this is the final video on this 1974 honda st90 dual sport motorcycle that sat under a house for 30 years, it was road hard and put away wet as they say. lets see how we make out trying to bring it back to life.

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this 1974 Honda ST 90 kind of the Big Brother of the CT70 it has the full damn handlebars and all that anyway. Uh, we're I think two videos into this already. the first one, we just kind of got an assessment of what we had and got it to kind of run on Sprite a little bit for a couple of seconds. Second video, we went through it more went through the fuel system.

The gas tank was nasty, carb needed to be addressed, bent a bunch of pieces back in together, restored the exhaust on it. uh, rear fender. the lights are all bust up and bent up. Got all that kind of squared away on the back side of it.

This was all twisted up and kitty. Wampus So hopefully we'll continue and get it done on this one. What we got left to do: Uh I Want to change the fluid in the front forks and we gotta straighten out the front fender. Go look at the brakes, see what condition they're in.

The seat needs to be restored. as you can tell, uh, go through the levers need to be reworked, air cleaner assembly put back on it Kickstart is missing the rubber mommy in there and then the headlight assembly needs to, uh, be addressed. It's looking pretty good again. The back of the bike is all kind of squared away that was all bent up and twisted up.

It's all gotten fixed up on the last one. Now we gotta do the same thing to the front. So I think probably what our best bet is. we'll take the bike out of the stand.

We'll flip it around so the back tire is in the chalk and we can have the front tire assembly floating out here and we'll start working on that. All right. Well further. Ado let's get to some wrenching.

That's what we get for a while coming out of that front end. if any. All right, 50 years of sitting around? I Think you got to compress them, you get the oil to shoot out, or what we can do is loosen the caps on the top. You gotta be able to let air get in.

I Think that's kind of what you know. You hold the put your straw on a drink, you pick your thumb over, you lift it up. it kind of stays there. I Think that's what's happening right here.

Yeah, yeah, there's nothing in it and we go get a wrench on the top. We'll pop them open. Let's see what happens. It's probably spring in here.

it's going to pop out. Depends. Sometimes you got attention on them, sometimes they don't. Really should have been another area here she goes.

and I think from the factory on these older bikes, it's just. uh, automatic transmission fluid and I'm gonna make sure we can catch all that. Just kind of get an idea how much comes out of it should be around. I think 3.6 ounces.

So I'm gonna let that run a little bit. I'll do the same on the other side with another container over there and we'll let that pee out. Looks pretty good up top though. I Don't see any real heavy damage on here.

There's a a wiper or seal right here that gets beat up as you get like a little rust dimples in it every time the fork passes through it. It kills the seal. These are old. uh sometimes you'd be surprised.
I'll take them apart and they'll be leaking like a sieve and you change oil on them and it they close right up. sometimes not so we'll see. Oh I don't know if we're gonna get 3.6 out of that though. Yeah I do believe a little bit more than that.

I should come out of them looking pretty dirty too. Oh that one's got chunks in it I don't want that that puddles that water, that's just dirt. I'm gonna go let the Jack down underneath it. We'll give her a couple of pumps on see if we get any more out of it.

We'll go measure that up, see what comes out bouncing out? No dampening. That's what the oil is for because people are not familiar with bikes is that oil goes through I'm going to call it like a baffle. Inside here, there's a a baffle of sorts with little holes in it and the fluid has to transfer from one side to the other as the suspension moves. And that fluid, the weight and the amount of it is what dampens that out.

The top is just for seals. um keeping the oil inside the fork and so these are called a wiper. Then there's like a seal that's below that. All right, let's go measure that up, see what came out of it and put some new stuff in it.

I Remember telling us the story about um the mini bike. We hit a mini bike. It was a piece of crap. It had no brakes, no throttle and this the clutch was shot so we like hammered clothespins in it so you'd run around this ampit with it and it would start firing, coughing and run and would run till it died and well it would run to you crashed and then generally the chain would pop off, it would over rev and it would die and then it'd be the you know my next friend's turn to go go for a ride.

We thought that thing was the fastest thing in the world. We were like man it could you know it just ran full throttle and no suspension. It just seemed like it was, um until you got on like an RM or something one of the kids got. so we want 3.6 actually looks really close.

I Want to say it's very far off from what it's supposed to be. It's almost right on the money. That's a little low. That's three, so we want to be just a little bit higher than that.

So I'm gonna go fill up some automatic transmission fluid that seems a little heavier weight too. Yeah, the the Can-Am started showing up in the sand pit and the RMS the its and that's what our little mini bikes kind of a rude awakening. but again, when you're 10 12 years old, they do seem like the fastest thing in the world. All right, let's go get that in there and we'll button that up and we'll get that front wheel off of there and take a look what we got going on for brakes.

I'll tell you that old stuff smells like sour grapes, like old gear oil and just three and kind of split. The difference in there goes right about. did you call that 3.7 and your viewer probably looks like four. If I find it has a crappy ride afterwards like not enough dampening, we'll just change it out again.
It'd be good to kind of flush it. anyway. let that kind of uh splush Splish Splash through the system see if we can make a mess out of this. Kind of want to not let it get air locked? you know you fill the funnel up too quick and it bubbles back like that.

I think um like fork oil is like I Want to say like between 7 and 10 weight Okay, you have motor oil weight 30 weight 40 weight four coils I think somewhere between two and ten is like the norm. Yeah, except for the modern stuff. I'm sure it gets more fancy with this older stuff the guys you might even call out for uh ATF on the old bikes not fork oil top. All right.

Repeat that on the other side, put those caps back on. Let's give her a couple of pumps see how it feels. It's a joke there. The Handlebar is up too.

There we go. Okay I think you need a little bit of trail riding it. Plus you know this thing was meant for a 60 pound 90 pound kid? uh 210 pound kid. Let's go see if those uh seals are leaking at all.

Getting my quick wipe off just to see generally if they're gonna blow out on you can see like an oil ring and I circle around them. We'll find out more after we give her a good ride. but so far so good. All right, let's go get that front wheel off of there and see what we got going on for breaks.

Foreign, foreign, pretty good. Probably these things had any miles on it neither. So I believe that's the speedo. Drive right there.

