while picking up some old mag wheels, this 54 year old gen set was sitting in a old Harley repair shop. lets see how it was built and if we can fix it.

Hey guys, how's it going at a friend's place and they're doing some cleanouts and this is one of the machines. They don't know anything about it. Uh, they never had it running but it's been sitting around from a tenant that rented before. It's an old Generator I Gave a quick pull on the handle.

It does pull over but it doesn't feel like it has any compression. so we're going to go throw that on the truck. We'll bring it back to the shop and see what we got. All right now we're back at the office.

We can, uh get a better look at what we got this. this a strange looking setup. I've never seen a generator that was like so thin like that. Usually you have the engine and the generator part is a barrel.

about 14 in long, maybe 8 10 in in diameter. Nothing what this looks like I'll be curious I At some point we're going to pop this cover off I Want to see how they uh made stuff go together? It looks like it has 110 and 220. It's not a very big machine, it's only six horsepower but 110 and 220. It's got a switch on the side of it right there.

Look like we got fuses and it's little extra fuse holder up in there. flaad Briggs See if we can figure out what year it is I Guess we're going to go here with the code. so 70 is going to be 197 eth month of 1970 so it's 54 53, 54 years old and I did pull it over I'm not sometimes if something has a heavy flywheel, it's kind of hard to tell if you have compression or not, but it did not feel very good. Uh, he said he was never able to have it running, he never had it running I Don't know if anybody was here before.

is kind of screwing around with stuff. Maybe looking for spark? Uh, let's go see what we got in the gas tank. I Need a light? I if there's any, go grab a light, take a peek in there going in. Not terrible old rust left left behind, but the tank is, um, looking fairly decent.

Don't know you put fuel in it if it has a rot hole or anything, but it's not. There's no old fuel in it left crudded behind. Does have a bunch of crap on the side of the wall there. What we got for oil? see if there's anything in that glass bowl.

it's looking pretty dry, which is a good sign for the carburetor. And let's go see where is the Earl on this thing somewhere? there you go and see in there. Yep, it's a little on the low side. at least there's something in it.

All right. Let's get ourself set up and start doing a little bit of an assessment on let's get the plug out of it and uh, we'll see if you have any compression on it. prob stick our finger up over the plug hole little bit more. Got a kill switch here I don't know what it has for output I don't see anything saying so Mulla is a manufacturer made in New York do not chance switch position while being run I guess don't go from 120 110 to 220 while it's going pick one and stay with it.

All right. Go. Uh, get you in a stand, grab a plug socket, get that out of there and see what we got. Yeah I don't see any tag on it anywhere seeing what the output of it is.
My guess you know J go by the horsepower of the engine I would say I had a five horse that was like 25 with a 28. Spike so maybe 3,000 3,000 what? We'll give our a little finger feel some it's not. It's not great though. probably dribble a little bit of oil down there.

Let's uh, get a plug in it and see if we have any chance of having spark and I'm going to go with up being on see if that does any let get work. See that switch works. Yeah, all right should I say it. I say it.

trying to make it easy on this. Probably should still take a peek inside that car before just putting fuel in it. but let's just start investigating a little that is soaked in oil I Don't believe it's supposed to be soaked in oil I don't know if it what happened there I know if it's got a breather. Sometimes it's a breather either.

It comes up into the tin, but for some reason it is so it could have been on its side. maybe too. maybe it ran it wasn't with me and it I Don't think it had moved from that position in a long time and we would want it on that voltage. anyway.

all right, let's um I'm probably going to take it off that Jolly So it's not trying to roll around so much and we'll get a compression tester. We'll pop it in there real quick and just see what we got and it. D dribble a little bit of oil, see if it improves all. Let's give her a chug, see what she's got, should stay still for us.

Get my foot on her 40 lb. I Don't think these engines have a decompression valve that's not great. That may be an issue. Why? sitting up on a branch? Let's go dump a little bit of oil in it and we'll give her a kick and see if it gets any kind of improvement.

We'll just give a little tease. All the oil does is, um, go around where the Rings are. so if it's leaking around the Rings it tries to help seal it up a little bit. Let's give her a couple of chugs and have it kind of blend in.

Throw that back in one thing I see if you're looking where the exhaust and the intake is right here I see some burning I don't know if it has an exhaust leak in the muffler which I don't see. possibly maybe has a blown head gasket? It's blown right out of there. Try it again. get a leg up.

Okay, like 50 50 lbs. Not quite sure what these engines have, but 50 sound does. Sounds fairly low. Let's um, throw a little bit of fuel in it and we'll give her a yank and we'll see if she fires over that plug.

Looks a little weird too just looking all the carbon that's around the back of it and the color of it Tad White Come like somebody went there with a pick and cleaned it I Go get some gas in it. see she lives. Let's give her a little tease that it should default so wide open. which I think it is? Yeah, the throttle's Full Throttle the governor is telling it to do that right and let's got flip that wire up for Spock see she'll cough for us.
hard to get a good like speed pull on it. There she go right here chunk I'm going to uh, grab some clamps I'm going to clamp it down the bench so I can give her a really good Yank on it Without The Machine Moving right, it's try now getting my foot up to hold it. Come on baby. go think done cracked out of fuel.

Let's go give her another square. Plus, the oil doesn't help it. You know it kind of glutes the fuel. Yeah, kind of suspecting the head gasket a little bit.

or it had an exhaust leak at some point and somebody put a new muffler on it with all that burning. That's right there. Try that again. I Think that's choke off, lots to go and then Peters out.

