I found this big joe personal electric lift on FB market place for $200, it no longer worked so I purchased it as is, lets see if we can fix it then modify it to move machines to the second floor of a barn, part 2 1s here, https://youtu.be/BPPFVCqSvKc

Speech Spee is hey guys and how's it going hey I Picked up this machine on Facebook Marketplace It's kind of a cross between uh I'm going to say like a forklift or a pallet Handler and or a man lift. it's kind of a cross between the two of them. it's called a Big Joe yeah it is yeah Big Joe up there and uh this was on Facebook Marketplace it said it still went up and down but the forward in Reverse to stop working on it and they were kind of done with it. They had it on there for 500 bucks I wanted to make a project out of something and I figured this would kind of fit the bill if it didn't not go up and down.

anyway. it was 500 bucks they were asking I said sure that's fine and there was a woman that was selling it. She said let me have my guys quickly go over it and make sure it still does what it's supposed to do and it did not. She called me back says it is not working I can't have my guys working on it any longer than that.

So I said well what do you want for it as is and she said 300 bucks I said well we're close enough let's go. um I'll come over, take a look at it and uh we'll figure it out from there. So when I looked at it and I kind of the switch is missing from it Hardware is taken out of it. There's a bowl of Hardware that came with it that's been busted off on the inside there like it took a hit or a fall or not.

quite sure what happened there but anyway. uh so we kind of settled on 200 bucks and here we are so it's does not do anything well I haven't tried to do anything with it but they were not able to get it to do anything. so I figured we can go look into that should make for a good video if we are able to figure out what is wrong with it and or modify it just so it goes back up and down again. Uh we will continue on with a little project I have going on so they have no batteries with it I think it is 24v system.

that platform I think is about 3 ft x 5 ft just to give you kind of a visual and like you would hang a harness from that Loop up in the center of it and then had little safety chains that went around and kind of locked you in until you would pull a package onto here and then let yourself back down again. Uh yeah. over here is where the batteries go so we're going to start screwing with it and see what we can do. There's a little panel on it for those who care I believe it says it can lift a 650 including um, whatever passengers that are on it I don't need to do that much.

and actually, yeah, that's that's probably a pretty good number. I Kind of want to use it for uh, motorcycles, scooters, garden tractors, that kind of thing. and you know the weight limit should be, uh, acceptable for us. All right.

we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's go and see what we can go do with it. Let's go grab a couple of batteries or something to throw in there and see what happens. How about one of those One of those? So I think we got two.

It's like two separate circuits. All right and they are not marked. This one has boots on it, one's black, one's red, so may we'll use that for the upper. Sparks Come out, we'll see.
So that's going to be hot. that's going to be ground. That jumper Pack's already on and we'll call this one. Call that ground and this one hot.

All right. got to separate these a little bit. Let's go look at that control panel. All right.

What we see on here: See a power switch here. All right. and I think it has right here. We got nothing.

I You see, they got like the switch isn't even on it. It's not even in there and looks like they were starting to take some stuff apart. It's got one bolt holding this whole cover on. Let's pop this up out of our way.

What's going to be in our way? What's this? It's like a reservoir fill. Yeah, get that. Knob Off and that bolt out. We got this look like that's how you swap from charging it and you swap the plug from one to another.

All right, let's go get that little handle off. right size. All right. Think waser there.

that's that's that's good and got the bolt in the corner. We grab a container to put our Hardware in. This is some of the stuff that was laying on top of it when I went over to go get it. Let add to the pile that do a force, it's connected or not.

some kind of H think that plug just unplugged itself as we're taking it apart. huh? Let's um I'm going disconnect those batteries real quick. That might be a good idea. We'll kind of take a peek what's happening in there.

Let's see what we got I have some stuff unplugged. it's got reset there I think this one came off when we were undoing it that go to. it's a big old Master relay there probably turning power on. that's a little cruddy huh? Green on then.

Well there's the ignition switch that must get plugged into the other plug that was on there and we got one more wire hanging. anything else. Oh Transformer that's probably for charging right? Yeah, so that's the charge plug you would put in. when you like let it sit overnight, you swap that plug over.

That's the Transformer would charge the two batteries and it looks like maybe that's like a reset button right there. Let's um, what we got. We got one here. We got the ignition.

so just go plug some of this stuff back in and see what we get. It's not going to work without that right where that ignition? Oh there it is. So I'm going to guess it's the one with the the red. Are they the same? This one's got fatter plugs on it.

I Going say that's a match and we get this control panel closer. they're blocking you. um, it's going to reach for us. We go.

let's just go plug some stuff in. We got no power on anything yet. so yeah, little uh pins in there kind of kicked over to the side. Let's go get a little pick or something to straighten them out.

be funny if that was the problem. I think that's got it. We got one more wire, one spot for it to go see what that does. All right.
So we have a key now, right? Let's go find there's the key that came in Let's uh, turn the power on. we got. okay. I guess we got to plug this in the back ones to run it.

Yep, let's go throw that one in and we got turn the key on nothing. Where's that big red button? I Think we have to hit that right? That did something. Heard something latch. Let's go be these right? Huh? I'm making noise now.

Ah, does it go down? Look at that. Something's making a clunky noise on the other side. See what's going happening? Awesome! Well that was simple. I Can say it's going to stay working.

Oh I Think a look like a chain is off one of the two chains I See it hanging. It's got two chains that go over the Piston There's one right there and the other one's missing. It's hanging down in there. Let's um.

I Think we're going to need some slack to get that on there. Let's uh, maybe get a couple of saw horses. We'll let it down on saw horses and see if we can can get that chain back up on there. That may it just happen from transporting it.

you know, the bouncing of it. All right. it goes up now. I Don't know about moving forward and back yet.

We'll kind of get in that in a second. Let's go get that uh chain squared away first. I wonder if it's just that plug that was there that the uh thing was kind of who. Let's go up a hair that it showed the whole thing.

The center of gravity is probably right about there. As soon as I took some of the weight off their front, she kind of bounced on that rear wheel. I Think we should probably get able get a floor jack or something underneath the ass. end of it almost flipped it all right.

