while visiting a friend he told me about some old engines he got while cleaning out his god fathers house. they were there for over 45 years in one spot in unknown condition, lets see if they will come back to life with some TLC.

Hey guys how's it going a friend of mine's shop, i went over and we're bs in for a little while and he says, hey, i got some small engines up in the attic you may be interested in. So we're gon na go up there and go see what he's got all kinds of good stuff. Oh yeah! Some would argue differently that it's not that good like a place for me. So what are they yeah so they're her? They belong to my godfather.

He passed away probably 15 years ago, um. He always called them one lungers this one says elgin on it and i don't know what brand that is. I don't either too neat to. Let them go to the scrap when we clean their house up and you have no idea the last time they ran or no good.

When i was little, maybe in not even my teens, i think we had one running on his bench in his basement. Probably i was probably not even 10 years old, i think - and i don't remember which one it was so like at least 45 years or so for one of them and the other one who knows yeah, but they still turn they've been kept warm and dry. You know they got good compression nice yeah. I think those would make for a good project elgin cycle motor.

So maybe it was for a bicycle. I don't know it because they can't have much displacement to that thing, that the piston, i think, must be about the size of a. If a half dollar elgin makes bicycles, yeah uh. I think we made a bicycle motor.

A lot of it, i know, is uh boat motors, that kind of thing, but i don't think that's a boat owner a weird setup, all right, so we're gon na go, make it make noise, try to if not we'll figure out why they don't awesome. Thank you, sir yeah all right, so we have a choice. Do we play with that one or that one? Let's go take a quick look at each one of them and we'll make a decision. I got ta set up this little roundy round thing.

We can get a better look at it. This might patch the gas tank there. I'm guessing is a muffler two-stroke, tilting carb, don't know what that is in there. Maybe a governor it looks like it might be, it might have went to that everything's frozen the tank.

Just sitting on it, you got one screw holding it. I don't know we think 40s, you might guess, turns nice compression feels pretty good. It's got a name on it. I see something written inside wilco, w-i-c-o wic, electric company, wicko wacko, all right.

Let's go check out the other one yeah that looks lived a little more of a challenge to life some wires off of it. I don't know if it was externally, it might be a kill, switch exhaust output just looks like plumbing would hook up to it. A little hand throttle on it elgin cycle motor, my my guess, a weird pulley system on a huh, maybe bicycle. I don't know what genre it's from but give her a turn.

It's just very sluggish on this one and yeah throw some oil down the piston on that one to get her to move. I know i'm thinking this one huh. I think it's a little bit more interesting, probably a little bit more of a challenge too, and if we fall flat, maybe we'll switch over to uh the other one. Tiny piston see the space between there two fingers, and then you know after the cast is away.
What do you got like? I don't know it's probably the size of a quarter, we're thinking all right. Let's go get the plug out of this. Let's go! Look in the tank, hey yeah! It's not happening nope. What year are you thinking, i'm gon na say like pre-war? That's funky, i bet you that's for no, it's got a hole in it.

Let's say: maybe that's for putting oil, you fill up the tank and fill out. The oil doesn't look too bad, smaller crowded up. So at least the tank was emptied out. I don't know how well it's going to be if we try to bend that back.

Aluminum does not like to uh play well with bending it too many times. It's got some kind of weird thing down in there too. What's that say all right: let's get the plug out of her dump a little bit of oil and spin it over. So you can get it to kind of free up a little bit yeah.

The biggest issue is going to be, it doesn't have spark and if any of the pieces are burned out, you know one big ass plug for such a small motor. Let's pretty soon we close the gap up real real tight on it. Let's give her a couple of that. Is this thing lean there we go so you can get it kind of go more.

Even so, the oil goes all the way around the rings. Let's see if we can kind of, i think it's been 45 or 50 years since it's turned right, it's got a lot of drag, it could be even maybe rust on the magneto see if i get one rotation around things should spin like butter right now. Yeah come on free up for us. I don't think this has a cylinder head.

That comes off, not sure we got before. I take the exhaust off too and take a look in there a lot of times on the exhaust port. You can see the side of the rings and it's real gooey, i'm trying to light down inside. I see oil at the top of the piston.

It's got a lot of drag. Okay could be on the bottom end too. Let's go get those two studs out and see if we can take a peek inside you know, it's got some age to it when the bolts are square, not really not the other one, because people back even then we're sick of pedaling bicycles. That's still just a gas on my part kind of looks like it, though i don't know what the drive system would be and the reason why maybe it doesn't have a a good area for a pull start.

