While on a pick for an old tractor this was near it and was going to be scrapped, so l loaded up this 1962 oddball snow blower and brought it to the shop, lets see how it works and if it can be saved,

What's the story behind this one, do you know this was in a guy's bond and my uncle called me and said: hey come look at this thing. I said: what is it it's a snow blower, it's steel wheels, you got ta be kidding, that's got ta, be! Oh, that looks like 50s 40s 50s. I don't know, i don't even it's a godbird. No.

I think i was like the first snow blower i ever made. Let me dig it out. There sure bailey does have a motor in it. Yeah, okay, take the bonnet off sure it'll come off, it's got like a later briggs on.

It can't be that old. No, it looks like it's got like a um, torque converter or something that runs it westin tool and stamping company minneapolis iowa. That's a cool! Looking right, let's go dig that thing out of there. You want this, i think so.

Okay, pretty cool will run right. There go towards me a little bit all right. There you go now this funky, it's not going to go without a fight. Yeah doesn't want to go back now, so i'm going to stay here.

I don't have to work. Guess what you've met your man we're gon na try, hey guys, how's it going yeah. I was out on a pick for another machine for another video, and this was in the close vicinity of that and i kind of inquired about it and we got it really cheap again. I think he said he dragged it.

They dragged it out of a barn. You know probably 20 or 30 years earlier and who knows how long it sat from that point. So it's been a long time since it's been run and i just thought it was really cool. Looking i've never seen anything quite set up like that for a snow blower.

I don't know it's about 18 inch wide cut there. I'd say i call it a single stage, although it has two sets of like paddles in the back and then i don't know what those posts are in the front, that kind of meant to like scuff up like icy areas and break them up, not sure, then It has even like the wheels on it. It's got, skis and wheels on it, depending on the surface that you're running and, of course, those rear wheels. I don't know if they're powered or they just roll along, not quite sure but uh.

They definitely kind of chew. Up your driveway a little bit, i would think huh won't go flat, though it's a homeco, so i figured we'd grab it and uh, we'll at least kind of figure out what makes it tick, if not, hopefully try to make it run. But who knows what we're gon na find when we get into it? That's just a really interesting piece. So without further ado, let's go pop into stance, go get that cover off of there and we'll start getting into it.

So it looks like i don't know how many horse breaks, my guess is probably like a five horse. Briggs definitely has a not turned in quite a while huh. My guess is. This is like a torque converter.

So if you hit something, it'll have capacity to stall out and it just looks like it's direct drive. I don't know if at an idle it goes away. I do see a chain also running down. It looks like to a shaft that possibly runs the wheels.
Oh, if there's a gear box on it, let's go take a peek. Let's see how much of it's a drive. Shaft that goes across it looks like it's got kind of like a um, a lawnmower. It's got the little gear in the front and then probably runs around a drum that's further out with an axle going across.

You can find a year on this thing. I'm sure one of you guys will look it up all right. Let's uh start seeing what kind of condition that engine's in you can tell it's a snow blower. It's got an air cleaner, just a little deflector on it.

Eric snow blowers run in a clean climate. There's not really any dust, see if there's any kind of there's. Actually fluid in it, i don't know if i would call it gas, but there's some kind of fluid in it. Don't think it's going to run on that that carburetor is a different style, doesn't really have a float.

Ball has like a constant flow pole. I'll explain that later muffler's rotted off of it and i'm also going to give that a pulsar a tug and see if an engine turns at all huh. You did have a rubber mat over the top of it. So i don't know how much water would have gone into it.

That turns it's like that's. Turning too nice, i'm going to go up, pull that plug out of there see some compressor we'll blow some of that crap out of there get the plug out we'll dribble. Some oil in there give it a a saving grace, i'm sure it's a tad bit of rust. I'll put that cap on.

We don't want to get anything in the gas tank. It even smells like an old barn that looks nice and tight. Looks like it's like a normal runner: let's get some whale in there. You think the chances are it's going to have spark get her down towards where the piston is around the piston.

There's two valves. It's a flathead there's a valve here and a valve here intake valve and the exhaust valve, but the piston is further back. It's gon na go level that out a little bit like that, so it's kind of all the way around the pistons and let's give her a couple of tri-tunes. I don't know.

Maybe we can get that chain off of there, so it has a little less resistance to moving. It's definitely needing some love. Hopefully there's a master link in it. You can even see where the chain doesn't want to uh lay straight.

It could be the lumper in there there where it's sat for one position forever. This looks like a bicycle chain: yeah, let's go see if um can find a link on that one. If, actually because this is going to be direct drive, why would it have a torque converter right? You think that kind of seems like it's dead, locked right across it. If you turn it on that side, it's coming out on that side.

