I picked up this 1997 dodge ram 1500 from a friend who parked it after a no run condition. its been a few years and the rust took over, this is the last video in a 3 part series.

Hey guys, how's it going? Quick backstory on this truck and then we'll get right into it. It's a 1997 Dodge Ram 1500 that was set up with a plow. A friend of mine bought it I don't know. 15 20 years ago he plowed actually roads with it, not just driveways and uh, it's definitely seen the abuse of doing that.

Anyway, it sat for about five or six years on a dirt driveway or dirt in general. and of course moisture has, uh, done its damage underneath it on top of being a plow truck in the salt, but it was not running, it was parked for a non-running condition. On the first video, we kind of did an assessment of the truck, found that the uh, proximity switch or the crank sensor switch for the timing was no good and after we got that replaced, that was fun. Um, got the engine to run and then started going further into it.

Found that the chain in the transfer case was skipping teeth. It was so far stretched out it was just jumping teeth and it would not work in four-wheel drive. Got that fixed in the last video to transfer case apart, put a new chain in it and filled that up. Got to do our first test drive and of course the rear brakes went and there's fluid pissing out of the back that we need to go address and the power steering hoses are about the same condition.

They're leaking it in a whole fluid for about five minutes. Everything pisses out anyway. I've got hard brake lines for the back and I've got the flex lines for the power steering. Let's get on that stuff.

Hopefully we can get to the point. Get the plow on it and find out whatever else shows up. It needs to be fixed. But let's get ahead of ourselves.

All right, let's go under the hood and start getting into it. Here's the hoses that we're gonna go put in there. We take a quick look make sure they match up. Both of them are leaking roughly right about here.

coming off the steering box. You just go lay them on top. make sure they're good before we get rid of the old ones. Talk about some funky men's huh? So this end should be the back of the power steering pump.

Looking at this hose, they look pretty similar and it makes a weird kind of flip down below for that that looks like that. the one that's further out, it's the light. and then we got this one that goes underneath. I think there's a cooler under the front so the stove's rubs down to the cooler.

then the cooler comes back to the uh reservoir on the bottom of the tank. I Don't think that was leaking, but let's um with the best way to attack this. You know that Rusty Nasty stuff right there. Isn't that gonna want to come apart all that great.

I Wonder if um, we should take maybe a cutting wheel? Maybe we just cut these right off and try getting a socket on these because I don't think we get a wrench on there. They're going to do anything. Let's um, a little bit of room down inside there and try that. I Think it's gonna be our best bet.

Uh, what about on the steering box? Uh, steering box. The power steering. I Think maybe you'll get a wrenchy net that doesn't look quite as Rusty if you can see it at home again. right down in there.
Yeah, well with the hard part. first, let me get a pan underneath it. Hey, the chances are we're gonna be able to get in there film cut and not cut well. you don't want to.

Hmm. should have been done. Huh? Doesn't look good in the brochure. All right.

We need something smaller and trailer. Sometimes you gotta adjust your tool to fit in the hole. Just saying and we're gonna be able to get a little try for this one one that give us space for the other one. Yeah, where the leak? as you can see it on that lower hose? Yeah, get out of my way.

Good place for a tie wrap, huh? Hope we can get a deep socket on that. No turning back now, Huh? I Think the chances are that's just gonna want to crack right? loose. Kind of figured that didn't. We wonder if we can get a wrench on it? 18 millimeter? Yeah, let me get a wrench I don't put any heat or anything on it yet.

Flu should make a difference. It's full. it's full of oil. I Think a little impact on there too would be nice, but it's just not much room down there.

Maybe we can get some little leverage on it and everything's biting down here. Work on taking that. Hopefully the other one cracks just as easy. You're probably taking the air gun and blow some of that crap off before I open that up, huh? It's your eyes.

Thank you Pretty Rusty will be. the other one will play just as well. Foreign two for two. Go ahead, turn the camera on getting the second one out.

but pretty much anything blew off on an air gun and was able to get them out of their fairly decent. but now we got to get this end off the pump. That probably the same thing too if we have to I'm gonna throw an open end on it I Don't know if I have a, uh, a line wrench. A line wrench is a wrench that goes like three quarters away around.

We can get up over the line and give it a crack and if I have one, it'll get on there. If not, we'll do the same thing. We'll cut it, put a socket on it. Let's give it a shot.

I Said we just go cut that one too working decent for us and get up on it close enough. there's some oil left up in there. Let's get rid of it first. and then we'll sneakers.

Yeah, I was the wrong one. Smells good. let's get that hooked out of here. Trim up that morning.

We get a actually probably put a wrench on it now. Yeah, let's see if we get on that camera. that was gonna happen. It's the Block It's got nothing.

cutting it though. Maybe we can throw the wrench on. Just bend that end down a little further. I Think just hit it with the wire wheel a little more.

All right. That's what we want. Let me just go zap it a little bit more with the saw. the head on this thing ratchets.

you could swivel it back. You can't play with others. can you foreign or anything down here? Now you should come out. says me right Here we go.
So I'm gonna take a mirror, just inspect, see the image I did down there. hopefully not and we just string some new hoses on there. You have to deal with the other half of the the low pressure side so that's be dealt with. but uh that's the major one.

that pressure side one All right. So I'm throwing the new one on. You can see on the bottom location that's in the hose kind of comes up and that should go into the pump. It is totally put on 180 degrees out so just spin it around but that's high pressure hose.

it can go. It's definitely going to be putting up a hell of a fight and there's that for you. Hey, we got her up in the air. Let's go see where the other end of that hose went for the other one she bit brought by the cooler.

