you know, flapping.

I don't see anything off of anything or just cut off or missing. So that really may just work on that fashion, so the yellow comes down to here and goes through so that center got power yeah. This underpants has power, whether they switch or not. I don't know.

I also wonder if we have to do anything, maybe with the i know there was a problem um up in the bucket and there was a uh emergency, stop that was kind of busted up. I wonder if that is screwing us up. I don't see anything else on here. We can play with right yeah.

So, let's go up in the bucket, we'll see what works and doesn't work and go from there. Possibly, maybe that's why it's not allowing it to move if it thinks it has an e-stop on that. That's just i guess again without a wiring diagram, i don't know if you can be able to get a wiring diagram for something like this. You know it's not like it's a autonomous maid so sitting in the bucket is tired chains and some wire, and i am hoping that that is not out of the upper controller.

That's gon na suck. If it is but we're gon na, i guess go find out right now: huh yeah! You would think that would make that emergency power work right now, wouldn't you you have to push that down yeah. We got nothing and i think this kind of like it just pops right out of there, so who knows what's happening with that, all right, let's go get those two screws out: let's see what kind of there's more one more in the back one's missing so again, Somebody's been hunting inside there, they don't look like they're factory anyway, anyway, let's get those out of there get that panel up and hopefully, there's some wires connected to it. I hope you don't go crashing to the ground you're a vice grip to the bucket, and not very well at that.

This has to offer us. This comes right out with no wires. Oh there's stuff in here, oh jesus, oh boy! That might be an issue. I don't know if they're not supposed to be connected on purpose and half of them are used where somebody cut those kind of seems like almost everything's hooked up the esop switch.

How does you hear it, making it not making a circuit? Where is the crank emergency power? Is this one? Now it works up here? That's weird emergency power and all right. So what does the blue one? Do? You would think you would have to hold the blue one down right for it to to work things to be. My guess hank a dead man right, you want, you, don't want to brush up against the button and have it move yeah. I don't know if that works for the yeah.
I just don't think that pump does anything. I think it. I think everything's kind of you know, maybe that pump is stripped out or not pushing fluid or i'm not sure, let's go fire. The truck up, it's kind of weird that it doesn't have a well says start and stop.

Let's go so like start and stop for the motor. You think, like the the truck engine, why the handheld would have it and not. This doesn't make sense, start stop like. So what i don't know, let me go fire up the truck and see what we get yeah those wires hanging out.

The back kind of scared me all right, so i have the handheld should be able to start the truck from here. Now, let's go see it anything works that kills the engine. So how would it start yeah? There's this the green one, yeah hmm wish. I had something up here with me.

I want to jump these two contacts. I want to see if the van starts by jumping those two. If so, that would make the start and stop make sense. You still think it would have a dead man, though right you get something to jump those two wires.

Actually it's! So what is this black? Do i have a test light up here? I do not the other thing too shouldn't. I have to go upper and lower controller that might that might help. Let's go see if that does anything: let's go jump that let's go jump that switch and see if the engine starts no all right, but that would need power to work. I wonder if no power is coming up here.

It seems like the black lead on the black seems like it's common with everything, so that looks like it's power coming in. I don't know what it's going to use for ground. Let's go put a test light on it. I don't know if the body's grounded.

I don't see a wire going around, so i would think power coming in so they're all jumping that could be the ground side of it too. I don't know yeah nothing. Something's got ta light up and i know there's 12 volts up here right. I don't think i have a good ground, though i tried ground into the boom.

I think the boom's gon na be isolated, though in case you get that power lines or something we got power there. Okay, so power, no power, so green, coming in is power. Let's see, if anything, so that's power, this one has power. Let's get this one, so that works that's to shut it off.

Let's had somebody else in there before i don't know what that's going to be for, let's go probe it nothing. I would think that's just uh: does it open a circuit or close it for the killing the engine when it's running so i always say this black lead. I don't know if you guys can see it. It's common all of them that one that one this one i've got the end cut off of it right there that had wires coming out at one point: is there another black wire that is broke that definitely had a wire on it? That's no longer! I wonder if that was power in, because that doesn't have power.
It's not going to energize any of these any of these circuits just fit from that one nice. The power goes through and they all got power. So that's it! You got to hold that button down. You got to hold that button down for, if you're really clicking you're relay clicking all right.

