this is the 2nd part on this very rough machine. I picked up this Batmobile amusement park ride at a swap meet in NewHampshire . the back story was it had been in a park from Coney island in the late 60s to the mid 70s, then sat outside behind a garage/barn ever since, lets see what happened to it. and can it be saved?

Hey guys how's it going about oh about a year year and a half ago i was at the epping flea market car show, and this was there. I had footage of me going and getting it out of the gentleman's truck into the back of my truck can't find that footage if i find it i'll put it on the end of the video. But what did you just go lift up on it? I don't think it's all that much holding it. I think we're gon na hurt it.

I think we dialed in a little bit - hey guys how's it going hey we're going to continue on this batman, go-kart from an amusement park in coney island uh, late 60s. Early 70s is my guess: it sat out behind someone's garage for about 40 years. The last video we went through it got took the body off got an assessment. Uh went through the engine, got that up and running actually seems fairly decent and along with all its other components.

Things built like a tank and i started taking the rear out of it, because that's the only way you can get the tires off. We got one of the tires off the rim, just to give ourselves a look at what we were working with since then. We were waiting on tires. I got tires four tires: four tubes: 92 bucks ebay.

You want to put a ton of money into it because we may be changing it up: bigger engine, maybe different axles and that kind of thing, but for now i think we're going to go with these they're decent. They got. I think, they're five ply. I want to say and they're good for 400 pound load, a piece for 500 pound yeah 445 per tire, uh load on them at 30.

Psi a lot of them are only 10 psi. These are good for up to 30., so figure they'll probably burn up fairly quickly, because it's such a heavy go-kart sliding around it should have like a track tire, which is the flat really thick they're, almost like a almost like a a fork truck tire of sorts. Like one of the hard rubber ones, there's the body from it all right, so i'm going to go. Probably move fast forward, i'll try to get a bunch of the tires knocked out.

If i run any issues i'll film it and i'll bring you back in a second when that is done and we'll start getting the rest of it ready to rock and roll see she goes boom. Definitely doesn't just pop right onto the seat again we'll let that one sit in a while. That's about 60 psi you i had to cut them off. That's a better way to do it, waiting to get flung across the room, catch that in the teeth yeah.

Now we got a pattern: how to get them apart. That first tire took me like half an hour to get it well. The first one took about a half hour, 20 minutes, 10 minutes five minutes, so i'm all set for the next one that comes along. This is what it really should have had on.

It was this kind of tire you see how bad they are, though, but generally the rubber on it's about that thick and then, as it wears down over time. Again, it's just used on a track running around. So we'll see keep an eye out for those the one upstairs that i showed on the last video when i put the v20 in it's still running that style tire, so we're good for wheels. Let's go grab that axle right there and we'll put it in the vise and we'll start looking into the brakes and the bearings and all that kind of stuff see what we got.
It's got a lever in the center, looks like it pulls on a set of band brakes for both sides, but i think it only drives one tire yeah, only the sides being driven - let's see, my guess is possibly the material may have cracked outwards in the process Of crapping out, i don't know my guess, maybe it's probably a piece of leather and we have to go clean, the rust off the drum, because it's going to eat up whatever is on there anyway uh. I think we have to get the bearing off. I think this is just floating back here: yeah we'll get the bearing off, probably clean them up, pull this off and we'll get into that surface at least hit it with a wire wheel. Sprocket looks pretty good a little crunchy huh do.

Okay, we got beefy set of bearings on it, huh like car axles. I don't know, don't look too bad. Let's see we get out of here for a whole assembly that inner one is probably the growly one all right. Let's go see what we got for a break band.

Well, that's any any good! I don't know what it's made out of i'm thinking, i'm thinking leather, just with the rivets on it. Let's take a wire wheel, we'll clean the threads up, so you can get this off of here because that's our adjustment, i don't know if we need to remove it all together, but let's uh cameraman, it's a weld yeah. I think it's a weld i'll pop that other bearing out too we'll see. What's, i feel like actually that one feels pretty good, i wonder if just the growling was the the rust on the drum.