So I think it's this one here so we gotta get that off the cooler and then that's the return. Going back to the power steering pump, let's grab that with a pair of you're not even looking. Grab that with a pair of pliers to get the clip off of there. Probably we'll just slice that with a blade so we don't damage this kind of Branch it off of there.

they're all going to fit up in there. it's kind of turning in the dust already. I Wish I went forward with it girl. A little bit of tug see if it wants to move.

Yeah, there should be like a a bulb on the end of it. You got to get over. Just go for not like we're trying to save the hose right? I don't think we know we got it when fluid so it's pissing out I Have to snap back a section on that blade and there you got it. Yeah yeah, so you try to get over and this gets so brittle, let's get that hose out of there.

Whoops! I think with the majority of the leak was on that one, let's pissing on the floor. let's go over on the bench. One of those was it. Let's um, I'm gonna go clean that up on a wire wheel.

wire wheel real quick. I think it was almost attached to that one. I'm using that one and clean them up. see if we see where the hole was.

Well, there's your problem All right there. Problem issue: He was putting power steering fluid in it so we may have a secondary leak on the pump or something. but I think this hose is like 11 bucks and the other one was 30. so they weren't going to get much more life out of them.

We could have you know, probably cut the pipe back and slid the hose on further now that we know where it was. But oh well. So who was yelling at me I heard you I mean when I put the O-rings on the end? that might make it seal a little bit better? Yeah, I would just blame it on the new guy. that might help things a little bit.

one for you and for you? Yeah, that looks a little bit better. so that's it. Connected down below that the low pressure one's still loose. I can move it a little bit, but I think we're good.
That's all pretty much buttoned up for that. And then I'm looking over here. Here's the sway bar. Kind of missing something here.

This is the plow frame hanging down so it actually uses these two bolts to support it. They also see a hole. Maybe that might be an issue. This uh, truck with those who don't know is just going to be a yard plow.

It's never going to go back on the road again. That's kind of interesting. Let's um, see if maybe we'll take that bolt out to see what size it is. And we got to try to shift this thing back a little bit and hopefully there's some threads up in there we can go catch something.

Let's go see let's see if we can make a slight adjustment to even get the bolt off and gravity. impact gun. try to find me a bolt like that I used to scoop this up every time now I just leave it I didn't even bother anymore. All right, so we need something.

It looks like that. it's the wrong head on it, but I'll take that out for now. I do is I kind of flip them over see if the threads line up with each other. Maybe I'll do that one-handed if they all fall in the groove with no Gap you know you get on it I think that's it.

gotta look closer. about the right length too tiny head, but hey, that'll work with what you got right? I think I quickly look a little further, but at least you got something. Yes, you can get that to Center itself a little bit better I Don't know how we're gonna be able to pull or push on this. Yeah, it's real easy should it's going to spring back I may go get like a hose clamp or something.

burn it around. try to draw it together, keep it in the center. it's spring loaded going there. let's go hit it with a hammer.

it's back to where it was I was about much. What? Yeah. beat the rubber a little that way. stop it, maybe close.

let the bracket end up. Let's go see for a bolt. will even go in there and why there's no bolt there? No, not big ass. Mouse Hall Looks like I don't know if um, that's already beat I wonder if we could punch ourselves a little hole in there, try to stuff a nut up on top of it later or not coming in on top of the rust a lot of times what happens is foreign.

I'll see if I can give us enough room to bolt that together. Yeah, it's a big pile of crap in there and blow all that out of there and try to get a nut and bolt on that side. You're nice if we get the bolt to drop down from the top. I Don't go try to get the nut to start I'll get it one way or another.

just doesn't know it yet. There you go. All right, thank you. Let's get it started.

work the other side up that one right back inside location. So I'm gonna work on wiggling that back into place and get any other bolt on it. Hopefully that'll go see what the noise of the heat in the back that is way too wide to catch both holes. We gotta go crush it up.
You got stretched out when it got tore apart. Oh the jokes I Hear them now see if that's any better. All right, let's go get the one that's gonna spin first. We'll burn that as far as you can suck the rest of it down.

Foreign. Much better. Well I think um I don't want to run this quite yet because I'm gonna feel the exhaust upwards fill the shop up with the exhaust I should say and um, maybe we should jump on the brakes. It's not what we got to do that suffocating yourself the whole time I would think that would be completely empty.

What that said? Yeah, let's go. Uh, put it up in the air and see what we got for brake lines in the back and jump on that airing up their front tire. and I'm looking I can see it hasn't It's not been its first rodeo for brake lines. It's got a coupler right there.

especially. somebody. cut it if I flared that and out of this little piece right here and we're out back. So right there you can see where it's all wet.

That's definitely where it's pissing out of. So that line Looks trashed. You know? look at this one this is, you know, pretty much the same deal. so we're gonna do both of these.