So we got to get that chain. So does the other one have slacking it now? it should. No. So if that doesn't have slack in it, we're not going to be able get the other chain on.

How am I going to go about? Do I have to let it down more? We even go down more. We charge the light in that piston standing on. see what happens. It's all the way down right now.

H How can we get that on there? We got to get it. So that they said if this one has slack in it, we can get the other one. how would we do that? We'd have to get that piston to go down more by itself. right? We just um now.

Or we can hold the button and pull on the Chain a little bit. See, we can get that to kind of shrink down just a little bit. Safety Third, all right, grab that chain and I went down correct. Yes, there it goes.

I think it's going I don't know if that's enough, but I got I got slack in the chain now. got to be to get it enough to get it up over the other pulley though. see if we can snake that up. You got some outra I Can't get two hands in there.

Probably should have shut the power off, huh? It's like right there. It's like so close. means like another 16th of an inch H got to get it Go just a hair more nasty. got my hands I'm like that close I Think the chances are if we run it up a little, it'll just pop itself on.
maybe try, can't see it I'll go for a ride with it making weird noises I don't know about that. There's that. I got to get more slack in it I don't want to crack that top fitting? you know? Yeah, if it would have worked, it would been a good idea. Let's get a come on it and see if we can, um, get a little bit more play out of it.

There it goes. Now we got room. I Go try that again. I should be able to wiggle that chain right on there now.

Yeah, sometimes you got in your mind things are just going to work out. plus you get cocky cuz you get it to work within about 5 minutes of screwing around with it I lifted it up. Now this is in the way. I Can't get the chain over the spret.

Can we take this arm off? Will that give us enough room? Get rid of it Anyway, we're not going to need it. Yeah, it's go. grab an impact gun. We'll get rid of this and hope we'll get that chain on there.

Plenty of slack now. Going right way There you go. that one looks like it's got a little bit of weight to it. huh? 3/4 of an inch thick of Steel Oh yeah, she drops down pretty far too.

It's not jammed up in that roller, is it? We can spin it out with a socket waiting for the whole platform to come crashing down. All right, let's get that out there. we go. It's adjustable.

got different teeth on it. I Make a meet, meet something in the future. All right, let's try this. Third times, a charm, right? We got it.

Yeah, all right. So what we got to do. We got to take the come along off and raise it up. That should do it for us I Think there go all right.

So we want to raise ourself up right? Uhoh clicked herself off. Let's go H There She Goes she's alive. Uh good you want to. We can get the Jack and crap out of there.

We'll let it back down. Let's um, just for shits and giggles, see if the forward in Reverse it's up in the air shouldn't Yeah, we got nothing. This is a automatic reverse, right? If this bumps against you, it like if you back yourself into a corner. kind of like a safety I think yeah, but that's still not working.

All right. Let's um. I'm going to go clean up some junk around here. We'll get it organized and we'll pop some covers off.

just we'll screw it a little bit. See we can get the forward to reverse to work I think taking a one piece of metal off G just 50 lb alone. Go run it up. Go just look.

that relay's clicking off good. I Wonder if because we are using like jumper packs we don't have the uh amperage behind it? Let's go start start screwing around with um, the Phot reverse? Let's go pop that side cover off. We'll see what's inside there where we need a a Phillips I Can tell you that hasn't been a part in a while. Wonder if we're missing one of these for the other side where the batteries are? this cover so that looks like the Hydra Yic pump see safety switch here I bet that's that's probably the hydraulic pump for up and down, not for moving it.
Let's um, give her a little feel the button. Yeah yeah, this is for hydraulic up and down. So we got this black cover in the back here. Let's um, what we got to do to access this one.

Oh if we go, pop this back down too I'm going to take a minute. I'm going to put that ignition switch up in the hole. Let's get this cover back to where it was and that it Harm's Way a little bit. We'll still leave it loose in case we need to get in there.

All right. Power plug back on. Still, everything's still working. seems like it.

Let's go, let's bump that real quick. We have no, no, oh duh, there we go. All right. let's see about getting that off of there.

I Got one bolt I think hold hold this on too. so they were EA it and everything. you know they, uh, be nice if we find something just unplugged I Don't think we can strike gold twice. Get this out of her way.

see what it's got for guts. Got all kinds of stuff. all kinds of wires you guys forun I Don't see a wiring diagram? Get you in closer. It looks like it runs big electric motor steering up through the handlebars and then just down to that wheel right there.

What we got for I'm going to guess that's power coming in to make the 24 volts. That's a big ass fuse right there. We could probably even just kind of jump across that I don't know if that's for. would that make everything dead? These look like solenoids? I Don't know.

Again, if they're for forward and reverse. Andor uh the up and down part of it is that plug. Get a light mounted somewhere. Let me, um, unplug that main power.

There we go. Do you think like this plug kind of looks a little weird? Doesn't it like it would should be mounted in something? Maybe not. I Don't see any mice damage anywhere. Let's um, got a couple fuses.

What's that fuse right there? You would think they would have checked that though, right? Yeah, it looks okay. We'll take a meter, we'll go across. some of that stuff. Could be just that.

this motor's burned out too. But H let's go check a couple of big fuses real quick and then maybe, uh, we'll look into like does that got corrosion going on it? What is that white right there? Let's go poke around a little bit. Let's go. So the wires going from that.

let me get off the thing. making noise here. we go all right. Looks like just got two big Power leads coming off that motor they go up into here I wonder if they're just these guys know what we could do? We could turn it on too.

and we could. uh Power see if these click for the up and down and what would tell them to go would be a signal from The Handlebar right? So we got to go up. Somebody's been Ming around with this too. Huh? It's missing a bolt.
It's missing a bolt. It's not in the center where they go. I'm kind of wondering if it's just not being told told what to do. Got power's disconnected I Wonder if we can? Um, let's go just probe around a little bit.

Let's go see we got power and not power to I Don't want to spend a ton of time with this, but if we can get it to work, that'd be neat, huh? Uh yeah. Well we'll see if we have power. Is there any of those relays coming in? I do see some corrosion growing on them, especially on the bottom one right there, huh? So I would think it's got a relay on each side too. H we get a jumper wire.

