I picked up this busted old big joe forklift for $200 lets make it into an elevator for this barn with large unused 2nd floor. part one is here for those interested in how it was built, https://youtu.be/X6DP2Xhatzs

Spe hey guys, how's it going previously? uh I don't know. About a month ago or so we built this lift setup. It was one of the things that you run around. Home Depot with Lowe's they would go in uh it would have a cage with that black section is it would have a cage built around that and the person working the floor would go up and get like a water heater or something.

Bring it onto the platform, bring it back down on some of the higher shelves so that all got cut off of there and got modified for this platform that you see here. It is roughly 4 and 1/2 ft wide by I think 7 and 1/2 ft long is the size of it and it is going in this building here. I If you want to call it a barn or a garage or whatever the carpenter has been here and has taken Liberty of cutting a hole in the ceiling you see right? L And this is just sitting here so my job is to kind of get this thing permanently mounted. We're going to mount it to the floor if we have to mount it to the wall and you just try to make it secure.

it's sitting about a foot and a half in the air right now. It does go uh 6 in to the base of the floor has a lift capacity probably stayed about the same cuz all the framing that was removed from the side of it just got added to the outer edges and the aluminum in the middle doesn't weigh much at all so it has a lift capacity it says on it of 700 lb and I would believe it's going to kind of stay the same. it's going to get used for like I guess like ATVs and that kind of thing to put in an upper space up there I think it a I think it's roughly like 30X 40 up there and it's got 15t ceilings in the center so it's all kind of wasted space. Carpenter has like said open that up and done some other stuff.

He built some stairs over there and they have access to the upper level so we are going to see about getting this better secured leveled. I kind of screwed up I made it a little too big I was supposed to make make it an inch skinnier this way and uh, unfortunately it causes an issue. Let's get in the stand. let's get this thing fired up.

I'll lift it up to the ceiling and I'll show you what the problem is. So it has this little handheld. it used to be mounted to it and it has a cord little Flex cord probably can reach I don't know 20 ft. Let's go run that up and there's your issue.

So if I made it the inch skinnier like I was supposed to, that wouldn't have been a problem. but you can see it's uh, kind of overlapping. just a tad. I mean we're going to fix it one way or another.

Left to right looks fairly decent. We got about a 2in gap there. Again, this thing isn't bolted to the floor, it's just sitting there and we got about A/ inch Gap so we can kind of like fudge it around a little bit. It is far as I can get it to the wall right now because there is a frame setup behind it that stops it right there.

kind like a bumper that's on it. So my thinking is maybe what we'll do. it's not that important to us. Maybe we'll cut this pretty thick metal.
We'll cut this and and it will allow us to kind of slide it back a little bit and or we could also take the base and tilt it a little and uh, get it to angle back. Let's go upstairs and we'll look. We'll see how it sits levelwise. Maybe we could even try to like get it up through the hole and see how it sits level with the floor.

Mus well take the elevator instead of the stairs. See what it looks like here? Sure, cord doesn't f I prob push off with my foot. maybe not. got to get a little pry bar? We'll push that up.

Here's a space that's up here again. It's a 40 from front to back and 30 from left to right. and it has like 15t ceilings in the center of of it all. wasted space.

Uh, especially all there was before there was a ladder that went up. You can see back there where look like two windows. I Get and put in. There's a hatch down below and that's all it was was the ladder up the wall to get up here and there's the stairs going down.

I Guess it has like a second floor. Doorway to Nowhere All right, let me grab a pry bar and we'll kind of wedge this thing into where it needs to be and we'll see how it lines up with the edge of the floor. lighting. Kind of sucks up here a little bit.

Well, that's staying in there. okay actually I Know we can go right up. get the bar out so it looks like the front. it's already on an angle like that.

so if we try to pitch it back down stairs, it's going to be even worse. Like if you're looking at the edge there that's down about an inch and you know that's down a little bit. it's not. How about left or right? cuz we don't have too much adjustment as far as that's concerned.

So that's the the highest. Corner That's the lowest corner. Maybe we'll kind of keep that in mind when we're downstairs that we want the if we're looking at looking at the machine so the right rear corner we would like to go up as much as possible. Plus the whole machine has to go that way as much as possible.