I don't see any pits or anything on it. What it really shows is, is the race yeah surface looks pretty good too. I don't see any pitting good hope. The other side's the same way too see what else is in there.

That should be it yeah that one feels pretty good. Those bolts welded in yeah they're welded to this hub. If i take this off and the sprocket might be sandwiched in between it, we don't need to take any of that apart either too just kind of clean it up, starting to lean a little bit and see the teeth are kind of kicking over a little like That one in that one right there, it will wire wheel these up too see it's missing a bunch of threads. I have a feeling it's gon na probably require some.

Oh no surprise me. I thought we're gon na have to go cook that shoot some juice on. It probably should get like an impact on there yeah, let's grab a socket and we'll buzz it back and forth that we can lean the threads up underneath nice gon na call brake cleaner for nothing what they had in mind but see we got more material. It's got some room from the rivet, so the rivets aren't hitting.

Yet you think everything that was made in this was made to last a long time. Yeah. That would be fine, we'll see how the other side makes out that one's a little close. We got the two of them definitely looks like it's got more material than that one.
Doesn't it also the rod on that one or maybe the same, just run all the way in and see if we can get that one freed up too, like it's already twisted on us i'll, do the same wire wheel. It see if it comes apart and probably should you know we'll do we'll take the band off, and if this is quiet, maybe we'll leave it alone. Come on out there you go, give her a listen. Yeah, probably wouldn't hurt repacking both of them.

I guess it. Definitely looks like there's got more brake material on this one than the other one, though that's a good piece of cloth, so i want to get that seal out of there get behind it with a screwdriver and pry it on, but you're you're pretty much going to Kill it sometimes what works is, if you put the hub back on and take the bearing bearing the nut that retained it and a lot of times it'll fit right through the center of the uh, the boss of the race, not the race itself. It'll go up against the the bearing you can give it a good and it'll. Take the whole thing off like that and there's no damage to the seal, no damage to the bearing you can use it over again, whereas if i went to go pry on that, it would have killed it.

So i'm gon na go wash all this stuff up and we'll repack it put it back together now, which way was the witch which one was which all cleaned up now we can kind of see what we have to work with, so the outer we're looking at You can actually see some some pitting on that one right there, so the outer is actually a little along the iffy side. The inner looks pretty good and you can see it on the bearings too. That's the uh, that's the inners of the outer and it has somewhere on. There was a couple little scratches if this was a car that i was putting back together.

You're gon na run out a long time. I'd probably change i'd change them all out. Just for why you had them out, you know i'm just gon na repack and put them back together. It's a go! Kart! It's not gon na get that many miles on.

It's not like i'm putting it back in the service on a track or anything we're going to clean it up and i'll put some decent lube on it, instead of just a regular, regular uh grease that you would normally use for it. I got that i'm going to go use that up somewhere, i got a lube cup. The old-fashioned way is you just kind of put a glob in your hand, and you go around you feed it and eventually it'll work its way up to the top side. If it doesn't you just feed it from the other end you're just trying to get it packed behind the bearing the best you can and also there's a reservoir.

I did this one backwards. I should have done the other one. Let's go grab the other one. This is the one that's going to go in on this side.

This is the back one. There's a reservoir that you got to kind of put some grease in the center also, and what happens is if a bearing starts to get hot, it will generate heat. I think it's supposed to wait but see the grease. I don't know if you can see it it's pushing up through there if it when it gets hot.
The grease kind of thins out a little bit and it'll work its way. It'll it'll thin the grease. I should say in the center and it will draw it in towards the bearing we'll do that in the end, but you can see i got grease all the way up, forcing its way through i'm going to give her a quick, little lube. On the other side, we could pop that one in i'm going to take that race erase that seal we're just going to go tap that back into place around there.