There should be a coupler back here somewhere that goes to a flex line. It only goes down there, up, around down and there it is right there. So you get those two out and how is the that's a breather? That's not it. That was the this line.

The flex line, the end of it looks kind of crappy and then there's the continuation of that brake line looking that looks wet right there too. doesn't it right there looks like it's ready to leak. So I have a feeling we're going to be running one to the front again. This is never going back on the road again.

so it's just going to be used in the woods to plow. So is that the Lane right there? So it looks like somebody teeded in again and split it right there. So maybe we can do the same. We'll run it to that line.

How's the rest of it Look that line is rotted out again. it looks like I don't know if it's the I think that's the fuel line behind it which looks crappy. Also, that's looking suspect right there, doesn't it? Let's give it a little bit of a Bend Here's your problem All right. So we're gonna run one all the way.

probably up. I have a roll of it, so that's probably what we're gonna end up using. Yeah, I would just fight. Maybe we'll just leave that line there.

We'll just kind of tie wrap to it. There's another splice right there. These have more spices than fuel line fuel line. Freeland Anyway, after you feel like getting that off up in there too, All right, let's start with the rear.

Let's get these off of a block. Probably could do the same as what we did with the um, power steering lines. We just kind of maybe cut them with a whiz. we don't put a socket on, try to get the ends out of them.

Same with the uh, the wheel cylinder side. I Think the chances are they're gonna bleed, huh? I Think we can, um, probably just bleed it at the line. We'll see. Let's get ahead of ourselves.
Let's plug the holes first. Watch your eyes. You can get his 10 millimeter. what do you think it turned into 10 millimeter.

Let's grab some six point socket, see what fits on there. Decent Should have been an 11. let's see if a 10 Will Go On It Yeah, we only got a 10 on it. Again, you put line wrenches on them, but they have a tendency just to open up and spread unless you have like a really good one which I don't Yeah, if I only do that about six more times, huh? I'm going to go do the same and a couple more spots until we make out what do we got? This one doesn't look too bad to get to.

That one's right there. Do the same with that. cut that tip off right there, some light on the subject and do the same for that one. number two that looks like a nine.

It's really shrunk down. Let's go get that socket. see how good that fit is. Good we'll see.

it's pretty got a lot of play in it. Might go I'm going to eat extension. Okay, all right. nice.

I can try and mimic that line but I don't think we're gonna have enough. I think we're just gonna end up putting some slight bends on it to get us from point A to B and I'll see what we got that's going to be close. Yeah, we'll try to mimic it a little bit. Oh, been there.

Oh there we go there. That one's awful going the wrong way like that. Oh like that. if I do real strong bins I try to like to put them around a socket, take a socket and a vise that one.

We should probably give her a little support. see what we get going the right way? Yeah, let them go crazy on that one because I think we're gonna run out of room. I'm going to finish up that last one on the truck. Oh, that one didn't put up much of a fight.

so the other ones are gonna suck all right. So I'm going to do the same thing over if there's anything special that pops out. I'll bring you back, which is going to be pretty much a big repeat of that. So I'm setting up for the long line and I think it's going to use about all of it.

So we're gonna go flare it on here I already did one. This is the second time I use this kit. It's pretty cool. Pretty much does a little bit of everything.

Yes, the fitting's already on there. and yes, I've done that before. So it essentially it has two dies. It has like a step one and a step two and this is a 3 16th line.

It's got a die that goes in. This is step two. It'll kind of like slip out of there with a key. Step one looks like that it's popped in there.

You gotta capture the line. have I gave it a little bit of stick out. it seemed like it was okay. I went about I don't know.

eighth inch, sixteenth inch, eighth inch from all the way out. I'm just going to clamp that die down. A little bar that you're popping in. get some tension on it.
hydraulic cylinder. You crank that shut. Start with the noise. just turn that into a bottoms out.

Release the pressure. Yeah, show you what it looks like we're ready I Hope that shows up. Can you see that? Yeah, that's the first step and then the second one just kind of opens up the center of it and it's just a point. Do the same thing around that one in and hopefully it worked out right.

Release it. throw that anywhere and it's got a double flare on the end of it. Oh there you go. I'm gonna run that one up.

Like oh, lines changed and what do you think? The chances are that bleeder is gonna crack open. They're Hollow on the inside because fluid comes out of them. Again, they're a bleeder. Um, so they don't have much strength to them I don't want to put heat or anything on them.

You go to do that. Um, you take out the wheel cylinder that's on the other side of this which is two little Pistons little hydraulic Pistons to push outwards on the brake shoes. so it's got a Rubber seal in there so you don't want to really kind of cook those. Worst case, we're going to bleed it right at the line, but let's see if we can get a socket.

probably on that. a nice little six point quarter inch drive and see if it'll break I think a nine that's a nine? Sloppy. Seafood an eight or standard maybe like a 3 8 Maybe that's an eight you might be able to tap that on. Let's go grab a Um SAE socket got three Ace See what it does? Yeah I think that might be our winner.

Problem is you. You know it's a deep socket. There's like a little well that you have to clear the um, the post of it that doesn't have all that kind of depth to go in there. That's probably about it.

even if we tap out a hammer. I Don't think it's gonna go much further we can see I find something a little bit better that's you know. got an actual, like a little space down the center of it I found a B16 It's got a little bit of a throat to it. All right.

