I was given a bunch of junked kohler 2 cylinder command engines and we were able to save one, lets take the rest of what was left and see if we can connect the two crankshafts together making a v4 engine,

Hey guys, and how's it going? Hey we did a couple of videos on my Teramite tractor unfortunately had blown an engine. that's about a month ago. it was a Kohler 20 horse and having said that, we had a bunch of junk engines up stairs that somebody gave me. We were able to put an engine together that got the tractor up and running and then again like I said, we had three actually three engines and a later video we went through and were able to get another one running.

That's that one right there. and then Seattle we have two more left over. This is the original one that came out of the teramite that blew up I Think threw a rod and then we were looking into troubleshooting one of these. This one had no compression and we found that the cylinder even with the cylinder head off.

We cup over the top of the jug, run it up and down. There was no compression going around the ring, so something happened with the piston and rings on that one. I figure I kind of I'm kind of steering towards making a project something unique that I kind of want to scab a bunch engines together but I need running engines to do that so we got one. Possibly we can get another one and I'll tell you a story about something else later.

you may even have a third. anyhow. Throne Rod No compression. Let's go tear them apart.

at least find out what happened to them. Possibly we can make something out of these two and make another engines without further. Ado Let's start turning some wrenches. So this is the one that we think through a rod we can only spin it over.

We put our finger over one spark plug hole. It's comparing which cylinder it was I'm gonna say it's that one this one. Yeah, so that one still has compression. This is the side that blew apart.

Let's start taking the cylinder head and take manifold off, cylinder head off and we'll get into finding out what happened to that and let's see. would that be so that would be the same side that is screwed up on that engine. I Don't I know the cylinder heads are you know? set up for each side? They're they're not. You can't swap them from side to side, but the piston and connecting rod.

we may be able to. All right, let's open her up. You know, the cam still working on this side and we need to get rid of the Rockers I Did get a couple of gasket sets too. so we got head gaskets gas I think I threw a whole engine set gaskets I Got to worry about trying to use the same thing over again.

I Think we need to get rid of some of these tins and that intake manifold has to go. Let's go get a uh wire cutters. cut them off. So I'll tell you that story that I was talking about what kind of got weird.

So a while ago someone contacted me on it on an engine he had engines I think it was that he had and it was on a uh I think it's like a a us the sucker that goes in the back of a um truck like a trailer person suction the leaves up and he had changed the engine out because it smoked and we went to go. that's what I thought I was working with. After the first video he's like thanks for the shout out that's not the engine I gave you So the whole time I was thinking that we were just gonna be able to do an engine swap because one of the motors just had smoked a little bit and we'd probably be able to you know, fix it. it wasn't even the engine that he was referring to.
so I did a little searching enough of my stash I found um the engine he was talking about. So we have another one of these that smokes when you kind of fire it up after it warms up I believe and these engines were given to me by a friend of mine who was moving and he told me that he had a bunch of bought a bunch of Walker mowers like I don't know, eight or ten of them and then on a pallet was these engines that were left behind. So these were like the old bastardized engines that were, uh, just laying around and he had no idea what they were. So that's why we ran into so many problems.

They were on a machine, they probably took them off for, uh, you know, engine failure of some sort. and here we are dealing with them today. So we do have another engine up there. and the good part about it is I believe it has an output shaft on both sides.

All right, let's um, we gotta get these tins off. You think that is a 10 mil? Yes, No. Yeah. so probably prop it up in a lazy Susan huh? Anything that's attached to the cylinder head has to go.

Is that one free? Yeah. okay, we've got the lower one. This is the one. I Think we're just gonna wrap our parts because if it's real Rod I'm sure it kind of beat the crap out of everything underneath it.

e go back to the it's 5 16. come on up Yeah. I think just we need head bolts on this one. Looks like it rained kind of hot in one spot, cooked right there.

Is that like the oil return? That's the No Returns on that side. Yeah, let's take the exhaust wants to overheated at some point is where the exhaust comes out. We'll see if the uh did the one on the other side look like that too. Yeah, take a quick look, let's see if that's a common theme.

Here's a cylinder head off the other one. a little bit. Nothing like that one though. Huh? I'm really cooked.

that's the exhaust. Port All right Let's uh, not lose focus. let's get a socket for them. Get the head off of there and this should be the cylinder.

not just carbon that fell in thick. peek underneath. see what we look like? Well, not too bad. not as bad as the other one that we took apart.

