a subscriber reached out to me about this 60s solex moped that has been in his mother inlaws garage since the 70s, lets see what time has done to it and if the machine can recover.

Hey guys, how's it going I gotta reached out from Scott Scott has this funky moped living it was in your mother-in-law's basement. yeah, let him tell story. What's the backstory on it? Well I uh my in-laws were from England and they when they were in France for a year or so they rode around on these fellow solex. So when my mother-in-law got when I got back, my mother-in-law um just decided she wanted to get one and there must have been a dealer in the area.

so she drove that around for a number of years and then they parked it 78. You said? yeah, around 78. they're about so 46 years or so and uh, and that was it last time it ran and it's kind of like a wet garage on the back of it and see how much how funky it is from sitting. But we're gonna go either try to figure out what happened to it and hopefully if it survives we'll try to bring it back to life.

Thanks! God Appreciate it all right man. All right guys. now we got it back on the operating table. Let's go give ourselves a little bit of an assessment and see what we got.

I think he said it was 1978 was the last time it was used in the gut parked. so put that in perspective I was in the ninth grade. It's been a long time since I've been in the ninth grade. so it's front wheel drive moped.

I think French origin is where they were made I'm guessing it probably uses a kicker wheel I don't see any drive going down to the tire, so my guess is somewhere inside here is probably like something that rubs on the tire that propels it. They're calling it a 3800 I wonder if that's like 38? CC's they came in different sizes. It's got a fuel tank on this side. looks like the exhaust system coming down and around.

regular pedal part like a bicycle. This somebody might have made it to be a two up. Good luck, huh? I See some like extra foot pegs put on it, but it looks like that's kind of like homemade. Maybe Yeah, one extra pad on the back.

just kind of. I Think the foam on the inside of that lunch does it says Alex on it? no. I'm aftermarket. then it's got baskets.

Maybe it was on that side and they removed it. Is there only a foot? Peg on one side, it's got tail light. Is that like a tail light and a running light or brake light? It's got two of them. It's like a drum.

Rear brake is what's in. It has a horn on it, has a headlight. We got probably a kill switch here that looks like on off or a headlight. might guess.

maybe this is a mount for a mirror. Levers are funky, huh? They go backwards. Yeah, not sure what year it is. What would this be to adjust your brakes or remove your brakes? I Don't think that tire is going to hold much air because then you could touch the tube? I Bet you they're an odd size too.

It's getting ahead of ourselves. Let's um, start looking into the engine and we'll see what we have. See if it turns and all that kind of stuff. Again, he said it was like in a wet garage like a bat against the wall of a wick garage.
Hence and all the rust on them if one side's worse than the other. But let's um, get you in a stand. Let's start looking into what makes this engine tick and see if we can make it tick. So it's got a little valve cover over the top of it or spark plug cover.

Let's get this off. Don't think it's metric and I don't think it's a American Standard what's the hardware called British standard British um danger Just needed it. There we go. that seems like a lot.

I wonder if that's the air cleaner too. Looks like it. Let's go to get that plug out and I still don't see a way to turn it. but let's go get the plug out.

See, it's terrible. looks like it was put away running and I'll see a bunch of crochet on there. That's good. Let's uh, there's got to be a way to get a cover off to see if we could turn the actual engine.

so the other side's fuel tank. My guess is like this would be maybe like the fan in the charging system I See some kind of looking tab here I Know there we go I Think it's going to clear the bar? Let me just gonna stand. I Think we gotta take this off down below Maybe Oh that's a pain in the ass. We've got to take that off.

Mouse is coming out of it. Looks like we got to take this structure off. It's got some clips on them front fender. my guess is seems like a lot I Feel like you you wouldn't need to go do that.

Does it? It's got clips I don't remember and how this goes right. It does whatever we want. if we could lift the does the engine pivot if you could like swing the thing in the cage stays in one spot. Oh there's that.