Well, why does that one say start stop like? How would you can you lift up on it? It must be. There must be a way to to start the van through that switch and it's not working. Let's go fire it up with the other one we'll hold the blue button down and we'll see if the bucket works hope it does just a lot of chasing chasing stuff to try to figure out what's doing what all right so should we start it hold this One down there we go all right down, doesn't work out in left and right, i don't want to hit, but up down doesn't work. That might be an issue all right.

Let's go see if dan works on this one, where is it? We have no lower boom? I'm glad i didn't go up very high yeah all right, guys, click that one back to upper. I say a relay, that's kind of sticky. Okay, we got to be able to figure out why we can't start it from up here, though, i think it's, the only thing, that's not not functioning, which is kind of an issue, because if you shut it off you're not going to fire it back up again. So i do see, i guess two circuits right.

I guess we'll take a test light, we'll figure out which one shuts it off, which one when we, when we hit that shuts off a circuit, you can hear it clicking and then another one's going to jump it to make it start. So i would say this is power. This is power, and this is out when this is out right and one of those just needs um voltage to it to make it crank they just plugged in there now they're screwed. In look at that we get a jumper wire shifts and giggles and we'll just we'll just try to actually can we just um here it does come out crank for me.

No that's going to be the off one. Probably all right, let me get a jumper wire. We're going to go jump from that, one to that they're the same anyway, we're going to jump from there to there we'll see if it cranks. If so, then we know that we need to get another part or something internal inside here with this switch stabbed in that side.

Let's go see if we can i'm ready to lose it come on usable game of popping off. Let's go see if that'll yeah you're clicking should be the same circuit. So that's fine for that circuit. I know it is i'm pushing the switch up and down and i think it's turning it on and off.

Let me get reset a little bit better. That's nothing! Like it's in there all that great and see if come on crank for me, talk to me, hmm, you don't think we have to push that down. Do you for the start, the work, let me go, get you in the stand. Push that down there.

It goes so it's the lower one that shuts it off, so the lower circuit is the one that's not being made, and i would guess that we have to pull up for that to work. Let's go take that switch apart, see if we can figure out. What's going on inside there, we could just bring the whole thing down onto a bench, maybe i'm gon na un unscrew it and disassemble. So it looks like that the upper part of the switch wasn't screwed into it.
So when you went to go pull up on the button, it just kind of came right out of the socket, but we're gon na go test the circuits anyway, so it was. Was it these two across from each other turn the meter around? Let's put the meter where you can see it: let's go down, you see it. Then we got to go to ohms. Let me show you guys in the shot open circuit.

If i push it in make sure my meter is working, it is actually or was it side to side. Let's read that one to that one. If you push the button it, one of them should be the shutoff that won't want to work. My meter working yep.

We worked up there. There we go okay, so that one stalls it out and this one you lift up on it should go there. We go that's kind of intermittent, though yeah, it's not repeating itself a little bit of grip on it there. It goes kind of just stays there for a second, though, i wonder if there's a way that we can go clean, that switch but pop it right out of there and well, if you just take out like a bunch of dial, um contact, cleaner and rinse out The posted, like you, know things been out in the weather forever.

You know that's one way and it's just gravity feed up on the other side of it. I'm going go, take a minute. Can we get that out of there without breaking? I want to break it off. You know the little tabs again, i'm sure all this stuff is pretty brittle.

I may work with it right on there. Well, i think, was what was up. That's not going to come apart. Oh there's, the button.

I think the button was just kind of sitting on top of it and wasn't connected and it's got threads on the inside of it that lock it down once you made it so that you couldn't pull up to start it, but i'm going to go rinse that Out clean it as best, we can screw that back in and we'll go up there and see if it starts and stops probably should take some compressed air. I'm gon na take some compressed air and try to blow in through all the little cracks i it's already got a slight crack in the plastic i saw, i think it's right there and i don't want to keep wrenching on it. The top just clicks on so as far as putting the button on, if you flick that to the side it locks in i'm, going to take a picture of it. I don't know if i can get any numbers off of that i'll try to look for something online, see if i can get this whole piece and replace it, because i don't trust it.

