My 1959 vw type 2 tuck went to larz Anderson Auto Museum last year and has sat the whole time, now its time to bring it back home and do some repairs. lets say it was a good thing we did not try and start it while it was in the building.

Hey guys how's it going. The time has come to pick up my vw truck that has been hiding in there for a year. It's the lars anderson, auto museum time for a new display time. For me to get my toy bag, i'm not gon na fire.

It up or anything i think, we're just gon na go put it on the trailer and we'll bring it back to the shop and give her a once through, because i did not do that when i brought it here. So i want to do fuel lines and stuff before i try burning down a museum so to speak, so go get around the track, bring her home she's. Looking good. I think the registration expired.

It's fine keys are in it. Give you a little spin of where she was parked again ready to flip over and do another exhibition. You can see a lot of the stuff's already been removed. All the small stuff.

These vehicles have been gone. This thing's cool, huh yeah. Well, you got ta help me man. I need that kind of therapy.

Never a bad day is anything on the wheels or anything. Besides that one nothing yeah. Does it want to yeah good right there, 30 inches. I got a set of them too.

They're awesome, i mean i've done things by myself that you know you want to sneak back yeah um. Let's go back to the wood, just a little bit push it try to get it and yeah it'll give us more room to leave out like cut it. You're golden on this side: are you okay? I think we should probably just take the dollies, maybe and kick the essence just straighten it out. I can't believe how simple this thing is not to mention brian.

I think i latched that gate just hop inside there. You go do that yeah hop inside bruh, okay, let's go! You go for first drive yep. What's that miraculous see the mirror yeah, you got three inches on this side. It's like giving birth yep.

It is freedom, oh! So so so i love that trailer. Oh that's! Great, i think krusty left a little bit of dna behind though i have to change it. Well, i just got to add to it. I think it changed itself on the floor.

Well, it's glad to see it back home, but it's going to need some love. It really kind of needed to be serviced when they dropped it off and i'm sure another year didn't help it any i've enjoyed turning the key or doing anything. So, let's go see we get. Unfortunately, it was in a climate controlled.

You got power and batteries and somewhat decent. I thought it was gon na be stone dead. All right, i'm gon na go push her up on there. We're gon na go through it make sure that uh she even has oil on it, because it left a big puddle where she was parked.

So let's uh without further ado start doing some wrenching. So where do you think i was going to push it? Let's go see if we got anything left for fluid, it's actually to the full mark, but there was a lake of oil underneath it. Oh, hopefully it was oil yeah. I guess, let's go quickly, put the lift off the restaurant.

Take a peek underneath and see. What's leaking, where that's going to see what we got and definitely looks like it's leaking from a little bit of everywhere, the uh. These are push rod tubes and they are replacements that you put in later. They always have a tendency to leak.
You actually see it dripping physically from that one. At some point you take the motor apart and you take the cylinder heads off. You can replace those two with something a little bit better. This was a motor that came out of the nuts backed off of that one back there that came out of a beetle that was sitting, and this had a 36 horse in which been would have been a factory engine or in fact correct for the year.

But they're very underpowered, so this is uh just a 1600 dual port that you find like in like a 71 72 beetle. Something like that looks like trains is all wet too yeah. If you own a volkswagen, you don't expect them to stay dry, but a little bit of everywhere, i'm going to say uh. Possibly the valve cover gaskets on that side too, but it looks like just all the pushrod tubes are leaking and it looks like the strainer is very wet too there's an aftermarket strainer on there too.

There's an oil filter like cartridge kind of thing. In there it looks pretty good this thing. For those who don't know, this thing was rescued from a junkyard in vermont and it was trashed. There was no floors, these are all new floors and then the upper level is all new to the decking, and then i tried to save the outer skin best as possible.

When i got it, it was all covered up with a red oxide primer, and you really couldn't see the writing. You knew there's some kind of writing underneath it, but you couldn't read it and i used goof off and scotch brite looks like the axle seals are leaking too dripping down. That's gear oil. That's not um! Yeah, oh yeah! There! It is right there there's your major leak, there's peeing all over the tire and that side too it may dry up when it runs a little bit.

We'll see definitely check the fluid at trends, though anyways telling the story about the writing. You couldn't see any of the writing that was on it. None of that showed up. It was all covered up with a red oxide primer.

