my 2004 toyota tundra with 215k miles on it lost its power steering and was making moaning noises, lets swap out the pump and open the old one up to see what happened.

Hey guys how's it going my old, faithful tundra, my beater with 200 and i'd say 215 000 miles on it has uh. Let me down seems okay right, it's running! That's it! If you rub the gas you get some trying to, let it idle. That's all. She's got she has definitely got no power.

Steering i already tried purging the fluid running that through see. If that made any improvement, it did not if anything it got worse. So i got a rebuilt pump. We're gon na go change that pump out and then possibly we'll take the old one we'll take it apart and see just what failed and how it fails.

What goes wrong with them? I've never had one apart, so i figured make for a good video. Let me get her in the garage up on the lift and uh. Let's start wrenching now under the hood. It was i don't know about.

A week ago i started making noise again. I ordered the pump and all and it wasn't leaking it when it first happened. Well, it's another story: i'll tell you that a little bit later uh it started making a lot of noise and we've kind of lost it and drive and you'd hear it. Moaning, like you, heard it, but the power steering was still working got back and looked under.

Did not see anything leaking under the truck at first. I thought it was running out of fluid. It was making that wine not the case. Nothing dripping underneath it.

The reservoir was still full and said: oh well, that's when i purged the fluid out of it and you know possibly see if that would help correct it and uh no go now that i'm looking at it, you can actually see down below down there. It is actually looks like it's whipping. Some fluid out in the back of the pulley is wet too so she's a she's, a goner. Let's get the air intake out of our way, give ourselves a little bit of room to film and to work and dig.

I should make sure the two of them match before we tear that one out right. It looks well the hoses look like they're coming in and out of the right spot anyway looks like it's got three bolts that hold it look very complicated, good uh. Let's get the tensioner backed off, so we can get the belt off of it. A half it's ratchet on.

It looks like that belt's about done to the end of its frayed i'll. Leave that ratchet right on there. I think it's going to be in our way. The hardware, on the other hand, getting to the that just looks like 14 millimeter nuts once we get the fluid out of that reservoir.

As soon as we pull the hoses off, it's all just going to drain out anyway, i don't have anything big enough to block it, so i'm just going to plus. I don't think it's going to hurt getting rid of more more of that fluid. You should really flush the system every time. Color doesn't look too bad, it's not like you get it all.

What i did was i pulled one of the hoses off. I pulled the return hose off the reservoir and added a hose to that to a pail. While it was running, i kept filling the reservoir up with fresh fluid until i saw a color change in the pan of the return hose and the same time, i was turning the rack, the best i could back and forth to try to get any fluid. That was in the rack perched out of it too yeah normal, like the fluid that would came in it would have actually been clear.
Essentially, it's automatic transmission fluid and i think for automatic transmission fluid. They add a color to it, but i think it's the same as power. I think they're the same. They make a part.

You know something called power, steering fluid, essentially a very thin hydraulic oil all right. Hopefully it's going to clear that stud. That sud has a little nipple on the end of it to be able to wrench on i'm hoping the pump have enough clearance. They come out of the way we'll find out uh.

I think the chances are we'll be able to wiggle that out of there. I have a feeling that bolts are made like that that we have to take it out, but let's go find out good just quickly, eyeball that one to the new one make sure she's good and we'll do a schwap look pretty good. The only thing i should have to swap over - i guess is this elbow and just looks like it has one bolt holding it probably an o-ring on there. Everything else looks pretty much the same good, i'm going to run this door real, quick and grab a belt before they close, so that i'm not putting the old one back on.

I'm cursing out the fact that it doesn't have the new seals, but look at the package right because right there's what you need that guy, that guy had a bunch of corrosion on it too. So why does that? One look fatter, so she said so. You didn't miss much put it all back together. It's just a reverse of everything that you saw when you built on it drink up my little friend now i know the pump is empty.

