I picked this 70s chrysler snow runner snow cycle up during the summer at a motorcycle show called rice o rama, its been sitting for over 40 years and it shows, lets get it up on the bench and see how it was built and if we can bring it back to life.

Right? I Know it's the strangest motorcycle I've ever seen too. little backstory on it I Went to uh a show during the summer a swap meet that's called rice Aroma Japanese motorcycle bike show and swap me and this was there and I thought it was really interesting and I had to come home with me. it looks like it's been sitting I don't know. 30 40 years I wouldn't say it was Outdoors due to the fact that this heat isn't all rotted away but definitely is uh, showing uh, signs of old age.

uh anyway. Let's uh, go get out over on the bench and uh, see what we got. see if we can kind of resuscitate it and bring it back to life. All right, let's give it a walk around.

Looks like they tried making an air cleaner I have a T-shirt and a piece of rope I don't know if it's missing something there I think the engine I Want to see if the Tecumseh I want that seat flips up? I'll check into that later. that's trash. Pretty good. They cover that's on there.

There's a track that's underneath there I think it's like a motorcycle chain with uh, paddles attached to it. It's like it's gone down a few times. I Have a feeling this thing goes down a lot. Just the nature of it, right? Actually looks like one of those uh, Ah-47 engines.

They have a um, you can switch to manifold into different locations on the crankcase. not sure where that yet. So it's got the drive in the back, then another ski, and then a third ski I'm gonna open the gas cap yet. fall off that doesn't look terrible in there.

It doesn't smell great I look terrible part of the frame. it's got a serial number on it. the headlight is kind of I'm kicking to the left there. I Guess that's going to be a break for the track and the other side's just gonna have a motorcycle throttle on it.

bolts busted on the headlight. Seems a little on the sloppy side, doesn't it? You'll see they kind of made it to take apart too. So you pull a pin, you can take the front ski out, probably put it like in the trunk of your car. and my guess is the last thing this thing was done is uh, pull start out of it and that was it.

So I don't even know if it turns over I Think we're about to go find out. so let's um, is there a way we can turn it right now? Yeah, maybe we'll pop a cover off. we'll start getting into it. We will take this off.

We gotta fix the pull start anyway and we'll just see if that spins. Yeah I wouldn't think it has many hours on it. Yeah, First of all, how much time of the year can you ride it? And I think after you fall down about seven or eight times, you're kind of done for the day. It's like skiing I mean you're learning how to ski foreign.

Sometimes when a regular screwdriver is faster, that's the over under. I'm gonna say it turns. oh yeah, not all the way. It feels a little crunchy.

There She Goes Uh, let's um, get a plug out of it. We'll shoot some oil down inside happening, shoot some oil down beside it, and we'll see if we can get a uh drill set up on here. We'll spin the motor over, see if it gets sparked plugs loose. That's where I saw it turn it.
Call me a liar I told you it was loose. Let's get some oil down inside. there. heck looks pretty oily already which is good back.

Gonna throw some oil in there. We'll get a drill set up for it. We'll give her a little yeah, that's just to kind of any rust that's on the base of the cylinder. Give it a fight.

Chance feels a little I think there's got to be a clutch on it too, so we might be hearing that noise which sounds a little on the clacky side. You know. All right, let's get a drill. The problem is depending which way that thread is, it may want to spin the nut off.

But let's see we're gonna try spinning it with is this is a uh, a ratchet extension So one way it could Freewheel and you click it over the other way it can dry. So if the engine does start up, it allows it to ratchet free without it trying to kick the drill out. So let's see what we get. so we need to drive it.

We had it right. So I want that and can you see the plug? Let's see if that does anything for us. All right. All right.

if I drive on a little bit of fuel in it real quick and see what it does. A little bit of that I think the headlight switch is on I don't I would think this I don't know if it's a tail light brake light. We'll see if anything kind of if it runs comes to light. Okay, all right, very well.

Hopefully the nut doesn't back off I didn't see did you? It kicked out a bunch of uh, material out of somewhere I don't know the cover or what all that powder is coming out. Nice. It's so cool. It's got a little spark plug socket wrench right there.