Maybe you were you kind of pedaled along and bumped? You know like let it down on a tire or something, and that would spin the engine to get it started. That's how a lot of those i think, even the modern ones, are too the you know the little china doll. I think they call them motors. They put on bicycles, you don't have a pull start or nothing.

You just you pedal and you either pull a clutch or pop it in here a couple of cobwebs. Let's go, look in the port, can we sit? Can we turn that probably wouldn't hurt just a blast splash, some oil? Let me get you set up, that's what i get spin, that around piston doesn't look too bad. It's just like i'm feeling. Maybe it's even on the bottom end.
Let's go splash some oil in there. It's like gummy feeling you know as it could be just like old oily, it's a two-stroke, so it would have run on oil, so it would have gotten a little varnishy. Let's go see if that coat. Just all of a sudden, it just kind of freed for a second probably wouldn't hurt to do it on the intake side too right, i'm going to work that a little bit and see if we can get it to free up yeah.

I wouldn't think you would have it might. I don't think you would have roller bearings in this something plus. I don't think this was a very expensive engine. You know how much would you spend back and then to put a motor yeah, it's tight so tight.

That is never going to start, i'm going to be able to pull start it all right. It gets its moments of freeness. Though, can we get something into the bottom end where's the intake of the carb right there? Let's go pop that off. Maybe we shoot oil right through the intake and i'll kind of start lubing some stuff up.

Maybe we can put like a spray in there. You think there was no air cleaner at all. Huh, yes, get that a puff of air and blow some of that crap out. First, then, we shoot some oil down it.

How about we go for some, some pb yeah. It's got a throttle. This is the choke. We want that throttle open, so we can get past it.

Be this right. One way it's going to be so full throttle is towards us there. It goes there. She goes, it's all needed yeah.

I wonder if it's on the bottom side - or we just got side of that cylinder wet, let's give it a little more get out there just for good. It's for good measure, all right. Let's get off this rolly thing, it's kind of flipping back and forth. More than i care to we'll put the plugin on top we'll give her a spin see if you're getting spark.

What's the over under i'm going to give it a 20 chance, it has spark yeah. The top of the plug is broke off shoot bill. You stick the wire on it, though. Oh is that stiff helmet get over there? I want the other machines got the same, plug see if you get anything you hold it.

So i would guess it has points, and i would think this is a kill wire. Nothing left on the end of it, but all right we got ta go figure out why we don't have spark so we're gon na have to go dig into the end of the pulley plus. We should probably set something up that we can spin it with. Maybe a drill, i don't know what we got what's uh, we take these three out see what comes off of here.

I don't know if this is even a like. What's this weird drive system here, is this like a clutch like a uh like or a cvt, or something along that like this? Does this slide back and forth on this gap? Little set screws? What are they? It's got. Some kind of. I wonder if that it's a clutch like a like a centrifugal clutch or something yeah, the hardware is going to be into there.
Follow those wires go right, make sure we can yeah. It just goes right behind there and hides we're gon na have to. I see a screw missing too right. There somebody's been here before us all right, get those three screws out see what happens when we start digging.

At least he loosened up. This maybe should be a tell right how much of anything i suspected to see more than that does have a nut in the center of it. This stuff will just pull right off yeah nice, it's a weird pulley, though huh don't get. What does that slip? Is that the clutch right there looks like it's been spinning on something for a while? I wonder if it's missing something because like what was that rubbing against you know just looks kind of weird like.

Why would it have a key, maybe something somebody added something, because why would i have a key on that? There's nothing that it goes to. We have a model number yeah elgin man yeah. Is that an s easem he's a man model 714 number 660.. All right! Let's go get that off is that it's got a castle nut on it, which would be for you would put a cotter pin in it.

I don't see, one could be somebody's been through this. You know who knows like. What's this big looking cut thing in it guys get that out and pop right out of there put a little under pressure on it, give her a whack with a hammer. That's been been hammered before top of it's all.

I like to put that on upside down. Yeah somebody's already punched it with a hammer before. Let me go past that there you go give her. I don't see an area you can get a screwdriver underneath it doesn't even get a puller on it like the safe way out outside.