Maybe we could jump the solenoid and give it a little bit of power and just see if anything kind of goes to move or do anything. So I took a test light I was kind of probing around a little bit see if I can see where I got power on and off J Like on a car's 12vt system, you take a test light, one end of it you ground to the chass. Any other you go prob you see we have power and you don't have I Was going to try to do that here, but I am not getting anything due to the fact that um, it's on a 24volt system and it doesn't seem like they're tapping into the chassis for ground anywhere so it's not looking none of the hot. the none of the battery setup seems like it's tied to anywhere in the chassis whatsoever.

They just kind of uh, everything is uh kept isolated so it doesn't quite operate like I think it should or would. But one thing that does concern me and I fig we just go jump ahead and a different direction is looks like that big crash that happened there where that handle is kind of like busted right out of there. I Kind of wonder if something is wrong with the controller part of it. so while we're going around, there's a crack right there too.

Let's go pop this cover off and we'll go see what's up with the uh wiring that's inside here. So see there's a switch or something that's kind of funky and if that doesn't work I Think what we might just try and do is we'll try jumping power to those solenoids and see we can get those solenoids just to Fire And if they fire they might have the wheel. go you know, forward or backwards. One Direction Remember the old days when you would have a You' buy something.

you take a cover off and there' be a wiring diagram right inside it. you like a your dryer or had a microwave it. It was one of the higher end ones you know from the 70s. Took the cover off in a plastic bag with the wiring diagram for it.

Not anymore. Did a quick search on the internet. Didn't see anything neither. so we're on our own for poking and hoping.

All right, let's see what we have going on inside here. Let's see if any of this stuff even moves. and I don't think it's got a light down on it? See anything obviously broken or falling off? You see two micro switches down there. looks like that You make or break two little red buttons on them.
You can see them see if they're they're going down all the way. The one closest to us is see I'm looking down inside. There look like they're making the movement. Let's um I would think that big fuse would be power for everything I I Don't think it would isolate it.

Let's go. just take an OM meter across that big ass uh fuse right there and make sure we're we're okay on that. So what do you think a yellow flashing status light means I would think it would be green for go, right? DC Motor Conector void if seal is broken I think we're uh, beyond that. All right.

let's go again. just go check that fuse out real quick. Un plug that main power. There's no power going through it now.

this still may go and say it's okay. Yeah, it may say it's okay just because it's bolt in a place and it uses another path to jump across it. Let's uh, grab a screwdriver, we'll unscrew one side of it and and Pull It Away we'll just disconnect it cuz sometimes there's other paths that are doing the uh connection like I said I Kind of doubt it because I would think if that was the case, it wouldn't have power for um, the up and down. We don't have a wiring diagram so we're just trying to wing it.

Let's uh, the hardware it? okay. let's go take that out of the circuit. nothing else is touching it. We'll try it again.

Yeah, that Fus is fine. has nothing to do with that open closed. Okay, go put that back together I think I might. um I I Just don't want to cook anything for the up and down like I said.

I'm not really concerned about this thing ever being able to drive around again may not hurt, but that's really not our priority. Let's go and um, put that back together and maybe throw that on the floor. Take a uh, a jumper wire. We'll try jumping across the relay.

we see if we get any of them to kind of go do anything. I Going give this about another five or 10 minutes of screwing with it and then there we go. Start cutting it up little on the Edge Let's Go hook to that terminal and I you want just look you back. Something's clicking.

It is clicking that motor. My guess is it probably has to run a couple of things at the same time. Don't think there's any on the bottom? Let's go try that on the other one. Yeah, this.

we have that motor spin. then we know we got it. It's um, let me, uh, try giving it some throttle that will work the linkage up there. that's not going to do nothing.

Got to get on there. So I've been like probing, prodding around and looking at different things, trying to just see what we got going on. I see a relay back here. It's kind of looking like you can see it kind of filled up a water and rust that just the look of it.

or is that that brown kind of look a little suspicious to you. Let's uh, see if that one screw will loosen up? see if you can pull that relay out here. we take a peek at it, see if there's got, uh, that's any of our issues I don't know about you I can see that causing some problems? There's that right? Wonder if, um, any possible chance we could take it apart and clean it the screw out of it? I'm going to go take a picture of those wires May label them too I'm going to go take a a moment, kind of. write them down.
let's go take that apart I W you to order one of those. It's definitely not doing what it's supposed to be doing I would think that uh, if minimum, even if that's for the up and down, it's not going to, uh, maintain itself right? So yeah, we go, mark them real quick where they are and uh, we'll disconnect it I wonder if we disconnect it, we'll see if the up and down still works and then we'll kind of know that you know that's not for that, that it? may be for the drive part of it. That would explain some things. Well, there's your problem all right.

Mark the wires. little dots on them kind of made ourselves a little cheat sheet and took a picture of my phone. That kind of stuff. Let's um, power it back up I Want to see if the up and down still works cuz it did.

It did kick out on us too, right? So let's go see if it'll do anything still latched? see if this still works now does. Is it key on? key on? So it actually was going through that relay? Whatever for the up and down. it's probably why it kicked that breaker out too when it I went to go move it up and it shut off and so going through there is definitely going to need to be addressed for us to have longevity. Let's um I'm not forgetting anything.

am I go turn the key off and on real quick and me seems like a stay reset. Yeah, just the buzzer works. Okay, so that may have been what the problem with they were having in the first time. they kind of.

We just got lucky and it it powered up and it started doing what it was doing. Let's go, uh, pick away that relay and see if we can, uh, possibly bring it back to life I go over the bench, let see if we can, uh have a stab at getting this case open I'll stab myself in the finger. Sometimes a glued seems kind of dumb to. um, have the relay facing that direction though.

doesn't it? You would think you would flip it. The idea having a case on it is to shed stuff in the other direction. That one problem is this side's going to. it's going to pop back in when I Go to do this side.

Come on. get out of there. we're in the pool. Yesh, excuse me.

So a little Selenoid would fire and that would move between those two locations like that. Let's um, I think the best way to clean that up. Let's go see what's in here. A lot of mud.