Like I said, we got a new gasket set. On any other video, we had to uh, take one of these gaskets and paint it with silver paint. So this piston should just move. Yeah, it's not even connected.

Uh I don't want to trash that piston in case we need it. So we need to be able to push that piston out from the bottom side. So we're going to have to open this side of the case and get the crankshaft open. Let's make sure the oil is out of it.
That might be a good idea, huh? I Think they may have already look at that. See what that tells us? Don't think anything's in it? I think we stole the drain plug out of it? Anyway, let's get the other cylinder head off. take a quick peek at that which we've even labeled one and two. Let's get that one off of there and um get an assessment condition that's in foreign just threw my socket away.

This one's gonna come up too And I checked my socket So I took um two engines and I've already put them together once before. Small ones that it works. really good. It's that that twin engine bike that I built so I kind of want to.

oh there's an issue, huh? Had a mouse nest on it but this isn't the side. they're overheated so I kind of wanna follow the same footsteps see if we can get like two engines to run together again. Like I said, still get ahead of herself. should bring a hammer over.

huh? All right, looks like I had a little bit of possibly blow-by happening right there. guys. take a Twist on me, didn't you All right? let's go get that side cover off which is gonna be all these buzzing that all the way around. What does that look like a 10? Let's back you up and uh, have at it foreign.

How about that There we go. Did I miss any a couple of Love taps so we got a little tab sticking out here. How's the oil pissing out there? We go. You figure that'd be some oil in it right? All right.

bye bye bye. I'll get a pail just making a mess on everything. This oil was, um, changed. like six hours of run time too.

After before the failure, nothing else is going to come out now, right? That was like all of it. Yeah, slit that. I'm going to lean it towards us a little piss for a little while. We'll take a peek inside.

I'm not seeing like grindy metal. When it let loose it was like um I just moved I was digging out railroad I was gonna dig out rail ties and I went down around the side of a house and Camp rather and um set it up. got it where it was, put the Outriggers down, put the bucket down the front. right when I went to go dig the tractor stalled my God I thought like the hydraulic pump or something and the tractor started right back up again and then it went the full clack.

you need to kind of tell like it. that's when it threw a rod. let's go stand it on it s belly again. see what happened closer? you got enough light.

Can you see a little bit? When does that? I would say that would be like an oil pickup right? I think the oil pickup fell off to you because even there's a rod at the end of the bolt like what is that? piece it together. Okay, the bolt came out, bolt is broke. it's not. um I mean it's like a little bit of Carnage down there but not you would expected to see more.

Let's um let's go grab a light so you illuminate a little bit better. all right so a little more hunk of the rod there. but like I said it a lot of times you take these apart and you look at the metal and the metal is just like a lot of like it looks like metallic. you know silver paint in the oil and it really.
you can tell like the little bits that are in here. but it's not what I would have expected to see. There's the rod right there but the Piston. Let's um, see if we can turn this crankshaft out of our way and we'll push that.

You should be able to push that Rod that one right up and get the Piston right out of there and we can probably look down and see what the crankshaft looks like which is probably gonna be pretty chewed up and we should go to reach in there and that piston up out of there. My skirt took a couple of hits. She kind of looks salvageable though. huh? Let's go look down inside that cylinder board.

turn that crank to where we could see it. Yeah, you can see where it's swapped aluminum for steel on there I'm looking right at that you see on that crank. Let's go turn it. try to figure out there you go good.

look at all the way around here. that other rod looks pretty loose too I think the other one's spun. Also look at a play that's I think in there let's see if we can get those caps off of that other Rod we'll get the other piston out. It might be just because that side of the case isn't supported and it's wiggling.

Weird. All right. Okay, yes, get that cap off of there and see if we get that other that's loose that was even tight and that one was loose. Hmm, my guess that could have happened from I don't know I don't know what do you think I I Don't think it overheated, but then again, you know the rod next to it beat the crap out of it and then probably loosen it up.

We're gonna find out a second if there's any, um, scoring on that one or if that one was still good. Hoping it's okay because I'd like to try to take a piston and Rod and again use it in the other one. I Don't see any holes in the case or nothing either. We didn't look at that.

um, the cover. look at that. Yeah, oh yeah, it's cooked. yeah.

so whatever happened, it's definitely taking up all cylinders. Let's see if we can get that right out. All right. Yeah, that's why I had so much play.

it was gone and these don't have like rod bearings in them. So my guess is the other one went and just transferred material over the other one is you know, rubbing right against there transferred and contaminated that one. Sometimes it goes up into the oil Galley too and you know goes through the oil Galley on the crankshaft hits one and then deposits material on this one and takes it out. Also, they're done Piston looks good on that though.

