I was contacted by Bill about this strange version of a gas powered Wright Reciprocating Saw that a friend had given him. it sat for at least 20+ years. he tried to get it running but had no luck, lets see if we can find out what is wrong with it and bring it back to life,

Hey guys, how's it going hanging out here with Bill Bill contacted me about a funky little saw that he got and it's that right there you want to give us a little sure run down. Uh, a friend of mine from work uh had this saw in his shed of his parents house and after his father passed uh he offered it to me because I moved up to New Hampshire and I'm in a nice region near the lake and had it on a Shelf uh, it's an interesting saw I'd never seen anything like it and so I looked at it a few times, tried to start it. it hasn't been started in probably 20 years but I watched the musty One channel all the time and so I contacted Darren said hey, you know, is this something you'd be interested in tackling So hopefully it can be salvaged. It can be made to work again and we'll all be happy.

No promises. But I think we're going to give it a shot. It looks like the body of it is kind of a chainsaw like, so hopefully the parts are somewhat available, but that two-cycle motor like stuff in horror films are made out of on that thing, huh? So let's go bring her back to the operating table and see what we can do. Excellent, Thank you very much thank you! Bill All right now we're back at the office.

You can get a little better look at it so educating yourself it's not I really wouldn't call it a chainsaw, it's more like a reciprocating saw. Hence, like this style thing and I think it kind of works on the same idea. I Don't know if you would use it on firewood if it's meant for I Just don't know I don't haven't looked anything up on it, but again, that's the fun of it. So it looks like somebody has made a homemade pull start for it.

It's got like a little cam, a roller to protect the rope from getting chewed up. I Guess apparently it didn't work all that great, huh? Spark arrestor on the exhaust air cleaner is kind of a funky setup, huh? A little circle pattern draws in and I don't know if it uses any lube. I don't know if that would have like Lube like a chainsaw blade or not. I only see one fill that just says gas Then we'll know what's that.

Say fuel? Yes. I don't think it has anything I don't think it uses anything to help lubricate that part of it. Me a little rig. Let's um, pop the gas cap off and take a peek inside and see what we're working with.

That would give us a general idea what kind of condition the carb is into Chevrolet down inside there and it does have fuel in it. actually a fairly decent amount. I'll show. you.

definitely think we should probably get all that out of there. It does look that's hard to say. It looks like the fuel filter is not connected to the fuel line anymore. See the it's like a filter and a weight.

That's the thing in the center right there. So you go back to laid out. go right in. go swimming.

There you go. Yeah, that thing right there. It's supposed to be connected to that fuel line and it's not. It's already one issue to I'm gonna need to address.

Let's um, pop the plug out of it and we'll put a little bit of oil and give her a spin. We'll kind of check for Spark and see what we're working with. It's really clean from the outside. not that one.
It's that one that is looking pretty clean. It looks like somebody maybe even cleaned it. It's looking pretty decent. Let's uh, give it a quick chug, see what kind of I'm gonna throw a little bit of oil up inside there first.

Okay please. I'm just trying to wet its whistle there. You guys kind of coat the walls a little bit just in case there's any like scaly rust on it where we don't tear it up. Oh, almost feels like it has compression with no plug in it.

Pulsa is kind of growly, huh? Let's uh, throw the plug in it and see what we got for spark if we got Spark Is there a Kill switch on it anywhere you see one? It's gotta be right. How would you shut it off? Okay, all right, let's see if we got sparked. You see I do not see any. There's got to be an on off switch on it somewhere.

How would you turn it off button? and uh, this is like a fast idle lock right there. You gotta try that real quick. All right. I'm not seeing anything.

Let's go. We just got to be missing it. You would think it'd be somewhere easy to get to, right like right in front of me. I'm not even seeing it.

Come on now. I See a wire. A little wire going through the trigger sometimes. even if like there might even be like a button that you push in just to kill spark, you just gotta hold it down.

Foreign. Just totally not seeing it. So that's going to be an issue. Let's um, we're gonna be flipping this all around.

