I picked up this 2003 yamaha kodiak cheap but needed some love. on pt1 we got it fixed up so I thought, so back on the operating table again. and get the welder out.

Hey guys, it's the next morning and last night I tried to run it around by the shop and I did but it was just too dark to do any filming. probably should have anyway. So I rent it on the pavement. it hooks up good.

it would screw it like literally lift the front tires off the ground about 2 or 3. Ines and um went his sampit, did some donuts with it, you know, beat on it a little. Everything seemed like it was doing fine. Four-wheel drive worked and functioned correctly.

Brakes were nice. the CVT transmission shifted well, no issues with that. but so it was too dark last night and I put on my truck and I brought it to where go ride it in the trails I figured we' go for a little uh jaunt in the woods, it's fall, the leaves are coming down and go find ourselves a nice little Pond or something to park. and you know, after about 5 or 10 minutes of video we can uh, do our sign off.

Unfortunately it's uh, having an issue and I don't know if it's the same issue that it was before, but I'll I'll show you so first like a kitten and then nothing. Kind of like what it was doing before, but before you couldn't even move the machine like you could ride it, it'll probably go up to about 15 20 mph but it'll just rev, you know, starts breaking up my thought. possibly what happened before I even say that. So I tried draining the fuel in the car.

it's got like there's a a bleeder on the bottom where you could drain the FL the fuel ballb and possibly just water or something like that in their debris. it'll drain itself up. Made no difference whatsoever. So my thought is when I backed it off the trailer and I put it in reverse and I think possibly it may have a um governor of sorts in Reverse it doesn't allow it to rev very high and maybe one of those switches are stuck and it's not allowing it to rev at a high.

RPM I would think though the reverse light would stay on if that was the case. I Don't have answers right now. So although we would like to have done a trail ride on the end and you know Kumbaya party but um it's just not going to happen. It does not want to well play well, it's going to fight us I guess this is going to be a a part two we have other things to kind of go address Anyway, the Uh winch set up on the front.

We got the fan that's frozen for the uh cooling. although in cooler weather it would be fine. but for like now. uh in the summer time if you were doing a lot of slow riding, you probably have a good chance of cooking a motor.

So so we Le have to go address that got tire that going down and the winch relocating down lower on the frame in the front there. maybe make a little bit beef your front end on it but that will be for another video. Hey guys and how's it going? We're going to continue on this 2003 Yamaha Kodiak that I picked up that needed some love. It was having run issues and a bunch of other problems so we already knocked out one video of trying to bring it back to life.

Unfortunately it started acting up right when it was all done and ready to do the test drive. and I'll show you what that is and what we're going to try and fix and what that would be. You turn it on, fire it up it idle fine, go to rev it up. That's what it does.
it's not I Don't believe it is starving for fuel. The first time around it had a dirty carb and fuel was bad and everything. but it did run good for about 10 minutes. I actually rode it and it went Full Throttle and now it actually kind of acts like it's in limp mode or Sparks cutting out over a certain RPM So that's where we're going to go, try chasing further on and see what we can come up with.

All right, let's um, get a spark plug tester on it and we'll see if the light, uh, flickers and goes out, see if we're losing spark and kind of zero in on what direction we should be chasing. That's what I mean by a spark Checker this will flash an orange light uh, as it is running every time it gets a pulse and we'll see if that stays going or if it drops out on us. sometimes. the camera might, uh, not pick up very well too.

but I'll give you a heads up. What? I what I see it doing? It does seem pretty consistent. Um, that's not always a great indicator, but it does seem like spark is staying on I don't know I'm going to. um I may go pop the float bowl back off the carburetor again.

dig a bunch of this plastic out of the way and see what we got going on. I I said after was done. It ran perfect and uh, then we just lost it when it sat overnight and tried to run it the next next day right? I Got the airbox off. We're going to look at that slide.

make sure that slide is lifting up like it should. That definitely could be the issue too. so let's go crank her up. No, it's not that kind of thinking too.

Like, even if the CDI does it. uh, bounce. I I'm trying to think of what we kind of screwed around with and in here I Believe we have. One's going to be like a neutral safety switch.

one's going to be reversed. Letting it know it's in Reverse is my guess. Maybe we'll play with trying to unplug some of these and see if we get a different something out of it. Possibly there's a issue with one of them thinking that it's in reverse and maybe it does not allow it to rev when it's in.

Reverse I Don't know. The carb seems like it's doing what it's supposed to. So I popped each one off top. one's reverse.

This is Park on this one and this wire is neutral sending signals to the dash. this one. I'm not sure. Maybe it's the 4x4 going in and out to be my guess and I do not see that that.

I don't think that unplugs. Maybe it unplugs in a harness wherever it goes. may go chase that. I'm thinking maybe we'll just kind of go over some.

We're just kind of, you know, winging it right now. I may just open up a bunch of the connectors, see if we have any corrosion going on in anything, and then the CDI is right here. Maybe we'll lift that up. We'll check that plug, see if there's anything going on with that, and you know, whatever else we can kind of find out that's in there.
Not quite there. A relay. It's probably a starter relay. That's the starter relay.

I'm not sure what that one's going to be. You just see if we can find something that's you know, eating and a bedding. If we don't Uh, I may go pull that carb off again and we'll just take a quick look and see if anything is happening with it that you know either a jet fell out or I don't know it. Idle is perfect I Started with the connections over here I pulled them all apart and I don't see anything out saying I believe it's this one is the one that went down to that transmission that we were talking about with the bolt plugged on it.

