While on a pick for vw parts, l came across this 1/2 scale vw dune buggy fiberglass body, then that weekend found this dingo go cart frame if rough condition. followed by a free 13 hp engine, now the fun begins. lets try and make it all fit together.

Hey guys and how's it going I was on Facebook Marketplace looking for a set of wheels for an air cooled VW that I have and I went there. this chassis was sitting there, it's a basically a miniature Volkswagen dun buggy shell and I said what do you want for that and we came to the conclusion of 100 bucks so that came home with me the following weekend. I went to uh a local swap meet New England Dragway they have it last Sunday of every month and this was there I think it's a dingo go-kart and looks like again it's been sitting out in the weather for a long time. No engine on it, pretty much just a metal frame and some wheels and I was kind of wondering possibly will the wheelbase match up with that chassis so I grabbed that also for 100 bucks and last but not least friend of mine Dan gave me a call I still had the chassis on the back of the truck and he said I went to my local scrapyard and this was there I think he said it was either a generator or a pressure washer that it was running and that other part of it was no good but he grabbed the engine.

So my thoughts I think you can kind of relate is to see if we could possibly put these three pieces together. If not, you know maybe we work with something else. but I think it gives us a good start huh? So let's go take the middle piece right there. we'll get it over on the lift.

We'll kind of give ourselves an assessment what we have and start doing some wrenching, some torching, and hopefully try to build something out of those three pieces. All right, let's get into it. Come get that ass end up in the air. There we go, kind, spin things and see how they look.

Let's give our a general Overlook on the chassis itself, no seat I See one pedal probably be the brake pedal I Don't see anything for the throttle we got for steering. Kingpins are a little on the Frozen side bearings. noisy on that one. That one's quiet.

All right. let's go see what the back has to offer. There's something in the tire. It's got a brake band drum for the brakes.

Look like that's pretty bent. How about the sprocket sprockets? Got a whoopy doing it too. The axle doesn't look too bad though. Looks fairly straight.

see wobbling on the tires. good I think um, while we're screwing around, let's go throw some air in the tires and we'll see if they hold. I Don't know if they have tubes or not that doesn't look like a tube that looks like a regular valve stem. Let's go throw some air in them.

right now. they're kind of no air but so stiff they hold thems up. Yeah, let's go throw some air in those and we'll do a continue our assessment and we'll check back on them. I'll put like 10 lbs in each one.

well in a bit that one says zero. Yeah nothing. I don't know if I said the chassis was 100 bucks also. So the car the fiberglass body was 100, the chassis was 100 and the engine was free I think that's 10 eight going to do the same to the other ones and we'll go do something else.
I think the tires grew a little bit. it's H in the lift. go clicker up one. There you go.

So the one on the other side's got some dry rot and cracks in it. I'm not too sure how long that one's going to hold up. This one doesn't look too bad. Yeah you tell where contacted the ground.

it's usually where they fail. See some cracking on that one but this is the one that has a bunch of it right? There's the worst. Let's go give a little bit of a spray a soap spray on them, see if it's leaking through. it might have a tube for that one.

Is that a there's a patch right there? an old one it go spray down. probably get a away lwn more tires if we have to. let's just see what this does. Give that plug a good shot.

All right we'll check back on that. Uh I'm going to actually do with the other four and a quick assessment. we have a small one going right there. seems to be about.

oh we got bubbles blowing on the side. Yeah, that side walls beat. That's a good one too. I'm looking at the uh axle.

Looks like the nut is loose. like they never tightened stuff up. maybe took them apart. I don't.

If they were trying to fix a flat, think we give that shot a sidewall shot. Yes, that's going to be an issue. Uh, as far as the chassis is concerned. I think the upper bar right there this you call a bar roll cage comes down.

It's all part of this frame. Looks like we can unbolt it. actually there's only one bolt holding it there and then where it meets the back rest, we'll unbolt it. We'll get rid of that cuz I don't think that chassis is going to want to fit inside that fiberglass.

Shell Let's go take a look at the Shell Yeah, it's looking pretty skinny. I'm going to grab a tape measure. we'll measure that distance going across in there. and we got an idea of 21.

Let's go look at the chassis and this looks wider than 21 to me. 25 to the outside edge. Roughly All right. Yeah, let's go get this cage off there.

and then we'll try dropping that shell on there. See how we make out but the weight reduction begin. We could always put it back on later if we find if to use it. Let's go for the shell.

Oh wa, how well do you want to play with each other other than the steering wheel? Draw it up as far as we can. Let's see if we can click it over the wheel a it's right there. We might be able to use it just as it is. Let's go have to take the wheel off to do it though.

that looks good like that. They call them gassers. Yeah, so the wheels kind of fighting it. Let's um, see if we could take that wheel right off.

Looks like we're probably gonna end up trimming this anyway. Be trimming a lot of things. See, we get it to drop down. What's our wheel base look like? Looks like the body can go back a little and the front's got plenty of room to work with.

And can we go? Will it go back at all? It's already sitting on that bar. It's about as low as that's going to be able to drop again. Another, we need room for the engine. anyway.
that's a pretty tall motor so the back might have to stay like that. All right, let's get the uh steering wheel off of it and see if we can get that nose to drop down and get a better idea what's happening. How do you think that's held on? I Don't see anything to pop out of the center and I might have a set screw right there? Yeah, go peek in there. See there like a pin or something we can knock out.

