this gas powered porter cable nail gun was for free on the side of the road. well it was free for a reason, it has a big issue with it. and its not what you would expect.

Hey guys, how's it going I Was driving down the road and this on the side of the road had a free sign on it and that's what it is. A nail gun. Uh, gas powered nail gun. looks like propane and I did figure out why it was free and we'll get into that in a minute.

but it looks really clean, has some nails with it. Okay, you want to call it a Brad nailer. somewhere in between there as far as size. Got a propane cylinder for it right there and we got glasses.

Looks like never came out of the case. What's in here? What is that? A muffler? Anyway, let's start getting into it and see what makes it tick and what was wrong with it and why it was free on the side of the road. Hey, let's go put some fuel in it and see we how this works for us. That's gonna probably go in that direction and that thing that we call the muffler I believe is probably going to tap into the back side.

here. There we go. let's um I was gonna do anything. let's go shove it into a piece of wood, see what happens if there's anything to it.

So there's an issue. it has no propane and when I went to uh find out about the cartridges that are in it, all right that can go. Oh there you go. So I went to go find these cartridges and they are not available.

You cannot get them so that's why I got thrown out. They no longer make the fuel cells that power the the gun. Having said that, I Uh, went and tried to find something else that was fairly close to what that was and what I came up with that is still available is that problem is the body of it is gonna be that much longer. So I'm not sure how we're going to try to make out trying to get one of those to fit on there unless we have the capacity.

Maybe we can just back charging this to see if we can get it to take a fill. I'm not quite sure how that would work, but this is about the same diameter I don't know if we can. Um, yeah, what's that going to do for us? Not much. So I think we have to kind of stick with the original cartridge, but there's a way that we could possibly backfill into this that may be able to save it.

If not, we're just going to take it apart and figure out what makes it tick. I just twist it off that little plastic cap that was on there and it's the point that's sticking out I Don't know if we can be that lucky that we can, kind of, um, force feed it. Let's go see what happens. It's probably gonna make my hands really cold.

Problem is it's probably a valve that's in here that we're not overcoming. but I'm going to give it a second. You would think that you feel getting cold if there was a transfer. Yeah, I'm not feeling any actually I might have taken a little.

Let's go try. let's put it back in the gun. see what happens. Foreign valve.

It might be a bit right there. Okay, yeah, look at that where the what the trigger says there unlocked all right. So we got something I don't know if that's uh gonna be a long lasting setup for the fill. Let's go.
um, lock that. get that back out of here. It'd be nice if we had like a um, a scale or something that we were able to measure how heavy this is getting. I'm gonna go try that for a little bit longer so you can get a better fill out of that cartridge.

a couple or something. maybe. I'm gonna try and listen to it. very faint pitch of it.

Possibly doing something which we think would be the best way to fill it like that, that would probably be more liquid right where the other way would be. um just gas I wonder if there's a a tube inside there? Yeah, it definitely got a little bit heavier. Must be doing something. Yeah, listen to it real close and it does seem like it is filling it.

Uh I Wonder if we can get um a something with a larger Reservoir to fill these up with and it could also be good too if you could find another couple of empties of these and you can do the same. I Don't know how many nails you get out of one of these, but having said that, we got it for free. Let's go take it apart and see what makes it tick. I'd be interested to find out too.

So it's got a clip in the front. should be for maybe releasing the uh magazine. Sure, there we go and a lot of the nails to come out of it. Let's um, foreign.

Let's take the heel end apart first. Looks like we gotta take this off before we can split the case of it. Let's get this off of it. Let's not read the instructions because it's going to tell us not to go in there, but we're going in anyway.

Yeah, unfortunately. I Think that's the downfall of a lot of tools is that if they don't support him anymore, what are you doing at that point? it's junk. You know you can imagine it for. like the uh, the cordless tools stop making batteries form and everything's junk.

You can't get any more. You think it's in here? I would think there'd be like some kind of like a recoil spring. Let's go see if it wants to push away when I'm taking the last one out that looks cool. Looks like it's got a little spark plug which is like lights a a chamber on fire.

We take that out right there. Oh yeah yeah, it's got a little spark plug of wire plug is probably in there. Let's um, you want to do next? You want to split the case. Can we unbolt this part of it? First bolt there? It looks like two right here.

So let's get these two out and see if we can get this up off out of our way. Where are we? We got? It's a post right here. It's gonna need some vice grips that's turning on us. It looks like it's got a little that like that might be a shock absorber just away this.

Yeah yeah, so that's all that is. It's a guide for left or right. Some you're gonna have to get that off of there wherever that is I don't see access to it to you. It's not a, um, not a bolt.