Let's see. it just rounds it right off though. Yeah, therein's be your problem. Let me try hammering a socket on there I don't know how much effort I want to put on that I think we're just getting up leading it right there I Guess the last ditch ever we could try vice grips.

this is gonna slip off I Know it is. it's hammered on there but it's doesn't have a good bite. Yeah I think your chances are on that I don't think so. but generally you just snap the end off because it's so shallow I think I'm uh, wasting time.

So how many you said? Why don't you go try the other side. We got that one. I'm gonna go take it right out of there and kind of clean it up with a wire wheel. Make sure the holes are clear for it to push.

Yeah, it's all clogged up. There's supposed to be a hole right there all right there and come out there. Can you tell which one is the rear circuit? Front's kind of low too. I'm hoping that, um, what's the over under that the front's gonna stay together.
Let's go fill that up. We're gonna take a rag and kind of wipe some of that black crap out of there first. so I should probably draw that out of there too. Yeah, I'm gonna rinse both of those out real quick out with the old what's in New I Still want it's going to take more.

We'll just fill that right up. It's gonna overflow into this one anyway. All right, a little better if I wouldn't hurt to bleed the front too. Now you're just getting carried away.

I got a little power bleeder I could put on Christy's to check valve. Let's go see if we get air I got it pumped up with a board underneath it. We're not getting anything. I'm gonna go.

Um, it's a couple of different ways you could do it. You just leave the pedal up and it might bleed through the master cylinder because there's no. there's no fanciness to this thing. It doesn't have any uh, like ABS um, circuit that it has to go through.

I'm gonna try that. I'm gonna go let the release the panel and see if we just get fluid to gravity feed. I Have a feeling it's not going to happen though. Yeah, to see if gravity will work, force the old leaders open now and the pedal is all the way up.

so it should by right because the master cylinder is higher than the wheel cylinder, it should gravity feed and push all the air out of it. I A Lot of times don't have a very good luck with that. Let's give her no resistance whatsoever. Um I do have like a little power bleeder kind of a piece of crap.

Um, it's a vacuum pump that you put on like a piece of hose on it. Then the other thing I have is it's a piece of hose with a check valve in it and what it does, you can hit the pedal, push the pedal, food will come out and allow it to flow out the hose. Then when air tries to go back in, when you let off, the door shuts and doesn't do that I'm gonna go try that. Grab that little power bleeder one first to see how that works out for us.

This is a little vacuum kit I was talking about. You essentially draw through and you have a cup that's in between and the fluid goes into there and the air comes out. The pump is I am missing that part. It may have crapped out on me I just don't remember it.

Also, it's It's ability to work was. uh, pretty lame. So I think we're gonna end up going with Plan B I don't have it. let's go give it a shot.

anyway. just see if we can draw fluid through it. I'm seeing something. let's try to stop it before it gets to the um yeah, a little something sitting in like let's go tighten that up and we'll grab the other one.

I'll put the other one on there that we talked about. this one thank you. Same idea but there's only just a one-way valve on the end of it I got it in the loop. kind of helps it cracked up leader a little bit.
no I'm gonna go let it down. try pumping the pedal up and pushing it through and see if we can get it to bleed. Hold on for the ride. So he used up all the fluid that was in it.

Did we get anything in the hose? It all went somewhere. Well, if you can open that, maybe a little more. Here it goes and now we're getting fluid all right. So I'm going to let that be.

We're going to pressurize because the pedal's up. So it did do something and again I had to refill the reservoir. So I'm gonna go pop it up the board underneath it and uh I only kind of hit it with a little bit of pressure and let it shoot out. Yeah, see, she does for us.

Hopefully she spits at us. Excellent. Now you see a little bit of air popping out of there. Good.

That's actually a pretty good uh I'm gonna do that a couple more times and go a lot faster. If one of you go up and just pump the pedal for me and I'm going to jump over to the other side. I'm going to bleed it at the line. I'm gonna do the same thing.

put pressure on it. The wheel cylinder should already be full because it never really. Um, it wasn't off of there. So the chamber that's behind the shower would be full of fluid.

It's just on the other side. This line is empty. One thing I Want to add: I'm just getting ready to uh, put the cap back on the top of the mass Zone and when you're looking at you would think that okay, you know, in front of the master front brakes back in. Mass So on the rear brakes, it's not.

This is the front brake capacity. This is the rear brake capacity on a car. especially anything with a front engine. 90 80 90 of the braking power is done by the front wheels and then like you know, 10 to 20 is done by the rear.

Kind of see the difference between the two of them. Also, the front uses uh, calipers and on this it's using shoes in the rear. As the brake pads wear, the caliper just kind of stays out out out. Um, as the pad gets thinner to the rotor and the diameter caliper piston is probably about I'd say about two inches.

It depends on the vehicle. Well, we'll just guesstimate say two inches. Well, all that area behind it has to fill up with fluid so as the pads are wearing more and more, this fluid level will drop further and further compared to the wheel cylinders. Wheel cylinders return every time, so it really doesn't use fluid to take up the the slack so to speak.