Try it that doesn't want to go. Let's um I'm going to go pop the base of this air cleaner off. You can see what's happening with the choke. Um, we could probably put a charge of air in it and see if we have air leaking out around the head gasket.

May We'll do that. Has a lot of resistance too. Shouldn't be that hard to pull over. Let's uh I Want to see what's in here anyway? Let's go pop that cover off right there.

We'll see how that generator is set up. Drum roll please. Hanging out inside here, that is a funky setup. Might be why it has so much drag on it too.

What a weird. So it has two plates that is spinning in between. Let's turn that. see if that that turns over is fixed.

No, that's fixed. That's the windings huh? For signs of water damage I Don't see any water lines anywhere like it was sitting on the floor and it flooded out. That is just weird, huh? You ever saw what inside of regular generator looks like It's definitely a new one to me. Yeah, Let's uh, try swapping that plug out for dry one.

Get something a little bit better that not that looks terrible. Go throw another plug in it. We'll throw another shot of fuel on it see if anything happens. It kind of feels like you're trying to pull over a chipper.

Same things that that big fly wheel in them and they really fight you. Let's see if this one plays any better. What? Go I Then it just burns up the fuel and it's not enough. I'm starting to think it doesn't have enough compression to do what it's supposed to be doing.

So to move forward ahead, let's um, yeah, let me get that. Um, we'll back feed it with compressed air. We'll see if we see where it's pissing out of. If it is actually you could probably use that cuz that's the same as a air truck.

Problem is you kind of want to knock the air down to about at 20 lbs cuz it's going to want to fight you, it's going to want to go to U Bottom Dead center every time you put a a charge on it. Uh and I don't have a way to do that. my my air compressor the regulator failed so I took it off. Let's go take an air gun.

We'll shoot it in there. We'll let it go to Bottom Dead center. We'll see if we can try to find a spot where both valves are closed cuz what you want is both valve both valves closed and with that if it's leaking around a valve, you hear air will be hissing out of the intake or air will be hissing out of the carburetor or air will be hissing. um out of the head gasket.
Um, either one of those. If it's got bad Rings it'll be hissing out of the Breather coming out of it. Or if you take the oil plug off, you'll hear it coming out of the bottom of the crank case. Of course my air gun is leaking.

It's probably going to want to spin. so right now the exhaust valve is open. you hear the air rushing out of it and if I rotate it the intake valve is open. Try to find a spot there we go.

Doesn't feel terrible, it's going a tad perplex. Let's go. Uh, take that intake off on the side over there I Want to make sure that I have enough fresh air coming in, but with a squirt of fuel in it, it should be enough to get it to kick over again. The drag of the uh generator I think is slowing it down, but let's get this off of here.

Yeah! I Popped that off there and I had the choke closed so that is open. kind a little deceiving the arrow going that way. well. I guess if you read it correctly that that way would be choke.

So there's that. All right. I'm going to give her one last shot with fuel and we'll see if we can her to cough over. And my goal is I Want to be able to plug something in like a light bulb or something.

and when we do it, if it, uh, lights the light bulb up, then we know we got something happening. Get squirt, fuel switches up, put you this in, give her a yank again. All right. popping back through the carburetor not having it.

I'm just going to check for spark one more time. Make sure we didn't lose anything one of you would care to hold that. Yeah, nice. Spark All right, we're going to pop that head off pretty soon a r and it's out of fuel again.

All right. Um, it should do much more than that and it's not for what reason? I'm not sure. Again, it's Full Throttle So it's not like, um, we were impeding the air flow going into it. That burn marks has me kind of a perplex though.

Uh, to get it off, you have to get the pull starter back away. I Show my age by huffing and puffing pull start so you can get a couple of bolts. There might be one up here that might be in a way. See if we get this pulled away, we'll get these off of here.

Get the fuel tank pulled away I Want to get the head off of it I Have a feeling we have a u head gasket that might be a little on the iffy side the bolt out of that pul so we should be able to wiggle that out. there we go. no mice. good sign.

all right. So we got I think we have to get the gas tank out of our way cuz this, the bracket leans up over it. so I think it's got a bolt on the bottom and then three across the top. This should slide out.
plus we have to get the handle off. so I'm just going to buzz them all out all the way around. I think I got one more a little lower on the tank. like I said let's go find that one.

actually it was two bolts. Let's get that out of the way and let's go in. We didn't need a guess. we got one more bolt.

slacker. you're missing one. Let's see what the Wonders have for us. don't see an obvious blown head gas.

get a lot of carbon. the other side of what it looks like. little burnt right there. could have been leaking a little bit.

you can see like the shading blowing through but not bad got. let's see how it's like it's all darker in this area. I Don't think that's what our problem was though. I Have a feeling maybe it's just carbon built up around the valves.

Let's go take a look at that piston. My scores are in the wall. pretty good right there. and definitely you definitely catch an NA on that one right there.

Yeah, all the way around. I Wonder if carbon actually kind of came up and a chunk of it got caught in a boore and did that? I'm going to take a wire wheel and clean up some of this nonsense off of here. and U you can get the valves off if you want. Let's go see.

Oh there, they got a lot of rock to them see if get fixed. That's the guides that are in it. Let's go get the intake valve up in here. It's got a decent amount too.

Plus: I'm looking at the seat. Underneath It All right? So let's go take a wire wheel. let's go clean off a bunch of this crap, clean off the top of that piston. Not that that really should make any kind of difference.

