after buying a beat up Daihatsu mini truck with a bad engine I liked it so much that this 4x4 came along. and its got a dump bed. lets set it up as a off road work truck by starting with lifting it then adding bigger tires.

Guys how's it going bought a new toy check this one out well as as you can tell it runs perfect. So i got to do some love to and i have some other things i want to do to kind of modify. It a little bit. So we're going to give it a quick walk around you see all the tires are beat each one's a different style one's got a ball snow tire in the front.

I think there's even different sizes on them they get imported after about 25 years old you can bring in the united states and it can be street legal depending on what your state is i was looking for side by side and side by sides are terribly expensive for 10 grand. You get a ready 18 horsepower side by side these are i think they're about 50 horse. Three cylinder again four wheel drive it does not have a differential lock you can get them with that. But this one does not have it so i figured this would be a good alternative.

I think it was five grand. I paid for it don't laugh. This one's got also something else a little bit special to it and i'll show you that right now go check out the inside first so it's right hand. Drive five speed got a a button on the shifter that you push for four wheel drive.

And it's got a high and a low range. It's got heat radio some have ac this one doesn't have it i'll show you what's really cool about this one right about now all right what this one does that is so special. It does this right. I know awesome the beefy system.

Do it too essentially it's a electric hydraulic pump. And it runs the cylinder mid engine fur's like a kitten and the bed is going to need some love too they kind of went and cleaned it up and painted it with paint it was still wet when i got it and i thought now you see they kind of boogered on some household hinges to it. And it heats everything right up you see the rust is literally falling out of it as it's sitting here taking so that's for another day. Though the bed will need to be rebuilt.

But i do like the fact that it has the capacity to do that so let's get her back down on the ground and bring her back to the shop and start getting into her so it's got 70 000 kilometers on it who's that converted to miles let's go give her a couple reps seems like i could find rubs trying to rev. It up might need some carburetor love all right we're in first gear. It's called giver. This is really soft cm.

Too putter around in through here cameras don't show any kind of hills. We're going to be going uphill in a second right here we go around this berm. See how it does it seems like it's fine. That's what crappy tires too boy that's low range.

Awesome big little rigs. I think toyota bottoms daihatsu and i think the hotsu toyota bought tahatsu. I think it was the early 90s or right around this time. A lot of people call them toyotas.

They seem very similar to it even like the layout seems like a late 80s. Toyota pickup truck. I don't think i'm going to make this one street legal. I think we're just going to go use it around on the camp as like a side by side would be but that's what another day to figure out all right let's go bring her in the garage well before we put her up on the lift let's get it maybe pick away at that carburetor a little to get the idle a little bit better hopefully just adjustment.
If not allowed to pull it off and clean. It the good thing about the dump that is there's plenty of room to work on it and we got for something there go grab a little screwdriver and see if we can make an influence on anything it sounds like it's hunting all over the place huh you see what we get there's one. There one there and one there that one's okay let's just try turning the idle up with that fan to kick off and still fluctuating. We may need a cleaning wow wow pop that cap off get an air fuel mix adjustment out of it there we go that sounds a little better a little bit of tweaking air fuel mix idle speed uh this is for the choke.

I gotta reset it when it's cold really kind of you need to look over for any vacuum leaks or anything too. But it seems like it's smoothed out pretty good leave it like that and again. I may have to adjust the the cold idle make sure that's working. But that sounds much better all right let's get her up on the lift take a peek underneath all right let's go check out his soft white underbelly.

And see if we see any issues that need to be addressed a couple of tie downs looks like he's got tie downs. There and there and there it's got a shackle hanging on it cv joints on the front end it looks decent brake pedal. Feels okay emergency brake is a little on the high side. But it does work front differential.

I think when you turn that key off it automatically pops it back out a full wheel drive. I think i'm not positive looks like the same engine set up for those who've been around on my channel. I had a black one of these i was talking about and the engine was wore out looks like it's laid out exactly the same that was an earlier year. And this one this one might be a little bit more horsepower.