Worst case, we could probably just cut the, you know, cut the wood back, can, uh, scab that joist back a little bit. but let's see what we can do. and on the back side of it looks like we have about about 2 Ines to work with any of the framing hitting right one and the other side's done. Can we get it out of there? Nice straight cut nobody will ever know.

All right. let's see if we can get that to walk back a little bit. it is fre floating Now the whole thing can go this way a little bit. We'll leave that for now.

Let's go upstairs and take a look and see how level it is. see what we got to work with, what we got for how much did we move it? So we are. It's got about A/ inch from the box and we got about an inch up there. Gap All right, let's go see how it looks upstairs.

all right. So we got it's level on the far side. Actually I Don't even think that's really going to matter to us because nothing's ever going to exit that way. or really this way it's all going to come this way.
So if we were able to lift it up so that this stays pretty flush, where's the remote? I Don't know if it's still on. Um, see if we can bring it up and we'll look at that edge I Unplugged it. It looks pretty level though, going across right. Let me see if I can kick it that way a little bit just to try to close that Gap up a little more.

that's not bad though really and ran around it with a pry bar. It's about as far back as I dare to go I say we're kind of close on the edge, but here's my thinking is, so when we weight that thing up, we hang 700 lb off it. I Think it's going to have a natural sag, so I rather try to keep as much Gap as possible and then in the front edge, that is probably about 3/4 of an inch and maybe about an inch and a half. There you go.

an inch and a half there and about 3 3/4 of an inch right there. I Think that is where we're going to want it. Let's go let it down. Hello! Why take the stairs.

You don't have to see how it looks on the base while it's down. So I knocked out a ramp like an approach ramp. My guess is probably were going to bolt it to the floor right there, but maybe maybe not. The ramp is right here and basically it's just some bent up aluminum I had and the carpenter framed it out with wood and I should support it.

pretty good. This aluminum is pretty thin compared to the other stuff that I use. Let's lay that in the face of it and just see how that kind of lines up so it's good on the base. towards the main part of the machine, it's sagging a little on this side.

What we could probably do again. there's so much Flex in this you could probably put little legs well, little legs to the base of that so that when it comes down, it sits on some feet and takes care of that little Gap right there. Not that that's terrible, but still like to get rid of that and the other side's level. All right.

while we start making, um, some feet up for it and uh, we'll cut out some brackets, clean them up, and we'll try to find spots we can weld them. Plus we have to drill some holes in the concrete to Anchor them and we'll see how stra like right now. When it's up in the area, it really kind of rocks back and forth, bounces around in the hole. Let's see how much that stiffens it up cuz right now it's only touching the ground at three points.

the two wheels out there and then the one wheel there. Let's see how it is after we bolt it all the way around, how much it stiffens it up. My guess is it's still going to Rack Pretty good with that system. The higher it goes, the more more.

Flex It has kind of like when you're climbing up a ladder. see what we got for brackets I have these some metal we can cut up I figure we can make maybe like one out of that l or maybe we'll split it down the middle and make two out of each one of these. I I have three of these and then a couple of these right here which are like you know, pockets for like on the side of a trailer to put a 2x4 in. Maybe we can slice this in? let's see how close it comes to the frame.
Let's go lay it next to the frame so it looks like has like a little built-in tip over pads on it right here. I Guess if the machine went to go over it would touch that and if we were to slice that in half, how would that work for us actually just cut it like like that. straight across and butt that up and then down to the floor. We get two bolts in it and that slice that off.

That's low enough that'll give us about 3/4 of an inch to grab a weld on going around. I'm going to go slice these off. plus we got to go see what we have for bits and what we can drill into the concrete. Who knows what we got for a slab here too.

I Do see some like cracking in it, although they're further away. Uh, might have like an inch of concrete to work with. And my other thought too is we can also probably go to the wall if once we put that bracket back on. we can actually probably to is right where the yellow stops cuz that doesn't move.

go to the wall. Maybe try to get the wall for a little bit of support. Maybe for for this way. Rocking back and forth.

