Dan contacted me on this 20 year old riding mower cub cadet, he gave it his best try but the problems were too many, so he gave it to us to sort out, lets see what it will take to bring it back to life.

Hey guys, how's it going friend of mine Dan who hooked us up quite a while ago with a John Deere 318 that we went through and put back together has called me back again for this lovely specimen and what's happening with this one Dan um it uh I was pulling it out for the summer uh to get it ready for the summer and it got to right here and through the drive belt and uh as I was starting to work on it I just it get done enough and I gave it up. You said the flywheel was loose or came apart and they sheared the key and it also sheared the on the other end of things the clutch on the bottom side and then you said uh, let's go buy a John Deere Yep and that's what you did so you went back with John Deere and this one's coming back with us. We're gonna go kind of look into it, see what happened, possibly be able to fix it, and or maybe we'll put together with another machine that is needing a bunch of love So we're gonna go load her up in the truck and bring her back to the shop. Tell everybody thanks Dan Have a nice day, it's all good all right.

So it's the next day and do a quick little recap where they have it all the information correct or not he was using it. the PTO failed and I think it was he said it was throwing belts I don't know if it's throwing belts for the tractor or throwing belts for the mower deck that I think I kind of lost on there I Do see one sitting up here. That is definitely God's money's worth. We should say something was cutting into it, huh? And from there he backed it up where it was in the yard.

He may have been using it just as like a mule, maybe pulling a cart or something around and it died right there when he went and looked into it. I think he said the flywheel had come loose. hence why he's probably missing some of the cover or whatever is on top is gone and it would not run anymore. and he thought it sheared the flywheel key.

That's about as much information as we got. The rest of it is on us. I'm gonna guess this thing's probably about 20 years old I mean a little more, a little less. Let's see if we got any fluids in.

it does have oil in it. It's a good sign. He has wires hanging off. that's probably for the electric PTO he did buy I think a new electric PTO there's one that came with it.

so I guess I know it came with one and I don't know if we even have one underneath there or not. Now there's nothing underneath on the bottom that's empty. It doesn't look too beat up. I Don't see any bash marks in it.

Tires don't look like they're dry rotted. Let's um, what we got for hours on. I think it's that hour meter I think go get you put in there. you're probably.

oh man, you see it. What does that say? I'm gonna climb up there with you. 416 hours. Let's um, pop you in a stand.

We'll give her a quick crank and we'll see what's kind of going on if anything works. I think she has another plug there? One of those got to be for the PTO and one not so much. right? Who's that? which I think is going to be the wiring? probably for the headlights? Yeah, that's what that is. that's wiring for the headlights and this is probably wiring for the PTO is missing on it.
I Don't see any evidence of mouse Nest sticking out of it. All right. Yeah, let's go pop you in the stand and we'll uh, put the safety on, see if it'll crank for us. but the seat safety is hooked up or not.

Hey, I don't know I don't see any wires going to it? See what we get? Let's go break him on and there's the battery. All right. Let's um, take the plug out of it. We'll throw a battery charger on that while we'll wait and get at least a little bit of juice to it.

and I'll get that hood out of our way too. We'll get the plug out of it and we'll just check for spark and see what we got kind of going on. it looks a little suspect too, doesn't it? They usually have like a location like somewhere halfway open to close that'll allow the hood to like lift out sometimes. Okay guys, how to play Jingo with it.

Let's go take a peek underneath real quick. Does he even have a drive? Yeah, no drive belt at all on the transmission, so maybe one started out first with the mower deck acting up and then the second one. Was it throwing the other one? but if he doesn't have a PTO on it, that pulley is gonna drop that one I Think the other one supports it so it may have just dropped into the wrong height. Yeah, look at the dents that are in it.

if you can see him. Yeah, she's all banged up all the way around. Yes, that probably part of that issue. That's probably why it threw the drive belt just because it was.

There was nothing down here supporting it. Let's go back to the engine. That's that's our bigger concern, right? Let's get that plug out of it and we'll see what we got for Spark. That spark plug sits in there far, huh? The painy ass that is.

Let's get this. uh, this cover off out of our way. All right. See what we got? See repaired wires on the system.

so I had mice at some point in this life there and you'll probably get the wires going to the they've got that bear wire right there. Yeah, you see a bunch of chomping on that so that's probably going through the carb. It's like a oil pressure wire going over there. He said he thought it sheared the flywheel key.

I Guess we'll get that bolt out after and go check everything else. doesn't look too bad. I Don't see a signs of a blown head gasket. All right.

Let's um, get that plug out of there and it'll give her a spin. Put a jumper pack up there so we'd have to listen to the battery charger, huh? Hopefully he's got Spark and hopefully when we spin it over, it's a little clunky. like. All right, that's that brake pedal lock down should crank.

Sounds decent. Yeah, all right, let's um, uh, let's go dribble a little bit of fuel down it real quick and we'll listen to it. We'll see what it does again. We kind of have a heads up that it's got a sheer flywheel key I Haven't confirmed that yet.
Let's just go see what that causes. It should kind of like pop and backfire and like try to stall the spin out because I think he's just, uh, it stopped dead on him. which is kind of. It's just a little weird in my opinion because generally, um, a flyable key shears from the engine stopping real fast and the mass of the flywheel is so great that it shears the key like so if Like the engine hits something.

but everything's like belt driven again. we're trying to go by partial conversation. Let's see, sometimes like on the older ones, the magnet right there. they're on the inside of the flywheel.