It is that's too bad. Why is it getting tight again, though, bound up on us uh? Let's go back off: oh maybe the gas tank, just the pressure of the gas installment get rid of this yep gas tanks. Fighting us get that out of our way looks like we got two bolts and a gasoline no metric hardware on this one. It's got some weight to it too.

You would think a bicycle might be fairly heavy, but who knows back then you're, even like your 50 schwinn bike was like 40 pounds right more on that side closer. Let's go see that yeah, that's what was holding it. We got stuff in there. That's good! That looks pretty decent, i don't see any magnets falling off or anything.

Let's get sit up, get a little closer look at that. You wouldn't think that would need a battery to run it would you, i think it would just be like a magneto, not a oh. You know we're not gon na be able to tell, though, because the the flywheel is the cam. That's the camper opening and closing in the points you got ta look through the window there.

I wonder what happened there. Somebody got frustrated trying to get access. I don't want to break any wires out. The condenser feels like it's ready to.
Let go yeah, i don't. I would think this again would still be a kill switch. If it went on a bike, you would run a button up to the handlebars you'd be able to kill it. You know, i don't know if that coil is any good too.

So, let's go clean that surface right there and prop it open. If i put a meter on it too, now that i snapped it a couple of times, it may have already corrected itself, let's go put it on ohms and we should get it zeroed out going across it yeah and you open it. You hope it should go away, might be back feeding through the coil a little bit. That also could be a problem too.

Hmm. Well, let's go here with a points file and then we'll throw that that just break clean one thing points do not like is oil? Definitely looks like uh those points will last you forever look. How much of a tip is on there all right, let's go throw the flywheel back on it. Real quick, we'll check the gap.

Do we have a make sure there's a key in it? We had nothing to turn it with. On the other side, let's go pop that on yeah the magnets get me. Let go one strong magnet. I got ta turn it with the magnets.

Aren't there all right, you didn't see anything. I don't hear it. Oh turn. Oh, i can turn the body in the back.

Okay, here we go, magnus is still in the wrong spot. Let's go with. We want right about they're about there throw the nut back on it. We should be able to spin it with the drill and we'll probably just bypass the plug, we'll put the wire right on it.

Let me go get set up with something: that's not an impact. Actually, we got to spin, it make sure those points are opening and right there right there not much of a gap. I think there's a gap there yeah, i can kind of see through it all right, so we'll put the drill on it. So we get.

Let's give it a shot, tighten that nut up a little wrong, socket very, very tiny. There was like one little tiny, tiny spark, especially that's why somebody put that spark plug really tight, because the spark is very weak. I don't know if you guys can even see it before i spin it up. It's it's getting something but you're not gon na build.

Well, actually, maybe on a bicycle right. If you're on a bike, you're going to get it going fairly good and yep pumping gear, i'm thinking like when you're trying to like wrap a rope around and pull it. You wouldn't have that much uh i got ta go get the clutch on the drill, so it doesn't back the nut off. This is just a uh.

I think they go on a breaker bar. It's just a ratcheting socket. You have the capacity of flipping over. You know fold in reverse, which way it goes so that's just put together with a bunch of different sockets.

So when you spin the engine it cranks one way, but if the engine like just being let off the drill's got kind of a break on, it stops really quick. So this is still moving momentum, so it always spins the nut off or if the engine starts up so now it's got the capacity to ratchet forward, see what i mean. Don't do anything. Let's go uh.
Let that spin for a little bit then we'll put the plug on make sure we got something maybe jumping across this plug. You know, probably wouldn't hurt you. Let's go open those points up a little bit that didn't look like much of a window. I'm gon na set them up about 16th hour.

So maybe that's the issue yeah. My guess is we crack that screw loose right there and you probably can tweak the whole plate and i'm gon na be able to do this one-handed. Hopefully, you don't have to move that post in and out. You know all right, i'm gon na have to put you down.

You're gon na have to take my word for it yeah. I think, if anything, it's too far, the other way now, i'm probably at like 30 thousand, it's about the same, go pop that plug in there. Let's see if that helps us see if we get anything across the plug, you know now you guys probably aren't seeing anything for light. This works, i was going to light off.

You see it yeah. We got something we'll pop the lights off real, quick i'll show. You we'll leave it at that. We have issues with it running later.

