31 years in a leaky barn this 1931 ford model a pickup sat, the owner would like to have it as a driver again, easier said than done. lets just say its putting up a fight.

Hey guys, how's it going? We're back at the farm where I picked a couple of vehicles up before just to kind of give them an assessment and get them up and running if possible. and this one is a little bit more near and dear to the farm. and hopefully, uh, we're gonna go maybe a little further with this one. Kind of depends on what we run into, but this one's restored out about 30 35 years ago.

It got used for about four or five years lightly on the farm. Then I think they may have had some issues with it. It became a lawn decoration for a few years and then it got parked here about 20 25 years ago. So we're gonna go drag this one back to the shop, give her a little once over, hopefully take it maybe a little further than the other ones where it can actually be a usable vehicle.

They can hop in it and you know, fire it up and put it around the farm and you know, maybe take to a car show or two. But uh, for now we're gonna go get it on the trailer. We'll get it back to the shop and we'll get a better look at it there. The tire's already been blown up, the bed is loose on it.

Let's see how to strap that down because the gas tank I guess is underneath there. They put a separate different gas tank instead of one that's in the front cowl. Foreign truck. Here goes the wind.

All right. let's go get it loaded up on the trailer, get her back to the shop. Thank you I'm good fight. Okay, here we roll.

foreign. Oh everybody, there should be good. I'll tweak it after I put it down, see how my truck looks here? Uh yeah, there you go and it's a little bit later I see about a week or two after we got it out of the barn and on the trailer and I saved you the trouble of getting it from the trailer onto the lift. So this one I think we're going to go a little bit further with I Don't know if I've said that already, but we're going to, uh, try to make this one so it's I kind of give it like a driver status is what we're trying to get it to.

Quick opinion about it. It looks like somebody restored it. I Don't know about 30 or 40 years ago judging by you know somebody made a wood bed for it and you know how much damage it's received from that time frame. You can see how the the Finish is coming off of it and it's been stored dry.

It's not like it's a you know been out in the weather but I'm just trying to age stuff. The body looks pretty decent. I think the bed is just sitting on there. We put a ratchet strap around it so it wouldn't blow off.

I think at some point they were going to try to get the bed off. to access the gas tank so he's got a busted window in it and a couple of things have been picked off of it. I think somebody broke into that property. Uh, all the vehicles seem to be missing little odds and ends off of them shifters and like indicators and that kind of thing.

We're holding the air so I haven't filled them up so they've been sitting. you know, for 10 days or so. they're not going flat inside. the cab looks decent.
It's got some mold growing on the doors. okay I got a light in my pocket. We took the six volt battery out of the Plymouth to try to run this, but I think this might be uh, been updated to like a 12 volt system. gotta look into it.

Yeah, it's missing. the overhead light wires are hanging from that. Somebody stole the shift knob out of it like little stuff like that was taken. knobs off the radio and I believe this is a 31 Model AA not positive.

what's that? Towing sticker on it I think there's Model A which uses Model A parts and then there's a a not sure what I just said a is like a little bit bigger, beefier setup I think there's a BB also. All right, let's get her up in the air. We'll take a peek underneath what we've got to work with. It looks like this would have had mechanical brakes on it.

Look at that. That lever right there would be the mechanical arm for running the brakes and maybe it got switched over to juice breaks at some point. It's got fluid going through them. I Don't think that was an option in 31..

let's get up in a Year Ah the hell it's been changed too. That's a modern headlight in a older bucket. Let's go look underneath. See we got.

watch ahead. Hey I will see how that wood is not original. What would it have for frame rails? Where do they stop? Looks like the metal frame stops right here at the rear. Oh say somebody made that gas tank.

This is a square box we're looking at here. Got some Plumbing going down. It's got a drain on it. that's good.

Kind of ran it closer to the exhaust. huh? Take somebody, chop that exhaust and bend it on an angle. I Think straight underneath the middle of it. It's kind of weird.

Somebody bent up hydraulic lines for the brakes. Got the original rear end. It looks like I Don't know much about these. I Never really kind of screwed with them.

so we're going to learn together. See a lot of fiberglass. Looks like the tub over the floors. fiberglass.

That's my first impression. Anyway, what are the cab is like? the fenders are fiberglass and Metal so the metal comes down here and stop. This looks like it's all fiberglass. same thing with the running boards.

don't rust right? Transmission so tiny. Give you an idea. That's my hand. The tractor upstairs that old Doodle Bug tractor we got I think it's got that same Transmission in it.

It has a single master cylinder, single uh chamber. I guess we're going to call it so you have dual and single so one line coming off of it. so if you lose a hydraulic pressure, you lose all your brakes. It almost looks like the emergency brake go up in there too.

