I went to a going out of business sale and this powermaster 1404 steam pressure washer was in the corner for sale, but it had a broken tag tied to it, so I took a chance and bought it, lets bring it back to the shop and see what is wrong and if we can fix it,

Hey guys, how's it going? Let's go buy a broken steam cleaner does not function. Let's go get that on the truck, bring it back to the shop and see what we got. Thank you! All right! we got her back on the operating table. It definitely looks like it has lived a Pampered life.

Just kidding. Um, she had two of them for sale and one of them sold that was operating. She sold it for 800 and she had put 400 on this one. This is not pumping water asking 400 I I offer 300 I Think it would take a shot at it for that.

Let me end up being a a wise decision or a very poor one. Uh, but it's to be determined. So essentially it's a pressure washer that heats the water up. and if you heat water up and you're trying to especially that greasy stuff, the hot water thins the grease up and it kind of comes off much easier than just using a regular cold pressure washer setup.

So that is the benefit of using one of these. So I don't know. Got an hour meter on it? What does that say? You read that looks like 800 and change I Need my eyeballs hold on 8 82. I Don't know if that's high or low for a pressure washer.

It's hard to say. it's like a bunch of knobs. It's been banged and hit and bent over. that one's leaning downward.

So we have off pump and then burner got extra nozzles down here. Uh I think the idea is. so it runs on diesel and electric. The diesel is for the heat of the system and electric for running the pumps.

That kind of looks like what would be on a furnace in my house and then the water pump on the other side of it seems like is what you would have just on a regular pressure washer. but you know, large pressure washer. but this is the pump part of the pressure washer setup and water would go in here. this I think operates a little bit different I don't know if it uses pressure directly.

it has oh you better see in there without a light, it looks like a toilet bowl uh thing in the back of a toilet, the plunger, the float and I think it maintains a water level inside of here and my guess is when the pump is running, it draws water. yeah, a sock on the end of it for sucking up so that would draw water up on its own. It doesn't have to have the hose to pressure this part of the pump and I think she like the tag said it was not pumping water. Let's um I don't know if I want to run a garden? Yeah, let's run a garden hose over here and we'll hook it up to it and hopefully not flood ourselves out.

But let's just kind of give ourselves a little demo and see what happens to it and the high pressure hose comes out of here. I'm just sitting on the bench over there. This looks like it has some kind of controller on it. I don't know if that's temperature.

kind of looks like it doesn't it? Yeah, uh, excuse me. did this open up There we go. This is where the fire kind of happens. looks like I don't know.

Mice got in there beating up the installation a little. Let me grab a light. Yeah that's better. and I guess like the failure a lot of times is this coil will spring a leak in it and then he possibly either try to patch it or replace it now.
I Guess the burn pot is down in there somewhere. Let's go for pointed light. I Don't see any water down inside there, so that's a good sign. All right, let's um, go grab a hose, run it over to it, and uh, fill up that little trough and we'll plug it in see if we get anything and a hose run over.

Let's get this cover off. give us a you know we can kind of see what's happening. He's curious to figure out how they work too. Will that do it? There we go and I can kind of see the guts of it a little bit better.

so it looks like it has a feed that somebody pinched off right here and that is probably for adding like a soap to it. Maybe Not sure what that is for. high and the low pressure switch. It's a decent size pump motor with a belt drive going over to the pump.

and of course what I do with that light. I Want to take a look down inside here I Got a light down inside here and I can kind of see what's happening as I was talking about. with that that float setup for like a toilet. there's the ball.

The lights kind of bleach us out a little bit. there's the ball on the end of it. Let's um, just take the hose and we'll just fill some water in here. We won't hook it up yet just so it can kind of minimize how much water we are working with.

Flood my work. I might even want to turn the hose on good enough and we'll work with that for now. Let's drop that pickup tube back in there. Let's go take a quick peek at that screen.

make sure it's not all clogged. Get in in there. see? it's got a little. that little piece of metal that was in there is probably where it's supposed to stay.

That's where it wasn't before. It'd be nice if it was something dumb. Just like that, where the pickup hose wasn't where it was supposed to be. All right, let's go plug it in, see what happens.

As soon as I plugged it in, it kicked out a breaker. that is not a good sign and it's off. It's not even on. Yeah, hmm.

we have issues. Machine does too. So that's a circuit that's on a GFI to kick the GFI out. Let's go.

Um, just try it one more time. I can't Uh, let's um, let's go to turn it to pump. Yeah, they'll want to go but that GFI is kicking it out. Let me see if we can find a circuit that does not have a GFI on it and we'll try it again.

All right, I'm going different circuit. don't know if that one has the GFI we're gonna find out right about now. it's lit, it's getting lit. Let's um, go for pump.

Let's go figure out where the water's gonna come out and it's gonna shoot out of or the right here. but it's got a a coupler on it so it may not allow any pressure to come out of that. Let's uh, let it run for a second. You should probably see if it's drawing any water too.
that water level is not moving at all. Okay, so you've made sure everything's spinning I wonder if there's a way to prime it? What does this do? A pressure down? I Don't think that's moving. It's got a set screw in it. We're missing a set screw.