So if you're if you don't have a leak and you're just kind of seeing that your master cylinder is down about halfway and you know it was full. Got a good idea that your pads are getting pretty low and also with that you don't want to kind of try to top it, top the fluid off and then go do brakes and then you squeeze the calipers back in and this level comes up and overflows and makes a mess on the engine bay side of things. Just my little uh show and tell of sorts. I'm going to do that brake line I have to go tighten that one up dripping can give her a bleed area actually how much air in it good.
I'm gonna crank all this down before I Give her some pressure I'm just gonna go eyeball everything. Make sure I got no issues Anyway, blow them off with some press there, make sure another fittings are leaking and good enough for what it's going to be used for. Oh, you're up in the air I Got pressure on the pedal and we just kind of see if anything seeps out any other locations and even including the front brakes. But uh, tomorrow we'll be able to fire it up and we will.

uh, the power steering. Make sure that stuff's working good. We'll yard drive it, see if it's okay. we'll spin it around, put it back on the lift hopefully, and we can put the plow on it and tries pushing some dirt.

snow slush depends what we've got to work with. Supposed to be uh or no eraser, but it's starting to look like a lot of rain. Well, if that's any indication what's going on outside, it's a good day to work on a plow truck, don't you think? I can move some stuff around and we're gonna go fire up this beast and see what we got for power steering. That truck prices running at about two weeks or so.

it's fired up to a week yet and see if anything goes spitting all over the place. what's up? You're a sucked up all the fluid. Nothing terrible yet. I Gotta get some stuff to go.

Top it off now and prime the system to go get some wind doesn't blowing. All right. let's go meet more. Not much in these.

plus the rack is empty too, so we gotta turn the wheels back and forth. That'll even take some more. Oh, spin it together. There we go.

I Got power steering the lock, the lock, let it burp out. Hopefully not leak good. Let's shut it off before we dye a fuse. Now we can top it off running, but let's just go see if we got any leaks after we did that.

You see it, it'll foam it up. see it has to kind of settle out. A lot of that noise you'll hear too. that's air kind of going through the pump.

How we looking good? All right I'm gonna take a little bit of time. Uh, let that settle out and try to get the truck spun around so we can start working on the uh getting a plow on it? Yeah, let's go see what this gem looks like. so it should have all like self-contained Hydraulics and electric plug just hooks to it or plugs. Here's two of them.

One's probably for the plow, one's probably for lights. Two hydraulic cylinders rotate it up and down is um it's gonna be that cylinder right there and it's got like chains to float so if you hit something it has a capacity of you know kind of going over it and that's what you know Most plows have a chain on the front of it before that take a peek at the front of it. Looks like it's hit a few things in its life. It's got a bit of a Bend to it.

The Cutting Edge is pretty wore out, but it's also got a slice right through it. Maybe we'll just kind of hammer that closer back together and weld it. Missing a couple of bolts over here. I'm sure we can come up with something for that.
It can be used on dirt road path kind of deal. It clicks in onto the truck in these locations. you got these pins that you pull back and then you got to slide it in to those locations and then you release the pins and it locks it to the front end and then you plug into it a little Jack on the front of it when you park it. Uh, this was parked unfortunately on an angle.

so I think he put it into a storage unit so you angle the blade all the way and got it in there and dropped it down. We're going to try putting it straight on with a lift that is on an angle I Don't know if we maybe I'll try sliding it so that that is square to the lift. Oh, it's much easier. I Think we get one pin in, then we can kind of shift it on the other one.

Come on the passenger side. might be closer. Actually, don't actually look too bad do we? No, that's got to go way up there yet. Be right on that license plate.

Is that penny in the way? No. This guy wanted by another another two inches. Joke there. it's hit on the bottom.

Edge It's gotta get squared off a little bit better. Foreign. Good to you. Let's even get one.

we'll get. Once you get one of them, we could rock it. the other side have something to kind of wrench against. See what we get, they go up.

That one's in all right. let's go do the other one. Release it. I'll just get a little push.

It might even beyond the money. who knows. Now just give it a little. Shake Too high.

Too low for the other side. It has to. yeah, they're almost. That's almost higher.

It's gonna come up a little on that side. We just kick it. There you go. Uh, we should be able to let this down.

put you back in the stand. Oh yeah, thank you. Let's go plug in the wires as you can get. Remind me to pull that kickstand up.

Awful drag. I Just won. there's two on this one. Foreign should be that one.

Kind of self-explanatory I Wouldn't hurt to spray some grease in there I Think he said there was a possibility there was a pin problem with. um, one of the ones in there where's the other one? Where'd you go? So under the dash, we have a controller. We gotta go plug in. There's our controller that has a plug.

What's in there? Do you have to have the key on you think? Go see if the power button doesn't Hello now nothing I think we got an issue. Oh I hate those buzzers. Don't you try driving nuts? So there should be some LEDs that light up on this. I'm gonna go check on the battery real quick and make sure there's something that's not connected that was running power to that.

It's gonna replace this one on the end. I would say that's the ground aspect of it and then oh, say this one that's regular Chrysler So that's gonna be the stock one did to add on. where does power come in? Geez I Guess we could follow the big plug back right. It would be the one with two wires in it.
this one. it's the one back. foreign, all the wiring for that. So I'm gonna go chase them.

Here's where it goes. continues all that, and then that goes under the dash to the plug. so that's just going right to the controller plug. I'm gonna go screw around a little bit I Have a feeling we're probably having an issue.

