a viewer gave me some old kohler command engines after they failed, we got one good one for a tractor last week, so let's see what we can do with the remaining 3 engines that do not run.

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we just got done scrapping together an engine from my terabyte tractor that the engine blew up in actually through a rod. But we have three blown up engines left over. so my thought is to possibly make a running engine out of these three that are blown up. So that's the original one that came out of the chair.

Might that one we believe through a rod. These two were on a pallet upstairs were given to me a couple of years ago when we started looking into them. Uh, one had missing rockers and push rods and another one had bent rockers and push rods both in the same cylinder head after you know, bending the rods back and uh, trying to spin it over no compression in one side on both of those engines. So here's the thing.

I Hope we have a good cylinder head on that one still that through the rod and we could possibly use it on one of these two engines to make one good runner spare back up, whatever you want to call it afterwards. And plus, you can kind of like see what happened to them as we tear them down without further. Ado Let's start turning some wrenches and see if we could fix an engine. So these two on the end both the same cylinder has the problem of no compression in both have like The Rocker assemblies removed and we're screwed with and then compression works on the other side of them.

So I guess you'll probably just pick the better of the two and when we start tearing into them, kind of figure out what happened. The only thing I see on this one, the someone cut the plug off the end of it and this one still has the connector still on it. air cleaner still on it just trying to assess what looks better. it could possibly have, you know, maybe less hours on it.

So I don't know. Maybe we'll take like the oil filters sometimes. it's a good giveaway. Yeah, maybe we'll go with this one.

We'll take this one, move this one forward, start getting the cylinder head off of it and we'll see what kind of damage happened to it. Yeah. I Was kind of hoping when I was looking into them at first that the uh cylinder heads were interchangeable from side to side, but they're not. The exhaust comes out on the same side.

Yeah, we got mice in there. Did anyone get rid of this tin? We gotta start getting all this the plastic and Sheet Metal out of her way to get to it. Let's get rid of that. oh it's your throttle is in.

this carburetor choke moves I may want to look into that throttle plate later on. if you stick with that carburetor, we want to get this whole front shroud off of there I Don't know if we need to get the center off of it first where the fan is, but we'll start just taking Hardware off it front's got to come off all right. foreign. and there's the fan.

a pile of dirt. You get that intake manifold off of there. Let's get the carb off because I think the linkages are going to bind up on us. Shut off.

Get rid of that and she's able to twist it. twist the whole carburetor to get the linkages out. Once you get one, the second one's easy and that little spring that holds gets rid of the slack in the system is what that's for. The other one already fell out.
Let's we're going to do next. the intake manifold. Let me get these out of our way. I think actually I think we have to get rid of this whole throttle assembly Anyway, concentrate on that with holding that in place.

so we want to get rid of all of this. see one there one there and I'm going to take a little um, white paint stick and we're just going to Mark where the throttle linkages were mostly. just that one is the important one. but that part's the governor is going to say attached to the engine.

this can go with us. Let's get these two bolts off and see if this assembly will come out and this is the side that's blown. Let's constitute. We're probably gonna take it all apart.

do my guess. but let's get rid of this tin. We gotta be able to get down to the head bolts. I Don't know if.

um, there you go so the head stops right there so everything here and around it has to come off. You got to get rid of this tin. I Don't know if I can be able to do it without taking the starter off. I See one little bolt right there? see if that'll do it now.

hold on somewhere else. Still all right right there. I Like how the size keeps swapping back and forth as you can see. All right.

Come on, don't make me have to take a starter up. Laughs There we go. I Don't know if I'm getting it back in there, but we gotta get rid of the intake manifold. Now let's cut the tie wraps holding all the wires up.

Remembering where all this goes, right? We should have four bolts holding the intake just fall off for us. All right? Yeah, now we're in. Don't have an engine gasket set for this thing neither. So all right, we want to get this cylinder head off again which breaks.

There's the brake Mark right there. Okay, so the coils should be able to stay. Let's go get a bigger gun and we'll get the head bolts off of it and flip it over because right now you can kind of tell the um, the valves I say it pretty much I think it has the bent valve or floated valve I know it's going to show up. See it to me, it looks like this valve is sitting lower than this one.

Also, it's kind of the way it's sitting on. The keepers is a little weird too. Isn't it like that's got more of a stem than that one or could be making it up. Uh, let's get that bolts out you ready? See we get I don't see one that's obviously been I think it was the exhaust valve that we were dealing with too, which would be this one.