We'll leave it right there, clean it all off, and put it back together so you can get the compression to kind of come up a little bit better. I'm having a feeling it's kind of maybe around these that and you know, of course, the scoring that's going on. I it's a little bit of everywhere. Let's um, I think we're going to have to get those valves right out of there.

kind of clean up underneath there and to do so, there's like a a little valve cover on the side and to release the keepers which is under the carburetor. It's that right there. and that's what holds the two valves down in place. going, lift them up and probably can clean up the seat seats that are on them.

So let's get the uh, carburetor off of there. me, look and see what we got for linkages on it and it's running straight down to a governor. so this is the only linkage hooked up? is that one right there going down to the governor? so we should be able to disconnect that once we get it unscrewed and that should give us enough room. Proba: take the muffler off to get it, just get out of our way screwdriver in there? Come on.

Definitely a tight fit. We may have to leave that there for me. Yeah, it definitely has a lot of oil down on the the intake valve. We did dump oil in it, but it shouldn't have gone down in there.
Let's um, let see, we get that muffler off There we go, even just for visual purposes, you know. And we got to get that valve cover off of there. It looks like a couple of I don't know what there are, but they're tiny I clamped it so we can get a more of a close-up soad of reaching over the bench. That one, and That one should have a gasket on it too.

It's also kind of like the uh breather for it. A crank Cas will build up pressure if it doesn't have um, a place for the bottom of the crank case to vent. That's what that tube is and that tube just goes back to the intake and it draws it back in. again.

modern cars have that Also everything. It'll have a a PVC valve on it but so see if we cannot destroy the we'll leave the gasket pieces where there are. All right. let's go take a peek up under.

we see what the valves are doing so we need. Why does that look weird? Now it's just push down looking at the stem. All right. So if we get them both in the down position, just that stem looks kind of funny to me that they're not level.

you know. let's go get a, um, a little tool. stick our tool in there and uh, we want to try to get that spring to push upward and then there's little Keepers underneath it that hold it into place and we'll slide them out. We should be able to lift the valve up out of its location.

Let work on the exhaust one first. sometimes you don't have Keepers Sometimes the um, the keep keeper is the the shell that's on top. Let you know a second. Nope, that one's got them.

We just want to kind of get in there with a little pick or whatnot, knock them free, they'll fall off and just kind of grab them with the magnet. Get them out of the way like that. There they are. You know when we back off on that, that valve should be able to lift up.

Sometimes the car car will build up on the stem also and the valve won't be able to lift up out of there. Let's go see. was fine and we're going to look at the surface. That valve has a lot of crap on it.

The exhaust valve does take a you know, much worse hit. It's looking pretty hammered I'm looking for to see if it's like somewhat oval too. It does have the appearance of it and then the other part's the seat. How bad the seat is.

But for now, let's go get the other valve out of it. Shoot, we'll leave those in place. they're not hurting anything. Let's go get the second set.

Yeah, some of the smaller engines like the three horse, two, and three horse they have they don't have Keepers they just the um, the metal itself is the keeper. That might be the case with this one and then you just kind of slide it to the side. Let me take a peek at that one. Yeah, so that's what that one is.

You just kind of slide it to the side and uh, the hole gets larger. Stop it. now. let's go go get there it goes.

CU This one had one of each intake valve. There's not as much heat on an intake valve so a lot of times that doesn't take as much abuse. It definitely just has a bunch of crud on it. Let's go look at the seats.
what they're doing sometimes too. if they overheat, everything's aluminum on this. There you go. So they overheat the the seat which is this part right here.

the valve um, rest against will loosen right up and pop right out of the seat. It's a little weird right there. Let's go take a I'm going to take a wire wheel now and go clean some of this crap off of here. I Have a feeling, maybe especially on the exhaust valve I wonder if we just weren't getting a very good seal on that? It does look fairly shiny all the way around, but the valve didn't The valve had, um where it go valve definitely.

uh was showing where was having some issues like right there all right there like that looks. you know it's pretty shiny. Although it's dirty, it looks like it was making a decent seal till it gets to like right there. Oh that looks crappy.

all right. So I'm going to go wire wheel the valves those. we'll take a peek out what we got and go from there. Oh I Got them cleaned up and intake doesn't look too bad.

The exhaust has kind of like a weird pattern on it I Don't know if it shows up or not. It's like a a little oval. Plus there's a little bit of a ridge on it right there. Let's go drop them back.

In a lot of times, what happens too is so those surfaces are beating against each other and they'll wear. The seat will wear down and the Um valve can wear down. So you lose what's called valve clearance. And if you lose valve clearance, the valve won't shut all the way and the only adjustment for that is you actually got to take the valve stem and you grind it a little.

and I'm just going to go and make sure look that valve. see how this one's like Got it's pretty chalky. the intake Again, the intake takes a much less abuse because there's less heat there. I Can kind of feel where it's fairly grindy the exhaust Val up in here I'm kind of spinning it and then still seems like should have a little bit of valve clearance there and I like there's not enough like it's it's almost there.

but it it's being held open a little bit. It should be a little bit harder to turn than that. Get example name the intake valve. So I'm going to go pop the Um Springs out from underneath it and what you do is you put a F gauge.

There's like a lifter down in the valley there. If you can get these out there, go. That's our intake side one. I Want to show you the Um the clip that was on there I was talking about.

