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a friend bought this 1955 Morris Oxford that had been imported to the USA 33 years ago and parked. he asked me to go through it to see what condition its in. so lets go and see how it aged.

Guys how's it going hey i finished up as far as i'm going going to go on that uh hillman imp car that was imported or roughly about years ago. We did a pretty much an assessment on and was able to get it running still needs breaks and clutch work done to it nice clean car. But again it still needs more done to it not my car so it's not up to me what does and doesn't get done. But what we are doing is taking that one off the trailer.

We are putting this one on the trailer. This is the 50s morris oxford. It came from the same location. And this one's been sitting roughly the same amount of time it's been stored indoors.

I also know nothing about this car neither and i've never seen one never heard of one and so we're gonna go bring this back to the shop and take a look of what it has do an assessment essentially on it and then if we try to get it running this one was imported on that date. So it's been a good 33 years that it hasn't been run. But it was stored in a you know a quality building. It wasn't like it was in a tent garage or anything all right so.

We're gonna get that swapped over to the trailer and uh. We'll get it back to the shop and get a better look at it and we'll start getting into it i got it back at the shop. And unfortunately. One of the front tires is dragging so hopefully there could be enough tilt on the trailer.

We can get her to roll back onto the lift see how it does yeah. See if we can influence gravity a little by changing them really. It's pretty steep all right now that we've got on the lips let's go take a peek around. I've never dealt with any of these before i know nothing about them which makes it fun for me interior looks pretty decent let's go get a light on it's held up pretty well smells like old leather.

Doesn't smell like mice or anything interior. Looks actually pretty decent. How's the headliner that looks pretty good too my guess. This would be like basic transportation around that time it's the 50s.

I don't know what year. It is i don't see any tags on the doors. Yet how many miles are on it or kilometers. I should say that's in miles per hour 60.

I think it says sixty thousand sixty one thousand huh looks like it's mostly original paint. I do see some like i don't know what's going on right there in the door and then something on the fender there. But i think it's original paint and he imported it and then never used it and that's the data on for 2089. So it's roughly 33 years.

It's been sitting and the other car that we did from the same location was that hillman imp and the gas tank was drained on that so that helped that out greatly let's go open the trunk in the hood. See what we got going on inside. There and then we'll lift that up i don't know if we need a key or not does this lock into place third hand. There we go.

It's got a bunch of junk in the trunk is that an inner tube it looks pretty decent. I don't see anything painted in or repairs or anything let's go pop the hood. I found a rod on the inside to get it to going up else we got a tickle under here to get her to go that might do it right there i see it ah this is how this game's gonna go that up let's go take a peek. What we got is definitely a simple engine bay huh.
We have to figure out if this is six volt or 12 volt. And we also need to figure out if it's positive or negative ground. How we're gonna go about doing that i'm not sure yet what if we could see anything on say. The generator or the starter.

It's written on them anywhere. What that says right there that might be upside down for you it's going to take a little bit of scotch brite. We'll clean that off see if it reveals anything also maybe the battery terminals usually on a battery. One terminal is larger than the other generally fits one direction.

You know what i mean they might be the same though on this one. I don't know but generally not a battery. One terminal is larger than the other i might give this indication to that doesn't have the old battery in it right let's go. See.

If that has anything that's it's 12 volt. Right. There. I believe that's going to be 12 volt.

Let's continue to see if any other info comes up. Yeah. Two maybe. I don't know no i'm questioning it i know it's upside down for hearts for you to see uh let's go keep poking around so you can find anything else.

That says a voltage on it what about that thing right there. What is that it's like a brake light switch looks like brick lines go to it and that says. 12 looks like 12v on it right there also okay now we just got to figure out which way the polarity goes. Let's go grab a dead battery.

And see how the terminals are so conventional would be like this it'd be the positive it seems like it's sitting a little proud on let's go see if the negative seems about right camera. This battery's pretty pretty done anyway might not have anything in it whatsoever all right. I think we're pretty confident that's the direction it goes of course. The wires are the same color right doesn't help things much so this is it's going to be backwards.

Because this is going to the ground of it it seems like it fits that that seems let's go i don't know what i'm doing before we start troubleshooting let's go lift it up in the air and see how the underside looks. Let's go peek. Looks like it's got two main round rails that run down the center of the car. The frame that funky suspension huh little spindly.

Little post tie rods are way up up high huh. What's it used for a shock after something up under the hood. Where that lever that lever is i don't see any kind of dampening. It's like a cast aluminum oil pan watch your head trans is dripping a little bit.

I don't know if it's a three speed or a four speed unibody car little spindly muffler going back like somebody made a heat shield. I don't know if that's factory a little shield from the floor looks pretty decent. I don't see much corrosion of any sort it looks like the gas tank looks nasty huh looks like it's got a drain plug. Though hopefully.
That's all been drained out like the other one was all we got for your suspension regular shocks. Look somebody painted it yeah. The silver's definitely been painted over what they're just trying to stop it from rusting or aesthetics. Again being underneath.

Maybe that was a actually looks like the floor might have been too. It's got kind of like a if you can tell like a weird brush pattern. I don't know i think a lot of these cars were you know their assembly lines are more like a a hand built thing. It wasn't the uh mass production.

I'm guessing i don't know for completeness on it emergency brake cables looks like everything's i don't know if there's any gear fluid left in it oh. See that's probably the shock right there that little dampening cylinder up in there and ground strap. Jumping across on the chassis and torsion bars are what holds the spring for the just like a mopar just long twisty torsion bars. All right let's go back up top get some wrenching.

Yeah. Let's go check some fluids. See what's in it anything bone dry whether it leaked out. I don't know and we've got our dipstick in it and it's looking pretty chalky.

It's uh chalky opposite of chalky got oil in it towards the full side pretty dark for being sitting that long usually all the dirt kind of settles out of it uh let's go pop the plugs on it. And we'll dribble a little bit of oil down each cylinder. Just as uh preventative maintenance. Yeah also looks like somebody changed one of the wires huh.

I see a blue one sitting up there actually none of them this one doesn't match. Neither let me uh mark them oh. They're falling apart as i'm taking them off let me go mark them. I'm just gonna put dots on them one dot for number one cylinder.