Well, i'll close those points up a little bit. They seemed a little too tight, though especially for old stuff yeah, see if that's a little better kind of kind of intermittent, though it's not like. It's a constant, but who knows, let's condensers have a a tendency. You know they fail over age, just the way that they're made they're kind of rolled up between like paper and a foil, and over time that that fails, so the capacitor condenser capacitor may be shot.

Let's go dribble a little bit of fuel in it, see what we get you're gon na switch us over to the workbench and we'll clamp it down a little bit better. It's really kind of flopping around. Maybe i can grab this in the vise or something to hold it. You know, we've got the crap out of the way.

Now we can see what it's doing so. This would have rubbed against the tire, my guess, because that's tied right to the flywheel and it probably the engine just may be rocked onto a tire, my guess or it had a belt like a leather belt that drove it. You can see the concaveness to it got a bit of a one of those. What's that.

Why would that would that have been to? There doesn't make any sense, because you wouldn't have any spark, let's well we'll see, maybe that just ripped out of there. It doesn't make sense, though maybe that was the other end of like a wire. So you had two wires coming off and up to a kill, switch all right, see we get a little premix a little too much pre-mix, i believe the throttle's wide open and the choke is wide open. Let's get that to not break the end of the spark plug off, damn it there we go, i think we'll go.
The spark's got me a little, and there goes my drill hold on call that a teaser. I see nothing in case it's our canal. Try grounding that wire see if it does anything, i wouldn't think so, because why would you have it external, though you know, unless you open it to shut it off? I've never seen that before, let's go, give her little shot down the throat. Try grounding it one more time i mean it's puffing smoke, but nothing.

I think we found out why it might have been put away we'll give her a little while it's coming hold that sign a life. Give me another one yeah. I think we just have too weak a spark for it to do what it needs to do. It's kind of like a hit and miss engine.

Isn't it let's go play with it just a little more. I don't know if you can see the smoke that pops out so come on so all right time for that it ain't gon na run the way it is that's for sure. No, that spark is just too intermittent uh. I'm gon na go, try finding and see if i have another fat plug for it.

One that's got an end on it. We could actually thread two and then maybe we'll try it one more time then uh. I think we have to go. Maybe we'll chase a condenser went shopping.

That's what it's supposed to look like a little threaded top on it! Let's go! Throw that on there real quick and give her a spin and see if we get any kind of improvement. You're waiting for me to zap myself! Aren't you yeah that one sparks all the time even at slow speed, i'm not sure it's showing up all right. Let's go back you up here. Don't you get hurt, think it'll do it.

I still think an easy condenser, but let's see i don't want to lose it out of there hold on. Let's go clamp that down get a better bite on it. Nice see. If we can bottle feed it, keep it going more than enough yeah lost something that was more than enough gas.

That should have went what, if it's uh zapping out hold up, we could have uh no crank. Seals too, would be the other thing on the bottom end. Let's give her another one of them see if it repeats try to zero in on its issues. You know we lost it, see if spark went away on us, it's kind of you guys can see it.

It's arcing, but it's not arc into the electrode. Maybe the leg is just fouled. Let's see if you can see it he's good again now now i may just flooded it if it goes this time we'll dig into that carb, if not throw a condenser in it. Let's open a full throttle, get some air in it.

So all right, i think it might have a crank seal problem. The reason why i say that is it's getting wet, i'm seeing fuel right down inside here. So on a two-stroke, it uses the bottom half of the engine for the charge, uh pretty sure that just even this old one will still be the same way. It kind of comes in under the piston piston goes down, the crankcase has a fuel oil mix and then that when the piston goes down, the charge goes around to the top and it goes back up and squeezes as it's going back up.
It's drawing fuel back into the bottom for the next charge to come around so uh. If you get a crankcase leak, if you get a leak anywhere from this side or that side of the crank, the it's not doing the pump from top to bottom, like it should there's a joke, there sure that wire's not helping us, neither maybe we should probably Throw something on that anyway: let's keep moving forward, see we get let's go see. What's in that float ball condition. It was in it's been at least 45 years.

I would think that the fuel that was in there is not like modern fuel damage that it does, but you never know. Am i going to be able to get that last one yeah, that's in a way, not now it's not. I would think it probably has a cork float being from 30s: let's not lose any of them. A little love tap dust came out, it was a bedside and that's a brass float looks kind of dented up, though, like somebody's been feels ted heavy, too clean.

