In this video we continue to rebuild parts for a twin engine cart build and this 1963 harley golf cart transaxle is torn down.

Hey guys, how's it going there you go. Quick little back story and then we'll get into some wrenching just so it makes sense. So a couple of videos ago we got a couple of blown up Kohler V-Twin engines out of, uh, some busted up engines. We got two engines back together that would run and then we put the two engines together with that coupler in the middle of them and ran them together and made a little steel frame underneath them.

This is going to be like a homemade go-kart of sorts and I'm still not quite sure where it's going to go, but I'm trying to gather all the pieces for it and we're gonna kind of build it as we go along. Having said that, I picked up this rear end right here. It is out of a 1963 Harley Davidson golf cart. And what's good about that? It has neutral, forward and reverse and brakes all built into the one transmission transaxle and that's going to be the course, what they're going to go connect to somehow.

Some sort. Anyway, it came from uh Facebook Marketplace Gentlemen had removed it from a cart he worked at a scrap yard, so hey, that'd be awesome to go put something together with. so they hacked it out with some torches and it sat for a long period of time. It really does not turn at the moment, so I figure we'll go throw this up on the bench.

We'll look into it, see what makes it tick, and hopefully you'll be able to fix it and then kind of, you know, keep picking away and moving on with this project of making something kind of funky. all right. without further. Ado Let's get that on the operating table and see what we got.

All right. So the way it was set up, this would have an engine probably over here somewhere with a CVT belt driven to this pulley that's all banged up and bent up and it would change sizes as the RPMs change and change your speed like a she. This this moves in and out or should move in and out that spins. but if you grab the rear and if you can see the other side's turn the opposite direction like an open differential.

but if you try to grab both ends of them and turn it, you can't get the rear to go. Let's um Bend up these levers. this is the shift fork for it. Let's get these bent up where they should be and try bumping it into gear and see if it kind of goes through.

I Have a feeling possibly it's kind of filled up with water. Let's go see. So a semblance looks like that tab. This is kind of like a all right.

not sure what that did down below. so that locks it in one gear. foreign. Actually, the middle part is what's doing anything that should be neutral right? Then that would be either a forward or reverse and that would be forward and reverse.

Either reverse and then neutral again. Let's um, get that bolt off, Get these two levers right out of here. We don't need them. and uh.

I Kind of wonder if we put some gear in gear, put some really torque on it, or do you just want to open the cover and look inside? You're probably going to configure this in our own fashion. Anyway, let's stay. It's um, throw some of the washers back on for now that on there. What do you think? This is just like a stop Maybe if he doesn't look like it's sitting in the right direction either.
huh? It's smashed down pretty good too and we have to see we have all this. Let's give a Twist on that. It's about where that should be that. Court Quite sure what it does it goes over to here.

Um I Think we should just take some of the bit material right off of it. Let's get these six bolts out of it and we'll pop the center of the case open anyway. I Want to see what it looks like inside, so do you? You know you do this? Rod Back here is for a break. The brake is back in there.

We'll get into that later. Let's get this cover off of there. goes with that. Yeah, that whole linkage is connected to that.

I Wonder if that's a an info tag some of this out of our way? Okay, let's give that a wrap. I Don't know how the shift ports are lined up underneath there. whether that's what's going to fight or not. actually looks pretty clean.

The dirt that I just dumped in it, All right. let's um, let's just need to take a better peek. Yeah, I don't see any fluid in it so it's empty. There's no gear oil in it at all, but it doesn't look like rust took over it.

Too bad it's a little bit there in the dipstick right there. They may have been flipped over or something. I'm not quite sure what this assembly is here, what this is doing, going across and back and we would get it out of our way. Take the front of this off because we're probably not going to use that anyway.

let's go see about getting this off. and my guess is probably just a big nut underneath here and get that out of the way. right now. it's a gear.

We should be able to move that fork. There we go. now we're in neutral. Let's see if we can get these apart like we talked about.

Looks like I got a rust hole right through it. Let's go give them a little spray. Fighting Chance on the backside I have um, an old snowmobile that we're probably gonna go steal the clutch set up. All right.

Well, the screw is turning, but it's stripped out in the in the hole. Let's go try another one. Yeah, let me get a little pry bar behind it. Try pressing, putting pressure on it behind to see if it'll work out.

Back pressure will help us. foreign. they're going to be an issue. Hey, you want to just drill them out? Maybe have a little bit of cutting wheel action? I Think our chances are we just kind of go.

There's like a rubber gasket in between there. try to slice right down in between them. see how the first one goes? Buttons up pretty tight. might be better off.

