this is my 2000 terramite Backhoe I bought 20 years ago, well its in need of some long overdo repairs so lets get to fixing,

Hey guys how's it going hey. I got this terramite t5c backhoe that i bought 20 years ago is a 2000. Is the year was manufactured? It's gas powered uh, it was a rental and it was repossessed from a rental company. So it did not get very good.

Love in the beginnings, but again it served me the purpose i rented one about a couple of times and at some point i said you know what i should really just have one of these of my own. I paid at that time. Eight thousand four. It's probably worth the exact same right now, so it really hasn't lost much or any value, but it does need some love.

So that's what this video is going to be about a couple things i'm aware of and i'm sure we're going to find some other stuff. Afterwards, exhaust leaks, the bucket's got a crack in the back of it's got a tire. It goes flat, it shuts off once in a while on its own and sometimes does sometimes does not fire back up. I believe it's going to be electrical uh.

What else was going on with it? Not that that's not enough right! I made a thumb for it. It's a manual. It's got a little bar that goes down in between it's good, for picking up, rocks and logs and stacking them around, which is uh. Probably about thirty percent of what i use it for yeah because he's been on the trail.

I don't know about a half hour, or so you could already see a bunch of the drips that are coming down on the trailer, not terrible, but i'd like to address it again. That's why i want to kind of pressure wash some of the crap out of there. So i'm going to go. Do that i'm going to go to the hopefully drive through car wash and if i don't get, kicked out i'll wash it up and then we'll bring it back and bring it in the garage and start giving it a once-over and hopefully get some repairs done without Further ado, let's get in that'll make it easier to pressure wash underneath.

Well now, that's been cleaned in the most intimate of places where you think the chances are still going to fire up, see we get wired might be wet. Try to back out. First. Next is how we gon na go fit on those ramps.

Let's see what we get, i think the tires might be too close together, it's gon na be close. The back ones will be fine. Okay, let's chalk those wheels up. I've never really gotten.

Underneath this i've. Never had it on a lift, so let's get some trucks on the tires and flip her up and take a peek. Hopefully we don't get dripped on too much and we can see what we have to work with. So essentially it is.

It just got dripped on gas-powered engine running to a big hydraulic pump, which is that right there and the hydraulic pump pretty much runs everything. This is the motor that runs to the rear differential and gets you forward in reverse. I see a problem right now, too. That's your parking brake now i know when my parking brake doesn't work, that's a band! It goes around this drum supposed to stop it from rolling.

Now, let's take a probably backed up on some brush and hit something to push it out of the way, and then that was that i think we'll let it drip for a day. It's kind of late in the evening anyway, and we'll come back we'll start getting into it. For you to be 10 seconds for me, it'll be about eight hours, glad to see everything looks pretty dry under here. This is the area that i'd really be concerned.
Any of those pumps are leaking. I'm sure that filter needs to be changed but hasn't been changing forever. All right, it's done drip drying. I'm going to really check this bit.

I don't think it has any kind of break material on it. I think it just uses the metal and my guess is we'll find out. If it doesn't want to wrap around, then we know it's missing something to spit it out, but it looks like if we take there's a bolt going through here: it'll drop down and here's the cable coming up from the emergency brake lever. I don't know if the whole assembly's gon na drop out - hopefully it does.

I don't have to try to take this apart, but let's get that bolt out. Let's see, can we rotate that looks like it's coming apart and it's like the band just kind of attaches. I think we're going to need a hammer. Screwdriver beat that out of that little area right there there we go.

That's definitely been grinding through there for a while huh yeah, i'm going to get there we go, it does have brake material. What's left of it, you think that is plastic or something it's almost like a brake shoe. I wonder if we can get make a thin piece of leather problem. Is it if we go too fat with the bands not going to fit around it? You know.

Yes, you can get that the rest of the way out of there just got to get it off the cable. I guess i don't think it's supposed to look like that. Let's go beat it back in the submission. I don't know if we're going to try making a new one or can we salvage? What we got here all depends on how strong it is after it's done, you know, that's so beat up.

The end already fell off of it. I'm gon na try hammering it flat and see if we can get it to go, get straightened out. If now we're gon na make a new one yeah, i'm going to say it's pretty beat got straightened out, but the only thing that's kind of slowing me down is, i don't have a material. That's going to be the same as this.