My guess is maybe four-wheel drive. All these look pretty clean. I'm going to go hit them with some contact cleaner. That one looks a little funky, huh? I'll hit him with some contact cleaner and then we'll fire it up.

We'll just keep on trying to uh, you know, zero in or eliminate different things. What about the wire that'ss under it? My other guess is maybe like whatever signal it it has to have a pulse generator somewhere telling the engine you know what RPM and where that's in so that has to be able to communicate somewhere on the crank to tell the computer what RPMs it's running at and you maybe that connector that that pickup could be bad too. So all right. so I put those back together and really there's no difference.

but I did find something I tried fire it up. see right if I stick my finger in the carb and I hold the slide from going up. It does seem like the RPMs are allowed to go higher when I uh get rid of the uh stop the velocity from from going up so it may be uh in that carb after all. again still trying to brainstorm what's happening.

uh before I do that and I jump onto there. One last thing. I still want to kind of get the computer out of there and to look at the contact on here and make sure that there's no issues with with this plug too. So let's get that lifted up out of there and take a peek at it.

So this is the computer that controls the spark and the plugs look pretty clean. I do not see anything with this. everything looks dry and I don't see any uh deformities much in the case like a big hot spotter anything that went on so it is start starting to look like it's back on fuel again. so I'm going to button this stuff back up and we'll take that carb off there see if we can see anything that happened or the the thing was it I don't find feel like it's something that was put together wrong vacuum hoses and that kind of thing cuz it did run perfect I really ran it for 10 minutes and I shot it off, got cold and then the next day it wouldn't run So and it was like right off the bat it wouldn't run.
It's kind of a rubber. It's not a solid epoxy, it's a um like a rubber base that's in there. Probably better that way. Can can kind of expand and contract with the cold and hot temperatures.

All right. So get point. Was going to rip the carburetor off and star to take hoses off and and look at things and I Glance over I Don't If you can see it, you see the orange wire. You see the wire next to it, see the wire next to it.

it's all burnt. Get you in there a little closer that one that goes up to the coil. It looks like it is possibly the ground for the coil. So let's go open up.

let's take this rack back off. Take this piece of plastic off the front, see if we can access that coil. take a peek, see what's going on inside there. I Have a feeling maybe we are losing ground to the coil and that would kind of make sense.

it just I Don't know it. although we saw spark keep going and it's kind of pointing towards fuel for some reason I keep kind of going back to spark it E I Don't know. look at that Front plastic off of there and it looks like this one right here is the one going to the coil and it looks like so this is the plug going down the rest of way to the Quil and this is coming up from electrical system. It also looks like it's almost like it's burnt together have to ground it out.

They made it all the way through and they're shorten each other out right there I Don't know. Definitely doesn't look like it should, does it? I Don't know if like high resistance in the coil like what would cause that again I don't know if one is ground and one's a signal, you would think that um yeah, the other side of it how Punky it is I'm not quite sure where that's bolted down I don't know if I have to get this hole this whole plastic thing off the front which is going to be somewhat involved I don't know if it goes down under the Um you got. Take the ROM boards and everything off, don't you? Yeah, you know that we know how much fun that's going to be. I wonder if I could wiggle that coil out? I'm going to see if I can get up in there, unbolt that coil.

Probably should undo this connection right here too and see if um, we have any um cooked. High Resistance I'm not going be able to do that onehanded. Yeah. I'll bring you back when I get that open yeah I P That plug off the black definitely goes to the ground.

It bolts to the outside of the coil. I Just pulled I You can see it up in there I Pulled the orange off of that terminal and then the other is a ground so it looks like it was having a poor ground going to it I wonder if maybe we could hook that up and leave the black? I if we can do that so we leave the black off of it you see the plug's all cooked too on the inside and uh run a jumper down to it then see if it kind of the problem goes away I do is separate the orange wire, wonder what had caused it and what was the original failure I was kind of thinking maybe well if the fan was locked up, is it on the same circuit was like the fan trying to use the ground also and it overcooked it I don't know so we'll plug that back in and actually I'm going to do I take a razor blade I'm going to slice this little jacket. Can we just pull it apart? Yeah. kind of isolate those too so it's not touching I got to look up top to the rest of you know what this plugged into and we'll see if um, it's burnt where they're kind of jumping across each other too cuz that would uh reduce voltage going to the coil.
also h good if that was our problem. Got a bad coil too I wonder if the coils just trying to draw too much? That should can be it. it's not like it I don't know. Jump ahead so let glue some stuff together, put some jumpers on, see if we get any difference.

All right. Fire in a hole you anything? Nope. still not playing. well.

keep digging I may go pull I think maybe we can kind of split the plastic here. get this off of the front and I I kind of want to get in there and look at see what happened and repair that. I'm kind of thinking also with the I don't know like why I don't have answers yet I want to try to get this plastic off if I can can without too much trouble looking around what it, how it's attached I think last time we tried getting the running board off and that's what was fighting us. Plus we want to while we're in there, we probably get to that electric fan.

Yeah, that was easy. So I'm kind of looking at things and I'm regrouping on it and I'm thinking that the coil is bolted right to the frame. It really should not need an external ground to feed that. Anyway, the bolt.

Get rid of this. The bolt that the coils bolted down to is what that black wire goes to. It doesn't go to the coil, it just bolts to the frame. I'm thinking what they did, the orange wire is a signal going to the coil and then the black wire was just a ground point for the harness and possibly maybe it went.