It's clean inside, that's not bad at all, just a piece of crap. You know: let's go pop that float off. It was soaking in something make sure that is not a sinker and we'll see. If that and you don't see it seems like it's moving.

Okay, go pop that out make sure that that floats just kind of questioning the the dintiness that's in the top of it. Let's see what we get sinks right to the bottom. I can let that sit in there for a minute and we'll check it, because it should float for being empty for that long. But if it's going to take on any fluid it'll, do it in a minute.

So let that uh stay in your memory is where it was sticking come back and check it. Sometimes you could uh pressure test the bottom of it. I don't see if really having any access into that. It also feels like it's a little more bindy again than it was before.

Oh plug still on it. That would do it even with that, though, it still kind of feels like it's a little more i'm gon na. Let it be, let's think, about putting some more oil down inside it problem with that. Is you also kind of foul the plug out when you do i shot some oil down in here because you've got the engine, then you get the spacer and then there's got to be a bearing or a bushing supporting this side of it.

So i threw a little bit of oil down in there. What, if it's got like a little oil port or something that you something has to be able to lubricate that did they not care yeah. I definitely think this is what drove the tire right in the middle, and it's got a pivot point right here and that probably had a lever or something maybe went down the front wheel. I would guess it would be on the front wheel and there's a there's.

A single spot underneath - and it's probably just all, that's missing, because you know it was made up on this piece of wood right here, and this is none of this looks like what would have came with it. You know they just kind of set it up. Maybe it was running something else: they ran a washing machine or something back then was real common. You had on your porch, where you, you would have a gas-powered motor that would run a washing machine they're, very small.
They were like half a horsepower. If that my my guess is, this is the same thing, and maybe possibly that's what they used it for instead of uh on a bicycle, you know the hunk of wood looks like it's from that era. Check out that needle real quick, i'm going to blow in through here and then kind of put my finger over and see if it's a working valve, take it right out of there seems pretty good casket looks okay, see we got for adjustments on it. It looks like just this one, which is going to be a pinch point.

It's going to be a needle that shuts off a port, so it'll probably be a jet of some sort in the bowl going this way, and then this needle pinches it off. This is a vacuum as air gets sucked through here it's a like an hourglass look to it and right after the hourglass right after it makes the bend and starts getting larger again, there'll be a little hole and there's there's vacuum created there and that's what draws The fuel in well, where the fuel gets drawn in you, can adjust the mix by uh pinching off how much goes through there and then, when it's cold, just close the choke chokes sprinkle spring spring loaded to the throttle. I guess i guess it was on the front handlebars. You would just work reach over and give her and not give her essentially probably just run full throttle.

Maybe when you bumped it off the wheel, you would just go the other way and go to an idle and you would lit you would lift it up off the tire go check on our float looks about the same right. Let's go put all that back together and uh. Put some fuel on the float ball, give her a spin and see if it'll take off yeah. We got it open.

Muzzleloaders fill her up some. I would say that's more than enough as long as it's above that port right there, that's, where it's going to draw in screw that back down so other than putting fuel, that's really all we did. I haven't put that yet done anything with that mixture, which i'm not gon na, give you i'm not even giving a choke just see what we get. I'm gon na give her some choke.

They had to hold it all right. That's a good sign. Excuse which way is throttle. I think that was full throttle right, a little bit more throttle and i'll work, the choke to try to maintain, probably gon na run out of gas in a second, too uh we're gon na be just about out of gas.

I think we're getting close: let's go hook up a fuel supply that we can hang so that the carb stays full and we'll try it again. I think i'm afraid that that wire is going to break the rest of it right there. So i got a piece of shrink tube: let's go through that over there and see if we can melt that down, give it a little moral support, also keep it if it's going to arc across there that'll help stop that too. I tried this thing both ways and no matter what it seems like it wants to leak right around there.
I had that in it on there did the same thing, so it must be up in this fitting. I don't there's a crack in it or what and let's go check the stash for something that mimics those threads. I don't know if we don't know if we need an elbow. Is that the same as that's the next one up? Isn't it yeah? What's that doesn't look like the right thread? Does it keep hunting see anything? Now? It's like it's all, copper! So that's yeah! That's not gon na.

Do us let's be on this floor, that might be it yeah. We got a fuel supply going to it. I got it like 24 to 1 mix. I would figure this old stuff is probably fairly on the rich side.