This is probably got like a galvey or some kind of coating on it that keeps it from rusting, i'm probably just going to have like a cold rolled steel, but i think something is better than nothing. Let's go make yourself a a new piece of metal. My metal stash pile a couple strips here. What is that cut see how off that lines up to it might be long enough? Oh, it's just gon na almost like it's made for it we could probably cut those ends off and weld them on yeah.

Let's try that so you need to take this flat piece of metal. I measured that drum it's roughly six inches across. Let's see what we can do as far as um getting a roll on, let's go, we got ta drop them down, get started we'll just keep running that through. That is not nearly enough.
We need to go up on this one on both sides. I'm going to keep sneaking up on that until it makes a nice tight circle. That's about 12.! Ask me how i know we could probably make it a little. I think we're gon na want it a little larger than six stop it.

So that way, it kind of springs away from the drum when it's not being used. I think that we're going to be about it right there right, that's, six and a half. You can get it out of there one way or another you're coming in all right. We got a ring to work with, so these are the two ends that need to be attached.

They made this one looks like it's all one piece, but i think we'll just cut it and we'll weld it where we need it, and this one was looks like it just spot welded on the old one. So we could probably weld one on now and then we'll get some leather or something we'll figure out what we're going to go glue in place. I wanted to put the leather on, after, of course, because the shape changes how much leather would go on. If this was straight, we put the leather on.

Then we went to go bend it. It would bunch up in a bunch of areas see they just had a spot welding get knocked that down. I just drill we'll drill two holes in it and we'll well plug weld it. So hey give her a couple of love.

Zaps, did i fill that first one. Now that should do it falls right off. What are my lays here? I have a belt drive lays - and this is kind of the leather that you would use that leather, that one that one is - and i think we'll steal something from here and we'll glue it glue it to it. Well that one right there, it's gon na, make a mess.

I got these. Can we double these up? How wide are they gon na be we'll grab those and we'll grab that big piece right there and go over to the bench and see what we like this stuff is more like a almost feels like a rubber, and i want to use that like or like A leather that's got something coated in it. I don't want slippery, you want something. That's going to be kind of stout.

I think we're going to end up with this. This is where i talk about with a thickness the thicker. This is the larger that diameter is going to have to be to uh fit it. Let's go find that old, brake shoe material there.

It is that's what was in there and it's probably half the thickness of it. This stuff is pretty much just almost the same as that, so we might as well just go for the one piece right. It's a little tall. Let's go see how it it's the same as the metal.

Let me just go. Take a quick peek on the drum make sure the the fatness thickness of it is going to get talk. Is it going to get in the way there we go back at it? I think we got plenty of room. I don't see anything it's going to interfere with it good, let's go glue that together.
This is the piece we still have to weld on, so we stay away from that a little bit, and on this end i think we should probably come to. I don't know where we think we're right about there and we'll cut that leather off make it that point i got ta go get some two-part epoxy. If i pop the cover off and let's see what i got for a part number for that filter, let's go grab another one of them. Is that the hours it was at 11.77 - and it is now 2000 2001 right around there - really, not bad.

So i must have changed it. Maybe when i first got it and we got some five minute epoxy and then, as you read it, the fine print it cures in 24 hours. So, let's get a bunch of that mixed up, draw that back a little for next time and we'll put it on both surfaces and clamp it together. I roughed up both with uh 80 grit sandpaper, give them a little bit of tooth to stick to and we get a bunch of clamps.

Oh, that's it that smell gets. You high reminds me of building models as a kid. It's got that smell, that's good! Let's get some slobbered on there real, quick, the noise you hear in the background they've decided to take a tree down behind the building. Don't they know we're hanging out inside here see if we hear it crash, don't be alarmed.

I was going to try spray glue, contact, cement, trying to figure out what would be the better, we'll try this, i think, it'll be okay as long as um, i don't forget it and drive it for like two hours with the emergency brake on and it kind Of rubbing itself away and the hydra stack tractors, really don't it doesn't really creep, plus you put like the bucket down and stuff, but it's good when it's you're putting it on like an angled, trailer and you're trying to get off the tractor and tie it down. I think we're two minutes in already and we can have enough, so i will let that set up and go back to it later. Let's go jump on something else, i'm sure we could find plenty of things to work on. So while i was cleaning the tractor up, i did such a good job.