Maybe it's just a gear reduction: maybe it's not a yeah. It might be a gear reduction snowblower for men, no safeties whatsoever, you just fire it up and she's going yeah before this. If there's any oil huh, let's put up a little bit fight, i want to break the little tabs off. You know.
Well, it's got oil in it doesn't look terrible, neither but then again they sit forever. All the dirt goes to the bottom so and the water all right, so i have to get that chain off of there yeah i looked around and see a master link on it, so i think it's going to have a date with a cotton wheel. Try to get it on one that food just we could possibly put a master link in it put a new chain on it. Let's go for an audi, it's got a master link now, oh she's dry bottom turns pretty easy, though watch i find it now right.

Oh there was i suck, oh well all right. Let's um, i see some oil caps on it. Let's go dribble some oil down inside that for that, bearing just so that if it's spinning we're not going to go, kill it right away - and i also see like the drive down here - looks like an angle gear. As you can see in all the crud, it's got a bevel gear so that shaft goes across to that gear and then that spins the front - and this must be a clutch in and out for it - to engage and disengage from that shaft.

Let's go get some oil down in there and then we'll start getting into the engine. I guess for our best bet to go chase that first, it takes a lot there you go now, it's full. Let's give her some tugs now that that's off of there get a better feel for how things are moving, feels pretty good. Let's get that out of the way and see if you have any compression now got ta happen.

More likely. One of the battles are stuck in the up position: let's go throw the spark plug back on it and give her a couple yanks. If you have any spark, maybe the next thing, i'm guessing a no on that also, but sometimes they surprise, you yeah, no spark. No compression all right, we have to go dig a little bit.

So, let's get the pull start. Cover-Off's got to come off anyway, because the points are back behind here and we got to get the cylinder head off to get to the valves. So, let's get, hopefully we can do that without pulling the engine. I don't know, there's a bolt down there and same on the other side.

It might be easier to hmm cause. Even if we get the bolts out, can we even get the cover out? I don't think so yeah i meant to just go rip it right out of there and we'll have to attack it as its own. You can get to that one that one's not a problem, all right, four bolts on the bottom, and what are we gon na - need to get that off of there? I think that is just a gear reduction going right across. I don't think it's any kind of torque converter uh.

You could probably separate the front of the snowblower right off of it. It's got a key. I think it's got a key on it. That's the keys for the sprocket.

I was looking for something that ties that to the output shaft and then we can just separate it, get it out of the way. Hmm i'll figure it out. Actually, it looks like we could take this plate right off and not give us access to everything. Good see how many bugs we get out of it mouse nest come on.
Don't tell me, that's gon na stop me it's so close, really bad and we go figure out how to get that out of the way. Let's take the cotter pin out of this end, i should make it. Oh it's been a day or two huh. Definitely it was a spider even for a while all right, we're gon na get down to the points first and then we'll get the cylinder head off and go blow that out with some compressed air.

You just have to get those four screws off and then spin. This big nut off and i'll take that flywheel assembly off of there and i do believe it has points you'll see wires, going down yeah, it's got the points cover on it. I can see it from here the engine to 1962 by the vin number. That's on it the tin there has it so plan b, so uh, i believe it's uh three and a half horsepower too.

Not very big. Is it looks pretty clean in there. Let's see it kind of crud above the points, can you still turn it over? It could be frozen too, not even opening and closing yeah. That's it points aren't closing at all.

The the plunger is stuck now the engine's stuck okay, so we know, what's kind of going on with that, we'll get that cleaned up and uh that little plunder fixed. Let's get the air gun blow it off and we'll get the cylinder head off. So what do we got willing to bet that exhaust valve right? There is not going up and down. In fact, i can actually see crud underneath it can.

We turn it. Let's get the flywheel back on it, let's see what we got. No, it's going down. It's not closing all the way, though there's some a bunch of crap grew underneath it.

I don't know it's not like a white mold or what that is. It's right down. Yeah. Let's go get a pick, yeah right down there.

What is that stuff? This also could have been an issue. You know why it was not used anymore could have failed or something not nothing saying that it just sat - and you know, was a running machine was put away. I could always have had issues. I have a feeling a little bit of crud, though you tap on that a little bit it'll go see how the rest of it looks how the intake looks.

You think it looks pretty decent. What about the bore, tiny little motor huh? That's all the oil. We put in it okay just case there was any rust on it and when i leaned it uh flat, i wanted it to run around the top of the piston evenly kind of coat, all that in case it was cruddy. You know, break a ring or score up the side of it from a bunch of rust.