You know what i mean two for number two three for three. And we'll just call the front one number one cylinder. Let's get them out of there might be one of those who we're going to go see all right. That's got a post on top of the plug that one doesn't it's open threads.

That one's got a post on top that one doesn't it's open threads. I don't know if somebody was just cheap doing maintenance on it and we're using whatever they had hopefully the whole car is not like that let's go see a little carbony that one's real dry. I can see it a little bit of rust looking on the threads of that one too that one's carboned up like number one that one's carving up like normal so number two cylinder looks like it pulled out a little bit of rust. Yeah.

That one's a little bit more rusty than the others. So it looks like it has the carbon. But possibly suspect just by the rust that's on you can see what i mean by the caps every other one had one on it and the wire the inside of the wire has a different setup to grab those so the plugs are like that because of the wires. So that engine hasn't turned in 30 years and just to help it out.
We are going to give a little bit of oil on each one. Now. This is a flat head. The valves are off to one side coming up in the bottom of the blocks not shooting down.

But the engine is sitting with a piston. It is like this it's not on an angle. So when we put that oil. What's nice is it goes around the whole top of that cylinder kind of coats.

It i want to get some of that in there before we try turning it because generally even if it was in a good climb. If you were to take the cylinder head off you probably see a little bit of scaling of rust. Hopefully like the head gasket doesn't fail and the water jackets allow coolant to go into one of those cylinders especially the one that we saw that had that rust on it so um. We'll find out let's go.

See. If we can get a breaker bar or something on the front of the engine. Now if there's an access port or something out front that we can put something on it to get it to turn out we think. It's probably i don't know and it looks like i might be able to get something possibly turn up by the generator that nut right there not much room huh.

I'll get something in the process of looking it over. I'm looking right here looks like this maybe. He had a hole or a crack or something. And there's a little bit of putty on the top of that head.

I don't know if that was a leak right there kind of looks it doesn't it i'll find out i guess this car is old enough to put a crank in i guess maybe crank it over by hand is my guess so i don't know if that goes right through to that pulley. I would think so i don't know if there's anything in the trunk. Yeah. It goes right to the crank.

Let's go take a peek in the trunk. See if there's a rod that's in there that we can access the engine dude here that looks like the whole jack assembly. Well i think it would be kind of well. You know whatever you use for cranking a jack up maybe would be the same no that's not going to do it we got in there feels like a gear.

That's not a good sign yeah. There's somebody in there before us. It's got a chopped up probably the cam gear review. My guess huh been there a day or two do we see that little rod anywhere.

I don't know if we can make up something to get in there we're not trying to start it we just want to spin it around make sure nothing's going to hit or clank or bind up and do damage to it and i don't see anything i'm gonna take a quick peek inside the car. You know that seat flips up or out or sorry about the shaky cam. Any critters come running out a couple more hiding spots. We don't see anything just some sound proofing nope.
I'm up under the car where's where that little cam is and it's like you would put a rod in it would have like a t bar going across would catch on and then when the car started it would kick it off that's what these little ramps are for before starting to make up that it looks like it might have a nut on the outside surface of it let's see if you can find a socket that will fit that that's the case that'll make life a lot easier. I think a deep socket will go right on that but it kind of pushes it away. I think this sits so proud of it. But the wall the socket.

Only has so much depth to go. And that doesn't fit it great neither but throw a uh ratchet on there see if it's good enough to get it to turn. I got a socket hammered on there let's see if that is enough for force. Let's turn it feels pretty good too nice.

Let's do revolutions that's all we need i'm gonna go spin. It a little bit more just to get the oil just flashing around a little bit. Yeah. Let's go see if the starter won't do anything well.

I think i'm going to go with positive ground trying to come up with a it's going to be 10 000. Comments saying. Here's what you should should have done trying to figure out what would be the best way to kind of check it you know again there was no old battery in it i'm just going by where the terminals are i'm gonna you know whatever your probe. It's still gonna go whether it's positive or negative ground the nothing's gonna change as far as the wiring.

It's not like i can go take like the coil. Okay the hot side of the coil goes to what i don't know because it doesn't it's just going to go to a turn. It's going to go to this terminal. This one that doesn't go to the ground.

Whether this is positive or negative. It still doesn't answer that question so i think what we'll do is we'll unplug the generator just so it's not trying to make any power and put anything out and feedback into the system and possibly what we can do is if we get it running if and when we get it running. We'll stick with if we'll take a test light on it or a meter and we'll see if it says positive or negative. And if that's the case.

We'll know what the generator is putting out so if i go from the body to the post and it puts out says positive. Then went over right if we go the other way around it says negative then we know it's uh. The other direction. That makes sense.

I would think the generator would the starter. Rather would work either way let's go find out let's unplug those if they come off so that should be the where the power goes out so no matter. What this is still going to go to this terminal. Whether it's positive or negative again.

We don't know the answers to that and we'll get them out of there. So it's not trying to backfeed into the generator and screw that up and uh maybe we'll just get the jumper pack hook. That would be positive ground right i see all those terminals. You guys can see what i'm doing i'm just gonna eyeball those terminals to figure out which one fits that one definitely does not go on there.
So that's the hot and it's trying to go in that positive lead. And it's not even close fitting down on that one yeah we're going with that i see it's very nice of him to put a little jumper pack shelf right where we need it all right it's kind of a weird feeling looking negative the positive the batteries yet but this should have a charge to it see if we get the arkan and this has a i believe a pedal on the floor that you push up should make contact on these for the starter. See if we get anything there we go no smoke let that spin for a second. You want to do a compression test.

See we got let's go pop the cap off real quick. Too set that to the side make sure our rotor is spinning judging from the busted cam gear. We saw yeah let's go get compression. I don't think.

It's gonna be very high in this flat head let's go see we got this is oil too. So the numbers are actually going to be higher. Because of the oil. It helps clog all the gaps are your spark.

And why would i hear spark if there's no the keys not on that's where i hear spark maybe it's just some i don't know worry about that later let's see if we get anything i'm registering see you working look at it not really oh you know we need to do we open the throttle. There's there's where our malfunction is let's go get a pair of vice grips. We'll pinch it on that on that throttle open it up so air can get sucked in yeah. If you don't have the throttle open you don't want to show compression just because it did it's always under vacuum well that's the best way to put it choke.