Maybe one of these I already had a warning I Want to say he said it looks like an oddball pin size or something that was screwed up. You gotta even see corrosion on those. So I think a little time to clean some of them up. Yeah, yeah, they definitely.

Uh, need some love I'm gonna go work on those a little bit and then we'll just try it against you we what happens. So let's take a rat tail file and some oil. kind of cleaned up the plug with the little terminals on it and then I went over to the big plug which should be power coming down to it and I got nothing. truck running, not running, doesn't matter, there's no power coming to the uh that plug I see the little red wire too I don't know if that's um, is that signal I'm gonna probe across that real quick see if there's anything going to that.

but I would think these two would just have power all the time and that little wire I would think would be a signal to tell the pump to go up and down. That's just a guess on my part though. Let me think that those two big wires are just for running the pump up and down. You might guess maybe the other one's lights.

So the ground lead is this one on the battery and then the hot lead comes over to this right here. Let's um and I also see this hanging off. Quite sure what the deal is with that one. Yes, no, it's making noise.

What's that do? Maybe we should, uh, see if that lights up the controller. That'd be nice if that's all it was like I said I'm putting a nice little easy bolt for us to work with I think the front's still unplugged to the uh, the ones where the Uh pump so that would make sense. Yeah, you turn the big power on and off to like a starter relay because that's all that pretty much is a big electric starter motor. Uh, let me go plug that in.

Yes, an annoying buzzer. Still nothing though. Fire it up real quick I don't know if it. yeah, it's not the same.

you gotta be running I'd never dealt with one of these before. Does it show? I'm gonna try. Um, let's try jumping that relay and see what it does. I'm going to stand out of Harm's Way You guys might get crushed though.

I Would think it would just spin the pump. Hopefully we'll do nothing. Yeah, it's angling on it. I Wonder if because there's not a valve open I Wonder if it has to open a valve first? You know what? That one pump runs Three things.
What tells it to operate? Which of the three things right? and you think it would be? some controller in here would have to tell it what to do so we know at least power will go to it. We just have an electrical connection of some sort. Hmm I think we've got to work more on trying to figure out what is going on. probably in the one with all the wires? That's my guess.

I Just kind of educate myself I turn the headlights on and the relays for the headlight part of it all seem to be working. We just lost it again. whatever signal can you see over there? see something works. I Still take a test light and I unplugged this plug and it's got six wires coming out of it and probed what we had.

So we have and it's just this resting set ground, ground positive 12 positive 12 ground and in this one when you go across it'll light the light up but you hear a relay click. um I'm kind of wondering if we got an issue inside here. Be nice if something had a fuse on it. You know the problem is we're not getting I Guess you're supposed to hold this down and then a lights.

One of the lights are supposed to light up and turn on again. I'm not that familiar with it. Actually, that's good. Now let's see.

it had two different screws in it. Let's go open that up real quick. Crack it open. This can be all computer controlled.

It's not going to help us. Looks like it's got are those relays I guess I Can you know I would say I can kind of pin out this to that I'm gonna look under the scope real quick. see facing anything. Do you have another one just to go try it.

seems like if it's getting power and ground, you would think this would turn on. You know what I might do too is. um, unplug the plug in the front and um, see if that changes on those six pins. There's any difference.

See if power does or doesn't come and if we know there's a change in status, maybe we can. um kind of pinpoint what's supposed to turn on so you got a brownout going I can't even open a garage door we have. you see lights are turning off. it's getting worse I measured out the plug, we have 68 volts coming in.

the LEDs are starting to drop off now. All right, keep a light in my pocket. Still trying to troubleshoot but I'm stuck in here. the garage door.

It's got a release on it, but it's like 14 feet in the air where we should hook that cable up to that kind of dropping off and it's coming back. That one lip pack area all right. I Kind of been poking and hoping and everything seems like it's kind of going to the controller. I'm not positive with that, but this is how I feel.

Uh, hopefully the power stays on long enough to deal with this. we're going to find out. I'm thinking maybe this pad right here. Maybe it's just the buttons itself.

Let's see if we can get this out of the way. you can clean the contacts and right in the center just tore a little tit off of it. I'm wondering if like that's dirty right there that's the on off switch for it I'm gonna try cleaning them just something light and we'll try it again. Maybe just not making contact going across them to turn it on because I everything changes state every every um I try to just uh, you'd be too long on the video part of it but I had to plug the controller plugged in, unplugged.
Every wire makes a change of state in every capacity so either has ground or it's open when it's unplugged. Um, everything has something going to it and it's doing a job so it's not like I'm losing it I don't think I'm losing a signal coming to somewhere so it's kind of like I said coming into that. Let's go try cleaning glass cleaner. Don't want to get aggressive with anything I want to tear them up and try to clean off any I think that's enough dirt that came off of it.

Should probably clean these two. Maybe you think more than enough? All right, let me finish wiping that down I'll put it together and see if we can meet any change. So we're running different wires to different parts of the relays. There's a three relay box I'm just trying to understand kind of.

what does what for each one of them and this one look fly down. I'm just putting 12 volts to one side of the solenoid and here's a different relay: I power this one up so this one I have to do and run the hydraulic pump so that one opened it to dump it down. You think it would be the same one, but it's not. It's not the same relay so a separate relay.