So that's how that one works. So there's no retainer. it's just an offset in the middle of it. Get rid of the spring offset in the middle of it.

so the center is what holds and you push it down. you pull to the side and which allows it to to come off. whereas the exhaust valve had that Keepers holding it. So that's just going to have a straight hole.
Come on out. That's just going to have a straight hole in the center of it. let the keepers hold wedge down on it. All right? So I'm going to go drop them back in and I'm going to take um a F gauge and see if I have proper clearance you like.

I haven't it up? A good like valve clearance on anything is generally it's like between 4 and six. Val Almost everything of course could fluctuate from there, but generally that's what most stuff is. Let concerned about that exhaust valve, we get a F gauge. We're going to go drop it down.

Now that that stuff's out of our way right there, we're going to going to measure the space, get you maybe a little bit less light. There you go. So we're going to go measure the space, between those two surfaces and then we're going to measure the space between those two surfaces. We find that we need a little bit more room we're going to take and just hit it on the grinder and knock the tip of that stem down a little bit.

there. It does seem like it's a little tight to me though. I start with like a fourth out fer gauge and that one's clearing it. but I'm going to rotate it I'm not sure what part of the cam I am on.

there's the tight spot. Okay, that's tighter than four and I don't know it may have a decompression valve in it and I'm just chasing while. Goose What we got here. This is one one and 1 half fou, it's the smallest one I have on the steel gauge set that's at like one and a half.

F I'm going to look up and see if it has a de a decompression will be on a cam shaft that's inside there. There'll be a little something to um, got good clearance, something to, uh, bump it at a certain point of the RPM range. When it's down so low, it'll uh, hold the valve open a little bit longer. Usually it's the exhaust valve and holds that valve open for a little bit of period of time to knock some of the compression down.

But even right now, that's the exhaust valve and that's one and a half th and that's already dragged Bing on that. I'm going to try looking up what what the spec is supposed to be on that and maybe we'll go from there. we take a hair off of each one of those. so I looked up the actual spec, what it's supposed to be and it's uh, 8 and 10.

eight on the intake, 10 on the exhaust where you should be and it has to be a quarter inch down past top dead center. You see the Pistons down a little bit in there again CU of the decompression valve. so that is8 th that's a little too tight I think I measured it and we actually three is where it's at. Five is even F tight on a five.

here's a five. it's tight on a five I think it's at three. Exhaust seems to be okay. uh, that is at 10.

Let's go grab a 10. Yeah, so 10 is right on the money on that one this one. The intake is a little too tight so we're going to go take a hair off the stem of that valve and try to give us a little bit more room and that um, as the engine's kind of going around in a circle if the valve with the decompression valve um is if it holds it, it holds it better if I spin it. So if if the Piston's coming up and the valve is closing, let me get you on the right cycle.
So there's the valve. intake valve is open. it's it's allowing fuel to come in Am I pulling it the right way. let's go this way.

All right. So Pistons up it's going to try and suck air in Cu the valve is open. suck an air fuel in filling up this chamber valve closes. It's not closed yet.

not closed yet. not closed yet. Now it's just closed right there. Well if you take a couple thou out of that, that valve is going to be closing here instead of here and trying to bring your compression numbers up.

So I do think that is kind of what is happening. So like I said, I'm going to take a little bit on a grinder and knock off a little bit on that stem and hopefully give us a little bit more room for compression. We knocked a little bit off. Let's go get it.

Plus you got to know too. Like when the spring and everything is on it too. It actually tries to help pull it down a little bit more so you don't want this stroke. We want this one.

go up and then back down a/ qu inch right to that Ridge line. Let's see what we got for a number. Now we're at five. I'm going to call that five I'm going to take a hair air more off of it.

not much more. Let's go run it around once and let's go see where the Val is filling up a fuel. it's sheding off. Still, no compression.

Still no compression. no compression right there. kind of where it's shutting off. I'm going to give it a little bit more.

like I said, when the valve spring is on there, it does help pull it down a little bit. But I'm going to knock a little bit more off of that and took a little more off a 50. Uh, go slide through there fairly fairly free I think we're probably at six I think it said said, let's go. here's a seven I said the spec is supposed to be yeah, so Seven's still stuck in there I'm going to take a little bit more off I Don't want to go too far cuz I don't want to screw up the decompression part of it.

We'll knock a little bit more. it's it's a tight seven. Stop it. Uh, I'm going to go put it back together and we'll put the head on it again.

I Don't think we're going to get a good compression number using compression gauge because of the decompression valve part of it. but when I was pulling it over, it was even kind of like chugging back out the intake. So I do have a feeling that's what some of our issue is. Again, we still have some scoring in the the piston in the sleeve, but we're just having fun see if we can get it to run.

think I want to take a minute and all. Probably just left both. Bells but that dark spot on the intake valve right there you mean is where um, it was escaping in that one area you even see I don't know if it's if I got you too close, but you see where the shiny pattern is and all of a sudden right where that dark spot is, the pattern changes width on it. Actually, she kind of gets fatter right there.
so I'm going to go lap them in see if that'll help us at all and then we'll put them back together. Don't know how well this antique lick and stick suction cup is going to work what I've been doing recently on like overhead valves. I've been putting a drill on the other end just using a drill to try to get it and they com train TR and get some of that Compound on there. let that flop down I'm go lick my tool moisture on it, see if it'll work for it.

it's going to keep working that lift it up and so I'm going to do that to both of them and work that surface doesn't have to go crazy just a little bit. Try to mate those two surfaces, make them kind of round and match to each other, and then make sure I'm going to rinse all that off because you don't. It's um, it's grinding compound essentially so you don't want that going inside there wouldn't want to hurt the boar that scratched up boar. and yes I'm hitting them both I lift up in between because it allow like it pushes the the grinding material out of the way.

so you lift it up kind of let it run down and let it refeed. You want that? you don't want it where all the material is pushed out so you lift up on it kind of like drops back in. You hear the sound difference to like when I lift up when I first start you hear it grinding, then it goes to smooth and at the end it's all pushed out so it's not doing anything but you lift up on it and let it drop back in and so let's go rinse that crap out of there a little bit of bre clean. rinse all that out of there.