It's got a odd offset rod I Don't know if we can flip them over and use them on the other side or if they're going to be in a left and a right. Also, let's go put the other rod together. Here's that one. see if they have the same part number.
o5a Little Five A Two Four oh five nine Two four Oh Five nine. Oh yeah, so it's the same part number. not actually we can use that. Rod Anyway, junk yeah so this is this one.

this side snapped, the bolt is still in it and I guess I think um like I said when I went to go hit the Hydraulics it just it went to a screeching halt and stopped I thought it was the Hydraulics because it didn't make any noise. It wasn't like it started knocking and did that I had only when I went to go restart it so it seized probably on the crank. I went to go restart. It was enough to get it going again and then it.

it just you know, rattle, trapped itself to death. it because it ran when I fired it back up maybe about 10 seconds and then you kind of hear it like throw a rod and then it was just running on the one side. So while it was running on the one side. I got all the outward because it's hydraulic.

Everything's hydraulic, even the the transmission. so it was stuck where it was I had to get back on the trailer. so I put the Hydraulics up, put the buckets up, and I pulled it out to where I can get it on the trailer and brought it here. All right.

So that's junk. That's junk. Let's go take a quick peek at that crankshaft. The Journal: I'm pretty sure it's gonna be cooked on both of them.

Yeah, definitely won a lot more than the other though. huh? Could you fix all this stuff? Yeah, it's just not worth it though. I'm taking a look at the Block I Don't see any issues I don't see any smash like sometimes. it'll take the skirt on the bore out.

I Don't see that. let's go look at that cover. The only thing I do see is like that oil pickup. It might have just fallen off.

We took it apart. Let's get to strike that over all right. So this is the oil pump. I'm feeling kind of weird in this.

may have just fallen off when we took the case apart sent like that. I Think even if it did fall off, it still would have been. You know, drawing oil wasn't like it lost its location. Yeah, and this is the Governor.

The way the Governor works. Yeah, those little flyaways come out. so as this gear spins as the RPMs come up, this gear spins faster and faster. And then these little weights push outward and the pushes up on this nipple right here.

That nipple in turn moves a lever which is inside the block. All right there. It slows it down. That's what's hooked to the carburetor, that linkage up there.

so is it. It goes to rev too high. It slows it back down again by pushing out and then the RPMs are dropping down that the cam goes. those uh, Little Fly Weights go back in and it recovers again.

That's just how the governor system works and it adjusts itself and all that stayed in place too. All right, let's go Shuffle Some of this crap out of the way and let's go get the other one that we're gonna try and save and hopefully steal parts from this junk to make that junk work. So I knew there was a compression issue on that side. I'm not sure about this side I already.
You know, of course I forgot what it was. Let's go through a compression tester in it real quick and we'll spin it over. We'll see what this side has before we tear it down. If it's got like 150 or so, we'll know that that piston is okay, it's got 60, then we'll have to pull that one.

Also, let's see what we get. What is that? The other side is pumping fluids out, but we have like 140 that's pretty good. I'm gonna show you the other side definitely looks pretty contaminated. I Don't know if that's uh, water and oil that's in it.

You have Harm's Way that's going to leak out of there too. Oh it's got good old pressure. They look like funky. What came out of it though, huh? That is definitely got it.

Looks like definitely water in there. You can see like little bits of whatever is flowing by. You better drain the whale on this one first. huh? Yeah, look at that crap coming out around the so.

All right, let's um, get the oil out of it. and I'm gonna kind of jump ahead to getting that cover off. You know to watch all that. This is the only drink like it has.

You think the last time the oil was changed in this? let me explain some issues huh? and see if we can get something in there. Get that out of there. Yeah, the whole thing's coming out. That's fine.

However, you want to play, that is water. Yeah, that's good for an engine. We gotta poke at it with a stick to make it go. What's the deal here? Hmm, look at that I don't think is uh, tough to Snuff huh There She Goes Will that Go look at the side cover.

Hope we didn't trash anything on the inside of it. Too bad. let's go crack this one open now. Foreign.

We hung up on me. Eyeball it. So this one has like an external oil cooler on this whole assembly right here which is catching around the side of the block. My guess is under the oil filter.