Oh, that's kind of I See a gap there though I do see a gap right in that space I don't know if you can see it. So if we're going to pop those valves out, let's go look at the board. make sure there's nothing going on inside of here looking pretty cruddy. A lot of crap in there I got all the mud and junk that's sitting in there, huh? They were stored in doors the whole time I had them I don't know what it has, you know, gone on? The Intern Actually kind of looks like water doesn't it sitting in the bottom there? Go get a rag.
we'll go wipe that out a little bit and see if we can get rid of some crap. Plus the head gaskets also chunked out of it. This is one of the two when we put um, we put rockers in it and it bent them when we tried to go fire it up. This one we spun it and it bent the valves a little look don't quite remember.

hmm could always put a starter, it's got some of that crap cleaned out of there and we'll spin it. I Hope that head gasket blew out or just fell apart when we took it apart. you know black staining will show up. Go get her, grab a rag real quick.

Should have marked I should have marked the engines which ones were which as we were playing with it but that wasn't our focus at the time. Possibly the cylinder head would be like that so it would be this area. Yeah I don't know. it's pretty even all the way around doesn't it? yeah I Don't think we suffering from blown head gasket I think it's got valve seating issues and the valve seating issues might just be just crap that was sitting on it.

Hmm yeah we say maybe save two engines. that's uh and at the top hit Center the pores looking pretty Punky though it's got a bunch of um staining on it. I'm gonna go cut my hand over it. yeah it's drawing no vacuum.

Generally you would try to like if the Rings were good, you would suck your hands in. Yeah we're not getting much so this may have a bottom end a ring issue also. especially all the water that came out. Picture the Rings are probably seized in their spot.

You can see all the pitting and stuff that's around them. Usually you copy handle over that you should be able to create a vacuum pressure and I'm not getting either one. You know it's like right there, just kind of leaving a trail. I'm gonna open up another engine I Don't know if.

um, yeah, the main goal is try to save one first and maybe we'll just kind of tear stuff apart later on and see. you know what physically happened to him. Yeah, do you remember the gentleman saying the one? He's again this is a couple years ago. One of them was smoking so that would probably be the case in this one.

If the Rings are cooked, it's pushing the crankcase oil up until the top of the engine and it's causing it to do what it's doing. Let's go just check the lifters that one's working. That one's working okay I don't know if I'm gonna have you go through the visual of tearing all the crap off of this one. Let me go do the same on this one.

We'll get that cylinder head off and this I believe is the one that was bending the pressure wash I'm like positive of that. Well bring it back. When getting the cylinder head off of that one, we'll see what's going on with this. That's true.
it's kind of screwing up. That's the one that I know it's got thrown Rod This is the one that we looked at that had been the push rods and we're trying to get it to run. So this is the one we need to tear apart. Not that and similar to head number two.

Uh, so close. foreign packed around that one that's probably holding that valve open. that's a ton of carbon, huh? Looks kind of weak in the same spot for the head gasket. See if we can get that out of there one piece, it's a chance we may need that.

I Gotta try a local place if they have any. Yeah, would gingerly put that somewhere else. Let's go burn that one up. there.

you go that one. That one's got some pressure though, so the other one's got Rings This one does not just go feel the lifters. So I would think we could probably clean up one of those two cylinder heads. We'll take them apart, take the valves out of them and my guess is the one that had the water in it.

The valves were probably the one that we're binding again. I should have marked them I took them apart, but um, it just wasn't a priority at the moment. You know, before I even started it already had bent push rods when we went to go look at it. So uh, let's take let's go check with that.

What is that piece of brake line fell out of it? Let's um, clean this one up and we'll get the valves out of this and we'll see if this one could be savable. Between the two of them, we should find one good one and we'll plop it back on. Put the Rockers on it and we'll just the starter's still on. We'll be able to do a compression test and we'll see what we get back.

So I Went to lunch and then hit the two local places that kind of got us apart from neither. one of them had head gaskets on it and it's something I Want to knock out today? Urban legend has it that you could take a gasket, head gasket and spray it with aluminum paint and it will help it be rejuvenated. I Don't know I Figured we'd give it a shot I Don't think this engine is going to go back into anything that's like a long-term run. probably like a mini bike or something like that.

but let's give it a shot. Well that I probably maybe get that another coat or two after it dries. Let's go take that cylinder head apart like we were talking about. So we want to get the valves out.