Can we just slip that right off there? Yeah, let's um, grab a pair of pliers on man. turn it, see if it does anything you would think I have like a prime shall we? What a pile of crap I Just got a tire check on it too. What would that be for now? be bleeding. Maybe that's where bleeding air out of it.

Hold on. let's get a little screwdriver stab that keep the air comes out the bunch of hair coming out now I think especially if it hasn't been used in a long time. Talk to me. Oh yeah I want to hear the pump like bog down now to tell us I was kind of doing something foreign water somewhere to reserve that option if I don't Mark the um level of the water.

The other thing too is if we're sucking air somewhere that would also do it. you know what I mean like one of the hoses got a hole or something in it I promise it's not like we could spray it, you know, like soapy water if it's Under Pressure would bubble out but then they're vacuumed so some I don't know I was thinking about taking maybe one of these hoses off and see if just we can feel any vacuum or anything trying to draw up. exact Prime in just a little bit more I wonder if you can kind of like uh, turn the motor on and off. dude a lot of times you get like cavitation while the pump's spinning.

but like you shut it off and the water can kind of settle to a bit of it. Let's go turn it off and on that down all right. Still bubbling air though, it's trying to do something. Time to regroup.

Let's go think of something else to try. So like I said I'm wondering if we have like an air like that's that's loose right there. Hold the one above it. this.

grab a screwdriver. Let's go tighten up a couple of these connections. This should make sure we're not sucking air around that it can't draw the water out because instead it's drawing air from another location. Yeah, it's real loose.

They clamp deep and broken with this one. Let's go try getting another clamper here. It's definitely a dud. What if we should cut back that into? Now let me just grab my clamp.

You should probably try that real big one right next to it, right? It's tight and I think I'm going to add just a little bit more water. We'll try to fill that trough up just a little higher. It's pretty good. I think we're right about here right now.

Hey, give another shot. I Would think that little handle they took off when it was up here would be more for like soap maybe like it throttles how much? I Have no idea. Let's um, let's take that intake hose off right here and we'll see if we're able to blow back down through it. see if we have any kind of, you know, who knows that that pickup screen could be totally clogged I Don't know.
Hopefully that'll come off of there, hook a garden hose directly to it, and give it a little bit back pressure. Maybe if you have to, no, nothing's coming out of that I see a spring on the inside of it? I Don't know if you can see that there's like a spring holding it from. Let me think I'll blow into it? Yeah, that's open so it's not an issue there. Hey I Wonder if we can, uh, maybe pressurize the force a little bit of water through it and then try it.

starting. Looks like we have a pump issue, huh? The best way for us to try to force water into that? Can we? Um, let's get regular threads on it. Whatever that off. Can we? Um, is that like a garden hose set up? We're gonna have two females though.

Two males rather. I'm going to work on that a little bit. Let me see if we can force water up into it. Yeah, how about a piece of hose on there? Let's get that, seal that, clamp this on it and just push back.

Hopefully that crushes down. I Wonder if we could just push the water on and try bleeding it right now without even turning it on? Let's try that. we can. just like push all the air out of it, right? It is dripping from the pump, which is not a good sign.

I Don't know if you can see it down below dripping? Not if I could wear it. sucking here. probably froze. Maybe at some point stripping back in there? Yeah, hopefully that's not cracked.

I Think we're gonna have to go in. I Also, don't see where two surfaces meet together. Maybe right there. Maybe there's a split right there and it's pushing out up in there with a little mirror and take a peek and see what's happening right there.

Uh, shits and giggles. Let's um, turn it on real quick. see if it will bog down. Once that does that, it's pissing out of there too.

that. so that means there's an air leak there. All right. Foreign? Or see what happens That sounds sounds like the fire part of it wants to work.

just need the water. That's all. let's um, we want to do next. We'll go pull a piston or two out of it right here.

We'll see what happens. See what they look like? but yeah, it's definitely dripping down under there. Maybe you'll get that me around. you guys probably are not gonna be able to see.

I'm gonna take a peek back there see if we have a crack going behind that pump. If so, it froze over the course of about winter time. it's hard to tell I got an insta with a mirror. It kind of looks like where there's two mating surfaces go together.

Let's go in. Pacific Park You see a little bit better. Get some of the little Pistons out of it. It might be an impact gun.

Yeah, grabbing it back on I would suspect it's gonna piss water out if we put pressure on it, right? Yeah, so there should be like little valves in here second here, huh? Take a look at those Pokemon with a stick and see if you can get her to see if they're not frozen if they're rusted shut. I think that one just went I think it was stuck out and now it's moving because each one's got its own little chamber to, uh, open and close like a fuel pump. Yeah, that one was stuck Let's uh, get a little bit better. look inside there, see if we see anything else I suspect we have six of those one for each.
I'll be able to see a piston and spin it up and down in there. Well, if none of those are opening, it's going to be an issue, huh? Let's uh, pop a couple more out and we'll see if it's more of the same if that's what's a. Common Thread across these even a little leaking I think it's okay I'm not that concerned about it. this one looks like I need a little pliers to get that.