We found that the fan was locked up, it didn't turn I wonder if it that was the ground for the fan or the ground for the thermal couple and because it was locked up, it caused it to cook a little and that's why that wire is burnt and maybe has nothing to do with. Good thing we pulled it apart too. look at the radiator, the dirt that's packed in there. So while we got that nose off, we'll deal with whatever's going on with that fan or get another fan motor, possibly free it up but again getting sidetracked.

So I don't think this is going to help us I'm going to fire it up one more time I'm probably just going to disconnect the black wire Al together and we'll run the orange one to the coil. I don't see where El go from there. it just kind of hides in the harness. you can't really tell where it goes I don't see it melted to any other wires besides that one.
this the one we're talking about and then it just goes into the the heart of the harness. You can't tell from there. So onward I think uh, we go back to the carb and where I was complete. Um, pulling that back out and looking at it again because although we get sidetracked with that burnt wire which seemed like a good idea I don't think that is what our issue is.

let's go fire it up one more time if we can now that everything's all over the place. see if everything still works in there somewhere. Nope, not. It seemed a little better though, didn't it little higher? RPM All right, let's open that carb.

All right. Come out of there you little troublemaker put up a fight for that too. Come on out there you go and it's go. Bring her to the bench cracker open and see if we can find anything.

Yeah, let's start with a a urine sample out of it. We able to crack that bowl on a fuels left in it. There you go well with that piss out. we'll see if there's anything.

uh I Highly doubt it. There can to be water in it. I'm here rattling I'm wondering if the jet fell out possibility. Okay, been that dumb to not get it good and good and tight I think we're this is the screw that we had to yeah I got to get a um, hold on a second.

we got to get a better screwdriver. We do it right because we do it twice. That one was stripped out last time. we had to go cut a Groove in it.

A You suck. So the barrel? yeah, yes, so was just running too much fuel you idiot. I Didn't have it tight enough and it shook itself apart chasing electrical issues going through all that crap. now.

lesson learned. Sometimes you're just a you do dumb. Well, we wanted to work on that fan anyway. didn't we? You know, while we're here, let's just check.

Huh? I Got to look back at the old footage on actually I didn't I didn't film putting the carburetor together. there's where you went it wrong. You guys would have been able to tell me everything looks pretty clean. Yep, without the jet, it just runs too rich, floods itself over and can't run.

We found some other stuff too. Education: I Tell you which one had the bail on it that one I Think so right? All right guys. I'm going to go take some time and go put all this back together and give it another shot. See how it runs, then what we're in here.

This seal was not doing what it was supposed to be doing. We were getting some seepage coming around the bowl I clean that track out best I could I'm going to go see if I have another one, even if you have to steal it off another carb. it's got like a bunch of, um, impregnated corrosion in the rubber. That too, Maybe we could flip it over the other side if I can't find one.

I'm going to do a little bit of shopping. so how close is the carb kit for a Yamaha Tww 200? Looks like it's got a different kind of weird step to it. Nope, not it. Fortunately I think this is the one I was thinking of I got it back together I couldn't find a gasket but I cleaned that up, surface, clean that surface up as best as I could and I think we may have it.
So what? I was doing earlier I was holding this slide from um, velocity stack from lifting up and that has the needle. As that lifts up, the air fuel mixture richens up. That's where the fuel is drawn through. with that needle you can see it's Progressive it's got a taper to it so I was holding it down.

it wasn't allowing as much fuel to go and that's probably why it ran a little bit better. It's kind of like indicating carburetor issues, so that's just a regular throttle right there. Let's go put her all back together and fire it up. See what we get right? Got her back together? kind of sort of.

Let's uh, figure out Keys already on. shouldn't need choke? let's give her a crank. Okay guys I need two hands. Let's give her a little bit of Choke just to try to get the throttle up.

choke off. that's better idiot. who's the idiot that was working on this all right I just wanted to prolong the agony. So I'm going to just go over things, make sure everything I got everything buttoned up I think why while we got everything apart cuz we planned it this way.

Let's um, go see if we can get that fan out of there and see if we can get that fan either. Free up, find out what's wrong with it. You know, possibly order another one. but I want to get that out and see if we can possibly save it? So you think the chances are that's going to wiggle right on out of there? That's close.

so close. Got a red eater lift that up? can't remember. We still got to get back in there too. So come on, you're like there any other way to get it out.

TR put the two to the top. you're almost there. like climb up on it. Yeah, just a teaser we're going to call you Eleanor one those machines that just don't want to play well.

got to get a bolt out right there and L hose to go over a little. no that was not spit up. Give me that last little bit. Come on there we go.

All right, let's go bring that to the bench and see if we could save it. You think a chances are if we just kind of give her a little it's got a little movement in it. There it goes. Can we get some lube in her moves better with Lube right? I Don't know if we can.