The valves are held in with little Keepers so you gotta compress the spring in some sort. Yeah, a couple of different tools. Not sure what's going to work for us. We want the exhaust valve, which is that one is the one we really suspect.

Sometimes you get this little guy in there and it just collapses the spring itself. There's other styles that um can make it so that it goes on the other side of the valve and supports it. This should work. It looks like it's floating it.
We got to get the valve to. Um I should be over here. Let's try it. We gotta whack it with like a little Mallet to break the connection.

See how this does? All right guys. Now if that's enough room we'll see. You can pick them out with a magnet. I Don't think it's going to be enough? Let me reset it 'll bring you back.

That'll do it. Let's try this setup. All right guys. What the other? Now we can let that off and it should all come apart.

Curious to see how much carbon is underneath that? It's all flaking off just from the tool. It's a spring assembly and that is just gunked up. Pretty good. Yeah, you weren't going to get a good seal with that at all.

Yeah, it's just packed right in there. Oh look at this cylinder head. Yeah, got the carbon that's built in down underneath it too. So my guess is I wonder if this ran with the uh, the choke on and it causes all these carbon posits to build up and built up so much it just made it so the valve couldn't work anymore.

I Don't know if that's a crack right there. I See something? We're gonna get the other valve at it. We'll take a better peek at it and probably hit it with a wire wheel. Clean some of the crap off.

I'm going to break. Come on out. Foreign 's got a Sheen going around it. that one was still closing again.

Usually it is the exhaust valve that does have all the issues and you could definitely say see what was happening with it though I don't know. Maybe the other way to think of is two. It's probably more on the other engine that had no compression. Um, they get real common that you get mouse nesting and they're air-cooled and they overheat and sometimes when they do that, they'll actually drop a valve seat right out of it and then as it cools off they'll fall back in, but they're sometimes on an angle.

So I'm gonna go take a wire wheel. We're gonna go clean all these surfaces up. We'll take a look again. that exhaust one is the one that's uh, being issues and that was definitely not going to seal.

I think it's the one too that the spark plug we took out was like it was like totally just gunked over and go clean some stuff up see if we got any good parts here. Foreign Foreign looks pretty good. Nice clean line going all the way around it. The exhaust I cleaned up decent I don't see any like real heavy pits in the seat part of it.

and it looks like it's pretty level all the way around. Look at the valves. intake valve looks decent I Don't see anything on that Usually that's not the one because that's not the one that's dealing with the spent hot gas. you know the exhaust valve.

On the other hand, you look at the surface of it almost like the surface of the Moon if you're able to look close at it so we could try lapping that one in on that seat and see if we get a nice clean line going around on the both of them. We also got the other cylinder head that's on the one that threw a rod that we could always steal off of it, but let's just kind of continue with this one. Probably what we can. The thing is how many head gaskets you know and how your head gaskets to work with so it's not going to survive taking it on and off.
Let's uh, throw some mapping Compound on that and see if we can get that one to do get a good seat. We feel that we like it. We'll bolt it back up with the head gasket we got and uh, we'll do a compression test on it and see what it comes up with for a number. I Forgot a light doesn't bleach yet I Got a hook to a drill on the back side.

Let's see if you can get some lapping compound in there and we'll give her a little lap my finger too. It's kind of listening to it. You hear how the grit gritty noise starts and then it goes to a fine. Then I pull away and let the material go back in again because it just pushes it out.

Foreign I think the valve is what you needed most of the work. Let's go see if it did anything. If you see a nice shiny ring going around it. Contact patch that looks decent looks okay.

We do the same to the intake and I'll clean it up or break clean. Get rid of all that stuff in there. Definitely don't want that going down to the Rings I'll bring you back whoever shows up, but they're looking pretty good. That's the exhaust valve.

A nice clean line making contact all the way around and the same on that too. I Only got the uh I see I see a little bit of um, like rubbing or scoring on the stem and question if that's going to be an issue or not. I'm gonna go put them back together somebody. you can put like fluid in the chamber and you see the level drops down.

but I think we're pretty good. Put all that back together. maybe we'll get that cylinder, head back on there and we'll try doing a compress yes with all its original components to see if it's able to be saved. I Expect actually more damage than that, but you know Carbon will do that.