And again that one's two wheel drive it looks pretty decent except for that bed. I don't know what they hauled. But definitely corroded it the rest of it looked pretty good. What's that it's an asian bug.

See some jumper wires added to something right there. It's pretty rust free leaf springs on the rear. I had to take the spare tire and put on so anything i've done to it i already forgot. Which one it was it was a little while ago because it kept going flat.

But i do have the spare room at least no 12 inch tires. It looks pretty decent down. Here. I don't see anything standing out screaming.

It needs love the exhaust looks decent uh. I think i would want a skid plate maybe here especially i'm going to use it in the woods. Maybe. We'll do something with that later again as far as the bed is concerned we'll address that at a later date.
I'm going to try looking for something that has a similar size to it if so like maybe a little aluminum diamond plate bed off of something. But it's functional. The way it is for now and see if we got it's not plastic yeah. It's plastic.

So it's not gonna do anything for saving us those wires run right up to the front all right well. I'll show you what i bought for it yes. I actually bought something and we'll start installing that little baby rear end compared to my hand. Now what that gas tank is would you say eight gallons 10 gallons.

And what did i get for you ask we got oil filter. One of those one of those a bag of that for these what are they used for some of you already know it's a lift kit all right let's go measure. What we got before we start just go clear until then real well. I'd say it's three and a half right to the edge of the rubber right around the rim.

Let's go check out the back the fender's kind of on an angle. So we'll just go for the middle of it i'd call that five. I'm going to do the same for the other side just in case is the rear of the other side this one measures six. But i think the only difference is the fender on this side is right up against the body.

I don't think that i don't think it's sitting out of whack or anything and the front tire is the same three and a half same as the other side. What you want to do first front or rear. Let's go do the rear that way we're not doing the carolina. Squat look so these are just a shackle lift.

I'm going to take those out put those in and it should be i thought. It was a two inch lift two or two and a half. I want to say two it's pretty simple. I say that now right man.

It's so nice working on something. It's not a pile of rust. There you go let's go whack on that with a hammer well i pulled down the tires already hanging in the air. But we need that quite a bit let's go lift it up a little she's hanging.

I have to drop the other side for it to go though i will get it new hardware and everything spoiled. I was gonna make the parts. I think by the time. I did that i speak too soon paint's fighting us a little.

I should have cleaned out the paint on the inside yeah. That's cleaned out use the threads to do it nice. Our area is pretty rocky. That's kind of why i wanted the clearance and at some point.

We need to make like i said just get plates suck them up i'll do the same to the other side. We'll let it back down bounce. It a couple of times. See what kind of difference we get all right see we get for our height difference.

Now this one was five you're at a little over six. I would have thought we got a little bit more than that out of it oh well and this side was six. We are at yeah. Seven and a half so probably an inch and a half we got out of it i did tighten it when the suspension was down too so it's not pre loaded.
You know what i mean. It wasn't hanging tighten it up and then try to switch it and then you'd be fighting all those bushings. They're all tightened in their natural spot. All right let's go take a peek at the front.

See what we need to go. And do on those they have to go up inside. Here. I don't know if we i'll guess oh hit the front end up in the air.

And i think we're having to maybe take the seats out to access them just in case. Somebody's doing one of these and kind of using this as a bit of a tutorial one thing. I found on the drivers or yeah drivers right or right rear was the shackle on this side first. I thought wasn't going to come out it's going to hit the gas tank.

You'll see it it moves that far and that's it and you're like oh. What do i do i found you could spin it get it out a little further then take the bushing slide. The bushing out of the way onto the onto the shaft. You can kind of it on an angle.

It will come right out of there yes. I say news well that one's not even tight. Let's go pop open. That door and take a peek inside the top of that strut should be right about here.

Let's see if we can figure out this comes out don't laugh. You don't know neither i'll figure it out found something. What's that say let me read that there we go in there's a way to tie the seat up so it stays there. And there's our three bolts.

Let me go find some kind of bungee or something to lock. That he's into hooking up the seat belt around it seems like i should get it out of the way good enough all right so we got these three here. Let's get that off and oh. We think we have like a center actually no because we we're just adding to this we're not taking the strut apart.