I'm going to finish packing the one we started with, but in between those two bearings there's a little bit of a valley, and it doesn't hurt to pack some grease in there for the same reason, i just said: if it, if it starts to like say grease, Wears out or gets hot it'll thin that it makes like a reservoir, probably the best definition yeah, it's a reservoir for it, and then the seam with the cap, you're gon na put some grease in the cap and it kind of does the same thing too. I've seen a lot of like riding lawn mowers and they're, getting really chintzy with it, they're not putting much grease in them and they're literally drying out and how much. How fast is around lawn mower going and how much? How much movement does that get that they're doing it? I need to get more, let's tap, that in real quick first, so in between the two bearings is probably yeah and about an inch, and you can see the distance in that's in there. I'm just gon na go.

Take a bunch just pack right inside there give it like a little bit of a it's. Not gon na hurt anything a little extra going in there and then that bearing can go back in a little bit on top grease is cheap, cheap insurance plus it also gets like corrosion down to like see. If you didn't do the cap possibly get some rust in there and then the rust goes from there into the bearing, and so i'm going to go put a little bit more in the cap once it's on the axle, because it's going to push out of the Center anyway, let's go get so around there. Let me make a mess of the camera with gooey fingers.

Actually we need this too right. This has to go on. There should be all good to go. Let me get down there get down on it all right.

Something can go on there and that didn't so a lot of times there's a washer in between. I did not see one right here right. I took it apart that wasn't a washer, so that's how it's coming back together, put that in put the cotter key back in as far as drag is concerned, i'm going to run it in and then back off again cars, oh and run it, and then at The can tight and then back to the nearest cotter key hole i can grab. I don't want to go forward.
I don't want it tight. I want a little bit of play in the system because, as it gets hot and expands a little bit has a little bit of room to go you're, not putting constant pressure on the bearings. I got to figure out how to shut you off without getting goo in your face. Where's the hole there.

It is right there. I was talking about it's going to go pack some more in the cap. It's not going to hurt anything just pack that in there hopefully, i didn't forget anything all right, i'm gon na do the exact same thing to the other side. Yeah, this side is definitely worse.

You can see where it sat for a long time and all the pitting got into it. I'm still going to put it together with what it has, but that's mostly like a rust or corrosion that got in there from sitting and the grease gets old too. I want one of these head. You can see the pitting on the the bearing itself.

Is it this one, hey? I have to take my word for it on the rollers themselves. There was a little bit of pitting too, so it was the one that was on that surface. The other side didn't look terrible. It's got some pitting, but not that same style uh.

This doesn't spin very fast if it's like a mower deck or something it would. Last, probably like 10 hours and burn up, this thing can probably stay together for a long time. You can actually see where it spun a bearing the bearing with the grease, was getting so dried up too that it it spun on the uh the castle nut. Definitely this one was going to need some love.

I was trying to figure out why that one had about half the threads exposed and the other one was cranked. You know all the threads were run up through. You know. Look at that she's all kitty, whompus and twisted see if you could throw a little bit of heat on that, so you can get that to lay back to where it was plus.

It's also gon na want to try to tweak the brake shoe too. You know so running out of gas. Gotcha uh looks like we got it, that's much better. I have to cool that down.

A little bit won't touch that try to set the brakes up, but the the hubs are all flopping around. So let's go throw the tires back on. It should be good for that part of it good see that it does there. We go good i'll, put the brakes on with the bolt on that one's grabbing that one's not so we're gon na go run that one in don't wait.

Hopefully, that's i'm it do just where they drag see if they're about the same yeah, let's back it off in here, i just want to tweak them so that, just as i'm applying the brakes, both got about the same amount of drag probably use a wrench better. So i'm going to take a little, i'm so close, i'm going to take a little bit of time just trying to tweak them so that they kind of start dragging evenly plus, probably soon, as you run around a little bit as they seed in i'm, probably gon Na have to readjust them anyway, let's get ready to throw the axle back in i said: what else can we do before we uh get that in in there i'm kind of in the way? I remember that our pulley setup is kind of wacky. I don't know if you could see it look down that one. If you look at the one, that's missing you're, not even not even in the middle of the groove of the one below it, so it's kind of like a boat.
Actually just do that. So the see see the gap on the belt. Let's get it right up there. There you go there now it shows you see how far off that one is look at this side.