I guess worse worst case, if you're up there. As long as i leave a screwdriver up there, i can get in there and put the two wires together and have it start back up, i got wired back up. We should be able to pull it and start there. We go now.
It doesn't shut off there. You go, i definitely say for the fact of what that's running and the fact that i can get stuck up here. It might be a good idea to replace that at some point at least we got figured out and have an idea what controls, what we're going to go screw this panel back into place and one last function check. Then the one thing that sucks this bucket, if you lean from one side to the other it shifts about only about an inch of course.

Now it's not going to do it there. It goes. It's got about an inch play in it, but it startles you every time it does it all right. Pull up should start it.

We push. This down should work these buttons, not exactly smooth apparently, but you guys, leaning over now. Nothing should happen when i don't have that button right right. Okay, that's good e-stop runs, but doesn't fire anything, so we still have a problem with whatever is happening with that secondary system for it to work, but at least we got the primary system working at all locations.

I'm happy about that at least all right. So we got brake pedal, fluid, not shooting out everywhere. I don't know if those calipers are going to lock up. We have charging system, cooling system power steering said brakes.

All the controls are working in two locations. I guess yeah it's gon na, be the the handheld controller and the bucket up top both function for the primary system. We just do not have that secondary system going. I don't know we're gon na go about doing the test for hydraulic pressure.

I'm gon na go. Take a few minutes actually read the instructions, i'm wondering if there's some kind of valve, that we need to go turn. I i wouldn't think it would use a separate like reservoir for hydraulic fluid. I think, would all be on the same system.

My guess again again, you know i'm making this up as they go along, so i'm gon na go poke around a little bit, see if i can educate myself and find possibly what is not working for that to do what it needs to do. I think just for the sake of trying, we should probably look into that wire that we have removed on here. Just throw some power to it. The lower plug is going to need.

Let's get that in there to stay. Oh put that to 12 volts, we'll tap. It real quick, it's gon na be drawing anything all right. Let's go! Try it see.

If that may be, energy is uh energy for some relays. Let's see if that does anything, so we want emergency power and being lower right now. Still, nothing! Hmm! I wonder if the pump is spinning like on the shaft and the gears kind of wiped out, like maybe the motor just is going. I don't know i might leave that till tomorrow.

I got some errands. I got to go run so i flicked on the inverter and reset the breaker on it, which runs that power strip, and we have the light built in ac power on board running off of that battery. Now suppose, when the van's running it back charges that battery up for now seems to be okay, so only thing i'm seeing there is again that pump on the side of it. There is a relay switch kind of like what the starter switch has in the front.
There it has these wires coming out of it. I think one set comes from the control up above and the other one goes into here, which goes up and around. My guess is like one of the relay, so it's getting power to turn the pump on, but it's not getting power to fire. The valves for the relays - and my guess is that's what these are.

It has to be somewhere on the van that tells each uh control valve to open and close. Let's go cut the tie wraps back on this one, so it's going into here. Let's go cut those off separate it and kind of see what circuits they're going to. Maybe there's a master: that's not getting power! That group of wires right there, one more all right! So it is going to you would think it would it would you want for each circuit too right, because, if you're up there on the controls, you're gon na have one, for you know up down, left right and in and out so my guess would be f1.

Two, where does that one go all the way down to that that master one that's down there. We should. We know this one disconnects the uh crank right, so it makes it so it's start. Let's go take one of the nuts off of here and disconnect power to it and see if the uh, the emergency goes away emergency power.

So that's gon na be that's emergency power. Oh, that's! Not that one of them's got to be it ready. You think one of those would put it on some kind of resistor i'm going to do the same for the top one see if the top one goes away - and i probably should do - is take a sharpie and start marking stuff, as we figure it out, so That, next time we go in there and look, we know what we're dealing with. Let's go for it once i get some insulation on them, seam to the top again, it could always be that that hydraulic pump is just dead.