That's a lot of rust that came out of there though. Where did all that? Where did all that debris come from? right? Like what rotted off of it that caused that much? I'm going to take an air gun and a little points file. We'll clean up these little contacts on here and we'll just hook it back up. see what we get.
I Kind of wonder if this this DC solenoid does not pull in anymore. We'll leave the cover off too. Maybe we can even like fire it by hand. Let's give her brake clean.

at least you know. It definitely seems like a lot of rust came from from somewhere I Don't know. Maybe that's what bled down on top of it with the water. That's a that's a lot.

you know, maybe like a whole thing that dissolved and we don't even see it anymore. I'm going to go clean them. Let's go get aelves. Get theselves.

get ourselves a little points file Drw dry across that and we'll dry it out with compressed air. See, we can like points on a car. Really? defin. It's not going to hurt it I'll take that number down.

At least it's in a place where it's fairly fairly easy to access under that cover. We can continue what we're doing. I'm going to try to order a new one though, just because I don't think the longevity of this one's going to be that great. Imagine buying a flood car.

every single components like this. All right. Let's um, call it for that. That's better.

get a good grind on it. I'm going to blow them out I'm going to look underneath the scope real quick, see if I see any kind of crud on them I may work on just a hair more just to make sure that they're going to do what we need them to do and we'll leave the cover off. We'll uh, try it first by itself and then maybe we'll try manually firing it see if anything happens he I got our plug back in there. Let's um Power ourselves back up key on.

now we're not getting the latching. what do I not have right? It didn't like that you couldn't leave well enough alone. Do I have anything else apart? We're not getting that that big relay is not clicking in and latching. Let's um, let me fire this by hand G difference h cuz it was already pulled in.

that's why there it goes. all right see? And soon as I went to go move, it kicked out. Yeah kicking it right out. Now let's um by firing that relay, see if it works? H you know what? I wonder if my battery vol she getting low on those jumper packs I'm going to go do a little shopping and go grab some batteries and come right back.

All right so let's replace those with those I see if that made any difference like a louder click? see if can go up? Yeah good you want to try forward in Reverse we going to get real? Brave let's go see if this. uh no. So I think that relay was for the up and down and it's probably the problem that they were having. We just got lucky when we kind of put everything back together and it decided to work.

So let's um I'm going to try holding you in the stand. We're going to see if that relay clicks back and forth when we go for up and down. What's uh, what's it do? Now if we do anything, let's go hit the buttons and see if that works that way. All right, so let's see if this clicks I try to hit the up and down now wiring goes through it for something.
Um, let's go try firing that relay by hand and we'll see if the forward and reverse works. It's kind of hard to There we go. Now it's not quite sure. It's like right now it's energized right? So it's let me, uh, kill power see if that that relay opens up? Yeah, so the relay is working.

it's pulling in and have a feeling yeah, when I hit the power it, it latches this together, makes a circuit work, and when it's doing that, it's allowing the up and down to go. So that's what it does. and I'm still going to try order another one cuz that's just so cruddy but thought we had something there definitely needed to be add dressed though that was. that was its issue.

They probably stored it outside when it wasn't working. event they stored it outside and the weather got the best of it so was like that right then we just got to bolt that back to there. It's always going to be indoors for us, but I'm going to leave that loose for now until I uh if if I'm able to get one, I'll just change it. If not, I'll screw that back up all.

just when I was about ready to give it up the uh, I'm looking at the handlebar and you would think if the handlebar is all the way in the up position, it probably shuts itself off so would have a switch for that. So I see a micro switch right there I don't know if it's got any wires still connected to it or not. I do see something going to it but I would think it would hit this cam right here but that has walked off its Center I don't know if that's doing anything or not and that doesn't get latched I don't think it would ever want to try to turn on. Does this cap come off? I don't think so, right? Yeah, it's part of the the whole stem going through.

What can we do to get to that? It's like somebody kind of tweaks. it. looks like the the Bottom's just busted right out of it doesn't it? Yeah. I bet you it rubbed up against this and that is walked over since you actually kind of see some marks where it was.

I do believe that cap will come off of there. There we go. I can see the back of the switch. the switch is definitely busted I look from underneath with a mirror and the switch.

part of the switch is gone whether they bypassed it or not. so it's going to be those. Is it two wires? Let's try pulling those two out of there cuz the switch itself, the face of it is missing. um right where you see like get a good light right? that right there.

The switch face would be right there, but it's busted right off. It's busted right off because this camam was allowed to come up too far because this casing is busted and it trashed the switch. So I think I might think that it's always open. Let's go yank those two little wires out of there and put a jumper on it, see if we get anything out of it.
We got power disconnected so everything's off. Let's go get them out of there. It's one. see.

it doesn't really matter their position, think it just has to make a jump going across. Let's get them up in the air and we just kind of cross them together. All right, let's hook power back up, hit the button, let's see if for and reverse does anything. nothing.

Oh well, we did try. let's um, try opening the circuit. H let me see if uh, the up and down still works. yeah but it did draw a spark when it.

um woohoo little tingle so that that does pull in some relay. I'm going to go try to see which one it is. feels like the motor itself clicks I Don't know if that's a break or something. Maybe it does seem like it does energize a break.

probably inside. Maybe when the handlebar is all the way up it thinks it's um cuz we still don't have any forward in Reverse though. oh well. I've given it as much time as I want to put into it I've said that three times already.

At least it's not our not our issue I Guess yeah I think that is for a brake I mean when you flip the handlebar up, it, uh, applies a brake so it doesn't want to roll is my guess. And the fact that it wasn't working did not mess anything up. it just didn't have that safety thought. I had it see all this caging is going to go away.

I Want to getet this? uh, power switch off of this Frame Here it looks like it's got a wire going down below for um, the the buzzer when it was lowering and the rest of it kind of hooked up to a switch here. Look, we got to get the face of it off. Who? There's a whole bunch of stuff, huh? Hopefully that can fit through that opening without un wiring everything. So all right, the wire's going down lower.

power's off. so we got that one for the buzzer. I Got this one. I'm gonna go take a picture with my phone.

We'll take one. two. Actually, this one's fine, has nothing to do with it. The green wire is not part of it and of course they got a butt connector on that one.