Sometimes the glue would let go on those and they can kind of cause that problem would be the case here. Let's see what we get. See if it does anything. What we got for throttle throttle's in the middle.

Let's see what happens. Yeah, see how it fought back? foreign. A little bit of smoke out around here too, could be around the exhaust pipe so it might have a blown head gasket. All right, let's get that flywheel up off of there.

let's get the bolt out. we'll take a peek what's going on inside there. I'm hoping it's got a good engine because I got a uh if this tractor has too many issues to go fix. we did one last year that red I think it was the Troy-Bilt with the same engine on it that blew apart and that tractor is really clean.

So let's get ahead of ourselves though. All right, let's get that bolt out. We actually should probably be able to see I'm talking. you might be able to see just with taking this plastic cap off with a key on the on the flywheels and the key on the cranks with the two spots line up.

it sounds like it's already broken though by the way, it was doing what it was doing. Yes, you can get the little cap out of there. so I see where it is I Do not see. Sometimes the group doesn't go all the way to the top so it's hard to tell what I'm looking at is that groove right there and sometimes you'll see it on on the crank too.

You'll see that. Okay, it's lined up over there. Let's get a screwdriver up underneath this thing and go put the bolt back in it. We're gonna whack it and put some pressure underneath it with a screwdriver lifted up on the flywheel.

I'm going to whack down on this with a hammer and it should cause the flywheel to pop off. Let's see what we get. Push off that. Bolt That's all right, at least.

well. I guess it does have a sheared key because it's not even sitting in place. That was easy. Come on.

I'm on the magnet. Let me just rotate it a little. That magnet and the coil. we're holding each other.

There you go. I don't see any part of key in there. bump that key real quick so it faces us. Oh duh, nothing's turning without that on there.
Oh well. that was perfect. You have to pay me more. I'm gonna take the plug back out of it so it doesn't have any compression.

Hopefully you can grab a bottom pulley. we just turn it facing us. We might have to kind of clean up what's there? Yeah, definitely see where it sheared as the assessment was right again I Don't know why it did that. You see right there the keys busted up I Don't know if you can get that piece out of there.

There we go. Ah, bit me, stab me a splinter. All right. let's see.

see he I think he even had a key with it, but it may have gotten blown out of the cup holder on the way here. Let me go check my stash and see what we can go find. Yeah, those magnets I was talking about for the charging system. Sometimes they'll break loose and they'll jam up and they'll cause the flywheel to do what it did.

They look pretty good though. if the other machine was a Toro I thought it was a Troy-Bilt Probably the same thing. All right. let's go look in the stash of Parts Again, same engine so you hit find a key that's in here on a different pulley.

That kind of sucks I was hoping we'd have the same pulley that left over for us. You know one would think that you would put the parts in a bag wouldn't you? Yeah, there's the bearing that was in this one that cooked I'm gonna hunt. it's like keeper. That's because it's still in it.

That's why I even tighten it did I really scavenge the right key for it? Let's get that in there and hopefully we spin it up and it doesn't do the same thing all over again. If it does, at least we'll be able to find out what's causing it. We need to get you facing away from the magnet. Let's see if we do this without taking the coil off.

Foreign off the way it should be. There We go. now. we got it.

Let's go buzz a bolt down on that. We'll give her a spin. See yeah, she likes it. I don't have to plug it in, Let's just spin it real quick.

Make sure you're gonna have no interruptions as you'll hit it with the key. See what happens? So plugging it, see what we get? All right, place your bets I Think it'll go up. There's no choke on yet but foreign I Don't know we got something else going on. It may have a blown head gasket.

It's starting to kind of seem like the smoke was puffing out from that location. Let's go try it again and now we will pop that valve cover up next. Let's go give her another spin. See what it does? Give her a little bit of throttle too.

Oh yeah, that should be choked. Oh, that joke is stuck out. Let's go look into that carb real quick, see if you've got anything kind of going on over here. Definitely does not seem right though.

huh? Let's go work that throttle. Oh it seems like it's okay. that was Full Throttle when it was doing it too. Um, what? You guess the made it sound like it had a key here and it did have one that was sheared, but it still kind of sounds that same way.
I wonder something else internally. possible. You may have happened to it like a jump of um, because like someone would have to stop short to really do what it did to Shear the key. The mice some that choke is should back off.

Yeah, that joke is on. Way too tight. that choke is stuck. Is that a separate liver for choke? Yes, it does.

well. there's your problem. Assuming all right, try it again. Rattling good.

It's a little tinny on the way off. I Think that's internal, the muffler rattling a little bit or it might be mushed up against the frame. So all right. I'm gonna go pop the fan on real quick.

so evacuate some air and we'll continue on. Yeah, a lot of the throttles. I'm trying to back pedal on my mistake. A lot of throttles.

you push them all the way up and there's the joke. and I just wasn't paying attention I was thinking that was electric PTO switch. so it came with a belt. You know my guess is the same as the one that's all tore up underneath there.