Let's drain the fuel out of it and get that so we can kind of tumble it around without leaking it and we'll get a better idea what's happening. Plus we got to get that little, uh, the weight out of there too. There you go there. it is definitely seen worse.

Ever seen one with a worm come out of it, but it definitely, uh, was a non-ethanol fuel it looks like, but it's scuzzy. You know what that thing is? What's that? Oh man, we need all right now that we can tumbler around. let's go continue to see what is going on with what turns off. I Probably should read the directions, but it doesn't look like there's enough legibility to them to, uh, see what it says.

The other thing I could think of is that you know you. you choke it to kill it. That's kind of dumb. I Don't know if there's a cover or anything missing here.

You would think it would be something over it too, wouldn't you laughs? I wonder if like that's running, that's you? Kick it off of that? It shuts. It Off And you're supposed to spark all the time? Let's get the yeah pull. Start off it's goose in any way, the handle is kind of beat. Let's go look inside there.

We'll see if there's a wire that exits off the coil and we gotta at least get spark back on anyway. so it looks like they've definitely been apart a couple hundred times before us. Reminds me of a a couple years ago we did a hand tool rescue. had a gas powered drill and maybe the concept was good.
I Don't think it function very well. these are wanting to tear out. Let me get a the biggest screwdriver. I Have you might even have to do a um, a driver? yeah I think that drill was called like a mighty neck or something.

so we got one right? That one. Yeah, that's all egged out. Throw a wrench on it and see if we can get a that one's beat. That one's beat I Have a feeling I know why the saw was put away I bet you I probably lost Spark And this happened.

Whoever the last person was just trying to get it open to fix it. We got these two, but I got a tool that'll work to get this out. Let me get these two buzzed out and we got something for them there that ought to do it like it's without turning it. I'm just going to get some downforce on it first to kind of hammer a spot kind of cuts into it.

Then we'll try turning it. there's one, definitely wouldn't have got that too many, too many of another way. and number two. easy.

I launched a bit. where'd it go? Trigger control they say. And number two? awesome. Now we can get a screwdriver Buzz them out and I still think we have to go down another layer.

This is just going to get to our pull start part of it. I Don't know if the cover below it has to come off to get the flywheel. Let's go see. Yeah that needs lube and goosiness and all that kind of stuff.

We gotta get down to the points. Let's um yeah, this cover has to come off too. Let's continue on. hopefully.

Um, these all come loose. It looks like we got to take that fuel tank assembly has to come off first before we can, um, get to this cover. so let me work on that The fuel lines are already shot anyway. Plus we get to see how the saws built.

Lack of a make sure I Keep you in the screen I Would think there's got to be one coming from this direction. Let's just take all these out real quick and uh, we'll see if that cover will lift up. I'm pretty sure that fuel tank has to come off though. Foreign still in there.

two bolts on that side. I Think this will lift up? How about now? Oh yeah. I'll tell my handbags so we gotta give her the fuel line. Let's get that out of there All right.

Got something for that too. Come on, why would you make it? Why would you make it where the handlebar has to come off? What if we take the cap off? give us enough room. It's like right there. I'm gonna wrestle with that for a little bit.

It's got a little extension bracket on here that might give us enough room. Ah, how about now. All right. I Don't know about maybe the air cleaner? I'm just gonna go for the handlebar.

I'm gonna take the handlebar right off of it. Foreign. That was easy. We got tiny, didn't it like? Not much to it? Let's go flip it around and get that cover off of there.
That one has never been off. Did you see a kill wire going up forward? So maybe that's my guess. Maybe that trigger is what you know. kind of makes it so it stays running.

My guess We see. we have points in here to go deal with. Let's go get an impact and we'll spin the center out of this. All right.

What do you think? Right or left hand threads? I'm gonna go with left right. Sometimes they'll do that so that when it's running, it doesn't spin the nut off and we're going to need some kind of puller. I Don't know what kind of weird setup that is, huh? It's got little keys in it. You couldn't put just two little bolt holes in there for us to pry under.