It'll hold the valve open and run on one cylinder. Yep, so that was a gasket that came off of there and I don't want to disturb that little miss a hunk that's right there. so we'll try to leave that alone. Just clean off all the crap that's on it.

and you really don't want to kill any oil in between. Just lubricates it. Compression is going to be trying to push against that outward the whole time, and if you lubricate it, it's just going to make it that much easier. That's a Boar look.

wipe that down. A high-tech engine repair here, huh? Laughs. The board actually looks pretty good. The question how the other side is I'm kind of leery whether we're going to go screw with that other side because of the fact that I just don't have head gaskets I was hoping I'd get two of them, but end up in patient.

like waiting five days for him to show up in the mail. You know, maybe I'll order some for the uh, other engine over there. All right, let's go get our painted gasket, put it back on. he says missing is right there.
I'm gonna go take the head bolts and uh, clean them so that the threads aren't all pressure to hitting the air gun down the threads too. just to clean them out. Get anything that's not where they were. Put the rusty ones where the rust was anyone's there? Let's just run them in with the gun.

We're not going to torque them down with this. Let's see if we can look up what the torque spec should be. My guess is probably like 23 pounds. so it's 200 inch pounds and then go up to a 370 inch pounds so that kind of converts to about 15 foot-pounds We'll run it down to 15.

and we'll go back and we'll click her up to 31.. So 31.7 I think uh, close enough is close enough with engine light spinners. see if we can get a way to support it. Give her one time over just to make sure they all click.

Sometimes the first one will will take a little bit more as you draw the head down. Seems like it's decent. All right. I'm gonna throw the push rods back in the Rockers on them, adjust the valves and we'll hook our jumper pack up to it and see what we get for compression.

Okay, this is the one we put clean oil in. So good! It's still got oil on the crankcase and it's got hydraulic valve so I don't have to adjust anything, just kind of run them down and they hydraulically pump up to the size they need. Let's get a jumper pack on the starter and we'll give her a spin and give her a listen. He said there's a slight chance of rain.

It's like it's like for light rain. I Think it was got no plugs in it. It does have oil in it. I Took all the wires off so they don't get tangled up.

See if we give it a spin if we go. I Think you may want to put some bolts in there, Huh? Definitely pumps oil. That's a good sign. Can we go throw something in there so it's not pissing out? Let's try it again.

Does not feel like much compression. foreign. Let's go get the gauge. put it in there, see what we get.

What's your guess on? uh, compression. I'm gonna say 120 100. they may have had to pump down the lifter a little bit. The lifter might have had a little too much oil in it and just spin.

It says holding the valves open for a second until the lifter adjusted to tight I Think that's what was going on. All right. What'd I say 120 On this side, let's see what we get. 150.

hopefully the other side is like fairly close to that. hopefully 120. Sometimes you get an engine that's got real high on one side and low on the other. It will lope at an idle.

Foreign I Changed my mind. My mind. Oh we gotta take that side apart too. That's got to.

Let's go on. It probably is just as much carbon on that side as there is on the other. That's way too low. I'm willing to bet we take it apart though and probably keep the same cleanings the other side did so just because I'm gonna go take it apart.
Another thing too, is you probably could run it. fire it up. and if you had a good carburetor on it was running the right stuff. it may fix itself, but we're gonna go find out.

I'm gonna go take it I'm gonna go take it apart. Everything's already off of it anyway. so why not? Looks pretty clean. Push rods are bent.

no they look good I just leave that tin right there I'm gonna get rid of that I don't want that anymore and what's this I'd have to offer? Come on, gasket, stay good. Yes and kind of the same idea so we'll do the same. I'm gonna probably just Speed Ahead Let's just go make sure the board looks okay I didn't use anything on the bottom end. It looks pretty clean.

So my guess is this engine probably ran it. probably had a carburetor problem or the air filter was like really dirty and it just ran with a choke on and it just ran so rich it just contaminated the crap out of itself Jessica looks decent I'm gonna do the same thing all over again that I did the other side and I'll spare you unless that's something I find something that looks neat all uh, which is kind of dance the video a little bit. Yeah, that's the exhaust fan. That was even worse.

Let me see. Oh that wasn't close enough. like right there wherever that high side of Clump is, where'd it go and that right there. another one there, it's all over.