You think that you take looks like you take that out of there. maybe the seat will flip up. I Also want to take a peek at that track too what we got going underneath. Yeah, you think we take that out another seat I don't know How's that gonna the seats all bolted down? Would that allow this whole assembly? It allows the whole assembly to come apart.

That's what it is. So there and there you pull the pin off, looks like you take the fuel line off like I made it double duty. Hey, let me get that out of there. Yeah, this thing's got screwdriver tip on the end of it right there.

Let's go lay it on the side. we'll take a peek what that track looks like. Curious because that's the thing that's been in contact with the ground the whole time. Get a better look? Yeah, so it looks like a motorcycle chain.

We talked about. It had some kind of like plastic rubber cleat is what propelled it and they're all done. huh? Looks like the upper one still might be there because they're being more contact in the ground. Yeah, they're all.

They're all junk too though. Wonder how it's attached to the chain? I Don't know if that's rivets. What is that? Can we replace them with metal? Does it have to be plastic at some point? Get it off of there. and uh, this cover off of there I Wonder if um, yeah, we can weld on it? Looks like there's a metal cleat underneath there? I Wonder if we could order them too? I Don't know if they'd make anything for this, but I would say we can probably mix up on a metal I Want the rest of it? So price is not like a um, a rib in the center is like opposite nothing there.
and then there is a rib there. Actually three of them. looks like a drive. Let's get some covers off.

I Get a better idea what we got going on mostly now. I'm going to pop a couple of these screws out and then we'll get whatever this is right here. We'll try to figure out what the drive system is. My guess is some kind of like a mini bike clutch is up there actually.

I See a cable to it you got. Do you have a cable to engage a clutch? Go. take that nut off that's holding it, but it's kind of rusty. You see, if you can, uh, wire wheel it.

clean it up a little bit. First up too. Oh yeah, it looks like I Think that's where the brake is so it looks like a rigger. Let's say regular.

a regular centrifugal clutch. As the engine spins, these come out, touch the drum and make it go faster and then this is a band break going around it. You can pull the cable and it stalls out this outer Hub which in turn stops the chain from turning, which in turn stops a track from turning. Looks like just bicycle chain.

I Don't think it looks like anything fancy that's on it, maybe even a little smaller. huh? All right, let's go get this cover off. It's like four screws should do. It passes in the screw gun, flip it over.

Sure it's getting clear with the exhaust system on it actually. so bust it up that it is. had little scoops on it That's what they're supposed to look like, huh? And they're just done. Go figure there.

50 years old right now. We got a tensioner in the back, a little idler sprocket. hmm I wonder if we can recreate that? I Think it's kind of getting ahead of ourselves, but still. Master Link there is there.

A bunch of them are like the individual. hmm I'm kind of wondering how they're attached. looks like the underneath this metal. I don't know how they're you know, hooked into the chain I think like on the outside of the link like what's the I Still don't know what that bond is to him.

it's gonna break so I try to put a little twist on it. Yeah. foreign. Well we know what they look like.

Let's uh, continue to go on. We should probably take let's go take this sprocket off. get some play on it. We'll see what does and doesn't turn.

I Don't know what we got going on behind here and we're just trying to assess the conditions of what we got. Yeah, let's go pop that snap ring off of there and get the sprocket out. Um, it's gonna come with the chain on there or not. Got about another half inch to go.
Can we see a master link on? this one? Might be hitting up in the clutch, you know. get that big ass pry bar. Ely Go now man. I Almost said foreign.

Definitely. Sat one place for a long time, Huh? Let's go see if the shaft moves I Don't think so. Uh, we want to pick at next. we're gonna go I wonder if you just get this one right off here? We saw where that master link was on that one.

right and right there. Let's go get that popped off. So you get this chain assembly out of there and we'll get an assessment how this bearing is up inside here. That's just not going to fall right off of there.

Huh? Tap It already broke off. half the clip's already gone. Good choice, Supporting it with something. We'll try getting a punch and we'll We'll tap on those shoes.

Who could drive that down? Let's see if we'll move for us. They're just shattering everywhere. Go make me cut you in half I Will if I have to, let's go I'm gonna keep working on that. That side's going.