Oh, let's see if that one did the same thing the other one did I feel like it's moving yet? I'm gonna go look underneath the scope real quick and take a peek at that and see if that's actually what's going off. It's bound up like that. So I'm looking through a magnifying glass right now and you guys are just looking through the camera. hopefully I have you in frame? Let's um, stab at that a little.

There it goes. Yeah, so that's what's happening I bet you every one of the valves is stuck in the um, closed position and they're definitely not allowing any water to flow through. Because of that, let's go pop the rest of them out there. We're all going to go give them a quick little uh freeing up and we'll see what we get.

Well, concerning how we're going to get to these top ones, we're probably gonna take a bunch of stuff apart, but let's see again, see if our theme is kind of maintaining itself? Yeah, had to go free that one up too. You want to try just doing those bottom threes, see if it did anything for us. Everything's still hooked up right? because we're gonna have to go tear some stuff apart to get these out. but let's Buzz them in real quick.

All right. Go pressurize. go back you up and get water shot in the eyeballs, Iron hole, water in the hole I Watch the pressure valve moved. Let's go give it some water.

All right? Well there you go. He's peanut what she's supposed to be peeing out. Let's go get the yuck uh hose hooked up to it real quick and uh, go from there. I Like that.

Excellent. The end of that fitting's looking a little cruddy. before we try to put that together. Let's uh, give her a little wire wheel bath.

Ah, see if they'll go together. All right? What are we just? um, give it pressure from the hose. Let's go without turning the pump on. We'll do that.

Let's just go give it pressure with the garden hose and see if it pushes through the system. that maybe it wasn't pumping. Maybe it was just pushing air. Yeah, let me go get a bucket for us.

You gotta figure though before it wouldn't even do that. So let's go just push that through a little. Hopefully that shoots into the bucket. Let's go turn the pump on and see if it builds any kind of pressure.
The problem is, we're using a lot of volume, but we'll see if it does anything I Think we see like a bunch of rust come out. Oh, it's kind of making some pressure do you? We get all the air out. What's a garden hose? like 50 psi? Oh well. we're on a well, so 30 to 50.

we'll let off on it. Shut it off. let's go watch this run that through before. like we were.

See if it looks the same or not that looks a little more lean, doesn't it typically turn it on? Well all right, it's definitely changing it. Good Let's hook the uh wand up to it. Let me go see what the water looks like. Not too bad looking out whatever dirt was in it.

Yeah, let's go get the wand on it. We'll see if it like with the trigger not pulled. if we could build pressure and then you know do one of those kind of things. All right, let's go try that again.

I Have feelings kind of piss right? Let's just go give it some water pressure. Just him out somewhere. That might be an issue too. huh? All right, let's go look into that coupler that's gonna need to be addressed too.

Is that like a swivel or something? I Don't know if it's got a o-ring in there in the bucket I Know I Know you can, but let's just go see. we turn everything on. Get that hose. that nozzle has pressure on it.

You know, like a thousand? PSI instead of like 50. turn everything on. I Could hear the pump turning on a lot. You can hear it bogging down.

Good. All right, we're getting closer. Let's look into now this thing right here and see if we can do something about what's happening here. Remember, it's high pressure so you kind of I know what we're gonna be able to do about that.

It's a bolt. It at some point probably probably would be a bad idea to try to get those other three valves out, but for now you know at least that's functioning and doing something. Gotta get another one for that foreign from the center you is that it's two separate pieces, right? That's just not a fitting with threads on it. Let's try getting a pair of vice grips on that to keep it from turning I Know I know I'm gonna goober the threads back it off a little bit so we get some room.

Okay I should go get vice grips on it. Judgment by the tape that's all the way up there. I would think that's a fitting starting to not look like that though. Yeah, it doesn't look like it's one piece.

It probably has like an o-ring in there that's no longer. I'm gonna go hit that on a wire wheel and see if that is a fitting going into there or not. Hmm I can't see Kenya Yeah, so what can we do about getting rid of that? I wonder if we can get like a hose clamp and just kind of force it forward this way and just try to help seal it for now I Figure it's a swivel in there and there's no ring? That shot. Let me go clean that up.
I wonder if there's even like a something in the center that holds it? So a wire wheel that cleaned it up? It is all one piece. It's not like we could take it apart and possibly you know, slip an O-ring over. That's my guess is that was probably like an O-ring or some kind of bushing that was in there that took care of that play but still allowed it to spin. So the hose.

Yeah, so this part of the hose can spin, but there's a fix for it. What that is, you cut it off and you put a new one on. Pays to know people that work on hydraulic hoses. So that got removed and that got added.

Plus we got rid of a little bit of a damaged area and I was in it. All right. Let's go hook that back up to it now. I Know why that rag was on there.

It was probably dripping so much on the hands that the put a rag on it so it would hit the rag and drip off of them. So it's been like that for a long time? Not anymore. Let's go tape that up. All right.

We got to go the right direction. so it's going to be. Let me thread it in. We want to go so that it gets tightened as it goes in.

right. Stop it. You want that direction. I Think that's correct.

Someone overdo it. Can you see Watched the wrong thread? That should be a tad better. Just turn the hose out. won't fire it yet.

