I had a few Kohler command 20 hp engines that had thrown a rod and in a flood, let's build them and then Bolt them together.

Hey guys and how's it going? We are going to continue on this ongoing engine Fiasco of a pile that we got going on here. These are a bunch of freebie engines that were dropped off. They are Kohler 20 horsepower units and we had three dead ones. We resuscitated one of them, put it in a tractor, resuscitated another one.

It is right here and we are in the process of working with the last two blown up ones that we have left over trying to make one more out of it. that one through a rod and this one had no compression in the cylinders. The last video we took the crankshaft out of this one, modified it to make it so it would have a coupler so we could tie two engines together. Well, we're gonna go continue on and try to build an engine.

Not sure what parts we're gonna go use, but we're gonna go through them now, get some stuff cleaned up and try to get this one running and then eventually try to get the two of them running together without further. Ado We're going to take and move pieces over to the other bench where we could see a little bit better and a little easier to work on. So give me a second and we'll get to it. Oh, we gotta pick one of these engine blocks to move forward with the one on the right blown Rod One over there is uh, poor boar in the cylinders and just taking a quick look to see if there's again.

this is the cylinder that blew the rod and you know, hunks of metal and everything went flying. I Don't know if I see any kind of damage anywhere. if I pop the camshaft out and it cranked to take a better look, you know it's got some metal bits and stuff still floating in the bottom of it where it did. it's Carnage Uh, let's go take a peek at the original engine with this original crank and let's go run a stone over these cylinders.

I Tried cleaning this one up earlier. You can see like how much crap is on the side of that, but I've got new stones. There's a joke there and let's go run that a little bit. We'll clean them up.

we'll see how that looks if it doesn't um b2r liking. we'll jump over and work on cleaning this one up. Brand new stones. Wow! So I'm just gonna go look to see what kind of wear pattern this gives us.

We already did hit the other side. The stone I was using was kind of beat. Now let's go for these. All right.

let's see what we got for a wear pattern. Wipe that down a rag. I Know the other side would kind of beat might be going with the other block. Let's go grab a light and you take a peek together.

Yeah, it's pretty hammered. Could it be usable? Yeah, but I'm like my only concern with the other block is it's possibly that it has a crack or something in it from, uh, throwing a rod and you know, punching against a case that I don't see. So let's go move over to that one. Let's go get the crank out of it, the camshaft out of it and we'll go clean that one up.

make sure we don't see any damage and we'll move forward with that one. So I Emptied this one out and we haven't run a stone over the block. We're gonna go do that real quick. I Just want to make sure I don't see any like cracks or anything on it.
Check out the other side so we'll do is we'll run a stone over it real quick and we'll see what kind of imperfections show up and that's fine. We'll move forward I'll start washing stuff I'm not going to do every step of this I Want to try to get us to uh, an operating engine and try to get them tied together as my goal, but uh, let's keep moving forward. Let's go run a stone over those. clean them up.

kind of make a pile of parts that we're going to be used. We're not going to use that crankshaft foreign. We are going to use the one. It's over here.

Start Gathering our goodies. so they gave a decent bath. more concerned about the inside than the outside pieces, cleaned up all the flanges going around where the gaskets would be and ran the hone through it. I Would not say it's perfect, but again it is a used engine and it was running fairly decent.

We do still have some scratches running up and down. You really like the putting a crosshatch pattern is just for breaking rings in. We're putting old rings in it so it's not even for any real purpose other than seeing what we got for a Boar, you know, see what kind of consistency we get across. You can see a little bit of a line on the ridge there, but a compression test will tell us the condition of it and then we're looking for damage and the only thing I see is it took like a little bit of a hit on the case right there, but I don't see any cracks anywhere that is going to cause us an issue.

So I'm going to continue on prepping and cleaning parts and getting them ready to rock and roll. I Got to rinse that out a little bit better to the oil passages up to the camel. I've been running cleaners through it because I don't want any little take a look bits of metal stuck in any of those. I've been giving them a pretty thorough rinse through.

