trying to make odd parts from scrap work together on this 70s vw manx dune buggy shell

All right, let's go give her some. RPMs this time St nothing going to fall off. nothing I can do about it. This rocket walked, you can see moved over that far.

that's what the issue was thought. I had it tight. hey guys and how's it going? We're going to continue on on this mismatch of parts that we're going to try to create a a funky go-kart out of. and I just do a quick a quick uh recap of what we got so far done on part one, this is a I believe a Dingo go U go-kart of sorts.

It would have had a roll bar that we already took off of it and some other pieces was missing an engine. Picked it up at a swap meet for $100 It all started with that fiberglass shell you see right there that was also at a pick. uh I was picking up some tires for an aircool Volkswagen that was laying around. It is a pretty much like a halfs scale PW Doom buggy body and this is kind of what started the whole thing.

Definitely a cool looking piece. and then a friend hooked us up with this engine that he corrected me it was from a recycling center that he saw and I believe it is a 13 horsepower. um I'm going to say it's a Honda knockoff probably and we fired that up on the last video. Kind of had to do some modifications.

We took the frame, we, uh, sectioned it, shrunk it together so the body would fit. Uh, cut the base plate out. That would have had the original like five horsepower engine on it. Cut up this one.

Got this one set up, took the axles apart, cleaned them up, got a bunch of pieces together. Uh. tires were going flat. We injected oil in them and they seem to have stopped leaking so that kind of worked out well.

They were really cracked and air was pissing out of everywhere. So we got those, uh, fixed up. They do not leak, they're still holding air. It's about uh, 5 days later and at the end of it, we kind of fired up the engine, spun everything up, see that it worked decently.

The sprocket ended up walking and kicking the chain off and throwing Parts everywhere. But uh, fast forward till now. we have a new sprocket and a N brake system. so let's go pull that axle back apart.

We'll kind of finalize the brake and the Uh sprocket locations and then we could start finalizing where we're going to drill for the bolt holes for the engine and all that kind of stuff. We can kind of continue advancing on with this project. All right. Do some wrenching Come to me.

Get rid of all these spaces. We got to probably come up with another solution for the spacers. Um, this isn't locking anything. I'm going to unbolt the sprocket.

We should be able to slide that whole axle right out of there. Come on there we go. Okay, let's go spot that new sprocket and break and see if they're going to fit on the axle without any fights. That one seems good and that one seems good.

All right. So we're going to go place all that kind of back together again. with those on there, we'll start. you know, finalizing positions and the game Start right off in the beginning.
So these are the halves that came with the brake drum. This is the Hub and this is how you want to call it. the brake drum. and it has holes.

You say? Okay, we go line them up. There's the bolts that come with it, right? Well, that's not too sloppy. That looks like right? Try finding a pattern where the little ones play well together they do not. There is no combination where the little holes play well with the big holes.

Just saying. so. I Think what we're going to have to do is use the four large ones. They do line up and I'll have to just get some larger bolts and even at that, see the gap on the top of them even though those aren't even the same size and they're offset.

So I'll get a bolt that fits the smaller hole and we'll just kind of have them hopefully not have it so that this is doing like this on the axle. So I want to be able to lock that axle from floating side to side and I think I want to use the brake drum. It's probably the closest thing to the Uh bearing so we have before. it had shims on it.

Something like that bolted the wheel on and the wheels were kind of holding things left and right. I Kind of want to Snug it up a little bit so I'm not trying to crush the frame. plus I changed the width of the frame. so I want to try and measure the space that we have between that brake drum and that bearing.

I'll get in there. it's like something like that. close to it right there now. I'm going to go cut us a bushing out of something or try to stack a couple of pieces that will take up that.

Gap Are we going to get lucky? Get that lucky? Can we? and I'll make a bushing for in there and then we'll just worry about one side stacking the shims between the wheel to keep the axle from walking that way. We're not like I said, trying to crush the frame left and right. so brought my stash of actually brought a whole toolbox over that. I have this all like bearings and bushings and little bit of this and that a lot of these look like they had the right ID or close enough.

so go grab that that else we got. How about that one right there? see if any of those are close I Don't think brass is going to hurt us. Where's our width? Cut them out of any one of them. How about we do that one that's the closest I'll shave a little bit of that one off and we could probably use the other ones for uh, doing the space on the outer part of the axle.