Like what is what's that apparatus that's just supporting it? Or is that kind of lever? It's like the wires are unplugged for the brake light. kind of a stock looking. Muffler wood which shims underneath it that's not bolted up. and see what the front looks like.
It's like an electric fuel pump right there with a pressure regulator on it. That's what that is. Yes, it's definitely a modified from what it was. Yeah, you see how the brake lines are run after.

steering box start area looks like uh it's like a later Ford starter like something you would find in a like a 302. hopefully the coolant was taken out of it or water or whatever's in it. Ah, it looks pretty decent I Don't see anything really funky on it. Frame looks decent what there is of it and so of course I made a bunch of wiring going back to the bed.

I wonder what this is? Battery box: What do you think might be one under the hood? It's got emergency brake cable so that's not the same circuit that's just party support for it. Yeah, the no metal frame. rails back any further past that looks like it stops right here. The rest is just wood I don't know if that's how they were or not.

and Fire Plus Fenders All right. Let's drop her back down on the ground. let's pick the hood up. See, we got going underneath there, not quite sure what's holding that hood on.

There's the left latches on each side. I don't know if it's locked in the middle. hit the other side. Hopefully you can lift that whole thing right off of there.

give it some working room. We took the radiator cap off of it because when I returned with the Plymouth it wasn't there. It blew off so the The Grommet was gone in it had no tension. Okay, you could do is about wrecking the paint.

just falls on the floor next day. Yeah it's supposed to lock in up top. it's not there. We go.

put this out of Harm's Way Foreign. Looks like a stock engine. some critters have been living on it. Yeah, let's see.

gosh. I Gotta figure out if it's positive or negative ground too, right? What's that say right there? The regulator. Okay, all that's aftermarket. That fuse panel is that one probably is too.

Trying to find some numbers on my coil or something saying what it is. Uh, let's go popular in the stand. Let's go see if we could turn the fan a little bit, see if the engine turns anything obviously sticking out of like terminal damage. Don't see big cracks or anything in a block, you know.

let's take a peek on the other side. I Want to fire up that horn? That ooga. It looks pretty decent. Looks like the same setup that was on the Plymouth that same linkage for the carb.

Yeah, let's go piping and stand, see if that crank turns we have access to. uh, put a thing in it. Is there a hole through it? I Don't know if we'd have the handle to crank it? Yeah. I Also, didn't see a place for a battery.

Did you might be under the Flo? No, we would have saw it. I Mean there's no place for a battery I Bet you that's the box underneath the bed. No access to it? No. All right, let's go see if that'll turn.
I Got it in neutral? Yeah, Oh yeah. nice and stop. Just turn some though. Let's um, right there kind of goes and stops though.

Foreign crank handle in it somewhere. I don't think so. and I think the one that we made for the Plymouth went back with the Plymouth We want to pull those plugs out. Maybe we'll dribble some oil down in it.

Let's go lift up on that seat, see if there's a battery under there. Chrome Rack comes out, sticks to my face. It's left of an old right here. It is awesome.

It's right there. good. It looks like a spare tire cover. a mouse Nest over there a mouse Nest here and a ratty glove and half an eaten registration.

Let's go shove that in the hole living. Let's see. carcasses, screwdrivers. There's the gas cap.

I mean the um. radiator cap? That's cool. See if that'll fit. Yes, you can get a spin out if the Fan's not turning with the belt, but that's okay.

it's locked up right there. We'll go any further binding. Let's get the plugs out of it and get a little bit of oil down inside it. see if that does anything for us.

Let's see what we, uh, clear a path. Doesn't look like. the firing order is very hard to figure out. This compressor.

you pretty much just live right where each one of them goes. That tape on there feels kind of weird like there's something coating it. can we get? I mean like little pliers? I'll take these off, hopefully hop right off of that if we can get a wrench on them. I Wonder if we can just stand these straight up without damaging them? Don't put a wrench on them I Just want to restart breaking stuff.

Just go see if the little top comes off easily. I Wonder if it's just slipped in like the other side is I'm blocking your view around there? No, that's okay. We'll leave it like that so you can get adjustable on it. Not big enough.

We get the plugs out of. we get an idea what's going on. condition wise. you know if we see rust in the cylinders or not.

My only concern is if coolant or water was left in, it was allowed to sit. Yeah, yeah, it's got a rust. That's how I think what it's running into is the top of the cylinder probably has a bunch in there. Let's get those four plugs out, Gets a bunch of oil in there, and you guys trying to figure out where to turn it backwards because it doesn't really have a nut on there? We should maybe grab it with the fee and it'll go backwards.

