a subscriber contacted me on some machines that he was cleaning out after the barn they were in rotted out and fell down on top of them, then left outside for years, so let's see what we have and can it still be saved?

Foreign. how's it going? One of the local subscribers gave me a shout and said hey, I Got a bunch of equipment that I'm cleaning out of my yard and you might be interested in and this is one of the pieces. It is a I don't even know what year it is. you probably go find out.

but the back story on it was I think somebody gave it to him had a blown engine on it. He replaced it with a lawnmower engine you see there I think it was even a smaller horsepower you said like a 3.75 and then used it for a while. He had a barn or a garage and the building ended up deteriorating, falling down and a bunch of the equipment went outside and I would guess it probably a while judging by the looks of the machine that's been stored. Outdoors I've done nothing to it yet I Figured we'll kind of, you know, get into it all together and see what we got.

I don't know if you know if the engine turns over. uh, looks like we have a wheel off of something. else that is and the other on that side looks okay. looks like there might be mice in the engine judging by the material that is coming out of it.

and uh. So we got a an engine, a hydraulic pump. my guess I am looked. there's probably a belt underneath running a couple of pulleys.

Figure that out. My concern is that water got into the Hydraulics That could really kind of put a damper on things. but I guess I'll take it. one thing at a time.

Let's get you in a stand and we will get into the engine part of it, see if you can save that and then we'll just move on, see what doesn't doesn't work and possibly be able to save it. If not, we'll figure out what happened to it's missing. It's another now and it's kind of floating. barely on there.

Well let's go see and any oil in it. It's low which is good. You'd rather have it low than too much. That means water got in it.

Let's go take a peek in that gas tank fuel in it. Go grab a light and go and look on the other side. Going in doctors already it's looking pretty dry, peed all out or somebody emptied it. Let's go give her a little Yank on the Pulsar to see what it does and what do we get? Oh caught starts right up.

works fine right? It's decent. Let's get the uh, maybe the top cover off. I'm looking down right in there and I see a bunch of crap sitting in there. probably is full of mouse nests.

We're gonna have to get that cleaned out Anyway, we're going to give her a once over. Uh, let's um, let's go just check for spark real quick, see if we get any of that what we got for a kill switch off. Let's go put if we'll go there. We go there, we go.

but that's a run. Let's go see if Scotty's Park wrong size looking pretty white. These are all electronic Mission all this older stuff so this is gonna work or not as far as the coil. nice soft Spark All right, get that cover off is that all of them? Go see who's hiding in here.

A live one comes jumping out. more layers to go that was just a that was a fake. Let's get a ratchet and socket and get this off. and we got to get this tin off down below.
A lot of times there's another one with a spacer. a long bolt over here on the side. I Haven't gotten into there yet, but yeah, it feels like it's there I should. A lot of times you got a spacer behind them.

You gotta watch it drop down. That's part of the gas tank too. It's got a builted shoulder on this one. you should just have the fuel line to contend with.

Yeah, let's go grab some pliers. get that off of there. Let's try this left-handed A little bit of something in there. All right.

Back to the main goal. Let's go get the pull, start the engine off of there and see what we have for. Critters I Get the one for the oil. Hopefully you can walk that one you see you can't see.

It's got a little locating pin lift up on a hair. Actually, this is low on oil anyway, so it may not be an issue. Sometimes you pull these out. it pisses oil everywhere.

Let's go there. We go. Rotate all right? Yeah, yeah, somebody's getting evicted. Let's go get a shot back and we'll clean that crap out of there.

You expect that, huh? No, not at all. She's packed pretty down pretty far too. So there's a fan on top. That's here's the fan.

and what it does is it takes that shroud, sucks air in through there and then dissipates the airflow across the cylinder head. Of course, if this stuff is in there, there's no airflow and the motor over revs and I overrips. Uh, overcooks itself and burns it up. So let's go get that cleaned out of there and uh, we'll see what we got.

Hope we got some compression. Duffy's bed sat out in a ring. You can tell me how much how many times that cap filled up with water as though the pull start cap with a catches on this is not rotted right out. All right, let's suck what we can and blow.

we can't. Let's go flip it up on its side like this. We'll get a look at what the drive system is I'd like to kind of disconnect it while working on it. My guess it may have a nest in there too.

I Think it's covered. something like a snow blower right off the bench. the whole thing. Falls We good over there good All right.

Any fluids pissing out oil might piss out the um. air cleaner. Place your bets. anything in there.

The only opening I see is that and that, but mice can get in there too. Oh yeah, a little tensioner pulley in there. Not too bad. Definitely tell it hasn't been uh, running a day or two I think the spiders are been evicted.

Let me hit the vacuum cleaner on that to get that cleaned out of there. It looks pretty simple, huh? Dude, we could de-spring it. is that moving off the pulley, look at that pump feels quiet and now we already know. Turns good.

you see with a bolt pattern change from changing the engines, the washers crushed on it. three of them compared to wherever it was before. Let's go flip it back down or get that carb off and soak it I Wonder if we if any of this moves up out of the way I See some kind of not very far, huh? Can we push it forward? Just wanted better access to this, you know? Hmm. maybe we'll get get Jack stand or tie this up to the roof? Well we do.
something like was it a piece of wooden there? There we go. a little bit better access I Skipped this air cleaner structure off of there and get that carve out. I'm pretty sure that's gonna be cruddy. There's another effect with the the throttle even move it does.

but you know if I don't go in there and clean it, it's gonna need it and take it apart. It'll be fine. These engines have like that square paper air cleaner already cracked the screw loose and um, they are susceptible to the moisture because it water can kind of hit them. See what we got on this? Yeah, you can just stop by the rust? Yeah! I believe we got two more screws going through.