Let's see if we can. uh, you're waiting for Sparks aren't you? Where does that one go? Was right up through the switch to nothing. so we're going to go cut that one so we know where that one goes and the only other one is the black one here. So I don't think that'll screw with the effect of how it works.

Let's get that out of there. Come on. I Thought we're going to be able to stink it out. Won't let us.

Let's get rid of that and we'll put it back together. Should probably test it right now, right? that's not connected to anything I Think it's just going to work. The buzzer is all it's going to do. We're going to go.

For Broke All right, so that one's out and we got to go cut that one. We can pull this wire out of the bottom of it and hopefully get the whole switch out through that hole. We should be able to snip this one tingle to it, back the nut off of that. that out of the way and should be screwed to the cage.
one there and one there. a couple of Phillips should take that off and should get this whole thing up out of here. Come on. Oh yeah, now we don't have to send that up with it.

We can kind of power the whole thing up and down manually. I'm going to go put this cover back on. We'll power back up without this the uh buzzer and we'll see if it still works and see what happens. Yeah, it just doesn't have the alarm, but now we're we're free with this.

Let's go back up. Let's let's go send it all the way up. make sure we don't have any issues with it. Let's bring her all the way up to it.

I think it's like 12T 12 1/2 ft. Plus we can kind of stand away from it in case it falls over, shoots right off the top. I don't know if I want go any higher? comes right out of the track. it's up there there, right goes.

It's a little shy this thing I'd say it's about 12T Let's go eyeball it. put the controller down feeling nervous, especially the fact that uh, we're sitting on two by force it's not even on its Wheels so it looks pretty decent. Yeah, don't stand under it. got of got that all right.

So we want to take that platform and modify it so that it does that same thing but roughly like about a 4x8 sheet is the diameter that we're going to try and go for. And the problem is we're going to start adding weight to it so I think we could steal some of the components off of it? Let's go let it back down again and start looking at what we do not need. Maybe we can like you know, brought Peter to pay Paul Yeah, that's where that little beeper alarm is right there that we disconnected Little White Switch The chains look good. All right.

let go. bring it up a little. There we go. All right.

So stuff we do not need. We do not need these pieces on the corners. that whole cage in the back. Can we get rid of? All that do we need? Is it touching? None of this is touching this.

The only place it has anything is right here. so all of this this on the back can disappear. We can get rid of all this I don't know. Maybe we'll cut it right here cuz that you know that's part of the strength of the the base of it.

and I don't see any reason why we can't take a whz wheel. We'll slice all this. We could probably use this framing for whatever weight comes off of. Here is what gets added to it right? So then we got to see about the decking so we'll cut these off.

We'll cut that back off flush with right there. cut these all the way across here and we'll just get us down to this base platform. So I'm going to save your eyeballs and your ears and I'll probably in your back when I Chop most of that off of there and we'll start seeing what we can do to modify the the base of it to make it larger. That easy.
Still do another one. let's see how it works on that material actually. Proba maybe from The back side. shoot Sparks the other direction Let's uh, lower it seeming a little sketchy that it's going to come over on top and you squish me.

Put the platform down there. We all right? let's try that's got to be a pound or two. You have the wires. Got to get the wires for that, um, alarm.

We got to, uh, unthread them. It's got to be about 100 lb right there. so we got those have to get pulled out. Surprised they didn't even just cut right through them when I did that? I You know if we're ever going to even hook that up again, let me go pull the wire out of this part of it and then we'll get that out out of the way.

Well I say between that 3/4 in hunk of Steel those two bars that I don't know if the wall thick and quar inch maybe on those. probably the same on those look actually a little thinner, that one's a little thinner and then this is also onein thick steel going across it that support that it hung. So I think we probably took about 2 250 off of it and we are going to be adding material back to it again and making this deck a little bit bigger. Let's let run it up in the air and we'll start getting a battle plan for how we want to kind of frame this out.

I Want to go I think it's going to be 90x 52 is the uh overall size I want to try to go for let's go lift it up and see what we got to work with. Up you go goes up quicker. you can tell the weight difference. that should be good enough to work with I'm going to get a big magnet for the back of this and we can just kind of stick it on the body wherever we want.

All right, let's go grab a light so it looks like the base of it is probably our most solid this part right here and we want to come out with framing off the sides so we want to make it about a foot and a half wider on each side and then we want to get a another foot extension down there going out I think what the best way would be to frame that out I also want to kind of do in the corns like what they had but I want I think I want to do a round pipe instead of square and reason for that is when this thing say if it's got say a four-wheeler on it imagine a four-wheeler sitting on top of that and as you go up if the weight is a little bit off I kind of Wonder let's go look at the face of it I Kind of wonder if the weight is a little different if it kind of moves around a little bit in the the slack of the frame. My idea is to have it bolted to the floor so I don't think the base is going to move much but I'm worried about the decking uh may have a little bit of play in it. so I kind of want to do like pipes but have a little bit of a curve to them on each corner so that if it does go up through the hole in in the roof or the second floor where it goes through we could kind of rub on the you know the 2x8s. if it's off hair it'll just kind of Center itself a little bit is the idea and then also kind of make them.
Possibly we could remove them if we don't need them. say like you're loading something or if you want to load something go from this direction. My plan is to come from one side. this side over here would be the loading of it and uh, make it so that uh, the poles can come out in case you want to go a different direction with it.

plus it'll also help hold all the pieces you know, square on it and we can use those chains over again. we go with something like that those chains on there that we can kind of clip them on and off the poles as we need them. Yeah, I'm not plan on riding this up and down. I'm planning on just kind of sending something up with it.

and then there's stairs right next to it. You just walk up the stairs and you can unload it. So I am going to go take a few minutes. We're going to go material shopping and see what we got and see what we can do about building onto this.

My guess is we're probably going to cut some of this away right here and we'll try to get some. Square Tubing there runs out past it I Wonder if we could use what can we steal that might as well use that stuff. Over right? these are bolted on. Let's go measure these how wide these are, see if they are 52 or whatever, and possibly, uh, do some toering on these.

These look like they're probably about 40. see what we get? 41 and these are 52. The 52 is perfect. Hopefully they're same.

That's what I want for the width of it 52 and these are going to be roughly 5T 59 60 in. See what we got on that? All right. So the 52s they look like they're just bolted on it. except for that, the big heavy section Le the lower one's bolted on.