It's kind of poking around what was going on. There's a bolt and looks like the bolt was Loos and they jammed a tie wrap in with it. Let go get a socket on that, see if it'll come out of there. I think it's a wrong size I think it's not 716.

Let's see what happens. Yeah, putting the wrong tool in the wrong hole would think it would just kind of put a nut and bolt through it. There you go, You think the chances are that's just going to fall right off of there? Yeah, I didn't think so. let's get something to try to pry underneath it and or beat the into submission.

My guess is is the metal collar under there and the two of them are going to weld thems together which kind of sucks cuz you can't put heat on that cuz you're just going to melt the wheel. Let's see if I can, uh, come up with a puller proba with a pull it too. we need to be able to push off the center of it h it's coming off just doesn't know it yet. can't tell if the middle of that is the actual post that's coming up.

Let's go hit it with a drill and it's all plastic all the way through. I think it's Hollow too. H I may egg it out some more till we get to metal and then I'll be able to put a puller on it. We can catch the jacket somewhere.

Other part too I Wonder if I was able to hook the body over the front of the steering wheel first and then drop it down B Great hitting something I think maybe we'll try the uh, an impact hammer from the bottom? Let's go give her some lube first. I Don't think it's going to do very much. but actually I wonder if we can, um, can we twist it now? the bolts? not it. If we can get it to spin on it, you know that's what happens when it's got 20 winners under its belt.

Hammer Time It said no. All right, we're going to come up with something different. Looks like has a hose clamp is the stop for how far the shaft can slide up. If we can lift that up out of our way, might be able to get yeah, do something like that.

Should probably take the tie rods off. Let's see if I can get the body on there now. that might be enough room. Should probably just disconnect the tie rod end.

I Could probably get it to go up further. Come on there you go. Got a little bit more the way to seeing what we're working with. Let's go with.

it's kind of like notches right there. Leave it sit like that. It's got notches like it was already cut to fit around some kind of frame. I'm looking at that one right back in there and this one actually kind of lines up to what it would need to be.
Are we clearing? now? we're not on the other side of that wall? I Wonder if we could spread it to fit over that? It's close. All right. How we looking looks. pretty cool, doesn't it? Um I don't know I Think maybe we should grab the engine and set it in there and see how how much clearance we have for that.

I'm definitely not opposed to cutting stuff up and making it fit so and it's probably what's going to happen Tire Starting to look like Santa Claus Isn't it no leaks there? Yeah, let's go take a tape measure to the engine height and we'll see what we got. And we also got to try to figure out where we're going to line up with that sprocket. I Think we can move that sprocket around a little bit. That's a big engine.

I Don't know if it shows in the Vi in the Uh video but they compared to a mini bike engine. so it's looking at like 17 to the top of the gas cap. See how much room we got on the shell? It's going to be close. Let's go like this: Get some dirt out 16 so that shell would have to push up another inch.

I Wonder if we can take the engine and maybe take some of the stuff off the top of it and make it a little shorter? Let's looking into that. What we got for a power source air cleaner can come off Muffler can come off and actually the gas tank can too. Maybe we can kind of tweak things a little bit. Plus we'd cut a hole anyway for the uh gas cap to come through I think there's was there two holes on the top of that already? Let's go get this up on the bench and we'll do a little bit of dissection.

Probably should see if it runs. it's going to take a peek at this thing. Impression: It's like the exhaust is loose the shaft. it's got the bolt in the center of it and I'm guessing that's like a maybe a 1in diameter and how we doing for Earl some in there it's low.

It's not worse to go check it out though. go see what we got for gas. Any gas I said didn't he had it running it. Condition that's in it is bone.

There is not an ounce of fuel in it. If you drained it or drained itself, it is bone dry. Probably just put a little something in the spark plug hole. Give her a yank and see if it'll fire over for us.

Yeah, let's go. Uh Tank's empty already anyway and we're going to need to kind to get it smaller. so let's go do that. Let's get R of the tank.

let's get rid of the air cleaner setup and the muffler and we'll try stuffing it up there. We still got to see if it's going to fit within that base plate too. What is that? That is? something different? What is that? I don't see any air cleaner neither. I Don't know what this uh, apparatus of this thing does though.

Maybe like a carbon canister for emissions. What we need to do to get rid of that. Let's um, it's got some weird bolt on it too. that's not what should be on there.
A slide off here. we go and move throttle free. let's get that muffler and the air cleaner off. I said air cleaner.

it's it's the muffler on. out of the way. and for the air cleaner we got two going up from side. Can we get in there with this? There couple of tens there that bolt out of there.

we free n something still holding it. probably under this cover. Got get a screwdriver to get the fuel shut off off of it. Think this is a 10 on the side here? Yeah we had one more hiding under that cover.

It looks like again. I Went through a scrapyard I Wonder if they drained the fuel out of it because the fuel line is either broken off or cut off on the end of it. Oh, we're not I'm playing there it goes. Yeah, that makes it a lot shorter.

huh? Say it's probably about 12 High Kind of want to make our own exhaust anyways. go grab tape measure see how tall it is so we are at yeah TW 12 to right here there a governor linkage is sticking. Let's call it 13 to be safe. I'm going to go get like a bungee or a ratchet strap or something.