If I run power to the motor, it'll allow it to lift the blade up. and if I do the same for another setup. um, it uses two two of the three relays. kind of like each time.

If I put Power into one relay, it'll allow it to tilt that direction. If I put Power to another relay and power with the motor, it tells it to tilt the other direction. so all the functions of the plow itself work. I Just think the controller is just not turning on and doing what it's supposed to be doing.

Unfortunately They are kind of terribly expensive. Oh, what else did you expect right? That seems to be okay. I've seen some weeping on the cylinders. We're pissing some oil out of different things here and there.

You can see it dripping. Uh I Do see this one was a little bit on the Wet Side and I guess probably we're missing. Uh, we're losing some on this one. Uh yeah I know the rust that's coming out of that, huh? So that packing is probably beat on the top of that too.

So I have no power again. the lights are still flickering on and off and I think we are down to 30 volts coming into the building. AC I'm amazed at the LEDs stay lit like they do. they are kind of turning on and off.

still. another one just kind of clicked on and off. but you know again, that's what I'm working with. So I was that close to pushing snow.
If I could have got that controller to work we would have been good but we're not good. Uh I took a project cleaning it, tried um, you know, just doing a little bit of homework on seeing what I got every every pin going to. It seems like it has a function and it's going through. I have power in two locations going to the controller and then a bunch of grounds going out.

I unplug it. all that stuff kind of goes away. so the connector in the front. it seems like everything's going through that connector in the front.

I'm just for a loss other than needing that controller, so hopefully maybe they make an aftermarket one. I'm not sure. Uh, kind of weary about buying a used one because I may get the same thing and it may have been working. uh at the time he had again.

this thing sat for five years. so you know that that controller sat in the glove box and got hot and cold and everything else for how many cycles? Just kind of like buying a you know, like a computer that's been sitting and you go to power it back up and nothing happens. This is where we are. So I tried.

Well, a few days later to the magic of Amazon we have a aftermarket controller that kind of goes from one cable to another cable to another cable and it might work. Might work. Let's go plug that in. It comes to life.

All right. let's get that hooked up. top up, put the key in it gotta be on for it to work, do a little bit of homework on it and Chase wiring trying to figure out what did what. That's all the pins of what power and ground was coming out of everything.

I did find a mistake that may have caused its issues. Go Seafood does anything though. I See Power shall we? Oh yeah I think we should go to that side because I want to crush crush my truck I may have two wires backwards, but at least yeah it's saying you screwed something up when I was unplugging the solenoids I think I put wires on them backwards. Let's go see.

All right, but we got at least something going to the plow. At least it picks up and down. So I think I I think I have this one and this one backwards. Let's go see if that does it.

kind of like I was you know prod and poking and trying to figure stuff out. If not I think we should. we'll be able to get it to work no matter what. All right, let's see if that does it.

key back on. power that up. Oh I don't know what that means. see if it does anything I think I am close I got something that's not kind of functioning.

the left and right. he's fighting itself I bet you I can try to work with that. it drops down hard. huh? Yeah I know left and right tilt.

kind of wants to apartment but it seems like one of the relays aren't doing what they're supposed to be doing. I'm gonna go poke around with that. at least I'm closer at least I got something that works I do know that again. the controller was no good and uh, we might have to do some kind of funkiness of uh, swapping wires around trying to get the function but at least um, that much closer I could push no straight now.
So I grabbed the plug right here. the wiring back the way I had it and it seems like yeah, got air in the system but it does seem like even like the down right now is fighting silver close I think it's in the plug. use the rest of it. Foreign, Yeah, sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

So I got a problem inside that plug. All the functions did work from time to time. No, not good enough to go apply with and be kind of annoying. But we are so much closer and of course all the snow is gone.

It has gone warm and melted. as you can tell by the ground stands around me. So after playing with that coupler just a little bit I Do believe we have one's. got to be happy about that.

Yeah I think we're done for the day. Too bad there's no snow left. Unfortunately it's all kind of melted away. What? I was gonna try to go push? No, that snowstorm has now come and gone and it was even nice to come along with this little bracket.

we could hang it on like a CV like a CB mount. What do you think down there? Um, looks anything behind there? Let's go find out. Let's go. Um, what's this just ashtray right? There's some junk I'd say we go with.

Let's say we go with right there. that's not gonna hurt anything. we're not. We don't need the ashtray.

All right. The next important thing is those I think they're gonna do wiping the windows and inside it with some spanking new ones. In case anybody wants the information on what that controller was, it's a replacement for it. This one was 215, delivered to the house.

The one that you know the yellow with the yellow buttons on it was 4 450. So this one's half the price and it seems to have good reviews on it. So if you need one there you go. So I'm going to say why that controller failed on me or wasn't working.

it was actually my fault. So the truck came, it didn't have a battery in it and these you know wirings were off of there. and um so start with here. So I was kind of like pinning through the controller trying to figure out what wires went to, what and what power did I had that each pin have something coming out of it.