Access is like a little vent cap CU Here's another area back in here so it have has a breather. Looks like water got down in there though. Let's go see if we can get it. It kind of looks like it's welded together so I don't think we'll be able to get it goes about 3/4 of the way there.

it goes. A lot of drag though. I Don't know if we can. Looks like it's got like a pin it's pinched over on here.

actually looks like a weld doesn't it right there look like that cap is welded on it. I don't know about the front end. keep working it. I wonder if we hook like um we get like a drill or something? probably get a drill on that nut if we get it free up.
not going to snap it off and we just kind of work it. We could probably shoot some oil down inside that tube. The vent tube there basically on a four-wheel like a lot of like the rear differentials. um this you as temperature on anything changes the it can create a a vacuum or pressure so it's not sealed so there's a little always a vent tube going to or from one and the vent tube has to run up high somewhere so that like especially if you like you go in water see we use a differential for example it's hot and then as soon as you hit the water it cools well then it wants to draw in because it's cooling down the nature of things and so if there's a it has a vent somewhere on it or it doesn't have a vent, it'll try sucking it in through the seals on the on the axles.

but if it does have a vent, it's going to draw in from there. So they run a tube from that up to someplace high and that's where they all are. They're all around like where the handlebar is the highest part of the machine. the vent tube and that's what that vent tube went to I Don't know if at some point it went underwater cuz I could actually see like rust going down the throat of it.

Let's um, I don't think we're going to do it any harm. it's not freeing up any more than that. Let's um, see if we can get a bunch in there, try to work that, and uh, maybe we'll get a drill hooked up to it. Like I said, we'll try to spin it with the drill and just get the bearings are free.

Nothing saying the motor's any good still. but I fig we'll give it a give it a shot. I Actually see, let's wait for that to stop I actually see three screws right here? I wonder if maybe it splits right there? or if it's just a flange that it's holding to? I I My guess is is just going to be a flange I don't see that splitting. that and that look like they're the same size.

Let Up drag. What do we got to lose right? Let's go take it apart. um I Don't know if we should take the blade out of our way. I'll try taking the screws out first and see if we can get any kind of Wiggle out of it.

I Guess it's it set. Come on you. Now they're going to just rip out. now.

they're just caming out right screwdriver. Just not enough to. um, let's um. I'm going to work some oil.

I'm going to run a tube down inside there, fill this up with oil a little bit and we'll try to work it. and uh, yeah. worst case scenario: we're going to go cut that open. Let try getting a fan off of there.

Possibly we can we get in there to put some oil behind it there go, and now we can get to that bearing look like I Got it soaked pretty good to begin with. Put that nut back on there and put on a drill. think I just rounded it off. Okay, yeah, we get a better sock in.
We'll try hook it into a drill, see if we can spin it. Let's try that. Let's go pick up the piece a little kick her in a second doesn't feel promising. There's no way he's going to spin on its own.

Uh, let's go back to what we were talking about. Let's go get a little tube and we'll try feeding oil up inside there and let's Splash around. How about some WD pressurize herself in here? Problem is, there's no no place for the air to go. You know it's not like there's another hole in the other end that we may end up Drilling in it trying to get some fluids in it.

My guess it would be that back bearing getting warm. so I'm going to do that for a little bit. I'll bring you back I'm going to just kind of run it and work it and see if we get any kind of freedom to it. If we do get it to free up then we'll put power to it and see if anything happens.

Been working it? It's actually I think the front bearing cuz I was rinsing it out and it was. It's not doing it now, but it was piss and rush out when I would go to rinse it. so it's definitely I don't know it's a bearing. it's probably a bushing more than a bearing.

Definitely getting better. I Wouldn't say great though. still got a lot of drag to it. Part of me is wanting to drill a hole right in the back.

there. a little pin hole so you can get some some fluid into that side of it and still too chalky to put power to it. I am thinking that was the ground wire too because here's the black wire on here I wonder if that's just where they were picking up ground on it? It was drawing so much heat, it just kind of cooked the wire cuz the fan couldn't spin like the current went up. We're going in.

How about like on an angle like that? it's try it right there as I stab it in my fingers? let's go slower down. I Think the variable speed on my drill crapped out just on or off. Yeah. I can see rust.

Literally rust came out of the hole. If you can see it from the drill bit alone, let go. soak that. Now we spin it.

How good's the warranty on these drills? I got another one over there. there. it's going. we'll work that.

I Want to get any the rinse out of it? Actually, we could probably blow through it now. Now we get that other end opened up right? Let me point that down, see if it'll it'll piss some fluid out. Oh yeah, already. look at a rust coming out of it.

Let's do that again. Rust is just like blowing right through. Let's give it a a a white rag that well fill it right up with wherever we can, right? Go, let's spin it a little bit, let that stuff wash around. getting better.

Who knows any no, no, no rust was inside that motor. I'll do that a couple more times and uh, we'll try hooking power to it. Starting to feel pretty free now. Got to be free enough to spin with our fingers lightly.

I think even that still still too much drag. All right. I'm going keep picking way at it. All right.
It's a few days later, actually about a week later. I Believe our fan came in. One of my fans. it's a I think a universal one too.

Let's go pop that out of another box, see how close it is to fitting one of those you go on eBay and they tell you this will fit that? sure it will. Only other one was a used a used fan untested and I Seem to have found out in the past when something says untested means they tested it and it doesn't work. Let's go get the old one. We'll lay it over the top of that and we'll go see how close two of those are together since just those three mounting holes.

Oh, look at that. All right, let's grab the blade. Probably looks like it'll even do better. Definitely a little bit more surface area on that one.

Let's um, try hooking a jumper pack up to this one, see how she spins ready? it's going to. let's hold her down. Oh yeah, that seems pretty good. Make sure it's going the right direction.

so the air is coming out this way. No, it's going that way. so that bolts to the radiator, right? Yeah, it draws through. Good I think it's even got the right? plug on it.

