this is part 3 of bringing this late 70 chrysler sno runner back to life after being abandoned in a barn for 45 years, lets see how it rides after some last minute repairs,

Hey guys, how's it going here? We're going to continue on this. uh, late 70s Chrysler Snow Runner Motorcycle slash snowmobile? Yeah. I Think we've got two videos under our belt and hopefully this is gonna be the last one on it. First one was kind of getting an assessment of it and then going through the engine and getting that running.

the next one. we got into putting new drive chain and uh, going through fuel system electrical system. There's a couple of things that we knocked out too. Oh, getting a clutch set up working and new bearings put up inside there and we got that to operate.

Uh, fairly decent. So we're going to continue on. We need some more love, uh, put to it and hopefully we can get it taken care of this one. Well before we go any further, let's go see how it cold starts.

I'm curious to make sure we got all the engine issues taken care of. All right. see what she does? Give her some choke. The gas is still connected, didn't leak all over the place.

That's a good sign. That's true. See what it does? Foreign. I'm happy with that.

Took care of that issue. We had to dig into that carburetor for a second time. We had a couple of issues with it on the first round. The other thing too, we did the decompression valve, took it out, got the valve to work I Do not think it's functioning.

There might be. Uh, let's go take that back out of there and try to poke through to the combustion chamber. It feels like It just doesn't do much. Yeah, when we picked this thing up it had a broken pull start.

It seemed like it was the last thing it got parked for and it could be from all right. The fact that the decompression wasn't working and the resistance that it takes that go through that so we'll go take that out. We'll pull on it right now. It should feel like there's no spark plug in it.

See what we get? Yeah, see, It doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Let's go and stab at it a little bit. let's see if we can see what's going on in there. Kind of looks like you can see a little hole in the very center of it.

I Wonder if that's just kind of carboned up? Let's go stab at it with a pick. I have a drill bit would work better. I Really don't want to take the cylinder head off? We don't have to. let's cook it.

Yeah, let's go get a little drill bit. Let's see if we could twist that. Hopefully we get some snow coming in. it's you hear it melting off the roof out there right now for gold, let's see beginning coming out of it.

I don't know how tiny that hole is. neither. I would figure it just goes right through the center of the cylinder head. There we go Here we go.

Little goobers of uh, metal and carb a little bit smaller size bit the tiniest bit I got oh 60. see if that'll dig through the mud and get a little bit more length on it there? I Guess it's through now. see if it feels any different. Yeah, you can hear it I'm going to work on that just a little bit more.
Probably try to open it up. just a tab. we can put that valve back in there I think we got it though. I pushed in so it should be leaking and when it fires it should pop that out.

Let's see what we get. Choke it again. thank you I need some gas? Yep it worked good. Happy about that.

that's taken care of. We want to jump on next. Go for, um, that Drivetrain drivetrain. That dry chain that we cleaned up which is the original one.

It's super sloppy. Let's go check my stash. You can go come up with something else that's uh, probably a little bit better. Almost looks like bike chain.

It's close to it. These milk crates should be all kinds of chains and bits and parts and pieces. Small. too fat.

This is garage door. Like garage door chain. There's a cable that would be on it. Maybe this is it.

Let's go bring this over with us. One thing, there's enough. there am I up next to it. What's this? Might be a little smaller? Let's try to no, it's it's following pretty good.

So 35 is what the size of it is. I Saw a number on it so you can find a master link. If there is one, we'll take that bottom sprocket off. I should be able to take it right off again.

Damn, it might be on the other side of the master link. I Don't see one of you, still don't see one. Let's go see how this fits over the sprocket. Yeah, that'll work.

Feels right. No clumpiness. Let's um, try to string that up and over it. Leave the key out for now.

we'll string that over. we'll see where it kind of lines up and we'll cut it and hopefully I Got a master link in my stash I drape that around. Nobody can be all that much better, huh? Yeah. I Don't see any.

We can't get an extra tooth neither. and there's no adjustment on it. That's it right there. That's almost about what we had I wonder if the sprockets are worn down like what would, um, did they just write it like that? Seems kind of sucky to me.

Yeah, try stretching it to get one more tooth. Hey, you can't even get it now. It's like it's a in between the two of them. I Don't know if this game even gonna buy you something.

I'm gonna go look at some of the components. Maybe I'll pop the clutch off again and we'll take a peek at that. and ah yeah, I don't see any adjustment though. It looks like it's got like, um, it's just fixed screws for the engine.