I don't see a big groove in the top, so i don't think it has many hours on how many hours would you put on this snowblower anyway right? Let's probably get used six hours a year, just climb it around here six ten hours, then again it is kind of tiny. Maybe it took you quite a bit longer to blow your driveway your snow uh. Let's go work on. We want to work on.
Let's go! Try to get spark going and then maybe i don't know if you need to take those valves out, we might be able to just leave them alone and work with them the way they are maybe a little tiny wire wheel clean some of the crap up around Them and see if you can get spark and compression. Let's probably look at the head. Gasket too, it means there's nothing blown out anywhere. It looks pretty even all the way around a little dark all the way around, but pretty even both felt like they were pretty tight too, usually sometimes like.

If an engine gets overheated you're going to take the balls out and they're just like hand tight, because they got stretched from getting cooked and a bit of carbon, i hope you can see it. I'm looking at the gap right there and then there's a little push. Rod down below that's the push rod right. There runs off a little cam down off the crank inside here, so i'm going to go spin that around and that should be opening and closing it's not doing anything.

So, let's see you can get the points right out of there and we'll get that push. Rod out just sits in a groove i'm going to take i'm going to break the ground wire on them. There you go so that little push rod in the center is stuck and not moving up and down, so you can get it out of there. I'm sure it's just grease.

That's a oil! That's turned into like a grease. You know, like a nylon block, a lot of new ones come with them a new set of points. Hopefully you can get that out of there without too much bus. Let me go.

Try it here, needle nose, there's a little ridge on top you there we go. Oh there's your problem that wasn't going to come out of there easy now. Was it i'm going to soak that down a little bit, i'm going to go, look and make sure i have a new replacement before i trash that one trying to get out, and you know just grab it with a pair of wire cutters and we'll we could Pull straight up on it, but i'm going to make sure i have one first, probably just tapped it down too. But what, if i put wire cutters and then needle nose underneath it and get the wire cutters in the groove, i think it needed those underneath.

It has a pry tool put that sucker in there huh come up some though, and that wasn't that wasn't going to free up just by moving it around there yeah on you're. Almost there oh yeah yeah. So that's what we got. Ta go, get cleaned up! That and the board get that moving up and down and uh we'll pop the cover on it.

Real, quick and we'll see if we can get spark to work they'll test our coil on our condenser points, actually don't look too bad. Usually you take these off and there's a big ol thing of fuzz on them, not bad on that one though i shot a bunch of wd down inside, i still got the same one in there yeah that's moving there. We go now she's going it'll blow. Some of that crap out of there and the credits on the side and i'll put a little bit of light oil on it.
It's actually easy. I think it gets a little bit of splash from the engine oil, but again last time this thing's probably turned over was 50 years ago, maybe so that moves fine, just kiss it top of those points real light with a file, i'm trying to grind them and Try just get whatever crud is on them off, it's actually pretty good. It looks pretty good, though a little burn spot on them again. No corrosion, i'm gon na go pop all that back together.

I think from people and myself spinning it over and the rod being frozen and maybe it was freezing up who knows, i think it got a worn a little bit. I don't have a new one. If i did, i throw it in but look at the points gap you can kind of see how large that is it's about 35 000, i'm gon na probably set it about 20. 25.

It's just way too much inside there. This is a what is this 25 right now and she's a tad sloppy in the hole. So it's just a condenser it slides up and down to adjust that so i'll open that up a little bit and kind of bump that condenser up a little bit close up that gap. I don't know if you can see it, but that's more like it.

Something like that, it changes the window of actually changes the timing, the larger the points are open, it uh when it comes off the cam. It comes off the cam in a slightly different spot, so i can alter the where the uh when the the spark plug fires, amongst other things, but that's right. It most effective got ta go shopping for parts. It's got a crack going right through it.

I don't think i did that i might have. I don't know it looks kind of old, though, doesn't it it's not there's no shiny metal in between the crack i'm gon na go hunt see if i can go find that shouldn't be too hard to find. If not, i guess worst case. We could use this one, but didn't even have to look far right in the tray right there from the mini bike.

There's a housing that looks like it'll play at the park. Let's see if we can get this apart and we'll steal the pieces, i think the ratchet on this one was no good losing my balls yeah. I think that on the other one that's kind of beat up too, but we'll switch over to that housing got ta. Go find my walls.

I dug out some shiny ones, oh, that tray from the other. One too. I should do it, which way was that, like that tell by the dirt, and then we've got to get a little snap ring back in there, no oil it'll stick. I want your balls to get sticky.

Do you? I think it's got it good, we'll go spin that one back on there put the pull start on it. Try lubing up that pull start she's, not going back, so we get to go going into the spring. We are we're gon na make a little twang and sound. Probably let's go get a good beefy screwdriver, so my guess is the little tab broke off, doesn't have any connection on the other end make some room part of me coming through now.
You know you know. What's next, don't you, i don't think we can get this out of here without it yeah could i i could see the springs broke already, but it's gon na spaz on us. It's broke right there. Sometimes you can take the tab and bend them over yeah.