Kind of surprised it isn't exact. fit be damned. Let's go look at that radiator. I think it's got a bunch of crap in it and judging by the amount of dirt that's packed in there, let's go try.

I Don't know if it's an air gun will do it or let's just try. We can get through the front of it, hitting it with an air gun. Can this piece come out? Flush it a little. I'm trying to think I can just get my hand in with an air gun.

Let's um, I'm going to do a little bit of unbolting. make it easier for us anyway. I'm get some of this stuff out of our way. we may I have a feeling we're going to kind of work on this and get this into a different location, so you might as well.

We might as well take it apart. so without further Ado I'm going to go hit with some Impact Guns Think the chances are that's going to come out of there. These came out again. There's no real way to get to them.

Got one on the other side. We could probably put some heat on those though. Let's try those. ERS There we go, those will come out.

Here's the two on the bottom. Maybe we can loosen both of these. We could like rock the frame. It'll help loosen it.

Yer you around see if it's gotting movement to it There we go. What if we just kind of pull it down? You loosen this up, you might be able to swing the whole thing. Let me try. Uh, throw the wrench on the bottom that we wiggled it a little.

There we go. You like that Freedom I Tell you Top heavy. I Would have thought the upper bars would have had a little bit more attachment to it. it's just the two little thin rails that were connected so the two fat ones there, but this is the only thing holding the upper I Thought that would have been little bit more supported.
All right we got going on over here. One, two, and three and four. Let's get this out of our way and we'll start trying to re blow that out at least and reassemble the fan. Looks like a face, doesn't it like a frog? See, you'll kick some dust out of it.

I Keep working on on on that and turn the paint on. Makes a nice Haze In here got turn on the fans and evacuate. Looks pretty good I don't if you can see the light through it now. got see through the whole thing.

much better. a little bit right there. good. I think the chances are that that's going to just drop right in there.

Oh come on there. the other one put up a fight kit out looking good. Awesome! Get that bolted up and I think um I may take a moment and start buttoning up some of the plastic going across. We can probably reassemble and then we'll work on that wind setup.

I'm not sure which one's going to come first, but let me get that taken care of. and uh I think it's next day I Want to jump on fixing that I turned the key on I'm going to hit it with a heat gun. This is the thermal couple that tells the fan to come on. It probably will work with.

um, just the Keyon not being running. I'm going throw a little bit heat on that area. You probably just would have been a smart idea. Put a test light on one side of that, see if we had power on one side.

let's see what happens. You know what? Let's take that off. it will jump it. We jump this connector.

we see if the fan comes on, make sure I'm not trying to overheat the thing. you know? give me a second, we'll uh, get that off and put a jumper across it. There we go see what that does. Yeah, so go.

I can just push the wires right out of it. Yep, if that thermal couple gets hot enough, it should do what it's supposed to do. Should, if not, I'll have to get one of those. Everything else is functioning.

Yeah, we're kind of sitting on an angle, but we want to try to come in down here right about. probably right about there somewhere. kind of tuck it underneath. I Was thinking that they probably do make a bracket for here.

This has the fair lead wherever that ended up. so the the fair lead is the the mounting base plate that this sits on. like that those two just get bolted together. This is the guide for the cable so it doesn't run off the roller.

So this is what we have to kind of locate somehow. I don't see much to kind of work with I'm sure we can weld up some brackets. This whole assembly is really beat up the whole uh, nose of it. It's pretty trashed and all the holes that are drilled in it I have a front end off of something that somebody gave to me.

Let me go grab that real quick and we'll just kind of eyeball that see if it might be a little bit better structure they're trying to work with than this thing. so that's what we had. This is what we got I don't know what it's off of. It does look like it already took a hit at some point too.
It's got a bit of a twist to it, but it looks like it's got a 1 and a/4 in receiver set up for like a little uh hitch to go on it. Well, I Do believe it's for a front setup. The two mounting points I see right there kind of look fairly close to that. We might I'm going to take a tape measure.

we'll measure across see if that'll kind of grab the bottom bolts. Yeah, look at the twist that's on it might be able to cut you. We cut all this right off of it and we could slice these guys. Weld them onto this me go lay it out and look at it I can get back far enough from it to see what it looks like I think we that definitely is a a lot more Stout Looking we should have room to get the winch Can it can come forward more cuz you want to clear the tires of it I Think what I'm going to do is I'm going to lay some of the Plastics back on it again and give us a point where they sit.

like here's the where the bolt hole on this rack is and then the original spot is down there I think we're might be better off. Like I said though, cutting that whole front section off, it's already so Twisted it's and it's all at least E8 inch so it's not like I can just go bend it back into shape and put it on I like that better. Maybe we can kind of come up with something that uh, we could tie back to a better part of the frame than the two little skinny tubes that they had going I think it went right to there. They had the two hard stronger ones on the bottom and then that little skinny tube going up to this and then we can, uh, at the same time maybe make a a plate winch.

I'm going go throw that at least the where the headlight part was back on it and we'll see what it looks like. see if we can get the headlights to. you know, try to be roughly in those holes. Let's give her a little weight reduction.

Get that bent off part out of our way. We still may use it over, but it'll be easier to straighten, not attached off with your head. Grab a straight edge I Can't cut a straight line to save my life? The edge up real quick with a grinder and then we'll lay it back up there and see how it kind of wants to. You know, do that.

Push the uh lift back further and we're just kind of hanging from the rafters, kind of seeing where we want it and kind of screw around with the winch. I'm thinking if we could place it probably right about there. really don't want to go much lower. Um, the only thing is we're going to have to try to suck in more towards the radiator.

