I picked up this long forgotten italian mini bike while purchasing another machine, needs a bunch of love including a stuck engine, lets see what it will take to bring it back to life.

Hey guys, and how's it going? Hey I picked up this 1969 I believe Benelli buzzer that's the name of it mini bike that uh, was with another machine machines that I purchased and it was kind of like an add-on at a later date. it does not turn, the engine is locked up I Don't know the backstory on it other than pretty much that uh, it's what 53 54 years old probably been off the road for 40 of those last, you know, 53 years and it kind of shows. It could definitely tell it's been sitting in a a barn of some sort or garage or basement or something along those lines. It doesn't look like it was Outdoors because the seat's still there and all that, but it looks pretty complete.

It may have a headlight and or tail light that was supposed to be on it. a lot of mini bikes, you know, of course lost that stuff first couple crashes afterwards, they get ripped off. I Do believe I Think like the handlebars fold down and all. It's kind of like a Italian version of maybe a Honda 50 or a Honda 70.

but again, it is locked up I Don't know if it's locked up just from sitting or if it's locked up from, uh, you know it's the motor blew off and then that's the last time it got ridden. So let's go bring her over to the operating table. let's go see what we got, see if we can, either, uh, find out what happened to it and or revive it. Foreign 1970.

close I Don't know if it would show if that was a street bike or not. I Guess it probably made like both versions like the Honda's were too. Let's get a tool key here, it's missing The Little Door that's on and the Kit's gone I Don't know what that was supposed to say originally. I think it's a 65 cc's and two-stroke I Don't know if it has a almost looks like it has a clutch on it, huh? you on this side we got three levers up top.

you have one here and two on this side. Sometimes it might be also for to start it you would pull a lever in again. not sure on that looks like it's from New Jersey Originally the dealer that sold it I Don't know if that's the original cardboard. it kind of looks like a moped carb from the that's probably what they would use a moped card from.

you know back in around the same time frame. What's that say? Sure, she looks to be original. Yeah. really decent condition.

What do you say? We go in that's loose. Let's go get a light. pop it in there, see what we look like for. uh, stalactites.

Got some tape on the coil. thanks. A little beat up. that's just probably just from trail riding.

And like I said, you go to kick it. it's it's locked up right now. Let's go grab a light. all right, try and relax.

this won't hurt a bit. Oh yeah, definitely looks like a they're like great but at least it's still holding fluid. It's not blown out on the bottom on this side. All right.

I Wonder if that's like the oil that's left from the two-stroke it would just what evaporated out of it. Let's um, get a plug out of it. First thing is when she can get it to turn. you know? So let's get that plug out.
Duffy Seems like it's got a pretty good seat height adjustments. kind of like a a bicycle like a called muscle bike. Banana seat. All right.

let's go. Plug is new, look cruddy but new. Let's um yeah, we got nothing on the on the crank. Um I Wonder maybe we can try popping one of the covers off the side? So because on a Kickstart you can only Force It One Direction Where if we get one of the covers off we can try to go.

If the Piston's trying to travel upset, we can back it up and see if it wants to go backwards and then I'll possibly clean up some of the crap. Yes, go try the other side first. That's where we can have a clutch on the other side. might have a nut in the center.

We could throw a wrench on it. Not quite sure what holds that on one screw right there? maybe? No. Oh, there's that. All right.

Let's um, somebody's definitely been in there, Huh? Doesn't even look like they're the correct nut supposed to be on there. Where's that light? And it's a little cannibal eyes together? It's like it's on. There's just like this, threads behind it, like it's got a collar on it. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be? All right, let's go grab our wrench and see if we can get that.

I Should man. I Think it just moved. That's hitting though. Yeah, so hit something solid.

That's like the Pistons going up and down. It sounds like something easy. Feels like something is in the combustion chamber, right? I Think maybe we should probably pull the head off so we don't do too much damage. I Don't know if you can see in there? Yeah.

I don't think the head gasket is probably brass or something anyway. so you should be okay taking apart. Let's go try taking that cylinder, head off and see what's stopping the Piston from coming all the way up instead of trying to force it through. I Think just for the ease of filming and stuff too.

so we'll get the fender out of our way just so we have access to it and see what's going on. I Tried swinging the bike to one side and see if it would be open, but it really wasn't. I Say that. spin a bike around and put a jack underneath it just so we can kind of flock that front end back and forth and possibly work around that Fender but still end up taking it off.