Drilling Oh wow. Oh, we're just grind the head off of it off completely. I'm gonna go around do that to the other I don't know five or six of them and should be able to get that off of there. That's cracker open, foreign.
definitely doesn't want to come apart. Easy. There you go. It's got some goodies in there.

should be the spring pack. it's like one. I Gotta grind a little bit more. Yeah, definitely.

it's underwater for a little bit. That part of it anyway. and like I said I'm not sure if we're going to use any of this. I'm going to try to use a what's on a snowmobile again.

We're just kind of making this up as we go along. Let's get a socket on that see if we could take that clutch assembly off and keep trying to remove, but we don't need. Nope. how about that.

one? Yep. I Think it's gonna help much though. Hit it with some juice. I'm hoping this is not a tapered shaft on the inside, but I know.

All right, especially that's a little warm, foreign like a pickle fork behind it and we'll try to run out the rest of the way. That's what a pickle fork is for. like front end components. We're gonna use it for this.

Talk about a machine that does not want to come apart. It's like, um, it welded itself to it at some point. All right, let's keep going so that should just pop off. I Think that washer is what retained this part of the tension and it shouldn't be under that much spring all the way out.

But I Think we'll stand to the side when we whack on it. Actually, it looks like the end of it might be a little bleed out. See what we got? It's looking to see if there's like a C-clip or something off before we start going crazy. I Would think it was just been that bolt in the washer that held it.

You probably get a pulley on that pull it. Rather, the whole thing might actually even come off together too. We're just looking at the galling that we got right there. Whatever's happening with that, can we see inside that hole? I Think somebody tickle welder at some point and put a glob of weld in there.

like it spun the key and they I don't know I'm gonna take an air gun, blow some of that crap out of it I'll get a better look. Okay, looks like he's got a key kind of going through two separate sections of it. you can enter in and outer I wonder if we can? Um I don't know what what part of the puller we're going to use though. Hold on.

So I don't know Poker I don't know if this is just gonna be what is, um, part of the shaft going into the gearbox where this one is I would say it's probably this one, right? I'm gonna try to get I don't want to put that bolt back in there? you know? Um, we need something to push off. We can get a puller on these three sides, but we got to be able to. you know, pull back on it and push on that surface right there. but not that surface.

All right. let's um two we can come up with to get this apart so we need something to push on I can't put that bolt back in there. it's been got that glob on there I Really don't want to get that jammed back in there. Let's go shopping a little bit see if we could find another one of these that we just put in there push off of.
Perhaps you don't want brass that's too soft? Let's go check the other stash I'd say I'm guessing half inch? No. I Saw it actually looks bigger than that, doesn't it? 7 16. that's too small. All right.

What's between the two? Quick? Hmm I Hope you think that's symmetric I'm a Harley Davidson for 1963, right? That's fine thread. It's just an optical illusion. Hmm, foreign. Yeah, yeah.

I heard you 7 16. that's like what we're looking for. Let's try that. So check this puller out.

Long time subscriber sent me this. It's nice. it's got the three Jaws but it has the capacity of locking the three Jaws down. so you're not just you know, trying to hold them together and hope like gravity doesn't kick him out.

It's got an outer collar this that you spin and it shrinks it up. hopefully small enough and it can't really walk itself off of. we're at the limits of it and then you run that in I Promise you to center punch the center of that. but let's go see what we get.

Twist it to get it to lock I'm gonna index that a little, it's a little wider. right there. There we go. Let's go get ourselves a wrench on that Crank that down.

Let's even get her to pop. All right. Oh, it did. was broke the aluminum housing.

That sucks. We'll get it. just doesn't know it yet. Yeah, everybody's broke off in here of it.

might end up smashing all that off it here again. I Don't think I'm gonna use any of this I didn't want, he didn't want to trash it until uh, we had a confirmation that uh who we're going to use was going to work. hmm now what? In case that's some kind of weird snappering, let's go let's give it a couple of whacks. What should happen? It should be able to rotate and slide Inward and allow this sheave the shiv sheep to work outward and slide on these.

but again everything is so rusted up and locked up. Hmm it's a look over for a minute and I do not see any other way to grab anything because this is all sheet metal. It's not like we could put claws here. if it's just not gonna, there's nothing to it.