There's little tabs there sticking out. It's a gear that turns the speedo. I'm also just gonna go feel the bearings, see how they are. That one's fine.

It looks so clean that not gonna bother repacking them. That one's good too. They stay nice and dry with a lifetime, but while the wheel is off I'm gonna take a little bit of time detail some of that that. Rusty Chrome and try to make it just a pitted.

Chrome Afterwards, how's the brake drum itself? That looks pretty good a lot of times too. you know, especially on kids and riding the trails. you use more of the rear brake than the front brake. I Do see one of the the dust boots that's cracking.

Sometimes they'll crack so much it'll just fall off. When you're done riding, it'll be sitting up there. I think it kind of binds up from them. Seating is the pivot you can see.

Here's the lever. It's got a spring loaded return. Sometimes this will turn and not return. Let's go grab that brake lever and see what we got.

Actually feels really good. Shoes look like they're fine. That's probably what the difference is. When you know a bike that's been, you know this one was under a house for 30 years.

Compared to, uh, something's been left out in the yard. Well, I've got to do too much tearing of any of that apart. just kind of cleaned it up. Get rid of some of the crud while it's off.
I Want to try polishing that Rim up and going with something a little different I Got these! This is a pack of you know, different Scotch Brite Styles in it and this seems to be like this one's a little aggressive and yeah, the Chrome's already beat anyway. but I'm thinking maybe we'll go try this one. I Don't see any sandpaper in between it. it just looks like um, separate little chunks of uh Scotch break the finer stuff some of them.

they have a sandpaper brand that'll really chew it up more for sanding. See if we can try to find some kind of variable grinder to put this on. We'll kind of run it at a slow speed and I'm able like we'll soak it with WD or something. see what we get? Yeah, this isn't sketchy at all.

This grinder is usually meant to run little cut off wheels I have one of those, uh, cordless. um change the angle on this one. one of those cordless the four and a half inch Grinders and those are going to vary the speed on them. all.

the other ones that are just you plug in the wall. they just, you know, run at one speed don't have a variable to them. This one has a forward and reverse on it and the more you go towards. One Direction You can kind of throttle it like that's kind of high so we can throttle it a little bit.

Let's see how this works out for us. that check is definitely not meant for holding uh, that much on there, but you never know until you try, right? Let's go spray her down with some WD we use that for like the cutting oil and we might as well do the same on the pad a little shot. Plus these can stall out much easier where the other ones they're gonna just rip right through it. Let's see what we get.

Probably flinging oil right at you. Foreign looks fairly decent, huh? That pitting's not going to go away, but who gave us teams became it looks pretty good. Your eyeballs are dirty though I can see oil specs on you I gotta clean. Yeah you got everything but you know just where the pitting is.

really deep in there. it's not gonna do anything about that but looks nice and even you know if you try to do it by hand. sometimes it gives like all the scuff marks on it that would. We was able to able to spin take care of the other side got the same on there I don't know if I want to do this or not.

Maybe maybe not have a before and after. that's what we're dealing with. Now you know which rust is in there I'm gonna try that side I might say it's a definite Improvement Everyone's looking much better but like I said, you can kind of see even right there where I stopped on the edge I Didn't want to go any further because then this was going to start looking like shiny dull shiny, dull, between the spark the spokes. So we'll just leave it like that.

you can keep going. You get that stuff that was like a mirror with Polishing Compound But we're gonna ride this so. I Don't really be. Don't really be.
Don't really care to be too particular on how clean we get it just trying to do a more of a restoration. Don't look too bent either. It's got a little a little um. divot and I think it's kind of where the rim is welded.

Yeah, I mean here somewhere terrible though. Go put it up next to the back room. We'll see the difference between before and after. it's a little Hardy and before after I could live with that.

I Gotta go clean your eyeballs. You get oil, try to keep you out of the splatter Zone see how it does on the on the forks. Got some old uh labeling on there. It's working pretty good.

We'll bring you back when I'm done so your eyeballs stay clean. I Tell you for the short amount of time that the investment is like five minutes. Anything if you have a new little tool to kind of go play with, definitely makes a big improvement over. you know? here's all.

the pitting that's before seems to go through that fairly well. Again, you still have to get like the outer clear coat off of it once you get that burned away see where someone was still there. like I said, we're just making a rider out of it. It'll definitely make a decent Improvement and we get the other one done.

and then we'll get that Fender out of there. we'll get that cleaned up. We gotta manipulate this. Brackets all twisted up.

Yeah. Forks came out nice. Let's get to the rest of the fender off of there. The bracket is bent and the Fender's been.

Um, we might have to kind of jump back and forth between the two where we'll have a real good looking. we'll just eyeball it, you know. See all the hammer and it's fixing a couple dents in there, big old hemorrhoid sticking out of that side and the bracket. Let's just try.

Um I think a rag. We'll wrap some water pumps with a rag and we'll see if we can twist up on that a little bit right now. I got kind of zoomed in. It looks like this area right here.

You sit real low, it on an angle. It's trickling the rag around it. That's gonna go pretty easy. Let's get something like that.

look level. Hard to say without the fender on it, right? Uh, you will beat defense. It still looks like it's a little like that. Yeah, you see it right up in there.

Let me grab it right here. I'll give it a little bit more tweak there and we'll beat on that fender. Let's clean that up first. So we as we're like beating on it, we're not like pushing the rust and scratching it.

Let's go give that a little bit of a TLC I Wonder if you should use that same setup or no. I think that I'll scratch it up and put like you know, swirly patterns on it. Kind of want to go like that? We'll give it a quick wash. Let's go.

I'll wipe that down a little bit more. We'll see if we start getting some of these dents out of it. maybe uh, a soft bag and we'll try to like tap it with a mallet from the other side. Exhale is dense.
pretty good Now unfortunately what generally happens with me when I try working on things like this: I end up getting like 900 little tiny dents around it. So I'm gonna try a softer uh hammer and we'll do it on the the bean bag and see if we can kind of work that out just a little bit. kind of supports it, you know, see if that's doing what I expected. Ah, it's okay.

and what does to help too is all this rust on the other side too. Hmm, it's done a little a little funky going on. Let's go work on that other one over here. Had enough room to get this one in there.