Also, it's in the process of cleaning up the piss ends and getting the Rings out of them. I mean the top ring was stuck so that one cylinder had no compression. The top ring was about two-thirds of it was stuck in place. You can see the side of the Ring of showing up the crap.

the crap that is on it like our rust. Yeah you see it better there. feel the stuff baked up on it and in the piston. So here's the oil.

Groove You can kind of see in there a little bit better and you can see all the crap. The top one is. where was the worst. My guess is like a bunch of carbon got around it and just kind of locked it up into place.

Maybe we'll clean them up. the the block is done. the side of the block is taken care of. crankshaft camshaft, flywheel, that kind of stuff.

Yeah yes I'm going to use these same Rings over again. I do have spare Pistons So if I find something that is an issue, we're going to go plop these in The Jug real quick. What you do is you take the Piston I might as well just show you right? Yeah, we're just throwing it back together with used parts, but essentially you would take a ring. I'm gonna start it in the bore and in different depths.
You can take the piston and kind of square it up so it's even all around the board. There you go and you look at the Gap that's left behind and the larger that Gap is, the more your ring is worn and the more the bore is worn so most of the wear happens. The upper I don't know three quarters of an inch or so and then as you go down the the bore, not much is not much power being generated there so it doesn't push on the walls as bad. So if you were to push it down you would take a feeler gauge in between and then you take a feeling good again.

you can see how much that Gap I don't know if you guys can see the opening. I'm talking about how much of that Gap is opening. If that's changing, it's kind of giving you an idea how much or less the bore is a blown out on the top. A lot of times it gets egged out too.

I Don't know if I'm getting too too much talk sometimes the bore because of the motion of the crankshaft and the connecting rods kind of pushing pressure against one side of the piston and pulling back and forth. It'll make The Jug oblong because most of the energy is going in that direction whereas not too much side oh my. God The jokes clean stuff up. but I do think we're good enough to put the short block you want to call it the bottom end of the engine together stuff to do cylinder heads, but so it's the locked it through a rod with the crankshaft of the water, the water sogged engine pistons from the water sogged engine I Took the rings from the blown up engine because when I put them in the bore, that Gap was even tighter together so they're less worn out.

So those are all set the camshaft from the blown up engine, the same engines going back in and the lifters are still in the correct location. the timing cover from the blown up engine, but with the oil pickup from the water sogged engine because this was broken. So this may have been why this thing threw a rod. this was separated when we took it apart.

The screen setup I Went to go look at the other one and it doesn't It's not meant to come apart so it it did fall apart during its run. Whether that's what killed it I don't know. Anyway, Let's uh, get together and start putting all these little bits back inside this part of it on put on start with the crank I'm just this is just motor oil not gonna go to waste. So I think we can put shaft Pistons then camshaft with um, lifters I Believe that's the case I Don't see there's any reason why we can't get the cam in there later, right? phones And that's gonna say we have an arrow towards the flywheel as soon as I Find it stuff, let's tap in some Pistons Shall we actually were pretty Square Just need the ass end of a hammer home cap on it.
Everything's oiled up liberal amounts of Earl as far as the torque wrench. get one in there. So I'm just going to do the old. you'll see.

Yeah, we get the Calabria to wrench out and when it feels good and that one feels good still spinning, yeah, let's go set up the second one, open the spring compressor, back up. let's go give her shutter oil. We're just gonna go crunch back down at it again and leave in about a half inch or so of the Um piston showing you just really just got to cover the Rings This is just drawing the Rings in and it's one-sided The Um tap that a little one side's got like a little rib on the edges and that rests against the top of the cylinder head. Doesn't try drawing down in with it.

Set a crank correctly across from it. swooping glance your way. you don't want to go slow. You win, Be fairly quickly when you or jump in that bridge they want a lot of yag.

Feels pretty good that cap on in there. Everything got nailed with oil so you can see me put it on. We still spin. Oh yeah, nice.

We need the DOT straight up. Maybe you can see it top of the crank here so you can get that camshaft in there. let's go grab that. Let's just still need to get ready for the party.

Let me try dropping that down. Lining the two dots up. Slippery off the teeth. Now that looks like a little off, don't it? I'll try going one.