We'll take what we can right? Some plug wire over there? Yeah. Charging systems under the charging system. the Power Systems under there looks like it's got a fuel pump setup I Don't know if it runs separate oil and fuel tank I Only see the one tank so not quite sure what the unless it has to. Pump It Up Is the carburetor higher? Yeah, the carburetor is higher than the fuel tank so you need to pump fuel up to it.

Let's um, continue trying to get in here. Swill? Yeah, so there's that. Still give me enough clearance. All right.

Let me put you down. You figure it's got to be able to be worked on on the side of the road. right? Swivel it there, you can see more room so close. Let's um I don't take that cylinder, head off you unless we need to and get the bracket that give us enough clearance to move up.

I Think we could just pull it right out of the frame? Okay, now we should be able to get that cover off who's in here? Not too bad. Some ground up paper. All right. here's the it's turning.

Let's go dribble a little bit of oil down on that before we crunch up something and I'll see if it'll spin. It's not feel bad, so let's see if that has a kicker wheel in the center of it. Tire's going this way would make the engine spin this way. Correct.

Let's um, is we don't have a tire to spin it. We're gonna try to figure out some kind of way to go do that. Let's grab a socket and try to get it on the little nut and the side cover right here and we'll give it a spin. I Think the chances are it has spark.
It's uh, I'm not seeing anything. Let's get something to spin it faster with and uh, see if it does any kind of spark. So what do you think rupture means in English from French The other thing that's direction is that my guess is maybe it's just pointing like a to a timing mark if there's a um yeah I wonder if you sing like that? Mark is just telling you where the timing is. So Tire's spinning that way which makes that spin that way.

Let's go get that socket on a drill there and just give her a spin. It's not much meat to work with. Really kind of thin, so pick up the pace a little like that. You're not.

Where's our plug wire? Thank you. Go with her right there. Not taking long to round off that nut either. so that's gonna be an issue for us.

So we have no spark. Uh, what is kill? There's a kill wire. It looks like a button. Is it like an on and off? or just like at the momentary, he's hold it down to ground it out so we have no spark.

Let's um, follow where that goes. We have a that's gonna be for headlight something happening here with some tape and we're gonna wear it coming up through and into here. Let's my guess is that this is going to have points because it's got to be from I don't know what year it is. if you think you're this machine is it's like late 60s Maybe Let's um, you can get impact on there.

get that nut off of there and see if we can get the flywheel off. My guess is we're gonna have points underneath that cover somewhere. I'll show what that is right there. You can probably run into the socket's so much of a curve going down.

Let's give it a quick shot and how much hole is that on? Huh at all? And what are we going to use for a puller on this? I Don't put that nut back on. Kind of. give her a little a little pressing. Whack it with a hammer.

I Think we should try to get some. So I'm gonna hold. Uh, let's try hitting with a plastic mount in the center and see if we can get behind it with some kind of little screwdriver. A little bit of pressure on it.

Looking for a gap? Get something on it, Pressure on it. It's a plastic camera so there's another cover. Laughs? All right. I Was about to say that a little thing was holding it all together That didn't seem right.

Did it? As far as like the size of the nut and hold my flywheel together? Look, we're in. That's just like a pointy cover, huh? And it's got a little puller set up on it. You want to take it like all the way off? I'm sure those points are probably cruddy. Anyway, you need to get in there.

yeah, see if we get a socket for that now. We got something to spin it by too, which is nice. Let's get that out of there. we'll get like a little puller.
we'll pop the flywheel off. huh? Like a weird shoulder to it. I Don't think I'm gonna have any bolts to get on that though. Let's um, do you think we tried with earlier? Let's go throw that on backwards and see if we can get behind a little bit of pressure and give her a whack with a hammer and see if she'll go now.

Miss it I Don't know if maybe we could steal some bolts off of it. Let me go see. just a regular metric fits in there. but I I don't think so.

I found three bolts that'll fit in if I don't know if it's gonna yeah, tight enough pattern to get it on that puller I Guess we're gonna find out. It seems like it fits better than I Thought it would give her some pressure. Oh, is it gonna pop off easy? There's stuff falling out, fluffy stuff, a little bit of rust. Yeah, that was terrible.