I don't know what it uses for choke let's go try it again see if that does anything for us. I'm not sure anything on that one let's go right down the line. See if you get anything else now. That one's firing that one shows 70 psi that one's showing 50 psi and can we get on this one crank slower that one is roughly 70.

75. Psi also let's go try number one one more time. You can hear the less resistance on it too yeah. That one's showing like 30 that may go away.

When it runs a little bit a lot of times. It's just corrosion around the valve like rust or crud or carbon. It gets around the valve so when the valve goes to seat. It doesn't seat flat.

All the way and sometimes as soon as it runs. It cleans itself up let's go put a key in the ignition and we'll put the cap on it see if we get any spark. I swear like it sounded like a head spark it was probably jumping across the cab real quick before you even put the key let's just see what it does right here. And we're looking right there.

No no spark that's gonna turn the key on not sure what's making noise as soon as i turn the key on something goes clunkity clunk. What do you think of course now. It's not doing it. Yes.
I don't i would think it could be a mechanical fuel pump in the 50s. I wouldn't think it would be electrical. All right let's go crank. It see if it gets sparked now no spark it's uh can we get the coil wire out of it i wonder if we can just yeah.

This is gonna hurt let's uh. We got close to get to it's not allowing us right there nothing all right we got no spark could because the battery's hooked up backwards. I don't know let's go so you could tape that plug wire down someplace. Where it'll looks like it should jump for us without touching too much oil on here.

Yeah can you get it i'll leave it like that then he's still on pop. The rotor off let's just snap those points open and close are they in the i think they're in the open position right now yeah. They are just go bump that so that they're closed. There we go and let's just see if we can just get to there it goes.

Yeah. There you got her all right let's go take a file drag it across those points. Right. There there we go let's go clean those and that should bring our spark back hopefully.

Let's talk them docked them up a little bit still even with the polarity being backwards on the battery. I think everything would still function. I think i had a car once before it was a uh. An early beetle six volt beetle and the directionals wouldn't work and the charging system wouldn't work and after i went through it i found you know somebody replaced the terminals like that are on here.

You know we have one red one black you just kind of automatically hook. It up and the beetle. The battery is underneath the seat so you don't get to see where the terminals are going. And what it was they put a red terminal on the ground and vice versa so the battery was hooked up backwards car started rain drove charging system wouldn't work and again the directions wouldn't work are the two things that came up i don't know i probably didn't have a radio.

But yeah that was the two issues that i found hopefully that's good enough let's go put the cap back on it the rotor back on it give it a spin and see if our spark plug makes a little bit of arc for us hopefully. That's the mechanical things underneath that little bit of play. It's a set of weights on springs that flip out as it spins faster and it moves the timing and that's what you're seeing there with a little bit of noise in that spring. All right see if that plug sparks now.

Please you hold it i'm waiting to get zapped that kind of sort of not great not every fire. But it is sparking let's go throw the plugs back in it and let's even get that air cleaner off of there and try to dribble a little bit of fuel in it. See what it does if you want to take that whole air cleaner assembly. Right out of there it looks like it's got a bolt on each side holding the flange to it and we got a long one going through there looks like the air cleaner's cracked on the back side here bust.
It out uh. We just need to be able to inject a little bit of fuel um. I don't know you think right there will be our best bet. There's any place we can you know do the fuel line.

We'll do that later can we get in here. I think. This is just a big barrel slide can we dump gas in there. I don't think so i think i just screwed something up doesn't go back together all right everything's still working let me get we'll take it off.

I guess right there get this whole piece off the side. I'm gonna take a look at it's probably. It's not gonna be an oil bath. But it doesn't look like it's something that it looks like it's metal on the inside metal screen.

So when i turn a key on that must be an electric fuel pump that's over here was making the clunking noises that i heard it only fired a couple of times. Though which unfortunately hopefully does it have fuel in it that would suck you wanna let me just go crack. This hose off real quick hey let's just go spin. It we'll put the plug wires on it spin.

It see what we get go from there kick. You over to the other side. Give us a little bit of room. Need a little bit of room over here.

Let's go see if we can get underneath. Let's go lift that up past it give her a little little squirt. See what she does what started doing liking that looks like the contacts are overheating. In the starter switch.

Just a little bit of cranking you see where it's getting hot and smoking. I have to loose them around a little bit let's try that again keep your tail out of the fan. Yeah. I think we have to take these apart and clean them it sounds like it's got like a high resistance going across them wiggle them around a little bit.

And it helped it well that one let's just give her one more i'll put a spark checker on it too we'll look right there. See if nothing flashes for us. That's a no uh did we lose it my guess probably on the points. Again that spark was kind of weird in itself.

Let's um. I should be sparking right now the key's on and they're closed. Yeah lost it again let's coil's warm. Once.

It's hot it's warm try cleaning one more time and then we'll take a test light. We'll go probe around see if we got power it's going to watch the points. I think we lost it there we go spark it again all right let's go throw that rotor on real quick. Let's see we get it out by the plug.

See if we get that to flash. Now we got nothing here. Though rotor's one piece. So let's see that being an issue sometimes.

There's a resistor across the center of the rotor all right it might just be weak let's go plug in there. Just got a generic plug in there. So we get it sparked it's not great. I'm getting that others that test one's not even doing anything at all uh.
I wanted to drop a little bit of fuel down each plug hole and you're giving it a fire. I would charge our jumper pack too it sounds like it's a little low. I got a big old battery charger on there i think what wasn't helping that battery. I think.

It's got a dead cell in it so. When i hooked the jumper pack to i think the jumper pack was getting drained into that battery let's see what we get see. If it spins faster work. The throttle cough a little let's give him another shot.

That's a good shot. It lives it definitely has an exhaust leak down there somewhere huh. Nice. Where's that all coming out of all right probably right there.

Where the flange meets. It yeah. Hmm let's go squirt. Her one more giant give him another fire up.

See what we got coming out of the tailpipe plus. I put a bunch of oil in it too so that's where a lot of that smoke comes from nice it'll live let's try it again. I think the bottle's still in there right might be able to run it off of that sucking the bottles right it was feeding itself. It drew all the fuel right out of the bottle sucked it right out through the intake.

There you go it's self feeding itself. Let's see if it's got a little bit left to go burn off. Yeah use up all the fuel all right good let's go look into the fuel system. What we have what's going on and if we need to start getting that part of it addressed.