Come on, back out and that's not it. There we go. Is that right back where we were? No I Think we're good. Two dots are right across from each other.

All right. I Think we can, um, get ready to put this cover on the lifters. go in from the top and then everything else is kind of held in place by that thrust. washer is on the can.

I Forgetting anything now. some of you later on comment say but all right, so that is our governor for my oil thing. Go. It's my governor bearing sits there I don't know.

have some oil so we'll pick up on the cam. There probably get a little bit a little bit on the cam here and a little on that. And we got to get some sealer on one of these two halves. Cheese whiz.

Foreign. Foreign. The gears. You got to turn the gears.

How do you? So you gotta turn the gears? Come on. Yeah. I Think I better turn it. somehow.

Get those gears to mesh. I'll grab a pair of ice grips on the end. Nothing attaches to that nut. That's something I welded on.

it's in the hole. I'm gonna go find some bolts and Buzz that together and hopefully. oh yeah, yeah. I Think it's still spinning.

see how our piston ones look? Foreign? Foreign 's going right back in their same location? Unless you find one, it's trashed. It's not like they were generally lifters when they're in or they kind of rotate as they hammer. Don't look like it wasn't doing much. Jeff I needed that one too.
It's just a straight line going across. I'm like don't worry about it. Um, so we got to get ourselves a couple of cylinder heads that are worth having. So I'm gonna go take a peek at what we got in our stash.

try to pick the two best ones out for me to take them apart, clean up the carbon, lap me in a little bit and slap them on. So these are our choice. The inner ones were the one. I'm gonna say that this is one the ones that were off this engine that threw a rod and out.

They also look like they ran kind of hot. My only concern is the um. exhaust valve seat. If it's got a bunch of play in it and these are the ones we're going to call it the waterlogged engine them over.

These are the two that were running on that engine to begin with. These powder cruddy ones. uh I think probably we should probably just do is we'll stick with the ones actually. Let's look at the studs for the exhaust.

That one just got one pulled out of. it's got a broken one. we'll swap it. That one's good.

Pulled out that gave us nothing. I'm gonna go pop the valves out of one of these and I'll see how the guys are. If the guys are still tight, we'll just clean these up and use these over again. Maybe look at the springs off of them.

Feels like so the travel is only about that much. So that's all the way open and kind of rocking it back and forth. I'm checking to see how the guide which plays in the guide. that's the intake.

The exhaust is the one that really gets it. It's all the heat is. actually feels really good. You know, being dirty looks like it's got a good contact patch all the way around? Yeah, I'm just gonna clean them up.

And The cylinder head might as well, right? Yeah, the exhaust valve after I cleaned it off. got some pitting to it. Yeah, way too much. No because I got so much out.

might as well put some on the intake. Also right. Waste knot. Look at that go to slow foreign patch.

Much better now. The seat looked pretty good. don't worry about that. Thank you.

Do the same with the other one. put it all back together. And The cylinder heads cleaned up I End up lapping all the valves. You seem like they're pretty decent shape though.

He had me kind of concerned a little bit. Some fresh head gaskets right? I Know it's been big money now. it was 13 bucks. Get them torqued down.

We got to get the push rods put in rockers. All that almost close to a compression test. Well I think it's got me a little uh, perplexed, which we're going to see. Hopefully doesn't make an issue.

All right. I'm gonna go to top dead center on that one. see how you can see where the ridge is and there's a little bit of a gap below that angle. There's a little bit of space there and do the other piston.

it's not there. So hmm. do I have a crank rod in the wrong way? I don't know. we'll find out.
Thank you. let's get some rackers. could buzz you in, it's off the camp. Thank you and do the same thing to the other side.

I Think everything's put together. What's up compression on that side? Hey, we keep going. Get the uh starter back on and see if we can spin it up with that. Does have any oil in it or no plugs, but we oiled everything putting it together.

Let's just give her a spin starters on it. You think it's starter or the jumper pack. Engine turns fine I think somebody forgot to plug in the jumper pack. Try that again.

All right contact. Let's shove a compression tester in it, see what we get and cylinder number one? All right. What do you think we're gonna get first? I say 125. again, it is dry.