We'll get this cover off. I'm just gonna eyeball the linkages real quick and make sure there's nothing that I'm going to screw up by putting it back in the wrong place. but I Think on these like some some carburetors have, uh, different spots you can put rods back on. There'll be like two or three different locations.

I Do not see that on this. They look like they're all single and get this big old fat thing in there. What you what you'll do not to turn a ratchet right, strip it right out. It was fine to you, rolled off the edges.

Now you really made work for yourself to look a little easier to get to. What if it been better to take the engine and rotate it the other direction now because the exhaust would be blown into the the hoses except just a breather hose that's just a crank case hose in there and pull the carburetor. You just think we should take the float ball. Let's just try yanking that float Bowl off real quick and take a peek inside.

There's that one. Yes, it is your prediction I'm predicting white powder I'll make the White House jokes. she's locking up. She does that.

Oh, that is not a good sign. That means there's so much crap in there that the threads are um, corroded jet too in the center of it that was never gonna run the car pull off. just gonna have to come apart. Actually, not, you know I don't think it runs very good on that, but hey, we're gonna have to go polar and Soaker uh, float stuck all right rest of the way.

he's got to come off. We can go screw to other things while that's doing that. I'm gonna go take a minute and get that off of there and we'll get it soaking. I'm gonna actually I'll be able to stay there.

just disconnect one throttle Point Gamma coming off the governor. There we go Good. let's go take that over into bench and take a peek at her. Looks fine.

Yeah, it's like a little questionable where this one's going to recover. This one's really got some corrosion to it and that white corrosion is the aluminum of the carburetor itself going away. There we go. a little hose cheater pliers.
Let's get out of that. There we go. Yeah, it's corroded right right up through the center of it. So you can get the float off of it.

the pin out of it. Yeah, this is a good one. I um tore more I think it's a Honda though. I did tear a mower apart not that long ago that has, um, you know if we steal Parts off of possibly maybe another carb.

Let me, um, get a punch, see if we could drive that pin out of there. But yeah, it's been a day or two since that's run, huh? I Think that punch is too big? Let's see if it'll move though. I Think it did. Look at the right size punch.

A good way to support this. Let's try something like that. It's not very strong metal. it's just like a pot metal.

you know, probably get a new car for like 12 bucks. What is that gonna work? Foreign. Get the float off of it. might better work our way around it.

man. hey, you want to try and get that out punch again. Let's try it like that. I tried pulling it up.

Plastic's just gonna break so you gotta try to I'm going to punch right through the plastic I Think come off of there yeah I bent the tip of the needle. Let's see if we can grab that with some like wire wire cutters I need some Leverage kind of there it is. Yeah, that's pretty. That's one of the uh, the more nasty ones I've seen in a while.

I'm gonna go take a quick peek and see what we could dig up for a carb. I don't know about you but I am not giving that one too much hope. if we don't have anything else, we're gonna try to move forward with this. Yes, we are Bottleworks choke moves because the Acid Bath unfortunately doesn't do much for this uh, this white powder stuff.

Let's go see what I can find if I need one of them, huh? stash shopping? this is a mower over here. I don't think this is even same kind of air cleaner. Hmm, who knows this one's even any good neither. I Don't know if I want to chop this thing apart to steal the carb off of it I wouldn't mind if it was a when it was already ratted.

this one's for another day. The land of carburetors in there, Let's be Guppies See when it looks somewhat familiar with a snow blower, carb snow blower kind of need the same thing on there anyway because of the the governor setup has to kind of match. you throw another carburetor on there. It'll run but it won't control the RPM that will maintain the RPMs kind of looking like Slim Pickens I'm gonna go pick away at this a little bit more.

let's see if I can find anything that we could sue. If not, we're definitely going to move forward with trying to get this one to do something. He's a lot of these motorcycle carbs. Well, nothing to lose with some time, right? It's the challenge.

Yes, it makes it fun to an extent. So you can get that Rubber seal off of there because that's not going to survive the the bathroom here we'll do is we'll go through the wire wheel. I'm gonna try and knock off as much as that crap as we can I don't believe there's any adjustment on this anywhere. No, let's go hit this on a wire wheel.
knock off some of the heavy crap and what else we got to deal with I think the float Bowl was too bad and we gotta definitely try to get that needle seat to work. That's the going to be. the biggest issue is getting that hole to slide up and down smoothly powdery time and I'll probably get a I said a 75 chance that we're gonna launch this across the room. Kill it.

just give a little bit of pressure on it I'll get that under where it will some. sometimes the needle is does have the seating material on it, sometimes it's down in the carburetors. Go clean that off, see what we got and down there is where the real issue is gonna get that corrosion that's on there. Then there's going to be a seal down there which I might have I might have that in a kit I Just I was just able to poke through it.

Gotta be careful, you don't want to shoot air this way. you. you will launch it right out of there and never see it again. I'm going to take a little bit of time to take a pick before we soak it.

Let's try to unlock all this loose craft off of here. See what the uh, the cleaner can do? Also, we got to get those Jets down in there. they have to have an open passage also. Go grab some car cleaner.

Just go. Just make sure we can spray through things. There's some right in front of the bench here. Can you get it? Yep, we'll try that first.