I saw some stuff. I wasn't aware of i kind of knew that was gon na happen. We got a crack going on the frame right there and guess what the other side has yeah same thing. So there's that and the bucket has a bunch in it too.

You can see the seam right here is gone all the way around. There's a crack forming right down in the center of it right there. So let's uh fire it up, we'll uncurl it and get that. So maybe we can start doing some work on getting that stuff fixed up.

While we got the welder out, that's got water in it can't weld water well. So how much is in? There must try to flip that right around and lay it out easier to weld. You can get her unhooked looks like a good place to start. Let's go get a grinder well at least kind of prepped it metal, i think, probably more of the weld should be done on the inside, but let's get a good bead going down around.
There looks like it's just from rubbing against rocks. Maybe one second thought i think you'd be better off trying to get the bucket right off. I've never taken it off, i'm not sure. If we need to remove that or not see, if you get it with the pin, i think the pin should do it.

Maybe my guess is probably about 100 pounds. That's it watch your fingers. Now we can manipulate it, get it. You know.

Instead of trying to weld uphill downhill, underneath i thought about drilling on one end, you get a crack going. You drill. On one side, you drill on the other side, supposedly stops it from going any further. I am just going to go put a blob on each end start there, so that has like a little bit of a wall to hit most of us.

The strength is going to come from the inside. Well, not the outside, but for now we're going to go we'll go all the way up to where i ground it. I think i might be out of out of gas, actually turn it down. Some people get any better that does any better for us.

That's better, we'll put one tack in the middle, probably give it a couple of whacks close it up a little. I did nothing. I think a lot of the dirt is fighting it too. That's popping out of the center.

They couldn't get out excuses right, not much there or thick for a beast of a machine. I got ta go buzz that i want to kill the camera yeah hindsight. What i should have done is. I should have laid a piece of metal in behind it, just like a round bar or something give it some backing, because this was super thin.

That's why i wore off there. Well, you know it was paper thin on the edge there. So i was having a hard time going thick to thin, so what i did is i just kind of stitched the center of it real just to kind of fill the gap, and then i went back over and circled it. She ain't pretty.

At least it's solid. I'm gon na go grind that back a little bit and i think we have to see anything kind of happening on the other side. Let's get that done and then we'll jump over to see what we're gon na do about this right here. What's the old saying the grinder is great for the welder that you ain't, it's okay should hold water again, i'm gon na buzz it from the inside also, and that's where it's going to get all its strength, because this always wants to try to you're putting stuff In the bucket, it's always trying to pull apart uh, where i can kind of go bridge the center.

Hopefully on that, so let's go flip it over if there's about a yo big one on that side, but i should probably just do the whole thing over there. You can see that one's blowing out right in there starting a little bit there, but again it just gets so thin from rubbing against rocks it wears that edge right down. So we should probably just do the whole thing, like the other side, probably from there to there. Well, that's not helping things it's out of shielding gas! Well, now that i got rid of my excuse, let's see how that does.
Well, it definitely looks better from far away. I'm gon na go grind that back now, i'm still on the same grinding disc, i'm gon na go flip it over try to clean up that inside edge and see. If i can get some weld to stick to that rest yeah, you can see how much it pushed through and there's a piece of wire sticking out how porous it is just probably just from sitting outside with water stacking in it. Oh, it's corroded.

The other side. Doesn't have much at all, i can get anywhere to grinder. The problem is trying to get right into the very edge of the room, maybe even a cut and just be better just get the dirt out of there, because that's what causes that porosity to pop through is the contamination from underneath, sometimes uh flux. Core is better for doing stuff like this, for dirty nasty metal, but i'll give her give her a shot, see what happens.

I got in there first with a wire wheel, and then i came back with a grinder did the best. We could see all those little rust pockets, though that's the stuff that pushes the contaminants out you're. Well, then, all of a sudden you hear that little popping sound at all. That's the crap coming out of there.