Although you this is just plastic, we can cut the base of this open a little bit. I Don't think we're going to block much of the wind now that we have a a working fan. Uh, so that's what I think we're going to go pick away with. Maybe we'll cut the two legs off of this right here and we'll use those for starting points.
We'll Mount them back down to where they were down at the base and we'll come up off of them. We'll see how that you know kind of lines up, then we can build off of that. We just kind of get things you know roughly where they want to be and we can kind of keep tweaking from there. That should make a little bit of a difference for uh, this quad is getting built for my wife and uh, trust me this is needed.

She had she called me up once and uh oh she's going to laugh when she hears the story. watching the video she calls me up. She goes I got the ATV stuck the the other one and um I go there she's in I said stay on the trails, don't go in the woods. You know you're not used to it quite yet.

She's in the middle of the woods. There's a tree 2 in from the front dead center and a tree 2 in from the back dead center. That thing was wedged right like how' you even get it in there so trust me this is needed. So uh, let's um continue on.

I'm going to go cut those off and we'll We'll bolt them to the bottom and see how they line up. I Pushed a work table back, give us some room in front to work here and film. Uh, this is just hanging from the ceiling from a strap. It's it's kind of sitting there, got the two pieces put on, and it's kind of eyeballing where things would go.

Like I said, the winch is going to kind of cut into that airbox somewhere. but I want to start finalizing this and then we'll worry about uh, where the winch is going to get mounted. So my thinking is, let's hog these pipes out on a curve so that they'll kind of made up to this surface. Maybe we'll get them kind of where we want it, put a tack on each one them.

We always take it apart if we want to later, but we'll start working on the structure where it's going to go fit and work our way back. uh, afterwards, making a uh, a mount for the winch plate. Let me go. Uh, take a grinder, do a little bit of that, try to save the camera and not film it, and uh, we'll keep moving forward.

So what's the saying? If it looks straight, it is straight I don't if it looks straight, but that's what we're going with. so it's welded. Was tacked on those two pieces down below. We can kind of move it around just a little bit.

We get rid of the strap I'm think we could take the plastic. Maybe we'll put that back on. It's kind of a painy ass cuz you have to wrap it around the shifter. but I want to get that in place because there's a couple of contact points that you know help support that plastic.

here. you show see on the old front bumper the brackets that were on it. So Like These Arms we're going to go. you know to get some lateral support.

these have to come. go on. I Think it these were for holding the Plastics and I think there was a couple of tabs on there somewhere also right those right there so keep picking away. But let's get the plastic Dro down around the front of it and we'll see where how things are lining up.
It's got a happy face on, more of a grin to it. So let's get these. like were the upper supports upper lower middle. Yeah, because this is the top right here.

Let's cut these off and they went. Where did they go I Want to say was right in here somewhere right there see how close we can come to reaching something out here to go grab, give us a little bit of support and then we. At that point we could probably start looking at the winch where that's going to fit in. Let's go hacka them off.

Hacka. What's That's the best way to get it like that? Look at the rust that came out of that. no water got inside that frame. Go hack off the other and walk them over there.

and BT the demo. you can see how much closer that other bar was I think this one. you know it bellies out much further than the first one did. which is good cuz it's going to give us room for the winch.

but we are about about 3 in shy. I Wonder if we can come find a piece of pipe? Maybe that'll slide over this and we could probably even go all the way back to here with a little bit more girth to it? Let's go check the stash, see what we can find. something that'll fit on that and into the stash of metal. that one looking at us right in the eye as we walk in that is so close.

Look at the thickness of that too. Maybe we'll steal that. It's like asking to be used I Used it for a pry bar. Let's go see if there's anything else that was way too easy.

Here's a winch plate. This is for like a full size. like a truck or something. That's what that is.

what we got down there. What's that has a little bit of play in it. Might be good if we could find a length of that I might have. That's like um, links that you would buy most everything here is, uh, you know, stuff that's been used off of something else does.

Stash I Think that first piece that we got is good enough? Let's um, grab some Square stuff with us too else is in here. just bring that over with us just as we cuz we got to make a frame up anyway. Right for the for the winge. So yeah, we'll bring that one that's over there more.

Square Tubing another piece of that's going to be too big. What about that red stuff? Let's go see if that. Nope. So I pulled the front end in a little bit further I we got about an inch between there I wouldn't want to go any closer than that and I don't we still far apart by? let's call that roughly 2 in.

Let's go make like whatever it is to that first Bend right there and we'll cut off some pieces, go six, six and half six and then we'll be able to slide it right over to here. We'll clean that up. We may bend these. I'm thinking we take these.

We kind of bend them in a little bit. so we meet right at this point where the all the joints kind of meet together. That's where we, um, only thing that sucks though, that is, um, going to make the bottom nice and strong. but we still need something definitely up above that goes back.
Did this thing even have a rack on the front? Do you remember I don't even remember if it did, we could probably go with trying to get to that point. There's a cover that goes over this. Maybe we'll do that. Maybe we'll come off the front and we'll scoop down.

We'll grab that that'll give us a decent amount of strength. Is that something strong under it that goes right to the top of the shock mount? That looks like a good place to go? Yeah, good. Glad you mentioned it. All right, Let's go hack off a couple pieces.