It's probably another instead of mounting hardware that this comes off and then the face can come out. Yeah, not using that over. we have gotta be more than one. That's the only thing holding it to the block.

I See something else? That's right here I wonder if this pops off? There's Hardware underneath it. That's a check valve right there. a couple taps I Think this might be a no handle eyeball that a little bit I See a boss right here It's gotta be molted somewhere right? Magic it's on there by Magic Someone's yelling at me right now. It's a bolt right there.

Don't you see it? No, no I don't All right I'll find it. looks like the center of it is an Allen vanilla wrench. Anyway, we spin this whole assembly off and then it allows it to come out of there. Yeah.
I even take a little. Is that a brass thrush washer right? there. Is that just rust? I Might be just a rust I Think we're on the right track? Yeah, it's gotta be it. Not saying it's the only one holding it, it's definitely there you go.

Extra oil cooler I think the other engine had that that we used is it? Let's take a quick peek. Yeah, the one that we saved has that also. must be a option for the Walker Mowers And we should be able to get this cover off of there. now.

it's looking pretty cruddy that's for sure. The oil pickup is still stayed on this one, but boys are muddy. huh? Had to be pulled for something. they didn't take it off for nothing.

Tilt that forward and let all the oil piss out of it. and then we have to get that one piston out to go see what's going on with that. That's how we had to stab at it come out. I Want to drop it.

The whole thing's gonna slide off the bench on me. laughs. That's the uh. the new engines never change the oil in them.

That's what you get hanging. Scrape some of that goo out of there and uh. we'll get that one piston out. Chunks of nothing.

Metal wise? that's good. Yeah, see, we get that piston out of there. Let's bring it to top dead center. We should be able to back it off and it should drop the rod.

Let go of it. Maybe not. It's behind the other one too, so it's gonna fight a little access. There you go.

My guess is we rings I Would have suspected them to be more stuck than what they are. The oil ring is stuck oil. You see the whaling. The oil ring is in all the way.

It's more bounced out and you see some crud there and back in. Get back in there. Yeah. I Think there might have been a little temporarily bound up.

See some crap in between them right there that may have just popped out when we were trying to get it. That'd be a reason why they pulled the engine right? Let's go. Uh, wipe the boar down. We got that man.

You got some kind of weird whatever that is right there. My light's flipping out. Get another one. I think if I wonder if you know the machine was left outside and got water in? It definitely looks like a little on the the pity look inside.

Maybe that's what was hanging up? Should I call that right there? I wonder if that was worth hanging up and just wasn't allowing it to seal and why they pulled it? There's more on it right there right there. Uh I don't know if I have a honing Stone that is the size I Bought up two and a half inch for the Kubota motor. I'm gonna take a quick peek. we'll see how that that board looks better.

bigger than two and a half. That's like guessing maybe three. Close to loose in a hole? Yeah, yeah, we still have old Facebook though. Try that little spring-loaded ones.

Give her some lube. Don't chatter. why are you doing that? How about reverse? that works? You have to crank all the way down here. This is a fly weight in the way though, so you can get a little bit more room out of it.
There we go, we'll be able to drop it all the way down. you know thing too. The stone has a step on it. something else I've worked on so down is all the way.

Of course the van threads itself. please. How about we get rid of that little Flex collar that works Foreign looks like. hopefully it's not like any big old pit marks in the side of it that are going to cause us an issue.

If we had to, right? it's looking like a weird, um, step down below. see we got? Yeah, it's kind of weird up there too, huh? My guess if we work it a little bit more we could probably get it. It's weird to see that I don't know if I had like piston skirt slap or something that caused that lower. I'm looking down down there at four or four inches down or so where it's uh, doesn't have the cross grain to it and right there too stuff that's on the side.

I'm gonna go work it a little bit more. I'm gonna try some motor oil that was WD-40 I Figured we kind of rinsed the crap away while we're going. We're working on that a little bit more and see what we get. Making a mess.

Get some carb clean. All right. Yeah, whatever's going on right there, it's not going to prove much at all, huh? And there's some scratches going up and down right there. At about seven o'clock something was bound up.

Hmm. Well, I think we have enough parts. We should have enough parts to uh, get a decent whether we use that block or this block and you know, this crankshaft looks like it's okay. we can steal parts from the two of them to try to get one good one together.

but I think I want to try to while we're this far apart? Let's get the crankshaft out of this because we have to modify the crankshaft to do what I need to do. So let's um, go about that. So we gotta get the other piston connecting rod at least up out of here. These muscles are just taken apart.