Woohoo! I Got that passing through I Think this is the one that does anything and there it is. You can now you see the color of it's red. All right, let's get our soaking and we'll move on to something else. Probably should do the same with this too, huh? The main Jack Coming in.

this is what meters how much fuel goes in. Let's go in through those holes. It gets sucked up through there. I Don't think that's happening I'm gonna hit that on the wire wheel.

come back and we'll kind of rinse that and we're still going to soak it in the ultrasonic. but we'll get all the heavy crap off of that too. That's a little better. I Like a wire wheel, a wire brush bristle.

a lot of people keep sending me. um, pipe cleaners, but I find for the smaller Jets like that one in there that it just doesn't go down small enough and this works fine. Plus, generally everybody has one you know that holds completely clogged right there. Hit that with some spray, see if it'll pass through.

All right, how's that bowl? look? A bit of crap on the top where the seal is, but the bowl actually looks fairly decent. doesn't it surprised a lot of times what these will do, they'll get like a rot spot in them. These I should have. Anyway, all right, all that's going in the cleaner.
Finally. Now you said it five times, right? They're gonna take the two by four out of there. the whole thing just slid forward. Access to the card.

we gotta. um I wanna get the oil out of there I Think he's gonna have to do a drain from underneath? Let's again, let's go flip it back up on its side and see what we got for a drain plug. Hopefully it's accessible. It's like half inch.

half inch of three eighths. it's half. Nope, three. A's I Grabbed Some saying goes, you grab the other one, it'll be the other one that one.

damn it. Let's go to like it's almost ready to fall out. I'll flip it back down to get a pin under it. Yeah, all right there.

they got a block of wood under the one wheel to kind of just a little bit of room. Where'd it go guys. Got a better view than I Do nothing come out good? See if there's any water in there? let that run for a minute. Definitely needed some uh changing.

We don't know if it's a good engine or not, neither. Whether it knocks or not, get a wheel in it. Maybe we can, um, you know, put a little fuel in the plug hole and try giving her a couple of Yanks over see if we'll go. There's a pin that I took out there.

See if, uh, possibly I'm in that top back without breaking it off? Let's see how this works for us. We can get on it should I make it what you can see popping out. get her a little deeper or you just kind of grab it with pliers. You think? let's try this one more time sliding out of the bikes.

We don't have anything else better to try to I wonder if we can, um, maybe put the bent part in the Jaws you're saying I'm gonna break it right now aren't you? I'm thinking the same. you hit it anything I don't know. Really kind of looking. try a little more.

It's like a drunken sailor now, huh? We'll work on that a little bit more. Let me try wrapping some tape around it and um, working it or make a look for another one he's gonna break I have overdone it. only got so many bends, it's gone. Just leave it alone.

For now, we'll go shopping here. We go find that with some wire cutters. let's grab just over and under it I Knew that was gonna happen. Oh well, we need one now.

One of these containers you may have what we're looking for I would think it'd be at the very bottom I'm gonna go grab another one of those little white toes but just dump it right in it. Gonna be behind door number one, two or three. Jimmy Like all the when I Get the carb kits I Just throw like miscellaneous pieces back in here for occasions. Just like this.

What's it that one? Let's go there. I Think that's got the rubber on the different size. Can we go rubber on rubber? Stop it. Hold on to that one for now.

take a peek at another one. see what that's got another one. no end on it. plus the one that was there, it had that that longer wrong size.
We have one more. take a peek in this patch real quick. make sure there's nothing in them. These are all these little.

those are like little two-stroke carbs. I'm not gonna have it like that though. Which one was it that we didn't use I Don't know. Is this one of the yellow? Yeah.

just even looking this one yet. This one's got quite a few in there. Is that it? That's the closest It's got. The rubber tip I Don't know if it's gonna screw us up or not.

as long as it seals right. Let's go hold on to that one foreign only choice. What is this one? Hammer? It's that one. It's got the metal tip on it.

Where's the one that we took out because the one that we broke you broke I didn't break it that it. Sometimes it's good to be lucky, right? All right, there is our replacement and we'll throw these back in for the next time. Not that much oil came out of it. Also a little a little bit of a metaly looking colors to it.

A lot of times they just settle to the bottom. You'll see it. That's not terrible though. Go dump that out and refill her up.

You can get away without a a funnel. I Don't even get any dirtier, right? Traffic would be a better um, drinking game every time. I Say it's not terrible. What do you think or um, let's go with about right there I Overshoot it? No, sometimes it gets you because the bottom of a tube stays wet and we are up to the a little bit above the bottom dot.

We'll leave it there. for now. this has something in it. Definitely think that plug is going to need a little bit of a cleaning.

I'll hit that with the wire wheel too. Yeah, sometimes on a plug you can actually kind of screw it up by hitting it with a wire wheel and getting a little too overzealous. So again, the idea is supposed to have power go through the center of the plug and Arc to the grounded side of the engine or the plug and there's an insulator in the middle of this piece. Here is an insulator so you want the arc to jump here sometimes what you're doing, you can even see it on this one.

When you hit it with a wire wheel it'll put like little metal deposits showing up little metal deposits from The Wire Wheel kind of coats it and what it does is actually trying to foul the plug out. What a plug means by fouled is that this from here to the body has already been grounded out somewhere so it doesn't want to jump across. There it could be doo doo doo doo. Uh like oil and grease can pack up inside here.