I wish i had to roll a flux squad switch over to that, but we do the best. We can anything anything's better than what it what it was right, don't touch it. It's hot you see where i first started how the porosity was in there and as it went along a little bit. If i go a little hotter, see the bead isn't really sitting down into the metal it's kind of standing on top of it.

Oh well practice practice, i'm probably going to start a little higher, i'm going to try going over that a little bit see if i can go clean that give it a little bit more strength, then jump over to the other side, and the second pass definitely helps A lot better, you can see what's kind of floating a lot a lot more plus. I think it's pushed out some of the moisture on the first pass still far from perfect, but it'll hold the bucket together all right now, i'll get the second side yeah. Second side, i just cranked up the welding more that's a single pass. I think i'm gon na leave it like that.

Our next one is right here. So this is what i'm gon na try digging in i'm gon na try getting. This is fairly thick. My guess is: uh three-eighths and an inch quarter inch three seven inch, so i want to try to get it a groove in there, so you can get the weld to fit down inside so you're, not just kind of like stacking, a weld on top having a Crack below it and a weld on the other side, you kind of want to try to get to melt well from both sides and have the weld puddle go from the bot, the top and the bottom, and meet each other and melt everything in between before.

We do that, let's go flip it over we're going to wire wheel, it we're going to find out where it stops and we'll drill a hole to try to stop it from traveling any further in the future. Looks like someone's been here before us. Do there's one there there's one there and i haven't done those those were done before i got it back 20 years ago, looks like the crack stops right about. There go grab a drill, drill that out i'm going to take a flapper disc, i'm going to get some of the rust off the sides of it close up what we got so i got it beat out pretty good and, like i said, a hole drilled at Where the end of the crack is right there, so i'm gon na fill that it's probably a little less than halfway, we'll see how that works out.
We still have the other side to do, but while it's in this position, i'm gon na weld this side up and then we'll flip it over and do the same to the other. That's pretty good happy with that. One flip it over do the same. You see what we got dealing with the other side.

I'll do the same thing probably try to grind out, maybe even a little deeper, so i can get down to like touching the weld on the other side, and then we can backfill it up to. There got most of it out still, you can still see a little bit of the crack up inside there, but i'm down all this here is all down to the weld from the other side, but it's fairly deep. The cameras pick up. That's warm all right.

Let's go fill that up yeah that one laid in there pretty nice happy with that all right, i'm gon na give it a once over see if i see any other issues with it i'll give them a quick touch up with the welder and then we'll move On to something else, i got the air purging out of here a little bit. It will fire it up while the garage door is open and the fans are on and we'll cycle some of the hydraulics and see if we can see any drippage or moisture or a line. That's having an issue kind of suspecting that fitting right. There looks a little cockeyed broken, maybe i don't know so: let's go fire, it up run them a little bit see if you can see me get any drips going on anything that might be everything that it is and it's running right down and kind of filling Up that area and dropping from there let's go see trying to make a break for it.

I disturbed his uh to bother you he's gon na jump right on the limbs. He's gon na see himself and attack. It me. I found it for one of them anyway.

Yeah kind of where we thought right there stripping. I got the fitting looks like it. You took a hit yeah they're gon na fall right off of there. Let's go run that in the down position.

I think it's going to snap right off right as a crack. In it i'll see if i'll get one of those well, i would think it could be a little bit of a ball there. Let's go find out, try to get it where there's no pressure on it. Oh, hopefully doesn't squirt us in the eyes.

We need to support that this one right and we should be able to spin this collar off any pressure. That's in it should wouldn't say it was all that tight, but i want to look at the end of that. I want to see if you have any issues see if we crack that or not nice, if all we got to do is put a wrench on it. Let's get that right out of there, try to wash it up too late today to go get one but get one tomorrow.
You guys are standing where i need to be. You think, i'm being clumsy, i am being clumsy all, but let's take a quick peek at that see if it took on any damage. Well that, though, let's see if we could shove something in and keep it from bleeding that work, i think so there we go. We use our old main eyeballs, i'm looking at that.

So this. The center of this is one piece. It kind of goes up, looks like a mushroom that part of the fitting is like a mushroom, and it is bent if i spin it see how it's got like a wobble to it. So, but did it crack it? I don't know see something looks like a line looking right down in the middle there like something i see it looks like a line whether it's a crack or not.