You loosen them up. it just looks like they're tapered and it just kind of centers itself. And the same for the Jack shaft on the bottom. I Don't see any kind of a adjustment anywhere to raise into or lower that spark I Wonder if that track, can we? Um, man, there's the back of them right there.

Can we like lower or raise that track? You want to try loosening them, see if we get anything out of it. If we could loosen this up, it'll maybe have a little bit of movement in it. Let's give it a shot, see if they'll crack loose for us. Let's see if they crack I Don't know.
It looks like it's loose. It's like it's sticking out some. Let's see if they're taper, if they're tapered. Yeah, they are.

Yes, that's like it's just gonna try to pull it back to. Center So I guess you have to live with whatever. Dimension that is this rocker weight doesn't look worn though. I Don't see like it's beat down into the grooves.

You know they still got a good squared off top on them. Well I think why we got the stuff. might as well put another chain on it and I'm gonna have to use that. what's called a half link.

Generally what you would do is you would take this whole link out this one and then you would have I'm going to call it mail and mail-in and you would put a master link in between the two. but you can't do that because we like I can't even get you know one extra tooth. So it's something called the half link that has one of one side and one of the other. You can put them together I got a box.

it has them in there so let's go pop that off of there and get one of those on. And my hope is maybe like over time it'll kind of stretch just a little bit where we can get that other last little link out of it and then it'll just go back to normal. But I'm just guessing. yeah I'll show you what I'm talking about.

So that's a regular master link. You see how it's got the same Barrel on each end of it and then this is a hat. it's called. the half link.

still works kind of like a master link but it's gonna fit over the existing Barrel that's there and then it comes with one for the other side and it's got like a little pin that you put through it. Here's the kit. You see the little pins. they're down inside there.

That's what you use that's a good yard sale. Fine, huh? Definitely comes in handy. Is it called The Chain Break? I'm trying to do it without getting my hands in the way. It essentially just pushes the pin out of the center.

Foreign like that. it allows that link to open up. these together comes off. You can see how it popped the pin out of the top of it.

Now this top can rotate and come off of there. hopefully. hardest part getting that other halfling to swing out of the way. And like I said, then this one's going to go on in its place and you got the barrel that fits back down over it.

Now you can take this out altogether and put the pin in that I was showing you. so I Thought you could just kind of squeeze it back together and you just hit up. hit it with a punch in the center. It's probably what I'm going to try and do.

if it falls apart later. you can see I told you so just make sure it's going to work for us. There you go now. I Can go put that other pin that oh with the cutter key in it, you just stick it right now Vice too.

But I'm sure whack it with a hammer and get it to seat over it. A little nut right there. give it someplace for the post to push into it. get the kind of come through that hole a little bit better.
There you go Now it's proud. I'm going to whack that over peen that with a punch and that should hold us. Plus it's still free to swivel. That's what it looks like after a little.

Cotter Key as you guys across the pond comb split pins I Think there you go. there's half link installed. that one. Yeah, it's a new chains but again, just as sloppy as the one that was on there.

We'll see what happens. Let's see what we got for breaks. This has what's called a band break. A lot of mini bikes use it too.

Essentially it's just a piece of Steel that goes around the outside of the clutch. get back to where it goes like that. I'm sure I got a clip that has to go there and when you squeeze the cable, all it does is you know as the bike's running away and the outside shell is spinning, you pull that, it just locks up on the on the outer shell and stops you unless you have a chain break and then you just free your free wheel and let's uh, just quickly look into that cable, make sure it's okay to go. it's got a a lever up on the handlebar.

All right. it feels pretty decent. I'm gonna try spinning the track and cable feels pretty free I Don't think we have to do much with that at all. I'm gonna go just throw that clip on there and I guess the test ride will kind of show whatever issues it has.

Yeah, this looks like it's dragging or anything. Hey, what do you want to work on next? Um, a couple things that I don't like. the way the throttle cable is bent like that I wonder if we can take it apart and get maybe some shrink wrap shrink tubing over it and heat it up so it's got like a well, you just take the bend out of it too kind of the metal part. Let me put some shrink wrap over there just to kind of soften that bend a little bit.

The headlights all out of whack and we need a bulb for that. We could probably take that off. The front is just sloppy. Do the pinning.

the way to put together this whole thing's meant to come apart. You pull pins off of it and it all kind of tucks within itself. We've got a couple of covers that are messed up. This one is just ground away on the bottom.