We can go see what the board looks like on that side and see if it's just if both sides are that way or just the one. Uh, we got to get rid of this. We gotta get rid of the flywheel. which is just let's just tear it down to nothing.

Foreign Magnets were junk. That could have been what it failed for too. That's the fixed. We could always glue them back on too.

But yeah, the blue field on them, huh? Use the other side that had 140. let's go see what that boar looks like and definitely had some water sitting there for a long time. Let's go pull that piston out. All right.

Number two, you know some of the crap that's going to get you on the way out. You can get that one. got no flywheel to hold on to anymore. Kind of looks like the oil Ring's stuck on that one too.

So I bet you it was probably put away for smoking. This is a no smoking section. that'd be my guess. Man cap looks decent.
Go put that Rod back together. and uh I think we gotta take the lifters out to get the Uh came out to get the crankshaft out. if we can get them out of there trying to maintain where they were too. All right, you're almost there.

Let's go see what the wear surface looks like on them. it doesn't look too bad. Pull the pour those out and you should go get that camshaft out of there. We'll wiggle out okay, rotate, make sure our timing marks okay.

so each one's got a Uh A DOT on it. When you go to put it back together, let's go see what that looks like. A little beat up and not terrible and now we should be able to get there. The crank I would think would just come right out of there.

Awesome. So I'm gonna go quickly. give this a bath I'm going to hit this end with a wire wheel. We're gonna clean that up.

That's what we're gonna have to go Add to what the hell's anything too bad on the crank surfaces. Good to clean the crank up. Washed it Yeah! I haven't seen too bad. I do see some like staining right there on one side of the journal and you don't catch a nail or nothing on it.

It might be just more appearance than it is. Um, over here. A little bit of corrosion also, but again, we're not trying to make a uh, it's not like something that's going to run for the next 2000 hours. I Just want to try to make a toy out of it so we need to be able to if I want to link two engines together I'd need to be able to couple it and dig into my stash.

of course I found this whether we go with this or not. I'm not quite sure, but it's like a I Love Joy coupler I think I get the other name for them and what that allows. First, it's got some dampening in between, so if one engine goes to take a shock, there's a a rubber disc that takes a little bit of the inertia out of it, and if there's any kind of like a little bit of mismatch to it, you can see how much room it has for an adjustment. Or if one exit, one wobbles a little bit it.

has the capacity of making up for it in there. So uh, this is flush to the case. So my thought is we are probably going to have to try to weld something onto the end of this. We got nothing to lose right? I'm gonna go grab you the nose coming from the other side.

so on the flywheel side this would get bolted to it and we got a couple of these to work with. We can cut this down and uh on a lathe. My guess is Whittle that down so that could fit inside there. it only looks like it's Hollow for about to about right there anyway.

So if we were able to get this one right here, that would be good. But the biggest concern I have is trying to deal with the crankshaft and getting something like this attached to that. Plus we have to make it so it's removable because I remember that case bolts on over the side of here so whatever's on here I can't be like I just can't weld that right to that because I wouldn't be able to get the case on unless I did it later. Let me go look in a stash for something that is like roughly that size.
We can kind of turn down the match. Let's go see what we got we got so you probably could open this up too if we need to. We're over here in Lathe land where I suspect it's going to be aluminum. What's that steel? I think we have a bunch of stuff like this laying around.

There's a piece we could turn down. Let's look and see if we find anything else that's more. um, part of the lathe itself and top there's a bunch of junk I think most of that's going to be brass up there. We got those are steel collars.

Hmm. would a drill bit Shank be too brittle? You think if we were able to get a drill bit that was the right size and go grab, go grab the uh yeah. if we were able to find a drill bit that I wonder if we're better off with like a softer material or a harder material, it's just bushings. what are they? they're measuring.

so I'm gonna go poke around see what I can find out I can't take a drill bits I'm gonna go hunt through the like. There's somewhere around here. there's a um, like a tote like this style a drill bit. so let me see if I can find one that's a real close fit and I'll bring you back.

There's that I know there's a tray somewhere. The only problem is I don't think on the drill bit. we're not gonna be able to turn it down so we either have to find something that's like right on the money or that's not gonna work right? Oh boy, let's um, let's go clean that up on a wire wheel and I wonder if we should try like welding to it, maybe see how it takes a weld I Don't think it would be an issue, but yeah, go try that. If not, we get that other piece of Steel we can turn down.

it's looking pretty right on. huh? I don't know what size that is. Three quarter maybe should say right? seven? Ace Yeah so now we have to try to. Um, the problem is we're gonna need a flat surface that could be enough material to work with and if that's all the way through.