You can still see the red oxide like that right there. Well, the whole thing was covered up, so i use goof off and scotch brite and that's what was underneath it and, as i was working on, i do a door. Do a gate see what it said and a little bit of labor of love who knew what would have ended up in the museum? The only thing that was attached was the driver's door. Everything else was rotted off completely all right.

Let's get uh try to adjust the valves while it's cold and we need to get into there, so i'm gon na lower down a little bit and uh. I don't know if we'll pop the tires off or not for viewing pleasure it's up to adjust the valve. You got to have it on the compression stroke top dead center on the compression stroke, and i use just looking at the rotor and the plug wire. So this is number one plug wire on.
The vw is either here or here, and what you do is take the face of the rotor and have it face that direction. So i'm just gon na throw a wrench on it and we'll crank her over there. You go we're all set to go. Do that one so we're gon na do number one cylinder we'll come back, we're just gon na rotate it each time um 25 to the next one and go all the way around adjust each valve.

This isn't a normal setup. These are ratio rockers, and they are give you a little bit more performance a little bit more lift on it. Also, both of those are tight. Uh you want kind of between four and six thou.

This is a 5000 kilo gauge. I think volkswagen had it where it was four, but people weren't adjusting them, so they bumped it up to six made them a little bit more noisy. We got to get us all in there hold on yeah these. These are not metric, it's an aftermarket stuff, but normally you would have metric stuff.

I'm gon na be dub. Oh this one, all right. Where are we so i'm just gon na go dial them in. So i get a little bit of drag on them.

Unlock the jam nut and the biggest problem is with them. That does the damage. Is they get tight over time and when that happens, you're using the wrong wrench? When that happens, it'll burn a valve like it's hot, the gas kind of slipping by and it'll burn. The exhaust valve or just start running, like crap you'll, start losing compression on it too.

But what happens is the damage will get done from the gas is escaping around it? So i'm gon na run around there's, not enough room for all of us up in here. You get the idea, it's making me look clumsy i'll, bring you back when they're done, that's a little overdue. What's the saying release the shmup yeah, it definitely was time to have that done. Normally in the middle there's just a screen, you would clean out this.

One has kind of a filter that is reusable, it's a probably stainless, i'm not sure pretty fine web in between let's go see what we got for any sparklies in there and then it's got the oil filter too. So it's actually got a really good filtration system compared to what volkswagen would use, looks pretty good, i'm going to rinse all that stuff out put new gaskets on it and we'll pop that back in there. So it's got what's called a oil bath air cleaner, it doesn't have a paper filament. What it uses is oil and like a screen so regular volkswagen takes 2.7 quarts of oil and the last 0.3 goes in the air cleaner.

You essentially fill it up to that red line, so it would be three quarts that a bug uses, but not all of it's inside the engine there. It is something like that and then there's a center post. That's hanging inside the bus that this hangs off of in these four clips go and grab that that hummy here is the battery charger. So big bw's biggest issue, is they catch fire? The fuel line, which is this piece right here and from the factory the fuel line, is kind of like chinese fingers.
It doesn't use hose clamps. It actually pulls tighter as it comes apart, so see what just happened right there. The barb fell out generally. That is the cause of a lot of the fires.

Most people say is the fuel filter, ruptures and all that uh. What i found is that when the fuel line does not have fuel in it, so if a vehicle sits for a while and there's no fuel in it, these lines rot internally from the new fuel, the ethanol that is in the fuel and then it'll just still Leak right through the the pores of the side of it that and the other thing that happens is the plugs come out of generally, it's not the fuel pump it'll, be this one on the back of the carburetor right here. That does it. So you definitely want to make sure that they are in there good and, like you can see, that's an issue right there, the other one that's coming to it.

This is a piece of marine fuel line. I'm gon na leave this one alone. Right now, it seems. Okay, the next time i would pull the motor or do a clutch or something - and i need to remove this - i will change it uh, it's a little on the stiff side, but it's not going to leak.

The marine stuff is pretty good use it. For here too, but uh, that's how it works and as far as like, if you want to use regular fuel line, it doesn't have the. I don't know if you can see it the barbs that are on the outside of it. It's like a cloth.

That's uh woven around it uh the the problem with hose clamps. You want to throw hose clamps on it, the especially like the fuel filters. If you look at the plastic, it's not a taper like that. So if you put a clamp on it, it tries to actually kind of squeeze the end of it right off.