There was no opens or anything causing an issue. That's what you found. I found a ground to ground a hot, a hot a ground and this one. when I put the test light to it it would click a relay somewhere in the truck.

someone all right and I kind of went through and found out what color wires they were and started. you know, chasing them back, what that wire did and all. and I found that um I kind of screwed up. One of these is supposed to be uh, 12 volt positive and the other one is supposed to be ground well on the battery.

This wire was just kind of flopping around and I figured if you're running back to the battery normally you wouldn't do that for ground. you just kind of screw it to the body somewhere and you would try to pick up power from the battery. Well that's where I screwed up because it actually is ground and I had hooked it to positive which in turn blew out the controller and caused my own issues. So although that sucks, it's uh, sometime a learning curve and it is what it is, right? So I'm still doing what Kfr's uh you know, finances on the truck I wanted to keep it around a thousand bucks for everything.
the truck was 500. uh basically the most expensive thing was the timing chain stuff was in the time between the transfer case chain stuff I think was 179. the two hoses were 50 bucks. um the controller was 200.

Yeah, place a truck was 500 and there's something other a little things that we bought for two I already forgot what it was I don't know if you want to include a battery that's used that I have and something else I'm not recalling at the moment that we bought for it. Oh, the uh, coil and the pickup and they were not terribly expensive I want to say the coil was like 25 bucks 30 bucks and the pickup was around the same thing too. they were they were not expensive at all. so I think that we were still under that.

we still have to get tires though. so I'm gonna keep an eye out for those. uh, yard sales swap meet that kind of thing. and uh, worst case, let me even try to find chains again because it's gonna plow a dirt driveway Road path.

So I need something kind of aggressive to be able to push that? I'm not worried about tearing up the surface that's underneath it, but I need to get something that's a little bit better than. uh, it's gonna show up. What's on there? That's kind of a highway tread and with that, this one's already bald to nothing. So all right, what do you say? we try to bring it outside.

there's really no snow on the ground left. it's just whatever's lifted, uh, in the piles. Maybe we try to go push it around a little bit and just see what we get. As far as uh, you know, the truck doing what it's supposed to be doing All right.

Foreign banks are all Frozen freeze thawed freestyle and parts of rock. Let's just go push on them a little bit, see what we get. Do you have anything trashes itself? There's that did something. Pushed him a little bit.

Let's go try an angle on it. push that bank down a little foreign, kicking up a lot of dirt. huh? Let's definitely get a plowing dirt. I Thought that's that goal that we're trying to look for I Got some kind of looser snow here that hasn't been plowed into.

Try pushing this around a little bit. see how we do foreign works? just like it should? It's uh, yeah, of course I'm digging up dirt. The ground's a little on the soft side because today's like 50 and then you know it was down in the 20s so everything is hard as a rock to try to go push. Let's do what it's supposed to be doing I need the little pads or skis or shoes that go underneath it.
They allow it not to dig into the dirt too much. I don't know. I'd say for a thousand bucks you got a plow truck that's uh, good enough to do what I needed to do better tires. definitely will make the difference on it.

and I still got to weld up that blade in the center where the crack is. Between this, you put the bolts in it. but I'll do that off camera. But for now on, thank you guys for hanging out with me and uh, beating on a truck a little bit and trying to bring some junk back to life.

and uh, should serve a good couple of years yet until it totally just falls apart and rusts in half. But uh I think we'll be all right. What we got for now: Hi guys I'm ma'am I'm mumbling I'm mumbling I'll see you soon in the next one. Take care later, Thank you! This is supposed to be doing that and just a little follow-up welded the blade, put new bolts in where the bolts are busted or sloppy and end up taking the pump assembly off.

it was leaking out of the base of it. it was uh, two O-rings in the bottom one. just replace those with a little bit taller ones, bolted it back down and it seems like that's got it. So just chasing tires which I thought I found for 50 bucks on Facebook Marco placed some knobby ones that I got a little bit of dry rot and uh, that should fix her up.

too bad. uh we're going to be 50 degrees for the rest of the week and uh, today's the first day of spring so I don't think that uh I'll need the truck till next year, but if so, I'm gonna be pretty much ready to rock and roll guys. See ya.

By Mustie

10 thoughts on “Abandon plow truck save. what did it cost $$$”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daves Small Engine Revival says:

    Great stuff as always mustie. To bad about the controller. Make sure you put winter hydraulic oil in it or you'll burn out the pump

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Cat says:

    What kind of dipstick uses a red wire for a ground?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joesrustbuckets says:

    Great bit of kit for the money 🤙☘️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren McLellan says:

    If you're going to be plowing gravel, put a set of shoes on the plow to keep the edge just off the ground. Also, looks like the tabs for the kick springs are all broken.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drew britton says:

    You remind me of my great uncle. Everything you do is the exact same as he did when I was growing up. So many memories so many fun times. Miss those days. And watching everything you do and how you do things. Brings those memories back. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cb Solo says:

    Rusty bolt heads, etc, and no PB Blaster in sight. My question: why?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Burns says:

    My first job would have been to pull that super annoying buzzer thing out!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brseagle says:

    How is it that Mustie can remove a nasty old bolt out of a 100-year old truck with 10 pounds of rust on it with no problem, and I can't get a bolt out of anything that doesn't have any rust on it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Harrison says:

    Any time mustie 1 enjoy brother

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Harrison says:

    I think she needs plow shoes to keep her out of the dirt😊

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