All right, let me get the rest of them out. Hey I got the four out of them and this is the first cylinder. Hey, it looks like the first one. That was probably the worst one that we took out and those two look okay and then a little bit on this one.

see it going around the outer edge some Rust going on them. So let's get some fluid in it and uh, see what it says. Actually, it's got a big ass hole. Let's see if we can look down inside there.
I Got you there. Look at a huge compression. uh, combustion chamber here. Yeah, see some Rust there at like seven o'clock nine o'clock on the edge right there.

Without you see the hole up. there's where the Piston is and the valves should be over here. Let's go spin around. look at the other side from here.

you guys get better view than I do look like I see some Rust I Think right there huh on the sides? No yeah that looks really good. Definitely see the difference between the two of them. also. I saw two on the other side.

Like right in this area you see like wetness around the head gasket which is again at least it turned so we know it's not totally, you know, screwed. I was noticing that right there. that wetness seeping. How about some sewing machine oil? Because they sound like a sewing machine when they're running right? I'm gonna try to get that down around where the Rings are each one of them and let's break a little dose.

We'll try to get something on that pulley to rock it back and forth I Want to get like a it's got a break in it chunk right there from the last guy. All right we'll come up with something, but we get them all lubed up and see if we can get that to rock past that screwed up spot. It's been soaking in there for a little bit. I'm gonna try to push past that real slow, see if it will go.

it's going a little. There it goes, it just went good. You can make a one round. There she goes now.

she's great. Good this stuff nice. They're gonna work better than expected and that's going like butter. You said to be kind of cautious so you don't overdo it in the beginning because uh I have a feeling that these rings are cast iron rings and they're the ones that are really thick.

I just don't want to break any rubbing it up against that rust. All right. Um, we know that turns. we gotta go to all the other crap but let's see if we could find.

My guess is the battery. He's under the bed of the truck, which is kind of a dumb idea. You think you would at least make a hatch you can open up to access it right? Let's see if I can go fondle this thing off of here bundle, finagle that off of there and see what's underneath. It's looks like that bottom piece right there.

kind of like it locks around the fender. so I can't just slide the whole bed straight back? Let me see if you can lift it up I would think it's terribly heavy. you can tell by what kind of faces I make there right. nothing to grab it on.

Yeah, let's go peek at what we got. see if we can set it down 20 would grab the other end. It would make life a lot easier. Okay coming inside there I would say so good.

That's a big battery box though. huh? Another Nest right there. Hello anybody? So you have a hot lead going to what looks like the ground and oh you know what? I had I think it had two. It had two, um six volt batteries in it.
so the red is going to ground with this positive or negative ground I do not know. we gotta try to figure that out and then it was a jumper between the two batteries. Hmm I don't know I hate when they take the batteries out because you don't know what it was I'm guessing it had to be 12 volt though. oh like 24.

Yeah I think they set up for 12. let's um I'm gonna take a shot back. Some suck some of this crap out of here. Is that a hold down? See that? Yeah, let me clean that out and we'll figure it out.

This is going to be the lead going to the starter apparently that's had it and then this one. The red one of course is going to ground on the on the chassis. but I don't know if it's positive or negative ground. hmm especially when somebody changed it too, you know I think the original one would have been positive ground.

We could actually probably work from up here and we would just get a jumper pack. we'll try putting it on. But what? I Want to do first I think I want to disconnect any of the wires that are on the generator. so if we do have backwards, we're not trying to fry it.

you know? So it looks like we got a ground wire going here and then just two. Hots Coming off here, one probably is the regulator repeating the regulator. Yes, you get those up. What's that say? Is that a label saying something? Find out when the wires are off.

Yeah. I got them off there. I Guess one thing we could do if and when we get it running. we'll put a meter on this and we'll hook.

You know the positive of the meter and the negative to the body. If it says negative 12 volts and we know it's it's the other way around. I Don't see what what that says, can we see very well on that? I Was given a clue looking on the regulator and it says negative ground only good Figures that out. Know which way it needs to try to hook it up? I Figured we tried jumping it right across the starter solenoid.

Make sure you don't use a good screwdriver because it's going to weld it. The jacket reset the jacket. Okay, if we cross these two, we should crank the starter. Should there you go, That's just the belt squealing on there, not wanting to turn.

It always actually sounds okay clacking or anything. I think before we go any further, let's go and see. is that oil? Oh wow. Make sure there's something in it right now.

We checked. Uh, what do you think? the chances are? We turn the key on and we arc on one of those plug wires. Actually, we could probably take the center out of the coil. We'll Arc it to the block and see if you get any spark out of it.

Something's making noise. Oh the radio? Which how do I shut that off? You would think there we go. The knobs are opposite so turn the key on. I Don't think it cranks.

does it now? I Think a button will make it crank? Well, who knows what They got hooked up. we got the pedal down there I wanted more of those to cranking foreign moves. How else do we get anything? aftermarket directions. It's probably gonna be like in advance.
It feels like that was directional high beam movie. Yeah, my guess it was supposed to be that one. Quick switches do that was dark in here. you can't see nothing.