So that it kind of stays around us. Let's get that off of there. And we'll see if anything comes out of it i know i didn't catch it on camera in the beginning. But the when i first put the key on i heard thumping again i got i think i saw your electric fuel pump that's something on the wall and then it stopped i don't know if it stopped dude.

The fact that it put fuel out or did it stop because it's just got a bunch of crud on the inside of it that's all it can move this i think this is a tickle. I think this pushes the float down and allows fuel to go in let's go. See if we can take that float ball right off you can take an assessment of what's inside the carburetor looks like too does that go what is that that holding the float ball on i think it'll pop free. Yeah.

It feels like it feels like there's more to that ball going across all right as we were let's go get that off of there that banjo nut and we'll throw that back on it's got a weird like window. I don't know what huh purpose of that is it's got like a notch cut out of it just throw that back on these are slide cards compared to i don't know if it has a butterfly too i think it does i think this kind of works. I'm guessing more of like a choke originally mixed yeah. Let's go see what'll fit that a little hardware on this what's it called british standard.

What's the for it i think that's right looking pretty dry. But we think you still hear that fuel pump. It's like the fuel pump was sucking air. I think it would continue to go on let's go give her a crank actually the keys off the keys need to be on for the electric fuel pump to work there we go see if we get anything out of it wants to start is that a filter that wants to come out get down.
There so i don't lose it piece of screen. Yeah we got nothing let's look at a test light. Let's see if we got power going over to this fuel pump there it goes. And something's coming out of it let's uh shut.

It off there you go so shut that off and get a cup or something underneath it i'll do like a urine sample much of anything yeah. It's pretty pretty golden. Now let's get a cup throw it underneath. There control it a little bit.

I wonder if we can uh take it so you take that just take that wire on and off and kind of run it and not run it want to break anything either. Though yeah. Let's see if we can get that off of there. We just can kind of actually do is just take a jumper wire right to it and power lead.

The key off good idea actually i hooked up the remote start button. It's just a wire going from the fuel pump to the hot side. We're going to call it the hot side and that should there we go so it's not moving much fuel. Just quit.

I did it again the reliability of that's going to be let's try putting some fresh fuel in the tank. See if it leaks anywhere and if not we'll try to push that through we'll have some clean fuel pushing the old stuff through and hopefully we can get some clean stuff coming up into there yeah it smells like 1989 vintage let's give her a drink. See what it does yeah we definitely think that this engine would want some kind of lead substitute dude. What's age but for the short time it'll run on this i don't think.

It's that big of a deal right does that get crazy make sure. It's not pouring out the other side. I don't see anything under the car yet see if that was enough to wet the pickup. We'll go try that see if that's enough to go push it through if now we'll load it up with some more see what we get now can you see sounds like it's working harder.

There. It goes. Let's um dump that there's a new charged up light. We'll try it again.

We'll see if we get some clear stuff coming through. Yeah. Yeah. It smells like it looks all right fresh light fresh cut.

I tell you when the guys brought these over and then did the maintenance of putting them away just draining. The fuel out definitely made a big difference and how much damage. It has now like if that had a cruddy fuel tank. You wouldn't be seeing that at all.

I think a little bit more of that should be just fine you want to take the carb apart. You just want to try winging it yeah. I want to wing it too well actually we could test it before we even try to run it we'll just let it fill the see if it starts pissing out anymore. That's like i see dripping.
I think it's at this yep. I don't think that floats working nope all right we're going in uh you should take the banjo back off again well we got two bolts on there think is there anything any heat rise or anything underneath just get a mirror take a peek. I think it's just these two bolts that line and that line. We'll get it on the bench take a look at it wentworth standard.

That's the name. I was looking for which they have they're their own size. It's not metric. It's not sae.

We're standard. I think it's the deal essentially a lot of the six point stuff you can get close to it and unbolt it with it between the two a metric and i'm going to call the standard set all right we get everything what's this rod going down. What's that apparatus is that our choke. We gotta do to get that off of there that and that pin point a little more digging all right.

I've never taken one of these apart before first time everything uh. I say we try to get that floatball assembly off of there like a weird key to it i don't that's a vent. But now it comes off so that's our needle and seat right there so that should shut off the fuel once the chamber fills float fills the float move well there's your problem that float supposed to float feels like it's frozen in its place. Yeah.

So what holds that down is he just stuck with sludge or that's pretty in there you don't think. It's probably that thread do you what are this let's go throw some let's throw. Some vice grips on the stud and see if that stud will turn and take that float out with it show you that stud's got to be threaded into something i don't see anything coming out the bottom. So let's just go see.

If i don't want to break anything. Neither. Ah. That's not moving can we take that whole assembly off.

We need for that that's gummy all right so maybe we could throw that whole thing in the ultrasonic cleaner. I don't know my guess is there's corrosion between here and the post and it's just kind of stuck on it i don't want to damage that float because we're not going to find another one of those so we'll take that assembly. We'll put that in there. As one let's go take this off of here.

Another banjo nut. Looks like that could use some cleaning. Too let's keep digging see how else we got looks like that plunger is uh. We got some carbon on it velocity stack.

What's the name of them so what they're called now velocity. Stack is um hold that thought as you were easy. So what does this mechanically do is that mechanically lift that whole assembly up so he just opens a jet passage yeah so it opens up space around the needle. There's the needle draw fuel up probably works two ways this gets pulled up by velocity or vacuum.

And then when you give it throttle it looks like you guys can see it in there in the light. So i'm trying to get it you can see the center drops down and enriches. The fuel also well it takes place like an accelerator pump. It's a squirt on a thing of fuel and it just allows more fuel until it revs up and opens.
It we're gonna leave that part of it alone for now. Let's look so float maintains the level of fuel fuel gets siphoned over so fuel comes in the top maintains a level of fuel in here. It gets drawn across through that and up through there up through there across and into that jet and that's how the fuel gets in there does it have a air fuel mix on it i don't see anything to you is there an air way to adjust. I see idle speed for it looks like maybe this maybe you can turn that assembly right there that looks like it doesn't it with the spring underneath it if you need to adjust the height of where that is i wonder if you could just turn this up and down.