Hmm, it's captured inside of this. Can we I wonder if we pull that out of there will allow to come off of this side? Let's keep picking away. All right. We got two bolts in the top here.
All right. thank you. That just came right out of there. Must be like a a trigger to hold it open off the body.

See anything else holding it I Think we just pull straight out. Yeah, that's gotta rubber boot. Well that's disconnected. Let's um, split the body of it open and see if we'll go with it.

So we're gonna need a little smaller size, we'll take these off So you can get the side of the case to open up. Let's go Cracker open. I Have a feeling this, um, this lock might be holding us up. Let's see.

Yeah, the lock has to be able to come out of there. Let's grab a, um, a little screwdriver. I Think these tabs have to get has to get pulled down past these levers and allow it to come out of the track. You can get them to pass that.

Okay, one side. there we go. Okay, that's out of there now. let's see if we can crack it open here.

We got a bunch of linkages. There's the fuel rod going up to the combustion chamber. Quite sure what this is. Maybe it's like a little, uh, fuel capacity.

like a, um, a metered amount of fuel that is. See the hoses coming off of it as it goes into the combustion chamber and then this one is kind of like a gas grill. It looks like when you pull that trigger, it, um, makes a momentary spark that runs up to the spark plug. Okay, so that is.

I might just be a bushing of sorts. Anything on the back side of the cover that can, uh, tell us anything. no, just kind of holds everything in place. All right.

So I just got below to my face so it won't let it go because that safety Rod it's probably a safety Rod that pushes this forward unlocks this lock. Oh, you think up, looks like it's got a little, um, a little valve right there. It has to get pushed down to allow the fuel to go in. I Promise Nothing supporters.

There you go. Yeah, so that's what that does. You push it down, it allows probably a metered amount. Whatever.

This little combustion chamber is right here to fill into the uh, the Piston part of it. So can we take off, take the trigger off and get that out of our way. Could I lift this whole thing up? Remembering how this goes right? Get that spring out of there for that right out of there. Let me, uh, pop you in the stand.

So I have two hands to work with. All right. So what else can we take off? I wonder I don't know if this case splits or not. I'd like to get some of this out of it.

You could probably work this out of here. And then we have a fuel system. Let's get rid of the spring, a hill tension for the lever to get rid of that. Let's get the fuel rod off of there.

and this has the heavy. the heavier hose going into the combustion chamber that's cracking on us. Wiggle that out of our way. Yeah, that's my guess.

Like a little Reservoir And then that's the valve right there to let it allow so much fueling at a time. All right now we should be able to get that. We have room to get the spark plug out coil trailers. you can't.
A fuel line's still on the way. Uh, let's go and see. I'd like to get into that combustion chair and just kind of see what the piston and setup looks like. So let's get these four out of it and see if we can pull the back side of it.

I'm going to call it the engine see what that looks like? Looks like it's got little intake valves right there and there and again. practica. Probably like what you see inside of gas grill, the little the little Arc piece going across. Let's go find out.

I Popped inside the body so it's not flopping all over the place. Let's grab the right side down the wrench. Kind of wonder if it's made in USA because the hardware is not metric. Oh, that's Porter Cable us or was when this was made.

Let's see a ground wire going down too, so that must be the other side of it. All right. Enough screw that. we're taking off right now.

There's a ground wire. Feels like the bolts got Loctite on them. A drag coming all the way out. Yeah, they got Loctite on them.

Foreign because it could be like a piston with rings and all that. or you think it's just going to be like, um, a boar with a like a piston plug? I'm gonna see it. I'm gonna guess it has rings. Let's go find out.

Could be none of the above too. All right, What a weird yeah, look at that. So that must be the intake. Where would the exhaust blow out so it sucks the air in through there? And how would that spark Like what would cause? Where would the spark jump? Is it underneath here and it lights through those holes? Is it right there? And they got it pinned together too? like it's got a rivet in the center that we can't take apart? Let's uh, keep looking.

Well that. see if this whole thing comes out there, you go. That was gonna allow us to keep coming out. Yeah, the front of it's holding it.

Let's get the coil so to speak. out of our way. All right, So the front of that assembly still has to come out of our way. We can get the rest of it out of there.

we can kind of see what the Piston looks like. let's go flip it around. look at the other end. So somehow we got to get this assembly off of here now.

I'm not sure how it's keyed to it. I Think we just keep taking bolts off till it falls apart, right? Let's go get that one out of there. We'll see what that's holding in place. Excuse you I Don't see anything That it's got to be something underneath here, right? It's got it.