What am. I doing what am. I thinking let's get them out that didn't sound good in different sizes. No you were different size paid no attention to the wrong socket all right.

It's already hanging there hopefully so just kind of pop down for us. We need to be able to get this catch those three bolts on there and then reuse those three locations for that it has an offset. I guess the idea is i guess the idea is when you look raise the suspension. This tower starts leaning in further and further the further you go out so the tire is going to be on an angle.

This is the outside of the vehicle. So you take this offset you swing it out a little further as you lower it and it corrects. It and that's why it has that adjustment to it so does it go like that it has to go like that it's got to clear that hardware is underneath that so i'm going to do my best to get a pry bar underneath that strut bend it down and get this underneath it don't you hate when you notice the error in your ways. When it's too late and there's the strut.

I gotta push down and the suspension is hitting the lift whoops. I gotta try to get that further back so this can drop down. Didn't see that coming made absolutely no difference so you could swing it i could swing the whole assembly out. Oh this room we got to move and not much so we could swing it out just set it on there put it back in we'll get maybe go 2x4 or something and shove it into suspension try to jump down on it oh just stomp on it brakes are going to roll what if we gotta relocate our brake line it's gonna look like it's pretty taut that's looking pretty taut.
Let's go pull is that a bolt back there or anything. No yeah. I think that might be a bit of an issue. What can we do to gain a little more access.

I just want to just try grabbing some pliers and see if we can just bend. The bracket down a little bit. We're gonna need a little more room. Let's see if it even move at all there it goes go watch that i'm gonna be able to bend it down.

But i gotta make sure the tire doesn't hit it too like we get in there. Now you try all right so that's out wiggle that thing up in there so close. If one of you would step on that would definitely make our life. So much easier.

I hope you could rotate it so that the bolts are in a better position. Yeah. You get i gotta get a pry bar. How about a jack handle watch.

It not fit don't want to do close it just falls right in all right let's get these bolted up with my arrow facing right way. Yeah. And we just got to rotate. It like that and pull it back in so there's no nut on that one doesn't work.

Without you nuts just saying i gotta drop. It oh don't drop it oh. It's right there get away you gotta feel with your you gotta see with your hands. You get it let's get that lip that stuff on me.

There we go. That's it one's done now both sides are done i just let it down this won't be an accurate reading. What we got we are at five and a half maybe five and three quarters. But the problem is it's gotta roll a little bit because the front end's a little bit different than the rear the rear.

You're sitting it down on these springs. The front the wheels are like like right now we're like this and as you roll. It the tires can settle down and go straight. So if you just set when you set the car down you're sitting it down like this this wheel.

Doesn't have time to straighten out let's roll a little bit it might change about a half inch or so let's see if it does anything i'm gonna drop it off the lift on the other side. I know it's close. See that did anything for us. Yeah right we're at five right now.

Which isn't bad. So there it is lifted and i know what you're saying you're saying yeah. It's lifted. But it looks stupid.

What's the sense of lift in it i got a fix for that wanna go see well what it needs some of that the front and some of that on the back huh yeah that'll make a decent improvement. Huh hopefully we don't have to do too much i think the back should clear the front. We may have to do a little trimming. But we're going to go forward no matter.
What these are off of my suzuki vinson. Which is uh 2003. And i believe it has the same bolt pattern. Let's get it back up in the air again and pop.

Some tires on it had no air in it so let's just go give it a quick it'll hold like a atv tire. You kind of run like like three and five pounds. I got 12 in it because the extra weight that's going to be on it let's go see make sure we got no bubbling at the beating. That's it for a second.

I know the other tire. The other front tire has a patch in the sidewalk. That's actually why i changed them from the four wheeler so right now. It's got plugs in it we may have to put a tube in it or put a patch or something on the inside of the tire to help support it it does hold air.

