a friend asked me to look at his sons big air compressor that is used to blow out sprinkler systems in the fall to avoid freezing, at 1st it would not run at all and he went through the tune up, now when building pressure it will stall out. lets see if we can figure what is wrong with it and fix it.

Hey guys, how's it going? A friend of mine contacted me said his son has a big old air compressor that first he couldn't get running and uh had a bunch of issues with it and I told him I just didn't have the time to go look at it he's used uses this for blowing out. uh irrigation systems is the season here we're just going into November right now and uh you got to get your uh your systems in your Lawns blown out or else the pipes will freeze and crack. So uh he got it to the point where it would run on his own, did some tuneup parts and everything got her fir it up but um it does not. If you try to run air on as soon as it starts trying to build up air pressure it just runs and stalls.

So I figured I'll try to give it a shot I make them no promises that we will get it running but uh we will see what we can find on it. It looks like it's running I don't know a little Ford 4cylinder or Chevy 4cylinder engine in there I'll get some lighting in a minute and essentially it's a a bunch a big old um air pump I Don't think it has much of an air tank I think pretty much whatever the compressor makes. it probably has a small little expansion tank. Most of it just kind of goes right out the hose on there.

So let's go grab some lights, let's go fire it up, see what it does and possibly be able to uh, come to some kind of conclusion. What is going on with it? Yeah, unfortunately this the top of this thing doesn't come off of here a little. You can tell you you redid the car. you see a bunch of newbies hanging off of it and looks like the take is off.

Suppose we got a choke lever there? somewhere? Here's our control panel, All right. So we got a choke lover that's rudimentary. Oh I think that's going to give us a crank. What do you think? We got a decent choke? Let's see, we can close that.

that's not, um, closing very well. That's all she's got. Let me, uh, pop you in a stand I'll cut my hand over and see if she'll go see if we can do something like this. Want to come on baby, see if we get rid of some of that choke? Maybe it doesn't need it.

We're off to a start. We that wow you Riz that is loud I may try to. Maybe we could take that cap off of there cuz it's probably going to even just take out the microphone on the camera. I May maybe we could shove a muffler on there and or like an exhaust hose and try to muffle this thing a little bit.

Give me a second. I Take a walk down the aisle of junk, see if there's a muffler we can just shove on top of it to silence it a little bit. There might be one here that's going to be too small. We need like a car muffler and motorcycle stuff.

How about a chimney and not finding much thought? I had something L right? What's this right in front of me? That one? Let me see if I can shove that on that top pipe. actually. I'm going to find a motorcycle Muffler it looks closer to the pipe size. Come on, you're like almost there.

We go. Beat the end of that with a hammer that should be able to get in there. You're there. you're almost there.
I Think that makes a nice addition. all. let's open those air valves again cuz that's what chokes it we I shut the air off and it just couldn't keep up. So let's go She little fire up.

Force Now how much noise difference there is I think it's got a manifold leak too. Look all the crap that blew out of the muffler I Think somebody was living in there. It's still coming down. It's like raining.

It's raining in here showing. Anyway, yeah, it sounds like it's got a exhaust leak somewhere in the manifold so we're not going to go screw with that. We're just going to try to get her get her to run. looks.

it might have an intake leak too. that looks like fuel wet fuel dripping down. That's not going to help things. So my thought is seems like the engine itself is running okay.

but let's go fire it up and let's give another quick peek. So I'm looking at the throttle. what's in controlling the throttle? It looks like it's going to be this right here. that's going to the throttle linkage on the other side.

Let's go fire it up and see what that does. So I don't know if it showed up or not that did not adjust at all. so it's pretty much just staying at idle. CU that's the stop for it that bolt.

So that's idle speed and that should be full throttle and that should be adjusting the throttle as the load changes on it. It does not seem like it's doing that. so what would control that? My guess is there's a diaphragm on the inside of that and let's see what's attached to it. The only thing I see is this I think I I See is this for the input and that should be affecting that diaphragm how much it moves I would guess to see by how much pressure it has, right? Wrong.

That thing in the back is the air tank. That's that is the air tank. What it has. for a one which isn't very big, it what looks like maybe four gallons, 5 gallons.

This is the compressor. head down here and so that should get a signal. Apparently air is going through it because air is coming out. The other end is that The only is that the only air that the compressor is making to feed that tank.

That line that line seems a little small does isn't it? I need to stop pointing with the light. So that line is that the feed or is just is that just like a feedback? Let's go take a peek on the other side and we'll see what we got looking down there. What we got? Maybe that big fat line right There is the feed that one down below. That is probably the feed.

They look like they're all tied together though though. Like this. the hose that's running up down to there and where is that one coming from? Wherever that little canister is right there again. I Have no idea.