Um, because I'm guessing our points are going to be underneath there on a cam. Yeah, see, we can kind of rig up I Don't want to try pulling on the Bell anywhere. or what if I could take like a bolt Maybe and we'll grind it so that it's that angle. we can kind of put them in and turn them and lift up.

now. before I do that. Put the nut on it. Let's see if we can get a little bit of pressure underneath it.

Try the old whack-a-mole trick. Let me be careful what's behind you. Plus you know nothing's holding a saw. It's flapping in the breeze wouldn't hurt what's up.

Let's go try putting a blade in the vice instead of flopping around on the bench. That's more like it. and uh, I'm on a fin I'm gonna be on a fin. All right there we go.

I'm kind of afraid I was I didn't know what was behind us I didn't want to do more damage. Hopefully that shouldn't have done anything. and the points are inside. There kind of looks like a um Tecumseh setup better look so it's got like a little bail over it.

This has a little bail over it. would be able to pull that off I see it and see where it went. A lot of points. we'll see where that went I think it was a washer.

that was the key. Look at that. let me get a little screwdriver to get that paper off of there. Finally brought some light over too see what we're doing and there's our Point setup right up there.

Throw the light on it, see what they look like? can I spin it over still trying to see if the Gap is opening up for us. we are off the lobe. uh I could probably put the nut on it and put a wrench on the nut s it's opening on my cam again. sorry if I was putting a light in your face and we grab a wrench.

all right there we go. I'd say it. it's probably got like a tenth hour gap on it I don't know what it should be. probably sometimes they say on the cover they'll stay right on them.

that one actually I Might right there this is. Model F Uh, let's just run a points file over them and we'll kind of quickly throw it together. Maybe we could spin it with a drill or something and see if we get any response for Spark. So it does have a kill wire.
So here's the wires coming out of it and one's going to a condenser. I'll pop you up in here. So here's the wires coming off it. One's coming from the coil, Two, it, one's going from the condenser to it, and then one travels up through here.

When we talked about the kale, it might have a kill that this just grounds it out and all it is. All you have to do is just ground that wire out and it kills it. Uh, which looks sloppy in there I wonder if um, I don't know if something's broken in there? We didn't take nothing apart that caused that, right? Yeah, it's looking kind of chintzy to me. Our issue might be more in there anyway.

I Want to take it apart to go clean those points? You wanted to see what's inside Anyhow, too, right? let's go run a file across those, clean them up, and see if we can rejuvenate Spark. If not, we'll probably just maybe we'll disconnect that wire for now and see if it comes back. If so, then we know it's up in there. Is that like a diamond points file? I Cleaned it with brake clean oil's its biggest enemy can get it in there and the same.

I had some crap on it. A lot of times you could take like a test light you could run across too. You can see if the circuit opens and closes I think we got pretty much that part of it is doing what it should be doing. All right.

I'm gonna go slap some stuff back together real quick and see if we can figure out a way to spin it I don't think directionally would even matter uh at this point and see if we get any spark coming out of it. actually putting them together and it looks like the cover actually has the um I think that's the feeling gauge right there for setting up the points. I'll check that real quick. I'm gonna go clean down the wire wheel.

hit it with brake clean just so we don't contaminate it again. measuring that out, it looks like it's about uh 18 Maybe 17 18 though is the gap I Gotta spin that back over to the correct location. Actually feels pretty good I'm gonna leave it alone. If anything, it is a hair too tight and I will leave it I Got drill set up I Do believe we're spinning it backwards but see if we get any spark out of it.

All right guys. intermittent but it is kicking out spark. Let's uh, definitely should be a better flow than that though. Probably another plug.

It's also, let's release that trigger, see if it goes away. It's got Spark all the time. So I'm still not sure what uh does kill and not kill that. Let's um, let me just actually look better with the trigger off.

and now we got nothing we got like spark. no spark, spark, no spark. Yeah, it's not going to operate good enough for us. Let's grab another plug real quick.

Can I just do another random plug in it. just see the consistency of this one is and nothing. kind of sort of. Let's go spin it the other direction see if that makes a difference for us and no difference.
So we still have a spark issue and again, that was the with the trigger in the on position. Yeah, it's got spark going this direction. I'm going to just double check make sure what we are working with if that's the way it would be getting pulled. Here's our pull start.