We'll slide them on there for reference and then maybe we'll start with um, seeing how the winch is going to fit in there and how we're going to like like that setup. oh that rack that you took off tell it's been a little while so that took it apart. Let's go throw that up there real quick. see where that lines up with the front setup? Yeah, there we go I think we could Bridge cuz here's those uh, tabs right there so we could probably come out straight across to them I Like to make it so that that location could be unbolted.

Let's see where we are kind of lining right up with this and will that give us enough strength? That's pretty much does what we were talking about. that rack is much heavier. The rack weighs three times what that original front bumper did. So yeah, maybe that's a that'll work out for us.

We just kind of come out with a metal tab from there, something really thick and we'll just bolt it to that. So this bolts down there out here. and then this corner will be boxed in that'll be boxed in and that'll be locked. so it'll be locked there there.

I shouldn't say boxed and there. That makes all one piece going across. We may still kind of grab someplace from the middle of it. All right as we were.

Let's go cut those little pieces of 6in piping, get them in here, and we'll try to wiggle the wind chin and see how it looks he got them slid on. I Think that's pretty good right there. If we catch it, we might even be able to if we want to bend it prob come up if we want bend it out to here. Going to split the load up a little bit.

Let's get the winch and we'll see how much room we need. That might be the best bit. Maybe we'll try to come out a little higher up here. What about the tire turning? Go that.

That might be a wheel in the way of that though. Remember that suspension goes up. There's the edge of the tire right there. We can kick it out a little.

Maybe Happ We split the difference. Maybe right there. All right, big girl. Get in there.

So we want to get up roughly into when it's centered? Yeah. See that this pipe's going to be in the way? Does it matter? If we can, we kick it to one. You know, ideally this it would be good to spool it in the center. I Wonder if we should try to keep it? Maybe just like that instead of like that, we go there.
Let's uh Plastics In our way, let's go take a sharpie. We'll mark some of that plastic. We'll wiggle that out enough where we can get the winch to sit up in this area right here. So I'll Notch this out I Guess we could always move it later too.

Might end up cutting like this whole uh, duck work right out of here. So let's go for let's go. For now, we'll be a little on the minimal side. We go from there I Wonder if we can think the motor will clear you going to temporarily mark it there, but realistically, it's going to be all the way to the edge over here.

All right, going. do some notching I Wonder if we able just to trim that? If you can leave the fins there, let's go see enough room. I'm going to notch out. for now.

we'll just go straight across. I Try to leave these here I Have a feeling we have to get rid of all of it, but let's go see if that'll work. Rotate It got to be like that might work mounting Point Drop down. so if we were able to get the mounting plate that this sits on right there I Think we could leave the rest of it behind it.

We still have access to the the release speak now see anything that's going to go wrong? Let me know. Let's go see about that mounting plate where we can kind of try to place it. maybe get a couple tacks on it. Me back you up a little bit.

I'm thinking something like if we can get it right there again, ideally be good in the center, but I'm thinking we might just kick it over, maybe to right there. I'm going to throw a bolt or two in the winch and we'll try to set it up and see. and I'm going to fast forward just a little bit. I'm going to try to.

you know, fudge. fit that in there a little bit and I'll bring you back when I come up with a solution. closer to getting in, but this metal tab has to go slice that off. I Think we got it and we could put it Center too.

It shouldn't be an issue. Plenty of room to go around it. I Seeing underneath I Think what we can do too once. Um, so this is the plate that's going to get permanently mounted to this The Fairly can come off, We can weld it right across there and what we'll do after these are attached.

We should be able to put a bar across the back and we'll catch the back back. Edge also and that's should really support is fairly good. We'll have it front and rear. so I'm going to take some time.

I'm going to get try to get this thing moving a little bit. I Going do some cleaning up some tacking here and there and bring those bars out. figure out where I want those I Think we're going to be able to come in probably right about here on this one. Again, the higher up the better I may even try to.

um, no, we're not going to I say we try to get up in this area but I don't think it's going to happen. You just just going to have to go find out after you come back. I think we've uh, pretty much got it metal carved out as far as we need I made some brackets to attach the upper rack to these. They really thick too.
They got some how you want to call them short piece of angle like a stubby angle. There you go so those are ready to get buzzed on. It feels pretty again. everything's just tacked with loose Hardware Stout Threw the winch back in.

A little tricky trying to wiggle it in there. I think I may cut the mustache down a little bit. Maybe maybe knock about an inch or so off of each side. just a little bit more than what the body is that way.

she knows if the front the front fits through and the rest is going to do the same. So I'm think I'm going to go around I'm going to tack it in a bunch of different places, try to get it a little bit stronger then going to remove the whole assembly, weld it all up, paint it black, put it back on and the only thing I don't I didn't add. There was brackets right here that the again the frame was closer that attached these points again all the screws are still loose. I'm going to see how it is afterwards.

we may come back and visit. that may just leave it alone and not put them on there. We'll see I like it. Even this kind of goes back almost in the same place.

Here's the the mounting holes for that and I think we'll be close enough. If not, I'll just open the you know, the plastic holes up a little bit for the bottom skid plate looks pretty tough. it weighs I don't know. 25 lbs hanging off the front of it too though.

All right I'm going to fast forward I'm going to try to get all the Plastics back on. hopefully it's anything weird in between. I'll stop and uh, film it, but for the most part I want to get her buttoned up and uh, see if we can putt this thing around a little bit in about 45 minutes later. just make sure I didn't have any pinched wires and took my time with any hardware that needed to be replaced with something decent Jam nuts on them and that kind of thing so they don't back off and the front end.