Uh, carbon can build up and it want to Arc across it. so there's a bunch of ways that that can happen. Sometimes the insulator even breaks down there so these should do sandblasting. Um, plugs used to be a common thing in old days and I Guess what they found over time with doing the sandblasting is engines were failing shortly after doing a tune-up and sanding the plugs.
I've been saying like a long time ago too. You know 30s and 40s and what was happening? was it sandblast them? clean them out. but little bits of sand would stay down in this cavity down in here. and then when you run the engine they would break loose and they get down by the Rings and get stuck down by the ring and then score the crap out of the side of the cylinder.

So they kind of got away from doing that and just put new plugs in it. All right, let's go. I Don't know if we can even fire this right now. We'd have to kind of get it all back together.

Let's um, drip a little bit of fuel in there. Maybe just kind of set the pull start on top. Give her a couple of Yanks and see if it'll cough over a little squirt bottle and this is again a little bit two-stroke gasket. Some oil mixed in with it.

Which does help because sometimes if you were to look inside that cylinder I'm not gonna take it apart, but inside that cylinder we'll have, um, that white corrosion will grow on that too. Just gives you a little bit of help with lubrication. Try to break that up without scoring the walls. All right, let's see if you can go set this thing up.

Maybe we'll throw a couple screws in it. We should be actually be able to, maybe even dump a little bit of fuel into that. You can take me in the fold and wiggle that. back in there.

I'll bring you back back. Yep. see what she does see? Life comes out of her. Not much compression, all right sometimes.

I just need to run for a second too. the size of the valves. you have like a little bit of corrosion growing on them like we saw on the carb she lives. It didn't sound like it was knocking.

too bad. huh? Uh, where are we I don't know if we get into any of yeah, how are we gonna Purge this I'm gonna look and see if I have any hydraulic fluid I Think this is probably going to be the tank, the reservoir of it. Yeah, the horses are going there and kind of wonder if we have any water that's in there. Where's there should be a breather on it somewhere? Because as the Piston goes, experience and contracts, the volume of the oil also goes up and down and has to have some place to breathe.

When it does that, you see it anywhere. There should be a hole in it somewhere. maybe. Hmm I wonder if we can, um, crack that loose and kind of get like a urine sample out of it? See what we got? There's even anything in it.

A little check. let's get the safety switch on it. now. one time that's all disconnected and we don't know what the Piston looks like me either.

Uh I think that carb needs a little bit more time to deal with singing if we stand a chance on that. Still looking for a breather? I might be back here somewhere. The rocks out of it. Oh I would think that you know, maybe not because if you were to tilt it, it would piss out.

wouldn't it? Hmm. all right I'm Gonna Keep I'm gonna go clean that off. see what it says. Sometimes they run on different things too.
Some use hydraulic oil, some use like motor oil. So I'm gonna use a power steering fluid. What do we have? Operating wheel plug so we should be able to pull. It's one and a half gallon tank and kind of like you're checking the uh standard transmission.

You stick your finger in there and see if you could touch it and plug tilt the unit. Go pop that out of there. see what we got. Besides, would you say that is 17 17? Maybe grab a 17 in the middle, tweak it from there.

Buddies Close enough. Well the Piston's all the way in too. so the flu level should be at its highest. Seeing red, It's kind of like automatic transmission fluid.

Yeah, this automatic transmission fluid in it. It's red, not hydraulic oil. Actually, automatic transmission fluid is a form of hydraulic oil. It's low and it's red.

We're going to keep that in mind. I Think maybe we should kind of run it. see what it does. It takes a gallon and a half of hydraulic fluid too.

I Don't know if I have any here I think I might have it where the tractors are at the cabin. Go look at our lever situations here. doesn't feel I don't know if that should stick like that I wonder if one's like a return and it pops back off again? When it gets there, it's right now. there's nothing holding it.

pops back. This one automatically returns I would figure right. You want to go the direction of it so that would feed out and then return would be that. and maybe it pops itself back when it hits too much resistance.

Let's go take a peek at that carb so it got cleaned up at all. Yeah, it's only been 25 minutes or so now we're looking I say we go for it. Oh that's toasty. Yeah, let's go with that.

Get pissed out. Worship them up, see what we get? So I think our biggest issue is going to be the walls on this bore so we get a light better over it. There you go. see how crappy the walls of that are and generally they're supposed to be pretty smooth in order for the What's called the needle which is that piece that broke I found another one off.

It has to be able to slide with like no resistance that is supposed to slide in there like butter and not jam up. So there is our problem. I'm thinking maybe we'll try to find. we'll go get like a drill bit index and see if we can kind of find the bit that's the right size and use the flutes of the drill bit.

that kind of like polish up the sides. That's the only thing I can think of. any ideas Anything else besides that before we start. No, All right kind of.

Index right here. let's go try. I don't want to take out that close I don't want to run it down and hit the seal. you know, see if the next size up will fit and then we might tear it up a little.

What about running it backwards? Wrong size I Think we're too big already on that. one. may have to find an index that has a more fine knit size. Let's try to run this one backwards.
See, we're getting close anyway, right? Probably the right size actually. let's go. Um, go rinse that out. That's what happened is it'll It'll stick either open or closed.

then you won't. Um, either get no fuel or it'll just flood over into the carb and that's got to go all the way down and touch that seal and shut just by how much energy the the floats pushing against it which is very little. I'm going to work that a little bit better if I try getting that seal out of there I'm going to tear it up so that's why I'm not taking that out of there I wonder if we can? Um, how do you polish your hole Taking out the rubber? All right? So I'm gonna work on that a little bit. see what we get? One Way Or Another We're gonna put together and try it I Picked and cleaned as much as I could well see.