Let's see what we got going on for points. So the cam would have been the center of the flywheel, so that would have been the points. It actually kind of looks like the points are staying open. Guess give it a second.

Can we go get a pointer? Yeah, it looks like these. Oh no. I don't know. Maybe maybe not.

It feels pretty good at just the amount of corrosion that's underneath that. I'm sure if you've seen that and it's nothing but white powder. So we definitely you need to take it apart and get them cleaned. That's a little crunchy nice.

Let's go drag a file across those, get them cleaned up and set the flywheel back on so you're gonna resume getting sparked. It's like going to the dentist. Let's see if we can get some of those scales picked off of it. Someone sent me a um, a pack of like a plastic infused sandpaper.

It's this stuff right here compared to like an emery board. Let's go give that a shot. Okay, contact cleaner wouldn't hurt, huh? Let's go to be like a post-apocalyptic video. Nothing runs this computer.

Everything has to go back to Mom Electronic seems like the board is kind of breaking up a little bit. that might be from the spray. Maybe the plastic doesn't like that carb cleaner. Let's um, that looks decent.

Let's go pop that flywheel back on there real quick and uh, give her a spin, see if it does anything for us. Cam that's on it that opens the points, opens and closes the points and the keys built into the body of it. There's no loose fitting one, so my guess is we got to kind of maybe rotate that so we don't bend that tab. All right, let's get our nuts back on.

Flip that over, don't we? I heard you put your nuts on backwards I Need to get rid of this because impact it's not going to spin it. We want to spin it with a drill. Let's put it off slow. And here's our plug wire.

Where'd you go? Let's go see if that'll do anything. of course. Nope. Still have nothing.

Um I Wonder if we could disconnect? Is this the Kilt wire? Let's unplug that I Think that's the kill wire just in case that's grounded out somewhere? Let's try it again. without it Let's uh. Pump Up the Volume and I'll be fast enough. You know nothing.
Well, there's an issue. All right. let's go pop that flywheel back off of there and see if we can see anything that is causing an issue. Maybe take a test light, start poking around.

Maybe those points just aren't closing enough. Some light on the subject so don't look dirty. We're not saying that. that's not what the issue is and it looks like it's got like another point to jump right there.

But that should be like even if that was an air gap, that should still be able to clear that plug wire and jump across, that corrosion really should not stop the high voltage part of it. Again, if it's able to jump across, a spark plug, should be able to jump across of that and what? I'm just going to be for the headlight. So one coil is going to be for making the charging system work and the other one's going to be for powering the lights. You know it depends on which wire is tapped into what? So this coil wire goes up to this prong.

I Have a feeling this is for the lighting that we disconnected and what is going to kill? Spark Wherever that ground wire that we were talking about earlier? All right. So we got this wire goes down around that's horn. that's for hitting the horn. Does he even have a a kill wire? Do you just like let off the throttle and it dies? What would run that? I Do not see trying to think what's in a circuit.

so from the points, jumps across to the condenser and coils, the coil and condenser points are tied together. Let's um, get a test light and make sure that we are isolated from the bodies. If this is grounded out, it's not going to have any spark. Let's go get a meter.

All right, that display show up. Sometimes it can be hard because it's a light, but um tweak it better. So just we're on. Let's go put it on Ohms and Ohms is just gonna open circuit.

Closed circuit is going to go to all zeros again I'm not sure if that's showing UPS Is that better? There you go, All right. So open circuit, closed circuit and resistance in between is going to tell you why what the numbers are. So we're going to ground out one side and then we're going to try to touch onto the points and it is showing it is grounded. Let's open those.

Let's go check the other side. So let's go open it. that should stay open and you close the points. it should close.

That's got there. we go. So let's say it's got a high resistance. Let me clamp that on there a little bit.