And what a better way to do it with the right machine? Let's Go call it right there. sh it's a hair fat right? leave it a little fat, a little skin in case we need to go tweak it, see how that works out for us and Wile that out of there. what do you think we go? um, fat and in fat end in have to clean the got to clean the bur up on the end of it, hang up a little bit. this thing called a deuring tool.

it's got a little knife edge on it. that's all it does. Um, it'll take that edge off. fits now.
D it be a mark on the shaft, right roughly where it needs to go. It should be right about there. And we got our spacer and brake drum. I'm just looking for where how that brake drum is going to be positioned over the center actually looks pretty good I could adjust that band a little too.

I have um, washers on the front side of it out here. We can, you know, shift it a little bit left and right, but that's looking pretty Center and we're right up against it. I'm going to go get some uh, the keys put in it, the set screws locked in. We'll line everything up and we'll build this one out to here.

A little bit past the thread so that we kind of pinch down on that collar of the bearing. there'll be no walking whatsoever in it. Let's all tell another looks pretty good. Chain tension is, um, decent.

Again, it's going to stretch over time. but I think we're going to end up doing a little bit of shimming over there. So we need to go make up the rest of this space out to here. and we got to subtract the the depth of the wheel, the rim which is going to be right at 3 in so Mark her at three and we just make up the rest.

So the wheel's going to come to there and we have to stack up some parts to make it get to that last little bit or cut. I think there's a couple of small ones. You got that one actually? Will that one make it o that's looking close. That might be a might need a washer.

Is that fit? or is that the inside? Yeah, let's go find a washer. Hopefully that's big enough for that and that should be just enough to take all the the play out of the the axle back and forth we can crush on this bearing. It's not going to hurt anything for us, We we can. There's no, we're not pre-loading the bearing.

we're just the two halves of the um, inner race we're just kind of pushing against. actually. I think those two brass or bronze along with that. I Got to pull the axle towards me.

Here we go. I'm going to shave a hair off of one of them I'm going to try to get as close as flush as possible again. I Still want to leave a little bit of a preload on that. so when we run the nut down, it kind of, you know, pushes on it.

Yeah, that'll work. Get in. Perfect. It's about a 16th of an inch preload on that wheel, so we'll throw a washer on that the nut on it.

We'll spin that down. go with that that. that should lock the whole axle together. so we're kind of happy where the engine is.

We marked it ahead of time where it was I'm kind of wondering what's the best way to try to transfer those holes down to the base plate to figure out how to go drill that we don't have much clearance. One thing, you kind of maybe like cast a little bit of like paint over it and it'll leave stains down below. I don't if you can get in here on the back one though. huh? Let's try it if it doesn't work.
I'm going to I'm going to mask off this because this is my location. I'm going to mask this off and we'll try it see how it works. If it doesn't work good, we'll take the engine. we'll flip it over.

We'll take a piece of paper and we'll make like a a template out of it and then we'll transfer the template down to here. I'm thinking white see how it does watch I made a big one. This side's easier to get to right. We'll let that set up for a second, We'll pop that engine off of there and hopefully we got some witness marks.

So I was looking at the brake setup: I think I have it backwards I Copied off of what they had. but I think it's wrong. So they had the collar going around and then pulling on the bottom. The cable would go through here and pull up on the bottom half of it.

So if it's spinning this way it's fighting itself, it'll work. but you you're losing a lot of power. I'll I'll run it backwards to kind of give you the same idea. so if you notice, see how it's it's dragging, it's pulling the brake band down and it wants to work much better than when I go this way.

see I'm not changing the tension. the wheels much easier to turn. a lot harder to turn this way. So I got to take it, flip it around so that the bottom half is in here and we're going to pull on the cable up here.

So I'm going to flip that around. Hopefully does not get in the way of the clutch setup that's up here. but uh TR Eror here we got flipped over. I Like that better cuz you're going to get a better cable pull.

So does it make sense now? Like what's happening? It's kind of. It's helping pull the band around it. where the other direction? if going this way, it's it's fighting against this. It's trying to push the band off of there and you can't get as much, uh, pressure where it's this way.

much more drag this way slips. perfect. That's that. A little time to set up.

let's go see if pull that engine off and hopefully it left witness. Marks Here we go. One of them was full of dirt so it did nothing. I think two of them were.

we got the front ones. You tell where that one is. that one is that one. If we don't disturb it, we can probably figure out what the center of that one is.

and I don't know. we kind of have. Yeah, we have half of it. You can tell where the layout is all right.