But judging by what we saw in the beginning with that um, pulley in the front, that's all mangled that one up in there? I should probably try to get that, maybe that out of there. drop that down and see if we can repair it. We also gotta go see if there's any other issues as far as any idler pulleys that are screwed up and whatnot. uh I Don't know if our viewing purposes if we have a better possibility of I don't know if I can flip it up on its end? Yeah, we'll see.

well. I Guess we're gonna test the Integrity of the front bumper as the roof falls down. Now we got a better. View If there was cheese underneath there, it'd be kind of concerned they got big musty one mousetrap.

All right, let's go see. Yeah, it's pretty hamburgered on there, huh? I Wonder if you tried taking a screwdriver and prying that off is my guess. that's probably a spacer. Let's go take a wire wheel.

we'll clean up some of this rust and Lube this just try to get that pulley to draw down. You know if I'm gonna try hammering that straight or I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find one in my stash. Let's um, yeah, let's go clean that up and see what we got. All right to a Smart top.

IC I'm trying not to bend on the lip. You know what I mean trying to get where the hook gets up and kind of touches the center of it. I Don't know if you can get like any kind of puller on there and it's humor I Don't want to pull. It's just no room around here to get anything around.

There's a little bit of space in the back. How do you want to try to get that out of there? See a uh, because you put a puller on this, you're just gonna thrash the outside edge of it, you know? Hmm I Know, like we can try to put some pressure on it. and sometimes you can take an air hammer. You could try to like draw it just like a little bit of play in the crankshaft.
I got you zoomed in down there. There is like you know, a hair of playing in the crankshaft and usually you can kind of work with that. Maybe we can come up and you know we'll put some pressure behind it. We'll try with an air hammer with a flat noser on the bolt.

Try driving this up and see if it'll work for us. It just looks like it's taken. you know, a bunch of hits on it. It might be kind of like peened over on their low on the stiff side.

Slip off I'll show you a little bit better pressure on it. Foreign think of is we put some heat on it. Try to get that to, you know, expand a little bit on it. but there's going to be a crank seal above that I don't want to cook so I'm quite sure how we're going to go about that.

and I think we just have enough play in the cracks. all you need. It's not much. you know.

a couple foul would give it that um, capacity to hammer off of there foreign. Pretty good. I'm gonna go take a quick look in my pulley setups. maybe? Yeah, that's pretty trash.

I Was trying to hoping we could bend that back into shape, but let me go see what I can go find if I have anything that's uh, worth a damn to replace it with. yeah, Unfortunately, the way that's kind of encapsulated up in there I Don't give us much hope. Let's um, I think we're gonna unbolt that engine right out of there. We'll let it lift up and I'll work on it from there so you can kind of get behind it a little bit more.

What are we dealing with? both the starter Muffler a couple of wires, a few. We just kind of get the engine up and sitting like that. Hey, tuck these our way a little bit. I'm gonna get on it.

come on, get that steering out of the way. These are easy foreign ER Bolt undone and the whole post is like Twisted because something's already been there ahead of us judging by the bend that's on there. but you can see that's ready to rip out. If you go on that, you're gonna tear that post right out so you get a little thin wrench up above it.

Give it some support. There we go trashing it. I think we just got a power plug behind it with the power and then we got that muffler. Yeah, this plug back here there we go.

I'd say get the socket on there. try impact sometimes. Exhaust Works good with impact. The little sudden hits breaks the rust off.

foreign. Get right out of there without taking the lower Muffler off. There we go. One last check, let's see if we can flip that engine up.

I Don't think I need to disconnect the fuel line I Think we should be okay with that. We're gonna go find out right now. We got the throttle cables hooked up too. Yeah, let's go see.

Get under all right now we can see it. see if uh, could rig up some kind of puller on that? Now you get a better look at how nasty it is too. Yeah I Just got a set screw in I Don't think so though. no set screws.
Oh, is that hammered, huh? All right now we should be able to get behind it with something. I Think this is one of the few times with this it might actually work for us. Oh, it's so close that the posts are keeping it from getting Center Oh well, in the middle, you know? So nope. So a long time subscriber donator Jim sent us this funky pulley puller after the last uh Fiasco we were dealing with I Guess he uh, felt my pain and set us up with this one.

So let's go throw this assembly on there see if that will work for us. Either that or it's gonna just rip the it's gonna rip its guts right off. Let me go set that up, figure out how it works and we'll give that a shot. Well as you can see as an issue is that it's a little small for this puller.

The polar the Jaws aren't in all the way this is. This is maxed out this tension on it but it's not going to stop us. see what it does just bending the crap out of it? uh I think we're gonna have to resort the heat. it's starting to look that way and we're getting more creative.

Let's see how this one does I still have to put heat on it yet? but holy moly yeah that wasn't gonna go. The rust that was on there was definitely putting up a fight. All right. So the question is, you think any of that move fast? Any of that is Andy possibly possible of any kind of anything to save I don't know.

Let's get out of there and take a look at it. Yeah, it's fine. Take a belt, no problem. I think I'm gonna go pop into Vice and just kind of work on it with a pair of pliers or something and try to bend it back somewhat into its yeah, that's what happens.