I Pull down I Just wonder if like where that hammer is, you see like that's what drives the nail right there. That little pin. the nail sitting here in the magazine. It just fires it forward.

but I wonder if it's got like a shoulder. See how the shoulder is on that side? I wonder if it has the same shoulder on the other side and it just does not allow it to come all all the way forward and out. Seems like that's anything that's holding it. There's a pin a dowel pin in there.
Let's try driving that dowel pin out. You see it right right there. Try tapping that pin out so you can get this out of a way and see if it'll allow this to come and give us some room. You have to support this a little bit better, but let's see what we get.

Might be a little too bouncy. You know what's going on. Sorry, don't lose it. Let's see if that's in any.

Force probably not. Let's go bend it towards us again. Yeah, it does. It does have that shoulder I was talking about but I don't know if that's how that's going to help us to get it apart.

How about that? Now we can push it Forward right? Get it off there we go. Figuring her out. Let's get rid of a that's probably a dampener for the return. Can we get through that? Get through that.

It's a little piece of rubber is what's holding us now that I ran it down into the cavity, right? Come on out there. Yeah, now we'll come out there. We go. There's the spring I was thinking of for the return.

Let's go. Um, lay this out on a bench. We'll go take a look. pull the other side of it off I have to back you up to pull that off.

Now we think that piston would come out of there now, right? this connects to that rod I Think it has rings I wonder if it? maybe O-rings Hmm, this is rubber. Is that rubber? You think the temperature would kind of get it, but maybe it's It's so quick it doesn't like a regular engine. was firing all the time, right? A little funky setup. Let me ask if you can go lay it out on the bench and explode with you pieces back together I Probably should have laid it out the other way because you can't see the Insiders of of that.

but you get the idea. So you hit a trigger. It allows this valve to open. the propane is allowed to fill through.

My guess is maybe this is like what meters how much fuel goes in. It seems like it's kind of heavy duty for what it is, right? meters how much fuel goes in and allows it to go up to this chamber valve. Hey, that's what we'll call that a valve and then when you hit the trigger, it allows this amount of fuel. Actually, it's not even the trigger I Think it's when you it might be when you bottom out the gun and release.

I'm not sure of that. what fires that valve. it's either the trigger or the motion of pushing on the nose cone with the rod that went through the center of it. We have a rod that went down through the middle that kind of fired.

It might be this one right here we're talking about. So that would allow so much gas to go into this combustion chamber that has this piston sitting inside it. This goes all this gets collapsed. This sticks out the front.

This actually drives the nail into the wood so that can make it all the way out and push on a nail each time. Actually it's going to be the way around right? it's going to be in the top here. it's going to catch a nail, drive that nail and return. When you hit a trigger, the spark plug goes that ignites that fuel that starts that whole process moving on.
Be neat setup of course how a battery one would be set up with this, but you know having no power in the system I'm only using fuel again. The only Power is probably the the little charge that you get I said like when you light your gas grill. kind of the same idea. it's a little igniter I wonder if we put this in the dark? we can actually see where it lights.

but I would say it's like fuels coming in on that hole right there and whatever the baffle is going around and I do see those two little ports. Let's go push on those real quick and see if they move. My guess is these are like little Reed valves. Yeah, they're like little little valves that that's probably the air charge comes in.

and as far as the exhaust, I'm not sure where it would exhaust and reset itself. Maybe right there there's another valve right there. Looks like yeah, yeah, so maybe exits right there. Hmm I don't know if you would oil the up or I wouldn't think so.

I got two more screws you can take apart you and get to get to those valves. We're not gonna buy that though. All right inside a free nail gun that you can no longer get cartridges for. What's your thoughts? Yeah, you can put it back together I am going to go do lunch first and I'm gonna come back and I'm not going to take you along for the journey unless they screw something up and we'll see if it still works.

Wish me luck over under I'm gonna give myself a a 60 success rate. Let's see how that holds out. I Don't think I have any parts left over. Let's see if we can load it up.

What are we doing here? Something like like that? See, it feels weird. Feels like something should be holding it in its track. Maybe it's just me. Let's see what happens.

I think that's right. Whoops. You may want to, uh, close up the front of it first. It felt weird.

Let's try that again. Males In: yeah, that's a little better. that's gonna get a piece of wood see if she does anything. Okay, what's your thoughts? Nothing: Hmm.

do we have to like prime it a couple times I know it said something about let's give another shot. There goes. yeah. I think just had to Prime itself for fuel fill up the chambers I need to let it come back every time.

Bad cartridges and we got to work again. That's a good sign. You smell smells pretty good. smells like I was gonna relate like Cox airplanes the old gas powered old 49 engines that you would fire up.