It's kind of the same thing. Can we go on so you can see the air gap from the pulley. Let's tell us it's not too bad, not as bad. This is the opposite.

It's got a lot of gap down here, a little up there. Let's go see you can see on this side. I mean it's like right, it's in the pulley and i don't see much of a difference between that shoulder and that shoulder and that shoulder natural, this one looks a little fatter. Maybe that's how off we are.

So i think it's this jack shaft is actually sitting like that. I don't think it's squared off and i think they did that because probably the belts, you know just whatever the size of the belts are. I know we got slack on this. We can move it around.

I don't know on these pillar blocks up here. If we can tweak this one, get it squared up or have some movement to you know, get the back one straight and then the same thing on the motor. The motor should have some slots down in there yeah. So let me go take a few minutes.

I'm gon na go clean, some of the crap that's out of here and see if we can loosen some stuff up and get ourselves a little bit better alignment than that. I don't think i have any belts. I can change that are gon na make that much of a difference, because that's really that's probably an eighth inch difference in belts between the two of them and i'm not going to have anything that much of a that slight of a difference. If you get any just try straightening the axle first and just see what we have so that looks pretty good on that side and let's go snug that down let's square this one off and see what it looks, it actually looks pretty good right there.

So that's where it was going to stay then we have all this play in the belt to get rid of. So that's what they did. They just kind of. I think it's sitting up on.

It might be sitting up on spacers. I wonder if we could take those spacers out and we'll just get the light out here. Right, get the motor to drop down that much. We can pretty much leave everything else alone.

Let's go unbolt that real, quick and see. If it'll do. That looks like what do we got? It's a good half inch under there yeah that looks like a nut right there. Doesn't it go find out? Oh you know what, though i wonder if it needs the clearance for that rod right there.

If you drop it down, the cover will be touching the. What's that the brake throttle be rubbing, be rubbing on that hmm, it can go forward closer. We yeah, i think we got much room there, neither let's all right, let's go screw with loosening this up and see. If we can allow the axle, we allow this assembly to go backwards and still stay even got that one loosened up, but i think it might be all the way back.
Let's go see. If it i don't know it's moving, that's what we need right. We need this yeah didn't move a great amount, but it moved that amount. I'm going to snug that back up and i'll try to reset it see how if we could maybe just like split the difference, let's try it again and we'll pull this side back all we can without getting too ridiculous.

Let's see, i might actually even get it there so eyeball that and see how square off we are. It might be a little yeah, we're still a little light on this one. What if we were to take those spacers under the engine like we talked about, but like just put a couple of washers or something there just enough to clear that rod? We don't need all that right, yeah, there's plenty of clearance underneath that thing. So i think if we take those nuts out and put like half that distance that may suck up what we need left out of the belt, see what we look like yeah, that's i'd, say this side is still pulled back a little too far.

Looking at the alignment down the side of it, this side looks much better, but it is still. I don't know, let's go, let's grab the straight edge, let that go instead of guessing won't. We just right up against it all right, so that side is pretty good. Nothing saying that we got this squared off to anything.

Neither i just pushed it all the way back, all right, so that can come. I'm concerned about the gap, because i can move the pulley left or right too, to help with the alignment, but it definitely looks like the that has to do that, which is good. That's in our favor. That's what we want.

Let's go see what this one looks like: that's what we can see remove it so that belt's not such a crappy place to look at so that looks like it. If it comes back, it's going to get worse right. That should really be pointing right about there, which is going to mean the engine is out a little i'm going to go loosen that engine up see what we can get for underneath there see if those come off and just have more adjustment with loosen the bolts Up i'm like just kind of weird something going on. I guess: there's nuts welded there there you can see the bolt is like half up on it goofy.