Yeah, they cleaned up nicely too. Both those seats look really decent and there one thing too that someone's gonna ask. So there's guides that wear out to you. These are the guides down in here and that's how much.

uh, play the valve pass. So basically you drop them in I'm saying drag right here. That doesn't matter because you want to be like where the stroke of the valve is, which is where you go that much. So you you bring it out to the extension of the valve in there too and just kind of looking for any play side to side.

Exhaust Pro is gonna have more than the intake because they're going to taste more heat. That one's got some play to it. Intake usually stays pretty good. Oh, it feels pretty good.

so they are. they are. Yeah, she's back together. Let's give her a little spin, see how it does? Yeah, zero compression right now.

Let's give it a second. Yeah, absolutely nothing. I'm gonna throw the gauge in it. Foreign.

Once you take the everything off of them, they're allowed to pump back up again. Let them sit for a second with some pressure on them. I Hope I Think we can lift them right out of there if we have to. I Think they can grab and pull them straight up because I Remember we had bent push rods and I think this is the engine that had it.

Um I bet you the valves were hitting that carbon that was in the cylinder. That's my guess. Come on baby. All right, it's not supposed to get worse.
Make sure I don't have a push rod that's not seated correctly down below. Now they're good. I Gotta set up a little bit see if it comes back. I mean wherever you lock these down is kind of how they're centered too that one.

This one looks like it's on an angle but I'm centered over the valve another thing too. I was kind of wondering like why is it got like this weird Mark right in the center of the rocker and the fuel pump is in the valve cover and the back of the valve pushes on the fuel pump. Kind of funky. Huh? Yeah.

I guess it came to cam Asonic is wants to do something? Give me 150. uh Yeehaw All right. So I think we have spark. Let's go grab some decent spark plugs.

The coils generally when there's no wires connected to them should have spark. most of them are that way. and then you ground out that terminal on the coil and that's what shuts spark off and you want to go kill it. but we'll just go check.

make sure both of those have spark and then we'll kind of piece it back together so you can get her to fire up brand new spark plugs. Clark Do you think that one's good? How about your little friend over there? Spock On both, let's go throw those plugs in real quick and we'll spin it over. Just kind of listen to the compression, make sure there's no clunking and Thunder light rain. They said it's light rain.

Hate to see the heavy rain as you put up a little bit of fight. Sounds good. Well for you little for you anything foreign fire. let's go get some more parts on it.

I Think we're all set to go except for a carburetor I Figured before we put one on me, we'll crack One open and take a peek. They'll take the cleanest one of them all. Um, oh, that one sticks not Rusty Oh, we got that one or this one right. Which one do you want to go for? I think this is the one that was on it.

it went to that that fuel pump on the valve cover. I'll try this one first. if not actually, this one doesn't have the ship. the solenoid on it does it? I don't know if it ever had it.

my Apples to Apples here. Yeah, but this one's got the little 12 volt solenoid that you've got to put Power to for it to allow fuel to go through. and this one I don't know if it's just missing I think it is, that's the one. Let's go crack that open all depends whether it's sat with a bunch of gas in it or if it just kind of all evaporated kind of brights out.

We got three of them to work with right? So the two engines that are left over one's got a throne rod and one that the Rings are all not doing anything. possibly. the bore shot all right. looks pretty good actually.

I can take an executive decision I'm going to rinse that out with a little carb cleaner. we're just gonna throw it back together, hook some gas up to it, see what it does. We're getting close to dumping some fuel in it, but I think I better take a second Purge or do that crap off the bench. it's still gonna start falling.
Let's go fill her up with fuel. at least the float Bowl should be enough to run it for a little bit. it's always hang a gas can off. We went around it for a while but I kind of like having the fact that something goes wrong.

There's not a ton of fuel so that's about it. Give her a little shot down the carb just to fire it off with. Get the jumper pack hooked up and we gotta put uh, 12 volts to that to make that solenoid kick in. a little click when we draw.

Power We're gonna find out in a second. Let me back you up. hopefully just jump off the bench. Probably we should want to make sure I got towards idle.

That's idle right there. We just kind of crank it at night I'll see what happens. The wire out of the way good I don't know if throwing off the fuel in the carb though. Let's uh, convert another shot.

Make sure I get the right empowered dude. it'll run a little stick around that's full I'm gonna give her a little bit of Choke once it gets going. might be just a little too thin. So I don't think that solenoid's working on that card because they should have clicked on two.