I'll take the shell I'll tie it to the the rafter above it and we'll lift the shell up out of our way and we'll try place in the motor and if we get happy with that, we'll uh, lower the body back down see how we can make out. It's at least one lb lighter so there's the output side. Get up there the it would have to be. Well, we can kick that sprocket over too.

Let me, um, let me get a little piece of wood to shim it. see that kind of eyeballs for us? Like we could probably either cut that base plate. Actually, the engine wouldn't be bad sitting in the middle like that. I Think we can kick the sprocket over because we're gonna have to get a clutch on there.

The other thing too is the distance that's pretty close. Let me go look for a clutch I may have one. Another project I'm working on was, um, looks like it'd be a similar setup to this. I'm going go see if I have a clutch for it.

Ah yes, it pays to be a pack rat that the right one. It was pretty good so we would have to get. might be able to flip it over too. Can we do that? Think it works the the direction? Get the the sprocket a little closer to the center.

how's that look? Pretty good I wonder if um we get enough bite on the Chain I think we'll be okay the closer it is the less teeth that you're grabbing on the clutch and we looking on that base plate. just the holes a going to pop in stand so it seems like it would have to come way back anyway. so we either cut that one free or not. Let's um rock that back to about right there and get a little skinnier piece of w.

We'll try lowering that shell on there and we'll try to see front to back, side to side how it's going to line up for us. Think we might be okay. this is going to be close on the back of the shell I Think let's go lower that. yeah, so might be to notch out around that license plck two for it to stick out.
I Do have a smaller engine. What fun is that? I See that's far as the seat rail is concerned. it's as far forward as it can go. We could probably slide it back maybe a hair.

It's kind of looking good that distance is looking pretty decent right there. and could we go lower like if we have if we Notch that oh, there's a rib there, huh? There's a rib right here, holding the shell up a little bit. Of course it's probably right in the center too, right? Yeah, let me grab a light. Yeah, there's a rib right there.

I Don't know if we maybe could shift the engine over to squeeze it between. Now it's dead center. it's just one. Of course, it's dead center I Don't know.

and we could slide the engine forward about 2 or 3 in. Let's do that. I Don't think we're going to clear that plug set up. We're still have to cut around that that piece right there.

Let's go kick it Forward just a little bit. I Think that's all it's got It's uh, you can grind whatever that tab is right there. That's where the fuel tank I Think sat that tab right right there before. I Grab another 1/ inch off of that exhaust will kick out here.

We can make a muffler coming out. That shouldn't be an issue. Carb is still on it. We get an air cleaner on it I Think we could work with that.

I Just like to be able to drop that body down a little bit more though. huh? Then where that plug is is smashing up against the fiberglass. I'm looking right there. Yeah, so you can grind that tab.

kick that forward a little. Now we looking inside. I'd like to be able to drop the shell down I like almost get this flush. Maybe I think we're close.

We can get rid of that plastic that's up there too. That's the uh, just a controller. We could relocate that somewhere else. It had an engine in it once before.

actually this combination was never together. What about, um, the sitting in it? Is there? enough room? cuz you got to look. That's where the floor would have normally sat on a chassis. How much higher it still is? it's still up.

You know, good three Ines in the front, yet what's holding? What's that sitting on the steering column keeping the nose from going down? Yeah. I'd like to work that whole shell down if we can I wonder if we could take and Notch the frame. A little like if we take, you know, maybe an inch off of each side and kind of shrink those rails in or out. Either way, right to clear the body.

My guess is in cuz we got an angle right there. H So I'm going to take a little bit of time I'm going to continue to pick away and see what we can come up with as as far as um, making room and trying to get the body to line up better on there. Again, like I said I have another engine if I have to. It's like a a 6 horse probably be.
you know, 20% smaller than that. but I want to try to get this one in there I think I looked at it enough I think we're going to do some cutting. so my thought is we're going to knock about maybe an inch off of each side right there and it'll allow this bar to come in. and then this plastic can.

this fiberglass can drop down made up with that Notch and the same on the other side. We'll knock off roughly about an inch out of that and hopefully those two sides will squeeze in. and then we can use the two locations where it looks like pipes already went through previously. and I think the front should bend.

We should be able to bend that one in like a big C clamp. And as far as the steering, what was that big steering column? let's go chop something like that off right there. going across, allow this Dash to kind of drop down a little bit. Look how close you think I got to being an inch on that.

That's an inch right right right there. H You do the same on the other side. no turn it back. now.

get in there. it's pretty thick. I'm going do the same to the other side, going to take a flapper disc and clean up some of these edges and we'll try drawing it together if I can. I'm going to get a tack on each one of them just to to hold it.

We still have to deal with the rear end part of it. you know, take a notch, maybe out of the center of it of it. We should probably cut this right out and I wonder if I should do that now or not. Let's um I like to only do one cut on this is going to have to get moved anyway.