So I'm going to take a punch and mark them and we'll open them up. What? Let's go clean that crap off of there and of that should get this close. I'm I'm going to use a Uh 38 bolt and we should have a little bit more slop in those for a little bit of alignment, those should be fairly snug. So I I have a feeling I may have to run them up from the bottom.

so when we get all that bolted up, we'll throw the chain on it. Uh, maybe we should run the welder while the engine's off. We going? Go take a minute. I'm pretty convinced we're not going to move it, so let's go buzz that across front and rear.
That'll lock that plate down where it needs to go. Go turn it up a little. Watch your eyes. Oh, too late.

sorry. the blind spot will go away away a little bit. One for you I miss my hole. one for you thought I did didn't you? I got to get some washers.

Yeah. I'm going grab some washers for those. Uh, the the slotted ones. There got four bolts in it, not tight.

You see how much wiggle room we got. We don't need much, that's good. That should be enough for alignment. Again, we can move the the Uh clutch and the sprocket left and right.

It's more for the just the The Twist of it. I shove two big Fender washers under that side. like I said to kind of work with shiming the chain. It's probably about right again.

I Do expect it to stretch though. good. Think we can continue for me to say continue to work on the assent. We'll work our way forward.

I'm thinking maybe we'll throw the body back on it and while we got the welder here, let's try to come up with how we want to run the exhaust system. and like I said, we'll start working our way forward with things that need to be addressed that should be fun. It don't fit, that looks pretty snug. we're touching it in a lot of places which is good.

Think might lift up on that nose a little of the uh prop glass. Shell Let's see, make sure we don't have any engine issues. Just grab a light. huh? Can you see? yeah? Looking pretty close, that spark plug is a lead that we talked about up there is kind of tight.

Let's go grab a light. All right, that's a little better. You see that spark plug is just kind of squished against there. We still have a little bit of room around the valve cover to the tin and the body is just close.

When we rubbed off that little uh nub that was on there ground off she's tight but it'll work all right. Let's look inside. I think we could bring like I said the nose up a hair cuz we got to make like a front bumper on it too cuz if that's going to be very vulnerable and we'll shim that up about about right there I'm going get a block of wood I shove the 4x4 under there. probably lift it up about 2 in.

That'll give us room for our feet. see what? the pedal is right there Again, not the brag but I got big feet so I give us some room to go work with that in there. Plenty of places to attach the body to. We got this area.

we can make some blocks coming up off of here. grab this tab. we got the the wall back there that we can attach to and then in the front with a block of wood is we'll probably come up with a uh we're going to do hey let's get you looking right way. we'll get a uh like a brush bar that goes across the front of it Baja bar it might be called and we'll have that come up over the front and then we'll proba grab right with that 2x4s on the top so that'll give us a plenty of support for the shell.
So I think we'll leave that well enough alone. and like I said, we'll continue on with trying to make an exhaust system to fit out of here. I Had two different kind of ideas I was thinking about one was just kind of like a regular Beetle and have like two PE shooters coming out. Come down, get like a long piece of pipe or a barrel or a muffler and then have um, a tailpipe and a tailpipe Then the other one was like a lot of dun buggies have a stinger that kind of comes up up and out.

I Don't know which one's going to be better. Let's go shopping in the scrap metal pile, see what we can come up with and we'll go from there. There's the stock. Muffler It almost looks very close to a VW Beetle flange.

Maybe we can kind of like steal the header out of a Volkswagen cuz that that looks like it's all cast. I Don't know how well that's going to play with us. like cutting it and attaching to it. again.

let's go shopping. We'll take a quick peek down here, but I think a lot of the Volkswagen stuff is upstairs. What is that? That might be good? right there with a pipe part of it. Put the flange, get us down to where we need to work with.

Throw that to the side. uh, that kind of looks like a beetle. Muffler We'll throw that to the side. That's why.

I like these little scraps and bits of stuff to work with just for this reason. That one that's kind of actually that might scale-wise it might look like a beetle. Muffler I Think someone's living in it. Hold on to that.