Like all that white corrosion on around the body. The problem with that stuff is if it does break off in the future, there's a very small window that can draw fuel up. you know, legit so to speak. and it can get clobberies.

A little bit of a piece of that breaks off. That's it. It's not going anywhere. Let's go find this.

a little hammer. foreign. testing it again I support it on the bench. we tap the PIN it's sitting a little proud.

Generally you kind of want the float to be more of like an angle like that. Let's go see if we can. Uh, because that's how much movement it has. Don't really have much adjustment on that though.

So I'm gonna go and blow in through here and that should be a closed circuit. Then if you flip it over, the needle should open up and I should be able to blow and that's it is working. Okay, so that's going to be the fuel. On and off.

Let's go just check the height. Generally this is this bowl will be about. you know, right? the height of that. So there's not much room between on and off.

and that's how much fuel is going to be in the float. Bowl So it's probably going to be probably about halfway up. Ideally, you kind of want the fuel level again. All this is upside down, but you know the fuel level would normally be right about here.

And a lot of times like you have a brass bowl or something, you can take a brass, um, float. Rather, you can take the tab that's on there. You can kind of bend the tab a little bit in favor one way or another. This also has a little bit of a well that it drops down, so it may be actually open a little bit more than that.

So we're gonna go and take those pieces everything back together. Put it back on the machine. we can look at that gasket. We probably could have done that while this was soaking.

huh? Throw that back on there. simple carb is really nothing to them. No air fuel mix. Nothing about that clean.
That means yet than that that's all cleared out. Throw it down. Hey once. I Put it all together with the football onto.

I'm going to blow through it one more time. Just kind of make sure that it is turning on and off that the float's not running into something on the bowl. Again, it's upside down. it's closing the float.

I can't blow through it. Flip it over I could blow through it so it will take fuel in and hopefully shot off. All right, let's get all that back together. See what we get? I thought Screwing around the carb? Get that back on there and this is the governor inside the engine.

There's a little set of flyaways that move back and forth, but it's chalky and I think it's probably right there. So let's do it with some coil so we can get that to not be so Bindy because it's going to rev. There it goes. but I first it wouldn't even move at all and just a bunch of crud on the Block There it goes.

Now it's springing back on its own. wasn't doing that. Um, that gas tank I think is probably the next thing we need to address. Well then do with silky silk.

Did have some uh, let's go get like a little something to kill catfish coming out. Let's see if it's water or not. Let's see if we get anything out of it. A couple drips came out when we took it off, so there it goes anyway.

Looks like a water to me so that's the case. Yeah, I May Um, you could probably put a little bit of gas in it and we'll let it like rinse out what's in there. Let's go see what I got. Yeah, it's definitely water.

It's not not fuel fuel doesn't do that puddling like that. It's much more. what's the opposite of viscous. much more fluid.

and it's definitely that's water taste. It doesn't smell like gas. You think? no funnel, Just dump some in there. What we'll do is shake it around.

Oh yeah, you're real good at this. I Never make a waitress good enough. We don't go crazy. Yeah, Wash the bench too right? Put that on.

I Got a plug on the other end where it comes out. We'll just kind of shake that around. How many leaks? Let me go wipe that up. Clean that up.

We'll dump it back in that little white pail. We'll see if we get any water in it. Trying to look for cracks sometimes? Um, on these tanks. They're like plastic welded together right here.

and they do have a tendency to, uh, split. I Don't think anything major. let's go dump that out. Actually the top I think has a shoulder on it so you can't, um, dump it out through the top.

hit our urine sample. Yeah, check for water. The water just kind of like makes like a little puddle in the bottom of it. you'll see.

so hopefully this fuel kind of absorbed it and washed it. What should I put in there? All right? I'll bring you back when it's done. That's what we get. It'll float to the one.

yeah, a little bit. I Don't know if it's showing up in there. Whoops! So get stop moving. All right.
That puddle right down in there is water. Not much. I probably could have got away with it here. I'm gonna put a little bit of water in it to show you what it will look like.

Actually, you can kind of see the blob is spreading down there and what that does. It goes to the very lowest point here. we'll put a little bit of water in, you'll be able to see it in the fuel on small engine equipment. The orifice for the yeah, let me see.

dirty water would have showed up better put on the bottom there on small engine stuff. that jet is so tiny and the the water is so much thicker than the fuel that it just can't draw it up. One trick you can kind of do like if you do have a little bit of water in a carb which you can do when it's running and kind of like if you can get it running at Full Throttle Take your hand and cup it right over the intake of the carburetor and it draws the vacuum way up up the Chamber of it and sometimes you could suck the water up through it. You could do that a couple times you know it'll die and just before it dies, you kind of like let your hand back open, let the engine rev back up as fast as you can get it to rev.

Do it again. You could draw it up a couple of times. you know, like cars and stuff. the Jets are much bigger.

It can suck that up on its own, but on small engine stuff like this, you'll get that. you know? Picture that miniature on the bottom of the float. Bowl You can see that puddle going around. Well, that jet is picking right up from the center.

There me go find a pick. So here's your main jet. It's going to be picking fuel up from right here. so the machine will be running.

It'll be running fine. All of a sudden, it draws to the center. I'll start to try to suck up on that little puddle of water there. and I can't run.