Uh, that's full throttle it's off. Let's go a little bit of throttle. You know what we should do it had that little plate on it. That thing on the carb, let's go: throw that on the face of the carb real, quick and uh it'll kind of give it a little bit of a baffle.

Let's go take care of that that'll, actually kind of change. The mix a little bit too a little bit of drag on the air, cleaner, kill, wires. Out of the way see we get, here's the choke seems like it needs all the choke to stay running. Let me give you a little bit more throttle and uh.

We may open up the air fuel mix kind of leave it where it was just in case, that's probably where it was running normal more throttle. We lost it not quite sure why we lost something see if it's flooded, it's bone dry. I bet you, the carb is out of gas. I bet you nothing went down into the carb, i don't know if it's got a little, it doesn't have a little drain on it.

I want to see if i had a drain to go see if we had any fuel going in it. I am going to go pinch off the fuel supply and unscrew the top of the car, we'll open it up and we'll see if there's anything in it, one screw left. My guess is it's empty, but see now. Yeah should have rained on that.

I wonder if we kicked up a bunch of that's not dirt on the bottom: let's go, pull that mean jet out of it. I'll make sure that passage is clear. Just seems like it ran out of fuel. Yeah sparkly died on us too.

I don't know, but let's go take the needle out, i would think, should we take it out with piss fuel out of it, but we'll see, and there was that much gas in there. I'm gon na go take an air gun and blow that passage through wipe up this gas. I just spilled so we're gon na make a little proof. I blew air through it, but it didn't, and then you know i put my finger over where it goes into the ball.

You feel like i could blow all the air through down through the up through down through there's a main jet in there. You can see it, so you can get that out of there. That might be clogged not tight. I could tell you that, let's see what that looks like not supposed to be down further or no like that, i'm gon na go.
Take a second make sure that all that is clear and uh put it back together. Try it again! So for those who don't know, this will make a little bit more sense while the parts are out, so this needle will choke off that port right there. The more you run it in the more you choke off how much fuel could get drawn up through this jet, and then this enters that that hourglass i was talking about and at the tip of this there's vacuum. So it's trying to suck fuel up through here and we are restricting the fuel through there and between here and here, is where the float ball dumps the gas in to this area right here.

So that's the whole setup just so it possibly makes a little bit more sense to you, and that would be nothing. It's all totally closed off and usually you know most stuff is about two turns out well back together. Let's do a quick spark check, make sure. That's still doing what it should be doing.

It's, okay, it's not great still kind of suspect on that too. Um two turns out on the air fuel mix. Let's go see how that wants to work for us. Try it again and i think we don't get anything now i may try to go in with a condenser and that doesn't work.

I think, probably we're going to deal with crank seals on the bottom end. Let's pack yep drink my little friend, okay, throttle we'll leave it in the middle somewhere. No, no choke that plug was dry too. Wasn't it yeah it was.

You see how she wants to live. I think that float might be overflowing, though it's now getting wet. On top he's a runner yeah, all this started getting wet. Maybe that's loose go set up again.

Leave it rev up a little bit i'll. Try adjusting that air fuel mix. I think the throttle rate isn't much response that died without me doing anything though. Oh well there's a problem.

Oh, it was a great idea to put this up on the bench shaking everything off of it, i'm going to back off the idle speed, so we get to run a little slower again. If i went down the bike, you really don't even care, it's definitely pushing some uh fuel out around that float bowl, though they try snugging them up a little more. The top of that top of that might be warped, just not sealing then when it shakes yeah, they're all tight. So, let's um give me a minute: i'm gon na clean some crap off the bench and we'll we'll fire it up again, maybe put that little muffler piece on too maybe it'll help it sound.

There see we're getting kind of different from the sound give her some throttle back. Give me some more fuel. I want to take a throttle. So do it's a common problem up here? Let's go see if we can bit of a getting there.

We see if we dial it in, it's probably set to run at one speed. I wonder if you're, actually, when you ride the bike too you're just kind of reaching underneath and tweaking the air fuel mix. I wouldn't think so, but you never know so i think it's dumping so much fuel out. It's kind of messing it up a little bit.
Let me shut the gas off all together. Yeah, it's pretty hot. The other part too is you'd, be moving. You know it had some airflow going across it.

It doesn't have that right now, a little fan or something on it. I'm gon na let her cool down a little bit uh yeah. It keeps i'm not sure where the gas is coming from. It looks like it may be right at that that split of the carb right there and the gas is just not sealing it enough, maybe that it kind of has a square part to it and then on the top.