And it sets that level. That's what i'm guessing all right let's go through this whole thing. Let me see we throw the whole thing in a ultrasonic cleaner. But i don't want to damage trying to see around the sides of it see if i can see a bunch of crud down below well either way this has to get freed up yeah.

So we're going to soak this can we soak. All this stuff is there anything here that just want to watch out for gaskets that i don't have leave this alone get that out of there i take it we're going to put oil back in that later let's go wash. This this remember that spring goes that doesn't need to all right. So the end with the the end with the tight hole goes down like that and we'll get that stuff soaking.

Maybe we'll jump on something else i lost doing this thing over the ultrasonic. What do you want to pick around on now what about you wanna try putting some coolant in it or water for now let's see if it leaks out anywhere. I don't know if they drained it out or if it ran out take a quick peek at the hoses make sure. There's nothing obvious.

That's like totally rotted right off of it anywhere is that light it's that lower hose hook. Look. I'm seeing in the radiator damage wise. Yeah.

Let's go throw some water in it. See what happens we could probably uh now that it's spun a little bit try a compression test again see if that number one cylinder whoops that's gonna help to find a leak. See if that number one cylinder came up make sure i'm not pissing out the bottom right away see a little drip. But that might be what i splashed over keep going stop it the other one we did the uh.

The hillman imp. The water pump was junk on that one i had to drill it out with a drill bit. And it was frozen solid took an air ratchet got an air ratchet on it got it spinning kind of functioning. You know it wore out but at least we got it to operate hopefully this one seems like it spins because the belt is still on there wasn't any restriction.

I think the other car. We tried turning it and the engine didn't want to turn. But didn't want to turn because the water pump didn't want to turn we are what's got me a little concerned on this car. Though is that number two spark plug that little bit of rust that came out of it i'm just afraid that the head gasket is beat.
And it's going into the chamber. One more load. I do not see anything pouring out of the bottom of the car so far. It's a good sign.

I'm listening to it i'm hearing like gurgling trying to figure out where it's coming from i'm like he's got heater hoses going somewhere like where's where's the noise coming from it's the battery on the charger. The battery's kind of like percolating on the inside decent amount of water. It's probably we're up over about two gallons right now open the door of the car. I'm probably filling the inside of the car with it right now heater core is gone all right that to the top hopefully that settles out it doesn't keep flowing down let that set up for a minute make sure that holds everything that should let's see here hear it i think it's the battery.

I'm gonna shut that charger off yeah. That's what it was i don't see anything pouring out of the water pump. Although it looks kind of cruddy. I'm looking right there there jesus scared the crap out of me and right there at the end of that stud of that water pump see some corrosion on that holy crap.

I splashed around doesn't help much now does it that's probably. The oil feels like a canister that you would change uh. Oh. We did the compression test.

That's what we can do let's go blow that crap out of around those plugs get those plugs back out and uh give her another spin. We'll probably we will do the one that threads in we'll get a better number. Let the plugs let's go spin. It real fast.

Make sure no water comes out any of the cylinders now they look good go get a good compression tester on it i see how we did let's say we call that 80 pounds on number one doesn't take much running to get it to get polished back up let it run for 60 seconds for us. But that's all it generally needs to clean the crap off of it may still improve a little bit more over time plus. We pushed all the oil out of it whatever oil was helping seal. It is gone number two.

I don't know what these flatheads get for compression. Too call that 100. It's also kind of like how close they are to each. Other like you don't want a cylinder.

That's 150 and then another one that's 80 because the one that's 80. If it was by itself would probably run. But when you're trying to tune the 150 to run in the 80 to run it's gonna skip a beat. Let me go write that down all right number three.

I call that 75. I know on air cooled v. Dubs you kind of want to be we don't want anything under 100 on a v. Dub air cooled.

And you really don't want much of a 20 pound difference between them just shy of a hundred. I bet you if it was spinning a little faster probably do 100 so i got about 25 pounds difference between them well at least that first cylinder came up the first cylinder before was doing like what 15 pounds took the wire off the fuel pump. So that was isn't going to run let's go turn the key on and see what comes alive. Let's pick one big ass.
Steering wheel. Let's um. So. The gas gauge moves a little bit in the alternator gauge flicks a little i don't know if anything will that's wipers.

I don't think that would be headlights uh that's got like 37 different positions on it not quite sure what that is what's s. What would s be unless that one say l. This s. Is start uh.

Obviously lights maybe. What's that ah you know what that is and it's working that's the semaphore on that one side yes. There's no directional that's the direction. Let's go see what that looks like if it lit up.

I heard it mechanically come out. I wonder if the generator needs to be running and it runs off the generator to power lights. Oh no no it's got parking lights on oh yeah check that out it's called semaphores that's your directionals back. Then it would come out the side of the car bw also had those not so much over here.

I think the other side is missing. And it's just like electrical magnet that allows that to come up that's pretty cool. I want to surprise you don't get broken off. Yeah.

I think the other side is missing. And it drops back in when you flip it back down. Else you got for lights tail lights plate lights working uh. I don't know about headlights maybe the car has to be running for the headlights to go see if we can figure that out was that the button that had like 37 different positions on it what's this it's probably choke right feels like some kind of a choke is that anything i'm afraid to hit stuff is that like another glove box.

What is that now this on this side the glove box. I don't know what that would be like hazard lights or something what would like a brake light test they both push in huh. I don't know i could make up stuff all right that start uh let's see they come on and off. Yeah.

So wherever the l. Is these parking lights. What would headlights be let's see what's the other stuff hanging out down below. I don't know what that is and there's another one over here.

I don't know what those are that's wipers which i think are stuck the motor might be stuck because look. It's drawn it draws a bunch of amps so i think the motor stuck. I don't know what the deal is it's got c on my guess would be choke maybe that's where the other that other lever went to. But what would be headlights parking lights does it have another position.

Oh yeah. It does duh let's see how that does there you go good other than the wiper motor. We're gonna not play with that right now it's not on the top of our uh. I can see it going probably under the dash.
Too let's uh shut the headlights off turn those wipers on and we'll give them a little that one ask them a little wiggle. See if they decide to do anything. I don't want to cook. The motor.

Now you know yeah. Yeah. That'll be for another day. We're not trying to restore the car.