No complaints whatsoever. got her all welded up and painted up. I ended up um, kind of putting the winch on the frame of it and supported it from the strap. Again, kind just lowered it.

um, lowered it, lured it, supported it, guided it in. We'll go with that into place and then just put the it's essentially six bolts that lock that whole front end on. With those six bolts off, you can just remove it with the winch and then you just have to remember that unbolt the two wires that are on it. but I like it.

definitely strong. I Took the Caps that were on that other front bar over there I think they were on the on the top up here. put them on there and until the the first branch that she hits here and slides down the side of it rips them off but at least it keep water out like it going to go. Char put the battery on a trickle charger for tonight and then uh, we'll go lower her down and see how she does before I forget I Went to the swap meet this weekend and got some other cool things for other videos but free pile was a set of tires I Asked them what they're off of.
you know what? they're off of a? Yamaha Kodiak So we got two front tires, two rear one of the front tires. I Know no good. the cords are coming through on one of them, not that one or the one below it, but the other three. There you go.

you see the wires hanging out, but the other three are good. So we got spares. We got one front tire that is leaking slowly on that, so replace that and we'll hold on to those two just for just in case. I Forgot my ramps.

See how well this works? No problem. Go for a ride. Look like we're going have to hop a couple of trees. see how it does in two wheel drive? No problem.

Uhoh yeah, that one might be an issue. Let see if I can drag it out of the way. yeah Bridge Open Brought a chainsaw with me. turn the choke off the rest of the way.

Idle should come down. Yeah. suspension is actually quite nice. Takes the bumps well.

Water crossing this one performs much better than the other one. automatic. You don't have to shift you. It's got low range too if you really get it stuck in the mud, but seems like it pulls.

pretty good. Yeah, she's going to like this machine a lot better than the other one. it's the other one. It was always in four-wheel drive so when you went to go make any kind of turn it would fight you on the handlebars cuz you know the inside tires are turn trying to turn same speed the outside tires are and it just bites because on four wheels the rear end is a locked differential so in two wheel drive you can kind of break the rear tires loose.

it'll slide around the corners. I Almost tipped it little to R of a bumpy area to try doing donuts. Got to be careful too because in the leaves there stuff hiding you can't see the tips of the rocks and stuff that are popping through. Think just a whole four-wheeler that burned up on the side of the trail up here.

My feet are wet, that's a good thing. We washed it and cleaned it up all nice. didn't take long for that to get muddied up. Yeah but that's what there for.

Let's go. Uh, show you what I'm talking about I think we looked at it once before. was a Suzuki like a 230 two wheel drive about doing a whe around on that. huh? That's Yamaha we need parts Is A Is it two wheel drive? Yeah it's two wheel drive.

no front axles going to it. Wait a minute says Yamaha there and it says Suzuki on the engine. take a pick, let me know what you think it is. All right.

let's go continue to a little bit of riding. That's nice. one more W Move guys, take a little be over a break. I've run for about a half hour or so I ran through high range, low range, verse forward.
Everything seems good. The dry belt seems fine I was going to open that up and see what kind of condition that was in because uh, the machine was mostly used for plowing a driveway and it has a tendency to uh, you know, smoke a spot of it. Generally when that happens you feel like a lot of slipping in the trains and you'll uh feel like a vibration. especially if like one spot of the belt has a a wear spot in it every time it goes around and goes around the pulley the belts slightly a different size.

it kind of um kind of like have a frozen link on the Chain has that same kind of feeling to it, seems perfectly fine. you boot it, you hear it rev up. that's just the back tires doing wheel spin the whole time. so it's uh, function like I should.

the only I kind of screwed up on is on the dashboard. there's uh, two bulbs I have backwards for the neutral light and for the uh. the light for the display is uh backwards. So you go to put in neutral.

the uh light lights up. when you turn the headlights on, the neutral light lights up. So I just got to pop that cover off and flip them around but seems pretty pretty good. Haven't smashed it against any trees yet to test that front bumper, but we'll see.

We'll leave that for my wife to try cuz it will happen. Trust me. Uh, this should work out really well for her. Like I said that the four-wheel drive that she has now which is a standard trans.

It's got automatic clutch, but you have to shift it through the gears and because it's always in four-wheel drive, anytime you go to make a sharp turn in the woods, it's you have to put a lot of muscle into the handlebars. This compared to that one is like having power steering so we're done good. Other than my screw up of uh I guess not tightening the jet up in the carburetor, getting that squared away. it happens right? I'm not one to hide my mistake so still be it.

I Got the other Tire to go put on um I sprayed it down. It looked like the leak may have stopped already on that tire. so I'm just going to keep an eye on it if the level starts to change over time if I start seeing loose air. I do have another tire to go put on there and again we have spares for the future when they get holes in them.

So awesome little machine. It goes good. it's um, try to go. The right word would be it is matched really well.

the power for the drivetrain, the size of the tires, the size of the machine seems like it does really well. All right guys with that. I'm going to go sign off I'll yeah, hang out doing some rener with me having a little bit of fun. I'm going to go play for a little while longer in the woods, see if we can make it through that swamp up to our camp.

and uh, till then I'll see you in the next one later. What? Test the winch? All right? I'll test the winch. see we get keep can pull tree down on top of me. That ought to do it.
Sure hope reverse works. that's going to suck what they mean by tree hugger I right it down.

By Mustie

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