So let's go cut it here and here. Get this off of here and we'll take I'll measure those two pieces of pipe right there and we'll put them together and we'll cut that much out of the center of it. and uh, might be able to get a piece of pipe in the middle of it too to help support it. We weld it, always put angle on it too over the outside they're still warm.

it's only metal right? We always put it back so we need that much cut out of it to be roughly the same out there. Let's go chop that out and we'll I'll cut these two. Also got to get some new big batteries for the saws off. I'm going to switch over I'm going to try I Used this in the past.

it's a metal blade diamond cut. I think there was something up with I think it might have thrown like little shards at you. Let's go try it again. Let go finish off the SI off That should kind of spring together.

what's holding actually I think the the bearings might be holding it on the axle. Let's um I'm going to go clean this up I'm going to see if I can find a piece of pipe that will fit in there before. I try to close that so that we have a little bit of a lateral support. So I found a can of like mix and match ends.

This is the ID probably could work, but I'm also thinking too, we might be able to slice this in half. We can put this together, weld it, and then clamp this on both sides of it and weld this solid over or something like this. So let's um, grab some, clamp it and see if we can squeeze that rear in together. get a couple tacks, do a little bit more proof of concept.
Instead of committing to everything, we're still trying to get that body to fit and the engine to fit. see if a couple Harware Freight cramps, cramps, clamps could give it their all other side's moving this fighting in some more. How about we? Double Indemnity I'm going to go on the other side and put one there trying to think what else I have for a a decent. Definitely going to need something beefier than that's a squeezer together cuz we're trying to bend those tubes in the front going throw on the back too.

let see if I get the back to kind of squeeze in a little cuz we're trying to. uh, right now we're trying to torque these up into themselves. What if I I'm a little bit heavier? Yeah, I might try putting something across here and see if we can get this part to draw. The axle might hold us up.

If so, my thought is maybe we just unbolt the axle and drop it right out. For now, get it out of our way and we'll worry about finagling that after the game. That's out of the way. y squishy.

It wants to squish me out. Oh yeah, that moves a lot easier. I just draw the back two together. I'm going to see about I may have a come along.

We'll wrap a C along around the front and try to give a little squishy. Actually, let's go try those clamps again. Under there we go. The back is touching.

Kind of screwed up on my calibration because it would make sense that you're going together on a taper. the back is already almost touching. Uh, actually, if I get those wings to bend I get them to bend up, it may be okay. Probably do the same.

So I said I'll think I come along I'll try wrapping around it right here. If worst case, we'll throw some heat on these and get them a little soften and then they should be able to bend up. Let's see what that power persuasion does for us there. This side's touching.

That side's got about a quarter inch there. I Think if we get a tack on them, just kind of hold it in place. we'll drop the body back down on it. It'll give us a better idea again.

I'm not going to weld anything up until we figure out how everything's going to fit together for us. Plus, you know if we're happy with that, we'll throw some heat on here. It'll relax it and of course, we're kind of pinching it on an angle. again.

we're just trying to figure out how it's going to fit. Let see if we could force that one into a better spot, one of you would stand there. I'm going to strap the chassis down to the bench I Get a little bit more leverage on it, pull it into location. Let's try that.

Try pushing down on it instead of pulling up. almost. stay on a tone. Now let me get a piece of angle for the back and clamp it to it to straighten these two out and get a couple tacks on that.
Think it'll stay I Think so. close enough. For now, we still got more more tweaking to do, but we're not sure if we're going to cut some more. All right, let's um, we got to cut the little lip for the steering wheel.

get the rid of the come along and we'll try dropping the body back on see how this blade does. We can trim off more if we need it, but for now kind of sneak up on it right? Magic Moment Let's go drop this puppy on there. I Suspect it's going to fight us on the taper a little bit, but let's go see, we are sitting on the two bar. Yeah, those little angles are getting us down below.

the front can actually go upward. you know? it's also holding us the rest of the engine plate so we'll cut this right out of here that'll allow that to drop down into those notches. anything. the place that we see it's getting us is right there on both sides.

but let's go get the engine pled out because it may the angle of the seat. If we able to come down it may be able to go forward a little bit again. I Like to not cut out what we need, but we have to just trim a little bit off of these. We back to regular cutting wheel wasn't all that impressed with that thing.

probably why I took it off in the first place. That's more like it. It's sitting in those uh, channels that we're talking about. plus it'll make it easier to attach the body to that in the future.

and a little bit of Shaving but not much. We're almost at the uh, the Apex on both of them, so let's uh I know I got to throw some heat to straighten that frame out. but let's I wonder if we can. maybe the axle? the axle sits lower I wonder if we can take probably just make a new cradle at this point I Don't know.

Actually, we'll look at this. we'll see if this lines up to the bolt pattern. If so, we'll sacrifice this. If not, we'll make another one.

but I wonder if instead of like that one was up tall and proud, we could probably lower it if we lower it down here somewhere. It'll help with the center of gravity. Plus, it'll help with us clearing the Uh PL the uh fiberglass up above Let's uh, get the engine on there I got a little. we'll grab like one of the two of the little elevator things and we'll kind of pitch it and kind of get a good idea of where we want it to set up and maybe start making the pieces from there.

I Think we're going to jump over to the axle for a little while and you take some time and I don't know what? I got to heat and beat to get the bearings off of here cuz these both have to come in about 34 of an inch to fit back on the frame. This Rockets bent it. either be replaced or try to press it straight and of course you know someone's been hammering on the flange of that to try to move it. These guys are all seized up.
So I'm going to go take some time. clean all this up, get all the stuff off here, the brake drums out around, and uh, get all that cleaned up so that we can get the axle put back up underneath it so we'll have an idea where that plate can fit. So the last thing that's on here is the sprocket and the way they come apart they have like they pinch themselves onto the shaft. You see these three holes here.