So if you really thought I was gonna be able to bend that in the back in a usable shape as crazy as I am, um I Was hoping to have the belt pulley that I knew I had off the other machine although this did not have an electric. PTO I Was thinking that maybe this pulley would have been the same size and we could have cut you know, just the shaft off and basically recreate the upper level. The only thing I see though it's a different ratio. the ID of this pulley and the ID this pulley do seem to be quite a bit different.

I'm going to give it a quick measure, but that's going to throw everything off. It'll throw the top speed of the tractor off not that that's that big of a deal and also the tension of the belt and what belt size you would have to try to come up with and they're kind of picky. It's not like, um, you could you know draw an inch or so of slack up with the tensioners. but let me keep working that I actually know.

Look upstairs in my pulley stash and see if I have anything roughly this diameter. What? I'm kind of thinking right now is possibly we can just cut this one right off of this Hub and weld another one on there. If I could find one the right size up in the stash yard. a little bit of this.

a little bit of that. I mean nice if you found one the right size. Huh? I Don't think that's gonna happen. They're all going to be too small of a diameter, but we need that and we also are going to need it steel so we can move it so we can weld it as the other part of it.
Could we order one? Yeah, yeah, fun of that something. It's cast okay, looks like what it should be. Huh? We'll keep that in mind. I'm gonna keep digging see what it can come up with, but we have something to at least try to possibly work with.

Got another Bell pulley? It actually kind of looks more closer. The outside diameter is correct, but again, how far it goes on the inside, you actually kind of see the imprint there and the imprint there a little smaller. Let's go bring that downstairs. We might have to work with that steel.

It's already got the the key setup in it. We might be able just to cut that and make that fit. Go see. Well, it's definitely better shot than that one.

I'd say it's trying to grab a caliper. huh? Let me measure that inside groove or what. Yeah, we could grab caliper. We'll just kind of measure that inside.

see how much of a difference there is on this one. collect the inside of it, see how much slop this one's gonna have. That's not much I Want to say that's a quarter inch and not saying that the belt drops all the way down in there. That's the other part of it too.

how far the belt goes down in the groove. I Think we're going to go try working with this I think it's our best option I got chalked up in a lathe unfortunately I do not have a parting tool but I do Now they don't find you handsome. Gotta find you handy. Just popped it right off of there I Think you'll be able to clean up that surface meow that should work I Think we're gonna have to cut a spacer too.

We need to make up that distance so we have that Dimension already. We just don't have whatever that is I'll measure that up and chop us out probably that same stock I Can't cut us over a little? I should probably just cut it off of this, right? It's junk, So all right. we'll do that because it's got a taper to it that looks like it's meant to fit up on the crank, so we'll just have that same. You may want to clean the rust off of it though, so that's an inch tall.

That's a half inch tall. So you need a half inch cut from there. Well, that should make up the bottom pieces that we need that and take a lip off of it from that. I'm gonna go take a wire wheel.

We'll clean all the rust off of here so you get a little bit better fit. not fight this like what you did last time. Hopefully. Yeah.

See, we throw a little a little grease on there. Keep the rust down too. That's what got it. It was really pitted up top.

Turn it so that he's facing us. Let's fit in some of that stuff together. see how we make out? So this was the one off the original pulley that was all bound up. That's a big difference.
Our new one. There you go like it never happened. huh? Let's go grab that electric clutch that came with it. We'll go set that on there and see how things look.

make sure we don't have an issue. All right. So that seems to have had a washer so that's what's sitting over there and it's got a key in it and what? This does the big electric magnet and it turns the mower deck on and off by electrical switch. Hopefully it's all right.

one. Let's uh, should I eyeball that better. You just have a long bolt. it kind of holds it all together and also I think he said the wires ripped out of it and why is it going to rip out? Because it's got locating pins that hold this from spinning.

If you were to hit the clutch, put power to it, it would spin the whole thing and rip the wires off. So that may have been what caused that part of it. and I'm still kind of fighting me a little bit to get it. That's not the right one.

I think it is though. you can get rid of this part of it and I think we just got just got rust on that bearing that's holding this up. We will clean that up real quick. but I know like is not have the original parts that it came with because they don't know.

Okay, this doesn't seem like it's got very much of a key to grab by anyway. so this right here is a big electric magnet. You energize that when you hit the switch on the dash, then it's got this cage that is here. It's also going to be key to it.

I get that on there that should lock in which it did and what happens that's kind of like spring-loaded I Don't know if you're able to see it, but it's got like a um, a little bit of playing. It's got a little bit of flex to it and this one has a lot of flex to it. You can see how much room this one has with the little and when you the magnet is energized, it draws this hub. you lock onto this one.

Hopefully that's making sense. Let me get the key on it. So yeah, that should lock into the key with a long bolt tying it all together and so it is kind of like on a break when you de-energize it. it has a break, stops the mower deck from spinning and when you energize it just locks it together.

it doesn't Spin and does spin when that is locked on. So it ties these two together. and if not, this is just supposed to spin all the time on the bearing. This this does not.