We're trying to just trying to do an assessment. What we got you got a horn. There you go all right turn the key off and i think we're good i still like to know what this stuff is what do you think that is they push into mic does it have an oil pressure light. So we got amps is that oil that was dark you can't see i see that's oil pressure right there.

And i don't know what this is i'm sure somebody will answer that how about the shifter. I feel like it wants to go into any gear. Yeah about these two one should be like third or first in reverse how about our pedals. Let's go try the clutch.

The clutch is mechanical that should be okay gas pedal. It's not hooked up so it does move though and i don't want to hit the brakes. We'll deal with that on its own there's an emergency brake here emergency brake. We think that is dash lights like dimmer this seems like a rotates.

I don't know all right let's go figure out something else to do is that see anything and the other part of the semifinal that's missing that it's like it's missing. A piece of like the chrome that goes with it though it's got a yeah. I don't see it in that package tray anywhere it looks like it has a um frame that it sits in should kick out though right let's go turn the key back on let's see if this one does anything yeah. How would you access that looks like somebody already did this they pulled them the trim off get into it this vehicle is protected by crook lock and either they liked a vet or they were a vet.

We got this one that's like a conversion chart from looks like gallons to leaders. It's almost like it's choosing things. Though right someone says one gal to four and a half oh as liters of gallons just going backwards. The other way.

I don't know what like when you drive around in europe. Is like different was it sold in both forms. Like why would you have the sticker here. I don't know what the what the purpose of this would be i don't see anything that indicates any kind of country where's the sticker what about the inspection sticker does it have one i don't know what that means.

It had something there i don't see any kind of anything else on it i'll see loot stickers. What's um trying to find a year or two get an engine and a chassis number yeah car number and an engine number that's like the same as whatever those are up there no neither one they don't match that i don't know if that's uh like a build tag. I don't know one of them's gotta be right let's go take a quick peek at that float see if that thing freed up. I'm gonna take the battery off of this that's already been a half hour 20 minutes ah there we go she's free she popped up on her own good shut that right off let me rescue that see what the bottom of that looks like oh that's hot yeah.
It had sludge in the bottom that was holding. It let's get these out of here get them rinsed off good and go ahead and try forcing that up there and i'm glad. It was still floating in there too that means. It's got a good seal to it go wish it with water all right a little bath.

I need an air gun. I gotta blow out some passages looks pretty clear i don't want to put this body. I thought about soaking. It i don't know what's inside it though and we can take it apart.

But i don't want to kill any of the seals. It seems like it's operating as it should can we make the aluminum look nice and pretty on the outside. Yeah. I'm just afraid of uh damaging anything in there.

If we have to go back in we will all right does that have a direction is there a top and bottom to that i would think there would be rub marks from that right so that rubs on top looks like it's in both ways huh as long as that moves free and this i already checked blowing through. I didn't take the needle out. But i blew through it seems like it's functioning properly. We're gonna find out if the fuel shuts off when we go to fill it and what did that have that that on there right so it kind of works it looks like a vent.

But why is it cut. Why is that cut on an angle is that supposed to do something for us. Yeah. Like what's that cut for right there just to let air out it doesn't matter where do you think it gets spun around the clear that right there i'm not sure what the orientation was with this so we'll leave that a little loose for now uh.

We got can we put them both doesn't matter. Which one we put on first so it's gonna be that with the banjo nut right all right that needs to get cleaned up. I'm gonna go take this over to the wire wheel is that one more seal. Yeah.

I'm gonna take that over the wire wheel and knock all that crap off the outside of it all cut right like that and that is the passage that gets it over to the carb. What side was that sitting on you remember probably like that we're gonna find out when we throw it together right. I think about right and then we had this was on top with all its springy guts. Which is going to be that and what do we say that went down inside.

There right that's gonna drop in some meters are fuel. It's got a does it's got a direction that it clips in there it goes and this is going to go on top and i'm going to say we need to put a little bit of oil probably for that to move around and this goes in the center of that so let's just go get a little bit of oil. I'm just going to go with motor oil put a couple of drops on that to make sure that that doesn't bind. I guess.
And we think air what lifts that probably these probably that port right there one of those ports. Probably shoots air in it and pushes it up my guess. I don't know all right drip. A little bit oil in there let's go find some.

Yeah. I don't know if the oil is just for that center slide right there or is it for that outside. I'm gonna say. It's just for down the center.

Let's go just give her a couple of that much in the center and if we're wrong or wrong deal with it later. I'm sure that gets keyed in right. That's gonna lock in and then we'll put two screws in it and that should that was better than it did before there's gonna be people on here that have had thousands of these apart they're gonna correct me. But that's all right sometimes the best way is just taking stuff apart and kind of trying to figure it out it's good for your your troubleshooting capacities.

Because you learn on this one you can add to other other things you take apart how they how they operate and i find your mind kind of works better as far as remembering it to look up the answer compared to taking it apart and trying to figure it out. I think your your just your memory is that much better it looks like it holds. So if that was the throttle right and then you hit that allows it to lower. I wonder if that's like a a fast idle or a choke.

The first time you hit it and that's why i was revving high and then you do something where this kind of comes down and allows it to idle that's just a guess on my part. I do not know think that's in the right spot. You could rotate that whatever whichever way that fuel line is when we put that back on i think. It was something like that wasn't it we out of parts think so let's go throw it back on yeah.

He's gonna turn that battery charger back on i got the fuel pump hooked up against see. If it'll up no busted fuel line. There and we're leaking. We're leaking.

There too think that might need a fuel line. Yeah let's go address that not doing a piece of line on there i think. It's ethanol rated and the clamps are the wrong size. But shouldn't be much pressure there build up there we go the pump shuts off good if we tickle this this will push the float down.

And it should i think it should overflow it maybe not all right let's uh put it back together. We should be able to start it and see if it'll run off that carb now all right keys on here. Some battery power. I think we're good to go um seeing a drip coming off of that fitting.

We're gonna try to suck that down a little tighter ah come on stay around you give us some gas. I got the firing order right one two three four yes. It sounds like it's a little off let's um. What does that second cable do down below.

It again let it warm up a little bit how we doing the exhaust. I don't see a ton of anything leaking out of it pretty clean. There's no smoke. She's a living let's see if we got oil pressure all right we are looking at yeah.
40 pounds good so which knob. What was the one that hold on that one up there this one i don't know what does what it doesn't do anything give it a wrap there it goes do we have a coolant amps fuel and oil pressure. I don't see anything about coolant. We can probably a little warm up and we see some flow going yeah look at it to it also that's warm on the fingers.