One side's not good morning. before we'd help get some of the tension off of it. There we go. Take that free.

Yes, it's been on there a little while that was not gonna spin. It's meant to cut through there. It's almost like a bake, a light material. He sat one place for a long time.

Yeah, a weird little scoop to them. huh? All right, let's go see what we got for bearings that do or do not spin. Foreign boot, doesn't it? That one's locked up and we're gonna put this one. Oh, this one's good.

A little growly, but at least that one spins. So what's that one? I Wonder if it's probably just rust between here and the wall and maybe not the bearing? We can go and soak that when the time comes. All right, let's go see what we got going on. clutch setup.

We take that clip off of there. we can get the outer part of it off. Probably get that chain out of there. Yes, just a little clip.

a little C-clip I'm gonna lift that whole thing right over there. We go get the chain out from behind it studs gonna be close to it. so close of it so far. Uh I See a snap ring? Let's uh, let's even get that off.

We'll pull the whole clutch up. It's all got to come apart anyway, right? So that's we'll just keep going launch it across the room. The chances are that'll slide right off of there. Yeah.

I think so. I'm gonna try to pry bar setup. we should probably take go. take the wire wheel.

Actually, it's got a key on it, so it's probably gonna be a little bit of a precious. Go clean the edge of this off so we're not trying to go over the end. Um, edge of rust? Oh, let's go grab that little pry bar. Give that a little knee off chance it just once it's just slide off of there.

kind of went a little bit. Let's um, oil in there foreign rust on that. Outer Edge still be that much? Oh see, we already hit it with a wire wheel. Let somebody hit it with a hammer on the on the face of it.
You know. All right, let me try cleaning that up a little bit more foreign. Go take a peek under the back side there and we'll see if there's any kind of like set screw or anything that's gonna that's a lot of. I'm gonna take a peek on each way I can find.

How about we try going at it with two pry bars I Don't see any set screws or anything under it. so when you would grab the other side for me, do you think I'm missing something? Missing a lot of things, but I just can't imagine that it's so free to move in there it won't get over that last little shoulder. And why would you have a stamp ring on it then? yeah, there are no set screws on the back side. I Might take a little sanding disc and try going around this outside edge right here and see if we can get rid of any kind of shoulder or lift that's on.

and maybe just where the snap ring was. It kind of rolled the lip going around but you would think you put pry bars on you'd be able to get it. see the braking are coming off? Yeah, it felt crunchy underneath though. like I pushed through something I kind of.

Wonder Maybe We're supposed to take this Justice Center out of it and not the ring. Too late to tell now. Probably should have tried that. huh? Just pulling up on the center of it, not the whole thing yeah, but how still? how would you get Oh so that would have to line up I don't need a bill makes it coming out of it I destroyed that bearing.

That sucks. but still. How? oh so that's yeah. I Screwed up so should have grabbed the center of it.

Where did you say something? So we pulled the center out of it, then take the pin out of it. and then we could have, uh, taking the rest of the Disc Off learning curve sucks sometimes I should have known that too. Oh, there's a part that we don't have. All right.

So what are we doing now we are probably going to look into. Yeah. I'm pissed about doing that. Let's get this mess of what is going on over here out of the way.

I Don't know how much of an air cleaner you really kind of need because if it's you're riding in watering snow like a snow blower. Snowboard doesn't run an air cleaner at all because it's generally always running a clean climate and if you did have one, it would try to screw up the um, it would freeze on it. You know it would collect water and then freeze, choke itself out. Just gonna get that carb apart and figure out what's going on there.

hopefully not break anything anymore. It's got some kind of weird I Don't know what that box is on the other side. What's going on with that whole contraption? What's all this stuff? It seems like a lot for a throttle cable. Isn't it fancy here? That's your idle speed.

It's gonna start popping some screws off of this cover, get it out of the way, and then we'll get the carb off of there. foreign I Think that was rubber at one time. Now it's right. Petrified Choke moves.
Let's get rid of the fuel line foreign on the bottom. so see if you cannot break that. Let me go cut that with a razor blade. There we go.