Let's get I blew all the air out of it. All the water out of it filled it with air because I didn't want to bring it there. You know, trying to repair it with full of water? Let's just let that Purge For a second there we go. Go turn the switch back on again.

one of you would stand over by that switch would make life a lot easier. All right let's um or we could do something but get rid of this this fitting in here. This might maybe they were cleaning like barrels or something out I want to make it so it's kind of Straight Ahead Let's see if we can get rid of of this little 90 degree. All right.

Hopefully there's the same thread I think it is so we can just go with the coupler straight on. Yeah, let's go back. Good A Little sloppy huh? At least this we can just kind of change if we have to. Hey, what do you want to do next? Uh, maybe what we'll do is we'll get rid of the pressurized that we're forced into it and we'll put the system back on with the you know in the bucket here and we'll see if the pump is able to draw from it without being pressurized by the next thing that's going to be important to us and if it doesn't, I'm going to say we have to get these three out and feed these up also.

but uh, right now it seems like it's doing okay. All right. So we're just hooked up to the gravity feed. Let's go click it on and see if it can draw on its own.

All right. I Say that's a yes, we're gonna run it for a second. Pump definitely sounds a little different. You can kind of hear it, sounds like a motor, like an engine that noisy.
Let's throw some water back in the trough. Now we're still pretty full. You can hear it foreign. see the pressure switch going up and down too.

right here. Good happy with that. That definitely drew a bunch of dirt now that we know that that part works. Yeah, we've officially made ourselves a regular pressure washer now.

We just gotta see if we can make it, make heat, and educate ourselves on that part of it. I'm gonna go dump that bucket I think I'm gonna mop up the floor a little bit I think it rained in here. Yeah, here's the crap. that kind of got kicked out of it.

So yeah, let's go look into the oil burner part of it and see if that works. Hopefully we do not have any leaks in the coil. Go climb up there, let's see if we see anything that's the water's run all through these pipings and the installation is supposed to be on the outside. Not really anything in here like this shouldn't be there, but that's okay.

Oh no, how the oil burner part works. It can kind of smell it a little bit. Let's go lower it back down. Okay I'm gonna go clean up, move some stuff around and uh, we'll get into the fire.

Park he's got for a fuel tank looking pretty dry. There's anything in it. Any kind of sluttiness? Let's go take a a closer eyeball of it and it's looking like I don't know what that piece of white thing is down. There's like a pickup tube that fell off her.

Is that a pencil? Almost like a pencil. So I'm seeing like it looks like the bottom of every oil tank that you've ever seen. especially I wonder if they were running like, um, home heating oil which is kind of dirty? Is there a way we can? um I don't really want to dump a little bit of fluid in it? A valve right there on off help? What's the other one? I wonder if it's a I wonder if it it draws fluid down and returns it back to the tank at the same time? Go follow those hoses. Two hoses going to a filter down there.

Let's um, let me go see what I got for fuel. Maybe we'll dump like half a gallon in it and we'll see what happens. It smelled like it was. it was burning earlier, but again, it might just be whatever was in that, um, that fuel filter.

I Don't want to kind of run that dry. Yeah, it should be diesel. So I just pissed on me. You figure I wonder if it's like the same burners like on a house furnace? and on those they'll have like a nozzle on them.

They will be like a 0.9 What that means is it burns 0.9 gallons an hour if it never shuts off. So let's go see if that's enough to kind of have something in there. Yeah, about an inch across the bottom of it. As for us, stink up the shop.

It's gonna smoke a diesel truck starting. but let's see what happens. We um, it has instructions on the side of it. I'll show you in a second with the uh layout how you're supposed to do it.

That's right there and they are. Fuel Fuel Tank: connect to a water source, make electrical connection. Context section: Supply As for the soap, something if equipped I Got put my glasses on to start. hold on one second, Right, Turn on pump, turn on.
Burner When water flows from wand, adjust, chemical flow is needed to shut it off, turn off the chemicals, turn off the burner, allow the machine to cool down, then turn off pump. All right. So we're gonna go for pump first. I have water hooked up to it.

it's automatically keeping that full. Let's go for burner making noise, heat coming out I Don't know if you can see anything. oh yeah, you see fire down in there. You right up? huh? I Wonder if we should, uh, drag this thing over by the door.

It's gonna run for a minute I don't know how long it takes to heat the water up? Let's go. I'll pop you in the stand. we'll shoot at the bucket. We'll see how long it takes for hot water to come out.

I Also wonder if um, what if it turns on and off as needed. The barn apart that doesn't feel like it's got very good everything shut down and shot like some black crap out of it when I went to go do it like black mud kind of came out of the wand. I wonder if it didn't fill up with water? it went so it ran out of water and it shut itself off. The wand is already feeling kind of warm that fill up again.

make sure that's filled. What if I clogged the tip? We'd like dirt that came out of it. Yeah the mud that it's pushing out. What if we could take this right off, we'll let it flush itself I think the tip is a got filled up with mud.

Will it work right now? All right. look at that crap that's coming out of that. Let's um, unthread, this feels like it clogged itself and then the burner shut off. All right, let's go shut everything off.