It's spinning, but it's not moving any fluid and everything's working. You would think that when i would hit a relay you get like a slight draw in the system. Let's see if we get yeah, so that's what it is all right. The top one is the one that controls that i'm gon na go get a sharpie start writing at least a two that we know of and as we figure stuff out, i'm gon na do the same.

I kind of figured out what start and stop was and look at these big leads coming down so that one start that one stop we'll label those that is not going to be part of the solenoid part of it. We can get gon na guess that one out of the circuit and where the stop was this one, and then it goes down to this one. I don't know, maybe i'm missing something totally that is is has nothing to do with the up down left and right. Probably what i should do is fire it up and run these controls and, as i go to kind of bump them a little bit test and see if i'm getting power to any of these circuits and see if this is even what that does, my guess, it Was it would be because i really don't see you it would have some kind of access somewhere on it.
I don't think they'd hide it that much another dash or something you know. I think it would be right here right all right. So the next day i took a little bit of time just kind of cleaned up a little bit vacuumed out the inside all the crap out of it buttoned up the panels and i kind of gon na let that go and move on with some other things. Not get too caught up in trying to get that secondary system to go.

I definitely would like to have that, but i'm just not quite sure - and i figure i'll let this be we'll - let this video around see it pops up in the comments see if somebody steer me in the right direction, i'm thinking either the pump is just uh Failed not doing what's supposed to do, or possibly it has an air lock inside it where it's. It's has no fluid right where the pump is, and it's kind of sucking air and not being able to prime itself. That's the other thought, but anyway i want to keep moving forward start getting the rest of the punch list of stuff done on it. I think the next thing we should jump on is probably that exhaust system get rid of where they cut that cat out and left the uh half inch gap of the two pipes together.

So you can kind of quiet it up a little bit and maybe after that we have the driver's door is a bit of a mess. You have to open it from the inside. So without further ado. Let's get into that i'd say it's a clever installation.

Wouldn't you where it gets better, at least they put clamps on it. I have this that same gap on both sides rip this crap off. I don't know if we can kind of maybe hammer it down and just get some welds on it or we have to shim it in between the two. Let me get that off of there.

They ask yourself how valuable is a 22 year old, cali converter might spin more and metal tape and a clamp would be. I wonder if we can kind of just slide that from one side to the other and get the pipe out of there would be my guess now and maybe we'll work with what we got right there i'm guessing. Maybe we can just take and make some pie cuts around it and we just kind of hammer it down and take a clamp and like crush it down on it and then get a weld on it. This side - i don't know we don't - have that much room to work with i'm gon na.

Take a quick look see if i have any pipe that diameter. I do not think so, though you might be just better off working with that. Actually, i think i might have it there. You go good that way.

At least we can take it to the wire wheel and clean up that galvey, that's honest to get a good weld. That was just left it like that. I sound the same. So that's the idea of it.
I do not think i have anything that big of a diameter in the stash, and so even that fence post stuff is too small with some side pipes on it. The rust that's in the uh cover the rust. That's in the rockers yeah, that's the same as what we got all right, we'll figure out how to go crush that down about this same thing i broke down. I bought a piece of pipe nice looking actually pretty close to that side of it to just a 36 inch piece of pipe like that, and if we stuff it that way far enough back, let's see what we got on the other end, you can actually use A flare on both ends that one's like right.

There, too, i think it's got a dent in it yeah the end of its dent. I think we get that out of there and uh if i have to put a little bit of a slice in it. We'll kick it open a little bit. Hopefully we can go one direction and back the other way, while they're on call a day so that that actually do just fine with a hose clamp, hose lamp exhaust clamp.

Unfortunately, they they're out of stock. Imagine that i'll have them tomorrow. This side is pretty much one for one though so i'm gon na go put a couple of cuts in it, so you can get the flare out a little bit and get over it and either weld them up or when the clamp goes on it might shut. It up, i don't know, maybe wrap a pair of chain vice grips around it.