Yeah, it was plastic all right. We got two screws holding that on that off the body. Nice. It's like 12 millimeter 11..

get that body of the carburetor off and get the the base off of there and see what the guts look like I might call it something. 11 millimeter board I'm just saying this I mean USA in the 70s 7, 16 right there and he said in intakes oh that's chalky huh? Somewhere damp action it recognizes like Tilton Tilson near fuel mix for very high and low. Let's go crack that yeah. tilt some crack that open, see what the diaphragm looks like? Let's go fast forward this cover.

actually the center of it out. first. this should have a filter in it green I Like the fact that it's got a bunch of oil in it. Plus this thing probably hasn't run before.

uh, ethanol came to be. You know? let's make sure there's nothing else in there that has to be unthreaded. Hmm, you just stuck some. Get these out of it.

I should be a couple of Springs right there I Don't think I'm gonna go grab my screwdriver that? Nope. and maybe just washers with an o-ring on it. Uh. I'm gonna try getting a razor blade I'll tap on the edge of this and see if you can get this to pop apart.

Let's try to set it on something. Let's get two different floors to it so it's gonna have a diaphragm in there. Yeah, just the off chance it's good and trying out the trash trash. anything else, huh? Yeah, almost.

there. seems a little flexible. Still, it actually feels pretty good. One more floor.

yeah that before like that, let's see if we can. That's a port right there. I don't I don't want to try to if we have to use that over I don't want to damage it right there. Let's see if we can get something going here.

One of you would hold that I could just put it in a vase, huh? If they're getting a pry that boot off a couple of screws in there holding that, that's a little better. Let's see if we can, uh, get that to come apart, That one's stuck. Watch. it doesn't even come apart right? Let's try this: GM Razor blade into aluminum.

You waiting for me to cut myself? Aren't you so nice? Yep. which I'll leave everything on either one side or the other business. get that open background feels pretty good too. I don't know.

We really kind of. We gotta kind of get to the needle and seat though. I'm gonna take my time and take the razor blade probably even a sharper one. and I think we're gonna work around this lip right here and see if we can do it without tearing to see if we can get this off of here because there's a needle and seat under there? I'm more than likely it's gonna have to be cleaned judging by the corrosion on the rest of it.
You know, foreign. So that is the needle and seat and they should come out of there and get clean. What do you think the chances are? I got this carburetor or a carp kit for it. That diaphragm does look familiar.

might just might have it. We want that all right, so we know we need a carb kit if possible. I'm gonna go take some pictures of numbers for us. there's one I'm gonna go do some shopping and see what's available now.

We got a kind of a decent assessment of what stuff that we need. Hopefully we can find some stuff that we need. the biggest one I Probably think is going to be that chain trying to find that chain that, um, with the paddles that are on it? Well, it's a few days later and I was able to acquire a carb kit for it. So I think we can go and get this stuff cleaned up.

We'll start reassembling this and hopefully get the car back on and maybe fix the pull start. I ordered the other parts too. I got the uh chain with the teeth underneath it track I Guess we're gonna call it the bearing for the clutch and the rear sprocket. That should be coming in in a few days, but let's see if we can get the engine finished up and running consistently and then you know when those parts come in, we can move forward with that.

I Got the gasket scraped off of them, throw the main parts in the pool, let them go swimming for a while and chick chick well that's soaking. Let's go look into this pull start. let's see what we got going. It's got kind of a funky style to it.

Let me see one like this. I Guess that's the cams that come out and grab the cup. You know if it just broke the Rope off or it's locked up or oh, it's pity, it's pretty bound the fiber in that diet. Let's um, see if we could pick that rope out of it.

Let me go move some of the stuff out of the way. We don't go trash in our car parts. All right. let's find out whether and the Rope is in there and that's not rope cobwebs.

it's uh, that drum beat here going on. In the background is rain coming off the water coming off the roof. We had a big snowstorm, then it warmed up I don't think there's any rope left I think it's all what's left here I wonder if the Rope broke because this bound up oh the other way around. Yeah, so it's dripping off the roof making all that noise.