But let's get that opened up and see what we got. I Don't know what parts um, availability is going to be on something like this I Don't know if they made their own engine or you know it's just something out of a lot of the mopeds where they would make the bodies of them and just thought everybody can take the same. Morelli Minelli get them buzzed back and it's already wiggling. It's a good time I Go grab a uh, the container for all the hardware into the washers are going to fall out with this, right? Kevin What do we got? I don't know.

is there even a head gasket in there? I See some pitting on the on the outside of there some? yeah there is one. Okay, let's go see if it'll uh what we're hitting on might be Eternal I Don't see anything really funky on there. It might be just like a ridge is that? Let's go turn that piston down a little area. Yeah, it's just like a rust.
Ridge look at that. Let me back to light up how much rust isn't on it. That's good. We should be able to clean that up.

Let's go take a get you over on the other side. Yeah we probably could have broke through that, but why? um I wonder if maybe like a little WD in the Scotch Brite might be in order for not doing much damage I Don't even get the head gasket out of there so we'll eat that up. Looks like just a pizza and maybe usually it's like copper or something. I don't want to damage it though.

Come on these. At least we know it was kind of loved a bit. Let's go get some. uh Scotch right? You know we'll see how much that rust kind of breaks off of there.

possibly you. Maybe we'll take like a wire wheel or something too. and on a drill. let's clean up that Ridge how's that better? Always looks good.

Try to look in the back of the camera and I see how washed out it is. the port down below. All right I get the fender out of her ways and get in here a little bit. I Did see I already lost one piece down the exhaust, but just like the hard, crunchy something coming out of it, good thing we need to try moving it through it.

I Don't know if it's just a chunk of rust that fell off of it, but it was a big hunk of something Now hopefully it's not ring. I got a drill with a brass. where are you brass wire wheel on it? Go throw some uh oil on that so you can get in there and do a little bit of something like that if I go and uh, polish on that I Was looking at the head gasket put on top of the cylinder head. you can definitely see where something if you might have been, that piece that I just had was bouncing around and getting jammed between the cylinder head and back too.

So definitely, uh, either something's broken there I'm hoping it's not rings that we lost part of the Rings and that was what was floating around up top. but uh, we're gonna go find out I guess shortly. All right, let's go back to polishing that up. It's like it's doing pretty good.

This side looks better. Let's see if it'll go all the way up there. It goes. It just broke through good.

I'm gonna go work on that a little bit and then maybe what we'll do is we'll throw the cylinder head back on and we'll see if it's got any compression. You still want their Rings going over the uh the damage because if the Rings are okay, you're gonna tear them up. Feels pretty good. It doesn't matter if there's a divot going in, you just don't want anything outward taking them out and he's a little bit more love.

Let's give it a kick. try to see if it leaves any like heavy oil lines behind on it. Sometimes it'll give a indication of what you got happening. It's pretty even all the way around.
you know? Rub that crud out. I'm gonna go rinse it out a few more times I'd like to W and kicking it over like that. Just get rid of that that Rusty little crappy oil. Oh wow, it's like it is.

Why don't we? uh, try checking for spark I'm gonna say no. See what we get? Wow. It's easy to kick. You know it, it, it didn't at first.

Now it does all right. Aha I Don't want to get too cocky because you know how that works. The head's bolted back I'll throw the plug in, give her a couple of kicks and see how she feels it should be. much.

It's it's a moped, you know, essentially you have anything. Oh yeah, all right, let's um, see why the plug wire was taped on it fell right off. Uh, let's get that air cleaner off of there I'll make sure the choke is off. We'll try dribbling a little bit of fuel on it and see if we get anything out of it.

Yes, no, it sounds like a plan to me. I'm quite sure how that comes off. This is like a I want to add more to it? It's like a bale in front of it. I bet you this is one of those.

More to it, it's already missing. You know that's a that's part of a soda can. that's what that is and this I think is just stuck in there. Yeah, so somebody just made a part for it.