Here's what we got for Hardware Got a bunch of different things I brought with us thinking these doesn't look like it has to go very deep, huh? Then bolt. you draw them up. see what other ones I got H Let's find door number three tiny ones. They may actually even fit those brackets.

Really good. I don't know if I have Hardware any nuts for them and there's these those you just kind of like bolt into the floor and that. So we got like couple different sizes. Are these the same? Is that just deeper kind of looks it? huh? So let's go do a practice.

We'll cut a bracket, we'll cut a bracket. we'll drill a practice hole also. I grab this at a yard sale. make sure we have a bit that's going to be the correct size.

That would suck. Let's um, pick through these. See we have. is there anything in here? Yeah.

smaller one and see what bit we need to run those and kind of try to. That'll be our determining. Factor Yeah, so that's a half inch bit. These are half.

Again, the shorts. Actually wait a minute in case. Yeah, See, these are half that looks bigger than a half, doesn't it? maybe not be nice if it was stamped on them somewhere. We're going to find out.

Actually, we take the nut the nut that fits these and see if it fits on there. Yes, yes it does. Okay, so that all that stuff is half inch, that's good and we got a bit. that's half inch.

I Think we're going have to open the holes on this a little bit. That shouldn't be that big of a deal though we can. We can egg them out. Got a little tab cut out? Think it's something like that and hopefully we can drill a hole right there and right there.
Is it? A no? No to put two of those things close together I Don't know what the atate is. Guess we're going to find out, right? Make some holes. See, This walks on us. That just whips that bit right around, doesn't it? I Hope it's just not in gear or something.

Let's go with a there we go. Sucks Now we got no. Hammer Let's get another. Knob Let's go flip that one.

see what it does. Wonder if it just wasn't in Hammer all the way in the other one. Here we go, let's try that. it's drilling but it a he St can get it out.

Got shop back draw some of that dust out of there. more kind of binding on it on that one H gooey Miss I Don't know if that's just powder on the bottom or we made it through the slab. that's probably about 3 in right there. I'm going to keep working on that one a little bit.

I Like to try to to punch through the floor. get an idea how thick it is, but I think that bit only has 4 and a half inches of throw. Let me give a little shot of air. See we get now.

that's pretty good. Still feels mushy on the bottom, but I think it's just some concrete dust I think that's good enough for those longer lags. I think we're going to have a problem though. I Don't think I'm going to get that second hole because it's it's offset to the rear and I don't think I get the drill close enough to it so maybe we'll just go with one on each one of those.

For now again, we'll keep adding brackets till we feel we have enough. It'll be welded all the way around the whole floor. All right, let's go drive one in. I opened up a hole on it.

Hopefully it's it's a hair. It's a hair that way. Let's see how that works out for us. We're going to need enough meat.

We're going to need enough meat to uh, get a bolt and a washer on it. You want to try it right there. Let's get knock it down a little bit more cuz it's probably going to pull up a hair or too when we put a nut on it. and I'm going to have to kick the machine over again.

This is the learning curve. I'm going to kick the machine over that way. just enough for that that to drop on which is I don't know 16th of an inch or so. Get that over here I think we can get it right there.

let me get it back off. soz I want to mark that? We got to prep all that area for welding so we go hit that with a sharpie. then we'll hit it with like a flapper disc. clean up the metal and only thing unfortunately I have is a I have a 120 volt like flux core welder.

Let's go see how well it does. Worst case, we can kind of get it tacked now and I'll come back with a bigger welder. but this is what I have so and a little more that a nut and bolt in that we'll crack it down see how far it draws up. We could probably even drive it down further if we find that it uh, doesn't do what we need it to do again.
this one's the learning curve the camera sure didn't like that dust. It's the shutters having a problem. That's why stick a cheap cameras. see how much this pulls up.

Watch it just keeps on going. pulls itself right out those little uh, that little jacket that was on the bottom you're supposed to pull up and then tighten up on the sides Jam itself. Let's get in there. There we go.

Let's call it right there, right? Let's go fire up the welder and we'll run a buzz across that. So one those days where you're totally ill prepared, the welding helmet is falling apart. Work with what you got I should have brought something with me. Let's see if this even works.

Where is it there? It is. Missed. It got to slow that wire speed down a ton. Power's all the way up on it.