It'd be a much smoother hit. I Keep working that I'll bring you back when uh I make a mess of it. That's better and great. This is where the bracket is too, so you don't even really see it.

looks like they didn't even bother finishing the the Chrome looks like they chromed it with a bracket on there. You see the color difference? Let's um, see if we can squish some of these lumps on the side out of it. Maybe try to shove it in that bite if it goes wide enough between the soft jaws and just kind of give her a little squeeze. I'm gonna make it there we go.

I mean squeeze foreign. Try to get the the big dent out of it and if it's warped at all, we can just kind of manhandle over there and see if we get this one down a little and concentrate that in one spot more. I Don't know if I want a hammer on it, that one's out too. so we need to give her like that.

I Still pretty messed up. Let's show off the camera how much of a a rack it has to it. I'm gonna go keep picking away at that. see how we do I wonder if we should? maybe if I can try to support it here and here and push down on it in there.

put a little Danny I saw me I saw it do it I could just look at this line I'm trying to get this line going straight I see it wiggling all around I'm just gonna try beating against something that's got a little bit of support that seems to be working better. I can I can finagle the line a little bit better I'll work on that. It seems like once. I chased all the the ripples on the sides, got them fairly straight.

it doesn't have any Rock to it sitting pretty level. you know it doesn't. Uh, one point's not higher than the other. I think we'll go with that.

You can still see, you know a little bit of something going on there, but again, the bracket goes here and I'm gonna dump it anyway and screw it all up. I Think we could all put the front end pretty much back together. let's see what we got. Well I was just going to go throw that Fender back on there I see all the russets on it.

It's a tall Fender so it sits up really high so if we when we try shooting some this is metallic. aluminum is any good I Washed out with like hands cleanser and they hit it with a heat gun. see if it doesn't anything that actually not too bad huh? that was. you know at a glance it doesn't look terrible.
Don't let that dry for a little bit here with the heat gun again. I'll give it one more coat and I'll wipe down the outsides of the fender. Oh foreign. yeah, she's toasty.

all right. Throw that back on now. I know for about a half hour's work I think it came out pretty good I kind of screwed up I did try a little bit with that uh buffer and it scratched it a little too much so you can kind of see it. Should have tried I thought it was the back of the fender, but oh well.

Nothing ventured. Nothing gained, right? Let's see, it looks pretty decent. You know. components seem pretty good inside I Didn't bother re-greasing anything because it all looked perfect I was just gonna leave it alone I did wish I saw the cracks in that before I Would have ordered a couple of those, but a good time to take them out.

Oh all right, well you want to get on to next probably. Um, we'll drop it down. we'll work on the front end a little bit. See what we can do about? you know, cleaning stuff up and getting like this.

I think it says a piece of clear plastic on it. probably able to slice this little blade. We'll get this off of here and polish these up and you know I think we're just pretty much on the bike detailing stuff that was starting to look Anyway, that should have a stop on it, shouldn't it? It seems like it's flopping kind of far. that one works.

are we missing one on the other end? Seemed like it flopped over pretty far, didn't it? Yeah, it's broke off, you know. I'm not gonna do anything about that. Yeah, so it allows the front end to go all the way. That was that happened during one of the crashes.

Yeah, see. The mirror stems are definitely a bit of a mess. They're pretty much far gone, right? Just hit those up right on the wire wheel. What it'll do is it'll knock it down to just bare metal and it'll be bare metal and whatever's left of the Chrome when it's done, instead of rusting, whichever left of the Chrome Yeah, that was kind of the same way too.

I'm gonna go pop them off and then maybe we'll screw with that lever and we'll just take it right off of there. I'm not sure I'll slice that back. Oh, before and after, like I said, they're not going to come out looking perfect. but yeah, at least the uh stem is somewhat shiny.

Pity. but shiny. Yeah, that's just the nature of it. I'll keep an eye out doing next year's swap meet for a set, but I think these might be original? Look it.

get the other one done. Yes, you can slice that back. You know where it starts. Feels like it's right there.

It's probably a good idea. at the time it's easier on your hands. you know, a lot of times too. The with the ball is on the end, there breaks off I won't pass inspection.
the ball's there for a reason. as far as I understand Anyway, it could be urban Urban If you get in a wreck if you go to get stabbed by the bar, if it has that broken end on it, it'll punch right into you. whereas uh, having a ball on the end of it gives you a a chance of not getting impaled and dying from it. I'm gonna go see if I don't know.

Did I not just cut through far enough you think it would just kind of peel off like a little bit more. Keep my other hand out of the way right the aluminum starts coming out I know I've gone far enough Focus Peeling a lobster I'm gonna get the rest of that off of there. We'll probably just take that whole lever right off and I'll take it over to the wire wheel. I Just kind of detail it like we did everything else.

getting cold. the heat's on so you can, uh, hyper extend that. Get that right out of there we go. I'm gonna go clean that up.

you look terrible. Tell where it was and wasn't protected right? That's better. So one thing the bike's having a problem with I Noticed when I was up there kind of turned the handlebars. It is very shouldn't be like that.

It's like the bearings are are clicking through their location. So let's go open up the Triple Tree and get to the bear and see what they look like. I Don't know if we can just spin this whole assembly off and take it right off of there. Uh, what I'll do is I'll get might as well take it.

Okay, we gotta take this apart anyway. no matter what and I'll get a towel or something. We'll lay the handlebars on the front or on here and we'll start digging our way into there. You think that would spin off of a nut? I Don't know how else are we going to get to the center bearing? I Don't know if.

let's go ahead and try taking these two bolts back out again and see if this whole thing will pop up and then the bearing is underneath it. This may be capsulated so you can't spin it off. Kind of like seeming was like yes, you have to wiggle off of there I tighten that back up again. I would think I would think that has to come off I I Don't think they would rely on just that.

Um, there's a trick to it because it just feels like the whole thing is spinning. Is it go all the way through? Yes it does. There's a bolt that goes from top to bottom I Wonder why? But of course the Fender's back on the pool. It's spinning down there and it has a cutter key in it.