All right So we'll leave. We'll leave this just a key on. We'll give her a crank see what happens. You're stuck to the side of the car so you might get a little shaky.

Let's go see what we get. Foreign. Let's get that cap open. take a peek inside what we got going on inside there.

also I Think we're going to take that belt off. We're not squealing. Loosen up that bowl, see if it gets a little rotate for us. Hmm.

Can we walk it off trying Foreign? No more noise for you I Got no idea what to expect inside here I would think the coins that's a mechanical advances to lever I don't know if you can see it around the hose. That's advances and retards it. I would say those points are Beyond corroded there. definitely some caking on them.

Let's go drag a file across those. Get them cleaned up. We should be actually about just to Arc them like this with the key on and it should Spark they're fuzzy. you're never gonna do anything to get to I have to hit them with some sandpaper.

Okay, so normally on a I'm gonna call Modern car I Want a car like you know, 40s and up the Advance on the Distributors automatic. you don't have this setup that you're you're turning by hand. It would have a set of Weights underneath here and as it spins the weights uh, grow out and it turns an Armature and advances and retards the cam that's in the center of it. I Guess they didn't have that down yet back then? definitely.

uh, clogging up the file there I Got the jumper back off of it right now, but we should be able to. um, with the points closed, we should be able to snap them like that. and the coil wire should. Arc We get the jumper pack hooked back up I'm gonna hit that one there.

gonna blow it off a little bit and we'll give it a shot. You see, that's right. an arc right there. Don't see anything we will see Ark in here too.

We're not getting any of that. should pushed it together real close. So my guess is maybe we're not getting power to the coil for the coils. No good.

Coil's right here next to you all right there and it's going to get a signal from the points and then it's gonna happen. Voltage going in on this side. Let's get a light, a test light and we'll plug on it on this side of the coil see if you have any power going to. If it doesn't have any power to go into it, we'll put Power going to it and see what we get I Like to test things first.

No, we should have power. The light should light up. Okay, so we know the light's working. Let's go look back at the coil there.

Yeah, we got nothing. So let's make a jumper wire going to that side of it. Who knows what you know. Again, it may have a switch that has to get turned on or off, or uh, you know, fusing or just you know, crappy wires.
Let's go get that on there. Let's go back to the get you there. Hold on one sec, you're gonna go for a ride straight. Just get the crap out of me.

The fuel pump started going. so yeah, there's nothing going power wise. The electric fuel pumps that are rattling away. How do we disconnect that here and go take that wire off the fuel pump, see where it goes there's onto here, goes up into here.

Yeah, so it's all powered off the same thing. The fuel pump and that are all kind of tied together. Uh yeah. I don't want to pump any of that crap out of there yet.

Let me I can lift the car up I'm gonna take the wire right off of there. This looks kind of shoddy anyway, but that wire up there I kind of want to support it so it doesn't spin. You know gonna go just watching that post in the center. It doesn't turn and I'll rake it.

At least know the pump works. At least make noise, right? I Was figured maybe you could take it apart. Who knows what the fuel's done to it over the years I Don't think this thing was put away with uh, great care. I lost a washer.

Throw that back on. Well, I'll keep that from making noise. Let's go back to what we were doing and take two. Where's the coil wire itself? right there? So that's what we want to see.

If it's going to spark for us, we're gonna hook up power again. Hopefully nothing makes noise. it's not drawing as much power neither. Before when I hooked that up, it worked pretty good all right.

So we need this to go near the block and I'll zap the crap out of myself. and then we should be able to fire these points. Hopefully maybe wiggle. No wires should hear it.

Make sure they're closing all the way. Actually, we're not on a cam, you know. Let me. uh.

eyeball that distributor might be the case. Hold on one second. We just turn the Rope over by hand a little. I See a problem? Yeah.

I don't know if you see it, but I see it, that's not turning. this distributor should be turning I'm gonna turn the engine. That's not good. Hmm, you're gonna distributor Turners Hmm.

Things that make you go? Hmm yeah. I don't know if that might have been something it was parked for and they're over. We're not trying to distributor at all. Let me show a screwdriver in there so you can kind of get any little bit of a turn out of it.

Let's pick that. the answer tart part works. Can we move that to where it's any kind of here we go I heard it. You guys can see it.

Yeah, so we got Spark But what we don't have, we're looking right here. By the way, is this distributor that turns. Why does it not turn? Hmm. what drives that? We're gonna have to pull that sucker out of there anyway.
Right one way or another something we're not aware of. Uh, this should be the cable that rotates that. now. What is that? That's power? That's the signal going to the points and that rotates it.