It's a 120 W there is that doing anything? Kind of kind of ugly I think he just shut off a duty cycle that it's just jamed. There it goes. Got keep my tip out more that he's an ugly weld, but it's welded so I'm going to go do that. Uh, Jump Around do one on the other side and we'll see how rocky the machine is upstairs and that's kind of my biggest concern.

I think the next thing is we're going to come out here with some Outriggers cuz again, this is close to the center so it's going to definitely have a lot of Wibble Wibble wobble I think when we get some out here and then further out that direction it'll help. and then again, if it's real bad, we'll try attaching it to the wall. maybe? All right, we got those two points down right there. Let's go upstairs and see how it is wiggly kind of I Think again, when we start getting out here, it's going to be a much better Improvement but at least it's kind of locked into place wherever it's going to stay where it's home now.

Gaps still pretty decent. Good let's go up. go this the Wigg test. It's definitely a lot better.

It still has a lot of play side to side. It's better this way though. you should just be able to bang off of that. How of it is the I can still still see I can see some flexing those legs down there.

It's not going to be perfect, but try to get it best we can. So going to fast forward things up a bit, we already got the idea what we're going to do. I'm probably going to do I don't know. maybe on the angle right here or there and maybe out by the wheel.

So we'll get those four points done, two or four points and we'll see how much more it has again. it does have some Flex Anyway, call that the boom and that's to be expected I'm still kind of thinking we able to go go from that back to the wall. Too bad that wasn't higher. We can kind of tap into where the joist are.

You know it's more sturdy than the wall is, but I think we could probably stiffen it up a lot going, maybe some angle or something going to there. So I just did the four points right now I didn't do the outers. It doesn't seem like it makes too much of a difference. I may go chase that later.
I'm going to be more concerned with trying to make it stable I'm going to go from that point right there to the wall and then the same on the other side on an angle. So if you're looking at it from up above, it's going to be something like that. Attaching it to the wall might do some cross bracing or something too. but let's get two points tied on.

I'm going to try to make like probably a metal plate that attaches to the wall and then will weld the angle iron to that and the angle just welded that that 3/4 in piece thick Steel on top. I Got try to figure out what's the best way to try to wrap around that beam and hold on to it and so this is what I came up with I had some of these brackets laying around and I cut them up. made two sets like this and basically that's going to go like that. I drilled them together so they match.

Here's the bolts form and I'm going to wrap them around a beam like a lot and we'll weld that up and this will be able to hug the beam on up on the building. We'll put those in two locations. we could drill through and bolt them down and then what? We'll weld the angle iron to this. going to that upper part of the uh, the boom.

Where the MK on there Me: get them buzzed out and we'll get them up on the wall right about. there's our bottom. see. get this one right.

you got a nail in the way? Of course we do not. no more. spread her out a little bit. let's go get her.

Drill Drill baby. drill. What' you do Todd more go tier than need. should.

Brought the bolts with you. Yeah, should have brought the bolts with you Sler where does that want to go? We can fix that. We'll tighten the front up, she won't turn. Think my bits got a missing a fling on one side.

Sure it is. Walk now. Well we got supported on both sides. I kind of screwed up I should have flipped the angle around so the angle faced Inward and we could have put like a piece of plywood inside here to help stiffen everything up.

I Still want want to run a 2x6 across the wall underneath and kind of tie the whole wall together? We again, we still could do a piece of plywood from underneath that would really kind of stiffen everything up. Let's go upstairs see how sturdy that is you what it did for us: Smokey up here still make it hit that side if I really Flex it and it's got some movement in the wall. kind of like what I thought I'll show you I don't it's going to show up or not. but I can kind of watch those beams Rock so we're on it.

I wiggle it I can see that bracket right there, the moving in out on the wall. so I think if we stiffen that up, running that 2x6 up there, it'll give us a definite Improvement and again with that plywood. I think all of that get it all tied together. How about this one.
Yeah, that one's moving two. Yeah, essentially that that yellow piece where the yellow starts. We really shouldn't see any wiggle out of that and we still do. So keep moving on.

we're getting there. so let's look around for what I got and there's a couple of pressure treated 2x6s but they only go to there I'd really like to make it to the corner to stiffen that wall up. Like I said, we'll do one above it, put plywood in the center there just to stiffen that triangle up and then we'll Stu one up underneath it, and just try to make that wall as stable as possible. but it's too late to go get those.