Anything else you want to pick from here? Yeah, let's go look at VW stuff and we'll see what we like up there for. uh, authenticity? Let's that's that's a old peashooter out of a it's going to be so restrictive though. if we make make the peashooter part you know, stick up out of the back. That's going to be that's like for 50 CC's upward up into the landan of broken Volkswagen parts looking for like what's left of an exhaust system that's a different style that's um, like bus, wrong location.

still scaming. they have nothing on them cuz I was thinking like a heater box flange. This is what I was thinking most Volkswagon stuff looks like that got let's go grab that's already been chopped up. Anyway, let's go grab that piece like we get another one here.

Yeah, it's got a couple funky bands that might help us. We'll grab those two and I'll see if there's anything else. I'll I'll bring you back. If not, I'll meet you downstairs I Think most exhaust systems over here are going to be complete BW systems that I don't want to steal a piece from because then the whole system's gone.

but we can eyeball it just in case it was a twin engine. We could do really have some fun with it, but it's not all right. We'll work with what we have. If it doesn't work out, we'll come back up here and do a little bit more shopping.
There's a muffler that's like a standard be right there what look like with the two-piece Shooters coming out I'm thinking something like that. a land of tail pipes about these I think these are short. These are what would actually be on a beetle. like they're kind of B I thought I had a shorter set than that.

That might be what I was thinking of though. We got a hunk of metal underneath I'm thinking like scale-wise for like a beetle Muffler that would kind of be the size of it and the opening feels fairly decent. Of course it went out that little peashooter thing, but we can cut that off, cap it well. If we were do something like that, we'll drill two holes in it and we'll come out with two like little tail pipes.

make it feel like a beetle and make it try to wrap around. going to there. you like that seem decent. Let's try it if it.

If it's crap, cut it off and start over. I Think everything else is just going to be too big. You like, you're going to throw that in there. Kind of looks goofy doesn't it? Chop chop You think the chances are that flange too tight together? How about Bo Oops wagon FL too big.

H So there's that. We could probably take this one and just cut the uh ends open. How much? How close is it? It's a decent amount. we could probably just Notch the edges right off of that and maybe make a new one and we might be able to.

yeah if we rotate that, make a new one, that elbow might bring us down into a decent work area. looks a little high, may have to cut it and put a little section in there. Let's start with from the flange, come up with something for here and we'll work our way down. I'm going to go look again at the one that was on there.

You know, taking a gasket off the other? Muffler which is that one and I walked around with that and fing the Lan of broken engine parts. Is this one going to do it? There we go. let's um, wonder if we should. Let's um, cut it right here and we'll work with that.

We'll work with these two pieces, see what we can do I have to flip that around, give us a little bit more so the muffler would be Center Yeah, that's it, right. Go chop some stuff. Actually, it looks like we marry all that stuff together right there there. That might do it.

Uhuh. All right. So let's go spring like of that. we still have to clean up the edges and the muffler your centered, give it a little bit of oil.

Uh, room for that oil cap on the back side, so would that be right about right about there, but in the middle, that's good. I'm going to go clean these two surfaces up so they kind of lay flat together. We'll get a couple attacks on these two and then we'll work on where we're going to go. slice that mount the muffler.

probably rotate that where it's um, make we use that tab to really come off the engine. not the should probably try to mount to the engine that way. When we Shi we shim it. You know for adjusting the chain, it goes with the engine instead of trying to make a tab on there.
Yeah, worry about that. When we get to it, let's get those two to lay flat and get a tack on them. That's pretty good. Got them moed up and I think we're going to have to lengthen like we talked about.

that middle that's going to be too close. That's going to be right up. Yeah, it's going to be right up on the engine. This is actually a heat shield Anyway, was A It steers the heat.

there's a fan blowing across here and and it exits out of this side. You think we should go through the trouble of making this a little bit longer? I'd like to see it right down around there. right now. we're going to end up being kind of wish the body was back on it.

we can kind of see how far up towards the body we can come going for it. I'm going to go take this section it and we'll add an inch into here. I'm going to hurry some of this stuff up so we can move on to something else and I'll bring you back. Actually, it might work out pretty good.