Yeah, so that's correct, so that's the rotation we do want to go. Saw is upside down inside out, left, side, right, and I'm dyslexic so that is that's the correct direction. The whole time that we were spinning, it seems like it's getting kind of better. Let's um, piss a little bit of gas in it, throw the plug in it and we'll give her a spin and we'll just see what it.

does. see if it fires off on it sometimes. I've seen two. this is gas sometimes I've seen it do a little.

It gets a little weird if you have like a drill and metal attached to the flywheel. It'll kind of screw up the spark a little bit once. dude. like you put the Rope start on it and pull it.

It would have perfect spark when you put the drill on it. It was kind of like out of whack. I'm saying that that's the case here. But all right, let's go back you up a little bit and hook the drill to it and see if she fires off.

We're set up with a clutch on it too. Uh, let's give her some throttle so it can breathe and somewhere is going to be a choke on it. I'm not sure which way we'll just try it one way because we're not in drill. still pull the the crank off of it, but it'll run my ratchet clicked over.

That's why this is a one-way paw on here that's supposed to allow it. So once it starts up to be able to free ratchet, let's put my nut off the dryer one more time. we'll run good. Do you think the points had a little bit of scuzz on them? It's calm.

It's what she said. You know how long do you say this thing sat 20 some odd years I Think that was a guess. All right. Give her did the same thing.

Yeah, it's a kicked the ratchet backwards. Anyway, she's gonna go. That's nice. Let's uh, regroup on our thoughts and probably start looking into that carb.

It looks like we gotta take that air cleaner apart in like two pieces and then we could have access to the screws that hold it. Let's just my guess is this will split open. Yeah, Check out that air filter, huh? It's funky. Yeah, it's got two screws up here.

all the housing on it and my guess is the fuel watch. You look pretty good, but we're gonna take apart at least to where the diaphragm is. We're going to see how that diaphragm the condition of it. A lot of times they harden up over time and then it just it won't be in a window where it'll run.

You get like you screw with the screws. you'll get it to run. It may red but it won't idle or an idle and it won't wrap and it'll run for a minute and die. So we're just gonna kind of jump ahead and see what they are like.

I may have a carb kit for this I think I might which is a good sign. So we got two like seven sixteenths bolts on this. should be able to pull this away. We have.
It's like a throttle right there. We'll take that wire off of it and I'm sure there's a where's the chair? The choke is already built into it and there's a governor on this side. So what do we need to do is that governor was that a governor attached to? Yeah, another. So it's got a throttle plate right there.

and what is? It's got a plate here and a plate there. That's weird. So it looks like it has a throttle. You work and if it over revs this one shuts down the throttle.

huh? That's funky. Let's go get the basic car body. We'll see what that looks like that's different. Never seen that before.

All right, let's um, put a scribe or something down here real quick. just lining all these up so we know where it was and I just kind of Mark That probably only goes the other one way, but rather have a tell that's a good enough tail, huh? Let's get rid of the uh, chainsaw out of the Chainsaw Sawzall out of the Vise and let's start opening this up. See, we got probably uh, where's those marks right there? Let's go give a couple on the plastic too. probably just for orientation of where the hose faces.

Let's get it. let's cracker open. This should be a like a a screen fuel filter in here. Man it's got crap all in it so that it's a piece of cork and I don't know what I have for kits I seem to remember we worked on these one of these a while ago and generally I ordered two and it's got dirt and stuff in it and then my dual wheelie.

There you go. let's do his job. Got a bunch of crap captured Now we got the all these to go around. Speed you up right here.

Yeah, some terribly dirty crack this up. a bunch of crap on that looks like water. So this is the fuel pump. slash uh Reservoir is that right? Hold on.

So we took that off like that. Let me flip that over correctly. We'll layer to go down. We'll see if we can get that crack open.