There's no real um, oil on the walls, just kind of quickly. What we Splash it down with but a buck? 50. I'll go with that. It's only going to improve when it gets wet.

Uh, back it off as you try the other side. see what that gives us. Hopefully it's 151 51 because the other two cylinders on the other engine were exactly that too. Uh, the anticipation get like zero.

Okay, just give me the wires in the way you Chomp up anything one 50. that's it. It's 151. Awesome! I'm happy for that.

All right. I'm going to continue to dress this a little bit more, get all the tins and stuff cleaned up on it, and uh, try to get it to where we could run it. and I have no idea what we have for a carburetor and of course we have no exhaust. We have no exhaust for either one of them so it'd be nice.

and Loud anyway, uh, take it apart. Oh no I didn't Let's go check for a spark. The coils make sure they're functioning. it's Checkers Park Somebody's commenting on one of the other videos but I didn't have spark that had to put the plug up against something but there was paint on it.

That's not gonna make any difference. You could make an air gap in between and it's gonna go. try jumping across that I don't um recommend that you hold on to the plug when you do that. Um, but if you haven't grounded out, uh, that one's good.

Suck to put all the tins together and you find out the coil is bad and that one's good. Yeah, it'll Arc right through the paint. it doesn't have to be grounded to. it does cause a little bit of resistance, but the you know the it's able to jump jump across that it's able to jump across a tinier dimension on the outside of the plug.

Oh I'm winding down getting the last couple pieces on. took the carb clean that everything's looking really good. getting the valve covers all set to figure out which ones are going to go wash and put on there. I'm like yeah.

all right. One slight problem. You see it, the valve cover does not have a hole in it to put the oil in and this block just had the tiny dipstick. The other ones have the larger one inch where you put a final on and that's where you would fill it.
On this engine, you would use the valve cover and have a plug on. just open it up and pour it in. The other two valve covers that are with this are ones with fuel pumps on them and they do not have an orifice to put oil in because of that. So the other engine that's on the tractor has the large dipstick on it and the cover.

So I just have to swap one of these covers out with that engine. But for now before I put the second valve cover on I have to fill it up with oil like that? Well, you could just disregard all that because I went upstairs and I found one. How's that? Yeah, that is upstairs. It's gonna have the same issue.

Hey well. I got oil in it jumper pack hooked up I took the oil pressure switch out of it I wanted First we can see what we get for the oil pump working and also if there's any contaminants in the system. I'll rather let it go purge itself out that I didn't get. Let's go spinner around a little bit and see what happens.

That's what we get. Ah, it's got to fill up the oil filter too. There we go. looks pretty good looking down in the pan that we got coming out, this pretty much decent flow to it too.

Awesome! Yeah, Throw the oil pressure switch back in. Unfortunately, it's too late to fire it up tonight, especially no exhaust on it. so for you it's only going to be a second. but for me it's gonna be the next day.

We have to try to play friends with the neighbors. you know. All right? Well, I got her getting filled up with fuel and a float stuck. So I guess you got it already primed.

Let's get you popped in a stand and fire it up. See how she does. It's just on idle right now. hopefully he stays that way.

and I don't think we need choke because they said we just dumped gas down it and it kind of primed itself. I Don't know why'd you die? Go give her a little bit of Choke Oh, you know what? I forgot to do I Got to put Power to that. Um, same problem last time. I Gotta go put power to the solenoid on the carburetor.

It's not gonna let any fuel in it. That's just what overflowed. Yeah, we just need a little jumper wire going to the car and giving that 12 volts and that should click when we put it into power. Yeah, it does all right now.

we should be able to turn the choke off. Let's see if though, a starter too good. I probably used up the gas that's in it. Awesome.

There we go. We got two for two. Anything pissing out of it anywhere? That's a good sign. Now we just got to go put two engines together.

All right. let's go regroup, cleans, and crap off the bench. Get them both over here and we'll kind of get into how we want to go about doing that. I'm gonna go fill it up one more time and try it.