I'll show you what I do with it. Yeah, get you dizzy, it's on the bench. Yeah, so this one's the Bottom's been chewed up from running through the woods I guess and that's I don't know what happened to that of the exhaust. cook that a little bit.

Then the other one is the one for the track is this one. You can see she's pretty much almost two pieces all the way across. So I'm gonna try to do some kind of surgery to put that thing back together. the best we can.

Yeah, let's try for that throttle. The rest of it is like Cosmetics rather just kind of finish up the Mechanicals might be able to get some lube down that too. It does because the throttle kind of stays where you leave it doesn't. Um, return.
get in there and my opinion was where that was binding is not helping things. please come apart and we should be able to put the cable out of it. There we go if that will come out. I don't think it will I think we got to take the barrel with it.

but I don't know if we're going to be able to, um, get shrink tubing over that. Let me go see what we got. Hopefully it'll shrink down and up if we are able to let me see. I can come up with I'll make it I don't think it's gonna.

now there's the other side of it. No, it's um. I should be able to lift that right out of there. Okay, so the plastic can come off, the spring can come off and that Barrel can come off and we'll be able to fit it over this and we'll just slide it all the way up the machine to the other end.

I Showed this thing before. it's called a cable boiler. You get them on eBay or Amazon Essentially what it does, it's a rubber jacket and it it steps down on the inside of it from fat to you know the skinny side of a cable and you can Crush down on it with a little cam. So what you do is on any cable you can run this over it.

this is a generally fat I don't normally would be doing but anyway you crank that down and this can accept the straws from any kind of spray can we got. PB actually I don't want carpet cleaner I want oil? go grab one. So just to lube the cable you can get that it'll feed right in there. Sometimes it'll kick out that way but if you spray it with essentially it's doing is it'll push the oil up the side of the cable and sometimes you'll see it about the other end.

I could see on that one on my not Center but it'll push oil up the cable up that side and not the other side. so it kind of makes it so it helps a little bit. I Don't know how bind you this one is, it's pretty Bindy that's why we're doing it a little hard to pull. let me go run that in.

I'm going to do the same on the other end too. You can just kind of work that cable back and forth so the same thing but it should in all intentions be pushing up this jacket. Sometimes you actually see it come right through, it'll come out the other end and if you have any, like chafing the cable with a plastic swore away like it's got a rub. Mark you'll see it kind of shooting out of there too.

So I'm gonna do the same on this end. Try to get that and we can put it right right there and put it on and feed it from this side too. Yes, you'd be any better luck on this side. I'm trying to do this up in here where you guys can see there you go.

that was gonna happen. Plus I'm putting it in the wrong hole. Could see like you can run like a cleaner through it first if you want. It's got a little rust.

let's get that off of there, see how it moves Now you work it back and forth. Yeah, now it's like butter before it on the other end it was. It was really kind of growly. good for another 45 years now.
The throttle hopefully won't stick. So I got three pieces up here lined up ready to go up shrink tubing and just kind of fed that in there. I'm gonna go over this. This is an adjustment for your, uh, take the slack out of your cable for your throttle.

leave it all the way in. but I'm gonna run it. We should still be able to turn that, but again I just want support going across with that that poor Bend was. so throw a little bit of heat on that.

that should just go rip. Listen real close. it'll make that noise that down 10 000 degrees. Yeah, it shrinks it right up.

Very good. Get away from the little Overkill with the size of the flame, but cigarette lighter actually worked pretty good. Oh that one. Let's zip up another one or just do that three times.

Shooting with it enough. It's also good too. like I was talking about. If you got a piece of cable that's worn bare, you see the metal like it's got a rub.

Mark You're down to the metal. you put a piece of this over it. keeps the weather out because that's what happens is when you have that water gets in and it rusts the cable to the jacket. Foreign.

I'm gonna go put all that back together. I'm gonna throw some lube down on that slide by that carburetor and we'll see if we get a uh, a snapped a snapping back throttle and it's all back together. Look at that, it's like butter. This is adjustment on the other end too.

We don't have to adjust that, but that should help it. Let's get into. You know it says you think that's still in there quickly. Pop that out of there, isn't gonna pull a pin.

Let me go tap that out. It's been a day or two now. We tap that out see if there's a rope in there. What do you think? Yes, no.

I'm gonna say it's still in there. No conditions gonna be in. Okay, oh that might have been wrong and nobody. just the height of this I don't know.

Maybe you could take it and just flip it around 180. We're going to leave it on the lower position like that, a taller side. I Guess if you're a kid you can take it and you know, put that part up around there and put the foot pegs here. Let's jump on the headlight and tail light.