Where's my air gun? Where'd you put it I saw you what' you do? Go put them back together now do an exhaust. The intake was no problem, just pretty much slide it in there and clip it over. But here's the keepers on here and Grease is your friend. Hopefully they stay put when we, uh let it back down.

there we go. So I took a feeler gauge to the intake and of course like I said, when you put the spring on it, it actually does feel a bit tighter. and I think we were at 7 before, but it's more like between six and five. Again, the spec is eight.

We're going to go try it. Here's a seven. Seven's tight. Let's go.

Um, really? yeah. I probably should have measured them at first. Here's a here's a three I Want to say it was at like one and a half? Here's a three. Three is fine.

Like I said I think we're around five. so we definitely made a change in it enough where it should make a difference in how it operates. Go Five! Yeah, so it's a it's a snug five. Worst case, we can go and open it up a little bit more, but let's go pop it back together real quick and see if we get a different response out of it by dumping a little bit of fuel in it and kicking her over.
All right she at with me. Click, click click, Go. need more? All right. And just once around, make sure they all feel about the same.

All right. let's go throw that pull start on there, give her a chg, see how it feels All right. Pretty much put it all back together the same as what it was. Just want to do apples to apples.

You know to make sure everything's set up. so just give her a couple of pulls and let's go dri some fuel in it. little plug in it see if we get any different response out of it. I'm hoping to get like a little bit of like a run in a red and then just die a little bit.

Anyway, see if this? yeah, that sucks. Let's throw the compression gauge back in it again, see if it made any difference. Again, it's got a decompression valve, so it does not play well with a conventional sense of trying to figure out what compression an engine has. CU You don't know until it spins up what the actual number is.

Let's see if we get anything different though. we're at. we were at 45 before 46 worse. We did put that oil in there though too.

So yeah, it's worse. That's not good. I Kind of want to grind that valve a little bit more, but I'm wondering if maybe we should work with the fuel system. Take that car off, see what we have inside that bowl while we're here, and possibly feed some fuel to it just to see if it'll run off the bowl.

It really should. You know, want to dribble fuel on that? It should kick off and like fire a couple times, but sometimes not all right. Let's go pop that carb apart, right? So on this style carb, you have to take that needle out of it first because it goes through a passage that, um, will crash into. Oh, we got crud coming out of it, so there's a a deeper screw that's in there I Think the screwdriver is going to be too fat and we get one that's ground down to fit.

There we go. Hopefully that'll it'll walk out of there. it's def the Oddball machines. I Like kind of checking out just to see what the thought process was.

Usually if it's an oddball, it's an oddball for a reason because it didn't work very well compared to like a conventional anything. whether to be like real popular, like all the 70s um, toys that came out to go ride on and they all kind of came and didn't last very long. Well that's pretty cruddy. I don't know how much fuel is going to go through the of that that needs some love.

Let's get the body screws up. I Picked up a couple of machines that are, uh, really unique. really unique. I'm betting if a thousand people watch on one of the machines, one person has probably seen it or heard of it.

Probably probably none of you seen it because even when I looked it up I couldn't find other than a brochure I really couldn't find much more on it. so that one should be coming up fairly soon. All right, get in there. this will tell us how it was put away.
Come on, break loose got all the screws right I wonder if somebody cemented it? Is he like give her there she goes. it's got some Rust in it. Definitely need to come apart and get cleaned. So let's go make sure our float still floats.

Want throw a bunch of these parts in the cleaner and I know if you want to look at something else while we're doing this. Brass floats have a tendency to crack and or leak. Can get that gasket off of there I Don't think I have one of these in my stash. Do we need to clean the upper half? Is there anything up there that we can't clean with? Just like a little bit of carb cleaner? Let's go take out the Uh so this is the idle.

It was out about a half a turn. This is the idle speed air fuel mix and the other one that we took out. the long one that we took out. this one.

the uh, this part of it right here is the main air fuel mix. You can see how it pinches off the passageway. you run that screw and it kind of chokes off how much fuel can get in there. and then uh, back to screw out more fuel.

run to screw in less fuel. I'm go clean that on the wire wheel with throw that in the ultrasonic I Don't know if we're going to screw with this because I don't want to mess with that gasket because there's there's a fuel Passage through here I think it is this right here. There's a passage that if you get a gas leak around it, it screws up. so let's try not to screw it up, huh? You got our money's worth out of this can and we'll just open those ports up.

Get in there clean. I Got it back together. Got a uh alternate fuel system up top fuel tank and it is dripping out of the carb. Let's give her a yank, see what happens? Let's go throw that muffler in there.

didn't set us on fire fire but that that carb is flooding over? We go. Yeah, leaking at the seam. Let's go shut the fuel off thing. Being the style of carburetor it is, it can't flood itself over because it has to draw it upward.

see more zap on the screws. Sure a new gasket would definitely help clean the needle and seat up best as possible. All right, let's keep trying. Give it a little bit of Choke full choke I'm pulling the bench and you guys back you up a little.