I guess what we do is just throw it back on and tighten it up cycle it. A couple times, if you get anything at least you know what the leak is, though, i'm also trying to look down the throat there see if i can see any kind of line on the inside, but that's kind of next to impossible. Let's go bolt it back up fire it up a little bit more and see if it'll uh continue to piss out. If it does when it's tight, then we know, that's definitely got a crack in it.

So i'm out back here, i'm looking a little bit more. I do see that's one of the swing cylinders and that is wet on the bottom too. No, i should probably get a rebuild kit or a couple on hole. Probably all the same cylinder diameter that one looks: okay, probably try tightening the packing up a little bit too, but i don't think that's going to do anything like just the seal.

It's probably gone all this wetness over here those i think this guy was in the up position running down, kept that lubricated all right, so keeping on that one, all the other ones look pretty dry, though i know it's going to move in and out of the Shop but we're going to look right there. I got some pressure on it, just let that set for a minute see if we see anything, it's been a few minutes. Actually i think it's okay, i'm gon na get some probably hold on to them. Probably what happened is when this arm went up.

There was a piece of brush, or you know, a tree branch or something that was in the way or it could even bend just down and something whacked the cylinder i whacked the line and gave it a bend and then, when it bent it kind of loosened Itself up so it is a little compromised, but it's holding good. Let's move on uh something else, yeah cleaning, it definitely does show its boo-boos. So i see a crack right across there. There isn't one on the other side.
The other side is the pedal for forward and reverse it doesn't even have this there's a crack there. You can see it's starting around the end of that and then again on the other side. It's all the way across on the other side, yeah like that, i guess i can grind it back and then maybe i'll make a little horseshoe plate that goes around here and then we can buzz around the outside. I may do that off camera.

We've done enough. Welding already uh, let's go chase a bunch of the smalls and wait for that band, we'll give as much time as possible for that band to dry up and we'll get that hooked up. So let's go get that that's only got 25 hours on it, 24 hours. Since i changed the oil in the tank and put a filter on it, but we're since we're here, i got a new filter.

Let's go write some new hours on that just change the filter out and maybe we'll look into that ignition switch, see. If there's anything, we can do with trying to get it so it stays running yeah. So the gearbox gearbox, the hydraulics use um. What are we at two thousand one for hours and 20, 22, 2022 and six probably go over that with blackout anyway, yeah uses uh 1030 motor oil, no hydraulic fluid, just nothing.

Fancy which is good yeah should be good enough. So let's say we go work on that emergency brake setup, so the brake is in the off position right here, yeah and it hasn't been using forever, and i think this is an adjustment, the the cap. I think you wrote you're supposed to rotate it and it will give you different tension see it's got a set screw in it. Maybe they got ta take that out, but i think that's what the adjustment was.

I think it pulls up higher and lower on this knuckle i like to try to run it all the way down and get the band on because, as it wears, it gives us some adjustment which still looks like it's in the window, but first i can go. Throw some lube on these pivot points, then maybe we'll get that screw out of there see if we can kind of free up this whole assembly, so that didn't do anything. It could be all just seized up too screw on the end of it spray some lube around it. It's been a day or two huh uh.

I think we are good enough for that. It's not like something you're gon na adjust all the time. It's just gon na be the one time you find where the tension is we'll run that all the way back down that'll be the least when we flip it up. You guys see how that cable is working.

Underneath too, i worked it back and forth up top, but the cable does not. Change does not push back, let's just say so. Hopefully i can go through a pair of vice grips on the end of that and kind of give her a tug a little bit and see if that cable moves. If not, we have to try to get that cable out of there and then free it.

It's probably right where that sharp bend is right. There that's uh, causing it. Let's see, i got some slide hammer vice grips. You can get those on there, a tug, i'm gon na eyeball, roughly where it is shouldn't move much.
I should move about a half inch, but let's go get a little rub mark on the drum. Let's see, if looks to me like it lines right back up with what it was, i'm gon na go and shoot some oil up in this side of the cable. Where i can see it and i'm going to go turn that turnbuckle up on the other end and give her because looking by those threads, what are you talking about? I am looking at those threads right there, all the rust, that's on them and there's no room. No way to get in there, it's not like you could spin the cable really on the other end.