That's a good bit of crap kicking up that's roughly rusty. I'm gonna let it run for a little bit open a door nice first fire in 33 years never leaking anything we're dripping out of somewhere might just be a water pump overflow hose. Pushing out the overflow off the cap is just so good see that's got a seal and then over pressure. So that's a spring loaded cap and if the pressure gets upset at 7pm.

It pushes that spring up with that seal and it allows it to go out the overflow. But right now there's no pressure on it. And it's leaking out the overflow. So that cap might just be no good and just flowing right out of it i think that's what's happening.

That's okay we still let it warm up i keep going into the side for the steering wheel. But it's not here let's go push that clutch in real quick. I just want to see nothing like that dude let's just try to pick any gear. Just use the clutch function all right we're in here let her off a little give it grabs all right.

I'm all the way out. Oh. There it goes. Okay that clutch grabs almost all the way all the way out like i'm like this far from being all the way up and it's finally grabbing that disc might be a little on the worn side.

But it does does grab put it back in neutral again yeah. But i wouldn't adjust that feels like it doesn't have any free play free play is that a little bit of uh when you first touch it it kind of in on the clutch is going to throw out bearing that pushes on a pressure plate well that throw up bearing should come off of the clutch plate. So there's a gap in between it so the throttle bearing is not spinning all the time. If you have too much of a load on that bearing is touching it'll burn out the throttle bearing.

Plus. It's pushing on the clutch. A little and that's what it feels like right now it doesn't feel like there's any free play we can adjust that later all right let's go give her a couple of revs. Where's the gas pedal shut off restart.

We gotta. We gotta pull one of these right the yes there you go. It's gonna need a little wrap to it crap crap crap crap crap. I think the next thing maybe we should tackle is trying to get it to roll uh.

Let's get her up in the air. We'll get the air jack underneath it and we'll figure out which front tire is locked up and then probably pull that wheel and see what the condition of the wheel cylinder is that'll give an indication what the rest of them are like it's not that one so it must be this one. Yeah. I don't know what it uses for adjusters.
Let's go take a peek uh on the back side of the wheel. It sometimes has a gestures on the back side really a cam or something or a little peek hole. I do not see anything and possibly. It's under the hubcap let's get that cap off of there.

See if there's anything we can work with yeah. I don't say anything to you now. I see a little peak hole right. There gotta be some way to adjust let's get the tire off looks like the lug nuts are on backwards is that just like a jam nut part of it you gotta like a weird look you see it there like a a double castle nut.

Let's buzz that off of there. See if there's any my guess. Maybe that little peek hole is supposed to line up to something yeah right there little peak hole right. There problem is you gotta line.

It up with an adjuster maybe. We can get like a pry bar in it and rotate it around and back it off a little worse case. You could pull the drum off with a puller. So look at the back of it.

See. The flex line going in and it's got a jumper going from one side to the other so i think there's going to be a wheel cylinder here a wheel cylinder on the other side each one should have an adjuster on it kind of have to i would think so i don't see it on the lower side. Let's try turning it backwards up to here. See if there's an adjuster right.

There get a light in there. Take a peek. See something that looks like a regular screw tip. Yeah.

I never worked on one of these before so that could be what the adjuster is a little further yeah. It'd be weird if that's the adjuster. I wanna take a peek. What is that usually just like a star wheel of some sort that you get back off let's go shove a screwdriver in it see if it does anything there might be a little tab.

See that little a little arm sticking straight up that might be something that stops it from ratcheting. It doesn't do anything i'm going to continue walking it around to the other side. See if i can see anything over there as of right now. I'm not seeing anything that's popping out saying hey turn me i'm gonna throw all these back on protect the threads and we'll just kind of walk it on them you can get the take the drum off.

But sometimes you do some damage doing that it especially if there's a lip on the drum. A lot of times as you wear brakes. There's an outside rust layer or wear layer that's on the edge of the drum and as you try to clear the brake shoes. It's just pulling the brake shoes off and kind of tear and stuff.

So let's try the path of least damage first see we get so okay so it kind of looks the same on both sides. I'm sure i'm missing something how it up operates hmm shut. The screwdriver in that one and turn it counterclockwise and it kind of popped. I don't have to do anything with the drum definitely release something though i can move that brake shoe.
Let's see how it feels yeah so so it's the other shoe. That that shoe is not touching so it's the other one that's our issue. There it goes right let's go get the dust cap off get the drum off. We'll take a peek inside and see how things look that shouldn't be that tight shooting.

Almost finger tight. I already pulled the cotter pin out let's try adjustable first wow. Am. I missing something.

It's like two cutter keys in it the end of it looks pretty like it got bashed on or something huh. All right. We'll keep escalating try socket next that one put up a fight huh. You definitely do not want us in here.

I guess let's go see what is happening in there. It looks pretty good huh. Feels like all too bad chronic drums. Got some crap on it they look pretty good.

The thing is do the wheel cylinders move so inside of these there's little pistons with a seal going around the brake fluid on the backside. And it pushes and moves the shoes and now over time they will freeze up not sure. Which side has the piston can we push on that one i wonder where the adjuster is can we just pop them right off of there take a look at it yes. It's got a little star adjuster on the inside of it on a cam and which side has a pistol yawn.

I'm gonna lower the car. A little bit. I can see a little better so the cap that's just sitting on there kind of looks like it doesn't you can go in and hit the brake pedal. But i don't think that's a wise move because you get all the wheels stuck these look good.

My guess is under here um. I'd say in the center of that is the piston. This is stuck on there i think. It's actually under it so it is caught under that wheel cylinder.

There's probably a lip around at the piston. The pistons in the center and this little metal tab is kind of caught under it's probably got a lip underneath it when it's all the way in it can't come off it's going to break off anyway. I'd say that is not looking good you can see let me go get a little scraper yeah. So in between here all that crap is coming out this piston.

When you hit the brakes should rise and fall and judging by the amount of corrosion that's around it it's going to be a no yeah. The car was the same way too the helmet in it's nature of it just unfortunately. I think the brake fluid over time causes corrosion that's my guess i'm going to try getting a pair of water pumps on that shoulder and that shoulder just to see if it rotates a little bit. Let's see if we can hang out nope.