All right I don't know about you I think I had invest in a windmill. just wants to go though I'm hoping they kick and get past the uh decompression. Let's see RPMs get up pretty much doing the same thing when we dribbl fuel down. it can't a breather I do feel like maybe opening the intake valve a little more or possibly not sure trying to figure if we can get a some kind of big ass drill on there to spin it, we could try that.

I Guess it may spin the nut right off though. Let's go. Uh, take that bolt out of it, see if it's right or left hand thread. Yeah, it's not going to work for us, it's just going to loosen up if we try spinning it.
h I give a couple more tugs on it, see if we can get anything out of it. sounds like I went silent. let's go. so now it's wet.

come on R you I do again, load it up it up a couple times, turn to choke off back the uh air fuel mix out a little bit more it up. let's go workout. So I took a bunch of the pull start back off I Just want to take a look at the flywheel key. Generally a generator would not have this problem I was looking for a Shear possibly of this key and that would throw the timing out between the crankshaft and the flywheel cu the flywheel is also the electronics there points that are behind here that can uh, get screwed up.

I'm going to pop this flywheel off anyway just to kind of take a look at those points. not that we don't have sparkk, but I'm just going to see if there's anything else that's a little out of of the ordinary. Um, before I go through the trouble of uh, opening that valve a little more and it should run. Get that cover off of there.

Damn it. There you go. let's go get personal with it. Gap looks about right I wouldn't say that's uh, an issue.

I am going to run a set a point file across it. Not that it seemed much of an issue, but just wanted to go check on it while we had all the pull start back off of it again. All right. I'm going go drag some across that we'll put that back together.

maybe try it once more, once or twice more. But I think we have to work with the intake valve right? Let's give a one last shot. before we tear it apart, she go. Why? I saw a spark come from the back here I'm not quite sure what caused it.

This fire her up though. huh? it like arked somewhere in here. It was a spark that arked I don't know one of these plates touched this or something was bouncing around inside there. that caused it I do see like something was rubbing there.

Huh? I think that cover touches anything? Does it? No, don't see anything on there. Yes, something blew out. a spark could even be. Then it just kind of like lost all its power again.

didn't It just seemed like it, uh, flailed off. Let's go give her another shot, see if she'll come back. I started u leaning out the mixture. have the gas off.

let's go fire it up see if it'll go. just teasing us now that was just screwing with us. Then there's that oh like it just doesn't have enough balls to go and to give her some choke and then good. So I want to run but it didn't run with any balls to it.

Did it? It just like was a lethargic just trying to wasn't even makeing power and it was just barely able to try to get the RPMs up. H I'm thinking we got to screw with that valve some more. was it hurt right? Actually may take a break and uh, we'll heat again in the morning. Fuel's off, fuel's off.
Let's kill the light and I'm going to contemplate over the evening and you can contemplate over the next 30 seconds. Let me know what you come up with. All right one more time before we go home. Yes, back on that's Full Throttle what the camera on the other side see if there same happening over there like I said I saw the Sparks that kicked out of there.

you guys weren't able to see it I'm going to Rich it up try backing on the throttle I'm me try to go with to idle. almost like it makes no difference either that or just the decompression valve is not shutting off. All right, that's it. I'm tapping out all right so it's the next day.

I Kind of thought about it a little bit and not much has really changed in my opinion. I Still want to take that intake valve back out? We'll grind it a little bit more, see if we can get some out of it. It just seems like the engine is worn to the point where it just does not make enough power to spin that heavy flywheel. It just can't overcome it.

I Also, don't know if this assembly draws more energy when it's not creating power compared to a regular generator regular generator. it. it has mass to it, but there's no load on it if you're not creating power. I Don't know if this is any different.

just feels like it. It takes an awful lot my my arms hurting me just from trying to, uh, pull the thing over yesterday. Yeah, I'll blame it on that. So I I Don't know if there's just something in here that constantly is drawing power to do whatever this assembly or style of generator is and the engine's just so.

War It just can't overcome that. All right, we're babbling. Let's get the cylinder head back off the valve, back out of it and take a little bit more off. Maybe look at that bore while we're in there without further.

Ado Let's wrench. I See, wiggle that valve out of there. Got to figure out which way the keeper is. It's got to come towards us.

We're almost here. There, It is all right. Let's go pop that valve out of there like a little bit more off. Let's see if that'll help us I ground that valve down.

Let's look at that boore like we were talking about. You can definitely see how many scratches are in it all the way around. So I I really kind of think that we're leaning more towards that, being the problem that it just can't maintain compression around the sides of it. and I mean you could feel and here my nail trying to drag over them.

It should be like that instead. So right here is real bad. the lights picking it up. but yeah, she's pretty cute.

definitely has some hours on it, but at that point you know what are you going to do. Put bore, put bigger piston rings in it. It's just not worth chasing. Um, it's essentially a $20 engine at a flea market.

but I kind of want to just get it running to see the generator part would do. Let's go pop that back together, see what happens? maybe? So I'm in that same position. you know, quarter inch past I think I overdid it. that's eight thou sloppy.
but you're human there 11th though. and I'm up around like 11 or 12 12. Oh well. so I may have screwed it up but got to break some eggs I Guess let's go pop it back together and give it one last try.