Here's the uh. that's what we had right like that. So if I was just to take this piece, spin it around I don't have it'll just be one weld instead of two. So we'll figure out where that kind of meets back together and I'll buzz that off, glue them together.

Let's see, we got to go height first to go with right there. we'll cut that off and then we're going to have to cut some of this off to get it to draw in a little further that's already centered where it needs to be. Have to eyeball this one. See right? about? What about where the marker already is? Huh? Let's go like right? and maybe a little more.

Yes, no speak now. cut once. Still thinking how we're going to orient I end up cutting between the two lines. See if that worked for us? Pretty good.

We'll clean them up. I I Probably could go. Actually, you know what we can do. We won't tell anybody, we'll just kick that over just a little bit.

Clean them up. We'll get a tack on each one. I'm kind of wondering. I'm going to take a minute see what we can attach this tab to.

We could always just cut it right off and um, come, something. there's a bolt right there. Maybe we'll just come down and make our own bracket. going up to that, Here we go.

I Ended up um I was going to weld this bracket to it. You see where I cleaned it off. like why we just throw a hose clamp on it. We can kind of make it where you don't have to take the bolt out, have a little bit of a a adjustability to it I'm liking that.

Only thing I was kind of considering though is like I wonder if we're going to go do the two tail pipes if that would be in the area of where we need it? I Guess actually we could probably do is just take the bracket and flip it around. If that's the case, we'll come in here and put the host clamp here. Let's go get probably use these. Let's try mocking up.
like what we think you know what we should do for like a an exit on them where we want to put these. Let's go look at a A VW and see how it looks on those scale-wise here's a VW Thing I Want to say they're in pretty decent will you say? it's like a third in almost on each side. so let's trying to mimic that. Actually, they kind of hang down a little too, don't they? I Don't know if we'll go with that.

Maybe we'll be a little bit better off being Center and we try to copy that. So if that were the case, it would probably be like right there on each side. What is that work out too? Let's call let's go with 2 in. We may end up welding that anyway.

Like right there look about right? So what do we do about that bracket? If we flip that, it's going to going to put the it's going to be the same thing on the other side, right? Yeah, we'll just throw a tack on there. We can get rid of that. but for now we'll leave it. Maybe we won't leave it.

Get a bridge I Think so. find out. Take that clamp out of there. Yeah, we got it.

Okay, let go find a couple of pieces of pipe that we like for the scale that we still have to cut this off to and cap that end. Let's trying to think something funky to use like spark plug sockets or something. Let's go see what the stash has to offer. I used to, uh, put this stuff in a bucket and dump it every time now.

I Just leave it out. I Don't even bother anymore about that. Another one. See another one.

Yeah, you're looking right at it. You won't even tell me. Okay, maybe those two piece of I'm going to keep looking just a little bit see if there's anything else that we like that may look kind of cool on it. Always Go Chrome Right, That's solid.

That's not going to work. What's that one? Yeah, that's a maybe piece of handlebar or something. It will go with that. It'll have a kind of cool look to it like Chrome VW tail pipes.

I'll keep looking. If not, that's that's what we're going to go with. See, we get rid of that little nub that's on there and fill that in. I Chop like a little bolt or something in there.

We'll just weld it up about something like like that. when you want to hold that while I weld it. Yeah, you would. wouldn't you need a stick? We push it with a stick.

How about P of V grips probably would have been a good idea that prep that metal first, huh? We take it off and get a better of weld on it right? Let's go drill some holes and let's go cut that into two nice little pieces of pipe. I' say we lower it offset. Why not go with make a line bar. It will come in two inches on each side.

Let's go it right there and right there. I'm going to take a minute. I'm going to take these, grind them on an angle so they kind of fit up a little bit better. Let me know when it's straight, it's off.
It's your fault. Go Something like what do you think right there facing way downhill it will leave it. Hey, remember the the buggy is up in the air a little too. that needs to be like like that.

Is that too much of a weld to fil? No I should be able to get that. Me try to repeat it one more time. Get one on that side. How we looking centered in the hole? We centered in the hole.

We are centered in the hole. Let's do it again. it's middle of the hole. Second one's the harder one because you got to match with you did.

I'm going to see about there now. We can tweak them. Yeah. Wonder if we should break this one off and grind it a little more? Step back and look at it.