So i figured it seized in that bore so that's going to be the condition of all of them all the way around so we'll just put it back together with the adjuster and stuff on it and we'll call it good enough to roll and you should probably just leave well enough alone. But that's what we're here for we're trying to do an exploration do i even bother putting that back on there hold does it hold this might all right so i'm going to go clean that up a little bit try to get that all tapped back together get the shoes back on it and just put the wheel back together all right well the fronts aren't going to work for us for breaks. Let's go flip the ass end up in here and we'll see if the emergency brake does anything let's see what it's got for eric's got a lever that pulls on them i just want to make sure that we don't screw ourselves by applying that it looks like we can come with a hammer and tap them off if we have to the wheels. Do not turn very well.
But i don't know if that breaks or if that is drag from the uh differential not sure on that one let's go see uh probably we should do we'll just screw. It with it down here. We'll get underneath like a screwdriver. We'll pry on it so you can get the wheel to lock up let's try tapping that in the off position or in and see if the wheel frees up any better yeah that could be pretty frozen.

Too it didn't make any difference. I think all of us gonna need a good revamp just all got to kind of come apart. I was hoping at the emergency brake to work let's see if that does anything for us yeah about the same what i wanted to do i want to be able to see if we could test drive it you know put it around a little bit. We can get at least emergency brakes to work let's get them to work the wheel feels like it's freeing up a little bit.

But at the same time token. I don't want to marry this thing start getting into all the repairs because this is more of just an assessment. What it needs like i said yeah yeah questionable at best hey. It's been about two days since i ran it last let's go see if it'll do a cold start.

I'm just a jumper pack and everything working up inside the car let's see what we you want to get hey nope is that common with these cars make sure you turn those lights off huh that's how it does with the buzz box on it. I'm gonna need a good battery. I think i have one that's here and i've taken out our car you smoking those terminals wasn't this like an issue before yeah. They're warm hmm may go buy a battery need one anyway.

Yeah swapped out the battery. Let's go see if uh. She'll fire on our own uh uh uh well i wouldn't say we make a great getaway car. Okay leave it after five minutes early to go to work i tried anytime.

I tried giving any gas. It wouldn't do anything and then i tried pulling what i think is we're gonna call that choke that lever underneath. There. Didn't you make it made much of a difference.

So there may not be something set up on that correctly let's let that warm up a minute smooth funny rhythm got those wires coming from a voltage regulator. If we get a big arc. We don't okay we got a real big arc on that that would hit a flower's back. But i think we pretty much have that squared away if you have anything on the chart.
It's right at zero. So that may not be doing anything let's rev it up all right guys. I saw it jumping. I'm trying to find a gas pedal.

It's weird though because the gauge is backwards. It's plus. I thought it was discharging. But it's not it's going the correct direction.

It's going over to the plus. That's just weird having the negative ground like that it's discharging. There spin the generator up enough starts charging. So yeah put another bag another half a gallon of gas in it.

So. It doesn't want to run out good thing about the brakes dragging so we kind of have constant brakes. I remember i'm guessing that's first see how long it takes to stop. They're gonna free up on us let's go take it easy in the champion.

We'll just try to get it to make sure no one's coming. The other two i could shut it off yeah. It does that with the bumps remember that battery's not strapped down anywhere. Neither i don't think it's going to go anywhere.

But can we drive with another gear. I think that's second it's pretty sturdy as far as the cards. It's not very bouncy going over the bumps. It's got no power breaking up so so oh um well it's definitely no speed demon.

The clutch is uh yeah. It works not well but definitely need to clutch wheel cylinders all the way around so you can stay running and just some love on the tune up i can't find reverse he's gonna die. I can't find reverse i'm not sure if it's not you know you push or pull on a certain angle. And it pops in seems to be a four speed all i have four positions all are forward.

I thought one of them would have been reversed. But apparently it's not okay guys i hope you enjoyed it i did i had fun kind of playing with something a little different that i'm not familiar with and just kind of learning how they operate cool little car. I think he already has a sold i was going to make an offer on it i kind of like the body of it and the condition that it's in it's not rusty. But you know there's others all right guys today.

I'm gonna go sign off thank you all for hanging out with me having a little bit of wrenching and we'll do it again soon till then.

By Mustie

14 thoughts on “50s morris oxford found in an old warehouse. did it survive?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Johnson says:

    RAC = Royal Automobile Club & AA = Automobile Club Both are still around today & mainly breakdown/recovery services.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Jones Productions says:

    That Morris Oxford has the old fashioned indicators in the door pillars. I knew the man, James Herriot who invented (or most likely devised) them whilst he worked for Morris.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Systems Renegade says:

    I don't know if this is right but i owned a mini with a su carby on it and i would put enough light machine oil in the top of the carb to be able to count to 5 on a slow count when you pushed the plunger down and it would run good. people would run triple 1 and 3/4 su carbies on their worked Holden motors and it would take forever to get them tuned but when you did the went like a cut cat .

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Multi Tree says:

    I love the Morris.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mick Lively says:

    This is the first car I remember. My Dad had one when I was a sprog in sunny Stafford.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MSk. says:

    “Junk in the trunk”. Here in Australia it would be “loot in the boot”! 😉

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Hodgetts says:

    there was a 2 door and this 4 door, they used to run onn a smell of an oily rag so to speack. my uncle had one for 30 years back in New Zealand

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Norman says:

    Never heard of a morris oxford but have heard of morris minor. all I know is they are reliable British cars. No more info.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tasman says:

    Safe to say, you need to be an engineer from the 50's to maintain a Morris!
    Credit to ya' for gettin' it running.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Wirth says:

    Läuft wie ein Sack Nüsse.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve clark says:

    It's an English car – bonnet and boot please

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill B says:

    Turn on the heater blower motor if it blows out then you know if the battery is right.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Honour says:

    the last button on the right is a manual washer pump button
    the twisty things underneath clock and speedo is to set trip and adjust clock

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex L says:

    I worked as an electrician assistant when I was young my 80 year old boss used to loop the positive wire as an indicator. That looped battery cable stuck out like sore thumb and I kept rootin for it to be positive.

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