So I am going to call it for tonight and we'll pick it back up in the morning. I'll pick those up and we'll continue on and I out back. hunted down some Lumber Yes I did right about there m it myself. pretty good job I they say so myself.

measure once, cut once perfect or I just got lucky you go buzz that up with a couple of screws. All right, let's go back upstairs, do a ourselves another wiggle test and see if that kind of. you know before before the 2x4s were able to kind of do this and rock a little bit. That definitely should have stiffened it up some see how we make out.

Let's see what that did for us. Take a peek. Yeah, it's still moving a little. it's better each.

each step makes it a little bit better, which it should right? If it's going the other way, that would be kind of dumb. Yeah, better. What did it look like down here? It look like the wall was moving a little bit or they got to zipping that Center up. See what I mean if I would have flipped that angle the other direction so it was facing in, it could of sat down in the spot and locked in.

could have just screwed to it instead. Now I got to come up from the bottom. So I'm going to go mark it right there with a sharpie. cut them, we'll face it up from the bottom and do our best to kind of screw to that.

I might do plywood with it I'm not sure yet. Let's get those carved out first and see how it does well. I don't think that is about the most I'm going to be able to get out of it. So I drilled about 20 holes in the steel going down and then we got 3 and 1/2 in or 4 in Long screws going all the way, sandwiching that 2x4 with the I want to call that about one inch thick rough cut Lumber wedging it in there and then I added another 2x6 to the wall.

so really kind of stiffen up the best it can I don't think we're going to get much more out of that. The only thing I probably should have done if I had more angle iron was go from there maybe up to this to the sill and tap into that header up there where uh, you know that wall doesn't want to wiggle as much. but I think at some point if I make it how much can you do before you start cracking stuff? It has to have a little bit of flex to it so that looks pretty decent. Plus it's a it makes a nice shelf.
hopefully nothing hits when it comes down. I Think we should be all clear with everything. Probably we should do a trial run on that. and then we got to start buttoning stuff up.

We have an electrical switch I got to go find I I Bought it when we got this thing. it wouldn't go up and down also which made it cheaper. but when we found out it was that relay that was filled with water. so I got another one of these.

This one kind of works you every once in a while it doesn't work, you got to give it a whack and it comes back to life. So I got a new one of those. Uh, we got some battery chargers to hook up and just a little bit of, uh, fine tuning on it. So let's uh, run it down to the ground, see how it is, make sure we're clear with everything everything.

Give her our last Shake test and uh, get those last Little Couple components done and then we'll put something heavy on it. See how it does? You know we still got to do yet? Got to do the ramp. That's the next part of it too attach and lag that to the floor long as it clears all that wood right there which it does. Hope that shop back is not in the way.

Uh, you know what? We got the ramp too. That's the other part. Let me go grab. Yeah, let's go grab the ramp and set it in front.

We may have to do a little bit of fudging on that because I think we when we first started we had it sitting on an angle in the front. We may have to try to hopefully make some stops where it kind of sits a little bit more. Square Go set it up. Yeah, that didn't cure itself.

So like you say, got like a/ inch higher here and then on the other end it goes flush. Let's go try to like shove some. We'll let it up a little bit. We'll try to shove a couple of pieces of wood.

We'll let it down. We'll see if this thing can kind of go down and relax and level out. If not, we're not going to worry about it. It should be about maybe the height of that wood, maybe a little less.

Let's just see what it does. Let's go up. I'll set it down. Yeah, it'll do it.

So I think we make a little piece of angle right here, going down like a little leg, maybe on both sides. Then the ramp will be level I think I have a little bit of angle left we can work with. might be to dig something up. It's actually a little too high right now, but you get the idea.

Yeah, see, we can scr up. We get a little piece of something. weld it to the edge right there to hold it up in the air. just a little a little good.