That's really about it. Okay, try to figure out a way to unbolt it there. I'll try to figure out what holds it down. What is that? Looks like something that uh I think that pops off of there so kind of looks like a cap that will lift off, didn't it? I Figure I have some kind of pinch bolt going through it.

You don't think these two hold it down to you that just looks like a heat shield holding it. What's that turns now though I'm gonna eyeball around it. see if I can go find something down the center of it. You don't think that would right? That wouldn't make any sense do you think it would? Somewhere external you can write that.

it's right there. I'm guessing underneath here would be like a a pinch bolt or something that goes through it. Let me do a little bit exploring so we can find. so I believe I found it.

It got a little tricky. Underneath that heat shield is a bowl right there. I believe that's what's holding it. Hopefully get that out of there.

It doesn't have a a traumatic injury, something that we can, uh, you know, put a stent in or something. Let's go find out. Let's get that tin out of the way. I do like the fact everything just uses big old wrenches.

It's also the head bolt too. so I would think it's just piece of a big piece of copper for a head gasket. I don't think they did anything fancy I think I can get that enough so that we could slide that plate out. That work.

Yeah and now I can see the bolt like that. annoying sixteenths, not even tight I wonder if do you think I lift it up? That didn't seem like it was very tight. Let's go take it apart and find out anyway. you want to see how it works, don't you? I do that was like half-assed in there I think we found the reason why that was parked I don't think that is what it's supposed to look like I would think it would have like a little decent on the end I wonder if uh, it broke off in the past? That doesn't seem right because I was only in about like two threads.

I'm gonna go get like a little probe. poke in there, see if there's anything still stuck in there. the Hell in the air, a bunch of arresting crap coming out of it. Ah, it feels like so to the to the left there's a passage going through.

but then like right here. I'm gonna get a little light in there so we can find I don't know. Let's go look on the other side and grab a light. There's a little pen light.

yeah it looks like something that broke off in there. I See hung some metal and I think we may have found why this was parked. What it was the failure was I would think what can you do? take the cylinder head off with it. Let's go see if we lift it up first.
Looks like it's sitting flat and it might be digging a hole. We gotta figure out what's wrong with it though. so it is what it is right? Um yeah. I'm gonna go pick at that a little bit, hit it with an air gun, get some of that crap out of the way on the on the hole and we'll see what's going on in there.

I Don't see anything in there that we can move on. just a lot of rust and crud. I'm gonna try getting like little pry bars around it. let's see if we can lift up on it.

Teeth will go. We'll try to get on each side of it. kind of rock back and forth. You get the pop straight up starting to rain out it's snow I Guess you could get anything out of it all right? I Don't want to break anything off, you know? I'm sure that's not exactly the strongest I don't know if I can get in on the other side? yeah, it's just seized in there.

well. I like I said I would think I don't know if I want to do that? Yeah, you guys are shaking all over the place. sorry you're stepping on the lift. get you drunk.

uh I'm gonna work on that a little bit. Yeah I guess worst case, what we can do is pull the cylinder head off I don't want to do that. but if we have to, we have to right? and then we can. You know? worst case probably put this in a press, upside down and press it out.

So what we do, we just take the water pump off of it. I should probably just leave that right on there, right? take some hoses off and nothing else is attached to it. It's just a big wolf flat piece of metal. I'm going to work on that a little bit, see if I can get that to free up and maybe do a little bit more investigating than that.

that hole. There's something that's stuck in there I said that's holding it this. This one's annoying right here that it kind of looks like, um, right here. This the metals broke away and that's why the screw is in there so little.

it just doesn't look right. We gotta fix it. at least find out what's wrong with it, right? I'm gonna go pick away at that a little bit. I'm trying to rock it back and forth see if it'll go if not.

I think we're gonna end up having to take the cylinder head off. So I popped the one of the hoses off. Get them out of our way and it does have antifreeze in it so you're pissing out. which I I guess is good.

We've got to get that out of before we take the head off. I would think we have cooling jackets you know, up inside there so we're gonna have to get that drain down, but still. I'm still gonna go pick away at that a little bit before I commit to doing that I just want to get the hose out of my way. So I decided to start taking some of the stuff out of the distributor part.

Think that. Center Drive out. it's right there. Looks like you could actually just tweak where the timing is just by loosening that screw and changing the camera distributor really doesn't do much.

Let's get I Think we can rotate, it cuts out of it. Let's see if we can see anything else that's stuck. Watch out for the train. now.
you think? take those two out. I Don't think we're going to get much further down are we? It'd be nice if we saw like a sheer pin. I'm not seeing anything though. Yeah, let me.

um. let's get those two screws out. see if anything else comes out. Try to find a good place for you guys to sit.