It'll die and it'll come back. And it'll die. It'll start back up again. You'll be driving yourself nuts.

What's happening is it's drawing that puddle into the center and get it there. It draws it into the center like that. As soon as you stop running, the vacuum trying to lift up from the center here. you know, trying to suck that up goes away.

The puddle flows, the water puddle flows back to the side. You start right back up again. so you just have to move the machine a little bit. It moves a little bit and draws that little puddle of water up again.

That's why a lot of them have the um, you'll see a float ball. it'll have like a little drain or sometimes it's like a little Tickler a little spring-loaded Um valve underneath there and that's the same thing to try to get rid of that. that's what they're there for. or just cut your hand over full res.

Let It Go A couple times and sometimes you get it to clear out a little bit of a visual. So this is one of those float balls with that valve that I was just talking about in it. So what you can do is you can go push that down, it'll it'll piss down around. that kind of opens up.
a little chamber allows a little bit of water like this one it they have it raised up so the water has to kind of fight a little bit to get up into there. but especially on snow blowers because they you know they are dealing in wet conditions all the time and they don't run an air cleaner so that and our new fuel causes this causes water to uh, absorbs water. especially if it has a gas cap that does not seal completely which most stuff that has carburetor does not have that. I See how we get that? Pulsar A little bit of a fighting chance, huh? Let's go I Gotta take it apart unless we have to, but this set of COG see how they kick out like that one looks like it's sitting on a funky angle and it looks pretty good.

Sometimes they'll break off together. If you remember we were taking apart, let's talk about the one bolt that's hidden underneath, so that one and then that also has a spacer inside so you got to get all those pieces up under there, which is sometimes can be a little bit of a a fondling of sorts. Yep, that's what I was afraid of. Let's try giving back a couple Taps see if we get that float to stop doing that.

It looks like a tighten that very much did it. It seemed like it moved fairly easy. Yeah. I crank down on that I never tightened a nut, idiot.

That's why he's leaking. definitely too much talking and I'm not focusing so get for getting cocky putting all the gas in there right? Let's try that. Who the I'm gonna go dry that up and give her a shot. Let's give her a Yankee we're about half Thrones remember which way choke does it say that way? that way to be able to I think that's closed.

Let's do a little bit of hunting, but it doesn't have the air cleaner on it. if I go down all the way, there's a wire that shorts out and cuts it off. Let's go. Rev It Up Well we never there you go.

There's a little grounding tab right there. See and see. like that little white block right there Now we'll push it back off of it. hold on.

You can see that little tab. much like a little tab that's in there. That's what grounds out and we set up. Yeah, right there.

it kind of comes around. It touches that tab right there. That's how that's what. it shuts it down.

so that's the kill Why It just grounds out the coil and shuts it down. so that's idle. That's off. Good.

Let's um, flip it back on its side. We'll get the belt back on and kind of clean up the pulleys a little bit. We'll start running the hydraulic pumps here. We get put the other other way to keep the gassing oil in it.

Let's um, take a wire wheel. Let's go clean these pulleys up a little bit because some of the crap that's on them so it doesn't eat up what's left of the belt and we'll fire it up and see if we have any hydraulic pressure. Go with that one that's definitely stuck in one position for a while. Hopefully when it goes and bends, it doesn't crack.
Let's go give ourselves a little uh, tester on there. I'll see it cracks in it. Hopefully the flexibility of it comes back. If not, looks like it's pretty easy to change a belt.

Hitler Pulley that one The Idler On the right side. Get on here. Come on. Almost there.

Mousetrap Y we get it There we go. All right, let's go. Center Back down. Fire it up.

see if she moves. So my guess is that piston is supposed to be locked into there because it you know the way the stroke is. Let's um, so let's go. How would that lock itself? All right? So this, how do we get that in there? How does that allow? Oh, we could just lift up on it Right there we go.

It'll put you back in the stand. All right that it's like it's cradled. Pretty good. Let's go give that fire up.

see if she Cycles are in a hole. let's try no chunks. you could go without it I got which way is which already? No joke is that way I Wouldn't say it's the fastest, but it may be having some issues. Let's go get some lube for the main.

It's kind of like binding on on this. Plus this looks like a couple of dents from logs and stuff hitting on it. That's the only guide that it has. Let's um, yeah.

spray some Loom on there and see if we give it a little bit of a helping hand. Maybe we'll see if enough travel. we should have a 2x4 like that across it and we'll give it some resistance and see if it'll bog down for us. It's like a spray chain lube should kind of like stay where it's supposed to.

What a pressure washer. So sometimes I don't like to, um, do that right away because sometimes like marks and where oil leaks out and all that, it kind of gives you a heads up whether it's an issue. A few people say, well, why don't you clean it before you even start because I want it for its. um throw something on the Pistons I can hurt it.

Um, it's like for Telltale marks. Okay, let's fire back up against cycler a couple of times and see what it does. Are you good where you are? Yeah, foreign I don't know how far I traveled. It might stop a couple inches from the end.

You better show more balls than that. The other thing I'm thinking of too is I mean putting that automatic transmission polluted. It's a thinner fluid so it may not have as much push as it should and I'm just guessing on that part of it. So this did look pretty good though.

huh? We came out that the cylinder is nice and clean. It doesn't have uh, a bunch of like rust and you know skate doesn't have scabies. It's like the bolt got some bow to it until it hit the front. It looks like it's meant to stay there to keep the log from sliding off.