Foreign, Foreign. Oh yeah. so I Took a few minutes, cleaned up the bench, and brought another engine over. So this is the one we just got done doing.
This is the one that we did about a week and a half ago out of the junk parts. Both of them have 150 psi compression in all four cylinders we should say and trying to figure out where top to Center would be and I decided it doesn't really matter I don't have to find top dead center I just got to make sure when I couple them together that they are 180 degrees out from each other. So I went and I took the uh coupler back off again I found where the key was on this one, marked it up top and yeah, pretty much just did the same on that one over there. So I'm gonna work on trying to figure out what our best way is to get these lined up, get keys cut in them and get the coupler so that can come come apart and go together the other.

The coupler has a key in it I don't have anything in this shaft and got to spin one of the engines around to go show the other one. I'm gonna go pick away at that and also I kind of want a 180 out from each other just so that possibly we can get by with one starter and it you know we don't have two cylinders trying to make compression at the same time. it should be able to do it. but again we'll see Parts charging system.

I'm not concerned about that, we only need one of the two working. We don't need both and anything else. uh, anything else you can kind of figure out as we go along. Oh if it, if it is an issue we found where it doesn't run right, it's got weird harmonics.

It's got a four bolt flange so all we would have to do is unbolt it, spin it around, and bolt it back on the other way and that will give it. give us both Pistons firing at the same time on both engines. All right, let's go try to figure out how to make that, go on there and get locked on. Yeah, some days I really wish I brought the Bridgeport over to the shop here, but I do not.

So we need to make a slice in there for that key to fit right there. I'm thinking Dremel So actually I think of me, start with the a larger grinder wheel and we'll touch it up with a smaller one if we need to so this works out. Worst case, you've weld it up right and start over. Oh foreign away on that.

Get it deeper in the cavity, but that's what we're going for. Oh, the light's getting you or not. It seems like sometimes it gives a weird reflection, but we're close. probably just tap that into place.

I'm just gonna go fine tune it a little bit with a file. kind of clean up the edges in the groove in the center. I Think we're pretty close. We just gotta do it one more time.

Right on it. It's the one that's fixed on the engine. This one's nice because you get to kind of work in a vise pretty close. If we tap on that, it'll go get in there I Thought I was gonna make a mess of it, didn't you? So did.

I Let's go get that a little a little Lube in case we need to go take it apart. so I'm sure we will. It's a key fitting in a pretty decent number pulley. love Taps I Don't want to run? Let's run that key back a little bit because it's probably gonna walk with the key.
All right, So we know we got that one. Uh, I think it's actually just the pulley's a little too tight on this shaft right here. I'm about to go clean that up just a little bit, but rather tight and sloppy, right? Yeah, Because even with no key, goes on about that four and locks up. So let me do a little polishing of my shaft.

I See how we're doing for fit now? Oh yeah, there you go. How about with the key? the key we can grind down if it's too tall. Let's see if we get hammer a couple of Love taps snug enough where it doesn't have a slopping it. Plus, we still have two set screws that we crank down on it, but it's not too much where we can't tap it back off of the hammer.

again. So awesome. Let's move on to the other one snug. Okay, and the second one.

I don't want to go too far I want to make sure the screw can still. uh, push on that key? So I'm going to leave that one right about there. We could drive any further if we have to. I think that's got both of them plus the two of them mocked up with the couplers bolted solid and the set screws cranked down on them.

Now we just got to get figure out how to make a frame to go across on each of them. I'm thinking it will just kind of come off the case of the one side you can see I when I put the oil plug back in on this one I took the extension off of it. Maybe I'll go flip this one up, do the same thing. We'll get it out of our way, we'll clean the blocks up and maybe we'll get like a piece of angle iron.

We'll try to run it true on the two of them and Mark some holes and I I guess maybe we get an angle on both sides of them? We can, um, build off of that. You know it's not strong enough to hold it, but at least it would kind of hold everything Square to each other. All right, let me get this engine flipped up. Get that drain plug out of there and grab a piece of angle.

Yeah, let's go. Angle iron chopping. See if we can dig up quite sure. I don't know how much height we had to work with a big ass piece you could probably go with.

that'd be nice to stiff or not wiggling around. but I think that problem is we're gonna run into the inside of the angle has a taper to it. It's not that piece right there. Let's go put that one in the take it to the bench pile and we're gonna get one that's like a bed frame size.