It has like a loop where it goes around where there's no screw or nothing right in this area to hold that part of the bowl down right there. I think that's where it's leaking, let it cool down a little bit. Maybe we'll uh try her one more time. Let's go see how she feels definitely a lot freer than it was.

It might be a little rich on the oil too, but i'd rather that than the other way any other part too is. We could also have issues with seals on the bottom of the crank that are just kind of making a play. Well, i tried revving it up and like it would be okay, it would be okay, like towards the idle area. I tweak in the air fuel mix, where i kind of heard it sound the best and as soon as i would try to rev the gas up, it would just break up and i try adjusting it again and then i lose it so not quite sure.

What's happening all right, one last yahoo see we get how about some jokes, half one one and a half two dad it's coming right out of the center of a breather in the middle right there, it's probably some kind of breather, hole or cup or something not Quite sure what that would be, but let me show that, because here's the problem it's going to overheat, it's again it's sitting still there it seems like it's decent. Ah, possibly the crank seals are off a little bit too is is my next guess. I do think we're leaking right there. Judging by the the moisture, that's right there, that would be the again the get the gas from the crankcase coming out from the side of it and leaking and kind of an indication of a seal.

So it'll be real hard to kind of dial in, like that, all right guys, that's the fun with playing around for something that's what is it 70, probably 75 years old, something like that was pretty cool, maybe older than that i got ta do my math 30s. So 70, 80, 90 years old, yeah around 90 years old 70., if it's a say, call it 1930., so 30 to 2, 000, 70 years and another 22 on top of that so yeah. That would be if it was the 32, it would be 90 years old. The technology of 90 years ago still firing up and and coming back to life, i don't know how smooth it was ever ran to begin with.
I'm sure some of you guys are probably more knowledgeable about these than i am, but that's what i got. I don't know how would it you know the idea was. I still think this is what drove the tire? I don't know what that where's, that other crap that was there all this stuff that we took off. My guess like.

Why would you have a pulley like that? That's no! Somebody added that on that's a later style, i think so, that's probably what it was. They probably set it up to run like a washing machine or something or some kind of external like water pump, or you know, okay, especially with the the two of them yeah. That's not normal right, a little chattering, that's going on there that looks homemade yeah. Maybe that was like a leather belt or just a spacer: maybe they just used it as a spacer hard to say, plus it was with that other engine that has kind of that same setup on it for a pulley.

So maybe it was used for the same setup again washing machine or whatever it would have been used for a little sawmill that'd be wouldn't be enough power for our sawmill. Maybe we'll have some fun with this one. Let me know if you want to see this one fire up. This looks more familiar.

I think we screwed around with one of these once before or one that's close to it as far as style. I just need to remember this cone on the end of the the motor, but for this one guys i got ta go clean up. I got some errands to run. I think this is.

This was just kind of uh off the cuff. I was over visiting a friend's house and wanted to thank sammy for mentioning what he had upstairs and letting us kind of go and have a little bit of fun with them and uh. Maybe we'll go scroll with the other one pretty soon, but for this one i think we're done thanks guys for hanging out and we'll do it again sometime soon till then later all right, one more time. So that's where i like it yeah just had to go.

Make it a little bit leaner and she took right off and she's cooking, see ya, hey case everybody wants an update on the mini truck. It's doing great uh smoke's, probably pretty good what it's called once it warms up. It goes away a little bit between when you shift gears. You see a puff come out of it.

This is the one that had the blown head, gasket the cooling system, the oil system was full of cooling and i didn't we didn't get much of a hope of running at all. It's actually doing pretty good put seats in it permanently made some platforms for them. There's a clip in the front, you just clip that and it's locking the tongue to the back, the whole seat will come out on both of them. So you have access to the engine and it's much quieter when you're riding it around rather than load the blown muffler.

But the fact that it's not open to the engine compartment anymore has made it much better to uh tool around we'll see how it holds up. It blows up blows up if it doesn't, then uh i'll keep tooling around with it. If it does blow up we'll find some other motor to put in it.

By Mustie

5 thoughts on “Sitting at least 45 years in a barn, pre war elgin cycle engine.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CDUBBS says:

    Good Sunday Morning and ty Mustie

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Grabowski says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Hello mate ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Grabowski says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atariforever2002 says:


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