It's still keyed, but again, it's spinning on a bearing, so hopefully that makes sense. Working on getting that reassemble, we got you know, half the clutch on the upper pulleys already on there and I'm kind of looking at the belt set up I was able to run that through. What a pain me ass that would be with that whole clutch assembly on there. So I definitely can see that.

you know trying to be an issue, wiggling that up and through because you have to try to get Bell essentially through here this Gap and then fed back over it. So I can see that being a little bit tight on an issue, but it's like a new tensioner pulley. Let's put on it, that's new. These two seem like they're okay when I spun it and then it's around the differential.
This is the tension on it. It stays always under the tension and that looks pretty good. It's not like a standard trans where you would slack the belt. I Think a belt on this one kind of spins all the time and then you get the hydro and you just kind of put in gear because I don't see any Rod going to this that you know take the tension off so that looks decent.

It's got a decent amount of spring tension on it. A little concerned that the belt wasn't going to get tight. so now we are back to dealing with the clutch setup. and I do not see where that locating bracket is for the PIN is? it may be still.

I I did see a metal bar over there. That might be what we need, but I'm going to continue to get the rest of that clutch on there and I'll bring you back. All right, let's sort it back together. It looks decent so these wires would come up and just plug into that plug right there and energize that.

But as you can see, this is floating this and this is tied together so and this location is called the brake. If the Uh magnet is de-energized, it releases and the brake comes on. It allows it. This should not be able to spin right now.

Allows the mower deck to stop so that it's not you know, freewheeling or spinning. and then when It energizes, it goes the other way and it as you can see right now, it's not connected. This pulley is not connected to the Um crankshaft so it would connect to that and it would spin this pulley and not be locked to this. Hub Now this Hub right here.

I'm calling it a hub. It's supposed to be pinned by these little captures right here. I Do not see what is missing so far that would lock that in place. It may have rattled off and fell out I Don't know and uh, that's probably what was the original problem with the wires he said ripped out of it.

Well, that would do it. There's nothing holding it as soon as you hit the brake. This thing will just spin right around and just rip the plug right off the end of it. So I'm going to go look.

there was a metal bracket I Do think that metal bracket is for the um, the belt guide down below, but it may also do double duty. So I'm gonna go take a peek. Yeah, so this one is tensioning for the mower deck that actually hangs on the front of the deck. and then this is the one I was talking about which is the pulley that locks onto the uh, it got.

it's the the guide for the lower belt so it doesn't fall off. I mean I See other thing that came with it was this screw which does not look like it's going to be the right side. Let's go walk over see if possibly that shoulder or that shoulder looking by judging by the little hammering on that that might be it right there. A little awkward looking without light skinny.
Let's go see what that bracket I would guess it would go one of these holes in this item Bolt on the other side. That wouldn't make sense because the wires would be on the wrong end. So let's flip it around. I Don't think it would be something like go with I see a hole in the other in there? Let's go try that one and I don't know where it would bolt over here.

Let me go see if there's any I do not see where that TAPS in maybe some on the back over here. let's see if you can see any witness marks where it was. Hmm definitely got chatter marks right there. The only thing is being the other way around I don't think the wire would reach.

oh you know what? it might come through this? Maybe it comes through that hole right there and it would be enough room. What do you mean? So if we were to take this and flip it around okay so that would go in there. Hmm. I'm gonna go poke around for a little bit see we can figure out how that goes.

Has that round hole set up right there I Just see a bunch of ones right here. I'm kind of hoping that one of these is what it's supposed to go into. You would think this is why I don't like washing machine ahead of time because sometimes you can get like witness marks. it'll show like that one right there.

looks like it's got some chatter marks. so I'm gonna try setting it up with that one and I'll bring you back see see what I can find? Maybe that that looks like it right there Mr bolt goes on the other end is right there. all right. So I'm going to work them out a little bit and see what we come up with.

Yeah, let's look at it. you should do it. so it's got a capture there comes down around helps hold this belt on and that hole that we saw on the back seems like he's wearing lines up I Just gotta find a bolt for that and I wonder if it I wonder if the whole problem first started with the mower deck. then and then it lost this bracket or the bolt fell out and everything just kind of all hell broke loose after that.

Hmm I was looking at where that chattermark is though you see the shadow mark. It looks like I am off where it originally was hitting probably about a half inch and the like. this is sitting a little too low. Everything else looks pretty decent on it.

We're gonna find out that seems like it went back fairly decent and yeah, the wire just ends up being just the correct length to go and plug into the other one and it's kept captured. But like I said, the only thing is the shadow marks where the old one was okay I wish I had the old one to look at see if there was a slight difference and I was thinking well, maybe I was supposed to cut because the pulley that we added that lower section I wonder if we were off but then I grabbed it and it definitely looks like it's still the same height like there's that, not that much difference I thought it kind of I bought those and they looked correct to us but I'm not going to worry about it. Everything is bolted and tight I say that now if it flies apart when we fire it up, that'll be what the what the problem was. So I'm gonna go put the muffler back on it, plug the wires back in and we'll set it back down.
We'll fire it up and we'll check the transmission out and see how that stuff kind of works. and then we'll probably turn the PTO on and off and see how this uh setup functions for us. Let's go fire it up, hopefully. I think everything's connected and we'll see if the belt stays on.

Uh, probably should go for choke, huh? Give her some throttle, take a look. Looks pretty good. Foreign? Awesome. Yeah, Tin's a little rattly in the front, huh? and he's just from bashing in this stuff over its lifetime.