Oh okay. I'm not sure where all that kind of came from, huh? Yeah, let's see if we'll unthread this tip and we'll see if we can get it to flush through. I don't know if that's open. It's like a cartoon sometimes.

it's like a tire valve where it closes itself off. No, that's open to the center. So we got a clog somewhere else. Okay, the bin is overflowing.

Get that both doesn't work all that great, huh? Let's um, that's hot. yeah. I think it's um, a bunch of crap out. I Bet you it clogged up the hose.

I'm gonna let that chill out for a little bit literally because that's super hot I Want to spray myself with like scalding hot water? I Might not be at the greatest of ideas. It's like taking a radiator cap off a overheating car. Yeah you first, but then pressure itself. Bomb.

We're gonna happen. I Want that coil clogged itself white? just? Stephen No water coming out. Let's just try turning the water on and see if it'll punch out of there the pump now. I'm just wondering if it's the hose that got clogged into like the gun or if there's something here.
but I would figure if we pulled the trigger right, we should be seeing that steam come out of it. shouldn't we? Yeah. I think it clogged itself? Let that simmer down. We'll do it.

We'll try blowing air through the other end of it and keeping them like unclog itself. one of just a bunch of scaliness that was in that coil once we heated it up. It kind of like loosens it off. No, no glando.

feels like working with steam cars. No pressure gauge on it. Nothing, you know. I Just going for it.

All right. We're gonna let that chill out for a little bit. It seems like it's settled down a little. It's good.

So fire breathing dragon. we should be able to turn water on it. It should blow the water back through it like it did earlier, right? I Don't know if there's like something temperature wise that shuts off? Yeah, let me get a bucket under it. Foreign.

Had so much scale on it that it, um, clogged itself. Let's go turn the bird around. What the hell good push is getting more scale out of it, you know? Thank you. So I'm gonna go dump that and we got to go figure out what happened with the hose.

workout clogged. We're gonna clean that out. Yeah, definitely get rid of some crap, huh? So my guess is it probably got clogged in the trigger of the gun. So let's disconnect this again and we'll shoot, see if we shoot air through the hose because the hose is clear.

If not, we have to. you know, try to figure out how to clear this out. I guess I got both ends in the buckets. Go push some air through it and see if we'll go if I got some dirt come out of that, huh? All right.

So say the hose is clear. Let's uh, take a look at the gun. The gun is my guess is where we got the issues. Nasty, huh? like I think all that kind of came out of the coils I did that? Hmm.

let's see if we can pop this end of ice. We'll kind of try to face it towards the bucket and we'll put air in where the tip is, will hit the trigger and see if we can. like. you know, whatever the jam is, you do back pressure.

We can put it all back together, see what we get. All right? Tank's filling up again. Let's go flicker on and on. Let's go with water first.

I'm going to leave the tip out of it. Oh yeah, give it a better chance of not clogging. You know, let's try not to let it cool pressure. you know, get pretty hot.

You have a temperature gun. It's hot enough you don't want to touch it. Let's uh, let it feel pressure and see what it does. As soon as I let off the trigger, the oil burner stopped.

Let's try it again. Yeah. I Thought that weird second one is. let's go put the chip back in it.

Make it stuck in here right here. Make sure the trough is full should be. Yeah, that we're just using more than it can. uh, replace with the light though.

where is the light and we'll get another one. The other part too is without that tip on there, we're probably going through more water than it is meant to. Let's go put that on. How about now? Yeah, let me go empty that pail.
Foreign. I Would definitely say that is a hot water pressure washer. Then everything just shut. Yeah, everything just kind of valve is stuck on the handle.

it's not shutting off. Oh, touch the hose. I think the triggers. um, got some dirt.

Seems like it keeps trickling out. Give it a second. That's right, she's running out what's running out of the hose. Neat.

I Like the fact kind of that the oil burning doesn't stay running all the time. Definitely be more efficient. Plus I would think that maybe it would run away as far as its Heat's concerned too see how we're doing as far as um, that float overfilled earlier and the hopper again I Think it's just a toilet bowl setup we may be able to get away with. Uh, how? you see the float still coming up right now? It shuts off in a second.

You're probably getting oil filter for that. It's probably the same as like a house I see a little drain on the bottom, the white filter I'm not gonna be that concerned about any of that yet and everything's looking pretty dry in there. That's good. We don't have any leaks inside that, so he comes out of there good.

overflowing. Still hear it hissing a lot of times. sometimes you run them. they just kind of cure himself.

It looks like it's like the water level has stopped. Good if we push down I should come back on. push some dirt out of the valve I think I need to find something. the pressure washer.

All right. let's go shut it down instead to leave it on pump for a while, let it cool off, the pump staying going and then uh, you can shut the pump off I wonder if we should run water? Take all that dirt that still came out of it. will they call that where you uh, you take coils descalding something like that on Steam cars I'm gonna let this go, calm down and we'll get it out at the side, get it plugged in and we'll try to find something I can wheel over that uh, see how well it does and try to find something greasy. trying to find something that has a little bit of grunge to it that? uh I don't I got some stuff I don't want to show you yet I think maybe with a forklift we'll try uh, douching down the engine of it and see if we can knock off some of the crap that's on here.