What about that one? Now it's got room in between at least i don't see. I don't think they're slotted. I think they're just miscellaneous holes, punched in any and everywhere for whatever engine they wanted to try to put on this all right, yeah so go loosen those up and see if those i'm afraid that might be welded on the other end. But let's go find out.
Let's go see if you can tilt that up and see what's under there, i think it might be welded on okay. I only got two balls holding it right now. I wonder if they tacked it to the plate to help hold it in place. You know that one's definitely welded, so is that one they do they are nuts.

We could lift that motor right out of. We just grind them off and put some washers on there. Actually, we can huff that out of there yeah, as the cart rolls away. My linkage should be off not exactly a light.

One yeah, i guess it's through the grinder - try just grinding them flat where they are, but and all this we never know if this engine is going to stay but yeah, it was just to clear that rod. It looks like we go, scrape that up clean it up a little bit and come to a decision there. Maybe we'll grind them, so i cleaned everything up. You know starting to contemplate grinding.

Like half of that off - and i said, let me slow my roll a little bit and maybe what we should probably do is change out the belt. So i'll get two new ones tomorrow, hopefully they're just 40 inch half inch by 40. It's a fairly simple common belt, we'll get two of those and we'll see where it lines up. That might even just fix the problem all right there, because i think it was the motor was racked when it was racked.

The belts are always kind of running on an angle. I think it kind of took some of the sides down a little too. What happens is the belt really doesn't get longer per se, but it it sinks down further in the groove and the more it sinks in the groove. The belt outside diameter is still the same.

It's just you know that much more in or a new one might sit flush going across the top. I don't know, and that will be on both pulleys. It would do that so, like i said, let me go get some fresh ones hopefully and we'll carry on. That's the next day we got new belts, shove them on the pulley.

Let's see how far they sit down, see the difference. How much further that one drops in the groove in that one? That's how much that one's worn down on the sides. So, let's go clean up while we got it apart. Let's take a wire wheel, we'll clean up the grooves on the pulley and on the motor.

I wish i had the missing tin that was on there, but i may go through the engine. Just kind of i put the points cover on clean up a little bit of stuff before we drop it back down on there. Actually, no, we should do two grind that nut off the bottom. That was hanging, never mind, hey hey! So if you plant these in a junkyard little engines will grow they're, rare engine, cheese, vintage heirloom, let's go release the goo, try to know there.

We go that's pretty old huh and some vintage stuff right there. Well, after a bunch of shimming and tapping and hammering and adjusting, i think we got dialed in pretty good. You may have noticed i even washed the engine right. I know the rest of it's on its own, so i ended up having to shim the motor up and back a little bit again.
I almost cut everything off of it. Just put slots in and be able to adjust the motor like. Normally you do, but i decided to go ahead and just shim it up a little. We got pretty much.

That is all the way forward. It's i don't want to say it's tight, but i think it's going to loosen up after it runs a little bit. It could probably use a little bit more slack. We'll see this side.

I went. Oh actually, i went and took this pulley. There was marks where it was before. I ended up, loosening it up and bringing it over and that got it back in a straight line.

So somebody was trying to fudge it before so i unfudged it. This side looks decent. I tried to move this pulley took the set screw out of there and tried to wrap it and wrap, and it is not having it. I wanted to try and bump it over just a hair, because it is off just a little bit, nothing terrible, and so i think, if that loosens up, i may be able to get a little bit more on an angle, because this is a very slight angle.

Nothing like what it was, but uh is causing a little bit of misalignment on that. It's not a chain, it's a belt, so it's not terrible, but the idea was to try to get it as best. We can and i think, we're ready to drop the axle in it and it's got some some play in it. I think it's going to slip, though we can go drop.

That axle in though i guess to the point we are so yeah. You thought i was gon na lift it up into place. Didn't you work smarter, not harder. As long as this works, i'm gon na go wiggle that into place just even get those bolts started, we'll lift her back up in here.

It's a piece of wood in between it's got a little bit of squish factor to it all right. So this is the chain that was on it. I believe it's quite frozen like right. There not much movement.

We could possibly free it up, but let's go see if, in my stash i have some of this and we'll just put some new stuff on it. If not and let's see if the horde pays, it's like off bunch of thinner stuff on top, like my organization yeah me too, that almost looks like it huh. I think that's off a different project. Let's go see in the bowels, i should probably go get.