Yeah, just right on the money. um I know we can cut this with a grinder. My concern is that we're going to need to get a flat surface to go up against the uh, the flywheel. the I mean the crankshaft and be able to center it and I wonder if we could maybe put the whole assembly in the Uh lathe for aligning it? Let me go play around a little bit.

I'm gonna go bring the Uh crankshaft over and we'll hook it up in the lathe and see if we can kind of figure it out from there. I Tipped up some areas to try to protect them I Couldn't put them down here though because it was affecting it and it's just kind of eyeballing it. It doesn't look terrible for the run out. Let's go see if we can throw a dialinkator on it.

Oh, it's showing up for you. Let's go call it zero. Roughly right there so you can roll it by hand. actually.
I Get it, it's in back here. So I gotta here we go. Yeah, about eight thousand, seven, eight now. I guess I'm sure we kind of pick away.

let's go home. Let me go in here off that that. Leading Edge just a little bit there we go. I might have been picking up the end of the thing six though.

I think sixth and seventh out which isn't bad I think we can get that? Um, so I think I'm not quite sure how I'm handling this yet so this is the drill bit. we're gonna cut up. Let's um hmm what I wanted to try to do and it was going to be necessary or not. If we can, we can cut it.

There's like a a point here in the center. if we were able to leave like a little bit of a tab in the Middle where we could use that, you know, leave that bump there and leave that for centering it. Not sure that we could flip this around, cut it and how are we going to use that to? Center How are we going to Center this on there. We can hold it when we tack it and will that make even any bit of a difference? I wonder if we can cut it? put this end in the chuck? Keep It Center We could use the center and I do have that behind there.

Got a steady rest right there I wonder if we can use the steady rest for, um, zeroing the other half of it so we can have that part. Actually, we gotta flip it over, don't we? Yeah, so that part will be in there. the stub of the drill bit will be sticking out of here and we can use that to Center this part of it and we once we get everything knocked down, we get if we can get attack on it and attack on it. Put this back over here.

spin it, see how true it is, see if the nub is kind of moving around or if it's straight, it'll be kind of good. Can you tell I'm thinking this one out loud? All right, let's go cut up a drill bit, see what we get. So I doubt very much that um, that drill bit is going to be soft up in that area. Maybe just the tip is hard.

Now we think the whole bit would be. Let's just go and see if it'll do anything. It may help if I put it in gear. Let's just kind of see if it'll do any kind of Carver it's just going to eat the carbide.

Yeah, they may so it might be okay. So I'm gonna go do I'm gonna go take a um I don't have a good parting tool to kind of make a straight cut going in there. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the uh, a cutting wheel and I'll cut the face of it right off and then we'll work from the face and try to, you know, dress it. Maybe give that little nibble for the centering of it.

I'm winging it I'm not a machinist I just play one foreign, take that face off of it and um, get a parallel. no perpendicular wrong way. Feels like something's not tight. Yeah, we're good.

The owner every time. Thank you. I Guess if I got rid of some of the stick out on the cutting tool, it would probably make a little bit better cut too. I'm gonna go look on the end of the crankshaft and see what there is for.
like a receiving hole here. it's kind of a bit of a rock to it I don't know if it's going to be this surface. probably wouldn't hurt to take a cut on this. right.

Where do we have I think maybe we're just too fat already. we're not just sitting down all the way. I'm gonna. Hmm, that's not the issue.

I'm gonna go play with this a little bit I'll bring you back when I kind of come up with something, let me just go cut that flush and see if we definitely get rid of a rock. And I may try to get the crankshaft in there too and we'll do a cut on the face of the crankshaft to get that smoothed out. It does look like it's a little on the Rough Side I Don't think that was ever intended. Actually, you probably should put the dial indicator on the face right.

Thank you! Foreign this up and it's just out there too much to vibrate. Let's see if that does us any better. Made it worse. Let's go see at the end of that bit fits on there.

Let's see if it rocks anymore. Let's go find it. Well Duffy doesn't rock out I mean on it anymore, which it was doing I'm gonna go take this on a grinder a little bit. kind of clean up some of that surface and see if you can get a clean Edge to get a weld on it may work on that a little bit too.