Generally there would be three bolts here and there's not that would squeeze this half and this half together. If you flip this around I'll show you you flip it around, you could see the two halves of the taper that are on that and this is that outer ring that we were just showing. So when those three bolts are there, that taper gets drawn together and it tightens down on the shaft. All well done for what it is.

But on this one someone's uh, egged out a bunch of stuff and then to push it back apart, you would take a bolt and you would thread it into this hole right here and it would push the two halves apart and allow it to, uh get free again. Unfortunately, somebody has beat the ever living Be Jesus out of it. Stripped the threads out of everything, elongated the holes and hit everything with a hammer to its uh, last dying Grace of trying to move that sprocket from one side to another. So I don't know if I'll be able to air hammer this apart.

There's a lot of force in there. plus this thing is going to be all rusty. and the other problem is I can't really get a tap in here to fix this because it just stops right there. The idea is to thread into this block and then push off of this one.

So I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do to try to get around that. I may try threading it in or try getting a maybe a bottoming tap to start on that and get it to work a little bit. Not sure I got tension on that side pushing off. Let's try hitting with the hammer air hammer on this side, see if it'll break or just a big hammer in general.

Yay my ringing brain. Well, that's not supposed to come apart kind of. and then normally you would just kind of tap it off the key and get it off of there just like the other stuff, but somebody has welded a glob onto this. I'm going to try tapping it this way.

get it off the key, clean that up, and then we'll try driving it out that direction. Could probably grind that off too. Can we hit that with? I'm going to go take a wire wheel, clean all this surface up, and then try to slide it all the way off. On this end, we'll have a uh, nice clean free shaft.

Well, things are just kind of slopped together, but just to give us a rough idea. so the axle's back in place. I Got it shimmed. There's like a little lift elevator right there and I got about about4 inch 38 of an inch above the axle is the engine is.

Again, we have to put a plate there so it's going to even have to be a little bit more room than that to clear it. But I say we're down inch and a half 2 in. Let's try lowering that body back down on again and see how that looks for us. All right so we can still grind that little tab off that's hitting the bottom there.
But I like that, we could. Also, you know, change the end of that spark wi we probably shorten that up hair, get that tucked in, but we're nowhere near that rib anymore that was up top and we're sitting down on the the chassis of it. Yeah, access an a plug? Yeah, I don't too bad. Plus you could also kind of think about it.

We probably make it so that the body just has like some quick release pins. You know that it comes off fairly easy. That's giving us some room, not enough room to get the gas tank and stuff back in there there. but still, we'll have to maybe put a barrel or something up on the on the back there.

how's the rest of it looking? Let's go. Um, shove the back two tires on it and we'll just see how the shell looks uh, in reference to them. Make sure there's no other issues with it. I Think we're getting kind of zeroed in on it though.

he's a musty one. License plate L actually looks pretty good. scale-wise let's go look at both front and rear cuz that's about where it would stay. Looks pretty decent again.

It's sitting up in the air on the lift. so I try to picture it. you know, sitting a little bit more. you know, down on the ground over there.

Perfect. Think I'll fit in it. there's the other part of it. I Think a worst case scenario, we can make like a a bar stool.

you just kind of sit from up here. um H I might try. Yeah, this will be graceful. The chances are I knock it right off the bench.

Al Together it's getting in and it's also getting out. Oh, she's going to be cozy now. I know why those two cutouts were there to put your knees. So if I were to take a pad and bring it so you sat right about there realistically I think that might be the way we have to go.

the higher up, the more room you can kind of get. but then you'll be sitting kind of like a a clown car. I Think right about about there which is about 5 in up off the frame. Big kids I made it.

Were you thoroughly entertained? You wanted to see me fall off on the bench didn't you? So as to be expected. it sat over time and all the air went out of the tires. A while ago, somebody recommended uh, putting motor oil in the tire and I guess what the uh idea is the rubber on the inside of the tire gets a little on the gooey side. kind of like if you ever saw under a car.

like where a car an oil leak and the motor mounts would get puffed out and the rubber would kind of like expand out of them. I Guess it's that same kind of idea that the rubber, the oil impregnates the Rubber and it makes it swell. all the jokes. So I'm gonna go try that.

I'm gonna pop the uh center of the valve stem out, get an oil can. I'm going to pump some oil in them, throw some air in them, and we'll just let it sit for a while again. this project is going to take a little bit, so hopefully it does it. If not, uh, probably lawn mower tractors, uh tires we can put on it and do the same thing, but let's give it a shot.
Probably what we could do too is take um, we'll let it sit on one side, we'll put oil in it cuz I think a lot of it was on the sidewall and we'll flip it to that side so there's air pressure forcing the oil into the pores cuz really, it's not the rubber that holds the tire together, it's the um cords that are in it. Rubber kind of holds the air together. So this is actually going to be Barn chain oil show you putting in I'm going to give it a little bit of vacuum, get some air out of it and we can fill it. They'll draw it in as it let the tire out.

So I'm going to do that, put a decent amount in cuz going have to be enough to coat the whole thing. So I'm going to work on that for a little bit. We'll put the valve stand back in it, we'll fill back up with air and we'll let it sit. I'm going to go to lunch.