I think it'll fill the return line just with the reservoir. I'm gon na. Pretty much top it off, because you really don't want to the pump to draw air because then it kind of bubbles up, because the air in the system takes it'll burp itself out eventually, but it just takes longer for us to do it. Sometimes it would be a you know, you turn on and turn off a couple of days before to finally get all the whining in the air bubbles out of it.

So we got to finish topping that off, let's go fire it up. Let's make some noise, it's all the way to one lock right back the other side, i'm gon na go fill it up again, okay, but if you had two people, you could even see like the bubbles that are down inside of it. That's what i'm talking about it kind of whips it into a froth, eventually it'll, even if it does do it, you'll get it all out. Take a quick look, make sure we're not leaking out anything a little wet around that banjo, but i think it's okay.

I think it's just from when i put it together, we'll keep an eye on that. Looking at that right there at least they got power, steering not happy about it. Eventually, it'll get quiet, i'm gon na go top it off one more time. I think i'm gon na back it outside and i'll just let it run.
No, that banjo is leaking it's wet around. It should have left the old seal on there, tighten it down a little more. It looks all right sold it three times the level's. Staying up to looks like right about there for now so put that outside and let it run let it circulate it through.

I thought i ran outside for about 10 20 minutes and everything seemed okay, but very slightly get the banjo nut. So when i took it apart, that's the new crush washers. It came with, and here's the original ones, though the new ones, just not the right size. It's too much play around the shoulder of it.

It's having a hard time getting a good seal on it. Without much slop on there back with the old stuff factory, i think we got it. Okay, it was puddling up on the bottom right there there we go. I call that for the win very slight noise, again that'll go away in a little bit good for another 215 000 miles.

All right, will you say we uh do a little autopsy on why it failed. I don't know if we have to take the pulley off or not, hopefully not, i think we're just gon na have the four bolts in the back, we'll buzz them off and we'll see if we can kind of go pop this off, i'm curious to see even How it works, my guess, is, can be like a maybe a single or like two pistons that move up inside and just check valves on each side to move flow around. Let's go find out. Apparently they don't want us in there.

That's not going to stop us. It's got to go bigger. How about half inch? That's got her. Give her some love taps right.

There. Maybe i think, we're in a little rotary setup yeah. You can see a bunch of hamburger right there on the surface. It's all chewed! I don't know what starts it, though it's a sealed system, you know heat, as you can tell like the the fluid got hot.

So do you think they're stuck no one moves. It's got to be a reason why it doesn't build pressure anymore right, the winding. I think the winding is just like again air being trapped in there. It never gets rid of it.

I wonder if they're supposed to be, let's just even get a pair of um, let's see if you can pull one of those out. I don't think the whole assembly is probably right through the shaft right yeah. So anyway, you would get that or flip it over. So when they rebuild it because that's pretty scored too yeah right there, there's a kind of like a metal has been moved and redeposited kind of like a spun bearing so i went.

Let's go grab a like, i said, apparently fine little needle nose, yeah just kind of chewed up, so just i thought possibly they would have spring behind it, but i guess not right over there. It's got play. I bet you. I wonder if that whole shaft has to come.

I think we go that way got a snap ring. I think it's got a little baby snapping in there see if you can get that out of there do more dissecting. This is a course i got to watch out, it'll trash it too bad. I got ta get back together.
Where'd it go there, it is pliers it backwards. Here's where i stab myself in the fingers. I don't think i have enough room. I think it's got to get some clearance.

The shaft's got to go up where the pillow's got to go down so that their snap ring can come out i'll get it. You guys had to pull up on a pair of vice grips and give me some slack to pop the snap ring off. Let's see what we got well, it's hamburger all the way around huh yeah. I wonder if, like we were just saying a little earlier, that when that went and ground itself, i wonder if these guys can't float because the metals kind of pinned over on them like they should float real easy.

But i wonder if that interference like i like. I can't push him up then go the other way. No problem come on down those, no problem, but up in there that's jammed. So i have a feeling.