Let's see if this come up. Yeah, that's holding us I Think it's just a wire, so let's just pull out of there and they come out. You guys want me to look it up so badly? Fun? is that? Figure out how stuff works? Worst case, we're gonna do that. but for now we're not.

I wonder if I can disconnect the other end and feed it through? So what's that? Remember, this whole assembly is the advanced out of it rains picking up. so that's an advanced plate. It's got two sets of Advance on it. when that linkage coming across and then whatever that cable is.

let's um, because that's just a cool wire right now. I'm gonna take the wire off the other end of that and see what we got going on. That's wonderful. Distributor has to be removed to be able to get it apart.

You know me real quick. Turn the engine over. make sure the shaft is not turning in the middle now. Still doesn't turn so we still got nothing on this.

All right. My heat's going to turn on in a second that looks like it's on threads. I Should probably put the spark plugs back in the plug holes, huh? Yeah, All right, that's out of the way. Is this still connected though? Yeah, yeah.

I Don't know if we're gonna be able to get that out. there goes my heat and internally something's still hooked on it. I Like to be able to peek out of there right, see what we've got going on that cylinder? Head off though. like I'm I'm fighting the inevitable I Think that this would just let it twist far enough where it would come out very close to.

Googling Images Hmm I'm gonna take a peek in that hole. There is a screw. I'm gonna need a longer screw everything I'll do it all right. Lift up now.

get somewhere. come on. Oh, he had it. I Think this is jammed area back on your side I think with a little bit of a pair of pliers, they're almost there.

Yeah, that helps us. Not at all. The shaft is seized I Wonder if it's seized out in the distributor itself? We didn't do much for us, it just gave us we just we're able to strip strip the distributor, put these pieces back together that went underneath that so that what we're looking at I Was wondering where the condenser was. That's the condenser? Yeah.

Oddball Place to put it all right? Uh uh. I Wonder if you soak a little bit more in it? there's screw down the center once in the very middle of it, don't think so. Hmm. the wash is all.

the packing underneath is moving I'm gonna try soaking that again. Whatever's broken is broken I don't I don't think like we're gonna free it up and it's gonna be all set because whatever sheared off is already sheared off. and unfortunately I think what happened too is when we were Towing it onto the trailer. it might have been in gear so the engine may have turned without us being able to have a graceful feel about what was going on.
and it may have. My guess it probably has a rod and the rod probably broke a tip off because this might be seized right here. I'm just guessing, but hey, I think it is time to get the coolant out of it. Take that off.

look at that that right there. Oh, valve the turn all right. he's like a horse. Let that run for a little bit.

I Got two pails under here and they'll keep going till done. It's like an over 60 prostate. I think we just let that kind of piss down. We'll leave the pail underneath there and we'll lower the truck back down.

Now we probably get the cylinder head off, but we'll just let this kind of drip out. I Was a little concerned I thought I possibly saw like a mix of something coming out of it. you know I'm afraid of like oil can you increase but I'm not sure. that just might have been a little bit of discoloration.

I got the uh operator radiator hose off I Have a feeling that one of those bolts from that neck go straight through to help hold the front of the head because I see head bolts across the back I Don't see anything in the front so I'm thinking one of these probably is have to remove that. Thank you! My guess you see the crap inside the water pump? I think it had to come apart Anyway, chunks down where the pump is looks pretty simple though. I don't see much in there. All right.

let me get the other ones bunched out of there so you can lift that up. Foreign where the distributor is, you have to try to get away with an open end wrench. Hey, we think our chances are that that's just gonna fall right off of there. Let me try to get underneath it with a hunk of wood.

Oh yeah, there she goes. I have a feeling that's gonna be a little heavy. Let's go I don't want to shove a screwdriver in there. it's hard to get.

I'm gonna go clear out some of this and stand right above it. see if I can lift straight up on it as you can take a work that back side a little bit. it's got an air gap in it I just think the crud on the top of the studs is holding it a little foreign. I Got the water pump to grab the back.

there's nothing there. I'm gonna take an air gun and blow out where all the threads are I think the studs are kind of holding us. little studs are holding us. Where's my do you notice if those are staying or not? Let's see if that's yeah, they had to come off.

huh? I Wonder if I can thread something to one of the spark plug holes? foreign underneath it? neither? you know. Let me see if I can figure out something to thread in for one of the holes? Give me something to grab up on the back side I think I got it with pry bars trying to more anything up using the fender foreign and get a block of wood to shove underneath there. The shimmy once they hit it up so high and they could probably climb on top and grab it I might take that fan off seemed like a good idea at the time, but it seems like it's gonna be fairly long to try to get out of there. Probably even should have took these off I'll just man up and grab it.
okay I Will Next question is once: I Get out of it. Who am I going to hand it to one of you guys? Let me grab it. foreign though. it's my testicles foreign ER Drive gear he sheared off.