I ran it for a while but again this is going to be much heavier so let that sit for a second. See if we can get any bubbling and we'll throw that on i might as well do the back. While i'm waiting right actually we've got a slow one right there now you fix that you just hit the tire itself and the tire. The rubber moves a little bit and tries to help settle it this is the back tire.

It looks pretty good about five minutes or so i'm gonna flip this one over do the same so it was right should be where the smash mark is in the room. Right is it right here around here somewhere looks like it's pretty good. I think we got it we'll flip this one over double check the other side. We'll throw it on here's that tire that's bad these yellow plugs.

I got in it you put like a slice generally you bottom out and it pinches it so the rock gets it on one side and the other and it pinches it against the rim. So there's two plugs in it does look like it's got a very slow leak to it the problem. I was noticing with this tire. Even more now that i wet it you can't really see it just crack it in the sidewall pretty bad right where that was just blowing a bubble.

There and give it a whack so i think i should probably keep a lookout. I'll go on ebay or something i'll try to find two of these tires for the front. We'll just put new ones on them. If everything works out okay.

I think they're atp itp atp 589's there it is right there 1825. 8. By 12 and they say the name of them on them somewhere. Anyway.

Let's go flip that one over make sure. There's no more leaks in there. I'm going to go beat on that with a hammer a little bit. So you can get to slow down.

I'm not going to bother try patching that one i think the tire itself is just too beat. See the cracking right there just for a visual. That's the difference between the front tires old and the front tire is new it should bite a little bit better i'll show you what the back tires. Look like the back should be the same height.
It's just that a wider tire definitely a different cell huh. All right let's get them on there. That's who we got for clearance. Look at where the strut is there how much room we got between the rubbing on the plastic that gonna hurt us and it's grinding on that oh that's gonna be an issue for us.

I'm more concerned with and when the suspension comes down. It's to be kind of right on that tire huh maybe we can trim this door. We'll just take a whiz wheel. We'll knock a little bit of that off of there we could trim a little bit of that too go all the way and spin.

It hold on one sec. Everything else looks pretty good let's do that before we even drop the front end down. While i'm over here let's go trim that and whenever a little bit of that is just for safekeeping. Let's pull off the top let's go get that one to grinder a little bit better.

We go even more on that let's go a little bit more and we'll go a little bit higher up too. We'll go that's pretty good okay. I'm gonna take a flat dish would just kind of clean this edge up so it doesn't cut into the tire. Probably wouldn't hurt to go over that with a welder just close that seam up.

We'll see if we need to go trim. Anymore. Though when we run it around. I think we should be okay now cut it more into that back there i can see it right there.

When you're bottoming out possibly possibly hitting well it's the old tires. You'll see how they hold up they'll put marks where it rubs and we'll just kind of adjust from there i'll do the same to the other side. Well that definitely looks better than that one problem. I see though is that when we lifted it the tie rods.

So that tire is pretty much almost straight to the back wheel and look at this one it's on an angle like that going in so i'm gonna go tweak those tie rods tired bubbling away right out where the plugs are that gives a little bit more aggressive of a stance huh. Plus. A tire stick out a little bit more too so if you're gonna hit the tires will hit before the body does at least in the back so you are looking for clearance. These have been offset the wheels.

I don't think love is much of an issue. I gotta get under there shall we look oh you got plenty of room. There's nothing that's gonna hit on that nice all right. I wonder if we i don't should extend those bump stops or not i think.

It's necessary only thing. I'm thinking of if we load the bed up. Then i might have an issue let's go set that back down we got to deal with the front tire rod assembly. Kind of get them tweaked in a little bit better what they are i rolled it back and forth a couple of times and made the steering wheel straight and this tire actually looks pretty good hopefully we can get all the adjustment out of the the left hand tire tie rod get that one to be squared off actually now that it rolled.
It actually looks pretty good that one's actually fairly lined up i'm gonna leave it alone why screw with it right yeah. It doesn't actually look too bad. Now. It might have been just a preload from letting it down like i said before you let it down the the tires bite into the rubble.