I Think the only thing else other than you know we're taking apart paint stuff is um oh we have to get pliers for that is to take um that cover split and we gotta still Stitch that back together and you can get this opened up. We see you've got for a bulb in there I Guess it's just blown the vibration that happens I'll bring you back when I get that off, go. one screw out and the other one is hanging just to hold everything together. We think we'd be able to pop that lens forward and kind of spin it on an angle I Need a little more room? Foreign I Think both of them are gone and look under the scope real quick.
Yeah, it looks like both again. I'm not sure if it's 6 or 12 volt. Let me see if I can clean it up and read the side of it. Yeah, Sock is looking like it needs a little bit of cleaning up.

We could push that wire through I may just I'm gonna go pick out that spray some. This pad needs to be able to float behind it. Yes, we'll put the tension up against the uh back of the bulb. I'm going to try just a little Scotch Brite or something.

Get in there. clean up that I shove the 12 in there because I figure 12's not gonna blow Let's uh, fire it up if it'll fire. see if we get anything, it should have a I think a parking light and a brake light. Yeah, excellent.

I'm gonna go button that up and we'll jump over to the headlight. That headlight's busted. going right across it. it's a sealed beam.

Um, I'm gonna spin it I Did not expect that to move how Rusty it was. Yeah, it's not. Uh, we may have to cut that. Bolt We may have to take a whiz wheel and cut the center of that bolt out so get her up in the air.

Yeah, it's all. Somebody egged that all out trying to get it out of there. Let's just cut it. put another one in there.

We're in now. Hopefully the lens doesn't just fall apart when this comes off. What if it's like a car headlight heavy deed? If it was, see what it says for voltage on it too? 12 volt. Yeah, so we lucked out guessing the right thing.

I'm gonna see what we got for a light for this. I think it is a one of those expensive ones I think I have a replacement, but it's a six volt. I Don't think it's 12. there's like an aftermarket one.

You could change the element in it in the lane of junk like I Think this is gonna be a six volt. roughly the same size actually. that's got the little cams on it, doesn't it? I Replaced one on a bike and I bought two is that it is for CT 70. I Don't think that's gonna be the right size.

Foreign so that's looking more like a car headlight one. Let me see if I can find a um Car dual element I don't know if it's gotta be one of those. I think it's the four headlight system. Smaller might be a size all by itself, you know? And to be too big, shove that in there.

that's the size it needs to be I think that's an old burned out one, not the size anyway. so I was able to find something close. This one just totally fell apart as I'm walking away with it. Um I may go chase this one on eBay it's got a part number on it.

it's gonna hyping low beam. This one is just more like a fog light, but it's got the same outer base on it. Same locking tab that this one has here, but it has wires you got a screw on. So I'm going to make little jumpers off that plug.

I'm gonna leave that plug alone I Don't want to damage it. We'll just make a little jumpers and screw onto the bulb and you can put that back in there. At least it'll have a headlight I Don't think I'm even all that concerned between high beam melodium, right? Let's kind of face it to where we want. That should get us at least illuminated.
Oh, the bulbs back in there I Just don't know if it works yet. Kind of looks like it's off thinking about something we either got. Chances are if we just kind of jump up there and manhandle this bracket and try to bend it back into place. I Probably should have done it when the bulb was out, but see what happens? All right.

So it's got to go that way. a little more brackets, aluminum, something like that. is it better. Looks like it's facing at the ski.

If you can go this way a little. I Don't think I did anything All right. Let's go fire it up and see if it turns on. So we only have one beam, but that's fine.

At least we've got something up here. Do you decide to ride at night? I Think it's time we deal with this hot mess? Um I Bought one of those. It's like a staple gun. It goes in with soldering iron and melts the things together.

I Bought one once before. it lasted about six Staples and then crapped out I did end up buying another one if I could find it, maybe we'll try that and it just kind of bridges the uh, you'll see maybe if I find it. that's what it looks like and they eat these little tips in there. a little squiggly line and it Heats that up and then melts its way into the plastic and let it cool off and uh, pull out.

Let's go see if it lasts more than six times this time, giving it the benefit of a doubt, might not even work at all. Get in there, cool off for a second floor pull out. Did it break right in the middle? The wire might have broke right in the center of it. I'm going to keep trying that and we'll see how we make out.

Let's try going like long, long ways with it. Can you see something like that? The other thing is, uh, what's a crazy glue in baking soda? I'm not sure how well that does on plastic though. There you go. I'm gonna chase that all the way down the whole length of it.