Let's go for the um. the metal tab so closed I should open. It should be open right now. Let's go check the other side of the point.

so we have that wrong. So let's go clip it on the points. That would make more sense on this side. So it's showing that it's always grounded.
We should have an open and closed signal actually on that side of the point. The side that we're on right now we should open that up. We should have an open circuit and we do not. So no matter what we do is not going to work for us.

Let's um, what can we disconnect to try to get it out of the circuit to find out what and where is causing that? So we got two. We have two little nuts. We have two little nuts right here. Let's get like the coil wire off of it and where the condenser wire off of it and we'll see if we get this to isolate.

This whole thing will be isolated by like you can you can see the Um I think what the name of that material is I don't know what. I've been back we're going to call plastic just like a plastic isolator in between all this stuff and it might be bridged across it. Let's get a little socket, get them on there, and take them off because you can't get resistance across, especially the coil. but it should have a different reading.

You should get a couple of Ohms resistance. Let's open that up and see if anything is, uh, creating our issue. disconnect both of them. I Don't know if that condenser is going to want to play well.

We'll leave the condenser online I Want to break that tab off? Let's get the meter set up on it and uh, we'll see you can read it. Open that. So right now, it should be grounded. Then we open it and it's open.

So there he goes. The points are working. with the coil disconnected. Let's go see what kind of resistance we have across that coil.

If that's correct or not, slowly counting up. cool. it's making sense to you. So the coil has zero ohms across it.

I Would think it would have a little more than that, like 10 ohms along those lines and we're showing zero. Which might mean that this coil is internally shorted. Well, let's get the little tab. Let's see if we can isolate that little tab in the coil wire off of it.

Let's go get that little piece of sandpaper that we had. Let's go shove that in. There we go. So that's isolating the uh coil wire going out of it.

We get almost like it's charging that coil up a little bit. Let's um, unbolt it from the body and measure across it. I don't think it's making much of a difference, but let's go take a peek and see if we can find something that, uh, possibly is having an issue with that. If I'm gonna go put it all back together.

It's even magically cured itself I'm suspecting that coil right now, but maybe maybe not I don't know if we can use the other one. I Don't think it's going to be the same scale, the same voltage getting put out. We need to take a peek at it, see if we see anything that's uh, funky on it. Let's go measure across this right now by itself.

One side's gonna be the ground of it. Tell you what the meter says, yeah, from zero, let's go to the output side of it. So that's input and output. I'm just saying it's jumping around between zero ohms and like 2K anything.
let's see 2000 ohms. So it's coming up on a meter down there. so I'm gonna look real closely under the scope and see if we have anything corroded wise around its edges that are causing an issue. and what do you think the chances are I have something like this I Can say zero, but I'm gonna go look anyway.

not even saying that this is the problem I didn't have a coil so I was I think what else? you can kind of look at the coil wire itself. Maybe we'll take a peek at jumping across. That does that give us 6K 6.2 km. There should be some resistance across the coil wire I Don't know if it should be that high though.

Hmm I Always see anything that stood out. um, coil kind of measures, you know I'm thinking about it. decent. Let's go spin it up one more time, put it back together and uh again.

cleaning sometimes does help. Let's see, we got there, we go. I Wouldn't say it's perfect, but we got something. We're all right.

we can keep moving on. I think we're gonna have to write this one off and order some parts. Let's um, dribble a little bit of fuel down, throw the plug in it real quick and see if it'll kick for us or do that. it's gonna make sure that plug Sparks too.

It's not just at the wire. my Gap is really tight. we're sparking all right. foreign.

looking for the spark plug? It's in wire. Yeah, this pre-mix plus we shot a bunch of oil in there too. Hopefully the nut does not spin off and see what we get. All right, good.

there we go. She's a liver. uh now what what you want to do is see you punched a bunch of oil out of the exhaust. Looks like I was leaking right out of there.

Looks like it's got a decompression valve. It looks like it's frozen and we'll leave that alone. Let's uh, start looking into the fuel system. you can see there's a curator set up.