Like I said, maybe try to get that cone that's the same diameter as that so it just kind of centers itself weighing it. I Think I Found this to be maybe a little bit better solution so that all should in theory be lined up. So I'm going to try getting two tack welds on it and we'll get this assembly off and we'll see how bad this is out of round. and if so, then we maybe kind of like fudge it a little bit so you have like two tacks on it.

Sometimes you know you get you get attack on it and then it it pulls to One Direction You try to get one and the other fairly quickly and you know before it moves a little bit and just with the two tacks. sometimes if it is out you can kind of, you know give it a couple of TAPS and try to get it squared up and then once you got four on it, it's pretty much locked up. So I'm gonna go grab the welder, drag that over there and see what we make out. Here goes nothing I Have to cool off for a second.

We'll give her a spin, hopefully she's a little wobbly. that's how terrible that is. Let's look a little out. Let's uh, get a dial indicator on that, see how much it is out and see if we can fudge it like I said and tap it once we get to see if we can kind of pivot it on those two welds.

Yeah, set that to zero ish. I Do believe we have. Yeah, I'm gonna go the other way. Yeah, let's get it out of gear.

rotate it by hand. that is the same as the crank actually. isn't it just six? Style I bet you we got a dead on and that's just how much the crank is out on the run out. Maybe it's go check that.

Which may even improve itself too, because this is going to be captured by a bearing. Let's go see. let's go get it to the that part of it. Yeah, five thou and we are at six thou all the way.
Let's go try it right away for the middle fourth out. Oh no, there we got a swing there. I'm gonna picture the piece might be a long oval side so what will we be able to I don't even know if I want to correct it? do I Let's um, so that is the sort of we seven right? Yeah, zero, seven, zero between six and seven. Let's um.

I'm gonna take a sharpie. we'll mark the high side there and we'll see where it lines up here. If it's the same, we're going to leave it alone because this is going to be captured from the um, the bearing that's on the engine case and may get much better. So let me go find one if I saw one over here.

Yes, I think it's any good, but we're gonna go call that right there is the furthest and let's go see if that repeats itself there. and we are looking for the greatest number so the greatest number on this one is right over there so it's a hair off. I don't know if I went for a couple foul do I really want to go chase that I Think we're better off just kind of welding it like it is I think we should put it all back together again. I'll get a couple more tacks on it.

you know one there one there. We'll check it if that's good. I'm just gonna buzz it all the way around and we're gonna call that for the wind. Let's um, continue with this.

Menagerie Let's go see if you can do this. I don't know if you guys can see the gauge. it's not straight on, but at least we're We'll give it something like that because again, this has a bunch of play in it anyway. So let's just go see how things are stacking.

of course 10. it's a minus two like 12th. I'll run out, but that's not even sitting on here all the way so breaks it right off. I'm gonna do that.

we might be able to Index this too, but we find it has a sweet spot. Whatever this is out, we'll compromise it. Compromise? No, um, cancel. Yeah.

so I'm looking for all right. Got more welds and uh, check out one more time. Thank you. And how about now Five? Yeah, still about the same.

Five three the other way. Hmm. if we were to push it that way, I may try giving it a whack with a hammer right here. I Have a feeling the only thing we're gonna do is probably end up moving it in the Chuck but let's just go see.

I'll try to give us some support. Get off over there. you really shouldn't move with the four welds on. I Really shouldn't do anything anyway.

You guys can see it. 10. zero. Yeah, and what are we at here? 10.

10? Yes. so we got like still the seven and eight there and we are at about 10 here. I'm going to call that for the win I think that the caller has more enough slop on that anyway. I Just do any vibration I'm going to buzz it around all the way and I'll bring you back here.
We go welded up and I ran over and kind of cleaned it up with a tooling, but we got that much weld on it. probably about a half inch up the shaft. Yeah, we're looking decent. Let's go spin it up.

it's pretty good. A Little bit of run out looks like this way on the pulley, but I think that's the pulley itself. You actually might be fairly decent I ran over because there was a couple of them like weld little splatters on I Wanted to clean up and that just kind of kissed the surface. So I think uh, it may have taken some of the run out out just by doing that.

I'm gonna hit that with a piece of sandpaper I think give me some of the roughness foreign I think that'll be just fine. Everything's nasty looking, but I say we, um, let's go throw that cover on there that'll uh, indicate or locate that front setup and with just like a bolt or two in it, maybe check the run out on it one more last time see how we are in the block? Yeah, everything's kind of precariously poor. Let's see, we got probably put that on zero, huh? Yeah, it looks like about five though. I think we're gonna be just fine again.