Give her a couple of wraps see how close you can get it to draw up on that side. I think that's going to be about it. I think we can just wrap on them with a hammer close this up and i can buzz them shut with the welder, the top one yeah we'll leave that a breather hole you ready to squint we're going to zap that pipe the rest of the way around. As best i can get the i can get the one 180 on this side, no problem i get as best i can.

I got two clamps coming at the end of it i'll throw a clamp on each end. I say it's good enough. Ninety percent of the way around still gon na throw exhaust clamp on that, like i said when they come in tomorrow, and pretty much did the same on the other side without the splits, and now we get to clean up also all right. So we put her back down on the ground fire it up and she purrs - and you know sometime in the future, we'll be digging for pipe and that one that's hiding i'll come back out of his hibernation.

I see what we get wash is just as loud. The exhaust manifolds are like falling right off of it. Yeah it's still pretty rumbly yeah that ain't coming out of the pipe. I think it's coming out of the front manifolds! Oh! Well! I guess it's better trying to convince myself of that all right, let's go screw with this door for a little bit, so my guess is the inside handle is busted off and locks unlocks.

It works from there, but just not the other side. We're gon na get to pop that thing out of there. Let me get behind that with a screwdriver pop that off that should just slip right in through there and you think you have a bolt or two in it somewhere huh. My guess is the rod just broke right off of it, go check the other side and see if it's got a little uh more movement that feels weird yeah.
We got to go in a couple of hidden screws. You ever get the feeling. Everything that is broken has already been looked at once before that was already pulled apart, so someone's been, of course in there took a peek and said uh i give so we need the door handle, i'm hoping for a rod. That's off of it looks like it wants to try to move it, just just not enough distance.

What's that pulling on the i wanted to get that latching right out of there. Maybe we can get rid of some of that play where it pushes a little bit more on that pivot point compared to the inside handle, which is this one? I need a little bit of poking open because i can't see up in here. There might not even be a connection to it, i'm not sure. Let me get you up there.

Where you can see it looks like you can adjust that yellow see, that's the rod coming down from it and that's pulling where the latch is. But it looks like it's it's threaded like it's adjustable. You might be able to take that you can take it out of there and spin it. A few turns you get to just to pull a little bit more.

It might work, i'm going to try that all right. Let me see we go deal with that racket. The right tool for the right job - pardon me coming in for a little, i think, it'll stay. We clear on the bottom, a little more fudging.

I don't think the bottom is connected. That might be an issue works yeah, it's rotted right now, but as long as you're the head, a lot less annoying attack well, probably wouldn't hurt, that's not happening. I got the door panel locked back together again. Watch it not work good makes it easier.

You don't have to crawl through the passenger side. I lifted it back up in the air, shoot some blue. When that shift like a linkage again and there's your problem, it's missing the studs broke off on the back of the manifold, causing directly looking right. There same thing: on the other side, you see all the black soot coming around it today.

That's the exhaust leaks, we're not screwing with that it's gon na just have to make noise. I guess i think our next best thing. I think we got pretty much everything. Oh that we know of right now kind of knocked out, so we put a new starter in it, the uh.

I think we should shove it outside and let it run - and you can see this - i think the upper one's broken on that one. Let it run come up the temperature see if you have any issues, see if any of the zone over heating issues that kind of thing it's 10 degrees out. So i don't expect it to get that hot. But again we don't know what the cooling system works.

Now that the belts hooked up to the water pump and stuff spinning whether it decides to spit some coolant out, it's been around about a half hour, so attempting to be okay right in the normal range gas. I put some gas in it and hopefully to thin out that crappy gas, that's in there charging system seems like it's. Fine oil pressure seems like it's fine runs like crap.

By Mustie

5 thoughts on “Bought the cheapest bucket truck on the internet, can we save it?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Rich says:

    It's a good Sunday when Mustie posts

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All You Need says:

    Good Morning

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ghogue61 says:

    First like & comment

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tigershadow1 says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian B says:

    1st! BAM! Ladies….

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