Then the suspension kind of pushes down on them changes the angle. Maybe that was what was affecting the tie rods uh battery. In it sucks let's go change that out to something that's a little bit more suiting for lifting a hydraulic bed. That looks just so much better doesn't it get rid of that kind of wimpy look it had to it i thought it was a wimpy truck.

But okay. It was this is the battery that's in it and it's kind of an odd size. I'm sure we could probably go get a replacement for it that would just fit right in. But even look like looking at the battery terminals.

See that the the posts are much look at that one. I think it's puny compared to a normal one so we're gonna try replacing it with that i measured that out it's the same width. It's deeper. I think i think the height was the same and the width was the same it's just a little bit deeper.

I used the same in the other truck as long as the battery tray kind of matches up to it we should be able to get that fudged in there and we'll just paint uh cut off the ends or on both the ends and throw the old repair ones on it. See how it works out for us. I think what they did when they shipped it over they put a crappy battery in it and took a good one out of it so everything was really loose. And then this was on there take it up a little bit of room.

So it would go tight on the terminal. And everything was just kind of thrown together and because that wouldn't that want to be facing the other way anyway and kind of locking down on the battery. Like wouldn't that be something like that and locked in just saying listen we got used car dealers all parts of the country right was it supposed to lock onto that maybe just holds it from going in too far. Let's go plop.

The other one back up in there. And see how it looks pretty good. It's under that i think if will that hold down with the whole bag and go can we even use this still. It's gonna be over the top of it though right let's get rid of that now.

I think we might be just better off with maybe like a heavy one of those big rubber bungee cords or maybe we'll make something a drill going across that let's go get the terminal set up first and then we'll jump on however. We're gonna hold this on there remember no sparks around the battery just peel. That jacket back a little bit and loosen those two up clamp it down. I'll be there look what am i doing the hot so it's got i think.

This is going right to the the pump for the winch now for the the dump we'll slice it right here. We'll just leave the eye hook right there. And we'll just use the two bolts that we'll bolt them down instead of trying to pinch the cable. See how that works out that'll be a better option for us we'll pinch that one i'm gonna go clean that up what we'll do is we'll pinch that one underneath it because the hole is larger do something like that and bolt it down i just want to clean that up and throw some grease or something on it something like that remember never ever hammer on a battery that terminal fits like crap this one's disconnect us you can get that squeeze together enough.
We can get a bolt in it seems like it's kind of crushed. When i started with it let's even get the other one to bend a little it feels like it's going to snap. If i go any more than that we get it yeah should be fine. It's like lead.

You know i'll get it on there that looks pretty good give me a little bit of that and still trying to come up with what we want to use to hold it down in place especially. When it's going to be bouncing around the woods. You know i'm thinking. If i wonder if we should take like maybe some all thread or threaded.

Rod and drill a hole and try to capture it but like push it all the way forward and just run a rod maybe right through. There maybe we can do that. And we'll also put like a little black bungees around it just to hold tension forward. I would think that would get it though you'll see what i got for a piece of threaded rod.

Like that ideally you kind of want something that catches the edge and pushes down and forward at the same time the back side's already captured with that piece right there. So let's go shopping. There should be a tote here and we need something i might do right there. Because you can find some nuts that'll fit on that yeah.

I think that'll work punch us a couple of holes. And then we'll trim it down after we get it bolted together plus. You know what too if we bolt. It probably squeeze.

The sides together a little bit kind of give it a little bit of a little bit of that tension on it to make sure that that terminal doesn't touch that that one's fine that's ground so we want to be right. We'll be right there. Let's eyeball that on the other side. Let's see right about there good for that one do the same on the other side.

We need to be right about there we know it's right at the bend all right oh there think i got it i think i screwed up ding ding. So a little there we bigger snug just the way we want it bolter up. I don't think that's going anywhere. I'm gonna throw another nut on that side and another nut on that side just to lock them from backing off and here's a little trim off the top.