Okay, not it was this stuff, it yeah. It looks like it huh there we go. This might be it check the links on the side. That should be it good, and this is a bunch of uh master links and half links.

Whether we have this one - i don't know, but we're gon na go, find out. Let's go wrap that around there give ourselves a good measurement chop some off. Is that going to work out good for us or we're going to have that's going to suck? We can go one more. Can we get one more out of it? It's like almost there.

So if we do that, let's go mark it it's going to have a lot of slop in it. I guess we could probably put you slide this back and forth. It's not gon na do much for adjustment, but i wonder if we could take a couple washers and stack them underneath the axle and lower the axle here. Probably our only option.
Actually we got washers underneath there we could drop them out. I might be able to get that last little. Click that i need and it'll work out almost perfect. Well, you don't notice you try.

I took the washers out. All four bolts dropped it down, but unfortunately i was able to put the chain on, but it's like super tight, so we're not gon na be able to get it the way we need it. Uh we'd end up losing it on the pulleys. If we tried using the slots, that's in it, so we're gon na go back for the regular link, we'll punch that out the problem with that was you couldn't put a regular master link in it because you, i don't know what you want to call male female.

You know you got uh an outer link and an interlink every other one, so you have two options. This is a regular master link that you put in, which would be like a barrel and a barrel, and it would be this piece and you have what's called a half link. A half link is one of one and one of the other, so that allows you to. You know not have that that one inch jump in between of what you're trying to get so we're going to go with that and worst case we're going to throw some washers back under it and get the adjustment that we need, and hopefully it works out for Us so this little thing right here is called a chain break kind of clamps around the edge here, and it's got a pin that you drive into the center.

It should push the pin out. You could grind them too. Just punch them out you'll see what this does and unfortunately, we kind of need it to we're doing a halfling, so we actually have to get the pin all the way out of these two forks that are sticking out. So let me get that out of the way i'm going to spin this down, get this off of here, i'm going to try putting the tool on the other side and see if you drive the rest of the paint out the other way without kind of distorting This there we go there we go.

We need to get that. Actually we need to get rid of the pin too. So let's go try yeah driving that right out there we go all right. So that's what we need just got to straighten those back out and hopefully it's the right length nope.

I got to use that pin over. I got to go dig that out of that lincoln put your back through and hammer it down. Then this one's just gon na, be, you know a little cotter pin that holds that one pulls out that'll be our. I guess our master link, let's see if i can run that, pin in with the vice and the very last little bit should fight, because it's got like a shoulder on.

It also might not be quite lined up nuts in let's go a little cockeyed on it. I do have a tool to do that. I'm gon na go, take a hammer and just kind of mushroom the size of that where i broke it away because it's kind of lost a little bit of his taper. So i'm just gon na go on both sides and she won't fall out.
There's the after and kind of like a uh master link where you put the clip, whereas if it was to catch on something in the direction it's going, it doesn't want to pull it out same thing with the key. But now we got to shim all that out of there hey, you think we would have been able to get that. No all right. So i'm going to stack washers underneath it same that they did we'll bring it up to the decent location.

And i say we go with go with these nice factory shim chain, shim kit i use half that box see we give them a little squirt. You got ta, make the noise kinda like when you drive by cows and make a move sound. It's a law. I think we only have two of them that have grease fittings anymore, any more hiding if i could shoot yeah we'll shoot some oil in those two to help them out chains kind of tight.

I think what we'll do is we'll fire it up and let it run for a second. I got two extra washers closest to us, so there was two in there there's four now and there's one extra there, so i can still kind of work with possibly taking one more out. It's you know: yeah, i'm trying to work with it, getting as much tension on the belt as possible and not on that, but let's go run it for a second: let's go hook up some fuel, probably just we'll hook a spring or something to the throttle, so That so it doesn't go wide open on us and we'll turn it up a little bit and see we get no. Also, let's uh try hooking it through the fuel pump, see if the fuel pump works so i'll be curious to see if it draws fuel up the fuel line's got air from there to there and there's nothing in here.