Way to lose the wire. Hey, it's got power all right. Yes, we don't have that solenoid doing what it's supposed to be doing. Uh, that's his way around that.

Could we get that out of there without taking all the plastic off of there? It's like those two screws comes out. I Think it's got a plunger inside that kind of blocks off a circuit and then backs out. Might be stuck. Close runs.

Kind of. Yeah, Should we get that out of there? Okay, now one carburetor is already missing it. hopefully won't go falling. It's gonna go in the abyss.

Grab a magnet I Would think that's to come out about a bit. I was gonna clear this plastic. Find out so close. I Can loosen these two screws up.

get the carburetor to lift up a little bit. Yes, pissing gas out. Now it's pouring out. You see it? It's all the gas coming out of the carburetor, so that's not allowing that circuit to open.

We'll get it. ran them up of course. I didn't clean that out when we were working on it, right? So that should fire like a solenoid to move. It's like if we're being sloppy with working with the carb, right? Yeah, like all the crud that's in there, Go clean that up actually.

I'm gonna go pop the one out of the other one. See what it looks like? It probably goes. A fuel goes through here and out there or vice versa. Stalactites? Yeah.

pull the guts right out of it. Well, that's freely supposed to open and close that circuit. She was stuck again. it's an electric part that pulls in when you energize.

it opens it up unless the passage go through and it this like was like boom and it popped off. Go clean all that up. There's a jet in there too. I'm gonna go pop that out.
That's what I get for slacking cleaning the carb, getting all cocky? yeah, bit me in the ass. Sure that's all clear is now it's like that power wire up to it. see if it clicks a little bit better than it did the first time. It's actually kind of like hear it pull in.

you know? Hey there we go. All right now. I'm gonna fill it up again I'm gonna second and blow some of the uh, raw gas out considering Flames are gonna be shooting out of the sides of the exhaust ports. All right, let's try it again.

it's time we'll point the Fireside out, see the shoot out of the the heads. We'll give her a little praying and we need juice to that am I getting a click. Ah, because there's that. Oh yeah and throttle is that one? Thank you.

As soon as the jumper cable popped off, that was it. I Think it killed this this circuit for the carburetor. no exhaust on them. uh what do you want to do? Let's um I'm gonna go top things off.

Would you kind of let it idle for a second? Okay, give it one more hit. All right. go over, turn the idle up a little bit. thank you.

The idle is a little low, about ready to run out. Thank you. Come on. I think I have a cat in there that is running a long time for not much fuel.

About to say there's literally you know, a third of one of those in there. Not that much gas. That seems decent. Just fine.

Again, you know the idle is a little low. Make sure the air cleaner is on. there's no air fuel mix on that carpet. I Don't think there's no way to tweak the idle, but again, seems like it's just fine.

Almost all I'm concerned about is that we're running on two cylinders. It seems like it's doing what it should. and I think it's doing what it should. How about that? We did? We spend any money on this one either? I don't think so.

We just kind of used old junk all over again. I tried to I tried buying head gaskets. All right, All right guys before I set myself on fire. Let me disconnect a bunch of stuff that's on it and we'll call that a win.

probably. bag and tag that one. put it upstairs a little note on it. like what we did with it and what happened.

so awesome. I don't know if we'd be able to save one out of the other ones I Don't know if we want to continue doing videos on these things, but uh I would think maybe with one little blown. Rod we could take the Piston out of it with unstuck rings and put it in the one that has with the stuck rings. but let's get ahead of ourselves.

The other thing I was thinking of too is like I I was kind of hoping onto these I was hoping like to make like a V6 or a V4 out of. but how would we attach? The front side's got a shaft on it, but the other side all you got is this I don't know what we can adapt to that end of the crank, you know if that's threaded on the end? If we we'd have to like make a hub and like maybe um, drill through and put like four screws and then put dowels next to it to try to have something come off of this to attach. you know, stack another engine on it. Yeah, I'm still getting ahead of ourselves.
some Day projects right? I guess I Was just kind of glad I had these while they're on the bench. I figured instead of putting them back upstairs and helping them around, would try to go through them and see what we got. And that one's got a throne rod and this one has no, um, no rings to the bore. You run your hand over it and there's just no suck.

It's got no suck, no that sucks. all right guys. I'm rambling I Want to thank you all for hanging out, doing some wrenching and uh, we'll get together soon on something else. Till then later.

By Mustie

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