You guys can critique me. that'll shut off in a minute. H Probably scale-wise that maybe. you know again, 50% of everything is what you thinking.

It's like a half scale like a regular dun. Bugg is about about 11 ft long. This is, uh, you know, 5 and 1/2 6 ft long. So we're coming right in.

Let's go grab where did they go the tail pipes. so I want to go with like half of a beetle tailpipe. You wouldn't All this wouldn't be exposed. You lose about that much anyway.

I Know I Think we're about there right? Let's um, plop the body on one more time and we'll kind of just eyeball things. make sure we're good. If so, we'll yank that muffler off of there weld. everything nice and tight.

Then we'll jump on the air cleaner. Here we go. I Think we find this plain room around everything good. I Wonder if we should kind of black this out so you don't see it regular? Beetle Engine might be able to do like some little fake something on side to side for the valve covers.

All right. I'm going to go weld everything up. Maybe give it a shot of black paint? we'll throw that back on. All right.

Who caught my error in my way is trying to get it off of there. and uh, you see the issue that has to travel off I don't know good two in and that bracket that is welding on that side does not allow that movement to get out of there. Even if I I rack it, it's not going to happen. so maybe I'll cut that off.

We'll go back to talking about what we do with the hose clamp and figure out a good happy solution. Might be able to get right by I Just didn't want to looks up at there. Maybe if we paint a black and it disappears won't be as much of an issue. Well, it would have been good.

they had some FL black heat paint, but they don't so well apparently I don't have any. Uh, how about upside down? It works. Upside down. The straw must have fell off.

Yeah, it's a semigloss but is probably going to burn off anyway, but at least it'll look somewhat. VW is it's hard paint like that? All right? So I'm going to finish that I'll give it another coat I'm going to hit it with a haird dryer. kind of speed things up a little bit. I Can throw that back on.
Well, that looks like a right proper. Volkswagen Halfs scale VW Muffler Other than the fact that you got to kind of hide, that part of it looks decent. uh, how? I fixed the bracket setup is I Pulled those studs out and I ended up just putting two bolts in. The problem with doing that, you're threading into aluminum and the reason why studs are there.

So um, you don't pull the threads out. Generally, you run a stud in, you grab, you know, half inch 3/4 of an inch of aluminum, and then you run a nut on. it's got full strength. When you're trying to run it in, you have a tendency to want to pull the threads out, and that's generally why they don't do that.

But as long as you don't take it apart too many times, it shouldn't be an issue. and now it comes off with that bracket like we had it. Neat. Let's go find ourselves an air clearer tin of some sort that'll fit on there.

Let's go upstairs and do some shopping and this Ro just has I guess I lost a bucket there a miscellaneous whatever I kind of find goes over here in the stash for future chopping up and using in a different fashion than what it was once made. Uh, probably you know. can something like I said we can take apart that's funky and try an old can of sorts I think is what we're looking for with with a lid on it. you use that.

Ther thermos is kind of big. We'll find something. it just hasn't jumped out at it at us yet. What we got in here? Too big.

fortunately. what about that right there right in front of us? Some goodies in it. We'll keep that in mind. a little on the large side.

See something about maybe half that size? If not, we'll use that got see how much room we got too. Let's go Peak On the other side, they had a container that had a bunch of different cans in it. What we got here, they had a lid on it at one point. Keep that in mind that might be a little too small.

It might be actually okay making a mess. Let's keep going. it's getting dark. Fix that.

Here's like an interesting area can looks a little. that's looks a little large too. but maybe we'll keep that in mind. Just stick this right up there.

We go that too bad it has a curve on it. We keep that in mind Spotlight down there there's a that's neat. What's that thermos? It's probably worth like a million dollars or something. Some kind of collectible sounds like it's got no insides.

Let's go. Uh, that might be entertaining. Grab that too if I find anything else neat looking I'll let you see. but I'm going to hunt around just for a couple more minutes that was too big and pick up all the crap.

I'm dropping. found something kind of cool I wonder if that might be better for like a bike build or something to save it, but it looks like we can make you some sort of air cleaner out of that. Let's go grab that and bring that down too. Kind of like the toe we're looking for about that guy.
It's kind of like we had before with the um, missing the uh, straight. what's this thing? um, like uh, powdered sugar I think might be better off with something like this and we'll save the other stuff for like a more of a custom bike build with that neat looking stuff. Anything else in there? got one more there with no lid on it? go I All that, it's about the right scale I think kind a cool, neat green door knob. Bring that down.