I don't know if that shows up for you or not, there's no real pressure there like two psi. If that there's not again not much to go deal with, i'm gon na go replace all that. I'm gon na go take this i'm going to sand this surface and scuff it up and tap it in. I'm probably gon na throw some loctite on there too and uh make sure it doesn't happen, because that's that's where the issue is again.

Usually it's the top one that pops out and it pisses fuel all over the top of the hot engine and on top of your distributor, some people take the fuel filter and relocate it to a different area uh. I have never really had an issue really i've. Never seen a fuel filter, rupture people are going to argue it, but anyway that's my opinion. It seems like my guess, is the when the air is able to get to it, but if it has fuel in it, it usually stays pretty good.

That's why the this fuel line doesn't crap out in the one underneath, and i mean they all eventually crap out, but this is the one that'll get you like. Essentially, every year you kind of want to change it if it sits, for you know, five or six months, because the top of the carburetor is open. So what happens? Is the fuel evaporates out of the carburetor and then the float drops and it allows the fuel to disappear? That's inside here and but there's you know, there's still fumes and remnants and that's what kind of deteriorates the line? That's where we're going with it. I haven't checked the points if it doesn't run, then we'll do something about it.
I know it looks funny. Doesn't it having that right there tuck that in a little bit more we're a tad long, all right battery charge has been on. I don't know about 15 minutes, or so is that humming that you're hearing i will we back you up and we'll see if the thing fires off it'll take a little bit for this stuff to fill up with fuel, i'm gon na feed your eyes on it. Should be able to see the fuel start getting into the bowl, then you'll about 30 seconds.

After that it should go. You get so anything. Yet. I have no idea how much gas is in this.

Oh yeah, it's full should go in a second. If it's got spark wow confident you know weeks sounds good burping out a little bit of air like the base of the either the fuel pump or the distributor leaks a little bit oil too a lot of times just oil pressure switch goes. It helps like crazy. That sounds good.

Like a kitten tell me yeah, i wonder if we are out of gas that maybe that'd be wild bubbling, because i know i didn't put it. I put it away with not much fuel in it. That may be exactly the case. I think i got to put some fuel in it.

They didn't want to store it there with a lot in it. Well back, then you didn't have a gas gauge, so i made a gas gauge and pretty much just a dip. Stick we run that to right there that should tell us what we got. We got a half inch in the bottom of the tank and uh the the probe kind of sticks up a little bit.

So that's a bit. It's just out of gas, see if she'll stay running this time could take another couple seconds worth so i think we're gon na pop the air cleaner, back, put it in its place and uh, throw some air in the tires make sure that they're all decent. So we let her back on the ground. We go for a putt.

That's why i didn't want to start it up in the museum. We have a fuel leak. You look at the that's the accelerator pump in the back. If you watch that you actually see it leaking gas right out of the right out of the center, where that post is a better light that looks like the whole thing's actually loose too, let's go shut that down.

Let's see if i'll do it with it, let's see if it'll do with it, not running yeah, not supposed to be doing that. So when i was hitting the gas i could hear it, it wasn't running right, it would fall on its face and go and that's the accelerator pump supposed to squirt a little bit of fuel in it real, quick to help, accelerate and get out of the hole There get rid of that flat spot we're gon na go pop that away. I don't know if the screws are just loose on it or if it's warped or the gasket's blown out of it not sure, so we can take it apart anyway, we'll just go. Let's just go see if it's loose or if it's just egged out no they're tight, that one was sometimes what happens is the the casing of it too warps common yeah, it's a 50 year old piece of aluminum magnesium, aluminum, not sure on this, but over time The only points that touch are where the screws are and it gets like an arc in between, so you got ta kind of take them and flatten them out on a like a stone or something flatten it so that they touch all over again.
This one's got a hole right in it, though, because it was, i was pushing, there's no sp not supposed to be gas on the other side of that diaphragm. It's only supposed to be on one side. The side is towards the carburetor, so there's the diaphragm. It's not supposed to shoot fuel out of that side.

Yeah, it's pretty brittle, there's a hole. I think right now, you guys can see it right there. It's like a crack and a hole in it. It's a good thing.