So not too bad though. We just take the three bolts. we'll drop the fender down should be able to get to that and pull that stem right out of there. And how about that? Everything in lights the learning curve right? That's what holds that together.

Foreign, just kind of. Lay It Forward And we're going to need to get this off. We're going to get that nut off first. Uses like a spanner wrench.

Let me go see if I have one that fits that. see they can is it? England All branches are called Spanish wrenches I think that's why we call these here. Got a little paw on it. kind of adjust for the groove.
Problem is those teeth underneath I Really give me a run for my money. It's not much room to come down without hitting them. Just in case that's right, goes the other way. Let's give her a quick shot just to see if um I'm being a um I'm gonna work on that.

Probably gonna do is try to tap on that with a hammer. Maybe I might be why it's so Bindy Also, it's coming off just doesn't know it yet. You see. the secret is you just have to keep upping the threats so it comes apart Foreign? Yes, nicely at first.

If not, then you just gotta escalate. You can get a couple of Taps on that and we should be able to have our top bearing at least exposed to us. Nope. Gotta dig even further.

Got one more to go. Foreign. It's taken a little cap with it. I Don't think that's just supposed to go with it, but we'll see.

it's mocking. Is that a weird sign? My balls are falling out. Oh my balls are falling out because the front end's too high. The bottom ones are falling out.

It's okay when you take them all, clean them out anyway. repack them. I Just don't want to lose them. Don't want to lose your balls I Think one of these has a bunch of moisture in it and got cruddy.

Let's go take that. Let's go wipe that one down with a rag and see what it looks like. Yeah, so that's got a bunch of rust on it and the the balls are trying to roll through the rest. So I'm gonna take a MAG and we'll yank all those out of there and we'll see.

we got for the race. I'll take top and bottom and we'll clean them up and it should be okay once it's done as long it's not too badly pitted. We'll find out that in a minute though. Yeah, it's like a magnet.

I Picked all them out of there. You can see like on the race how much rust is on there so that's what's trying to go over as they try to roll over that they give like a Thump Thump Here's the bottom one. I Wouldn't say it's terrible and then there'll be another one up inside there. Oh there's this.

I think this is the one that was causing it though. You can really see where each ball was sitting for the longest time. Stop with the jokes and that's where it was just causing it to have the little detents going around so this one should be able to pop out just kind of. You can grab up.

Generally what you do is you take the front end completely off which I don't know if I want to go do that. You stick a rod up through the center, you tap it and that race will pop up. It may just come right out real easy. Yeah, you don't want to get, you don't want to stick a screwdriver underneath here and bend this lip at all.

but I'll try. getting out of it. fights me too much. I'll just kind of clean it up right where it is.

We're at the grease off that little one. I'm sure it's gonna show. You can see where all the damage is. the little detents that are on it.
That's it. You know, as the ball is rolling around, it falls like a hole locks up. falls in. a hole locks up and generally because of the spacing that they were.

all those are evenly spaced apart where the balls were. So it comes, they all roll into a a detent and then they roll out of it at the same time. so that gives it that chug to the front end. I'm going to try taking a a little Scotch Brite buffer maybe that one that we're using to polish the parts.

see if I can clean that up best as possible. sometimes maybe two either, even the same size. You can swap the top one for the bottom because the bottom one has all the weight pushing up on the front. One kind of is more going along for the ride.

Where this one is, you know all the weight sitting on it. See what happens? Try cleaning that first and now I'm gonna wash my balls in oil. It's amazing. The stuff you can get away with saying you're working on something right? I'll bring you back when my balls are clean.

It looks like two even piles of 21.. So now we got our balls clean. Now we got to go pack them back in grease. So I'm gonna go take that bottom race and just kind of plop a bunch of Grease around it and try to set my balls all 21 of them in a row around it.

and to lower that front end on it. Hopefully we're not losing a bunch of stuff. and then the Top's really easy bottom. you got to fight with gravity and now we have gooey balls.

All right. let's go so you can lower the bike down where that goes on there without them all falling back down on the bench. Okay, I guess I'll wind up I Don't bound up I Think the weight of the handlebars is, uh. hanging on one side is getting me a little bit.

I'm gonna go shove a big old screwdriver down the center of that and that could help steer it. Foreign, foreign. Get in there. I'm gonna go up a little.

Seems a little high capital I Think that's in right yet? There we go. There's a little little ring on top. Looks like we got it. Yeah.

I Think we're okay. We'll find out. So now I just gotta do the same. But top one's easy because you just kind of go stack them in there and run the race back down on it.

That's what's holding me. that little collar right there. All right. I Got back together.

sort of just hand tight this uh collar and call it you want to run it down. Kind of like when you do a wheel bearing on a car. For a wheel bearing where it just has the plate taken out of it on a wheelbarrow, you actually would leave a hair or play. that feels pretty good.

No binding now. seems decent. We backed it up here right there. As long as it doesn't have any lateral play in the front end, that's what you don't want and it feels pretty good good.

I'm gonna go take that triple tree piece that was on there and go clean that up before we put it back on. I should do the handle box too. I Just don't feel like stripping all the the Hardware off of them. Think about it later.
that's what. I Always the way things work right. we should have done. I don't know if we can.

it was cast steel or cast iron. Whether we can build a little bit of weld up on this pad so it would be the stop so the handlebars won't like hyper extend. We try getting in there with Little Die Grinders You can get some of the material out of the way. it'll give me a better idea what the metal is too.

We could try it. What's gonna hurt I Get a little bit of splatter on here. Let's see if a Dremel can get get in there. scuff up the top surface a little.

Oh yeah. I think it's Cass you can tell by the Sparks that come off of it. yeah I think I I'm not sure yet. what I think my helmet's playing funky.

my helmet's not on weld, it's on grind I'm gonna make you look for outside I Don't really think that's gonna stick. Let's see the hyena. Well, it's on there for now. All right, where are we? I Think we can put that front fender back on? Are we safe? Nothing else we need to take apart I Did run one of the cables wrong this one I put it back together I missed it.