We have a fuel pump like we saw earlier. It's like it draws from a pulse and drives it around. Let's go see what's got in it for the tank. It's getting a 1978 fuel in it.

Let's grab a light and there's something in there. I See, we get that out of there because I don't have a feeling it's gonna be much of a of a good this. Giver or hmm smells different. a little confusing at what the setup is on this because I see I Don't know if that's just like a breather coming from the tank or maybe it's a return.

Like what's the point of this and then it has the metal lines underneath it. Let's see if we can get this tank. maybe right off of here, looks like that's not even loose and that one's loose. Let's even get the tank off.

We'll flush it out, see how it functions it's doing. Yeah, that seems like it's just a breather. probably going into the tent. it's a bolts out, take a screw missing on the bottom.
The back one has got like a Flathead I Cracked it loose and it looks like it could slide right off and this one out of it. This Line's holding it. Let's go get a wrench. We'll take this line off.

We'll take it with the tank. Nine millimeters are friend here. Okay, twirl it to that point. Good yeah, they're off what we got going behind here.

Put date on this thing anymore. Five of 70. would that be the date when it was made? Let's Go dump this into container, see what comes out. Yes, it comes out of that.

It does not look as bad as I would expect, but again, it is. Um, pre-ethanol Hmm. if it'll burn, it's like it's a good concentration. like a lot of maybe the fuel evaporated and that's like the oil that's left behind with the fuel.

Normally you're at like a 50 to 1 mix. that's like a five to one. Uh I Wonder if we just a way we can make it so that we could like spin the engine and see if like it'll draw fuel up? I Wonder if we can, um maybe crack this line here. and my guess is there's like a camshaft inside here.

um a pulse to see if this pump is functioning? Yeah, let's go see. um actually probably just put the let's go take that line off and I'm gonna like set it in a cup of something of fuel and spin it and see if it'll do any drawing. Yeah, let me go work on setting some stuff up here and do a little experiment. Clean that bowl out and the line that you're seeing further away from you is the pickup.

and the line closest to you is the return. Get that fuel line under enough. Let's go do that and we'll hook the drill up to it and we'll spin it. We'll see if that pump, we'll uh, function.

First of all, all right, it looks like it's pushing dirt off of it. huh? Look at the crap that's coming out. let's go spin that and uh. see if it'll function correctly and get you out so you can see that line too.

Plug out. We're not fighting the resistance of cracking it. Oh yeah. Oh, a little something dribble out seems like it's functioning.

It's like I Pushed a bunch of crap out too though. like water or something. The fuel kind of turned crappy looking. See ya, it's kind of a good idea anyway.

Huh? Purge Out the crap with all the dirt that's floating around in the bottom there. Now that was clean good. it purged itself. So what do we need to do on this carb? It does not look like it has a float bowl at all.

You just want to try hook up fuel lines up to it and see what happens. So this line. We could probably even leave something like this hooked up? Yeah, it's not dangerous, huh? Spark and raw fuel? Um I don't know. Maybe we'll we'll rinse out that tank real quick.

I'm trying to figure out still with that breather was for if that did anything for us or was just a breather. curb. just kind of sitting there floating. Looks like it.

just this is the intake manifold. That little tube back behind it and throttle is going to be this lever. Okay, it doesn't move. Yeah, is there a choke anywhere on it? I Don't see anything? Do you all right? Let's go.
Um I'm gonna go rinse that tank out. Probably use that same fuel up there. We'll rinse that out real good. We'll dump some fuel in there, we'll put it back together and we'll see if it primes itself and we'll see if we'll run off the carb.

So considering it doesn't have a float ball I wonder if this hose right here is just a fuel would turn? It has like a flow going all the time and that's just a return back to the fuel tank which probably would make more sense. Let's uh, throw some fuel in it. It will spin it with a drill like we did before and see if we it starts dribbling out of that here. we go right over there.