All right. And then our choke is this lever on the side. Let's get that back. I think he got a hit I Don't know if the throttle works, do you think you hit? Full Throttle and they pop off? Yes, no, What's that? Full Throttle Here we go.

Yeah, let's go give her a little dribble of fuel tank. see if I wiggle that plug wire back on there, see what flies out of the exhaust? Let me back you up a little. Let's see if she does. Is this still? Full Throttle Yeah, let me back that off a little going up.

Look at it. give a little throttle. Oh yeah, she'll live quiet too, huh? Awesome. Get in there all right.

We need to start picking away at some of its issues to keep her going. and I think the first is probably get that carb off of there and see what the Bold condition of the bowl looks like on the correct. Now we gotta get that gas tank off. so let's go work on those two.

I think it's just one screw in the center there should take that off. you got two up top the slide. Let's get the carb off and we'll get that soaking and we'll look at the gas tank while it's doing its thing. Seems to be a uh Resurgence of mopeds I Noticed the last couple years around here I don't know if it's everywhere but like um Portsmouth New Hampshire which is I Don't know if you call it a city, it's more a town.

it's an Oceanfront town. You think they call it a city I Got a fuel line that's petrified on the other side. Let's get that off of there first. Yeah, they got a uh, a moped.

uh, clan of sorts that goes around. no Boston too. Boston's got a fairly decent one, but also you could see yeah, it's got a lot of karate now that's a filter that's back in there. um like gets together and we'll just go for a ride because when you're in those cities you can't really get going faster than 25 30 anyway.
and all the city roads definitely got some credit going through it. all. right back to where we were we're gonna get. can we kill the body off? We got two more screws holding the slide in.

Let's see if we can get those out. Leave the cable hooked up. the throttle pulled up but it had a lot of drag on it. I Don't know if it's the cable itself or the um, the hand throttle up top.

Give it a slide here. Yeah, so uh, a lot of the you know it seems like it's mostly mopeds, but I would think like this stuff as long as it's street legal. It's like that 50cc Style would kind of fit in with them. What's going on here? Like that latch.

That's that latch for the Um to release the choke. There you go, All right. So take this over on the bench real quick. we'll pop that bowl off see what it looks like.

I Don't know if I told the story before I used to work in Boston and uh, like on a Friday night the traffic would be so bad getting out, we just get out of work at six o'clock um I actually kind of started. We used to take out mountain bikes and we mountain bike around. Boston Like the urban mountain biking, it's like ride up and down stairs and you know all that kind of thing. one-way traffic going the wrong way and uh, I'd like kill an hour just putting around the city.

It's a blast. I Could see like trying to do it on mopeds too. maybe not in the rush of traffic. but I can see that the Allure of putting everywhere around at 25 miles an hour.

What do we got? oh she's dark huh? At least it's like like it got protected from the oil. Let's go get a little Um poker and get the that. Actually while we're here, let's get the mean jet out of it. Nice! I mean I Kind of glad to see that sometimes you open them up and they're nothing but uh like dust, aluminum dust and what kind of Try to take up mountain biking a little bit getting old, we got to keep the exercise going and start falling apart I Don't look too bad.

All right, let's go. We'll uh, throw this in the soaker and we'll work on that gas tank. Yeah, a little part. somebody sent me this.

Throw them in here to keep the Jets and stuff from getting lost in the washer that can go and it's a body. This can come off with the tip on that if that's good. I don't like, um expose that to um the fluids. that's the needle from the needle and seat and it has like a I don't know what this vintage or this is going to be like I think now they're nitrile I don't want to corrode that.

Let's go through that back in and let's go pick. Sometimes these gaskets will grow and they'll be shot. Let's see if we can get this out of here. so I always see the moped's kind of growing around I Don't think they team up with um, the other little 50cc stuff like this we're not that would be registered different I think in New Hampshire that's where I am the uh I think it just has to be 50 cc, season under and have pedals.
It's about the guidelines to get a moped plate and a moped. Plate's like it's like 14 bucks I think the first year, then like three dollars every year after the keep it going. No insurance or anything. All right.

go throw that in the wash and we'll get that gas tank out and we'll leave that and that alone. It's the emulsion tube in the center there I Don't know if that'll lift out? Let's go give her a quick try. I Don't want to damage if it doesn't sometimes they're pressed in. Yeah I Don't think All right.

it wasn't that cruddy. So we'll leave that alone. Let's go see what's holding that tank on. I Want to? We'll leave all this hooked up onto because I want to dump out the all the crap that's in.