There should be a big coil spring on the other side of this I don't know if I want to rip into that. We don't have to I don't know if we just kind of shoot some lube in there. Let's try that first because I know sometimes it can be like a Venus flytrap something just Springs out of there. it could be a little bit of a to get them to.

who knows. Even if that spring is any good, she's moving here. he goes. I Think the center was the uh, the G-Spot All right, turn it back.

That's a good sign. sometimes though. You load it up and you hear the spring on the End Cycle Oh, that's what I was afraid of. Is that going the right direction? Let's see, no you want to go like this and then it would suck the Rope back in.
Okay, I may have dislodged the little latchy piece now. I Think we're going in anyway. No, mine's up that way. That's kind of hard to tell actually because it's almost straight out.

It's got to be the right way. Yeah. I Think the end of the spring is busted off and here's slipping. All right.

we're going in. we'll get ourselves the EP leaps and hopefully that's all it's holding in the center and hopefully we can, um, maybe heat it up. bend the little tab back All right. It's like it's like a grenade.

You just look right out of there. so tension spring. Unless we got anything else, another washer there, you ready? He thinks the best way this way. the other way.

there you go. It didn't go boing yet. There's this capture it looks like. so that's a tab I was talking about.

Oh, the Spring's all busted up broken there. It's like it's busted up in a couple of places. Can we do anything with that? Can we steal a spring out of something else? Maybe. See it? Yeah.

from there to there is broke, it looks like it's got like a a bunch of I don't know bends in it. That's what I get for ordering parts without looking at everything right? It's so brittle it's good I know there's that's not gonna be enough to work with though, so maybe glue them back together. How are you at welding so you know that's no good. Maybe we can take like a regular Tecumseh or Briggs pull starter I don't know if I have one and then steal the cup.

The cup is the piece that's in the center of the engine here. I'll show you so that's what a cup is right there. that piece I want I wonder if we could take one off of something else and maybe try to switch it over to that style. If not, maybe we'll try to get spring to fit on that.

Yeah, it looks like it's kind of a weird pull start. Anyway, the way it there's there's no Direct something that it locks into. it just looks like it grabs on the metal on the outside. Normally the tab on a pull start digs into a a bump that's sticking out here or a tab and it locks in and once it spins, the tab goes back to neutral and the engine just starts.

Let's go shopping. see what we can find up in the plethora of junk? Gotta find something that just has a pull start. in general, it's a Honda one there. What about something like this? It's riveted on.

Let's go. we'll take this one possible to use that. I'll keep peeking a little bit as another what we got going on right there. Let's see the court Court's hanging out of that I Wonder if that would even work in the center of somebody's getting on it? We'll grab that one.

I Don't know if there's a cup in there anywhere to land a broken toys? All right. I'll dig for a little bit. see we can come up with there's another one down there. Pluses are grabbing those.
Look over at the land of dead chainsaws that almost looks similar to that inside sprocket. didn't it? Grab that? The other one's got four bolt holes on the other side. it's got three. Looks like a sprag so you might probably use like a chainsaw one.

We just keep finding. pull starts all right. let's go bring a pile down. Something in there is going to work.

it just doesn't know it yet. There's a nice little lineup, huh? A little bit big. all right. Let's go.

I Think that orange one red orange I Wonder if that's gonna be close enough to work that and is it going to pull in the right direction? It will. It's gonna fit in there. Go popping in the stand. We'll give that A Yank and see if that that bites on there.

Actually, when we look at where's the Drive part in, it's kind of hard to tell because the washer's in the middle right? but that's the gut part of it. kind of looks like the same thing doing it where the two pieces grab Totally a different diameter as far as the body size is concerned. Yeah, pop the plug at it just so we're not fighting resistance, just trying to educate herself. Right now, let's go see if that will work for us.

Good. We're gonna leave this one alone, so this is going to be our just in case. Let's go yank a spring at a one of these and see if it's close to anything that we can work with. Whatever wants the crappiest, we should probably chop up.

Um, I'm gonna find one that's baroque. none of them are. Let's go home. like, see if we can get that we have to get a socket on that.

it's gonna strip out. Actually, we should probably even see if it's any good first, right? Yeah, it's got a broken that was already broken I figured this one's parked at the closest size wise. you know, the little space that's that's in there compared to the other ones. I'm also worried about the height of the spring.

she's going to go boing on us I think so that's okay. You know, the tension off of it? No, she better lift that out of there, Isn't it? They lost it. It's all right. So that one looks like it's possibly broke too.