We can unbolt that one. I'm going to go take a few minutes and I'm going to go draw on paper what we got, some dimensions of what this is and try to figure it out and then we start cutting some pieces out. So I will readily admit my writing is about third grade, Second? maybe? all right. So this is the original platform right here.

It's out of Diens mention which is 52 across by 38 wide. Under that original platform is that really heavy base of it which is 20 by 38. That's a really you know I think it's half inch thick, um, thickness of it and then the decking that's there has got another 16 in kicking out on each side of it. We want to go 52 by 90.

This whole dimension here is going to be 90 going all the way across. Double check that. But anyway, so to accomplish that, we are going to need to make um framing from this point. Underneath this this 20x 38 is what we're going to have to go work out from to go make.

we'll probably start with a square box going all the way around and then maybe we'll fill in. We got to I have some um. diamond plate aluminum diamond plate and my idea is we're probably going to scab on that diamond plate in this this areas. I'm not sure whether we're going to go make you know, like this, one piece and a piece here and a piece here or we're going to go this one Piece One Piece and then this piece in the center yet.
but I think we'll F we'll tack together the outer box first. so we need 19 and 16 is 35 so those will we measure those smaller ones at 40 something like that. so that's one two and then we're going to probably go from here again too. right? Three, four of those.

So we're going to be four at 35 roughly and then we're going to have be at 52. We're going to need one two. so we're two at 52 and then we are going to want a ful length one that's going to be 90. I Don't think we have anything.

we actually we might be able to weld that that one section together so we going to have one at 90. I'm going to go look and see what I have in my stash if I have a 8ft long, some kind of tubing or something we could use and we're also going to want on these Corners Don't forget. thanks for reminding me little round holes for the posts to go in so we're going to be a little shy of that. We don't quite need all that.

We'll have those come right to there and weld them h we might have to do a a 45 brace going across them to support them. Let's um, start scrabbling, scrabbling, scabbing metal together and we'll see what pieces we have and what we don't have, which kind of like lay it out and start. maybe chopping up some sections, maybe even tack them on. I Think we can? maybe we'll work from this forward.

Let's go metal shop I Think that stuff there was roughly 2x two. Whether we're going to be able to. Um, we're also going to need the round I Guess we're going to use round piping is overkill. It's about 4x4.

we got angle. we use angle we got. wherever. this is right here that might be the same.

that's one by. it's like a old bike rack. I might be able to do some of this I wonder if we don't need to? We'll keep this in mind. this this bike rack thing here.

We got over here. another piece of 4x4. We use these. those could be the four poles in the corner, right? You just got to find a piece of pipe.

Oh what's that right there? That might be useful. Square piece that's kind of heavy. wash the we we got a 1 by two right there. let's go drag that out.

Let's go drag some stuff out on the floor and got some destruction done. Got that all cut up and kind of a general layout. What? I'm thinking maybe something like that and then later on once we're putting the decking on, we can f figure out if we need to add a little bit like angle iron for um, attachment points. That should do it I Was kind of hoping I Would you know be able to get a a 2 by two for the face of it but I think most of the strength is going to be coming off that table outward.
This is really not as important I'd rather have it there than you know any of the other spots you got work with what you got right? So I'm going to take a little bit. I'm going to go over to the Uh Band Saw and little horizontal so start cleaning up all the edges on these. Get some square corners for us after the plasma cutter mess and uh, maybe we'll work from. we'll go those two legs out and then we'll try to work our way around the Outer Perimeter and then maybe fill in the legs afterwards.

The whole machine is kind of sitting up about I Want to see that platform is about 8 in off the ground, but again, it's sitting on 2x4 so you got to knock about yeah, I say 2 in off of that so it'll actually be about a 6 in rise from the floor and what I might do is actually it'll end up being over here. I'll make like a ramp that just stays downstairs and you know, probably permanently attach it to the floor and then when the whole platform goes upstairs, it'll just be level so that won't be an issue. You can kind of stop it wherever you want, you know? All right. I'm going to go and make some noise and cut some of these up and uh, get back with the plasma cutter we got.

start cutting some notches in that that plate there to get the tubing the slide through. so I kind of tack together the Outer Perimeter right now so it kind of gives us our size I may go a little wider cuz I made that 52 and we had that one inch to add on to the end of it so it doesn't really matter, but I should have cut off another inch of this to uh, allow for that or that I could put it on the inside one of the two still undecided. uh I think cuz I'm using the bar for our support to kind of hold everything together. Maybe we should try to come out with the two middle posts we got to notch into the the center here.

uh, get them. I don't know I still need something to kind of go across the the face of it to square everything off I don't if I have anything long enough to deal with that. uh what's nice though. it's electric so when you're working on it, you hit the button up.

you work underneath it. You want to lower it down, work under it. I think it's going to work out as a good, um, like repair table too. although you can't get to one side of it because the machine's in the way.

But if you want to work on, you know, a bike or something, it may work as a, uh, a good workst. All right, Enough talking. Let me get back to it and we got to work under it, no problem. How about if we take a piece of angle that across it? we'll clamp that on and we'll build out to that piece of angle cuz we got what four pieces to go in yet? we got here two in the middle and another one there.

Once we get all those across, we could take that off and bring it out here. Hopefully so there's a frame right here comes out so we want to put another one right there. Let's go use that for or with right there right there. and then we're going to be the depth of it down, right? So we want right about there.
get a square. This is what we want to cut out up here. We're going to try to leave this. It'll probably help give us some strength down below.

Kind of wondering if you should do a cut off wheel or the plasma cutter. what going to give us a better howc come? So we're going to say there to there of course you need to chop it like that. It's a little shallow doesn't it? Or Kanger than Square that's little welder Square Yeah, see, cut that hole out closest to you. There's a uh where this Frame is on inside here.

There's a weld right here so it kind of comes out into this passage side. Maybe the plasma cutter might be a little bit better option. Let's go see. think that top Corner got up a little bit undiz think the wh we got it.

we do a little bit more trimming, probably get a hair on the top and then we'll we'll find two in the bottom de definitely has to go little more. Don't beat that in with a hammer I to do it I think the it's holding up now with that little bit of weld I was talking about. it's like right there, well right in there nice about the plasma cutting. You don't even have to cut a hole, you can all you can use it for like gouging.