It looks like we just got maybe one. Bolt It might have like, um, little rubber seals that it kind of locks into looks like about it. huh? Yeah, let's get that bolt out of there and see what it does. Yeah.

I See some padding up on top there? Oh it's got like a little leather patch with cloth on it. Let's go dump it out see what crud comes out. Oh yeah, definitely looks like it's like all the gas evaporated in just the two-stroke oil was left behind. which is fine I gotta rather that than a couple chunks came out.

yeah. I'm gonna go. hopefully there's no rust. Let's see if we can get this pet off of here.

I'm gonna wrench on that. we'll turn. We'll twist that out of there. Let's see if we can just start flushing it, but we'll see.

We got to work with really terrible though. That's the pickup right there. A little filter. so what they have over in Italy Like were these made for export or was it like the same kind of culture? Well for us was the gas crisis and all of a sudden all the stuff started getting real popular.

I think it was. You know places overseas were already making them, but then all of a sudden you look in your Sears catalog you see like mopeds and stuff being offered that's a little cruddy. I might be like piped up or something that's on it. I can go rinse it out with hot water first and then we'll see what we got left behind here.

We got it wrenched out a little bit. Okay, let's see what we're working with I don't want to I don't know if I want to put chemicals in it or not. like sometimes on a gas tank it'll have, um, like a protective layer underneath it. Yeah, something.

Yeah, they're all rusted. It doesn't really matter. but um, what did we use on the last one? We did one. it took all that crap out.

Lacquer thinner. it might have been something like that that's got a bit of cholesterol problem. That's the uh, where the pet goes. Definitely closing off here.
Just pick that right out of there. It's really what it was I Want to say it was lacquer thinner? Um, maybe. Um, we'll try a little bit of it. that might be the screen.

might be able to get that screen out of there that you can see from the other side. Let me Poppy in the stand. Okay I think it just fell right through. Nothing there.

Now the other end. Yeah there it is. Yeah, uh. let's go put a cork, put a cork in it in there and we will try a couple of little chemicals see which one does.

Question does the best without I Don't wanna I wanna beat up the paint on the outside? What was the mix? Kind of says it on it right. You read it. read owner's manual. you can't just write on it right? Not sure what that says right there.

Yeah, some kind of percent is written right there. I don't like 40 to 150 to 1 be my guess. Shove the cork in the bottom side but we don't have anything that, uh, locks the cap in. it's missing its seal.

I Don't know. Maybe we could just try it. Probably went all the way around there. Huh? Be like a large rubber o-ring See if I could dig up, they're probably not gonna be.

Yeah, it might be and it's just gonna pop off I Think it needs to be kind of the other way. You know where it? Um yeah, let me just shove it in there, even just temporarily to hold the whatever we put in there close. Think if we click it right there, let's go find out. Pick your poison.

I wouldn't say it was lacquer thinners. Let's go try that one first. I think it was one of these three. Fortunately, not that much in here.

but I don't think you have to fill it, you can just kind of Splash it around. give her a little bit of that and uh, if that works, we'll throw some like some nuts or something in there. Give it a shake. Okay, we're gonna get this day I think it seemed like it did it fairly quickly.

I'll pop the cork out. um, sticking some crap out. I'm gonna experiment with the other two and I'll let you know. and next is lack of uh, acetone.

not it seems to do about the same wherever we use. last time it seemed like it just really just broke it right off of there. and like all that that I want to call it the tar that's left in the tank when it's not doing anything for rust. but it was like all that that sediment that was in the tank came out broke it up.

hmm I thought that would have been it too. it says right on it. cleans project register residue all right. One more actually stepped up some mineral spirits I think we need it a little bit of agitation to go in there.

pick a hardware. I'm going to say okay, that feels like steel. let's go maybe them. it's got some nice kind of sharp edges looking thing.