It's in that weird fold over up there and I see a break over here I Think this one's a dead? Let's go Springer Might be enough material to work with though if you want to try heating it up and bending our own tab on it. Foreign? No, that's an extra. Just the way it's mounted together. That's kind of weird.

That's a weird. uh. I've seen that before. It looked like it was broke.

It was just the way that was set up. Let me, um, spring this on the floor I don't know. Width seems about right. Let's um, so it's got original.

one had that kind of a hook on the end of it to latch onto. I'm going to say that it went in so we'd have to modify that part of it and the other end. I Don't know, we do. We even have the other end of it left.
My guess is it was roughly kind of the same thing. Yeah, there it is. Yes. I had a hook on each end.

Uh, let's go and try to wind that up. Actually, let's go see what this one has. got the hooks on it getting it apart? Yeah, everyone's gonna fight us. Let me get the big ass screwdriver.

How does that fit? Here we go. so that one works. A little tab pops out. Let's get.

um. foreign. Get rid of that. Let it unwind itself.

Okay, you know it's gonna go point because it's got the correct tabs on it. Yeah, it's looking low on the fat side though. That's where it's going to be an issue. I Think it's how much height it has.

Yeah, we tried. I expected that back to where we were. Well, I'm thinking this one may be the closest to what we're looking for. The Rope is about ready to fail anyway.

So let's go give her a cutting free to get that little snap ring out of there. A little C-clipper Parts everywhere. See what that spring looks like? Same height? Yes it is. That's a little different.

Will that work for us on there? I think so that's a good way to get that out of there without it springing crazy, expanding on us. Can we get a, um, a couple of tie wraps around it? I Think that's a feudal effort? Let's um. I'm gonna try grabbing a little pair of vice grips probably at two, but not many smaller ones around here. Is she gonna go spring? just that hudder? Ridge that looks a little? No.

It's riveted. Okay, so we have to shrink that one up to get that small. That might be a little on a difficult side I wonder if we gotta take some out of it I Want this one just had that much less material in it? Let me go look at the what was the rest of it? All right? Don't know. This might end up in a nightmare.

so we need to be able to pull the outer and let it, shrink down. When that's going to happen in that amount. What is that outer shell? stop? It's that outside one is a fixed diameter. It goes around back to itself.

So this is never going to be able to get smaller. Well, that sucks, right? That's being into it. somehow. it's got to be under.

Yeah, so that's never gonna. So we're gonna have to cut it and make an outside hook. You think that's the deal, right? Because if it's got a rivet in it, it's never going to be able to get smaller than that outside. Circle All right, we're hacking and we can slide that one in.

hopefully. Then we gotta put a hook on it yet. I'm gonna tie wraps a little too tight I Actually gotta do one more cut because that this part's still riveted together. Let's go, gotta make a little smaller.

anyway. let's go see if we can get some slack in it. What's up Foreign. Let's see if we can bend this tip back on itself because that's the one that's going to have to latch inside there.

I Think that's good I Don't know about the profile of it. Look at that cool. Let's um, shoot some. Earl on it.
put the temperature down I Know if that little tab is going to break off because it loses its temper when you heat it? Let's just go see if that's going to have some strength to it We'll go with that. Don't see from the side, that's what we're looking. Let's try to, uh, shrink it down if I can get it I'll stick it in the vise smell like diameter, you know? I think you're gonna need something about that size and get that wrapped back up and get another tie wrap with three on it. Here's playing with fire.

All right. it's gonna stay. making some tie wraps on that. the whole thing.

That's got a good measure. See if we got it small enough to fit on there? we're close. tiny enough to get in there. We gotta cut the tie wraps off and get them out.