There should be some over here somewhere. Hmm I'll find it I'll find it I got more over here. What about that looks pretty stout? We got two pieces of it. Are they the same? We'll go grab one of those for now.

see which one's kind of fit on the engine block? so we like these so that one's gonna hit. We're gonna hit the bottom of the the block right here. I Think the other one's even taller, but at least it has some reach underneath. I Bought.
Make sure it's straight also. And the thing is, we also need two pieces. really. Uh, this one looks like it's got a bit of a bow to it and that's not gonna work.

Not sure that yet though. the optical illusion. So I'm gonna go hunt for two pieces that can make that span probably just Notch it right around where it goes around the case there. So I was screwing around.

That big piece of angle did have a Bend to it so it was no good. Went back in the stash I Found four of these plates. Not quite sure what they're off of, but what I'm thinking is maybe I'll drill them and make them the same for the four locations. it won't.

if it's off slightly hair, we want you to make too much of a difference. We'll lay it down Square the engines up and then we'll come up with another piece of metal and we'll weld it to them. Like once the blocks are squared away or bolted down, we can weld it to it and support it and beef up the frame so to speak. It will just make these the tabs that are getting bolted too.

So I'm going to do my best to go Whittle out for of hopefully the same pieces and we'll get them both into the block, clean some of the paint off and you can come up with. well. I mean my mock-up plate. yeah it looks like we got a climb a hole.

Yeah it's got a little bit of movement so I just got to make three more of those. This is something called a transfer punch Comes in a set looks like a drill back drill bit index and she's got a little nipple on the center of it and you pick the right size to fit just the hole that you made and if you line the pieces up and you give them a whack, it's going to put a little dimple right dead center of that hole. and while you're at it, you can go do number two. that's for a punch.

Hopefully if I drill that it'll be exactly the same as that. They look just cute. Let's go lay it down and try to get something to square off on those guys. I'm here sitting here pondering trying to figure out what the best solution to come up with a cradle.

call it a cradle. I got some 1x2 Square Tubing I Was thinking about putting these lips up on this surface and Welding it and then we can go box around or the other part I was thinking is if maybe we take angle iron and we set it on the angle iron and give a weld around it and then make a box and we can always kind of build after on that. kind of like both of them. I'm not sure which way is the best way to go.

Uh hmm. I put the same thickness. both these are about the same thickness. This is going to be a little less likely to twist over it, but like I said.

I Think we're still going to add on to try to figure out what's the best gonna give us probably the best attachment? Take your bets because I still don't know until we bring the camera back on. I'm starting to think maybe we'll go with this. We'll just cut up some new pieces. Actually, here's where you are I got uh, one by two tubing attached to the bench and the motors lined up to that squared off To that kind of concerned? you know again, I'm using the bench as a flat work surface to make sure everything kind of lines up.
but I'm wondering if like so the color floats in the middle so don't worry about the Gap that's here. We're more concerned about the outside of it. This can the center can push around and move around a little. I wonder if we can get like some kind of big hose clamp or something and wrap the center of it to try to help? Maybe Square it? Well, you think that's not even going to really make any difference? You can't really clamp it because it's It's rubber cushioned so if you squeeze too much on one side than the other, you're gonna knock it out of whack too.

I Think we just threw a couple tacks on that and we'll get another one on the other side. Spin it around, do the same, and just maybe we'll take the plugs out and we'll Spin it without. Just see how things go. I Think we got to braced up enough? You can kind of spin it.

Let's get the plugs out of this one and we'll hook a jumper pack to it. We'll spin it, see how it looks, and then we'll put plugs in it, see how it looks, and then we'll put plugs in it, gas in it, see how that looks. Everything just blows apart. All right here we go.

One starter, no plugs. Oh come on, let's go try the other starter. come on man. would help.

Okay, hook the power lead back up. Come on baby. it's pretty good. I Haven't seen anything jumping out that let's go through.

Plugs in there for resistance and we'll see if it's able to kick him over anytime. we got plugs in, no wires connected. I Don't want to try to start again, just want to see like how they fight and if that starter can move it over the hill, why does something sound awful? Yeah, all right. you think it's just a starter fight and everything.