The winner is gonna go a lack of thinner and make sure it stays sealed. Let's try throwing a plastic bag over it. brush that on there. Let's go Shake Shake! I Definitely think we were right with the lacquer thinner.
That's just shaking them by hand by a little bit. Problem is I see a little bit of red coming off? I don't want to take out too much of the paint. so I'm going to try to rinse it with water and stop that from foreign. but I think the rest of it's just rust and that would be like muriatic acid to go clean that off.

but I'm getting a little impatient I think it's clean enough where it's not going to have contaminants go down into the carb and clog it. but yeah, it's one bolt that holds it on back later. Probably can go do that. Let us soak it some muriatic and clean up.

Some people like to do vinegar and whatnot too. Let's go check on our stew. Let's do one. It should be just fine.

Oh, that's warm. Rinse them off, throw that back together. try to make an O-ring for the cat. like cut out had a larger one.

cut that much out should be about the right diameter and supposedly you can crazy move it together. If your glue has any little left in it, there's a little drop should be all you need though, right? Isn't that what the commercial showed in the 70s? Put a drop on it on his helmet and he suspended himself from a beam. Yes, no. a little mismatch will that make ourselves? put that side in first to protect.

it 'd be a hair too big? Yeah. I Gotta cut it and redo it anyway. Yeah, so did it hold? it's pulled apart? It feels pretty good. You gotta take a link out of the chain though.

Let's go with about that much. look I'm out of glue now I think Crazy Glue cures with um, the moisture in the air. All right, so we should be able to get it. My guess it was probably a piece of cork that was in there.

before. keep an eye out, we got something to there. we go give us some tension on my cap, you know. All right.

put the car back together. the whopping like four pieces that was in there. You didn't miss much. the last thing we got in that fuel system.

just kind of cleaning out that patent that filter that looks a little gooey, huh? I Might have to do a little mining and it's full of dirt. might actually go slow that out. Open it more of the oil. let's um, you can shoot it out of there.

you go. I Think it's got a, uh, two ports in there though. you only have one line going to it. so I wonder if it had a, um, a standoff for the reserve? That's what it looks like.

that's why that's why it's got two ports in there. One probably had a metal tube that stood up taller and definitely looks like somebody ground those threads huh into there. That's where all that tape and crap was in there trying to hold that together. All right.

So I'm gonna try to clean that up and hopefully we can get that to seal back to the tank. We're gonna slap that Carbon on there and that slide, like I said is real gummy. It actually feels like it's it's the grip itself though. Let's try.
the end's already blown out. Let's go shoot a little WD underneath it and it just feels like chalkiness on the grip I Thought they take it apart, but sometimes you do damage. Let's just see if we can cheat ourselves a little bit on this. If not, I don't have a problem removing it.

Well do that. Yeah, that was it. Butter good for your hands too. cleans it.

Almost like wants to return on its own now. I might dribble a little bit of like a graphite or something in there later. Anyway, see how that choke Works get around there so actually click up into place and stay there. and then when you give it full throttle, should pop off.

There it goes. So so that should go. all right. Let's go pop that on there.

pop the gas tank on there, put some fuel in it, see what happens? They pay gas in it yet, but I'm quite sure we want to do about there. generally. sometimes it's like a thread in here. You can rotate it and it should like go into the center of it.

That's feeling that way. Sometimes you just cut, cut it back a little. I don't know what we got for length? You're gonna, yes, knock off about a quarter inch or so, see if it'll it'll bite a little better. Let's get rid of that that much.

You have a boot on there anyway. I don't know if the boot is what holds it? I'm sure we can find something right? Let's just try to get her together and I'm gonna reach. it's gonna pull out of there I know it is so close. Oh well.

I could probably loosen the clamp up and Slide the coil. oh maybe a little bit that way. I should stay enough for now though. Let's uh, try putting gas in it.

see what happens? This is uh, 15-1 non-ethanol just reusing this can, not the fuel that's in here. Let's not get crazy. Gas is on right now. It looks like it's pissing out of the, um, the plastic hits.

Shut that off. Yeah, it's dripping. See if we can try to reposition that a little bit, get a better seal. If not, we might have to take the screen out of there.