We'll spray it down and we'll see if it kind of changes how much it leaks out of these pores. I Put the stem back in, let's give her some PSIs Good! So if we spray it right now, it should have leaking going on and what I'll do is I'll kind of like rotate it around and move it around a bunch and we'll see if those um leaks go away. Here's a crack that's along this top wall. here.

it's bubbling here here here. Give it, bring you back in a second. We'll let them bubble up just to give our an idea. Yeah see, she's frosting up pretty good she up there.

so I guess the idea. Now we just take it and we'll let that oil kind of Slither and sther itself around. Might be good if I could put it on something. well see if that makes any difference.

this this side the oil was already sitting on it. Like I said to you, it probably take some time. It's got to kind of affect that rubber. like when I see a you know you see a motor, Mouse on a car or like a a chassis mount on a bed of a truck and you spray it with oil or or um, front like sway bar bushings.

all that rubber stuff. They swell up over time so it does take a while to happen. I know it needs a valve stem too I saw it leaking so we do have to pop the bead anyway, right? I'm going to go the Tractor Supply and see if I could find a uh, a better sprocket. I may try to beat this one back into submission because uh, we don't know what the gear ratio is going to be.

You see, the teeth are kind of rolling on this one anyway. Plus the hub's all crappy and um, it's got a Bend to it and all. So we'll see if I can find something that's similar and not ridiculously expensive. Ensive: We'll grab it.

If not, we'll put this one together with it. We'll see how the gear ratio is. You kind of want if you don't have a gear reduction. this is a bigger engine so I wouldn't see it being a problem.
You almost want to try to get as close to possible like that would be too small. you would want um, as close to the tire D the tire diameter as possible. Especially like I said, if you're running like a six horse or 5 horse motor, um, this one may not be as much of an issue. and if not, with something like that sprocket, they'll run a gear reduction.

You run a jack shaft, you go from the small sprocket on the engine to a big sprocket and then on the other end of the same shaft on this would be the Um Jack shaft and then I'm trying to find out where the uh, the clutch went and then another small sprocket to a big sprocket and you just kind of divide it over two different ones. So I got back from lunch and about an hour hour and a half and this is the side that was already facing up and I sprayed it down. Nothing. even the valve stem that was leaking.

It was leaking. around the base of the valve stem before it. It is not leaking anymore. So I guess uh I was going to be a little uh, skeptical whether that was going to work or not.

but it actually does seem like it might be doing what it's supposed to be doing. Let's go give this is the side that's been facing down. the only thing I see really happening a little bit at the bead. see if that comes back, huh? No huh? that's just quick too, you know.

I I can imagine over time it might even get a little bit better. So I'm actually going to go do the other tire and uh, we'll get back into doing some metal work right now. Well, I'm pretty happy with the way the frame is lined up with everything. so let's get the engine off the body off and let's go a little bit more permanent on, you know, fixing that Union over there I Want to heat those front Corners up to get the metal to relax and we could probably weld that cross bar permanent solid too.

Then we can start building our uh, our motor mount plate drop everything on the floor. Yeah, I clamped that bar so it's straight in the back. I'm going to throw some heat on the corners though to get to metal to relax. then we'll Buzz that up we could fill these I'm going to grind this stuff off that We don't need in that little nub that's underneath here.

We get rid of all that. We'll kind of clean this up and we'll see we can use for a plate. We got to see if the one that was here even matches the bolt pattern did that to both sides. Let's go take the clamps off of it and see if it'll maintain its shape now mostly.

I'm going to put a bar on them, heat it, give them a little bit more tweak I just want to get rid of any kind of built up pressure that's in it. half it's gone already. So so I ground that frame up pretty good and got it welded up and I was ready to put the axle back in. but we're going to need the sprocket to be able to, um, figure out where we're going to put the motor.
so let's um, see if we can Bend this one somewhat back in the submission I would say actually I'm looking at it. it seems like this is actually kicked this way. I wonder if they were trying to beat it with a hammer? should probably flip it around then huh? mark it. just go like this and then we'll find its high spot all right and we'll see where it touches and we'll give her some pers gentle persuasion and see if we can get that bend out of It kind actually physically see it too I can see like right here.

let's um, maybe an adjustable we can get I I Don't know how much it's going to fight us. The other thing too I I could probably put it in a press. you can lay it flat. let's just see if it has any give to it first.

it might be fairly soft. Again, it might not be. Let's go see if we can. just kind of should probably go like this.

uh no. um I'm going to resort to to um the beadings I may put it in the arbor press too and try to press on it as Sprocket is pretty much beat back in the submission. The bolt holes that both the near and out are Hub together need some love. Let's go see if we can, um clean them up.

This should be the bolt that go in there. That's good cuz without doing that goes in about that far and stops. Let's go rinse them out. should do this just fine.

I Like using the drill and then the drill has drag on it. It's like like you can snap the tap. It'll just spin on the Chuck So I'm going to blow those out, wash them out and we can bolt that back together on the axle. Get the axle back under it.

So I got the frame all cleaned up, buttoned up welded. the axle is bolted back in position and the sprocket is sitting on it. We got the engine right here. Here's the original base plate that I would have sat on and we're looking at that hole.

that hole and this one that's a slide. You could possibly get that a bolts on there, but there's not going to be any adjustment for the engine. you need that for uh, tweaking the play that's in the chain. so we're going to have to come up with something else.