Yep, so it's doing good. It's getting understanding what it does. Let's let that kind of like Purge through a little bit. get rid of some of the crap, push any dirt that was in it out, you know, and look like that.

Or like that doesn't matter. Let's get this out of the way that's decompression valve my guest has to go up to. The Handlebar Somewhere All right. Get the plug back in it and we'll spin it and see if it goes up.

This is the choke right here. I Was looking for the lever. That's where our choke is and we'll see if it'll fire up on its own. I Do not know which way is choke.

it's either that with that. Uh, let's just give it a shot. see what it does. Starting to think that's not it.

Okay I'd give it gas too. So let's um I wonder if we can. Let's put something around the throttle that like hold it mid throttle, give it a little bit of air. Have a good old team camera, not about that much.

Now let's try it. that was different. dribble look down that intake that peed through that card. way too easy.

Let's go see if it'll fire off of that. Yeah, it's got car problems. Let's go try that one more time. I'm gonna turn the choke the other way.

Gas is pouring out of like a weird part of the carb can. I Do that. Yeah, definitely not running off the fuel that's getting being fed to it. flooring it.

Get it there. Take the intake manifold. It's a major leak on it. The big nut on the bottom of that intake.

I Wonder if that's just loose and just sucking air around it? But let's go and try it again. see if we get. you also have to take that carburetor apart. foreign a little more.

let's see if. I Keep it running. Yeah, yeah, all right, we got carburetor issues. Go figure right? let's go see what's happening inside there.

So I see like a nut on the bottom there. I Don't know if that's supposed to tighten up on something. air where it shouldn't be, or even how that is held on there? C-A-L It looks looks like it's hanging a little low, don't it? I'll check that in a second. It looks like that, right there is what's holding the center of it together.
and then what is this weird like latching setup that it's got? Let's get the table off of it. So what is that latching to open that probably opens the intake right there? Yeah, it's not much of a carbon thing. Hmm. Well, I'm gonna go work on that, figure out how that comes apart and then maybe we'll pop it on the bench.

If not, we'll figure out what it is right there. I'm also going to throw a wrench on this real quick. make sure that's tight. it should be in a little further.

Like those you know, you just never learn these two things and you forget you're supposed to finish something up and you don't tighten them up. What is that? Everything we're just screwing with? we're gonna kind of take out the window. let's go tighten that up and we'll try it again. And how about with a tightened up fuel line? See, we probably should still prime it shot.

should I put that hose back on. All right, that'll work. Nope. But it definitely did help it a lot.

You know, like it stayed running. Let's go try that again. I Saw Sports come out of somewhere too. I'm not sure what the deal is with that foreign I'm guessing that's choke off yeah, didn't like that.

Get in there. it's burning off a bunch of crap. Of course the Fan's not there to help cool it too the Plastics on there. Let's go.

let's get you set up in the stand. I Gotta get my uh, my ratcheting set up so it doesn't back the nut off. I Got that ratchet paw set up on the drill I Like a chirping. It feels okay.

We're spinning it though and it's not even hot. It's not like it's seizing because if it's hot, but the kicker tire is running on the tire in here. Oh yeah. so I was trying to drive the tire was what was going on.

That makes sense all right. Now that that's off of there it's you can get her to go and kind of stay running a little bit. Thank you. Foreign? yes, Thank you to find a sweet spot in the choke.

So I gotta take the Carver apart I'm just procrastinating. Yeah, it's got like no throttle to it 'll one idle. Kinda foreign. I'm sure the air cleaner will probably have put some drag on it too.

change the mix a little quite a little. Shield out of our way and I would think to shut it off. if it doesn't have a kill wire. you probably just take this decompression.

Yeah, and that's what kills it. All right. let's go get this. Shield out of the way and look in that carb a little bit see if we can find something.

Uh, I don't think it's like probably one jet you screw out of the center of it. but let's go see. it lives. It will live.

Get a nut on it. Why would you put a nut and bolt in there? You can't get on it. Dumb. We got another bolt down here I wonder if it's on a slide like the carburetor was, but you'll get that that bolt released.