It probably inhibits the movement of them. I can't grab these. They just spin out with gravity right. This thing's spinning at whatever rpm and these just kind of stick to the wall of that chamber, draw fluid from one port and then deposit it in the other, not sure.

What's what? But that's generally the idea kind of like how the oil pump works. Kind of the same idea right yeah, so i think if we probably took a file i took this apart filed the groove in each one of these, so they would float again and then you know kind of machine or stone this down. I bet you could probably get the work again, not worth it. You know the i think the rebuild pump was 120.

effort. It takes you to go through it, but yeah. You definitely are bound up like that, where you guys should, probably, if you did it and then flipped it over, is it symmetrical looks it that's probably what they do when they rebuild them, but even with this, though, what would you do with that? Like? That's all hammered and what was the original failure that caused it all right. So what was i doing that caused it to do it and again it's old asia caused it, but my wife and i went out to breakfast we're checking out a new restaurant, a different town cruising around.

It had just snowed. You know where i'm going with this and uh she goes over there. She goes look what's that building. Is that a movie theater? Oh yes, it's empty! So i'm going by the windows and tape on the windows.

It's closed. You know it's done. Oh yeah, more parts that are moving in there anyway. What do you do with an empty parking lot? It just snowed progress to go in there and do donuts.

That was about three good donuts in in four-wheel drive and, of course, you're. You know you're pegging it you're wide, open and all of a sudden. She just started screaming me. The funny noise and the steering wheel was getting real hard to move.
So that was that's a brought it on all right. So how would this work separate? So this isn't key to the shaft. This kind of sits. Does this still does a spin seems like it would spin right, can't baby just sits down in there? Yes, it looks like it's keyed, and that was on there.

I mean it just kind of gold itself up, i don't know if, like a does, it start with like a little piece of chip, bricks off and it keeps going around and around and just keeps doing more and more damage. That's why you got to flush it too, because you got to make sure that there's a no none of the old debris in there, because it'll just take out the new pump too. Like i said i did that before we even started. That's why you see all this red fluid in here before it was all like a black burnt smelling thing.

Well, i don't know, is there any more you want to go take apart, this just looks like an o-ring. That's in there seals one side of it off from the other. You know my guess is just going to be a couple of bearings. That's pretty tight, though that's got a lot of drag on it for something that should be your bearing that has 214 thousand.

I think should spin like butter. I wonder if something also kind of cooked in there, if that, maybe even that's what started it for the a while the truck was making like a a high-pitched wine kind of sounded like like tea, the tea kettle going off, but you know not as pronounced. I was tying, i was convinced it was the belt that was going apparently not so maybe the bearing is what was failed. Maybe you got playing it there.

We go said he wouldn't come apart. Yes, i don't think there's any bearing. It looks like there's just a bushing with a vein yeah, so it's just a bushing, no bearings. Well, that's actually a bearing it's kind of like same as like a connecting rod and then what they do like vw engines.

Do this too there's a groove? That's in it that has oil pumped in it and another groove as it spins always wants to push the oil back to the center of the body. A vw is like that's, got no seal on the main pulley, not the flywheel side, with the other. I side that do you scarring on that? Not really so what's your thoughts, what do you think caused the original failure? Don't say donuts that was the that was the end result. That was the the last straw.

Maybe all right guys. I can go throw this back together, put it back in the box and pretend that we were never in. There go get my 65 holes back and uh. Hopefully our truck, which has been running out there.

The whole time hasn't pissed all the fluid out, underneath it and burned up the new one, all right guys with that. I'm gon na go call her. I'm gon na. Thank you for hanging out with me a little bit of ranching a little bit of show-and-tell a little bit of a autopsy or exploratory surgery and we'll do it again sometime i'll return.

It like that, didn't see how it has to go back. I just need to go back like i was never in there other than that. We won't talk about that. I don't know so i had to get a new one.
The front pulley fell off, that's the way it was we'll just install that right about there. Yeah now it's complete.

By Mustie

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