Here's our diaphragm. It really? I Must say it's not terrible. It's still got pliability if that's a word to it. I'm gonna go look real quick.

let's go see what we got for a kit and that'll make us kind of because if I go to try to lift this off I'm afraid I'm going to tear it right around here. So let's um, approach you just with a caution a little bit. but containers kind of the main ones from my carb stash generally I put everything in here I might be thinking of that one so we need the one that's got the six bolts around it, not the four. the diaphragm.

again, that's why I kind of approached it Ginger and another couple of fours I think that might be what I was thinking of. No I have that's um in your mind you have a a Rolodex of the junk you got laying around. Yeah, because I think those are tilting carbs too, but just on a bit smaller scale. Not giving up yet though.
still a chance. I could have used that I guess that is what I used for the last project about the second I use that for the the bike when I was chasing Jets All right I got a another box to go looking of like engine staff stuff, stash stuff I'm gonna go check in there real quick. Well I didn't find a new kit but my memory wasn't too bad. I did I did have one and this is the replacement kit I guess that's the part number that was on it I Have a feeling that these might have been expensive and so that's why I only bought one and here's what again would be on the inside of it.

Here's that same diaphragm and yeah of course of course as it stiffens up over time. but we do have all the bits and pieces. If we do find we have a problem with a a needle and seat or something like that. Everything seems to be in here for that part.

Unfortunately, not another new one though. Oh well, we are gonna work with what we got that actually does. like I said, feels pretty good I would like to take that off. kind of clean.

um the needle and seat area that is in it. but I think if I do that, let's just try real quick just to see. generally they don't uh, it's um, kind of marries itself to it, you know, and if you get a leak in it, you're kind of screwed. rip right across it.

I'm going to work on that a little bit. bring it back if I'm successful. if I'm not, I'll bring you back and we'll just kind of put it back together. I don't want to get a razor blade underneath there because like I said, you tear anything.

You're kind of screwed if you look at the way. well anyway, you take my word for if you look at the way that one came apart, you'll see the you know the same kind of scenario. um yay, we should be able to get that needle out of. there should be enough room to sneak it around that.

um, what's the rest of that gasket there and locks it all together. Let me do that and then that needle but we want and there will be a seat that's down inside there. I'm not sure if it's going to have a piece of material on it. sometimes they're metal on metal.

I'm going to take a Q-tip I'm gonna go polish that, pour it up real quick. I'm going to take our or lowering our high screws out I'm going to count how many far. let's go do it now. All right.

So this is the low half one, so a hair over one on the low I Just kind of want to blow these passages out too. And on the high, we got half one and a quarter on the high. you know? I should write that down. You guys are gonna remember it though and there's some packing in there.

it'll be uh, like an O-ring and a brass ring keeps your air from leaking around them all right? I'm gonna go take some fluid, go shoot through I don't think there's anything else that we can remove to clean ports out of it. I don't know about that right there. but I'm gonna take some brake clean, wash through what I can wash through and then we're gonna take a Q-tip on a drill. We're just gonna polish that right there so that that doesn't leak in the future.
What's your eyes? That one's clear. That was okay. You see coming out those two holes. Good.

like I said if I had I'd be putting a new one, a new needle and seat in there. but I don't it's just break clean. I'm not gonna try to. I'm not really looking to ream the crap out of it.

They kind of fail two different ways. One is, sometimes it'll if the side of the bore is a little rougher, it's got crap on it, the peanut will not want to slide on it very well and then you get the very tip of it that's trying to seal. Also, those are two things they're trying to work with that feels pretty good. It drops in Fairly Nice time will tell whether that part of it feels like it should.

I'm gonna go take some time and put stuff back together. I'm gonna go clean up what we need to go clean up and get rid of that looks like water that it sucked in. Let's go spread it. Yeah, it kind of seems like some more water than it is fuel.

Like water with oil in it. So they like gas with water in it. A gas with oil in it. So and then these.

This is essentially the fuel pump and the fuel pump. These little valves little check valves allow fuel to go on one side and the pulse goes the other way. The fuel shuts off and goes the other way so it just has like an on off on each side and allows fuel to kind of pump through it through the pulse of the engine. and when you're cranking the engine over has a pulse to it and that pulse.