I just want to blow the decals and stuff off. You know what? I really needed to do it on is the skid steer. all that grease that was packed inside there. That's what would be perfect for again.

this area isn't all that dirty. I'll just give it a shot again. we're just playing. so to get up the temperature let's go see how that does melting some.

you know, the crap off the valve cover and all. Thank you thank you All the dirt out of that mat, huh? Try the battery. There is something to do quicker battery. Let's be quick about it.
I Can't shoot around with this for a few minutes. Let's run around again. this wasn't all that dirty stuff everything. There's an old skid steer that I pulled the motor out of that was blowing up and we were at some point and put back in or get a different one to put in it.

Well this is where it would come you know to use getting all this crap out of here. I don't want to do this in the driveway though I don't want all this crap, uh washing out in here. so uh I got to kind of get it back to where the gravel is at some point and do that. but we'll do that on a um skid steer video.

Not on this one, but that's more. it's more. You know, this kind of grimy crap that you're trying to get out of there is where it really melts all that out of there. You do a good job.

This might be a bad idea, but let's give it a shot though. Bring that electrical conduct all right. we're done playing. No, we're not good to get rid of mold.

Go try it on a wheel. It's a cruddy old nasty Toyota wheel I Don't think there's any save in that wheel. Yeah, we're good on the rubber of the tires though. The dirt out of them the White Walls seem to, uh, how about in some crappy frame? thank you.

Looks like it's melting the undercoating off. Yeah, since the undercoating so much, it'll seal it right off. Yeah, it softens it right up instead of having to Chisel it. That might be good for our future.

Keep in mind, well I wouldn't say it made much of a difference because again, there wasn't much grease to kind of knock off of this thing. I had already pressure washed it a long time ago. It seems like anything that's rubber though, seems like it really does good about getting the dirt out of the cruise. So surprised! I thought it would have been more Like metal and stuff.

It would have cleaned better, but like the battery, it was a corrosion on the terminals and blew that off of there. I mean whatever grease was on the Block it does look like you're rinse off I Thought the valve cover is going to come a little bit cleaner, but I guess that's more staining than it is oil. I think the chances are it's going to start and then the other thing is I went over and I went on this and it kind of Hit the plastic and I don't know if you ever like plastic. it's that white powdery chalkiness to it and it seems like where I hit it with the pressure washer from where I stopped right there.

you can see where it kind of like rejuvenated the plastic over again and then where I didn't hit, you know it when it goes right back to the white chalkiness. So that's another benefit. It seems like it does. and plus, you know we didn't use any cleaner or nothing.

we're just using Straight hot water. I'm sure if you run the soap cleaner that goes with it probably even doesn't even that much better. All right, place your bets. I'm going to say yes if I didn't bounce off the key.
Perfect. This has been a Fairly reliable machine for us. How'd I ever do without one of these in my life I Have no idea this away and I'm gonna go grab lunch. pull up that machine, cool down, check it out, do a little walk around a couple of knobs that need to be addressed.

That one's got no set screw in it. so I'm hoping somewhere in here will be what we need. My guess is it's not metric. It says Made in the USA and it's probably I know we think I think things from the 80s Maybe that's looking pretty good.

too big and there we go. We got one that's I think one was for temp and one was for soap. wasn't it? The one that got a big bend on the side of it has no knob at all right? so that I'm gonna work for that. it'll just pinch itself on and we'll go look at that bent setup.

I'm not sure my guess is like this one's maybe for soap adjusting it. Let's go turn that to where it's facing us and it's got a flat yeah pressure up and down so that adjusts the water pressure. Let's go Crank that on there so that works again. I'm gonna run it for a while.

We'll see if I need to go pull those other three uh, valves that were on top. They may have been okay just from they weren't sitting in water. You know to be. um, they're talking about the ones back here that we took out earlier.

Those right there. let's see. Yeah, so that's more pressure. so it did.

It wasn't all the way up, that's less pressure. I Guess with you know, hot water and steam, you don't want the things flashing back at you just enough to do what it needs to do. Now the read the tag too cleaned off. So I'll put two and a half gallons a minute at 1200.

PSI Well, 20 amps it draws and again the power kicked off on it because of the GFI. But I think that's capacitors. Do that because I have an air compressor that does the same thing you can't run it on a GFI GFI looks for the same amount of power that is going out. needs to be returning on the neutral.

If it doesn't do that, it thinks it's shocking somebody or something and capacitors for a second. What they do is they take a little bit of a a draw so it doesn't get returned. I Think that's probably why the GFI is kicking out on it so we still need an oil filter for it. I'll probably go order that and we have where's the other knob that was on here that was smooshed? Yeah, let's go look at that one real quick.

see if we can throw some pliers and maybe bend it up and get something on. The end of that is my stash of different things. And one of these. There's a container.

Should be a container of nothing. like nothing but knobs. It looks something like that as switches. Something in here is a I'll find it.

You could run, but you can't hide. gets rotated a lot. You pull container off on the bottom, it goes to the top and they work their way down. I Thought it was an open an open box though.
Hmm, it's my memory is trying to come back to me. Has switches? might be in here? How about something like that one? See if that'll fit over. It almost looks like a faucet setup. Doesn't it on the end should do it.