I think downfall you see is it could be a little exposed to taking a hit. But that's kind of where it was originally it's not like i changed the design plus. The tire does sit out much further than that so what do you want to do next. Let's look at the tires.
They actually look pretty good they have 12 psi in them again atv tires are meant to run like five depending how heavy it is i got 12 in them the contact patch is decent on a tire. It's it's not just touching in a very small part of the the base of the tire. If you look say if you drove over a piece of glass that the footprint of the tire. Would actually be like almost the width of the tire.

And then maybe about probably about that one about five or six inches is the contact as it goes over terrain the the knobbies actually when it goes and they get flat they actually get closer together. They actually grab the ground as they're going over things so that looks like it's fairly decent there right i got a decent bite to them we'll see how they do and again how much when we put a load in i think like i said i think it has a 700 pound capacity. Which means you're gonna put a thousand in it at least. So let's go take a look at the bed itself just give ourselves an idea what's happening here again they cleaned it up trying to make it look good as you can see there's it it's crap.

You know the bottom rotted out. And then they laid another piece of metal over the top of that and then that rotted out i don't know it's hauling salt or what whatever it was kind of you know did its number on the rest of it looks perfectly fine. I don't see any issues with that and like i said before then they painted it just to try to make it look better. But it's it's not even dry.

It's it's been a while too and like i think he did it it was so cold out it wasn't sticking so again. He's just trying to make it look aesthetically better and i'm sure you lifted this thing up. And it was just a pile of rust. So i think these beams may or may not be okay.

They're not even solid. All the way around they're just kind of like a c channel. And i don't know if we're going to end up replacing all of it or part of it the width of it is over four feet. So.

It's not like you could just use a sheet of steel and work from that which i would like to maybe. I'll order one that's one piece and we can just kind of rebuild the whole thing because it's kind of i don't know if you just see it it's not all that much holding it together when you let it down. You actually see the pivot point in the center of it the center of the floor. Just kind of like relaxes and drops down.

So it's pretty crappy. But as long as the rest of it's okay and pretty decent and what happens too when you let it uh up and down you've got little catches that grab the tailgate and the tailgate automatically opens and then when you drop it back down. They grab the tailgate and lock the heel gate shut again. But i kind of like all those components on it and on a regular pickup.

I think these sides will drop down. Also you can take them off. I have no idea what this is i let this just try to be something up or or what they were doing with that i think that's going to be for another day for us. I'll be a project in itself.
Right let's go fire. It up and see how the cold idle is working. So you've got to go tweak that a little bit fire. It's actually not terrible.

It should be i think around two grand that she kind of sounds like about right still doing that that little bit of hunting as long as that goes away and warms up i really don't care. See how's the bed comes down this finger the the gate drops back in its place. And then this finger comes over and locks over so the bottom of the gate is locked again then you can just if you want use like a regular pickup truck flip these up and it'll just drop down like a little tailgate well. I can tell you one thing on pavement is something that you wouldn't want to drive on the road with these tires.

Listen let's see how it is in the dirt the dirt's got give to it so i'm gonna bounce her around see if we get any bottoming out. I think we should be okay on a straight just when we go to turn the wheels. I know the plastic is gonna rub on the wheel wells let's go see what we get i think the front struts are pretty beat. Also definitely floats over the sand better than with the other tires.

That's pretty good let go of the wheel. See if it wants to go straight kind of bring her back in that soft sand. We're just in two wheel drive right now too that's not terrible the front's pretty good mushy. Though compared to the other truck.

We'll try it two wheel drive. We're in too high there's two that's putting the first so she'll get stuck at all this is the really squishy stuff not bad. It doesn't even need the four wheeler. Let's um put him idle seems pretty good when it's warmed up.

Yeah. Let's go back back up yeah. It kind of floats on top with it before it was sinking in let's go with a four wheel first gear. Yeah.

It's behind us often on the road. I had to pull on the coming out of the garage. And it was really kind of clunking away that something fell off of us these are really pretty cool. I like them especially for the money how much they are you know you can see them like five and ten grand is what most of the stuff is let's go pop you understand i'll go put it around on the outside and see what it looks like so so me so um.