Hmm, don't know. Let's um, put the plug wires and tighten the plugs up. put the plug wires in, dump a little bit of fuel in each one. We got power to each carb.

Let's go fire it up. Secret Idle and what it does that clunking that we're hearing is to play between the two of them. Hopefully when they run it doesn't do that and it'll kind of either favor tight or you know, clockwise are counterclockwise locked together. Well, this doesn't look like a accident waiting to happen that you got power to both carburetors for the fuel.

Let's go see what we get. Damn it. we got no Choke me there. Get that off of there.

At least you can find a jumper wire that wants to jump. Yeah! I Think you get better wire so close all the anticipation back on there. Get one more. Yeah! We even have matching yellow leads and they have the little rubber boot over the end.

Keep it out of arms Way you got power. Can we work both those chokes? Maybe Check that one. We'll give it like a little bit of breathing room on each one. All right, Foreign.
foreign. She's totally getting chewed away to nothing. Not sure which one it is. You think we see a bunch of spitting rubber out though? huh? That thick? like they move further apart, don't they? Yeah, one of them may loosened up.

Hmm. kind of works. Open that rubbery's not getting chewed. I Don't know if meant to run 40 horsepower through that or not.

Let's go. Um, get a little pry bar on each pulley. He's one of the pulleys is just kind of loosened and worked its way back would be my guess. Let's go try this one first you can get under it.

No. let's um, let's even get a crow a uh Crow's foot in on the other one place I think and the rubber had plenty I don't think the Gap was that wide before though. do you? One of them had to move? I don't think the engine grooved. We don't have no place to go right? they're all kind of locked in.

Hmm well there's that. Not that we can't close it up and fix it up again. but uh uh I wonder I'm gonna try looking for like a Lovejoy coupler that is a 70s board that we have that set up and keyed and all that kind of stuff and everything's built possibly. look at this one again.

Yeah I wonder if that rubber is just getting chewed up but you would think it would be a like a a liner rubber on the table if that was the case. I can go screw around a little bit I'm gonna do a little bit of a prime try to see if I could figure it out or watch the video back and see which one of them moved. You should be able to see like how much Gap we had on one side and how much Gap was from the bolts to see if one of them just kind of walked a little bit. Yes, I did an instant replay because I can and this is the one that walked because these bolts were proud of it before and now they're not.

it was also kind of the harder one. it was to uh, tighten up because it was hard to get into with the Allen wrench. I just did an allen wrench with the L coming up and you know a pair of fires on it. So let me go loosen that one back up again, slide it back out and uh, make sure we're okay.

This is getting better to look at it. turn it where you could see it. the top one was loose. that one is missing.

so where did it go? Oh there you are. So let me make sure that I can get those a little tighter. that might help hold it in place. At least it didn't burn itself up that I was concerned about.

Still might. but yeah, I moved a bunch of junk out of the way on both of that ring. that was kind of stopping it and get a regular socket on it. still kind of a little.

If we turn it, get off that tab. There you go. yeah, even the other. The other one was like four threads out too.

As it was tightening it, it kind of hit like gumminess. and I think when I was trying to use an allen wrench I hit that and I thought I was home, but it wasn't That will work a lot better. Nice. Give me my socket back bolts back in there.
we'll throw that back together because that holds that plastic fan on the inside there so that will throw the bolts back in that that hooked up well. I think if the only casualty is a coupler that loosened up because I couldn't get in there to tighten it decent. I think that went for a very good success. My goal was to try to make it so that I can get two engines to run together and uh, I did.

so I've got plenty more to do and then and that was just with like a tack together frame I'm gonna box it on the ends kind of make it its own Cradle to support everything with and I think it'll be much more rigid. Plus you can probably go like with a triangulation like once we box this in with square tubing going across and then across. Here we could put some flat stock angle, stiffen it up, and whatever. also it gets attached to will also help um keep everything rigid.