I stock parts go get a kit and somewhere in this dash is a carb kit. Carb kits there we go that'll, do okay, get that piece to lay flat, so a stone a little bit of oil, and it should show like wear marks after i go and scuff it you'll see that it kind of just will touch on the corners, see how It's just shiny on the corners, so i'm going to work that so i get a shiny line going all the way across then i'll. All know that i have a flat surface again: normally you could rotate it, but the linkages get me shouldn't. Take much almost there.

A little right there and a little right there still needs to be done. You see the difference between here's, the one that we took out. Here's the one that's going in uh. They may have changed the material.

Finally, i know the problem is that they're they're sensitive to fuel the other one, just kind of like pops in this location. It seems this seems to be a different material. So maybe, finally, they got caught up in and started making something that holds up the ethanol, because this is the number one death of uh vw's as far as having a big flat spot when the driving you're going to get on the gas. And this falls on its face unless you work the pedal real slow, but if you try flooring, it just goes: that's that gets no squirt a little extra squirt when you're stepping on it.

Hence the name accelerator pump. I'm gon na put that back together, we'll throw it back on the car casey curious. You can see that it's shiny all the way around figure. What we had it out.

You must pop the top off. If there's any dirt be a good time to rinse it out, if it's really terrible, we'll go through it, but i don't think it is. Let's just see what we got. It's pretty clean, i'm just going to go rinse that real quick.

I see a little bit of crap, not much wherever that is right there and just a little a little bit of junk, i sure will show the accelerated pump working go, dump a little bit of fuel in there. It's got to get there's a set of check. Balls on the side, you can get the fuel higher than that and we're gon na go hit the gas a little bit. It's gon na take a probably a second to prime there.
It goes and you'll look right. There you'll see it. You little pistains working, fine uh. Sometimes you won't get any right from the like you'll get a flat spot right there, but this one seems pretty good.

Sometimes you get a flat spot, you can adjust the linkage for it to come in a little bit earlier. Everything seems like it's good and i do not see any leaking around there like you're milking a cow all right now, i'll put the gap back together, put it on the car. How about now so eyeball it one more time you hear it now the throttle response. It's immediate: it's a lot of wind all right, it's about a week or so later, and we're gon na go on a little bit of a road trip, so this will be a cold start.

It's in that probably about 10 days got ta fix. That light doesn't want to go and we're off jokes along 39 degrees that warm up so who's that handsome crew. Look at all these folks, uh good, okay, um, two so um, so so so so so so so so so so hit me green generally. We take over a hill on the left over here.

The regular park is straight ahead, but we take over this little area. Yeah third year's a little too slow do because it breaks down. I think he could have a third vw, how you doing hi - hmm, i like the colors this. Oh oh yeah, it is it's pretty tight in here we came in.

We were just like which way they went that way, camera dad or any of them hot rods. That's how to do it? Oh you found my crew. That's my posse where's, your sled right. They would love that.

Actually they love this one. Okay, oh uh is, is you come home with me, so you do it? He might he smells the food. I think. Did you kiss one yeah if anything happens, give me a ring all right, uh you got here so so so so so time so so, and on the side of the road is a lawnmower that says: free, won't start.

What do you say we throw that in the truck i'm gon na bring it back to the operating table, see what it needs. It's a pretty nice machine about 10 years old. Maybe overhead valve put it in there anything that sucks no way tie down straps in the truck. It's all cleaned out.

Let's try to wedge it in there best as possible. How about we jam a stick under perfect keeper under 100? Well guys it made the trip. No problem and have any issues with it. I don't think it's dripping.

Any fluid underneath looks really dry. That's a good sign, i'm glad to have it back. I didn't want to talk too much during the cruising part of the video, because i just wanted to try to put forth the feeling of what it's like to drop a 63 year old vehicle with no radio just going putting around. So that's what i did got a little extra in the back on the way home, so that's a good uh, plus to finish off of the day and speaking of finishing off.
I think we're good on this one guys i want to thank you all for hanging out with me have a little bit of fun, bringing krusty back from the museum and then kind of going through her and taking her for a ride first time in about. I don't know 13 months 14 months so with that i'm gon na see you all soon, probably screwing. With that thing: okay.

By Mustie

3 thoughts on “Will it run? my vw truck returns from museum life.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CDUBBS says:

    Good Morning and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the moms out there

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Afternoon mate 👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Ulicky says:


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