There we go I'm hit my clamp. that's good. Go clean, clean that up, and get a measurement how far out we need to go from that one. and uh, cut our a clean end.

All right decision time. Don't pay attention to this one or this one. We know a beams going out here I was I have two more left I was going to put them like that I was kind of wondering if that would give us a better support for the outer rail, but then I started thinking about it. What if we were to come in this way? right in through there.

When I dropped it in without cutting it, it's like the exact size both sides like it's asking for it. They just kind of are working out that way. So again I was thinking going have another beam here to help support this bar a little further out, but we do have a fairly large span. plus I Don't know.

You can cut this pocket right out of it with the plasma cutter. We'll run the channel in. It'll bring us all the way to this beam. We could tie into this beam and square off this corner.

I Have a feeling that may be stronger. plus um, the corners are a little bent. like that's where these poles were that were standing up. and I Remember, remember in the beginning you can see it on this one.

The whole thing was kind of like stoved over. so this is a little bit. Kitty Wampus You see, it's not even Square going down sitting out on an angle. Not that it needs to be perfect, You know it's just it's just a platform.

It's not like we're it's creating a Welding Table All right. I Want to vote? Who says that way? Who says that way? I Heard louder this way. All right, we'll go this way. I Decided to tack that last bar across the face of it and kind of square in the hole and get rid of the visuals as far as what is there and what's not there.
So one last time in case you want to change your vote, we can go like that or like that problem is I think if we do that, we're going to need something that's just you know this aluminum diamond plate is going to cover the yeah. but I think it's just going to be a little too wide across. Kind of think I'm trying to think of like framing when you're framing a house how much you want to have in between. Plus you're going to be putting say like motorcycles in general will be in the middle, but like a four-wheeler or something you're probably going to have a tire here, which is that's more than enough support to being that far away.

But I think here it's you're going to end up getting like a a divot in the center. We do that. even if a tire is here I think there's enough support of it not to screw it up, we still have to come around with um, some angle. Anyway, like all around here, we're going to have to take angle and Tack it to it because when we go to put the floor on it I'm it's aluminum you know? So I can't weld it to it.

but I'm just going to run you now self tappers down into the framing. That's there. All right You agree. Are you good with that? Are you sure? Let's um, before we're screwed and we screw something up, let's get all the junk off of it.

Let's go set it down on the floor, make sure we're just not smashing into anything underneath. That's going to be an issue right now. again. everything's tacked so we can move stuff we have to going down.

It's about right I knew those. you know the 2 x2s are going to hit over there see if there's anything else I want too if we should. maybe when I get it in it's final location. Again, it's sitting up on the 2x4 so it'll be lower than this.

but I want actually make like little pads in a corner. it's sitting on the frame over there. good, but like here. Maybe we'll have like little legs or something in the far corner so when it comes down it kind of rests on that so it's not trying to be so.

Rocky All right, I'm not hearing too much wanting to go the other way, so never mind. Uh, let me get that notched out and we'll get those installed. give it one more once over and then we going to weld the whole thing all up and I don't think I ended up. oh that piece we did.

Other than that, everything else is pretty much from the frame that was there. I think we're going to be about the same weight because I I don't have those big heavy, that big 1 in thick hook piece that was on there and I see that's so probably even be under. Yeah, maybe about the same is we don't have this is still out of it, that's thick, you know that piece and then it was the one that was above it which was that one that's not in there neither. So we that's got to be about 100 lb.
those two pieces taken off. Fortunately I haven't been uh, filming a while. I'm trying to work on stuff. Problem is it kind of takes out the camera all the grinding and splatter and generally when I start doing something like this I I burn a lens in one fashion or another.

So I was trying to shy away a little bit from that, but all the clamps are off of it. I think we got a fairly good, uh work surface for us. uh, we may you know we'll put the decking on it and screw it down. If we find that there's still like we step on some spots, it's a little squishy.

we could always come in I still have some of that 1 by two. We could always add like one piece there and one piece there in those four spots and it was stiffing up. but I have a feeling it's going to be pretty decent. The diamond plate that I have.

although it's aluminate, it's pretty thick. so like I said, we'll get that. uh, probably work on that tomorrow. I think today I'm next hour.

I'm just going to run around with the welder and just kind of buzz everything together and get it over with and then I'll hit Home Depot grab I got to get some uh, some self tappers for theum to screw the teching down and we'll work on that in the morning. Yeah, liking that. It's good size, huh? So it is 90 by 50 it's going to be actually 53 depends on how you want to look at cuz it's 53 to this, you know you still have these uprights kind of in the way. I'm not going to take them out of there I think they kind of help.

probably with a little bit of the strength. Still got to grind them and clean the tops off, but going to be pretty decent. It's um, yeah, of course we're wobbling on that, but you know it's pretty stout. Liking it.

a plan comes together all right. I'm going to go weld the all right. it's the next day and fresh mind. Well, I won't go that far, but let's um, go grab a piece of that diamond plate and we'll bring it over and we'll start getting an idea how we want to lay some of this out as far as you know, cutting the sections out of it and also what's the best idea or capacity to cut said aluminum? All right, let's go shopping and off to the land of sheet metal.

My uh neighbor works and does Demolition and he was I think at MIT one of the MIT labs and called me up said you want any aluminum I Guess these were like the backdrops on the walls or something from one of the labs I said sure So this is what we got I think they're actually two different thicknesses. That back one looks like it's got a little bit more. Yes, no, let's go grab that one out of there and slide it over to the lift and we use that for our our workbench to cut it up on. I think it's a 4 by8 cheat where? wait there.

A hole in the center probably had a a power plug was what was in there. All right, let's go look and see how we want to make the two pieces up. I'm going to say we try making this one long strip here. We're going to have some notches to try to cut in it and I think we're going to go probably halfway.
Kind of like when you're putting plywood on a side of a house and we'll scab that halfway. We'll leave other half for the other piece and then we're going to have to put some angle here for something for us to support and screw to. I Don't want to go over the top of this I'm trying to make it one level. kind of sort of.

let me go measure that out. so we need 16. 1/2 by 90 is our rough and then we have that little Notch we're going to have to go cut in it. Uh, this.