Just gotta find another set screw for that one. Let's see if we can Bender back up in the submission. Yeah, it sticks out far. Every time something goes near it bends it.

see if it turns. so that's gonna be soap control. Yeah, some more. that's the last.

Turn it off right all the way in until we're using it right. Keeps that out of harm way too. All right. let's go see.

I can find a set screw for that one. We'll throw that on there. We should be good to go. A little fatter one probably be better, but at least we have something to put on there.

a little until you get it on that square. Don't work. Yeah, you can't get that much force on it. Let's see if you can find something else.

If not, I'll leave that on there. Hey guys I Think it's getting to the point where we've done about as much as we want to uh, again, the oil filter to go chase and you do find I think I have at the house I have a box of knobs. This we just need something about a two inch diameter going across. kind of like a sink faucet more because this is just you just don't have enough ratio to turn that about.

you know, and it looks like they probably got smashed off a long time ago because it's the furthest thing sticking out. and uh, that knob is long gone. but we'll get something else for that. I'll check at the house.

uh I gave it about a 50 50 whether it was going to recover or not, but it seemed like it worked out okay for us. Um, yeah, the leaking stopped at the pump. It was in the beginning where it was kind of dripping down. It was between like the two halves of the pump where it was bolted together.

Seems like when that gasket got wet, that stopped dripping all together. the little, uh, the valve, the toilet plunger valve that was kind of like leaking in, not shutting off and doing some stuff that seemed like it cleaned itself up, stopped leaking also. and again, of course the fitting that we put on there. that definitely, uh, that must have been that must have sucked.

Working with that, they had that thing around there to stop it, but it's hot steam coming out of there and here's your hand right here even I made the mistake right there so she's a little red instead of grabbing this I grabbed that. That's a quick lesson to learn real fast. that uh not to do it again, but you see my worked out really well. It came back to life and I'm glad the coil is in decent shape on it and again, you know what are these worth I say about 1500 bucks.

Seems like in our area for an operating machine that's working I think new. they're stupid expensive. like four or five grand new. So I get I don't know what year it is, but I think it'll serve us quite well in future projects.
Getting crap cleaned up. All right guys. I'm ramble I Want to thank you all for hanging out with me and bringing I Wouldn't say Rusty yeah it was Rusty it was cruddy on the inside, all that black that came out of it stuff back to life and then we'll do it again soon. sometime until then I'll see ya later.

By Mustie

15 thoughts on “Trashed commercial hot water pressure washer. can it be saved?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Edwards says:

    This is something I haven't seen. Awesome !ยก Taping the threads ; hate it when i go counter clockwise, or when i don't go clockwise. L. O. L

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars High Geared says:

    I found a hotsy pressure washer at an auction, it worked. It bid up to 375 before i tapped out, then i searched up of price and started cussing myself out for letting such a good deal slip past.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allen zackery says:

    What's going on with the relief valve ? Or a pressure gauge ? And that outside door is calling all kinds of ways…! The mess and fumes …? Anyway nice fix on the seizing valves .. and nice job ๐Ÿ‘ overall…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Anthony says:

    Think of the pump as a diesel fuel pmp ptessure is increased with each revolution

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blastman 8888 says:

    I bought a used Landa in the 1990's for $500 it was small electric used lasted me until about 2015 the coil finely rusted through. The problem with them is can't really get all the water out try to run it without the water hose connected until it's dry then shut the pump off still has water in it. Then the water sits and rusts out the coil the only way to stop that is to add some kind of Glycol fluid to the coil from a bucket so water in there isn't rusting it away every time you use it. Probably don't need to do this if you use it weekly but most people let them sit for months between uses. Once the coil rusts out cost to replace it is over $1700 not going to invest that much into an old pressure washer that you can replace it for $3500-4500. The burners are simple to maintain usually don't break sometimes have to clean out old fuel easy to do. I mostly used it to clean cars I was working on I just ran a hose tap off my hot water heater which gets to 140F. Not ideal but good enough to melt the grease off of a car.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konrad Weniger says:

    Hot water are lower pressure than pressure washer because the heat softens the grease and dirt .I have one and it works great I cleaned the coils once with radiator flush disconnect from everything used a bilge pump in a.bucket pump in flows back to bucket for a few hours was clean. Than got another one that was plugged and bought acid pump on eBay used pool acid and let it run till works great now.on my farm I always used Tide soap in a bucket if it cleans Jean it clean greasy equipment. That tire valve is blow out befor storage found easier to stick antifreeze in it and drain before use.reusable that way.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Parker says:

    It looks like that pressure valve that you were breathing air out earlier in the video, is probably used to blow out the system in the winter time to prevent the pump from freezing?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt devine says:

    My company, HOP Sales & Service was the original seller of this machine (blue & white decal on the side). This is a mid 1980s model. Great unit, though. We still carry all the parts for them. Nice work on the diag / repair.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art K says:

    The burner shouldn't be running when no water is running. There should be a flow meter that shuts off the burner. The flow meters I've repaired/replaced have been magnetic slides. When water pressure is high enough the magnet will slide up and close the contact so the burner can fire. Just house water pressure shouldn't close the burner flow switch, it needs several hundred PSI to move. If the burner is running under house pressure the flow switch is stuck closed and needs to be replaced. Some are repairable. I've taken some apart and cleaned them out, reassembled and gotten them to work. Be careful with the flow meter. You don't want to make steam. This is a water heater, not a steamer. If it were a steamer you'd need a boiler's license to operate it (commercially).