It's on the wrong side, but it's just a wire. I'll pull it out of the headlight and it'll tuck it back through the center of the triple trees. Is this one in the wrong spot? Should that be back here? I Think it might. What about the other side? Where's that one going? That one's up here now.

don't know. That's not a hard fix, neither, right? Just unscrew it. flip it around. So I'm not taking that apart again.

Foreign 's about the way you're doing stuff. You can look stuff up in a book or online. Go find out what the problem is if I was just working in the shop and for money I was trying to stick something. I'm gonna approach is totally different from working on something as a hobby and want to try to figure out how stuff works.

Yeah, you can look up pretty much anything you want right now, but I think it sharpens your skills if you try to figure stuff out. instead you're trying to get. It's like doing math. You know you type it in your phone call, talk it into your phone, and uh, it'll give you the answer.

or if you just take a minute, try to figure it out. It just kind of keeps you sharper. Each one comes with the same output, right, but it just makes it so that, uh, you're kind of working on your skill set. You're exercising the muscle between your shoulders so to speak so that looks pretty decent.

Everything is buttoned up I Don't see anything I'm going to detail the handlebars and stuff and work on the levers. Probably work on that headlight too. We may want to unless I find something really neat to show you. Let me just kind of fast forward through that and I'll bring you back when we're we'll spin the bike back around again and work on the ass end.
Now now that the front wheel looks so good, that looks like crap, so maybe we'll uh I don't know if I'll take it off I'll look at it because it's still at the a lot of times there's a lever on the brakes showing you where the shoes I haven't worn. It would be a pointer on a scale I Don't see it on this, but looking at the adjustment, it's all the way back. Generally people will start, you know, cranking up on as the rear brakes wear out. Ah That's undecided.

We may or may not take it apart. All right. Let me go finish that mess and uh, we'll get on to something else. So all the factory connections except for that one, we have a problem I wonder which one it's going to be? So put that new light on.

it looks nice. it doesn't work. Looks nice. So I got uh, left directional, right directional not flashing I Think the Flasher itself is probably kaput Sometimes after runs a while and the voltage comes up, the Flasher will heat up and it'll start flashing again.

Did it almost work? so it seems like most of the lights are working I Don't know if the headlight if the bike needs to be running I wouldn't think so, but it may either that we got an issue uh with the switches. So we've got high low beam here and there's a knot off over here so there's a possibility that vot it's not playing well with others. Whether that be the wire that I pulled, no, that was, that was this one. The brake light switch is going down the center of the handlebar and runs through into the headlight.

I only have extra wires. We'll see what happens when we fire it back up again. We'll deal with that later. Tail light brake light works.

Let's go shut power off and possibly again. those uh may start working too once it runs a little bit. What do we got? We'll pop the air cleaner back on I Want to spin the bike around? We'll put the ass end up on the jack. you know, play with, clean some of that stuff up and we go take the air cleaner.

I'll pop that on and I want to just kind of brush up the the bits and pieces up here a little bit, getting them cleaned up. I Think my chances are I can snake that prickler back on there again, huh? They just shoved the bolt back in it I Think pretty good. nice that looks better as far as they're all the bits and pieces. you know alignment? Yeah, mirrors are probably the scabbiest part as far as it took.

Damage look decent, keep it indoors and the climate control, it'll stay just fine. hey man, let's get the bike flipped around and get some of that work done. As far as that back wheel is concerned. I Think we should play with our Newfound toy.

It's getting pretty worn already and close to like you use a flapper disc on one of those little uh, you know, the ones you could spin off roll locks. It's getting pretty close to the back side. We got one more, but see if it gets through this wheel burning that one up? Foreign. that's hitting okay.
give me one yeah. I'd definitely say it was worn down somehow. it gives you a little bit on the backside to work with you where foreign although it's Rusty looking. I Don't see any like links that feel bound up or anything.

So I think for now, maybe we'll just give her a really good Lube and we'll let her run there. spin around I Find that it has some issues. we'll get some. The sprockets look good again, mostly.

just pick the chain now I have any binding links on it. They run a little spin around and work itself in making a mess. You get the idea. I'm gonna go do that.

Work it in. There's one bound right there. a little tight, but it may work self-week once. it's got some lube in there.

Hmm I think we should fire it up and put it in gear. Let her spin okay. see what she does here? Foreign something you rabbit with secret from the head pipe. it's rotating it up a little bit.

it's getting flopping. Pretty good. just fine enough. just a little bit nice, huh? I'll wipe off all the excess you see it.

especially now. I actually I hit it with WD Also to kind of like to work it in quiet. no noise in the back bearing and I'm getting ash 58. shut that off.

go clean up the bench I Want to get now that we just ran a little bit. Once you need oil, get that running out of there while stuff is kind of floating around in it. Think of undersizing my bowl I think so. yeah, hopefully that comes out nice and clean.

Nope, got some dirt to it. Hmm, well that's why I'm changing it right? I would say it's terrible I could see through it, but it's not exactly uh, spotless. I'm not questioning my choices of ball. should I grab another one real quick just in case they were just gonna make it foreign.

I gotta try to walk across the garage with it without spilling. all, right? Yeah, take that one, you know I was gonna do that right. I let that piss for a little bit. uh, that noise I think it was exhaust leak I think it was just the air cleaner not being on it yet.

I'm gonna go try buttoning that up while this is still pissing. Not like I didn't spill it anyway, right? Yeah, wouldn't have made it right on the money. I tried to use my new old stock Honda pre-filter that I found upstairs didn't make it though. didn't survive.

Oh Earl let's get the plug back in it. Get rid of that. Get some fresh stuff in it. I Think these have some kind of the filter setup or pump setup.

It's kind of like a centrifugal that spins, spins the dirt out of it at some point that should probably be taken apart and cleaned. and I think I'll do for now. we'll just put another thing of oil in it and let that rinse some stuff out and then the next time 30 years from now, we'll do it. Kind of want to start wrapping it up so we got after this.
I think we have left is the seat to reupholster or whatever else we can kind of think of. but I should take one quart total. It's my guess. Looks like what came out of it, right? Yeah.

so I think for today tonight, it's like nine o'clock I Want to go eat so we'll pick this back up in the morning and fix yourself a seat. Can't do much riding anyway because we got two inches of snow today I stayed cold so there's snow everywhere. Not that that wouldn't be fun, right? I Don't want to erect the uh directions right away. We'll wipe her out.