Let's go turn that actually turn it. So it's gonna be just the drive here. Let's go see if that turns. Yeah, excellent how the cylinders look.

Hey I didn't want to do that. so I galled up the gasket I was talking about anywhere else messed up. so we it's the very tip on the distributor that broke off. so the drive gear itself is okay.

just that. so that means the distributor was bound. and I think when we towed it up around, aware that was in gear I think it was going to happen no matter what. Anyway, I don't know.

Let's um, try to drive that distributor out of there could get a good hit on it. Let's go pick, get it up on the bench. We'll pick some of this crap off of here and we'll see about getting the distributor out. see what we can do.

Let's try to get some of the rust that's packed in around there out of there. Watch your eyeballs so the inner of course it's supposed to turn I Don't see that happening. Can I reach it? Plus you just turn like butter, right? Yeah. um I wonder if I can get a socket around that one? Oh, hold on foreign I Think it's going to take us out of the game I Think we have to get to that that shoulder that's down lower.

maybe a socket? Let's try to get a socket that'll fit in there. We could drive the thing right out of there I have a thing I might be trying to get a distributor. First shot, right out of the drawer. A little 12 point.

Let's see if that'll go anywhere. We gotta make sure when I hit the bench. now. we got about an inch inch and a half.

Let me. uh yeah, there it goes. Yeah I don't think we're gonna get that by prying. So oh yeah, she was pretty cruddy.

So we need the whole center that is so locked up I can see it and it's just nothing but solid rust I Think you know worst case, we could fix it I don't know if it's gonna be a good end result I Want to? uh, a um, decent used one is available. It might fit our purpose just a little bit better than trying to. I'm gonna go take this on a wire wheel a little bit. We'll clean some of that rust off on the stem there and see what we got to work with.

so it cleans up. on a wire wheel. it looks like this shaft part right here. the outer part is supposed to be turn free of this because there's a pin that goes through that.
Center Point Let's go throw some lube in there I think it's just all bound up in here and um, let's see if we get that to turn a little bit and so that's what it is that's just totally seized on there I Don't think like I don't think that's supposed to turn internally inside there because you can see where's the pin that goes right through it so we can. Let's try driving that PIN out of there and that should allow this piece to come off and then we can drive the whole shaft right out of it. I'm kind of wondering if that's steel. We might be able just to build that up well, then just grind it again so both sides of that pin are kind of peened over.

We got to get some of that off of there so it'll be able to drive through. Let's go grind it. foreign. can we tell where it was? There She Goes Did he go all the way in the rag? Even catched it, catched it caught it.

Come on. Now here's the PIN and we're gonna see about. Well, this just fall right off. Yeah, uh.

I'm gonna try. We'll set it up and we'll get something to drive in the center of it. I Think that Center shaft should go out through the top is my guess. That doesn't look like any kind of snap ring.

it just looks like a constant, um, washer of sorts. Let's see if that'll drive out I Do not see that moving one iota see if you've got any space. looks like it drove up a little bit. I'm gonna look real close.

I Can take a wire wheel clean some of the surface off. just make sure it's not like a snapping or something that comes off and it could drop down. Hard to say what's the fatter side? Is it that side or that side? Okay now. I definitely moved a little and it has to go down.

so try with a brass. Rod will give a little bit more Authority behind it look at things. Oh it went. it went about um, third of an inch.

Let's try to get some more. that's gonna do much for us. I would think this collar would fall off eventually. it's already broke.

Keep going. All right guys. the collar came off. let's um, foreign real quick.

clean off any crap that's on there. we'll try to drive that the rest of the way through. that was never going to go anywhere I Think we can offset it a little, hang it off the edge of the Vise there trying to protect the body of it. almost it.

that was not going to go anywhere. you think that was stuck that was bound up tight. We would have to take it all apart anyway. the only thing that we kind of caught, you know is just that tab again broke off of there.

um everything else. We gotta take the cylinder head off to get distributed out and everything anyway. so I think we have lost anything? Let's go take this. clean this up on a wire wheel.

I Do believe it's steel. I Mean for worst case, we can just build that up a weld and make a tab back on it. Let's go find the little tit that came off of it. see how big it was.
a bit of a piece sheared I Don't know if we want to try to build that up. you know we have to. we can. but um, let's go see if that.

Um, you can see all the crap in there too. How bad it is like going there now and spin. Is it still going to be all? I'm sure we can detail it to try to get some kind of resemblance back of it. clean hole.