Let's go metal shopping and back down to the land of metal. Misfits Get these. I Don't think it's going to be wide enough though. Possibly use the two of them together alongside each other.

We got that's going to be heavy actually. maybe that's what we want. This is a a plate for a winch that I didn't use it came with, um, the one on my trailer. Let's go pull that out of there.

Yeah, we'll bring that over and we'll bring those two pieces over while we're here. Anything else jump out at us? I Don't think so. I Was thinking about putting like two rails underneath it and then welding that a plate to it. but me, that one plate might be just big enough to do everything by itself.

All right, let's go drag those over. What do you think? The chances are? The two bolt holes? they already started in here. Be there and there. Now it's off by a little bit.
That's okay. let's go look at that frame. These are going to be too short, right? Yeah, let's go for the biggie. I Think this is our our way out I don't know if we should go like I said I want to drop it down below and the idea was to you know, weld two bars underneath it.

Nothing saying. we can't Notch it. We just got to clear that axle. So what we could actually do is Notch it for the axle.

Figure this thing flipped over the other way. we could probably make like a a hump in it. Yeah, let's go. uh, slide that under there.

we can actually Notch it. maybe we'll even just cut it now. we can cut this off. We don't need this and we should probably make it.

so it goes right past on each end of the frame and then we can Whittle in. Let's see, it's going to be like that. I don't know. let's cut, get it something that we can kind of place underneath there and then we'll set the engine on top it.

We got to try to figure out our spacing for where our sprockets are going to be. Is this one going to be too close? too far away? And is the body going to fit? and the brake? Yeah, that's going to take a while. That's the short one. they do.

the other one's a full length. Don't think it's going to fit in there yet until we Notch it. now. lay it on top roughly.

The other side's got plenty of Notch already cut in it, but we are going to need to go basically from there to there. Let's get rid of that material. I might do the same on the other side I'll leave about gu it. let's try it at that level first.

I'll do the same on the other side and uh, see how if that'll fit underneath there? We just need enough to clear the axle. Let's play with all the tools. Can go in there with a cutting wheel. cut it this way, but then it'd be past the points.

We could just turn it into liquid and vaporize it. Plma cutter. Let's get ourself a little straight edge there. Got it? Oh yes, it does good.

tral fit that see how it goes in there? come on you going to make it? The other side needs to be carved a little bit cuz I forgot to do it I said I was going to do it. it's close we need. um I knock off about a qu inch or so on the other end and we won't have that drag there. we go.

got plenty of clearance. shouldn't be an issue. Let's um, plop the engine on it and we got to be able to get the clutch set up with the chain and then there's a brake that would go on it too. We could probably flip that sprocket over So the brake I got I ordered a new one.

this one's all trashed, but you got to figure that's the size of it. and it had a a band that was attached to there that wrapped around it and grabbed it. So we just got to make sure there's enough room for that and then the sprocket. Let's go pop the engine up on there, see what that that looks like? So right now that base plate is centered I'm trying to make like I said enough room to be able to get that brake drum in there.
which I'm thinking about right there. So I have it kicked over so we can move this base plate that way. Ah, maybe an inch. I was just trying to keep the center of gravity somewhat in the middle.

I Don't think that's going to make too much of an effect. You got to remember too. You're looking at that pull start. This is just a bunch of sheet metal there.

really the center of it I would say is the center of that valve cover. So I think we'll be perfectly fine. We got enough room around the pull start. We should probably just plop the body on it one last time and make sure we're going to clear everything we need and then what we'll do is we'll put it to C couple tacks on that base plate and until that brake drum comes in.

Um, maybe we'll just kind of clamp the engine down to it and I want to look into yeah, at least trying to fire it up. Let's uh yeah, let's go throw the body back on it and then we'll as long as we're confirmed with that, we'll um, think going I'm going to move it over what I said the amount I wanted to move it over. Then we'll put the body on it and if it's good, we'll scribe it and uh, put a couple tacks on it? Yeah, yeah, that's the plan. We got sitting right about where we want it I don't see anything sing out at us that you see the Gap I am kind of touching right there I did grind that little tab off that we were talking about earlier and as far as the engine, the spark plug is rubbing up against it and the valve cover has about a quarter inch.

Gap I'm looking right there. Exhaust shouldn't be an issue, you come out here somewhere. plenty of room for the brake to fit in there. I don't see any issue with the clutch and we're centered on the the base plate.

so let's go Mark roughly where it is when the body's off. you can kind of know where it was, might even be able to drill it as far as um, cuz we're going to slot it anyway so it has some movement into it. Get back in there right? So I'm going Get that body back off of there. We'll throw some TS on here and what's good too? We don't even have to worry about stiffening this up because this is going to take care of it.

Overkill I Tell you got to switch the helmet from grind to weld those well as are in spots in case we do need to move it. we can cut them off. They're easy to access but that should do it for. uh.

good place for a winch. so kind of. one of the other problem we're going to run into is generally you would slide a a an engine forward and back to adjust the chain, but we do not. It's almost dead center over the top of it.