    I have owned about a dozen of these over the years. Currently I have 5 units. I'd suggest you keep the temp no more than 160 degrees. It's a lot easier on hoses in the long run. The hoses should always be uncoiled and laying on the ground where it can't melt anything (not across a car hood).

    Run cold water through unit till you have good flow before turning on the burner. Before shutting off the pressure, turn off burner and run pressure washer till water runs cold. Only takes a minute or so. I usually run it for a couple minutes so the hoses and fittings cool down. You can burn yourself.

    You're right about hot water cleaning much better. And not just grease. Pretty much everything. My shop floor cleans up 4-5 times faster with hot water. But yeah, with grease, hot is a must.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrrberger says:

    Dont underestimate the power of steam by thinking it's just a hot pressure washer, it's a whole new level of understanding. The trick, turn down the water flow so the coil can superheat the water, to steam as it leaves the lance, the results are astounding.

    Rubber: re-vulcanized and that's why the mats and tyres look great.
    Plastic: polymers are rebonded so you loose the milky finish of de-polymerization.
    Aluminum: minor anodizing effect, works especially well where the surface has that white bubbly chalk of the oxide layer failing, steam, long enough, anodizes it. It leaves a slight yellow/orange finish, that's slight mind you.
    Iron: effects are less evident however converts Fe2 to Fe3, so red rust to black rust, it's an organic rust that's slower propagating then red rust.
    Materials: steamed a room of wallpaper once, great in theory, worked super fast and by half the room the rest of the wall paper was ready to fall off, almost parboiled myself even with a fan and the windows open. Couldn't stop often as the steam reverted to water from the lance.

    As to technique, forklift engine: up the dwell time to get the results you expected, you had the time on tyres about right and hot on body panel steel needs to be lightning fast.
    I suspect that's not the original hot lance or it's a cheap hot unit as your lance should be fully shrouded. The tips for steam are shaped like a ducks bill to drop pressure and encourage vapourisation at directional velocity. Running a 15degree tip will act more like a cutting lance close or loose much of the steam temperature at distance. Pulling the trigger for short bursts is bad, the longer the unit can flow the hotter the system gets including hose (it'll scorch grass if left on it in hot) lance and boiler, so better the unit operates. Steam setting is something you need to wait for the system to achieve with the trigger depressed, the better the unit the faster it gets from hot water to real steam mode, then it needs to be used, let off the trigger and bam you're back to hot water.

    Brought a Karcher hot unit home from work for cleaning my folks old car to sell. Pulled the seats, lay the carpet across the fence, fired up the Karcher. After the amazing scene of mud flowing from carpet and seats that didnt look dirty, having them change to new colour in front of my eyes, I progressed to tyres/wheels then engine bay for similar results. The car looked 10 years newer, my folks were considering not selling it and I'd learnt not to underestimate the power of hot water and steam. That was 30 years ago, I now own that exact Karcher HDS750 unit, have stripped, cleaned, rejuvenated ever since. Last spring my neighbor mentioned chemically killing moss on his gravel garden paths, I stopped him talking dumb and told him to boil the kettle. After a cup of tea a test patch was dowsed with hot kettle water and a week passed to show dead moss a rake could easily remove. He was happy to use the Karcher on steam to sanatise his paths, the gravel doesn't blow away if steam is set and plants not sprayed remain happy. Paths have remained pristine clean ever since.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregg Kiest says:

    From the start i was almost yelling screw the hose into the inlet. Seemed too simple i guess.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAMES T. says:

    A mulch bed, or a chargoal bed maybe put mulch over charcoal . Is reaa good placd to steam clean oily greasy parts. Especially if its over a plastic liner. After a couple years ir so , whrn it has collected all the grease it is going to. Spread it out to dry and burn it, use the coalsin the new bed. The epa got after a carlot i worked for. over the grease and oil from washing cars. The gravel pit wasn't good enough.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Angell says:

    When I heard the burner fire, I knew it was a keeper๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘
    Well spent money, just needs some TLC….
    Had a unit at the landfill that had multiple issues that I was never able to diagnose.
    Part of the time the unit would work fantastic, but so much of the time WM sent us the sh_t equipment no one else wanted to f with at Lacy Laceview….
    Some times the obvious is staring at you, as was the dinged fuel pump cover on the re-engined (Deutz) 6" water pump.
    Two o rings fixed that, our lead was amazed it could pump so much.
    I knew….๐Ÿ‘

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Hall says:

    I've always been told it's a big no no to run a pressure washer pump dry . Due to it damaging seals and stuff

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Williams says:

    I thought you might clean the top of your lift table. It had enough oil, gas, etc… dripped on it.

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