See you soon anyway. So I'll see you in a minute tomorrow. Hey, that's the next day and I think it's time we get to get in that seat a little bit more better looking than that I'd say so. normally you take a seat cover and you put it out in the sun and let it kind of warm up.

You don't have that capacity because it's 19 degrees out. They got in front of the heater. It's gonna let that cook for a little bit, let it soften up. Let's get the old carcass off of there and we'll see what we have to go work with the condition of the pan, that kind of thing.

Yeah, let's go build a seat. Looks like it's got a bunch of meat hooks that hold it on there we can do about getting them. We got to stand them all up to put the new one on. Anyway, it looks like they just kind of cut into the pan here and there.

I Wonder if they get something with a hook on it? These are gonna be a little bit of a painy ass. I know I'm gonna rake my fingers across it. Maybe we should work this way, right? Yeah I have a feeling towards the end of this I'm gonna have a Band-Aid on take a few minutes I'm gonna Bend all these up try to, uh, stay out of Harm's Way you're waiting for me to cut myself right now, Aren't you a little tea sticking out of there? Yeah. I'm gonna try something better than that baby.

Ignition pliers seem to be working the best for getting the hooks up and kind of steer them where I want them. How about we just rip the fabric off once the Fabric's out of the way. I Can dress the hooks instead of trying to make them all pretty foreign. Let's go peel that skin off of there.

Hopefully. I Don't have any foam so we're gonna have to go work with what's here. Is that supposed to stay? That might that might need to stay. it doesn't look terrible I wonder if we just kind of go right? I Was thinking possibly like we glue a piece of foam on and then like shave it a little I wonder if we just do more damage than not trying to just leave it alone.

Looks kind of racked too, doesn't it a little bit? Oh I'm gonna take a little bit of time and prep it. Get all these hooks on. a good angle that we could wrap the fabric around and I guess this has to go back on it. protects it from cutting.

It actually looks pretty good I Don't see any cracks or anything anywhere. Another one we did. it was all busted up. having to go weld the pan all back together.
This one seemed decent. That's the glove boxing anything's in it. Yeah, you put your registration. let's um.

I'm gonna go white now. I think I'll wipe that out. that's gonna rake my Knuckles I'm gonna go clean it a little bit and we'll try to line the other cover over it and see how it kind of fits. Worst case: I'm thinking maybe if this is all squished down, maybe we'll put like another.

I got like a foam for carpet. you know, like the underlayment. Maybe we'll put that on top if we have to build it out a little. Really doesn't feel too bad though.

I couldn't order one of these I was trying to find one. actually kind of look at the edge of this I think that's gonna end up being an issue for us. so I figured we'd try. That's the whole idea is do something you've never done before I wonder if we can? This is, um, one of those old foam mattress tops in the top.

It's got that weird kind of memory foam I think they call it I wonder if we can go carve this? glue it to it and then just shave it? I think I have an electric knife. Like a electric knife. go see if I can find it. I'm thinking there we go that out.

Let's see how that does on foam. Let's see how she works. Practice on this one, right? Oh yeah, that should work out pretty good I would guess you probably should I'm committing after that, right? I Gotta go try to get no turning back. Let's just try doing that piece first if that works.

I'll continue on with the rest of it. so we're going to need to carve a piece out I Got a ton of this upstairs I'm not worried about wasting it. Let's go with and I should probably try to make a curve that matches that on the opposite. Let's go with like in the middle of it foreign.

Get that glued on there. Let's get rid of some of this extra you don't need. Cut my fingers up I think if um, sure, hope glue sticks to it. If not, we're shoving that piece on some two-sided tape.

Uh yeah, let me get some spray glue. We'll spray both of these. Let it set up a little bit and we'll set that on. Then we'll try to carve this down to match it.

Oh, I'm gonna leave it in a larger piece for now. Might be a little bit easier to work with you. Let them tack up for a little bit. I'm not sure what it says I think it's like 5 to 15 minutes.

Give her a shot I can't feel anything if it's sticky or not. Should I try pulling it away I think it's got it pretty good I'm gonna hold some pressure on that to really kind of get all the little nooks and crannies I think it's gonna hold good enough to do what we need to do I think once you get the phone probably in place I don't think it's gonna be too much chafing of it. You know your legs are gonna be rubbing up and down on it, but it's gonna be on the cover, not around the foam. Yeah, do some carving.
I Still, just we'll use the top as a guide, but we'll just try to go right across the top. We'll do the same on the side I should prop it up on something. get a piece of wood. Let's go from this side.

This side's kind of pulled away a little I can try to. Well, we should flip it over. Okay, let's go do it this way. I could see it better and then we'll do the the angle part of it.

keep going. The problem is when it's thin, there's not much to you know. Have you tried to do a little sliver? It's not as easy as The big piece. Let's go.

um foreign ER You think it'll sand or you think it's just gonna. let's do it. Let's go try it. some kind of Sanders see if it'll let's practice with.

With this you would say I wouldn't say it's great. yeah it more kind of pulls at it than anything. I'm gonna try trimming it more with that with the knife. see how much I can get it whittled down I think I've had a denser foam like what this was made out of I probably would have better luck.

This is like really squishy so like you see the density of that and this is just kind of really soft. but I think it'll it'll Puff the cover out enough and maybe it'll just kind of conform. Plus I think if it was like this, it'd probably carve easier. but I don't want to go any more than that.

we'll put the cover on it. If it looks stupid, we'll come back and address it I don't know I might do another piece like how much better are we going to be able to get this? Is it better to be more puffed out high or not? Hmm I'll put the pieces we cut off. Can we try doing that? I don't know how much Integrity is left to this though. you know, is it pilly? Let's go try that.

Let's try gluing some of this material in here see if that'll work. Knock some of that light stuff off? should I let the glue set up longer, but uh. I'm getting in a hurry. Let's see if I would work with that top.

It's more like cutting bread, but this stuff is really soft. This kind of has a little bit of push back to it. What we want to do here that works. Use it like a shaver.