So when I was working the throttles when it was running, I could tell I grabbed both of them together I wanted to see how it respond, then I ripped one more than the other and then I read the other one more than it and um I wanted to see like one pushing another engine, one pulling another engine If it made any kind of difference and it seemed good, it didn't seem like it was shaking a bunch again. I kind of watched the the video. plus it's so loud with the exhaust, you know it's kind of hard to tell we only need one starter, we only need one charging system I don't know if I want to go into Um, it all depends what it gets used for I know it's going to be used for how it's going to perform when it's being used and we may be able to get rid of the fans and the covers and all that and just leave the heads open and let them kind of air cool if uh, you know it's moving, it has air flow across it so we'll see on that. but yeah, I'm happy so far.

I'm happy with the um. the amount of non-fighting itself or shaking seemed pretty good. I think the clunking when I was trying to crank it with the starter was just like one engine advancing and then the other one advancing and just a little bit of play in there. that's my guess and we have a another input shaft that can come out of here sitting on the bench over there somewhere.

Let me get it. So as far as power coming out of the engine, we could bolt that to the front of it and then we can take a power coming out of there and I'm not sure if this is going to be the back of the setup or the front of the setup. It all depends whether I use uh what I use for a transmission. Sometimes if you use two gears, the gears reverse themselves so you can spin it around and sometimes you're using a belt.

you know it stays consistent so we can either run it like this, a shaft going down, back out to the rear or if we spin it around this will be the back of it and we just have power going straight down. Undecided yet, but that's okay. I'm happy with I don't know how we made out so far. you want to see else what else We got picked this up over the weekend for the same project.
It is a rear end out of a Harley Davidson golf cart like an old like a 70s three-wheel golf cart and say well why do you want to use that Because that has a gearbox in it so this is the input. It would have had a CVT transmission of course that police gone but it has a gearbox here that has new neutral forward and reverse and it has a rear brake. so this lever here runs a break that breaks the axles also from turning so that's the setup of it and uh, hopefully that'll be used so a little karate. It's a little hard to kind of turn so I have a feeling it's been sitting judging by the looks at it.

So I'm sitting in the weather for a day or 40 years that that's its own problem when we get to it. But for now guys I want to thank you for hanging out, doing some wrenching and getting two engines together to make me a little V4 power plant about 40 horsepower I guess with that I'm going to sign off. Thank you all for hanging out, doing some wrenching, being goofy, being silly and I'll see you in the next one later.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “2 blown up engines glued together, let’s start them up and see what happens.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Ewing says:

    try a chain coupler

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amos B. Haven says:

    Remember to "synch" the carbs Mustie! That way the 2 motors won't be fighting each other. ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy T says:

    another trick to connect two engines together is with a short loop of double roller chain and a single sprocket on each engine sandwiched side by side, it allows miss alignment to some degree yet a very strong connection to one another.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rene Schickbauer says:

    That dual-engine would look awesome on the front of a go-kart with extra long nose. Sort of like one of those old school cars with a big airplane engine.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars craig gerber says:

    amazed . if it don't run mustie will make it run. great job!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Bear says:

    Wouldn't 90 degree be better than 180 degrees? Just wondering.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrell Dubree says:

    That is awesome, sounds great ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrell Dubree says:

    magnetic base and dial indicator to align coupler ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Hottovy says:

    Ok now make make a V8

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReverendBow says:

    This project is too cool. I was just kicking around the idea of building a twin like this.

    Have you thought about linking the the proper degrees to have it fire like a V4 instead of 2 V-twins linked together?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars consanna says:

    I am thinking your dual engine could be the answer for the bobcat

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Patterson says:

    Iโ€™d find a older Cub Cadet thatโ€™s shaft driven stretch the front of the frame to accommodate the V4 make a nice garden pulling tractor.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Kemp says:

    The slowing down of the engine was AWESOME. THE GOVERNOR

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rod chester says:

    Did I see you work over a valve with a Emery cloth and bring it back to life? If so what grid was used and where did you get it from? Can't remember what video it was from buti you can please let me know . Thanks

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mostly OUTDOORS says:

    This is total mad scientist stuff! Evil laugh and all! AWESOME

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Chmara says:

    you shuld try and use the two of them to run somthing

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