So I scrunching around I still have one of those J brackets left over it. kind of work like a foot too, right? You know, instead of being just like a you know that touching the floor and digging into the floor over time, we have this. So my guess is we can drop this down the 4 and 1/2 in and then like, whatever it, we'll cut it. We'll weld it on the inside like that.

it'll still be kind of out of the way. and we like that. or like that it'll go like that. Prob be the best.
That's our plan I'm to chop that out, grind her up, and get the metal glue gun. So I cleaned it all up, ground it on inside, ground the bracket down, and you just kind of measured eyeball where it was going to go be. how luck is it that? So I set it up so it just almost touched the diamond plate. The hole that was in the bracket lines right right up with the hole that was in the frame.

So I'm going to see if I can find like a um so what's the name of the the smooth head bolt Carriage bolt that might fit in there. We'll just bolt that together on the inside for now and as long as that doesn't get in the way of the ramp. maybe we just kind of leave it like that and see if we like it before we make it permanent. Well, I was hoping to find one like that in that size, but I did not.

but we can do. We could always just go and grind it right after we bolt it up. We can just kind of like hit it with a flapper disc and smooth it off if we need. Plus, we probably have the next size bolt up and get the right bolt later on.

So for now, let's just bolt this together with what we got. and I can always just get that size bolt the correct length and bolt it together. And if we hate it, we can weld it, but it's trying to hard to undo the weld. you know it's not in.

You can cut the weld off if there's an issue. Yeah, that's probably what we do we just because it's bolted on. we can just come back later and change the bolt out, but let's just make sure we have no issues. Oh, we got issues, but not issues with this.

That should be good enough. Let's go drop it on the floor, make sure we're good. Seems all right. let's go throw the ramp in front of it.

It's actually like a hair too high still. I'm going to see if I can loosen up and get the if it's got that PL that's in there, kick it upward actually probably just whack it with a hammer, huh? Or just leave it alone till we get the right bolt. not worry about it right now. at least it's you know going the right direction.

I Think maybe we should kick it back I don't know, maybe about that much all the way across. We'll leave that little bit of an air gap in between just for you know future play. and uh, that me will see what I have I think I have some little lags and we throw a couple in the front or maybe just two on the outer edges for now. actually, we got to put them in first, don't we? H decisions.

What do you want to do? well I wanted to use those little 38 ones but I didn't have a bit to drill into the concrete I had a bit but it's the wrong connection. You know the wrong where it meets with the body of the drill. anyway. so I end up I had some of those short 1/ in ones so I ran them in but I drill the holes really deep in case we don't um, like it.

later on you take the nuts off you just you can just drive them right into the concrete and it won't be an issue. Hopefully it is not walked. Let's go lower it down see how alignment is. crunch.
Oh yeah I like that. got about a quar inch reveal. Can't go by the top diamond plate because if you look, the black beam underneath is a little bit more south of it. That looks awesome.

Perfect. I Don't know if we need a, uh, a leg on the other side or not if that's going to make any kind of difference to it. Let's go jump over there cuz it should be sitting like on that platform. It should be sitting on that frame of that bar going across all the way to here.

So we'll kind of keep it in mind. I I Don't see it any necessity. Plus I don't have anything to put in there right now. Anyway, all right, let's get we have an electrical switch tol on that.

Let's get some of that kind of stuff knocked out of here and I I got to kind of wrap this stuff up so get that on and we have, um, something to charge the batteries with and we'll put something on it and lift it up. All right. here's the new one. Let's STI it out of the box.

good time to look right. Our numbers match they do. So let's go switch just one wire at a time and hopefully I got power disconnected? Why did it make that noise? All right? so we'll just gingerly swap them one one. Hopefully it still works afterwards.

I would think so. All right. then we spin it around and that one. it's got to remember which one.

it's missing one on each one, right? Try not to break that external lead on there out with the old relay was cheap too. It's like 12 bucks good. Let's go power it up. Hopefully she still works.

So all I do is I take that power cord and I put it in and back out again. This has a double setup. Like to run it here and if you want to charge it, you put it on there. It's got a built-in charger.

We're not going to use that because it does not. It's not going to get driven around, it's just going to stay in one place. and I think it's going to draw a lot of juice. hopefully.

All right down work. Oh yeah. all right. I'm going to go pack that stuff back away.