Foreign. just on this. It's all learning curve right? Yeah, I could use a little more glue right up in there. I'm gonna try spraying a little bit of glue in there just in this area and I think maybe we'll just kind of leave it alone.

I Think that should crush down on the cover? I Wouldn't exactly say it looks awesome, but we'll see when the cover's on, right? Yeah, Put that cover in front of the heater again. just try to just find. Center This looks pretty good. Maybe we should do like the front and rear.

try to get like a clip. it's got to turn this way a little. Flip it over so you can get that lip to think. if they made it right, it should kind of just line up with you got the same amount of material all the way around.

Oh noise alert. let's wait for that to stop. So rudely interrupted. Let's go catch one.
Let me make sure the the end my middle letter the center with that Center hook. it's off. just a hair nothing. say that's stamped on there right? Neither right? It's close foreign.

Let's go for one. claim its location. Let's go tap it down just enough it wasn't coming out. If we need to redo it, we will.

I Guess we should look for center of the front. yeah that's crooked I could see it. It's gotta go that way. caught on one and it looks more like the middle.

Yeah, she's gonna. That's what's gonna show the most. right the very front of a hook there in the middle I think it stays out in the sun too afterwards a little bit looking. speak now, forever.

hold your peace. Yeah I think we could have went with that like a little thin piece across the whole top. Let's um, just side to side. You know there's a proper way to do this, but okay.

I'm not doing it that way. Hopefully you don't just I have any big wrinkles in it? You liking it? You hate me. I think all these lumpiness will come out once they pull the pull it square looking pretty. it looks like the back.

it's a little that way. I'm looking at that rib compared to that one I don't know. Anyway, well I'm gonna go take a little bit of time and work them all the way around and I'll bring you back I Don't see a big well. this is where the the stuff is stuffed right? Is that the corner we put the do we glued on these all in here.

she's a little. you can see how this side rolls off, still got material to it. Well the next one will be perfect. Yeah! I'm also turn the camera on while I'm tackling away.

I'll tell a little story we had. um where I grew up? yeah just reminded me of all the stuff we were doing as kids and now you didn't care about hurting yourself all the stuff like like these bikes and ATVs that came out and safety was not exactly a priority. We grew up near a place called it's called Action Park He called it Traction Park because uh, you stood a good chance of at least having bruises when you went home that day. It was a uh, amusement park, but it was kind of like amusement park.

If rednecks made it, you were kind of responsible for your own safety. If you got hurt, it was your fault. There's plenty of ways to go get hurt. They had like, um I don't even call it like a log plume, not a log flume.

Yeah, foreign. On a cement track with a little cart, it has a little brake handle in the middle of it. I forgot what they're called. Well that's when it started.

It was, um, essentially it started as a ski resort. It's a metal Vernon Ski Resort and um, they uh, want something for the summer so they put that that Flume that ride in but I don't think any Engineers made it I think they just kind of winged it so you would sit on and say this is the car that you're sitting on. You'd have a handle in between your legs when you you set the handle down I think it applied when you let go of it, put like a rub pad and slow you down. Well half of them didn't even work and uh, you would launch yourself right.
You had curves. It wasn't a straight track going down, it's kind of a roller coaster of sorts. Okay, it's looking pretty good. Um my friend Henry he lot he went right over, right over and off the track in front of me and you just disappeared I may not have helped that I was pushing they they would like let one person go like every 30 seconds apart but but it took you like 10 minutes to go right down.

So 30 seconds apart you could. If you didn't hit the brakes you'd catch up to the person in front of you and then you push him. you're nervous. need to track them faster than they should I think they ended up shutting the park down I Remember um he couldn't get insurance for the park so he started his own insurance company and he insured himself.

I Don't think everybody ever got paid. They had like a and they kept building on. They had like a wave pool. they had um like tanks.

I think he shot tennis balls at each other out of like gas powered tanks they had like little. Formula One Go-karts Now this is like mid 70s I Don't know when it shut down, it might even still be a park now. I don't know, but that was like as the crow flies, 10 miles maybe from our house. and actually they made a movie of it.

It was called um, class action park. That's it. I don't think I've seen it. That's pretty much how we grew up.

you know. funny how none of that stuff would pass today. they had pretty much like a death every year. It's like a badge of honor if you survived.

Well I was going by that bead line. It's kind of kind of wavy, but we don't care about that side, right? How's that look? you say terrible I think some time in the sun too will. It's good we put that foam in there I Think if we didn't put that foam in there, that might be an issue and kind of see just on this side where it drops down a little bit and this is where the blue foam. Rose Yeah, so it's softer.

It wants to be able to push in more, but at least there's something behind it pushing up. Oh time in the Sun and go around and see if any that I missed. I'm going to tap down a little bit flatter I Don't think we need to readjust any I don't think it's going to help us at all I missed one here I'm going to tweak that a little bit and let's go shove that back. I Can put the bracket back on the top yet? I Didn't tell you it was off a little bit over there.

you wouldn't know, right? Crown Jewel on oh that looks just set it up there for now. Foreign I think a little bit of time in the sun definitely will help. It'll help like this is just where two-piece material are put together. You can see it's a little puffy, same thing there where the seam is.
How they pulling it taut would do much for it. Looks better though. huh? Oh yeah yeah. I see him on that side.

I'm just gonna need some heat or that's just the way it's gonna be I'm gonna throw the bolts in the front of it I'm gonna lay that bike down Yeehaw takes a cherry on top of the Sunday before I should have shot that black Oh I Had it off of there slacker and seal. came in for the gas cap, shoved an o-ring on there just to help it. Yeah, that should be the right one. snug.

I'm actually clicking. Can't forget its stamp. A little awful I'm getting pressure washed. Foreign.

crooked. No, it's not foreign. foreign. This might be a very dumb idea just saying.

Oh, you should put a clutch. it doesn't exist all gears up. Yeah, so this was. this is why it might be a dumb idea.

It will be gingerly. Oh yeah, she's spinning. Foreign. Not exactly bike weather I think that was Ice that cracked.

Everyone was good doing a trail. Came to see what you're going over. Foreign ER for it, you could hear it like something. Walk there rabbit tracks.