Let me Ponder for a minute. I Don't think we didn't get the check I Just want to spin it over and watch the valves and make sure our valves are moving. Make sure that that paw is okay I think so. let's go spin it over and see if everything's moving on.

our valves probably would have been a good idea to do a compression test before we took the head off. I Don't see anything standing out saying hey, you know it's got a burnt valve. Usually you'll see like a cook and usually on the exhaust valve. Um, which is going to be this one.

This one, these two and this one the burnt ones. Yeah, I Don't see anything I think it seems like a spinning. Okay, just take a quicker look at the bore. What was the number one cylinder was the one that had the rust on it.

right? Let's go. just kind of wipe that out real quick. you get a light. yeah you can see where it was hanging up crud on that side.

I wouldn't say terrible I'll show you see it on the wall. All right all in there where the rust was. a little bit of a trail going down it too. I would say probably okay.

has burned me before so where's that leave us? Unfortunately I don't have the parts to fix it and kind of move any further forward. so I may go do a little bit of shopping and see what we can find again. Worst Pace Worst case we can. uh weld that one rod and bring it back and try to space it back out.

just grind it down whether we put it on a just file it back down. but she wasn't gonna go no matter what that that distributor was seized. uh would have to get an all tore up out just like it was. Anyway, nothing was going to bring that back I got the bumpers tied on whatever piece of rope.

Yeah, so she seized up a long time ago. It's probably part of the maintenance is uh, putting oil down even like Distributors on a beetle. Same thing, you're supposed to put a couple drops of oil down the center of it I don't think it ever got that. So So guys I think Unfortunately, we're going to kind of have to end it right here again.

I Don't own this truck I just kind of confirm with the owner, make sure they were good with moving forward and putting money and time into it. and uh, you know so I would suspect that we are going to continue on this, but I can make no promises. plus this is also uh I am going away on vacation I'll already be back by the time you guys watch this video, but uh, this should be coming out around New Year's and this is about a week and a half before Christmas So I'm going away and having a little bit of fun and again when we come back. Hopefully we'll resume on this uh, if not right away within a video with you.
So with that guys, I think we're gonna have to go sign off and uh, a little what you want to call her Waltons Mr Walton Walton's truck. hey, we'll call her Walton Walt For short, we'll come back and see if we can, uh, rejuvenate Walt and get her, uh, back to uh, cruising around the mountains one more time. All right guys. with that, I'm humbling.

Thanks for hanging out. We'll do it again sometime soon. Until then later.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “1931 ford pickup, ran when parked. yeah sure”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Brenes says:

    How much did you pay for it ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Autojumble USA says:

    Nice truck!β˜†

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Belding says:

    To those who would knock the (likely 80's) restoration, remember that this was done when there was no easy to reach internet, likely no local "Model A" hobbyist group, and parts would be only available from expensive specialty companies. If this was on a working farm, it was restored by people used to making do, where time was there, but money was tight. I'd bet that there were two dozen of these within 10 miles of my grandparents' farm in West Virginia (in the 80's) , and that NONE of them were stock. They just weren't let go because those folks could squeeze pennies until Lincoln screamed. "What? It still runs, why should we sell it?"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Lammas says:

    Hi |Darren
    Look up Paul Shinn who is the 'go to' man for knowledge on Ford mode ls as well as
    Vice Grip Garage guru who both have a video on the subject

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars t Smith says:

    Hey there Mustie…
    Thank you for the videos Mr.
    I was watching your recent 31 Ford video and it had me curious about that distributor so I looked it up a bit.
    I found a place on the Internet called
    PV Ford . It looks as if all the 1928-1931 distributors are similar and they carry all of the parts, including rebuilt units.
    They even have a set up with a much more modern condenser.
    Give em a look..
    Tim from Wisconsin.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug H says:

    Just FYI, most parts are easy to come by, Primarily because so many model A's etc were made.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floyd Blancher says:

    very interesting. can't wait for part 2.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fast Car Fast Door Knocker says:

    That is a cute little model A
    Would originally of had 2 exterior seats behind the cab,thus the short steel portion of the rear of the chassis.
    Some Rednecks obviously added onto it with timber later on in its life.
    A complete Bastardization of a once iconic Gem .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vahirdek says:

    Omg, that dental pick in that hole was down right demonic with headphones on….lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave's Drone says:

    Just do an LS swap…problem solved!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The WickerShire Project Off Grid says:

    Loving the tear down and problem finding. Super educational.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PyroJason says:

    Most fun mechanics class ever. Thank you Mustie1!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Newkirk says:

    Model A's were Positive Ground Originally! I've had 3 of them. …Newk from Kentucky

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Martin says:

    Wow good find sir that thing is Sweet!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nina Evans says:

    Darren, you could get a 4 thousand year old Egyptian Mummy to run.
    You'd just wrench on his gas cap, and he'd be off like a shot!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gene morgan says:

    Vvg has a guy who rebuild the dist.

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