Amazing. Let me jump to the center a little bit and Stitch her together and open your back. Oh this one actually stayed working. You just had a dud and I started doing the inside I'm like, well, you don't want to see the wiggly lines from the outside and I thought about it I wonder if the track kind of like rubs against these two and when these are kind of whipping around it and it it they kind of like lifts up.

you know from the velocity of it. like oh, that's not gonna be very good for chewing up on them. So I'm gonna grind out whatever I can on those the ones that are on the bottom. but I definitely switched over to the other side and turned her into a porcupine.

but they should be out of Harm's Way I think it's about I Want to say there's about 50 of them in there. they sell that cover. um I think it was kind of pricey though. it's 200 and something bucks maybe and then you still have to buy a decal kit after it so we'll see how I like it.
If I want to go, you know, put the extra, you probably put another. you know, 500 bucks between that piece of plastic, that piece of plastic, and uh, got a seat cover and then the logo kit that goes on it. that's getting ahead of yourself all right. I'm gonna go trim all them back and see if we can get that cover back on there.

I got that cover on there and I can see it looks decent and I'm putting this one on. You can tell it it got hot at some point. it sort of melted the plastic all the way around from the heat coming off the clutch. but it's got two bolts.

it looks like to attach it, one's still there and there's the spot here. I Just wonder if they may have put like a but even with that you can't get it. you know I think possibly a tensioner of some sort that that would hit the car you wouldn't want it because the problem is you Excel and decelerate. So you you kind of want like say uh on a bicycle or or something the powered side of it.

so say this is so it's spinning this way this side of the thing you don't want to tension because this is where all the power is being drawn through. but when you let off the other side kind of tensions up. so I would think it would be if there was it would be on this side of it. kind of the the idle side of it with a slack side of it but you don't reach any closer you're going to hit that bolt so be nice if I wanted to look at to compare it to but I don't know I know.

My guess is maybe just that the play that's on the sprockets are worn that much where it causes that much of an issue. Let me give it a quick wipe down. it looks a little better at some point like I said. I'll probably come back and paint the black pieces, but I want to make sure we're all good to go mechanically? Let's fire it up I want to adjust the air fuel mix a little bit a little on the rich side.

I don't have the air filter for it that should be here in a day or so and then you know, probably just tweak it again after that. but let's go see how she does. Let's go give her the old, uh cold start decompression valve working, all that kind of stuff and uh, give her his last run down. it's mixing noise I Tried not giving a joke.

try to give it a joke. Foreign. good morning, Man, it's pretty good. It's gonna run a little bit, get it cleared out.

Oh, lights are working, you're ready to go I Think that's it. I'm going to miss it now with snow. so I don't know how we're going to kind of work out with this. Um, is it all depends on when the video kind of goes up.

It may put it up just as it is if I don't have snow and then we'll try to bring it back when we do. And maybe I know somebody else who has one of these and we may try to do a ride together. We'll see how that works out again. So waiting on the air cleaner, that's really about it.
So you think this thing is absolutely ridiculous? Like you see what my riding partners are gonna be trying to putt around on? I Don't know if this can be conducive to trying to ride, but we want to ride. I Guess we're gonna go find out. So this thing is the creation of Justin's what is it? So it's a VW Trike that looks like it's been sitting here a little while weaker. Yeah, what are you doing in the process? You putting a carburetor on it I see wires hanging out of it on these wires? just like this for the trailer? No, this is the wiring for the thing I'm um I just hitched up fuel I just used the uh the red Nook uh.

filling system, fill system pulling Springs thank you uh and I filled the uh I just filled the carb up a little bit I can't get in there to fill the float Pole Cool. Just in time. Perfect. Just in time.

Is that a dad joke? Yeah, All right, yeah. get those gas cans nice and close. When it fires up, it's going. Don't worry about it.

All right, let's see what happens. You ready? Yeah? Awesome. Typical typical nature. My lecture: a little better connection.

The battery have any juice in it other than the jumper? Oh yeah, yes. All right. I'm gonna put a little more down in the throat Where'd I put that high-tech fill system I'm not telling you I got my homeowners kit I'm gonna have that. Come on baby.

What's up? You're more. It's starting to puff your first Volkswagen First one I had a cannibalized parts off my split bus. What's this thing called? What was the body of it Arizona trikes yeah, foreign work I Gotta hit that up I gotta cannibalize that off Oh boy. I think this is, uh, this might be old fuel happening water I don't know why it keeps doing that.