I don't think we're going to be able to get this stuff off very well. look like some kind of mastic that was probably attached to sheetrock or a wall and I was hoping to use a plasma cutter on it. Let's go. I'm going to go mark it out with a sharpie and we'll try it.

We'll see what happens when we come to that, it may be an issue, it may not. Don't know till we try right? Never tried. uh, cutting aluminum with a plasma cutter so be a first. I Know a couple of you saying why don't you flip it over cut on the other side where the glue isn't Well, it's got the diamond plate.

It's very kind of bumpy to go over and that's my backup plan. so go see how this does. I'll use a straight edge to kind of get us in the window. We'll just kind of run down with that.

Just got to get the right spread on the torch. I call it right about there. you would think I would clamp it. Probably be a smart idea.

All right. I will tell you it's it's hard. like it doesn't want to drag on it. Not sure if I'm burning through or not.

Let's keep going. Don't know if that went through. it looked like it did, but it doesn't look. you know from the torch I think it kind of sealed itself back up.

Me: let the compressor shut off I'm kind of close to it so it looks like like I could tell on the bottom it came through but it kind of seems like it also sealed itself right back up afterwards. like the the metal just kind of glued itself back together again. So I'm going to go screw around over here. This is like a scrap piece.

I'm going to try different settings: higher, lower, faster torch moving slower moving uh air pressure up and down out and see if I get anything that kind of burns through decent. If not, we might have to, uh, regroup and try something a little different right now. I turn the voltage way down, let see what that does, not the way down, go way up I think that's got it. had to CR We had to crank it up all right.

we're on to it. Had to Peg the voltage Go reset that line so you can get her to go cut for us there. N I Don't think we're going to get the results that we want it like kind of wants to cut through it the same T at the same time not I go see if I got a steel saw here with a blade on it so we got this. Unfortunately, it does not have a plywood blade on it.
uh sometimes I think you if you reverse the blade might be a better cut. that might might be just for plastic right? Here goes nothing. We going in that little practice area will work. Let's see, it's going to be loud I'd say that works.

Where is not going to make a mess out there? Going to be chips everywhere that's just in that little bit. All right. So I'm going to go U take my time and Whittle out us a piece of metal and we'll plop it on a chassis over there see how it looks. Let's go pop that over there, see what it looks like.

should have a/ inch reveal roughly there for both sides to attach to. That seems pretty decent. That worked out pretty good. So now we just have to notch it right here with that little bit of a channel to to uh go around that then we'll make two more pieces.

Kind of wondering we going to do about that I wonder if I have did I cut any of this off? We could probably just put a steel patch over it right? Doesn't have to be aluminum or anything, just something to plug the hole. All right. That's definitely an improvement huh? Let's uh, lower it down I want to stand on it and see how much kind of like SE to be get in those open spots I Know it's going to be tougher when it's screwed down, but I just want to see what we get if we if I think we need to build up underneath them anymore I Kind of thinking we're going to be okay. We could always come in later too if we want right and just lift it up and go from underneath and add another brace.

If we screw it all down, we find it's you know, just a little kind of soften in one area. Oh yeah, right. I'm going to go and knock out two more pieces for those two corners and I'll bring you back. Well I'm glad we switched over to the Uh skill saw and the plasma cut.

It makes a much you know better end too. It's not all funky and you can seeand aluminum, but it it clogs the paper real easy so you know it's nicer to have the edges, you know, kind probably just hit them with a file or something afterwards. That looks pretty good. I'm I'm happy with that.

I Got a little over Zels trying to clear a weld over here that guy I Don't think we needed to do that much, but now we just got to get some support. Like right here. There's nothing for that to attach to and screw on to. so let's get this off of here.

We'll go around the edges with some angle iron uh, facing up and that'll give us a shelf to kind of screw down to. and we got about an 8ft section here to work with. That should be enough. Just go Mark that off right there.

we'll cut that, hit it with the metal glue gun. There we go. We got a lip going all the way around and we got about 12 Ines left. Over all right, we should probably throw some uh, black paint on all that and kind of let it set up a little bit while I run in? AR Yeah, some of you were writing, you're going to have to erase it.
now. You thought I was going to leave those holes the way they were, didn't you? We'll make a couple of patches for that one and it's one on the other side. Go ahead, erase your comment. not waiting for the paint to dry.

It's a combination of satin and semigloss. That's what I had. Let's see if um, these self tappers will'll make it through this. Frame We might have to pre-drill this.

Looks pretty thick though. See what we get? You're going the wrong way. that one's gone. We'll never find that one again till shows up in a tire.

Try like that. Oh no good should work out fine. All right. I'm going to go.

We hit this with a heat gun or something. Dry up that top surface for us a little bit and we'll throw aluminum on it. We'll start screwing her down. End up being pre-drilling was the way to go.

it's much faster. Well I may not have used a hundred of them. that was a box of 100. I say a good 90 though.

let's go. uh let it down on the floor. put jack stands under the corners so it's not Tippy we you kind of walk on it see how it is. if it's got any kind of like sag to them.

I think we'll try our Stomp test a foot off the ground very little. I think this is fine over here. we don't. We don't need anything on that, possibly possibly a brace across the middle of that, but it's not bad.

not bad at all. It's got like a I would say you're walking on of carpet but it's got like about an E/ inch e and a/ qu inch of of flex to it. I think we may just kind of leave that for now cuz I'm tired of screwing with it and um, there's still going to be some more welding when it's on site to go. do like I said I want to make those poles for the corner but until the Hle is cut out in the ceiling and I kind of have that stuff finalized.

I'm going to leave that stuff open to interpretation. So one thing that's going to be an issue is its size to try to get it through the door. it doesn't roll as it is and you know we can kind of get like maybe a pallet jack or something underneath it to try to help move it into place. I Was wondering if, well, a couple things.

One, we got to make some metal tabs that come down to the floor and they're going to eventually get welded to the machine, but we have to lag to the floor.

By Mustie

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