I'm not concerned about, but everything else seems to be doing functioning okay on the bottom so that's good. Happy about that. I think uh, let's go Jack the ass and up and we'll try putting it in gear and see how the Hydro goes. There's a lockout when you push them, you gotta engage and disengage.

Command is right there and I should make it to the Hydro in the back now. moves usually have a little tag on it letting you know what it does and we get something up under the rear and which I put in gear. I think I'll fight us putting into gears. It's got a seat safety and it looks like it's already been disconnected.

probably just under the seat wire together so that's been disconnected. Let's uh, fire it up and we can take the parking brake off and we'll try putting it in gear. Tires are about about a half inch off the ground. Foreign.

We haven't put a load on it yet, but again, he didn't have a problem with that so we shouldn't be too concerned. I'm gonna cut off some of the crap that's on here. uh I may putt It Off the Bench and bring it over to the pressure washer, give her a little bit of a bath while the tins are still off of it, and then, uh, we'll jump over to get the mower deck on it and see how that performs. It's gonna need a bunch of maintenance on it I don't have enough time to try to get that knocked out right now.

Uh, but we will try to take care of some things like that before we, uh, button it up as far as you know, pulling the carpet apart, cleaning it, and you know that kind of stuff that may, uh, be on a, uh, a non-video All right, let me go. uh, give her a bath I Think the patient made it through its surgery pretty good in the hospital. we could take his wristband off I think before you put that Pantry out back on, let's go look and see what's kind of going on with these taped up wires that's a mice have had a field day with. Yeah, take up late I'll cut that blue tape off of there and we'll see what's going on underneath.

It's pretty good. This one is going to the oil pressure switch. Let's see if we can Wiggle all that out of there. If you can, should be able to get a piece of, um, shrink tubing on it.
Yeah, let's go take one bolt off a clip and we should wiggle that out of there. So that's just a signal wire going to the gauge for the oil pressure and it's going to be ground. There's no power there and what happens is it'll ground it's it's the ground path for the light bulb for the oil light. So the oil light will come on if there's no pressure and the switch is grounded when pressure uh is applied to that switch.

If I should show you what I'm talking about right here coming off where the oil filter is. So when oil pressure builds, there's a diaphragm inside here with a spring. It opens up a set of contacts under pressure and when the pressure goes away that this just goes right back to the ground again and that makes the light. come on.

So that's how that is operating. so there's no power like I said on that wire. but we're going to still put a piece of shrink tubing over that. Go find some.

So I'm gonna try to not have to take that end off of there. I Don't know if that's going to be able to squeeze through that tubing. it's kind of fat for it. I Take a peek on the other end of the wire, see if it comes off.

I Don't think it does. Now it goes into a harness on the other side. I might have to, uh, clip that off and put a new one on. Actually, I'm looking at the jacket that's on it.

Okay, it's already got a piece of plastic jacket on. What if we were able to just slide that down and cover it as long as you get this to feed in there. It came with its own shrink tubing. There you go I Think we'll make that so that won't ground out.

That should be good enough good. I'm gonna take a quick peek at this the other end of this and see what the scenario is. It might be the same thing I may just leave that well on nothing alone. That's uh, it's not blue masking tape.

That's like a blue. uh, electrical tape. Actually, we do a little bit of shopping. hopefully there is the yes there is this was missing on it.

so let's go grab that and bring it over. All right? I Think that should just snap into place on those tabs. Let's go see. I Think it rubs, feels decent, and the typical rattle makes it sound like it's definitely got some more issues than it really does.

See if we can kind of about as best as gonna get, see if it's missing a bolt or something. Let's go check out the deck and see what kind of condition that is in and what love it's going to require. The buzz in the background is just the battery charger on it. Some that one's a growly.

it might free up though. Now let's growly that one Stiff too. sometimes it look it depends on where the crud is. Sometimes it's in the bearings which is probably what this is.

That one looks like it's already been replaced once too. and the spindles is the biggest one. It's like it's got a loose bolt or broken bolt. Feels decent.
How about this one feels decent? All right. let's go flip it over. See what's the other side looks like yeah, it's run into a few things in its lifetimes. A couple wax right there I believe it's coming around.

that's a big distance, huh? That to hit there? Maybe he took something and smashed it into it. Oh that's a repair and that looks like it's an old repair. well done and it probably had a bar that went across from here to here. it's now missing.

That's kind of like here's like a little piece of it left. Uh yeah. I know he's doing like a lot of mowing around the fences and all too. Let's just get the bullet to loose on that one.

I'm just gonna quickly eyeball the blade height see if there's a big difference on them. Not terrible. blades are B but I'm just looking at where that meets right there I Want to see if it kind of is in the same spot generally I'll hold my finger there and spin it I have both hands available. Uh, decent.

those I don't know about those two pulleys. If I have anything, maybe we can kind of change them out and then maybe from this side we could weld the patch Let's uh Hammer that a little bit, try to get a little bit more flat surface and we maybe we just can kind of come over with a piece of metal like that and Buzz it around. it doesn't have to be pretty. just be better not having a hole in the middle I guess I have all that Toro mower deck it might be it doesn't have an electric PTO so it's got a different setup as far as how it locks you.