So we'd have to try to get in there with a wrench and give that thing a little bit of a tweak a little bit of a tweak and i'm not looking forward to it. Yeah you tried shoving the cable through a socket. Maybe you want that. Now all right, i'm gon na, go tug on it the other way, so you can get anything out of it.

So i still have the slide hammer on the bottom and it's just i loaded the lift just so i was touching the floor, so i could have like an idea if it, if i lift it if it came up off the floor, i would know what the Cable moves and i ran this up - i don't know about three quarters of an inch, but i don't think it's happening. I think it's still frozen, that i could spend a couple hours trying to get that to move and you know possibly get that out of there, but just the way that that nut is. I know it's just rotted on there and not going to be able to get a good way to spin that off of there you know you get a wrench on it. You put the wrench on it.

You get like that much of a movement flip it try to get that much movement out of it. I think time better spent might be trying to find a new one. If i can't find a new one, then maybe i'll chase trying to uh fix this one right now. I think we're gon na go move on because that's gon na end up using up the rest of my day.

I don't have much time left so with that. Let's go move on to now take a look at that ignition switch, here's the back of the ignition switch, and sometimes it wasn't even doing anything wouldn't even crank. I don't know if it's got a issues on the external, it looks kind of cruddy. It looks like someone's, actually i don't know if that's factory or not, i would think they look more something like this.

Maybe the switch has already been replaced. I don't remember doing doing so. That's a it's a screw together one, but it's got the big tabs on it. I grabbed another switch, i'm looking, i'm hoping to pull one of these away just eat a bunch of crap sitting behind them.

It would run and die that one it looks like it saw some heat too. Doesn't it yeah? That's live, it was live. Let's see, this is good. It's not corroded sometimes like this doesn't get used for long stretches at times, and then it gets used.

The contacts inside the switch also get a little screwy. They uh just get corrosion on them. Sometimes, if you work the switch it'll it'll get better too. I think i just saw it.
Did you see it right there? It works. I don't know if the camera caught it, it's tight that little ground wire, though yeah right there, it arched like decently too. It wasn't like so that made for a high resistance spot. I would suspect that maybe over the switch looks like you should probably do something with the batteries use that bolts running into it.

It's got a shelf here to stop it from falling out, but i think we should be not chomping on that. Should we alright? Let's go pull this back. Let's go open that up and take a look for corrosion. I think it was this one.

It looked like it was even further back. I hope the camera caught it find out. Yeah batteries. Let's go see, hmm, i would definitely say that.

Does not make a very good connection and i'm not sure what its purpose is on the switch being a ground going to the switch, but the fact that it drew sparks through it definitely was an issue. So this, this actually kind of looks like the the hold down just to hold that for the top of the battery. Maybe that makes sense. Wouldn't it i ain't going to a wire wheel, the crap out of that and then put some grease on it.

I wonder if this is supposed to be like on on bolted and then maybe like a a separate nut and bolt for this part of it to move the battery around. It seems kind of weird that you would try to go through that to make good contact. We got enough room, maybe we'll do that we'll try to run bolt them down and then use this by itself. I can try doing that.

I'm going to try bolting it by itself, just some grease out. Damn it there. You go poop some grease on there. Try to keep rust from forming behind it.

Let's do the same with the ends. Let's get a little too and then with a little there. It is that one. So i should probably put maybe that one on first, it's just welded on that's, not a bolt.

That goes through the other side. So look at that one that one and then we'll get a not going to put a washer on that one, i'm just going to run it in. Hopefully it doesn't spin the cable see if we get that one up there. Above that, that's the wrong way.

That's good! Now, hopefully we got room for two washers right. I have to go a little bigger, just lost that one go with that: a bracket, a washer, and then i don't even know if it's going to work for that battery anyway. But that gives us a separate, uh tie-in point, instead of trying to rely on the same contact for the for that, all right, we're going to shove that battery back in there clean those terminals up and see what we make out yeah. Something was supposed to be for, but i'm not going to be able to get on it with this battery.