All right see Happ she's actively dripping fuel. Let's go give her a prime shot. the P start's not liking it. rid of the choke.

come on baby. Unfortunately, come on baby. leave it for a second. See, we come up with ourm It's Full Throttle right now we should plug something into it.

We got to wipe over something. nothing yet think the RPMs have to come up. Yeah, we're not missing. Definely went the right direction.

Let turn the gas back on, get around out the gas. TR working with that air fuel mix, you go too much. it's going to die You need around 3600 RPM nothing Me Riv a little more. go too much to going a die right there.

That sounds about 2500 r going up. No gravel white bulb that's not good. You sprung a leak. Let me go put you down.

take that gas. T yeah it's um, cooking itself. Whatever that drag is on that. um oh.

it burn it kicked the coils right out of it. No, it look like the glue broke Ro that's probably why it had so much. Dragon I wouldn't want to Riv up and where the Sparks are coming from the other day? All right, let me get this situation under control before we catch a fire and then we'll pop that apart and see what happen. You hear it all right? We're going to let that puppy cool down.

It wasn't making any power obviously. not quite sure what the setup is behind it. We'll let it cool down. We'll unbolt this.

We'll see what's happening behind here. Funky, Huh? I Thought it was just like a set of coils that went all the way around it. I Didn't think there would be something like that like a pack on the side of it. Huh? and I just said get start, ring higher and higher.

So I think it's combination of two. The engine didn't enough, wasn't making enough power to overcome it. and then whatever was going on here just had too much drag. Funky, All right.

I'm going to Airis out, let that cool off and then we'll embol that. All right, let's crack her open. It smells in here. like like when a Bast resistor goes in a fluorescent light.

That cookie smell to it. Let's get rid of the little wires. My light is flipping out. We go change our light out as you were okay.

So we want to get at least these two out of our way for now. I Guess you got to loosen three of them up to get it out of there. Question is, did this just happened from sitting or was it put away because it failed? Guess we're about to find out right now, right? So this is like an insulator? Whatever this is. Oh yeah, the whole thing just spit right out of it.
Well, there's your problem. That's why I had so much drag to it. the coils in the back gave up the ghost look at that Carnage So my guess is that that is. H Let's keep going.

let's go take this one off and we'll take the flywheel off. After that, we'll kind of see how that it looks like it's two hats I see a dividing? It was a dividing plate in between them. That's probably what was wrapped around the coil. I Wonder if there's one on this side and then another one on that side? This one might be still complete.

We can kind of see how it was meant to be. All right, let's get that one off. Well I still got good engine parts left over I have to take them all the way out. Someone stuck too I wonder if it was supposed to be glued to this? Come on there we go.

So there's um. I'm just going to cut them off there little uh tabs. These are probably what excite the field I'm not going to worry about them just G to cut them off as a I Don't feel this is going to be coming back to life. All right, there's a before and after, huh? So I'm kind of thinking maybe that was already like that I more if you could look back in the old footage if we see like, um, burn marks at all when we were looking at it.

If That was already pre-existing I don't remember kicked out like this I I Wonder at some point if this whole assembly just kind of. if the glue joints let go, you know? And it was like that and it just kind of fell out of there. That winding was just maybe drawing. Maybe it thought it was drawing power.

That's why it was so hard to turn over like we're talking about the resistance where it cut into all the wires. That's probably where it started when I saw the Sparks the first time. Yeah, she wasn't going to do well, huh? All right, let's get the flywheel off there, see if that'll come off. we'll get rid of this and um, get a better peek of what's Happening inside.

Plus we'll see what shaft is on a motor where it's got a tapered Shaft or a um Straight Shaft straight Shack could be used for like a mini bike you to push off. It looks like it's got a a setup to run a thread in there. kind of like a motorcycle. L The motorcycle flywheels have threads on the inside to pop the flywheel off.

you see there? I'm going to try to get a regular pulley puller on that. How about a 58 bolt? Here we go. There should be a shoulder inside that we probably just run that with the impact gun. see if we get it to pop off.

You put a little bit of grease on the end of that, give a something to slide on little lube. For the tip, we'll get an impact gun. we'll run that in and that should pop it off this. See other what the kind of surprises are behind it? Grab a socket for that.

There it goes. What we got. So it's a hole. The whole thing's going to get rid of that, huh? The whole thing.
It's two halves coming together. H Yes, that's heavy. so it's a double flywheel. Me: get this half out of it.

Let's go set this down on the bench over here. Man got some weight to it so it is a somewhat bit of a taper shaft. We could always either put a clutch or sprocket on there and or here, so it is kind of still usable as an engine. Bet it pulls over a lot easier.

Now Yeah, look at the size of that flywheel. So how did that transfer power? So that was it. You would think it would be a little bit more beefy. It's just directly to the Um post that were on it.

You would think it would go to some kind of Regulation Like how did it regulate 120 volts? huh? Yeah, you would think you would see beef beefier wires than that coming off. Again, it's not that big of a units so maybe not. Yeah, was just one, two, three, and four. and I don't see them going to anything that goes to the fuses goes to the gauge I Don't see anything that regulated it, do you? RPM was just nothing.

control the the RPM of the engine from the generator part. it was just all whatever the governor was and at Um 60 HZ would have been 3600. RPMs is what it would have ran at. Weird.