We'll just put like an O-ring around the outside. but I threaded the pet. odds about two turns in that. um, it caught something.

Most of the threads have gone, but it seemed like it's got a decent bite. Let's see if that'll do it. Nah. I can still see it.

Let's try flipping it over. I think at one time that was meant that piece of plastic was meant to make a seal, but it's gotten so brittle over the years. you know? let's try doing that well. I Bet that we're gonna have to try to put no ring in there though.

nitrile natural NyQuil a better and I still get wet. All right. I'm gonna go pick at that for a little bit. try no ring, see if it'll get to stop that one.

Nice hair. too small still because it's gonna have to sit on the outside lip. What if it tucks in? That's it. I think this sets about as big as it's gonna get.
it's a natural. O-rings These are quite fat so I don't think these are. Let's we could try it right as long as it seals I wonder if I could put that filter back into? Let's see if that does it first. Yeah, we're gonna take it apart one more time.

I'm gonna try putting this back in with it and see if it cures it is the third time the charm? Come on. good. stay and dry. All right.

Let's give her a kick. Not sure how well it's gonna do with the back tire cinched down. Let's see. No joke, Try.

let's try. No choke, All right, gas up, That's all you got Let's uh, turn the truck on what he talked my. let him run I hear him outside trying to jump. Got this work? Unfortunately I think I might have killed the rear tube Tire spun in the rim and I killed the tube that was in it.

Yeah I went there and I ripped over Meathead it was dumb on my part I can't see where the stem is. Oh well. damage is already done there. goes six bucks down the drain, huh? Let's um, flip it around in the stand and we'll fire it up again.

We'll see how that kind of the drivetrain part of it works. Yeah, it's kind of Center skin. we don't even need this. just go by hand smoke for a little bit.

Try all the oil that's in it. This screwdriver turned down to idle get a blow. foreign I'm not even on the throttle. Hey, it's like somebody goobered up some crap in there.

huh? It's acting like an intake. Leak With that, it's flooding over. It runs spins the back tire. That's good.

we're getting there I Don't know what this does, which lever is that? so what would that? do? I don't know. Seems like it's got an automatic clutch. You wouldn't hold it in to stop would you? if? If it is that kind of setup, usually there's a lock on it I Don't know. any cameras manual I'm gonna hop up in there again, try to get the fire and grab that see what happens.

Speedcraft: I Don't know what that does. You would think maybe it's like a clutch to make it go. Hard to say you think like that position like maybe you have to grab it to make make it go and it's just kind of Frozen because you got to pop that cover off. let's go fire it up one more time.

Yeah, no matter whatever position I put it in. doesn't seem like it makes any difference, but I'm not sure if he's doing was supposed to be doing it. acted like it had a automatic clip in it. Let me go turn the fan angle, clear us out.

We got four screws holding that. Let's go take a peek inside, see what's happening? What is that? Just a breather adjustment or breather? Let's go air out what's your best? What's inside? Crack them always. I Don't think there's any oil in there I'm gonna find out. yeah, it's dripping.

Me: yeah, run that back in and grab a pan. Oh yeah gushing. I guess we're changing that out, huh? That's what do we have. It looks like a clutch Shadow to me, push on the center of it.
definitely looks like a clutch back to me I don't see any shift or anything on it. Why that would have it like that. But who are we to argue with who built it right? Um, let's see if it's like Direct so that's direct. Definitely.

And it's weird though. like why would you hold the clutch in? why would you hold the clutch in to stop? It's like opposite, but you would have to sit there and there's there's no shifter on it right? I Can see if you could pop it in neutral. but if it has no neutral like if you just start up and go yeah, is it some of them I Know you push the and becomes the shifter. Let me do a little homework find out what they have for him.

I Thought it was just a centrifugal mini bike clutch. If there's anything that's like a rod that came out that's broken off or anything, yeah, it's the only lever that's on it. That'd be kind of weird to go back there to shift anyway, wouldn't it? Okay, what's that right there and why would you have a gearbox to, you know, with uh, oil? I Gotta do a little homework. Well I think that the clutch setup that is on there is kind of what I thought and then I'm going to just say guess I'm recording I think you're supposed to squeeze it to make it go but I think it's stuck is what the problem is.