I wonder if i could swap i don't have anything here that has this battery layout maybe a little shorter and we could steal it just to put a different one in there. Maybe the thought is, if you just bolt a hole, drill, a hole next to it, make another spot to hold it down. That would probably work too huh. Let me take a quick look see if we can find another battery.
If not, maybe that's what we'll do we'll just kind of hammer that, where it's a little bit more flat, put some down tension on the battery and keep it actually might be good like that, because it pushes it that direction, and it's up against that saddle yeah. That might work out all right. How good are you eyeballing? We need it right about. Let's see, that's our make that our center line and we got to come down to about right right about there should put it in the middle.

So we go something like that and like that, let's punch a hole right there and see where we come out. I could live with that. A little high. You can give us a little bit of room going downward, but that should be enough.

We can always like. I said we could bend that tab down a little a little bit of pressure if we have to yeah that worked out better its own bolt old tensioners. You have to take any of this stuff apart to deal with the battery and the battery's wedged between there and there and it's off the bolt. What if i just trim a little bit, that's all right! It's not touching it shouldn't bounce around! It was bouncing around before it didn't do any damage it down.

It should be: okay, all right make those terminals on i'm going to go grease them up. Let's go bump the key a couple of times make sure we're good. Let's go bump the key. A couple of times see we get nothing right.

That was starter once a while the starting doesn't catch too. Here we just the solenoid kicked out, but it didn't crank like that right there, that's on the starter, i'll keep an eye on that. Again. That's what happens! This stuff sits - and i missed all together so run out of gas.

If i leave the hood open, that's the pickup at the top of the tank. Normally that's laying down fill it up all right. Well, a couple things to keep an eye on still like you got to find the emergency brake cable. We need see if the ignition issue cures itself.

You know, unfortunately, without kind of running and cycling it hard to tell. I could say it's good now, but uh later on, okay start acting up again. I think our hydraulics are okay, let's go take a peek on that. That's been under pressure, the whole time, so it's an hour or so - and i don't see anything again.

This is under pressure, so if it's gon na go, i'm still gon na order that, unlike the fact that it's bent, that means it already is kind of compromised all right anything else to go chase. I know i got some more welding to do. I don't know if that's gon na get done today, though, i was hoping to get the emergency brake part done. Another thing, another thing that's been annoying on this is the gas cap does not seal doesn't feel like it touches.
Is that adjustable? It could be funny if we just need to turn it out. I know this part is that the part that puts this the spring pressure on it. What's that that's just a bolt holding it, it seems like it leaks and sometimes even get crap in it. Let's go see if we can take that screw out of the center there, and i think maybe it's even missing the rubber part might not be there.

I don't that's metal or, if that's the rubber and it's just petrified yeah, let's go get that out of there. You were gon na yell at me. If i didn't put a rag there, weren't you, oh, i heard you think, that's the gasket or you think it's metal. It is like a piece of petrified something yeah or is it rock? I wonder if there's something we can replace that with, or can we put this back in but get like that one of the o-rings out of a gas can uh gas cap look see what i can find yeah it's it's pretty hard that that wasn't going to Seal very well plus the rust around the edge of it.

Let's go check in gas cappy stuff and see if we have, as i was thinking something like that part of it, let's go grab that is there any more in here. That's a radiator cap. That's gon! Na be metal, let's take that one apart, i would think there's another screw going and it's bolted together. I think because i think that goes under there.

If i drill that out, let's go, i'm gon na go pop, get a little screwdriver and see if we can work that out of there. I think i think it's pinched together, though i actually would prefer that, because, if it's smaller, you know, we need to get yeah, it might work. We just need this to hold it down in place. Let's just see if we can we'll pull out of there, don't damage it either.

Maybe it is wedged under there. If we can get it, yeah looks like it'll go huh. I should probably grab a little pair of pliers or something we'll just do that. There you go and we know it'll hold up the gas because it's off of the gas cap and with that we could screw down and have this be the mating surface.

Instead of that other, we could probably leave the other piece even in there too, as a backer. Let's go put it the rest of it. Let's put it back together all right. What do you think with or without this piece? That's got it flipped over.