It has that smell to it. Good? Yeah. so if any of you happen to find where those cartridges are available or if there's a replacement for it I don't think so. like I want even just the the blank cartridges.
It seemed like they were selling for like 50 bucks a piece and I might guess is to try to backfill them is what the purpose was. But here's the problem. if you're trying to use something like this, you're only going to get that cartridge half. Focus Once the pressure of the two of them equalize out, you're never going to get the rest of it out of here and you know that one's only getting half charged up.

So what's the solution I don't know but I enjoyed myself taking it apart and just kind of see how it how it functioned on the inside of it. So I will throw that back in its case and um, if I happen to come up with a solution or someone in the comments comes up with a solution that is better than doing what I did with just kind of backfeeding it with one of these, well I don't even know how long that would last, but just seems like a waste, right? Say we just make up a number, say that this is at 100 150 psi and that cartridge is empty. Both cartridges go to 75 PSI and that's the most you can get out of it flashing because when that cartridge goes empty, this also has 75 pounds in it. It's going to keep doing the same thing.

So now they're both going to equalize at 35 pounds, right? Something like that. 32 and a half. It's math. Give me a bold and math all right guys with that one.

Thank you all for hanging out with me and uh, having a little fun take a free junk on the side of the road apart and uh, hopefully we do it again sometime soon. Till then I'll see you later. Okay, how many you were commenting that nails weren't coming out when I was driving it? It wasn't what it is now foreign.

By Mustie

17 thoughts on “Why was this nail gun free? it has a major problem”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clive kibbler says:

    at 14.57 i say he can,t put it back together .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard brobeck says:

    Yes I own a lot Porter cable tools and it is sad how B&D has destoyed them .

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GutshotGriz says:

    Cox .049 Shrike (prop driven car)…good times!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marty Habada says:

    Put the empty one in a freezer to make it colder than the full one and the butane will flow into the empty one. I have used this method to fill disposable lighters and the small propane bottles. As long as the pressure is lower in the empty one colder than the full one the gas will transfer. Have the empty on the bottom and the full one above it. I use this method to fill those disposable lighters. It works well.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KuusamoMart says:

    Mustie, the pressure of the supply cylinder doesn't drop unless the temperature drops whilst the cylinder still has liquid in it; providing the temperature is above the boiling point of the fuel, the pressure is equal to the vapour pressure of the gas at that particular temperature; the equalisation of pressure thing doesn't happen.
    We use Thermocell mosquito repellent units, the small gas cartridges are insanely expensive and have a valve that prevents them being refilled. It is possible to remove the valve by pulling out the brass fitting and using a small woodscrew to pull out the valve. You can then refill the cylinders for a few cents a time from a lighter fuel can (butane).

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    Internet comments suggest the a propane bottle adapter meant for refilling airsoft cartridges works on the bammer cartridges as well.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norman says:

    Butane lighter fuel cartridges (Ronson ?) are a similar size.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyl L says:

    fill it with compressed air?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ok Google says:

    You can probably extend the handle

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Peters says:

    Loved that episode! Put that thing back together!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Scott says:

    Too bad it can’t be adages to a 1 pound bbq type tank and run on a tether.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DoubleTap says:

    Look to what I came across, windowsoclean · #10 · Nov 17, 2009

    Yes, it's an airsoft "propane" adapter. I found that some airsoft guns use compressed air and some use green gas. My google search concluded that green gas is the same as propane. I recognized the propane gas smell right away when using the Bammer but was not sure. It was either toss the Bammer or take a chance and experiment with the airsoft propane adapter. The propane adapter instructions say to place a drop of silicone oil in the hole before filling. I highly recommend this to protect the rubber o-ring from damage. The tip of the adapter fits perfectly in the hole of the bammer fuel cell. And yes, my bammer nail gun shoots 2-1/4" nails just fine. There are plastic airsoft propane adapters available as well but decided to go the metal route for longevity. Your mileage may vary but I did find that a two second burst of propane is plenty. If you hold it longer than that it will overfill and spew out the excess propane gas. Maybe you want to try and let us know.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Blow says:

    The gas container is likely a 80% butane to 20% propane as listed by most gas fuel manufactures through their MSDS. If the cartridge is made of aluminum, it's likely to be butane since butane at room temperatures is 50 psi and propane at 120 psi.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! netgod3com says:

    Put the empty Porter-Cable cartridge in the freezer, put the cartridge you are filling from in a hot water bath, then fill with the source cartridge inverted to get as much liquid to flow as possible.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Floodway says:

    At first glance I would have gone to WalMart and picked up a lighter fluid charger. Nice

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wegmandan Nixon says:

    Save yourself a lot of money just buy your butane from your local store
    And remember this cupcakes. Electricity tends to come from fossil fuel

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bryan phillips says:

    Obsolecsence is why i keep hand tools and pnuematics around. I always recommend when building a tool collection always make sure to get the basics first .

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