I'm just kind of. we're going through this together trying to figure it out. Let's go see. we can't see anything on this side, huh? And see, there's a switch down there.
it's not hooked up and this is only used I think he used is it for like he blows out like 12 blow. one more time he blows out like 12 houses something like that and then the thing just gets put away and never gets used until the following year. And it's ancient. You know it's got points and H Let's go back to the other side and my thought is this is not receiving a signal.

All this is air pneumatic, not sending a signal to move the lever or this di frame is just gone. Let's open this up. that kind of looks like an adjustment doesn't it? I'm not sure how that comes apart but let's go throw some wrenches on that, see if you can go, either take that off or remove it if that bell comes off the top of it and we'll see what's inside it so looks like it's got Flats on it like it's meant to put a wrench on it. see if we can get see that'll unturn for us.

I might have to move you else you're going to get punched in the head. There it goes. My guess it's probably like a diaphrag and a spring that's in there. It has like weird tension on it like it's spring loaded.

Get that my hand? The parts come shooting out of it so feel like it's it's going to pop on us. There it goes. See what we got? Got a diaphragm of some sort? Let's um, take a peek anything. It's a little dirty so how would that work? Air pressure would go on one side of it and my guess is there's like a a needle.

It's probably like a needle that pushes down in the center of that which allows air to come through here and as the pressure changes it adjusts to it is that the needle ises that Center Move up and down. Yeah, there we go. That's just a washer or you know what? I wonder if it you think it closes off the air passage down below? Maybe that's what it is? Let's go over to the bench. we'll take a look at this.

This thing feels like a petrified. Rock Maybe it's just that this diaphragm is so Frozen that it won't move I was think about trying to pick that out of there. but I have a feeling like the threads are holding it right I see some cracking in it too? Wonder if that it's just that diaphram. So shot.

let's go see if we can get the uh set screw out of it. Maybe we can kind of push push that diaphragm out. It doesn't come out all the way. Yeah, that sucks.

Let's go pop it in a visce. See, we can go grab the the center of that with a pair of Vie grips. See we can work this out of here. I See Definitely see cracking going around it when if it's not holding air and the Air's going right through.

it does seem to move. Yeah, you think wire cutters get on a little bit? There you go. Yeah. I Don't know what it's like a brass ring.

Don't know what all this is. think that's just crud. you. Think that was something at something at one time might be maybe it was a gasket.

so we had that. that and then that little plate down there is what was getting pushed against from that set screw. so it was like that and it's getting pushed on making the diaphragm push more on the uh valve that opened up to go down below. Kind of wondering if maybe we just kind of crank down that screw a little bit if we can get more out of it, but there's not much.
I Have no idea what this valve is too. So to try to find parts for something that's this thing looks like it's from the 60s so see if you can work that off of there and we'll clean it up and we'll try to. Yeah I think that was a gasket that was underneath it and it's just gone. It's not doing anything now anyway.

So uh, let's go clean this up on a wire wheel. Yeah I bet you that was a gasket that sat out here on this Edge where the brass was and it kind of worked its way into the center. I'm going to go clean some of the stuff up a little bit and we will put it back together and we will try cranking down on it a little bit more. I Don't think that would have impeded its movement right? Make sure I put things back together the way I had it.

Well, that's the side to we're looking at. It was like that and we're looking at it like that, right? And the screw pushed on the center of that. There you go like that. That's how it was.

Yeah, bet you that just doesn't have enough Flex to it anymore. Anyway, let's go clean. clean it up, see what we get I Cleaned up in a wire wheel I Noticed there's a breather hole the top side I Don't think that would make much of a difference. Not can to hold back that kind of pressure, you know? But plus you think it all right.

So it was that the spring, the diaphragm I Wonder if we should do you think this was a gasket that went around the outside edge and if so, maybe we can take like a rubber o-ring or something. Maybe we'll drop I don't know. it's brass on brass. Would it matter on that side of it? cuz all the air is on this side of it, right? The air pressure is here, it's not on the other side.

Would a gasket make a difference? if the gasket fell out of it? Would it make a difference? Would it move the diaphragm into a different location? Good. let me see if I have something it'll fit. If not, we'll just put it back together the way it was. not sure if have anything large enough I Kind of want something fairly thin too right the first time.

All right go with that like that that would get bolted in there and then of course we would adjust. Let's leave it all the way out cuz I don't know which way it works is? Is it you know? Are we influencing it more by running it in or not? So let's leave that backed off and see what happens. That's our adjustment where it was before with the the jam? that was. Yeah.

So if I had to guess I would say air comes in through that port and has to drop down through there. But yeah, if we leave that far enough away, like so what would how would it adjust though, it's all going to fall apart on us. Yeah, I'm going to take an air and blow some of that crap out of there first and then we'll put that on there. Let's take that out of there before it goes flying.
Wonder if that's all one assembly? or if, um, yeah, there's a part number on here? Try to find a new casket for it. We're getting ahead of herself though. You get the I'm G to go tighten that up and we'll give her a shot. I went down I WR it down a little bit just so it's kind of touching the diaphragm.

see if we get any kind of thing out of it. So we're going to look and see if that arm decides to move it all if it starts to run away. I'm just going to shut it down. The Air's already shut off too.