The tab broke off the end. It was rusted, rotted, right off and broke. I'm gon na go look and see just like everything else i have. If i have another one in my stash, i'd rather go that route than trying to fix this one, because i feel like it's just gon na break again, but let's go shopping first, just in case yeah that one's much more pretty kind of takes away from the Patina of it, though, doesn't it what the data this one is: we're gon na upgrade all right back to the spark thing: that's where we were, we i'm not seeing anything, still, no spark, i wonder if it has a ground or a kill wire shut it off.

Sometimes, on the throttle, it'll be a shut off wire that comes up and grounds out, don't see when she kind of runs up and when you set the linkage to a certain point, it'll shut it off. I do think we're for some fun, though, because somebody had taken string and tied the governor at full rpm, so definitely somebody's been in there before screwing with stuff. So i suspect carburetor problems or maybe a bunch of different problems. Who knows it looks like it was functioning okay in there.

I want my stash and i found a new old stock setup, so i'm gon na go replace all that with uh new parts that ain't that it's gon na be the coil. I mean, i think we have an engine to go, steal, coil off it too, but let's go try this stuff first! Well, the new points condenser and plug still nothing that coil's done. I didn't need a bunch of love. You spin it by hand.

Let me get spark, we go. Oh it's showing up. You'll just have to take my word anyway right there she's going archaeaki good all right. Let's go get those valves cleaned up a little bit and see if we can get compression back.

I did find walking around my stash looking for other stuff, a new head gasket too um, i'm gon na do a little towel trick too. Just take some memory cut a little slicing for going around the valve. Get rid of that. I'm just going to slide it right under there bottom dead center down and we'll just kind of work it a little too tight.

Let's go up a little bit, try to find right where it just kind of polishes heat a little bit. This works good enough pressure. I still feel like tearing apart trying to get the valve out. We have to we will but trying to take a shortcut if it worked.

It's not a shortcut right. We're going to do that to both both the valves and uh, we'll clean that up put the head back on it little torque, that's a spec a little bit of that, and no i'm not going to make the click sound, but didn't i just didn't! I just do that. You got a feel for it. You kind of know you're, not that sensitive and i wouldn't run anywhere to impact on at least not in front of you all right.
Let's get that pull start back on there. We could actually dribble a little bit of fuel down there. Give her a yank see what it does all right. Let's go see if we get any better compression happening.

Oh it's got ta, be there. We go push my finger off. Let's go dribble some fuel in there put that plug back in the hole i'll set you up in the stadium seating there. Let's go, give a little that to it, just put that choke off and give as much air as we can.

Who knows where the throttles? Don't think it's really going to matter, let's just see if she costs the life, she lives all right good. We know that part's good, we'll be able to have a functioning engine before i get that oil out of there get some fresh stuff in it all right. First, noise, in probably about 50 years, is be my guess, actually guys. I think i'm going to go break this one up right here.

I just want to get to the point where the engine was functional and see if it would run, and we got that far and we'll get into the rest of it later on. I don't want to kind of you know, rush it too much or make the videos too super long, but we can kind of figure out how the gear system works, get that all working, maybe pop a wheel off, maybe get into that and uh also hopefully get Some snow outside we can actually try the thing once it's all up and running, not that i'm getting uh over overly confident. But i don't see anything that's going to stop us from getting her to function like she should all right guys. Is that going to sign her off we'll get back on this one soon that probably the next video you see after this one, so stay tuned and uh we'll go see if we can blow some 1962 dust out of this thing all right, one more time, i'm Talking into it, can you see the the death side of it? Let's fire it up.

Let's see you can get a look from from over there. Probably i'll see you better than i can kind of weird it. It spins this way and then throws the chute up and out that way out. What does it have for a rotating shoe? Does it have a rotating shoe? No, it doesn't.

That's it one direction and that's all you got that's kind of weird, isn't it? You would think that they would just kind of have the chute continue with it. It seems like would have actually know what it does it flips over there. It goes yeah. Oh you got it.

I think we're getting into the next. Oh yeah. Look at that. That's kind of cool, i guess you just get left or right, though that's more like it makes more sense, yeah, less resistance, throwing it like that all right, the compressor is telling us it's time to go all right, see ya.

By Mustie

7 thoughts on “Abandoned antique snowblower, can it be saved?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tech Gorilla says:

    I have been waiting for this (with coffee in hand) since about 4:30am EST.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tas Nikas says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mat S says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Thomas says:

    Hell yeah ! Lets do this and gooooooood morning !

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nav Vet says:

    Sup fellas!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian B says:

    1st! Bwaaahaaaaa!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mi Dixie Wrecked says:


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