We can't just switch it right over, but that one feels decent and that one feels decent. so you can steal those two. How about the blades might be the same? I got some a lot of times it's the lock in the center kind of dictates how it is. They're not that great either.

Yeah, they're starting to blow out on the edges. All right. let's go. uh, see if we can go fix that center of it and uh, patch it up a little bit.

Let's say we Whittle ourselves out a little pattern. that should be enough paper to work with about that much. Damn it all right. So I'm gonna wrap about that far.

we can get rid of that much I should let it hang down like that and then over here I think we're a little thin so let's um, allow ourselves to kind of Bend like that. Yeah, should go up that far. Let's give it a little haircut about that much and now we got a prep an area so it'll stick so we're done. So let's go, just give that a quick hit with a sharpie.

Well, you know that's the area we need to grind the dirt and crap off so that the welder can stick. and I'm gonna go cut a piece of metal out about that size. Foreign, foreign, foreign. make something that kind of goes across here and at least supports this from you know, getting beat up and vibrating.
Uh, it's gonna be angle iron but probably something with a little bit of a Bend to it. think of that is just really thick. Come over here. Well, eyeball what this looked like.

Yeah, I don't know if we need that curve, neither do we. Well I guess as long as the blade doesn't hit it right. Hmm I don't want to cut this one up just because that machine may go back together with a different engine. so I don't want to crucify this one yet.

I Don't mind stealing the pulleys. that's just a bolt-on this one. On the other hand, it was definitely a parts one we used for another machine. It's just gone.

but I wonder if we can cut Maybe this section of it out and adapt it and go gravitate measure see what the span is? Well maybe we'll just cut that out with a whiz wheel use that looks like we need 13. Yeah. I think you know how to do it? Stop with the jokes. Let's go.

That's a whole side huh? It's bigger than it looked the Gap oh stop it. Let's um, so that's 13 to there so we'd have to come cut that out. I don't know. We'll drop it down maybe an inch something like that and the other end would be right about there.

So I'm just gonna go cut that out with a cut off wheel. you know, bring it over, see what it looks like. Let's see if that does anything for us. Be pretty good.

Clear off some of that crap over there. We should be able to bridge right across that looks decent, huh? Probably got more of a curve than this mower deck needs, but that's fine as long as you brace those two sides. So I'm going to grind all this crap off here. Clean up some.

Maybe Buzz that back on there and now you see it and now you don't. Or maybe you see it a little. a little procurement of police. Six foreign setup.

All right. Foreign. Well, I'm going to save you or me the embarrassment of me trying to get that deck back underneath that tractor with grunting and funny noises and all the everything that goes along with it. and I'll bring you back.

we'll see how hopefully does not throw any belts and it was doing everything it should. Let's go find out. Oh I don't know why it's not working I just don't know why I can't understand I Had to go take that bar back down again to get the belt over it and I unplugged it. There's your reason why? All right.

So now we gotta reset everything. Hold on. Okay, do my stretches. Come on.

All right. just stand on the other side. thank you. That pulley there looks really wobbly.

might be just the way it's bouncing around. if it's okay that blades are way out of balance. see how bad it's shaking? but that's that's for chasing blades and everything else. Everything else seem to stay together, clutching like it was working.

Okay, yeah, a little noisy, a little noisier they expected as far as the spindles were concerned, but that you function all right. I don't think it's going to jump a bell. Seems like it's fairly decent. Holy.
just looks a little like the bracket sitting on is got a little too much play in it. You know what? I mean we'll check. make sure that nut is tight on that one. Just seems like this has a lot of room to walk.

That's the spring-loaded one, the one that takes up all the tension. Need to double check the other uh, pulley that I took off to. Just make sure there's no difference. you know I can tell You right now it smells like horseshit in here.

So I took this one back off again. That one. Take a look at the peak underneath and see if it was missing anything. It's just the way it is.

That's where the pivot is and it does have that much play in it. Did it again. it's supposed to be the one that kind of, uh, you know, follows depending on what the height is and the rest of the vibration is just the I'm going to say it's the uh, the pulley. You know what? I forgot to do when I had it out I didn't tighten the bolts up on that one.

Um, one of them rocked. so I had to go back underneath and where the spindle was? Tighten them up. Whoops! Other than that, seems like it's fairly complete. I Gotta chase blades.

That's all. How about one more time with that spindle tight? That was. All four were loose so that definitely was not helping things. A joke.

That's enough of that racket. I'm gonna go adjust some tire pressures, throw a hood on it, and see if we can get the headlights to work. You did open without breaking it. Foreign.

Go clean up some eyeball sockets. Definitely needed some cataract issues taken care of. I Can See Clearly Now So I brought her back to the homestead it is Springtime and it's the first cut of the year I Figured I'd give it a challenge. Some spots look like it's about 10 10 12 inches high so I'll go buzz it around and give her a function check.

make sure everything's okay with it. Let's give her a rip. Yes, she does. Filled her up with fuel and I don't know if you still need the choke or not foreign.

Just fine. I ran it around I had about 20 25 minutes. probably took 10 minutes to cut the grass and then you know I just kept kind of going over it and running the machine I wanted to get it hot and see if anything would show up. Everything seems fine, no funky issues with it.