Air's completely shut off right now. Well there you go. Yeah, that dire frame was just not moving. It doesn't seem like that was adjusted or anything because it was all pretty crudded up.

It wasn't like somebody had that apart. I Don't know if that O-ring kind of just fell into the inside of it. Maybe it limited the throw of that diaphragm and like I said where it fell out of where it was I wonder if, um, it threw the adjustment off because the uh diaphragm was sitting taller up without the the gasket above it just over time took itself out. Seems like it's doing everything it should.

I'm going to go over real quick. Just what happened. so it's on a clear side. Okay, just so you understand what is working.

So this is like a quick dump to the outside. If it had another airline it would. this one is going to an airline that curled up in that cabinet over there and then the end of that is open. I Believe it's open.

Find out. Yeah, the valve is open so the air hose is all hooked up and it the air was just blowing out of this end. It wasn't sealed off. So what it was doing is that the carburetor was was constantly pretty much at idle.

just a little up off of idle and it was not adjusting for whatever the load was. Kind of think of like your cruise control in your car. You go up a hill, gives it more gas, go down a hill kind of backs off. well the air compressor when the air is zero.

When the pressure is low, there's not much resistance to go do it. But as soon as it starts getting up to like 100, what's it say? 150 psi. it was up there around. Once it got to around 150 psi, it needed to give the engine more throttle to make up for that.

Instead, it was just staying at an idle and it was not enough fuel just to keep it up to RPM to the point where it would just stall right out when you keep going. So that's what it was. It was just that diaphragm. Well this one's going to be short and sweet.

I thought we're were going to kind of get into it a little more than that I'm not quite sure uh I explained everything correctly as it went along, but I'm thinking uh I think I got it So uh with that guys I think we're going go sign off going to go, uh work on some something else but I want to thank you for hanging out and uh, a little bit of wrenching with me and uh I'll see you next time. Till then later forget to take my uh my chimney off of there F was you? nothing to hold on to.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “Vintage air compressor stalls under load. cheap fix.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff says:

    Short and sweet midweek video is great. They should just replace that whole diaphragm housing with a modern regulator.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ed jovi says:

    your the best !!! leak master plumbing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LifeIsFun says:

    Well that was EASY! …. FOR YOU! 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tau Rota says:

    Awesome as always.Thanks for sharing and taking us along.Happy Thanksgiving

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bumboclat says:

    with the regulator screw all the way out, it will always run full throttle. hard to say how well it would adjust with that petrified diaphragm. guess full beans is fine for what the unit is being used for.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Harrison says:

    2T at the end had a hanging idle …

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stevie G. says:

    You make videos, but I don't so I'd like to share this with you, and maybe you can do a short video to show others how to accomplish this. Just an idea. I see a lot of folks that want the ability to mow with the chute up for various reasons. They use bungies , string or a piece of rope and that to me is so inconvenient. I have never shared this, but I've done this set up on every riding mower I've ever owned and it's fool proof. Use a hook and screw eye's to latch the chute up . Attach one screw eye to the side of the rear fender and two screw eyes to the chute. Test distance before drilling to ensure the screw eyes are in the right location. Attach one screw eye on the chute with a spring, and the other end of the spring to the Latch hook, The second screw eye is also attached to the chute just far enough to just give the spring a little tension so the hook can be latched to that second screw eye firmly when chute is being used . Now when you want to open the chute the Hook can be latched onto the screw eye mounted to the fender to keep the chute up and out of the way. This method also allows the deck to be raised and lowered when the chute is raised. This setup is on my 1999 Scotts S20hp/48 which thanks to you and your videos still runs and operates fantastic, and my 2018 46" Cub Cadet XT1. So simple & inexpensive, but absolutely effective. That setup has been on my Scotts since 1999 with the same hardware I originally used. I hope this helps someone , if not there's always the option of a bungie or a piece of rope. LOL

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon says:

    I think I’d be changing my drawers after being on that golf cart.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Resident Curmudgeon says:

    You ever gonna finish a project before you keep getting another one? This is really getting old almost to the point of UNsubscribing…..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Tricks says:

    Mechanical VooDoo, It is risen to work again.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Blacker says:

    Wow. How often do you get something that is this simple of a fix?? Amazing how crusty that diaphragm and rubber got over the years, but without maintenance I'd probably look like that thing too! Nice work, even though he only uses it a few times at the end of the year, it's one of those tools that you don't use very often but when you need it, you NEED it!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Hammontree says:

    Nailed it!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ludvig tande says:

    Great stuff ❤

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. Goad says:

    Amazing! A Mustie video without a carb teardown. Cool! Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scamp 74 says:

    Im getting a Secondhand Lion vibe with you two riding that crazy built golf cart around the barn.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Adkins says:

    Great video can we get another one for Sunday

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