Oh ouch stabbing me I'm gonna go ahead more. oh boy. you know this is probably like some simple way to do this, but I don't know it. don't kill me.

slice into my finger if it lets go. oh you suck. You know it's gonna get buried under there now actually I probably shouldn't use um Cutters I wound up cutting the head right off of the thing. come out, come out.

oh yeah, see if we can let it relax now. what do you think? The chances are we're gonna be able to catch that on there I guess if? um oh I don't want to lift up on it though. All right I'm gonna go wrestle with that. uh you watching but I I think we might be able to get it Mighty had it.

Oh yeah I got it. I Ended up um, stick my finger underneath there, lifting up on the center coil, starting it on this one and then trying to do one of those real quick. All right, let's go assemble the center of it and get a rope on. it.

looks like the original rope is still hanging on the handlebars after it broke off with some, so you can use that back over again to make that like a point. that right in there, pull that up. Generally you kind of go the other way. You put the rope in this way, put the handle on last I may be able to get that I need to pick again.

pick with a less of an angle than that. Had to come up at it from the other side. Here we go. Definitely a tight fit.

I'm going to re-tie a knot on this side. put the handle on the other side. Okay, give that a little bit of heat gonna glue it together. Lock up the crash bull strike.

it's got a fit. me. get in that hole if I hit you with a hammer I warned you foreign would have been a good idea I ran it through there first I should be able to get that one though. I Get it all right, let's Let It Rip I think it sucks that cord in.

No problem my fingers. hey, let's go throw that back on the machine. So you go through all that and you put it together. Let's go in the wrong way.

I Suck all right. The roof's got to go the other way. so the Spring's got to get flipped over and go the other way too. the Spring's actually in the wrong direction.
So I gotta do all that crap all over again. Missed it by that much that has to get flipped over and go the other way. Don't mind the heat, but let's go take a peek see what our carb is doing. A bunch of sludge on that has to get washed off, huh? That means you got to clean the bottom of my tank.

Got a bunch of crap in it? That's all that means that should all wash off though. Let's get them cleaned up. Let's take everything cleaned up. pretty good.

I Blew him out with the air, took a blade, and scraped off all the excess gasket material that was on them. uh, for the sake of time. unfortunately. I'm not going to film The reassembly of it, some of you saying thank God But essentially, it's just a, you know, replacing those old gaskets and seals and pumps and diaphragms with those new ones.

It looks like this is set up to, uh, withstand ethanol too. I Think that's the style and it's in that material instead of that material. So for the review, let me go poof and get that done. This one was snazzy.

Even came with full uh assembly troubleshooting. a nice carp kit essentially. just looked at the picture and put it back together. All right.

let's go put that on there and try to get some fuel hooked up to it and see if it does anything before. I Do that though that is in there is that's called Reed valves. A little one-way doors. you see all the white corrosion that's around there.

I'm gonna go take a second try to clean some of that out of there is a this block will come out and those Reed valves will come out of there and I couldn't help myself. ew that's nasty. Let's go and give ourselves a little poke. see how those guys are doing that stuck? I Definitely clean it up.

It's been sitting in water it looks like and we're gonna take a peek behind there make sure we got nothing going on. Yeah, definitely looks like we want to clean some of that up. Let's get some. Well I Want that going through there.

Everything else behind it looks it doesn't look terrible that Rod is painted white I See a little bit of rust on the side of that bearing right there? All right. I Can go clean all that up and we'll get her back together. Hit on a wire wheel and knock some of that outside rust off, but underneath it still has some that all needs to get cleaned up. Man, a little trapdoor needs to shut.

Yeah, it definitely needs. Need some love? I'll pull both sides apart right is a best discretion. A two-stroke will run. He uses the bottom of the crankcase to draw stuff in and then pushes it to the top of cylinder.

As the Piston goes up and down, a re-valve is and then the ports on the side of the piston on the cylinder wall become the open and closed valve so to speak. This is, uh, taking it one step further. It kind of fine tunes the charge. It gives you a little bit more performance.
quite a bit more performance on it. All right. We'll go clean all them up to get that back together. You really kind of want them to be able to shut.

It should be sitting fairly straight. They are. Look, they look decent. You just want to make sure that when these are resting against there, there's no air gap going around them.

You can kind of put a light behind them and take a peek when you putting it together. A decompression valve is frozen in the back. We'll deal with that later. I Don't want to try killing the pull start so let's try it with the drill.