Exhaust is a little rattly in that front. I guess there's I saw two cracks in in the tin that goes around it I should have welded them up when I had to welder out. Uh, it does have a bagger system for it, but the bagger, the piece where it meets the mower deck is beat. So I didn't end up bringing that with us to put it on there, but seems like everything else is okay.

It's um, for a homeowner machine, it's fairly decent. It's got the Uh Electric PTO it's not a a lever operated, it's got a cast iron front end in it instead of a sheet metal one which are these, but I'm talking about that right there. The rear ends a little bit on the beefier side. It's got the four lug Wheels on the back of it.
Instead of just having the plastic cap with that with the clip over it that holds it on, it's got the cruise control bigger motor. Hydro Like I said, it's got the bagger system for too. So yeah, actually turned out pretty good. Tires aren't dry rotted, battery was fine, even the air cleaner was good.

So we did a bunch of Maintenance to it and uh I guess it paid off. Plus knowing what happens is I get these things I get the call. It's like hey, I got a mower that failed on me 10 years ago and it's been parked out in the backyard for 10 years and then I get it. We have to deal with all that kind of stuff, but not on this one.

It worked out pretty pretty decent. So I want to thank him again for hooking us up with this one. He also gave us the John Deere about three years ago I Want to say a John Deere 318 which had internal engine problems. That one was real fun to work on.

We brought that one back to life. That's more of a I Want to say commercial but just a high-end garden tractor and that's set up with a plow when I do have a snow blower for it full Hydraulics uh hydraulic steering in the front for the power steering plus Hydraulics for the uh plow blade and or snowblower. That one runs, but this one's Destiny Cut grass All right guys. I'm starting to ramble I Want to thank you all for hanging out with me and uh, clean up my yard a little bit I got to go run around with a weed whacker and all that kind of stuff yet? but hey, it's spring all right guys.

I got more like four of these. showed up within two weeks. There's I think two bad transmissions and I forget what the third one is so far already, but uh, may or may not get to them till then. I'll see you later.

Okay, hello, your eyes do not deceive you and you are peanut tasty. peanut peanuts. Uh, about 36 inches tall? I'm gonna go with that and we see it weighs about 300 pounds. He's about 300 pounds.

Yeah, yeah, nice try. Yeah, no boy. And then you get your other friend over here who's uh, would he be like a pony? Yeah, so he's a mini. You're the pony of the family and we still have to go see the runt yet they're I think I'm getting him in the middle of, uh, a snack.

so I got nothing for you I'm sorry I wish I did. hmm and The Loner Kathy Cappy Big heavy okay, hmm. nice do you got? Yeah, they're all combed out. look at you.

Styling and age is nine. Nine years old, 20 years old and 26. yeah, let's get pissed when you try riding them. It's funny if you if you kind of like Huskies pulling the sled in the snow.

yeah, say goodbye I Guess let's go Bye Fine.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “Salvage a free mower spending no money?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tolba Szy says:

    Dan keeps a very neat barn! Those horses are well loved!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caveman says:

    I would drill a small hole in that deck patch you made, so water doesn't pool and rust it out again.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Indiana John says:

    Got that POS Courage engine. We always said they called it that because it took courage for them to actually sell those to the public. They had valve cover leaks, cam and rocker problems, valve guide issues, engine top cover bolts that back out and catch on the flywheel and break the block. I’ve seen all those issues. They were just a hot mess…..
    To get those pulleys off, I drill two holes 180 degrees apart near the hub, then use two long bolts with nuts on top of the pulley so that I can use a small puller.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Williamson says:

    just being funny redneck dirt strips lol seen worst lol thx for the vid 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Koppy says:

    Worst mower I have ever purchased. Belt drive deck….. terrible. Cheap China spindles. Belt drive train… terrible. And the deck height adjustment cables love to snap. Garbage all around.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Finke says:

    a wrench called a fender wrench.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tbolt says:

    Tyarl has a vid of the exact same tractor

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RamblerReb says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cox Music Productions says:

    I know where I can get one of these for nothing right now.
    My main concern is the deck has blown out spots in it. It has
    been sitting for a while I know, but is in the dry. There
    are some wires hanging out from underneath. Don't know
    what that is all about, but this video makes me want to go
    get it I think. Great repair video buddy! Cheers! 🍻-Al

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Biringer says:

    Another award winning resuscitation! But we didn’t see the lights on!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergeant Peppers says:

    I have a Cub Cadet LT 1042 just like that one. Bought it new in June 2005. I love it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Tallon says:

    Enjoyed your video! I have a cub cadet! Not the same model but very close. I’m sure this will help me in future repairs. Thank you!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Sullivan says:

    Nice job 👏

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Klaassen says:

    Her was the American that we all forget exist lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAK PM says:

    Reminds me of my childhood pony Susie

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Grant says:

    On the NorthernSeclusion channel, the guy has an older Husqvarna riding mower . Somewhere between a year to two years ago he showed the hours on it. 8,000+ hours on the original everything. He's one of those guys who can't sit still for five minutes so he mows his lawn a lot . I seem to recall it being 13 or so years old. He's in Minnesota so mowing season is short but a lot of it. He actually has two of them, one the next size up. They get parked behind the garage uncovered during the winter and crank off pretty quick in the spring without priming . I doubt they are made as well today

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