We could use that for something too. Yeah, all the other stuff was going to be too big. We don't definitely don't have enough room for that actually. I'm kind of wondering this too might just kind of get it in there I Really don't want to cut fiberglass if I don't have to, we just have to get past that.

might be able to wonder if we can bend it down too. It would be nice if we could find something like a um like I said like a a can you know something with like, um, a lid that opens up that's only about that deep and we can kind of come down with an air cleaner like that? something like that I think we need to kind of keep looking H I Made an executive decision to shim the body up a little. That's why it's good. it's not mounted yet I got a couple of uh, wooden blocks wedged under there.

Maybe we'll go with this for now. I was kind of I think this is kind of the shape I was thinking of but with like a a lid that opens from the top here and we can go like that on it I was I was thinking so I'll keep an eye out, but for now, let's punch some holes in this. We'll put this over the top of it and we'll call that like the air cleaner. Plus you can, you know, put air cleaner uh, material inside there.

a filter inside there wide enough won't get your nuts on I think I Make an executive decision I am chasing my tail trying to find something that is getting forced to fit that spot instead of me just taking my time and looking to find something kind of cool to fit in there. So uh Mak an executive decision and we will put that on hold. How about we take the body off of there and we DB a little bit of gas down it and we see how that exhaust sounds. That sounds like an excellent idea.

Yes I agree. All right, let's go do that. Stuck a little piece of fuel line on there see if we can back feed that and fill that carb up. Now we have a little bit of Reserve too in the fuel line.

I think on the first video we were having a problem with. um for that, this ought to taste good. That's all the way. I Think we might have been running out of fuel and that's why I didn't want to idle.

Let's go find out. back you up and Make Some Noise Plus everything's hooked up too, so let's give her a little. Prime choke shall we? Pretty good. Got our clutch is looking.

Yeah, still hunting around. it's running out of gas. It's going to WRA higher. What happens is it'll run lean for a second.
Good No. Lube on that chain or nothing either. There's no. Also, there's no, um, key in that tire.

so this one's freewheeling causing that rattle. Neat exhaust. SED Pretty good, huh? It wasn't terribly noisy, seemed like it was pushing out both tails pipes fairly even. And they're about the same temp.

Awesome that be pretty cool. I think we got to do something with the idle though. seems like it still does not want to go idle down far enough. again.

this is the idle speed and it's already backed all the way off I may try even um, throwing a motorcycle carburetor on there I Go see what I have something around the the size of this and maybe we can come up with something. we put make a manifold, we'll kick it down a little bit lower and then we can put a cool air cleaner on it. h decisions I Tell you well guys, unfortunately I knew this was going to be a week that was, uh, kind of tight on time for how much I can devote to this project, but we got somewhere along. Things are more finalized in the ass hand, you know, not, it's just not all slapped together.

Everything is correct, locations all welded up, the exhaust systems made um, brake systems lined up. We have a good clutch system that's not going to fall apart, things are permanently. Well, did we have a cool looking VW Beetle muffler on there and we saw, you know, plenty of the do I wasn't going to get it all done in this uh video anyway. but I was kind of hoping at least have the uh, everything in the back buttoned up.

That didn't happen. but uh, you know we will get to it. You have a gas tank to kind of go get I Want to chase? like I said a maybe a different carburetor motorcycle style that has a better idle speed and then with that we can kind of get another air cleaner to relocate maybe a little bit lower work with the room that we have. um, got to H the brake levers up the throttle I want to modify that steering wheel to have a maybe kick up and then a removable steering wheel possibly to get in and out of it easier.

but those are things for the future as far as this one guys I think we're going to go call it I want to thank youall for hanging out with me doing some wrenching uh, reliving my childhood that I didn't have of this stuff and I guess I'm living it now till then I'll see you later that's all buttoned up. let's go stack some bushings, bearings what you want to call them sleeves till we get out to the oh there you go will that do it hair play in it. You get a washer that can go over that I don't know if. Okay, here's that.

What about that one should do as long as you can catch threads on the actually I'm screwing up. what are you doing?.

By Mustie

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