I don't think that caller has that much, um, tolerance to it I call that five, Five and a half. Bingo. It's like the factory made it, don't it? Well, that part of it worked out so well. I think I'm going to continue on instead of trying to put the motor together to make the other half of it out of this.

and again, we do have extras in case we do screw it up. but uh, I'm gonna try. uh, whittling that down see if we can get that set up. I'm not sure if it'll fit the big of a flange to start.

um, grinding that down. Hopefully it does grind down and get that to fit in the other side of it. Wish me luck. Foreign.

Thank you. we're within a couple thou. Plus this has some heat to it so this is going to go down a little on size. It's like almost there.

I'm gonna try rubbing some sampia around to get rid of the coarseness that's here. I'll let it cool off and we'll check it. make sure there's no crap on the inside of here. Yeah, we can run some sandpaper over that.

I Think we're getting pretty good. If not, maybe just like one light pass right? I might do maybe I'll run it one pass over without indexing in any further. Thank you. It's like right there.

that's how I think I'm just gonna work on just polishing that and I think we'll be able to dial it right in. All right, I think we're gonna leave it just like that. it may take a let that cool down. I mean if I get a little wire wheel on like a Dremel or something, clean up some of the the crap that's inside there.

a little bit of a coating on there, a lack of sorts. get in there. Oh yeah, I don't know I guess we're better than that. I don't think let them sit in the temperature.

but I think that's kind of what we want. more money. trophy drove that home. Be on there good.
Let's leave it well enough alone. Little weights I Got the two engines. just kind of sitting there with the coupler in between spark plugs out of this so we can spin. it looks pretty good, like they'd have to be all squared up.

Let's go hook the jumper pack up to this and yeah, probably bring it up to about 400. RPM just we can kind of see if this ain't gonna be anything outlying. Again, they're not lined up on the bottom, just kind of eyeballed. See what happens so this could work? Will totally suck.

Let me hold the big one down across the both of them. All right. Little jumper, a chopper pack dead. Looks pretty consistent, but you know, like I said, even if it has like a misalignment, you should still be able to do what we needed to do.

that looks pretty good. I Like that. You know again, once we start feeling the resistance of the other engine on it so we still have to build a motor. I'm not quite sure what case we're going to use and you know we'll just pick the best parts of them all.

probably hone both cylinders, we'll see which one kind of cleans up, and just make sure that you know that's one that had thrown a rod that there's nothing screwed up inside that case. Maybe we'll go for that one if the bores look good. Now again, we still have to go through all that crap, go through the cylinder heads and then my guess is probably what we can do is you get like we'll get like two metal bars and we'll square everything up and drill them. We can bolt them down and I don't know if one starter will be enough to start the two engines.

We can run them. you know each one can have an electric starter. It spins both of them at the same time I Want to try to get them 180 out from each other so when so a piston is firing every 90 degrees, they try to make it somewhat smooth be my guess. If it's not, we can play with it.

You know the timing in between there by where we index those uh pulleys on there. I Always have to go cut keys and everything but I think that's a decent setup. I would have liked it. you know to have the the bore a little bit larger but this is the only copper coupler I was able to find in my stash.

So I don't think I should be too much of an issue because there's no there's no side load on it. A lot of times like an engine will have a pulley with a chain or belts kind of going around, it always wants to pull to one side. this the power is going straight through it so it should not I'm saying should not be an issue and then at some point we're going to have an output. You know, another one of these once the flywheel is on will be on this one so we can have that for the output to drive.

You know, whatever drivetrain and transmission we got looks pretty good. So far good. I'm glad I was able to get that far. All right guys with that I am unfortunately running out of time I have some prior um engagements appointments to go take care of and I have no more time to go wrenching in the garage.
although I would like to put that engine together and fire them up. That's gonna have to be for another video this one. I'm gonna go cut it and wipe up my floor I clean up some of the oil mess and take off for the day. Well guys with that, uh, the parts are should be in today for the BW thing.

There's a clutch. there's the tires already I got the new tires for it and some other pieces should be in. so I'm not sure this will be the next video. We'll be back on the VW thing, but time will tell.

All right I'm rambling I'm tapping out guys. Thanks I'll see you later.

By Mustie

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