Let's um, we're gonna have to do something with the flute on the cylinder. No liquid leak and that's just what I spray down on the cylinder running off on that I Think the best way to kind of if you ever return here. anything you tell the difference in like high pressure and low pressure high pressure will always have these fittings on it. All these hoses are high pressure hoses.
This one is two and then the low pressure hose will just be like hose clamps and uh you know thinner hose just like this. So this one's low pressure and this one's a little pressure is the feed into the pump from the from the tank. This is high pressure out going to the Hydraulics to the valve. The valve just has a flow going all the time and then when you hit the valve forward or back it diverts it to either this hose or this hose to draw it forward or back.

Uh let maybe we'll take this off and we could probably tilt it up on in and have it like go into a pail. but again I don't know what I have for hydraulic fluid. Let me go take a quick peek see if I have anything here. Well that took all about 30 seconds.

Hydraulic trains and Transmission fluid Adult Tractor Hydraulic fluid. We're gonna go with that. so let's get that little hose off there. We'll try draining out what's in it.

It kind of needs to be purged anyway and we'll see how it does look at the end of the hoses. there kind of like a little Punky too on the high pressure side. Um another thing it seem like hydroxy motor oil. everything.

the uh, although it may function, you gotta watch that there's enough of a reservoir that because the reservoir or the the oil that is left over or cycle through actually has a little bit of chance to cool before it goes back. So sometimes you'll see. well. why does it have such a larger Reservoir It doesn't use it all, that's just for that reason.

Yeah, that's looking kind of a foreign so maybe we'll take the cap off the other end and that'll allow it to flow out. Actually it kind of looks like it has a little bit of water in it too. huh? It's a little bit of like a instead of being red, it's kind of a little bit of a white to it. Let me get that front plug out so you can get it tilted and make a mess supposed to be coming out of the other hose.

Get a jack stand under it. Here we go. let's hit that down bench. I'm going to work that so I get all of it out of it.

what we can out of it. Yeah, that's really thin. You gotta figure it's a pump that um, it needs a little bit of go for the viscosity word again to do its thing. You wait for me to drop this whole thing on the floor I'm gonna let that run a little bit.

we'll get that purged out. Um I wonder we kind of should have ran the Piston back all the way before we did. It would have got some of the fluid out of there. Maybe we can, um, fire it back up.

And yeah, I'm gonna try firing it back. put the hose it back on. Fire it up so you could return the piston. You don't get it at all, but what it does is it has.
um, there's still fluid on both sides of the Piston but the direction that you push the Piston when it's collapsed has probably half the volume. Punch myself in the face. Let's go. I Know it.

Kill it. You can do it. Okay, yes, let's go. You're never gonna get it all out.

You probably think the lines Out Below them out with compressed air or something, but we're gonna do our best just to try to get what's in that tank out of there. probably wouldn't hurt. we put some in. you know, maybe cycle it and do them one more time.

but I'm just concerned about that with a hydraulic pump is in a good. The cylinder seems like it's okay. Uh, the cylinder could still have a problem that is causing it to do this. the cylinder can have I'm going to call it Blow by so inside the cylinder, let me grab a rag hold on inside that cylinder.

If you have your X-ray vision, there is a So there's a a rod and or a piston and in here it gets fatter. It gets to the diameter or the inside of the cylinder. probably about that five. And it's got the wide.

It's got seals on both sides, wipers on both sides. um, and that if that fails internally, those seals start going. It won't leak out the front necessarily, but it can leak past itself where it doesn't have any pressure because it's just leaking internally through itself and it just doesn't have any balls neither. So I'm kind of thinking it's the the thinness of that fluid.

but we'll see all right? So I'm gonna probably put that on the floor, try to steam the thing almost straight up and get everything I can out of it and we'll put the other oil in it. Try it again. I Don't know if I have a log or anything here that we can kind of put a little bit more pressure on it. Maybe it's like a six by six or something I can go find shove a pallet in it.

We got pallets bleed on my friend. bleed on. plus finish your bleed. Now let's go look at those bolts I Know like that one's catching by like a a thread thread and a half.

that one's got no nut on it at all. Let's go see if we can find some a little bit longer bolts and see if we can get some better Hardware on there and you know, screwed up anywhere else I think just those two. Let's go see we can go find. we call that four and a half.

It's got a sleeve on the inside so it's kind of hanging up on it. Let's go see if we can find the longer one of them that fits in there. Let's do some Hardware shopping shall we? Don't recall anything being that long in here so we have to go for like the little bins. decent side.

Let me get a tape measure measure that. All right? What was your guess? Five inches? we need. Five and a half. A story of my life and a friend of mine works at a hardware store works at our store and they changed out their stash of bolts and he hooked me up with this.
Yeah right I know I hope it's gonna be the ones that are this long in there, but let's go see if we could find anything comparable again. Five and a half is getting kind of on a long bit of size I'm gonna go search and I'll bring you back. That's right, the problem is it's a 3 8 bolt that we need, but they're all going to be I think the max is gonna be about four inches long. It's not going to do it for us I'm giving up yet but looking for another 3 8 box yourself tappers? Oh well.

there you go. Let's go see what it says. which one's five and a half? Five, four, five, six. Let's go lay this one down next to it.

Two of those to do, a fourth and then we're gonna try to find some. Uh I don't just hang Jam Here we go. I Don't know if they're jammed nuts though, right there. No, they're regular.