I don't know if i have any vacuum leaks. I got a spring on the throttle. We got to turn that throttle up, because i think when we ended up before we were playing around with how slow we can make it go. Let's go crank that up so it'll have some kind of rpm where's the hole where's the slot there.

It is we'll call call right about there give her some choke see. We get keep myself out of harm's way. It is spitting gas right out of that line right there. So before we burn down, i'm gon na go cut that back and actually try to find another piece.

All right. Take two. Hopefully you'll see the leaks yeah we'll hold on to that. So give her some rpm see what it does.

The bus is working uh you suck float sticking, i need a dump fuel son of a yeah it might as the float might have sunk too. I think we talked about in the other video. They seem like they're, okay, when they they soak and fuel for a while they'll soak up the fuel and sink see we got. The other thing too is you might have got a little bit of dirt from that fuel pump.

I should have rinsed it through that caused an issue and it feels not exactly oh yeah. I think i might have found our problem. I think i sucked up all the crap that was in that fuel pump. My mistake: let's see if the float feels good, though i'm gon na, take it out of there and uh give her a rattle.
Let's uh yeah get a rag still floats good. Let's play it again might be a little flooded. So can we tuck that someplace, a little bit more boom proof got ta fill the football up again too. I see you're going to have problems yeah the fuel pump 2 is also leaking.

It's looking right around the base of it there. I don't think kohler parts engines, i have a feeling that needle is crap and doing what it's doing either. That pressure going to it's ridiculous, which i don't think is the case - want to look at get a better look at the you know all this that was operating. This is fun well, for now i pinched off the fuel line, so it won't get any more fuel.

It might fight us a little bit to get it going and it'll run for a little bit. We can kind of get yeah just make sure everything's functioning correctly, stop that might cure itself a little bit too just from running there we go. We could talk that might cure itself too, just from running i'm sure, there's just like a set of brake shoes on springs that come out and touch on the wall. So i think, having that rub, a little bit will do its thing.

What's up with that carb and i don't know we got the body - has a gas tank that hangs right about here. I don't know if it's above the carburetor or not, let's go take a quick peek. I don't know, i think, that's going to be about level with the carb. I don't quite remember what the setup was also depends.

How much fuel is in it too. You know the more fuel, that's in it. If you fill the tank up to there, it's definitely going to be above the carburetor. You might be able to get rid of that fuel pump.

We still have to get a needle with a carb to stop that from leaking, but we'll see all right. We got stuff to clean that tank out too. Is that metal or fiberglass like metal huh? I should get it go one more time so, right now i don't back down. I'm gon na run out of gas in a second.

If i just a little slower than that yeah, that's good, that's got it about right right. Where should we set at it's the way that the car is not going to want to roll? Neither, oh, you think, it'll run. I don't want to stick my finger in there shut it off, so i think we're probably gon na. I was hoping to get this one knocked out on this video, but just doesn't look like it's gon na happen.

We still have kill, switch to do possibly a tin for the engine. The fuel system straighten out front hubs, gas pedal, brake pedal linkages set up. The body set up, the rack has to get cleaned up and taken care of. So, although i'd like to say yep we're ready to ride, i don't think we're gon na be able to do it.

I think it's gon na be a two and a half hour, long video. If we try doing that, going in that's a great spot for a kill, switch huh see how our chains doing - let's get a little bit of plain right now, good, it's just about right, i'm sure after it runs a little bit with some load on it. It'll. Even get probably a little bit more loosened up, that's it guys.
I know i like to get this thing done, but uh it's just always working out. You know twice as long and twice as much that's the old thing guys with that. I'm going to sign off and thank you all for hanging out with me doing some wrenching and inching our way closer to getting this thing ready to putt around this summer. We'll see how that goes until then later.

By Mustie

2 thoughts on “Abandoned batman kart 40 years later pt 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Kemble says:

    Sunday funday with Mustie!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JF says:

    Happy Sunday!!!

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