Let Me In First a second. that was first low bridge coming through. Pardon me nature. Grab a little front brake.

it's gonna be a good idea, right? A couple of punching checks. Hmm that might suck to get around. there's a whole bunch of trees down. Yeah.

I Think it's gonna give you a short ride. We might have to wait till spring for this one to hurts. Could we go anymore? The other direction? It's definitely a bike. You ride with your feet down because you're ready to Wipeout at any moment I Think the directions work.

Yeah, when it's running, the directions where it has a little bit more voltage going to I Don't know if you can see it splashing there in there. Look at this head I Don't think we're getting any third gear run. she is squirrely. thank you.

third I have like 27 miles an hour across the ice is a great idea. Let's put it back in. first. seems pretty nice though.

I Don't see any issues with it other than the headlight I popped it off real quick to see if any wires were off. I didn't see any I have a feeling because when you turn the lights on, the tail light comes on so the the on off switch seems to be working. Let's go stop area here the arms which seems to be working for the headlights uh just there's no headlight function. so the only other thing I think would be is the high low beam switch there I mean he has got a broken wire when we were on it when I got it that the thing was turned.

let me get you off of me yo! When I got it the uh lever was turned to. it's kind of twisted around on itself and it had a blown a fuse. when I hooked the battery up and then when I corrected that to the right spot, it turned around and didn't blow the fuse anymore. So it's probably got some shaped wires or broken wires where they go through because they go through the handlebar down through here and they pop out here.
So I have a feeling the issue is probably right inside here so we're gonna go deal with that on our own. Had an air cleaner and a nice little bike. Foreign foreign Shakedown run I Don't see many issues, anything to deal with is again the air cleaner. It's a little leaning kind of here when you go to take off a box.

A little plus, you know maybe 20 degrees doesn't help things neither. but when the air clean is on it'll cause a little bit more drag and rich in it up. Just the hair and the warmer temperature and everything seems to have worked out pretty good. I Don't see anything a major issue looking at the seat right away, so I'm good with that.

I think our carving the foam out was a more of a plus Than A minus let's see what it does over time. Kind of wonder if it wants to pull away. kind of like it would. it will show a line or something, but we'll see.

Yeah it worked out really nice good looking little bike. It's time to believe that that's 50 years old. Just doesn't seem right. It was built 50 years ago 49.

still Survivor original paint mostly other than the muffler I guess I can go sign off. Thank you all for hanging out so they're really kind of enjoyable just to pick away this stuff. And it's kind of like yo people that put puzzles together. It's kind of that same mentality.

You get lost in what you're doing. You know what? you're really kind of getting into it where time kind of disappears, you just get focused on. okay, you're why Are you working on one thing? Like what's the next thing I Can go work on and start picking away at and a uh, a plan kind of comes together. You stick out long enough, gets done.

most stuff you know. All right guys. sit down. I'm gonna sign off.

Well, thank you all for hanging out, doing some wrenching, save an old junk on the cheap and we'll do it again sometime soon. Till then later. Yeah. Pop that switch off.

right? there was the wire was grounding out. You see the whites wore away on the end and then right there there's a break. The wire's going down. Well, there's your problem.

There's the hole that went through and then it got pinched right there. So he's got to feed all those wires back out, repair them, and feed them back through the handlebars. Every middle-aged means childhood growing up right there. I Wish it could be anyway.

America 70s America Well, it's not too good. Crusty. oh the smell and it has fuel sitting in it. That's not a good sign.

Yeah. I'm gonna take a peek I'm sure you did. Oh oh, she's rough. Yeah, the sides of the tank are all boogered up.

I think that tank comes out of there I Hope does it? Yeah, yeah, that's part of the frame. We're screwed all right, so we're gonna have to do a bunch of work on that. Hopefully he doesn't have any Roth holes going right through it I Wonder if the Ct70s got the same setup to it? I Say at least 20 years. Put that on.
Just keep the odor in. All right. let's get up in the air. Let's start looking into the engine part of it and we'll start working our way out.

Give yourself a general assessment: What's in that little what's in here? Yeah, how do you open it? Twist it? Tool kit in there? Nothing a rag bites me? Yeah, no tool kit. All right. Let's get her up in the air. And uh.

so I've seen what we got for an engine.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “Old 1974 honda st90 gets full rustoration”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Brock says:

    Where do you live Mustie cause they have 1 of those kart rides that go downhill near where I live too in Indiana between Bloomington and Nashville. I actually live about 35 miles SouthEast of there in North Vernon Indiana.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave says:

    I remember action park NJ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogue Patriot says:

    Damnit, I just seen YouTube unsubscribed me from your channel. I've been watching for yrs

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clifford Deschaine says:

    There was an Alpine slide in mount tom in mass.!😃

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nate saunders says:

    The fact that I giggle everytime you make ball bearing joke, really makes me question my maturity!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Jenkins says:

    Wow action park I remember it well the ride you were talking about was the infamous Alpine Slide if you didn't use brake you died ,can you imagine trying to get away with that these days.brought back some funny memories , remember the Tarzan swing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Talonts says:

    Fender dents – practice on a trash piece, use a planishing hammer bit in the air chisel. That will give you the hundreds of tiny hits you want, and varying the distance of the chisel to the work will vary the force a bit.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Frieswyk says:

    I have a kick start with a black cover that may work on his ST it’s from a CT, how do I send him a message to see if he could use it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars riverakers says:

    Cleaning that rust,takes me back to cleaning my Schwinn Stingray 3 speed bike with WD40 and steel wool pads,in the early 1960’s.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam joentess says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ahnbra says:

    I saw on tv or the web to use a Thin Hot Electric Wire to shape foam. You insolate the ends and leave the rest of the wire is bare. It can contour better then a carving knife. The carving knife type of tool was also used for basic rough shaping. You have got the correct general idea Mustie.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Chapman says:

    Okay, I have to ask – did you ever do the Cannonball Loop?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars catfishgold says:

    Johnny Knoxville was in a movie action point 2018 that is loosely based on action park. I think they also have a documentary that came out in the last couple years about action park. Heard it was a pretty wild place so it makes sense that musty would have been there as a child.

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