Works Those two valves carbs all back together ready to go back on. but before we do that let's go give her a bath in the parts washer. It's got a bit a bit of scuzz going on all over it. Get rid of all that and also too like looking through the fins.

you can see the light going through there and then in that bottom corner right there you can't see light going through it. It's got crap packed in there and that's the cooling of it. You know the fan blows across and The Cools the engine. We can't do that.

If Scuzz is in the way, let me go wash all that off and now start getting back to putting air together. I Kind of envisioned me bustling this thing around and losing a digit so my now might be a good time. Let's see if that blade will come right off of there and we can work on it with the blade off and then once we get everything kind of like dialed in, we will throw it back on if it comes right off really easy. I Would think it'll probably slide out the front of it.

see what this does? There you go. Oh yeah, I Think it would have been held in better? Oh up here is what locks it in. It's probably got like a uh, a roll pin or something holding it all right. Safety third: I Say that looks a little bit better, huh? Clean things run better I Seem to anyhow.
so it's got a governor setup which is an odd one I've never seen before. so the carburetor has its own choking throttle. that is her throttle and there's a chill can talk about these plates in here and then this one. Instead of uh governing the throttle plate, it has its own separate throttle inside there, another one added on and so I guess the carb just kind of runs.

Wherever You You Nail the trigger. You get full throttle because it's directly hooked to the trigger on there and then I guess if it over revs this is the governor setup that is on it so that is closed and that's Full Throttle there's the movement that's in it I think I got a spring that fell off and went right there anyway. so that's the governor. As the engine revs up, that would be it would push the these two arms must push in on this plate and back the throttle off.

We can opening that up unless we have a problem with it. Another thing I think we may kind of look into more just for curiosity's sake is how the gearbox is set up. on the other end we may pull that cover off. but let's for now.

let's just throw in the carburetor back on and getting some pieces back together. I'm not sure what I'll show there's anything interesting I'll bring you back and uh, let's see, we'll get the fuel tank to deal with the pickup and everything that's on there. and the pull start was goosing. So let me get what I can together and then we'll Whatever these work we'll continue on.

You're not sure if I have that on. the right hole. it came off during the um I was washing it. you got each one will give you more or less probably RPMs out of it monkey well looking and deal with that gas tank and again we get that the weighted float off of there and that crack that we took out of there looks like um, it's the glue.

There's like a Like Glue on the inside that's hanging down as I put the tank over it's like a two section tank like this part was screwed on to it. I don't know if I want to try taking that apart though because I have a feeling I don't have anything that's going to be able to seal that. so I'm afraid to see what the ramifications are. Uh, what I might do right now I'll put my my hand over the gas cap and I'll put a piece of hose on there and we'll blow in.

We'll see if it can, you know, have pressurized. If it's all blown out and it's pissing all out of there, it really doesn't matter. Let's go see. let's see what happens.

I think we're okay. Holds a decent amount of pressure as long as it's not pouring out. you know? Yeah, I don't want to try opening that up. Let's go pick some boogers if they'll come out of it.

I think it's still kind of attached to the wall. but I don't want to let them continue to float around in there. That one should probably pull that. The thing is, if it falls off the other end of that hose.
I Don't know what we're gonna do if you can grab that and pull that out so you've seen them connected. So my guess is we should probably try getting. Maybe we'll cut back like a half inch on that because we have to connect the Um that filter the weighted filter to it. Let's just see what the end looks like.

Yeah, I have a feeling it runs all the way up to that valve. and I don't think if we take that valve out of there or the uh call it the Um Hardware that we took that out of there I don't think the hose is going to be attached to the other end of it, other guys just can be threaded in. I Think we would have to separate that tank so let's do our best to try to work on that. I'm going to go put again just like I did with the fuel line.

I'm going to put my finger over that. Try blowing into there and see if it's got a hole anywhere in between. If not, we're just going to leave it alone. Yeah, put the hose hose back on.