So what that means? All right. So we got a link there. so we want to get rid of this link and rid of that one Che Get one in there is, um, we're probably going to have to shim the engine up and down to make it adjustable cuz right now it's going to have too much slop in it and let's go break a chain. Basically just push.
We're pushing the pin out of the center of it and then we're going to replace it with the master link and when we back this off, that outer link should just fall right off. That part falls off and then hopefully sometimes it fights. You got wiggle the other one out I'm going to take a second, take a grinder, just kind of buzz the tip of that just so it can clear and we'll do the same to get rid of that one. and hopefully I got a master link.

Well, as of right now, seems pretty decent, but like I we could shim the motor up and down. We got that much play and that Chain's going to stretch too over time. Let's um, clamp the engine down. Uh, actually, we're going to take a little bit of time.

I'm going to go throw some keys and some things here and there. just kind of snug snug them up a little. We'll throw the key in there. we'll throw a key in there.

uh, maybe we throw the wheels on it and we try to fire this up. I Just want to kind of see how everything's going to operate together. make sure we don't have any outstanding issues see any of it as of yet, but that's the whole idea trying to do that? Yeah, so I'm going to go button up some stuff and uh, let's just go for a little bit of, uh, making noise with no Muffler that's kind of together. I Got the set screws in the clutch I tighten up on this.

put a key in it. um, a key in the wheel and you have to space. There's um, right here this and this is a spacer because there really right now There's nothing to stop the axle from walking left or right. They make collars that you can put on and lock on I may go order some of those, but the way they had it set up before, they were just using this spacer between the Pretend This is the uh The Hub of of the wheel and they use the spacer to lock it in.

So if this wasn't here, you could literally just push that axle that direction. But we're going to leave that on there to try to help it not walk. I'm afraid we're going to spin it up and the axle are going to walk in. The upper and lower sprocket will no longer play well together and make a mess.

All right, let's um, I'm going to top off the oil and let's go pop that float ball off. See what the inside of that carb looks like? Now's a fine time to go see what kind of condition your engine's in. You already committed? Let's see what we got. oo it looks nice and clean.

Awesome. We'll just leave that well enough alone. The carburetor is, uh, sitting up against the cylinder head tight. The air cleaner holds it the body of the air cleaner.

Two nuts on here. so I go get some big nuts. Yes, yes, I will cuz we need something to hold that against there so it doesn't doesn't have a intake leak so I'll stack a couple of big nuts there and we'll put the two stock ones on there just to hold pressure on the carb. We disconnected the ignition switch I Don't think it needs to be connected.
It was that and there was like a a capacitor. I Don't know if you can see it I don't think those are going to be an issue I Don't think they need to be hooked up? Let's just go check for Spock that. Jesus So hopefully it performs. Yes, there is.

awesome. Let's go Dill a little bit down the plug hole and give her a yank prank and a little squirt for you I kind of missed a little. It's Kind like a morning pee. split it stream.

It might be a tad loud considering that's our exhaust system. an inch from the valve to say no choke and the throttle. this our throttle's still hooked up here. Let's go give her nothing.

See, she does all right. Let's go. Uh, fill that fuel bowl up I Don't know if it'll fill in through the little nozzle. get prime it that way we'll dump a little bit down the so it's going to take good.

Give her a little squirt in a carb, see if she stays running. tires a little out of balance, huh? Need to rev it up too much. Think our clutches up sounds like it got misaligned a little too. Yeah, the sprocket.

This needs to go this way a little or this has to come out. and yeah, it's loose. That's why it's still floating down there. That's what I was afraid of I want to take that up cuz we got to take it all apart.

Yet let think if I could cinch that bottom sprocket up a little bit, give her one more and uh, giggle. backy up here. see if we can get to idle. just want to listen to the engine a little bit.

Um I should probably grab a regular screwdriver so I can turn that down just a hair choke it. Now we did it. Get that. Idle doesn't want to come down.

It's I got it all the way off. Have to go look into that. So that's the stop for the idle. I was running all the way in and it's still not enough to close it down.

She's going to be a tad fast again. it was on a generator or something, so maybe the idle circuit was not that important. So got to keep that in mind. Other than that seems decent, right? let's go do it one more time.

I want to see Flames kind out of the exhaust? We'll rev her a little bit see if we can blow something apart. All right, let's go give her some. AR PMS this time we still nothing going to fall off. nothing I can do about it.

This sprocket walk you can see moved over that far. that's what the issue was thought I had it tight. guess not that was afraid of oh well go out with some some Sparks in the bang right? Cool well guys I think that is going to kind of wrap this one up for today I ordered some other I ordered the break I'm waiting on um we saw plenty to do. We got to make an exhaust system.

we got got to make a throttle for it. uh, an intake. The body has to get bolted down and of course all stuff welded up. We got to figure out what we're going to do for a steering wheel.
I might do something where it kind of kicks upward and we put a swivel up on it and you kind of steer more straight down on it cuz I may put a regular seat for a little kid and then maybe we sit up on top and just put our feet down down there when we want to try to ride it around because I think it's just will be a little a tad too small for us, but that'll be on, uh, probably next week's video. I do have if it's not ready in time. I have like a half hour video that is, um, ready to go just in case. but uh, we'll worry about that when we get there.

but for this one I think we're going to go call it guys. Thank You' for hanging out with me having a little bit of fun being an idiot and uh, we'll do it. We'll do it again sometime. till then later St.

By Mustie

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