What a weird setup. That's why we took it apart, right? Go see what makes a tick. All right, let's go see if we can slide that out of there and just take a quick peek and see how bad or try to come up with a idea of what had happened. All right I was just sitting in there so I wonder if like the original failure was just maybe the glue that was holding it to this plate failed on the other side and it just started grounding itself out.

It's aluminum to aluminum winding and then this thing. Holy what's to deal with the fins? So that's got to have a coil inside of it? Maybe this has windings in it. Maybe maybe not like what's what's the? Um I guess that's just for cooling fins. I I Don't see a way to kind of peek inside that.

kind of seems like it's wrapped. These are copper. This is copper right here. the outer shell.

I Don't think we're going to hurt it. You want to? Uh, take a Whz wheel? We'll put a slice in them. see what's inside. So my guess is it would just be magnets that are in there.

but uh, this thing is so odd. I Have no idea how it how it, uh, functions. Let's go see if we do two and kind of pull back a little section. Yeah, this is I think it's just encapsulating magnets is all it is.

I Don't believe there's going to be windings underneath there unless you kind of tear down the inside face of it. I Don't think we're going to be able to see a a side profile that looks kind of like the side of a magnet though. Let's go get yourselves something to see if it'll stick. Would just like a bolt or something.

Yeah, yeah. so it's got a magnet. The magnet face is probably in that way. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah. so there's a magnet this way. In this way. Nothing there, Nothing there.

I You can split this apart. Kind of looks like they welded it together. There's one piece. Yeah, it's all kind of glued together with a metal glue gun.

All right. Well, there's that what we got for a mess happening over here. Let's um, see how it runs without the generator. Still, you have enough fuel to go get rid of some of the rattles.

Let get rid. This one's going to kill us. Let's go drop it on its side. That one roll away contact for some chok.

Yeah, so it's a lot easier with all that drag on it, huh? I Still think it's uh, going to have some issues. It's probably running at 80% of its uh Power but uh does still run well guys. I Feel that brings us to the point of the video. We can't go any further.

So kind of thinking about tearing the engine down and seeing what that boore look like. but it does still run so I'll probably keep it together for that purpose. I Would not try to use this engine on something like a Gen generator that you plan on running for hours and hours and hours. but it might make for like a a good mini bike engine or something along those lines.

It's kind of heavy for a mini bike generally you know for six horsepower you can get something about a third the weight of this. but we'll see I'll throw it up in the stash and you know we'll see in a future video Parts Getting picked off of it or whatever or if we find another one and it needs Parts Highly doubt. but all right guys. with that I'm going to sign off.

Thank you all for hanging out and wrenching with me and trying to figure out Oddball stuff and uh, put your opinions down below which came first. Was it the chicken or the egg? Did the thing already have a failure? Um, and it was put away was drawing power and it caused that it was overheated. Maybe somebody tried drawing too much power off of it or my cement head and I screwed it up by not being aware that it started to break loose and when the first Spark started coming out of it that there was an issue. I'm going with the ladder all right guys with that I'll see you later.

By Mustie

14 thoughts on “Can it be saved? abandoned vintage mite-e-lite generator, left behind for the trash”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Buongustaio / Frank Daniels says:

    Ok, the video is at 17 minutes and I can’t understand why you haven’t added at least 8 ounces of fuel to the tank. That litter but that you piss into the cylinder is nothing.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Whitright says:

    Why don't you just hold your finger down tight over the spark plug hole and give it a pull? That will give you an idea how much compression that you have.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marvin says:

    my arms got tired just watching.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Baughman says:

    It armed on the side

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Baughman says:

    Grind the seats

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert Michaels says:

    The "Rule of Thumb" is that if the Compression PSI is below 80 the engine will not run,(80PSI is absolute Minimum!!!). A Briggs and Stratton that old would NOT have a "Compression Release" on the cam or elsewhere. Once you have reground the valves/seats,always apply, "White Lithium Grease" on the valve stems as a, "Pre-Lube" before running,otherwise you are running with, "Dry" stems and causing premature wear on the valve guides and valve stems. If regrinding the valves does NOT improve the Compression, "PSI",then the engine needs a new piston,rings,and the cylinder dressed for such. Going to the "Fuel System" is a waste of time at this point because the "Compression" requirement is NOT there!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Wade says:

    Wiley Diodey strikes again!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Angel says:

    I'm a pro. Engines tech if it doesn't start in three pulls fix what's wrong with it

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Angel says:

    Clean the caeb

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Ter Sarkissoff says:

    Hi Darren – I owned one of these in the 70's and it gave me fits with the windings that constantly needed repairs. Sparks were the first sign that a winding connection was failing. I was using the generator to power a radio receiver so the current demand was extremely low – lost a lot of money on the unit and finally replaced it with a Honda 400W that was outstanding in quality and reliability. Thanks for the interesting video and congratulations on the hard work you put in !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snooooozel says:

    Pretty sure there was a generator short right from the beginning, maybe because of overloaded during usage or water killed the isolation somewhere

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Boos says:

    I have always been told the rule of thumb to run is atleast 90 psi. 2 strokes can get away with a little less because there's no valve train and less restriction.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars snicks50 says:

    I also have parts for that…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted Biernacki says:

    A long time ago when I had Mt Prelude I used this stuff called engine restorer. Ptfe oil additive in a can . It worked pretty good on that tiered 4 cylinder. Maybe something to experiment with. Costs about $8.00 for a 6 cylinder , you be using drops of it on this.

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