I Think we could put the cover there metal cover that's missing on the side here. we put that back on. I'm going to go sweep up a little bit and let's go set up some um, battery chargers for the two batteries that are on it. So it just has two regular house uh, car batteries in it.

So these are just battery chargers. little trickle chargers that you would put on and it actually has the little ends that you can put right on the battery terminals. And it's a 24volt system. but essentially you can just treat them as two separate 12volt batteries.

Each one will be independent of each other. Uh, I Didn't like the idea of having the big charger plugged in all the time. Like I said, this doesn't move and they're normally you would run like a a deep cycle battery. I Forget what I could grab for the I think they're just regular batter batteries.
but like I said, this isn't going to be moved very much. it's just going to run. Going to use it after everything's moved where it needs to be. It's probably going to run maybe once or twice a day.

put something down and up once. So it's pretty much the same as starting a car. a crappy car, but starting a car, and um, whatever. the battery kind of runs down a little bit and then recharges.

These can stay on all the time and they 1 point one and a 12 amps they'll they'll put out and they just kind of maintain the level. the battery hot, cold, uh, it. It just makes the life of them much longer. And you like I said, you can leave these plugged in all the time.

they have fuses on them. something goes wrong. it'll pop a fuse and this is never going to move again. So again, I'm not going to use the big charger that's on it.

We're just going to go with these little trickle chargers. I'm going to go wire these in with that, um, with those right on the ends of the the terminals and I think there's a plug back on the corner of the wall. the the batteries are right down under there and then there's a plug right there. hopefully it reaches if not, I'll get something.

Yeah, course the plug doesn't reach. I Found a u a pseudo extension cord for and they just kind of tell you where they are like right now it's just saying that it's charging and once it's fully charged, it'll light up fully charged and if there's any issues I guess it'll tell you there's an issue and this is only drawn what? 3 ANS between the two of them on the lamp cord. A little dark over here but that's where the batteries are little hidden. They have hold downs and stuff you're supposed to put on them but I don't think this is going to bounce around at all.

not so much you of an issue. All right. let's go lower a deck on Lower it back down on the ground, watch those slip of the words and let's go grab a four-wheeler and shove it on there and see what we get. and we say we should probably lock the brake on.

uh I guess some hooks to do tie downs around it so that like what if it's a motorcycle or something you can kind of tie it so it doesn't want to go fall off. Let's go. uh run it up in the A, see what it does does, make sure within the boundaries all the way around. Yeah, probably even what wouldn't hurt is just even to have like little uh the the little Pglass driveway poles for the corners so you know you're within them all.

Let's go send it up. What can go wrong? Step back. I Wonder if that Mil crate on the back is going to hit the ceiling upstairs? could be close. Think we should go upstairs and check see if it shifts.

It just rolled forward right? Let's go upstairs and check real quick. Yeah, well, there's a slight miscalculation. Nothing that that needs to be on there again. This is mine, my wife's old four-wheeler Anyway, not what's going to be getting used so we could shift forward a couple of inches.
Let's go move that forward the rest of the way and see how it is that kicked a far. I'm going to go downstairs, run it up the rest of the way and of course you just to spun it around. put it on forward. instead of backwards Yellow.

Something goes wrong right there. right? Let see if we can do a 14-point turn up here, try driving it off. It's definitely, um, leaning towards the front by about an inch. A Let's go.

It doesn't seem like it matters whether the uh fourwheeler is on it or not. It seems to have that same lean to it when I drove the machine off, it was still, um, slightly racked like that. So if I just bring it up a little higher, what we'll do is we'll go downstairs. We'll mark what level is here, right? We have that level I'll bump it up another.

Oh, we need another inch and maybe we'll put a piece of tape or something on it and we'll know that's level with the floor up here. it works. Okay, yeah, that milk crate was just getting this. so I'm pretty far forward.

I'm about as far forward as you would want to go I didn't want to move it too much this way cuz I didn't want the ramp to be in the way of the door downstairs. Yeah, I know? Yeah, sure I did. Really? Yeah. so bump it up like another inch right right about there.

and uh, we? for now, we'll put it like a piece of tape right across here. or a mark right across there stating where it is. so don't have to. Kind of guesstimate.