Let's uh, seems pretty good. Let's go get that little uh weighted piece. I Don't know if um I would have a flint that would be that small to fit on there. it actually doesn't feel that bad like that.

should have fallen off I mean like a little mechanics wire wrapped around it or should we leave it alone? I actually think that's pretty good I don't wanna start causing troubles that I don't need I pretty much all back together except for the pull start it's got and that's about 30 inches of travel. This is all kind of boogery. I don't know that looks like a a roll of electrical tape got involved in it I cleaned it. Uh, the parts washer has like mineral spirits is what's in it and it's kind of like a somewhere between like WD-40 and kerosene.

So it does get behind there and kind of, you know, possibly clean out the the gooberness of it. Let's dribble a little bit of oil down in this, the center of it. that's supposed to have a little bit of drag on it because it kicks out the the cogs that grab the center of the pulley and we'll just throw it on for now and see how it functions. They may have like an old um, chainsaw or something upstairs, which would be more to the liking of what this is supposed to be.

Instead of this cumbersome you know thing on there, it's easy to get on and off, so let's go just throw it back on there and see how we function. Give her a little bit of that work it down in there. Sometimes there's a port on the other side because you really kind of need to get it up underneath there with a right about here. we'll see they'll make that weird like goosing sound like a storm is a brewing too.

I think every every one of my last videos If I have a thunderstorm in it All right? I think we'll try priming that carb. think about trying it. tries to draw that through sometimes to that um, that it should have taken one nap. the uh, the little Flappers that were in that carb.
Sometimes you need to get wet just to try to make the um I don't even call it connection. Let's also try to back feed that fuel system in there I don't know if it can see if you just kind of force yourself some down that fuel line inside the gas tank. Ah, stay in there because I have feelings gonna fight us a little bit for the first time trying to get it to start. All right? I'm going to get those.

so yeah. I Gotta Throw Some fuel in the fuel tank and uh, we get we'll be better off putting in a vise with the bar or leaving it on the bench. But where the rains are coming? who needs a funnel more than enough? Hey joke's on. let's see what we get.

Let's go lock that throttle too in that weird position. Oh, that hurt and now I give it full throttle. I'm gonna turn the choke off now. attack.

I'm gonna try to adjust the air fuel mix. foreign thank you. Don't know any other way to shut it off I Do not see any kind of power wire going into where that trigger is to kill it. so we're gonna go with a clicking a choke on so that's that.

it won't rev because that Governor keeps kicking in. But what? I Think the idea is once you put a load on it, then at that point it'll go to Full Throttle because the RPMs aren't just that that high so we may have to like put a load on it and try to put a load on it. Try it and see how it kind of operates with, um, the extra little window that was in there. The only thing I didn't think of is possibly we could just like tie that Governor wide open and try setting the carburetor up I just can't get a good rev at it.

try to go see how it feels so uh, idle. I got in pretty good as far as the high speed. not quite sure so it is downpouring at the moment. so I don't want to go out, try cutting any wood.

let's um, just for shits and giggles, let's go pop this cover off and we'll take a look at how the mechanism is kind of working there that runs the saw blade. I mean we'll throw that back on there and fire it up. All right. Last, screw what you think is inside there.

I'm gonna say like the inside of a like a windshield washer motor. maybe with your wiper motor grease or anything in there too. Any fluid, damn it. stab myself.

Need a hammer? I wonder if that's like glued on it by now? Oh sure. what a tease. Yeah how do we get a this is just for Pekin too? we're not even trying to me. um back side's kind of going up.

let me try to get a razor blade. I'm gonna I'm gonna work that off all the way around. I'll bring you back foreign, nothing that's like holy, what was other purpose of all that doesn't have anything in there I was like Al Capone's vault with uh Geraldo when he opened it up. Grab a light.

uh you can see a end of a shaft right there. but that's it. A little load of crap that was huh weren't wearing. You'll blow that out.

Throw that cover back on. What a waste of time. Yeah so I got on its belly kind of looking at so this is the crankshaft going across, piston going down this direction and then opposite. The crankshaft looks like it just has a rod that comes straight up and through like another connecting rod just going the other direction and it just runs that piston up and down and it runs all the time.
It's not like a chainsaw. you got a clutch. it's just if it's running, it's moving. It's kind of a scary proposition.