So unfortunately, I'm kind of running out of time I was gonna pull the motor on the skid, steer twist it at an angle. so I figured I'd work on something a little bit easier on the bench. so I'm kind of jumping back and forth between the two of them. So I'm not quite sure what you're going to see at what time and off, but we still got more to do I got to order a tube for some reason.

um, and then we'll get into it. We'll take the clutch apart, figure out what's going on with that. we gotta, you know, pull that off. we'll look into the brakes I actually kind of like to get rid of like this should all be Chrome and The Handlebar should be Chrome I don't know if we just take some Scotch Brite and I'd rather have them like the rusty I rather have it look just the old beat up lookingness to it that it's You know that it is 53 years old instead of that black paint that's on there but again getting ahead of myself.

So for this one guys, I think we're going to kind of wind her down down I Know it's a short, but this next two weeks I'm kind of cut on time a little bit but got it running. Actually sounds very decent. a little boggy I think again, we're not running an air cleaner or anything on it so that may help. It seemed like the idol fixed itself kinda sorta and or we may have an intake leak that's down there causing a problem so we'll find out.

crank leak that would suck. but uh for this one guys I think we're gonna go wrap her up and uh, nice to see this thing a little putting around for some reason. I I Just love these little bikes. It's just they make me laugh.
You had so much fun on such. like is it someone said you've had more fun on the little tiny bikes than you would on like a full-size Harley or some of the big bikes that I have. It's just even hurt myself more on them too. All right guys, with that I'm rambling I Get to gather with you soon and uh I'll see you later.

By Mustie

14 thoughts on “Will it run! benelli buzzer mini bike”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Man Cave Workshop says:

    Benelli Buzzers were sold here in the UK, yip they had head, tail and brake lights.
    They were perfect for whizzing around London where the traffic is almost at a stop during peak periods.
    The one I had would occasionally hit back on the kick start for no known reasons when starting it.
    It always painfully caught you square in the ankle.

    Herw in the UK, if it's petrol powered we have to road tax, insure and have a tearly MOT tesr (roadworthy test)
    You are lucky riding without insurance etc.
    This brought back memories of the Buzzer that was sadly squished by a lorry whilst parked

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Il Giusto says:

    Very rare scooter even in Italy! Mopeds with a maximum displacement of 50 cc were very popular because at the age of 14 you could drive them without a license! I'm talking about the 70s, all the guys obviously replaced the muffler with a louder one and the best ones tried some modifications to have a little more power. This Benelli is really very interesting, good restoration ! 👋👋From 🇮🇹

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Omicioli says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LandyAndy62 says:

    The cable off the clutch actuating arm must give you a clue – does it go to a hand lever?
    Some of the old Villiers bike engines had a 2 speed gearbox operated from the ‘clutch’ lever – pulled in was low, out was high, and in the middle was neutral. James Captain etc used these engines.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luxuryhomes888 says:

    its bad ass it's what it is

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Octane Garage says:

    Cool video nice bike

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Barker says:

    nice little bike to see hope you get it running thanks take care.❤

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Lundquist says:

    I love that Benelli minibike, the style is really cool! I'll bet that entire exhaust could use a good boiling out in an automotive tank, as it is surely full of residual oil buildup and other crud.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥΛΗΣ says:

    Much work for nothing!! When you don't know the engine you don't put your hand up.😢

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Lorenzo says:

    At this time Benelli where making a 65 cc trans one down 3 up.
    My friend creamed it by jumping
    Off 25 ft deep pit. Broke 2 ribs clavicle. Yours was a travel bike to
    Ride around camp site. Like Holliday camp. Had red 6oS Vespa
    3 speed.. scooter.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electronical Universe says:

    Remind me of the Jim Carreys mini bike 😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jari Kinnunen says:

    That size mopeds was popular in Europe. " Car boot moped" for avoid parking fees in city centers, or just get in there. Benelli was quality manufacturer.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Super8 says:

    U must hold it in honor. like an animal

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris says:

    Not sure if we're thinking of the same engine but I know for sure you've used acetone to clean out a gas tank in the past. I distinctly remember being surprised at how effective it was

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