Yeah, bumed, that's perfect right about there. Looks good One the bet. it's the first time tire marks have ever been up here. You could probably make a stop switch on it, a limit switch where it kind of shuts down right that height.

And for now, we just kind of go with tape and those two pieces of tape line up. You know we got it there. Your finger nails there, that's it. Hightech Ni let's go let it back down.

see what happens? Stand back. oh you know what? I wanted to show that's our Mark right there. You see how the Gap is going around it with the weight on it? That's the next part. Worried about it kind of sagging forward but that distance doesn't really look I change too much.

Zoom in a little. it's not bad, it's we have that um that's hard to tell for you about a little over an inch and what we got here that Dimensions look like it stayed the same. It definitely stiffened it up. the and we got like the inch and a half on the back side right there.

good yeah. I think if we didn't stiffen up that wall, it definitely, uh, would have been a little kind of on the bouncy flexy side leaning forward. but I think that's got it pretty good again. Worst case scenario, get some more angle.
We probably go from that to the header to stiffen it up. think it's Overkill let's let her down. All good. then we're not using it.

pull that, everything's dead and the batteries get to charge on that trickle charger I Can't beat that for what we got in it. like under 600 bucks for everything so that worked out pretty good I'm happy with that. I still got more stuff to do I Want to put um like on a trailer bed? You have the the uh tie down rings that that fold flat to the bed for those in the corners would really be good, possibly maybe uh, some kind of motorcycle Chuck in the middle of the front. If a bike is going up there and upstairs, there needs to be some kind of um, railing or chains I have where they go I'm like looking around like directly below my feet.

So these were the apparatus that was on it. when you you would ride it as a person you would ride the thing up in the air and it had stanions going around on each. Corners Then it had like these double locks that would go on that you would put like a um a harness on. CU that was for people.

you would ride people up on that. although those stickers on there don't say that that thing was a cage wrapped around and then on top of it there was a boom that stuck out over the middle of it with the that chain hanging down that you would lock yourself on to like I said Home Depot or Lowe's or whatnot. get something up off the um the you know the shelvings. get your your washing machine or uh, whatever up off of there and bring it onto that small platform with them and lower themselves back down Again, it was rated at 700 lb.

it should still be 700 lb. That's got to be about 450 on that four-wheeler pound per CC and uh you know I think um it's pretty much doing what I wanted it to get done I don't know if we need another support on the other end it doesn't seem like it but again little running over time and we'll see if anything kind of shows up or becomes any kind of issue and we'll just kind of Chase it from there. But I'm happy with the outcome so far. Really for if you would have had something like this commercially built, maybe like like 10 15 grand, 20 grand to have them come up with something like that.

So grabbing some junk off of uh Facebook Marketplace and repurposing it and making it into an elevator and making this building essentially double the size, you know I think it's 30X 40 so you got another 30 40 upstairs use of it. Put it's 1,200 ft so it's you know, 2400 ft makes the building all right? Yeah so those um upstairs I think on this wall, pretend it's upstairs. We could probably do a fixed wall on this side. kind of like the was for the railing of the stairs going up there.

a fixed wall on the on this side. We could just put like uh, two posts with chains going across so nobody will fall through that hole. you know when the lift is in the down position I Have a feeling it's going to be stored up and just left in the up position to cover that hole. Plus to give me a more floor space I think the bottom down here should probably get some of that yellow tape just kind of outline where it's going to be and also I think the breaker panel is going to get moved over to a different location and I think an air compressor is going to go in the far corner back in there to use make use of that space.
that's uh, you just pretty much lost right now. So once that's tied into where it goes, um and make sure everything clears, it shouldn't be a problem. All right guys. with that I think I'm tapping out I think I've got everything done I need to go do.

it's a little hard trying to work with stuff I don't have all my normal shop tools and uh I thought I did the best I could with what I had to go work with and uh I still have to revisit it. you know again to chase a couple little things like I said the tie downs and uh the railings upstairs but for this one we're going to call it guys. Thank you so much I'll see you soon later, you know I got to try riding it up right that he now was 700 lb. come to think of it, make a good work table too.

By Mustie

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