I figured like you know, you possibly put like a clutch or something in there. you rev it up and it makes it go. But I guess it's you know, kind of meant for that low. RPM It's not really meant to run like a chainsaw, where it screams and how fast you cut wood by hand, right? Let's go look at that blade.

see how the teeth are. Let's get a fairly wide. what's it called? the Kerf? the how far spread apart. They are pretty sharp too.

It's going to run a file of them, but I'm looking pretty decent. I think I'm gonna be well enough alone. A weird setup. You think it could be like a some kind of Lube on it too, but maybe not I think like, what, um, like a hedge trimmer.

They don't have anything neither. Let's go throw this death machine back on there. It's got a part number. No.

I'm gonna throw a little bit of Lube in there. Anyway, that's turned upside down. left, right, front, rear, turn the choke off. see how bad I flooded it.

see if she'll go. We'll lock you around that little higher. RPM Yeah so I was afraid of oh the killing. The choke is the best way to wait a minute.

Chokes on that really flooded it. Let's go see what it does. Joke's off man. Oh totally safe.

Foreign. What a dumb idea. I Definitely see why they don't make these anymore, huh? All right, let's uh, go throw this in the truck and we'll bring it to where we get some a little bit of wood to try to Chomp on see how it works out. So I got some more railroad ties here that might be a good match for them I think they're fairly, uh, dense.

We're gonna find out anyway, right? let's go out and get a couple slices on into that see how it works out for us. It's definitely being a cold starts the next day. Let's go if the inside throttle one click choke is already on. I'm gonna give it like a couple of primer shots and then we'll turn the choke off see what it does.

All right. Thank you Foreign. I Wouldn't replace a chainsaw at all with it, but it does seem like it's supposed to do. The other part too is if you don't have it right up against it.

It does want to push the saw away because oh, the chainsaw. the blade is constantly going this direction so he wants to pull the saw close to the wood Where this is. you know, the reciprocating motion. It did want to kick back a little bit, but I don't know.

It definitely has some density still to the wood. It wasn't like it was, you know, rotted out cheap wood. So what a weird machine. Let me go gather my thoughts.
So I definitely think it uh is different. We'll go at that. I don't know uh how much of a value it has compared to a chainsaw. It does not seem like it.

um would be a good replacement unless I had like its purpose. Maybe it was used for like if you're putting a log home together and made nice straight cuts or you know maybe it didn't. you cut out as much material or made a better end cut. I just don't know.

a couple things are uh kind of funky on it. I'm not quite sure if we have right one is going to be the fact that it does not have a kill switch for it. Whether there was one on there that you know that lever seems like it has a lot of slop. I Also don't know if maybe they just took like the throttle and they locked it.

so like that would be in no more run position would stay running and if you clicked it if you back that off far enough there just wasn't enough gas to keep it running again for now. I'll use it I'll use the choke before the shut off. it's not mine anyway. it's going to go back to to build a guy that let us kind of go play with this thing and with that double uh throttle you know the governor in front and then the throttle plate that it normally has.

Again, that's the normal throttle and they don't have the governor hooked into this one. they just used another one further down the line. so that's why it couldn't rip. it doesn't want to rev up, but when I put it in the wood I started bogging down into the wood.

You can kind of hear that. It went like it was working hard and working full throttle and there are. It just kept the revs down and my guess is that you wouldn't really want a blade that goes back and forth screaming. You know it has to be kind of kept under control for the blade speed of it compared to Like a Chainsaw So there's that.

I'm gonna open the I'm gonna go back. I got some clamps for the uh fuel line, little tiny ones, little spring ones I'm gonna put that on that uh weighted float uh weighted filter rather and take care of that falling back off of there again. And luckily that line wasn't uh, crapped out because I could see that being the pain to try to replace. Yeah, and I'll let him deal with the pull start handle.

if you could find any antique one More than likely he's going to run it a couple times, cut a couple pieces of wood, run the fuel out of it, and hang it on the wall, would you? My guess? That's probably what I would do with it too. So with that gas I'm gonna sign off I think y'all for hanging out working on some Oddball stuff and we'll see what we can come up with next. So till then I'll see you later.

By Mustie

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