That's pretty good the front struts are you can hear i don't know if you can hear it clunking that's just fine. I don't know it's not even rubbing on the mud flaps. I think i'm going full tilt from side to side well alright. I got you guys running shotgun.

A little off roady kind of let's see how we make out here. We got a bunch of trees down in the trail. It's a wet spot up here. It's not finished being built.

We'll do our best to get over it see how we make out you got it i got a b in here. I want to get rid of you can leave now go ahead that way go leave bail. That's not the way out. I want to swat at oh.
Well that one might be a little tough to get over hey. I mean. That's the right all right now we're going to make that left swing between the trees hey i put my first dent in it sometime right. I think we got a big rock in front of us.

We're not gonna clear so. This is why i needed the four wheel drive over the two wheels. I think the trail gets better out through here let's go third. Where is it well guys we have to cut it short cuz.

I think i got a tire going down oh that front tire is not all that great i'm gonna go whip her around and the wildlife is starting to come in here too attacked by all the critters mats and flies and i think that's a tick. You roll up the windows. This is why you want to buy one of the ones that have ac all right guys. I'm going to go my best to limp her back before tire goes all the way down.

And i have to put one of those little tires back on that might be an issue. I didn't think it was going to hold up long. I probably leaking right out of the plugs. There's the cracking.

I was talking about as long as i hold there for five more minutes. If you get me home. I'm good let's get a little freehand. Holding you might be a little shaky.

You might be a little less shaky. We'll see how it goes climb over a rock food. There we go you guys want to see what it looks like from out there crossing those logs. I'll set you up so i want to thank all you guys for hanging out with me.

We're gonna get more done on it i gotta rebuild the bed. Yet like i talked about and some other stuff that just needs to be addressed. But that'll be for a different day so with that i'm gonna sign off and say thank you have a little bit of fun with me do a little exploring you want to get new front tires. We'll do it again all right guys.

I'm going to sign off.

By Mustie

12 thoughts on “Bought a ratty mini truck, let the fixing bigin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike luke says:

    They put little tractor type off road tires on them here in New Zealand and use them in the vineyards, you almost can't get them stuck 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Bess says:

    You find all the fun toys..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cheapasstech says:

    This thing looks like a John Deere gator now 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Smith says:

    L o L When your driving this Dihatsu sounds like Crustie !!! 😇😇😇

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prndownload says:

    I had a battery suddenly go in my Ford Focus last week. Was able to roll start it because it's manual. Unplugged a C90 harness connector in the fuse box and even though I plugged it back in seemingly fine it kept throwing up engine malfunction and was immobilised. I'd have never checked it again if I didn't do some reading and find that apparently you just need to unplug and plug it back in until it eventually works 🙂 Thankfully mine worked the 2nd time but I saw someone else say it took them an hour.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Novak says:

    When old days I learned older man transmission repairer taught me how to seal beads using transmission fluid drop air out and when air started stop leaks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Rosa says:

    This is a Sweet Little Ride hope to see more on it soon

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Wittman says:

    Muste1: I know you want the ground clearance but if you should decide to buy new tires, you might consider getting some that are maybe one inch smaller diameter. You wouldn't lose that much clearance and there would be less chance of tire rubbing.
    Also I wonder what new front struts cost? You're sitting directly above them. Might be safer; less excessive lurchng around in the rough.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor T says:

    That’s really good sand is a pain in the but for most trucks that thing is making it look easy

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DSMattitude says:

    Nice score with the dump bed! I got to work on a mini van version of one at work a couple months ago. We called it the TicTac 😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Highlordratick says:

    If you want it to run right you have to replace the squirrel every 6 months or 10k which ever comes first, it's in the service manual. But to be serious you always come up with the coolest junk.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco McDowell says:

    There's a guy the next building over that lifted his and made it an off-road truck with a homemade camper. It's pretty sweet. But every year for his JCI, he has to reconfigure it back to stock or the Japanese won't pass the inspection. I'm not sure if it's a truck mod thing or his mods aren't standardized. I mean there are plenty of fake race cars around here that seem to pass JCI with all the junk hanging off of them.

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