It's like not a good connection I don't know. Maybe it's the wiring I miss the trailer wiring. nothing to see be flooded. it probably you jumping down the throat.

that little cable connection once you hold the throttle open, you can, uh, throw the cops away. let's hold that for one sec. Oh let me hold that. Oh yeah.

Smell it. Yeah, yeah, that's why I keep I got the choke off too. Yeah. Go ahead.

get on there ready. Okay I Feel nothing. Try it again. Yeah.

I'm a little fueler though. No no. I think you got too much. How much did you jump down? it? No good.

Did the wire come off the coil or something? Oh, it stinks. You get nothing on the solenoid. The wire on the solenoid. Yeah.

I mean yeah, you might need that. It's probably just dumping all the fuel down in there. Yeah. I can shut it off I can hear it I can hear it dripping down in there.

right now I think so. Well the other one didn't have an electronic choke on it or shut off I mean this is that new fancy style carburetor bolts in it. but while he's screwing with that trying to get the Run I say we, my stuff's always broken, Go for it, right? hopefully? Buffalo Chords Oh yeah, Oh yeah, that's Justin's stomach around trail riding that might be a little too thin for us to play on. Too bad.
let's hopefully we can go right out there. Good thing about not needing reverse. you just pick it up, turn it around, fire it up. Foreign.

like six or seven. It really kind of packs down. Worked well. Foreign I'm sure if it was packed.

yeah, give a snowmobile. packed it so we're checking for spark now you wanna go? Crank It Up Yep, hold on. try it again. Yeah, no spark I Hear you thank you.

There you go. Definitely got fired. Yeah you got no battery though. Yeah.

I'll pull it with that. All right, we're gonna let this charge up. This sucks in my thick smell is better in the soft stuff. I Keep the wind off.

Yeah, he's going down. There he goes. You get the thin stuff, it cruises. You get used to it though.

Come on over the clutch I think I'll link out. Oh he hit a roof. Oh down, dead killed Boston Okay, your friends break your toys. thank you.

That's like trying to ride them. The uh, the thing busted. Oh no, what happened? Yeah, it looks like someone had repaired it. Okay dude.

oh that lasted long. Well let me use it you fat ass sticky kids. Well guys, somebody broke my toys. that's what they were saying.

It's starting to cut into the track a little bit. I didn't think I was gonna last very long but he hit a door with a door handle sticking out of the ground. It's kind of stuffed it in the back and so at least got to run it a little bit and go play with it. It is decent Again, the conditions are not great for what we're trying to do.

um I don't know if I want to try running anymore because it's you. look at the track, it's putting dings all the way around and I want to trash it so so that might be it for us guys. We're still gonna try to get that thing rounded by us for as far as this machine I think that's going to wrap rough. she's a fun little toy again.

just gotta get that piece in the back. I think I may try buying a new one or trying to find a used one and uh, it should be ready to rock and roll. But for this guys, thanks for hanging out and I'll see you soon Later decided to take the track off the cover off. We'll see how bad I get covered in snow or I get covered in mud Foreign? what's up I think the ski broke I knew that was gonna happen I even called it.

ah sucker I was concerned about how brittle it was going to be. that's it. dead and I didn't break it. Yeah, you know nice things.

Good thing parts are available.

By Mustie

12 thoughts on “Repairs finished on junk chrysler sno-runner, win or fail?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morbius907 says:

    I think you need to wax the skis.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Fairchild says:

    That thing is beyond cool. I needed one of those when I was a kid. So how does it feel to be a kid again.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Len whatever says:

    we're waiting for the "It Lives!" video next 😉

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason birch says:

    It looks so rickety. Hard to believe an adult can ride it. Guess we'll see in a little while.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Smith says:

    I'm surprised how it toots right along.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Scimone says:

    very nice… looks deadly.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Webb says:

    You had us screaming chain tensioner at the TV!! Maybe another link or two. Great fun

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Ford says:

    Need to make that back ski out of cast aluminum or carbon fiber

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James sickmore says:

    I can see why the military said nah we will pass, 6 inches and bogs down 🤣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Corbin says:

    Being built by Chrysler , I would expect the part number to be similar to vehicles they built

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wientz says:

    Good job letting your buddy taking it out for a spin….as always they can be depended on to dump it….on the bight side, now you can blame the whole deal on him. haha!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dumpster d says:

    does your friend have a youtube channel it would be cool to see a vid on his snow trike

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