Wiggle that out of there. That was nut and bold too in the frame. Suck to get in there. the top one.
All right you. Flinch Some things I do not understand about you. Why do you do things certain way? You know that's not going to be a nine millimeter? I Think we got it like this. Oh I want I'm gonna lose it.

Nope. I got it all right. There's access to that carbs because they can peek at that. head on I don't know what there is to we got that Jet right there to take out.

it looks like so let's go do that. and then again, it looks like that. I See that big nut back there? the larger one you know and offsets the fuel line. I See, you can take beautiful.

It looks like a threads in. all right. let's get let's get that out of there. Let's go rinse that out.

We'll blow everything out on that. put it back in. Shoot to me on the carb too see if that helps. and with your air cleaner going down, there was one more up top there, two out also.

uh-oh what's that? It's a little piece of plastic that's set up inside here. shot out a little piece of plastic. It's a whole fuel filter float assembly all in one. Yeah.

I Guess you should clean that out too, huh? Let's go pop that ear cleaner back on it while we're here just to, um, keep everything with. um, drag on it. What do you mean so that it, uh, has the right air fuel mix so to speak. Now let's give that a shot again and see what she does.

It may take a second too because all the glue, all the fuel out of it, some gas foreign. There's no click the throttles backwards. It's not meant to do that, is it? That would be? Dopey if it is people. just Idols There, you think it's backwards.

Do you think you gotta hold it to idle and then that's riding? Sure seems like it doesn't. it right? Probably guessed it too. Pretty good. And then to kill it, you gotta hit that decompression lever which I maybe was on a pivot right here.

What a weird weird machine. Well there's that for you. We're gonna turn the fan on and exhaust this out I Don't want to run it too much more without the cover on it. It's just burn off a bunch of crap I Wouldn't say it's hot, but it's just burning off all the crap that's leaning around it.

Well guys, unfortunately it's gonna be on the shorter side of videos because I am just a couple things. I'm out of time. It's been a tough week for me. A bunch of issues kind of going on.

One of my base bit flooded. We got five and a half inches of rain in like three hours and it took out the uh, my basement sump pump crapped out wasn't working because it hadn't come on in a couple years and it was frozen and by the time I got there, it was five inches of rain in the basement. and you know, boxes of old paperwork floating by and clothes and all that kind of stuff. So I gotta go deal with that mess.

Yeah! I got things down there drying everything up, dehumidifiers and we need tires for this apparently so we can't do too much more with this without the tires to be able to make it drive. because this system is kind of like a direct drive. It's not like it has an engine that you know runs a chain and runs a tire. It has like a little kicker wheel in the center.
It lays on top of a tire and that's what propels it. But again, we don't have that because we don't have air. A tire that can hold air so hopefully they're available. Let's go see if we can see what the little kicker wheel looks like.

There it is up inside there so that's like a um I Don't know if it's like a stone impregnated or what it is. There's like little and get you in there, a little Stone looking material attached to a wheel and that just drives directly on the tire and makes the machine move so but seems like the engine. It seems like it's pretty decent. everything.

kind of came back, we didn't. You know this work was a little issue. Um, iffy there for a little bit whether we're gonna go be able to cure that, but it does seem like it wants to come back to life. So I'm gonna order some tires I Think they are like one and three quarter by 19 is the size that's on them.

so I'll try to get them on and then you know we'll make a part two on this and hopefully have her kind of putting around and see how well she does I don't think they're very fast and they're not as fast as a moped I Want to say they're like 15 miles an hour? something like that, but uh I guess it beats pedal on for the most part. All right guys, that I'm gonna sign off and thank you all for hanging out, doing some wrenching with me on some stuff that's been sitting for about 1978. So what is that? like? 45 years, 46 years on the cusp that this thing has been sitting, leaned in against the wall in the garage and uh, came back to life I'm happy for that. All right guys I'm babbling I'll see you soon later.

By Mustie

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