You can always double nut it two keep it from backing off I don't think there's that many. Um, I Think it's mostly just bolts, but hey, look how we need right? What threat is that fine thread that's not gonna work for us? All right? The other drum I have though. So go take a peek and see if we can find actually the one that came out of there. Maybe that one nut is the right one that was a jam nut.

So like I said, we'll double, not one of these. Well, it's like locking them together so it doesn't move. and then the one that was on the original bolt is a jam nut and then we'll take care of the other one. So I'm gonna go put that together while we're still pissing fluid out.

Get ready to fill it. I Found a vent hole right there. right in the middle of the ax head. It's out of water, got in, probably sitting outside.

This should be a little thicker than the other stuff. Let's see what we get. Ah better. I Think that funnel is going to wipe out on me I got vice grips holding it? Yeah, we're living on the edge there, huh? We gotta clamp that a little better.

I know I'm gonna be eating that one I'll bring you back when it's full. Yeah, cut down maybe a gallon in there I think I said a gallon and a half. We're just gonna go function it and see how it does again. I think he said it had like a three or three point seven five horsepower on it and we got a six.

but I would think that when we're getting a load on it, we should hear this kind of bog down a little bit more than what it did and it really wasn't Um, again, if the flu was so thin, it'd be passing right through the pump and not building as much pressure as we thought. I Can't expect too much out of this is a very small machine. I Found this. It's a wheel chock for me.

so I got three by six or something, a hardwood. What we'll do is we'll run it against the grain so it doesn't kind of crack it. I Want to hear how the engine? um, bogs. You know how much pressure we're trying to get out of it.

So let's get this assembly out of the way. Let it sit for another minute and we'll fire back up. We'll put some pressure on it and we'll listen. We're gonna have to cycle a couple times.
get some of the air out of it. It's definitely full. Um, there are some that you know residual that stays in the cylinder and the pump in the lines and all too. so again.

I just kind of guesstimated that I put a gallon in, maybe a little more, but it's right to the full level. But let it piss out until it was, um, level with the top of that. Cycle it a couple times. No choke.

We'll go. That return handle shuts off by itself, so put a piece of wood in it sideways. Foreign. Oh yeah, yeah, that's against the grain, you know.

So that's the hardest way to try to split wood actually. Dude, the better. I Expected. Foreign.

Well, there you go. she lives. I'm gonna go clean her up I'm gonna give her a bath, the pressure washer, and possibly I'm going to look and see if we have a set of wheels for it because that one's you know I don't even care. the same size that one's laying gangster and that looks pretty straight.

that's probably original one there. Let me go look on super heavy, crappy lawn mowers we can go steal some wheels off of. Oh, a bit of setup Honda Wheels the same size front and rear and let me try steel. Well, the back one's going to be uh Drive I think so the front ones.

That kind of crappy too, huh? Swap is in them. Keep looking. Well let's go dig that mower deck. There's no motor on that one.

I think we that was a tear down. We found the motor was blew up I Guess that little Snapper setup looks like it's got metal wheels on the back, a fairly good height on them too. Let's dig that out and see if they're any good. Just fall out of there.

It's like it's keyed huh? and we're going to use for that's because it's driven system. I Don't know if we can get a um something? Let's be nice. Click the wheel off the uh machine, see what that looks like? Nothing wrong with that one. Yeah, the spin was gonna spins in the wheel.

I Think it's gonna fit what we got. it's um I wonder if we could take that whole. We could take the whole axle out of it. That'd be more of a pain.

yes or when it's worth what you think? Could we get that? It doesn't get any fatter than that? you know? go get a tape measure. I Just got a gearbox. never mind. it's a got a differential in it.

It's not gonna work for us. It looks like Honda Wheels for the Win I Just ran a bolt through it and not on the other side to adjust the play, not the one that was in it. Tighten that up as long as it doesn't hit I Think we'll be okay. snug that down.

You get the idea. I'll bring you back real Oh Rusty So on this side, he had it way far forward and kind of lifted up. It goes on an angle because the other wheel on the other side is bolted there, but the muffler is probably in the way when you put this different engine on. So I went back as far as I can to kind of go clear and match that and drill the new hole.
Wheel number two, thank you Honda Yeah, the old ones weren't even the same size. Yeah, a little bit better presentation. I'd say I'm gonna go give it a bath. Foreign looks better.

Got the belly plate back on it to clean that up. Also, double check our coil level I Think we're probably gonna be a hair low. Yeah, we're on the bottom dot. Let's go top that off.

let's go see if I can find a couple of pieces of wood and uh, just kind of give it one last cycle but pretty happy with the way it came out on the money on the top. I Guess you can find some wood. How about a big old piece of hardwood? All right, let's go give this thing a cold start. it's the next morning.

Yes, yeah, if you start, give us some waddle. There's a choke Thank you. Foreign about foreign side, but uh, apparently not. I Got a full-size machine.

It seems like it has just as much snot to it I See me at the travel speed on this is just a little bit slower, but other than that it seems like yeah, fourth size. It's quite a decent unit. Well we have in it. We've got a couple of bolts, the needle for the car.

I'm surprised I came back. we still not leaking. Yeah, we're not even leaking anything out. uh, fluids the wheels off the Honda mower? Yeah.

I think that's really about it Joe I'm glad for that. Glad we're able to save this one and uh, it'll live on I don't know what's this worth. 200 bucks? something like that. especially oil prices get higher.

All right guys with that. I'm kind of rambling I think all for hanging out. Uh, save an old junk and uh, hopefully we'll do it again sometime soon. Till then I'll see you later.

By Mustie

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