You got choke. You got choke. See what? Yeah, wrong way. Hello I'm new.

let's go get a good old plug-in one. Nice good dryer with a electric drill. Get the pull start off because the decompression isn't freed up yet I Don't want to break that pull start if I turn that choke off. Now we gotta adjust the air fuel mix.

Let me give her a little bit of throttle wait too. We're too rich, but we'll get her dialed in. I mean I'll put you back in the stand again. She wants to play Yeah, we're going to go Tweaker? Yeah I'm out too far I'm gonna dial them in.

we'll see if we get it run smooth Chucks off Thank you? Yeah, they're they're way out. Yeah. I Think she's starving for gas I wonder if I put my gas set up see if we got air in the line? All right? Foreign? yeah? yeah. whoops.

Well guys I think that might be a good place to leave off I won't do any more damage. plus it's uh, we are smoked up pretty good in here and I don't want to be breathing this crap in. Well, we got a couple of things to go deal with. Still we got Parts you know, but we got the engine to run.

We know it'll run. That's a good sign. That thing's a piece of crap. I Gotta get rid of that.

It looks like the cork gasket right here is leaking a little bit on that seal, but she'll dial in. She'll do what she's supposed to do. We're uh, fairly close to uh, having a good operating engine. whisper smoke coming off of her meat.

Yeah, so there's other parts should be coming in. Uh I don't know. One thing I'm concerned about is how this plastic broke apart on this, how brittle it is I wonder if this stuff is made out of the same thing and I we're gonna go. You know, put a little bit of stress on this whether this is going to hold up or not.

but I guess we're gonna go find out, but she lives I'm happy for that. All right, All right guys, with that I think at this point we're gonna go sign off. we'll do some more fine-tuning later and uh, getting it kind of more dialed in. but at least you know we've got a good engine and we got parts coming and uh, my screw up with uh, pulling the clutch off and killing the bearing only cost me 16 bucks.

So I'm happy about that. All right guys. with that for signing off and hopefully we have some snow when uh, this is uh, up and running but we'll see till then I'll see you bye Thank you Foreign.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “Can it be saved? chrysler snow runner.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watch Videos says:

    The drive chain with the scoops look just like a grain conveyer chain

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick8665 says:

    Thanks for another amazing video.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    Fucks Sake can you PLEASE STOP being so fucking rash you NUMPTY ! Or just change your channel name to Numpty1 !

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FlyBri 1776 says:

    There’s this new invention that just came out in the last 85 years or so, it’s called penetrant. It’s great! It frees up Rusty stuff like chain, snap rings, nuts and bolts. You should try it. 😮

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Dean says:

    It's funny thousands of dollars in tools but you don't have a bike chain remover. They sell them at wally world for a few dollars. Next time your there grab one they work on most smaller chains. The hardware store has them to. 😆 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars detective29 says:

    When you discovered the pull start was put together backwards and you said you were going to have to do it all over, you and I sighed at the exact same time. Lol!!!!! Makes me feel like less of a doofus when somebody like you who knows his stuff can make the same mistakes I do. Thanks for being real and not editing that out. Greatly enjoy all your vids. I learn something new everytime.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Bailey says:

    Observation, looks easy to ride, like a Kawasaki wet bike or a gas powered surfboard. Sheesh.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Morton says:

    I think that this is the first time I've seen you use a power tool. LOL!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezra Veitch says:

    I'm hoping that you are outside today, booking around on this cool contraption

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uno karpa440 says:

    можно было разогреть конец старой обломанной пружины до красна и загнуть, и пользоваться дальше )

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoebe Bouley says:

    The chai and attachment links are commercially available you may be able to find the cleats under conveyor parts

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoebe Bouley says:

    The plastic cleats where to be a oint of failure instead of losing the chain.
    Find someone to 3d print them for you if you can't find them online anywhere.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Weaver says:

    There is a simple way to wrap that spring….let the spring GENTLY unwrap….hook your inside hook in the reel and wrap it by hand in where it is supposed to be. When you are a little over half done or so the rest will just lay into place. Also your making your life miserable filling that cylinder with oil right at the start.

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