That would make the correct seal and that would hold everything in place. Let's just try that, because i i think, if i get rid of that we're going to end up hitting, i think the metal is going to hit what happens. Is you put a full tank in it? You fill it up until it runs down to about half a tank as you're using it. It starts splashing out over the hood.

It looks like we get a good seal from the other there. Let's see if that, how does that like it? How do you like it? It already feels better yeah. I think that's gon na do it for us yeah. I was going to contact the metal ring anywhere, which i don't think we are.
If anything, i don't, i don't think we'll be able to influence it anyway right see. If we can push that ring up, it's like whatever little slack is there i'll give it here get through this upward. I think we got it good. I don't need that anymore.

Well guys, i would like to have gotten everything completed, but just not gon na happen, i'm unfortunately out of time and some other stuff i need to go. Do this was a necessity. I had to kind of move it forward in the line of stuff for us to play with and work on. I got some cool stuff uh coming up some uh older vehicles that uh we should be doing some runs on.

One of them has been here a long time, another couple ones, maybe showing up, i'm not sure on those. Yet anyway, as far as this is concerned, we got the bucket fixed all welded up. We found the hydraulic leak on the outrigger and still want to get fittings for that. Uh cannon gave it a general look over, took care of.

I think the crank condition, which was just that poor uh connection on the frame for the ground setup. If it's not i'll, put a new ignition switch in it the what else? What were we doing? Oh, the the muffler, i thought the muffler was leaking and it was correct, but i changed it. Six months ago, yeah it'll happen to you too, as you get older. I just totally forgot.

I had it in here, for i forgot, i had to go, do something to it and i was bringing it over to the cabin and the exhaust. We did a engine a while ago. It was off of a teramite that blew up and we started it on one cylinder. We kind of blocked off one side and see if it would run on one cylinder, but anyway that was the muffler that was on it.

So it's the correct exhaust for a termite uh. I stopped to do some more maintenance to it. I got to go through the fluids and you know, hit all the grease points and pivot points and and all that kind of stuff, but it's a good little machine again. I've had it for 20 years.

It doesn't get used much before when you need it. It definitely comes in handy and it really hasn't lost any value so to speak over purchasing it, and i think i don't know what the rentals are up to now. It's probably four or five hundred dollars a day to go, get one. So you know the math on that 16 times.

If you rented it 16 times, it would be free, not including maintenance. So i'm happy with it. It's been served me well, i made the thumb for it that has a bracket that is welded to the boom and into that there's an arm that you put on it. It swings down and you put two pins in on the arm and then you can as a grapple.

You can pick logs up and rocks up and move them around and set them down instead of just trying to scoop everything with tobacco and you swing it up out of the way when you're not using it. So that's good. I added to the bucket in the front i welded hooks on it. I put a two inch receiver on it's good for kind of coming up on the trailers and moving trailers around the yard that works out fairly.
Well, it could the the the i don't know if you want to call it deficiencies on it would be it's not four wheel drive, it could use a little more power in it and uh the rear end is not it's not a locked diff. So if you spin one tire, it's kind of stuck, that's not really good for moving snow or anything like that. I'm sure the four wheel drive won't be okay, you know, but this one unless you're on flat ground and you get it down to bone dry ground underneath once you get the tires on the snow and try pushing it, it's not too good. I made the roof for it to keep the weather off of the inside, and that is just some metal roofing that you would put on like a shed or something.

So that's all up on there and i threw some lights up in top because it kind of sucks running at night. So you have the rear and then the front, this one's out front and rear work lights. Um. The plus has headlights in the front too, but they're, not very good, because the basically all you do is you lighten you uh illuminate the back of the bucket arm, all right guys, that's about it.

Unfortunately, like i said, i would like to have gotten more done with it, but and ended the video with you know, digging holes in the sandpit and maybe burning some nuclear waste or something, but it just didn't happen. So i'm not gon na probably do any more video on this. I'm gon na get it knocked out and we'll move on to some of the other stuff, but for now that's it guys. Thanks i'll see you later bye.

So so you.

By Mustie

5 thoughts on “I busted my backhoe, now lets fix it!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DATONALKY says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Rose says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Smith says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sterian Burghelea says:

    Cool. First watching

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Hello mate ๐Ÿ‘

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