I try looking behind see if we get like a really large collar over the whole thing. The only thing I could think of is we're take this whole assembly where we're to put it in a press. you know, try pressing it through a bit the body of it. it's not going to fit under a press.

so I think her best bet is maybe just to take a air hammer and just crack the rest of this right out of our way and try to get to this bushing so you can get the rest of the again these pieces off of here because what I want to do is replace this with the snowmobile setup that I have or use that snowmobile set up somewhere else. so we just put like a regular pulley on here or sprocket on here with a shaft coming back and another you know, uh, sprocket and we'll run a chain to it. But I need to get all this crap off of here first. It's been trashed just trying to see if there's anything else that I forgot.
but I wouldn't think so I would just think the bolt in the washer would be what retained that. There's that, um, that half moon of a keyway key in there. but I don't think that's stopping anything from happening. I think possibly somebody while winning them with a welder like I said I had that weird foreign pop it back in gear keep it from rotating on us and make a lot of loud noise.

There it goes. This needed to be bibricated off should be just stuck in a hole in there. Okay, of course, everything all right. So let's um, there goes outer.

Let's take a wire wheel. We'll clean up all this right here. Get all this crap off of here because this is where we're gonna have to back it off of and get that out so you can get that key out of our way too. We need that out so you can pop that key out.

It's a bushing or a bearing that is right there and then we're going to run into the same problem. We don't have a way to really get a puller on there. The other part, actually, and we don't have do. we have three of those now.

Put bolts in it and try drawing it. That's probably a bushing and this was meant to spin independently on that. I Don't know that for a fact, but hmm. uh.

let's let's um, maybe we'll put a little bit of pressure on it. We'll put that bolt in it I Wonder if we could hammer on the front of it and put pressure behind it, see if it'll do anything? Yeah, worst case scenario: we just torch all this crap off right now and we could work with that. But let's even get that out of our way. foreign.

Actually, these two should move independently of each other, so maybe we'll try driving some wedges down on it because that's what's supposed to be able to move. This whole section was supposed to be able to move and this get tighter and looser on the Belt to change the gear ratio. Yeah, let's try that. Just go try wedging a couple screwdrivers in there.

give them a whack. Actually, we have air tools. why don't we just use them? Uh, sometimes you get a plan in your head you think it's gonna work? Come on back out. let's make the steam mistake twice.

she's not moving well. I Guess the thing is, you just got to keep upping your game to get cooperation. So I can see it on the bushing. now.

it is definitely moving off of that. I got three pickle Forks wedged in there I'm just gonna run around with a hammer. keep driving them in as far as I can and hopefully it'll slide right off of there. Mm-hmm we're in.

Ah Yahtzee All right. So what do we got that should be a bushing? I Think that was supposed to be able to spin on that shaft and we got that outer. What is that? I think that was supposed to hold like Oiler whatnot in it? It's been a long time since. Huh? Yeah, it's hit that with a wire wheel.
Clean some of that off, see if we can get these off. here. Is that strap shaft straight? Looks like it and we just got one more time to go do. Maybe I'll clear it off.

It's already got enough room for us to work with though, so that's good. Hey, let's get the rest of this junk out of here. Yeah! I Don't think that's coming apart very easy. We may have to take a cutting wheel.

we can cut this one. this one's so close so I don't know what we're gonna be able to do that's got so much corrosion underneath it or you hit it with an air hammer. I seems to be working good for us. Um I know a lot of people are yelling at me.

put heat on it. Uh, there's a bearing in the seal on the other side of this and I'm trying not to cook that so that's a last resort. Now see if this will do anything for us? Smack straight down this. see if we can make it a little bigger, it's moving.

Come on closer and closer. I Don't know what that doesn't look like. it's very parallel to it, Does it? What if that's just like a dust cap or something, let's go stab at that with a screwdriver. Let's see if it moves.

Yeah, that's kind of like a seal or something or rubber bushing. I Feel all that substantial? There it goes. Let me get the rag out there. It's eating the rag.

You definitely tell why this machine was put in the junkyard, huh? And a decent success rate. Looks like a seal of some sort. All right. I'm gonna go clean that inside up with a wire wheel when we go see if there's anything kind of a clip or anything inside there that's whole mat? Yes.

I See a shoulder right there? I Don't know if this right here is going to come off of that shoulder or this shoulder and this piece is all one piece and that you know that's that inner shaft that uh, is what really the diameter of it is. It's hard to say. um I see the air hammer is working pretty good for us I was kind of trying to get clean in here. If we could see like a a gap in there that we know it'll slide on it, but it's kind of almost looking like this and this is one piece.

Let me go. Uh, get a little bit better wire wheels if we can work this. Gap a little bit more and see if you can see a line there that we know that this will slide on here. Yeah I took a pic I picked that I I don't see any space between there.

so I have a feeling that this shoulder and this is all one piece and it would want to slide off of that collar which I really don't think is going to happen. but uh, worst case, there's more than enough for us to work with and this is kind of the diameter of the shaft I want to work with I'd rather work with that than than that, you know? So let's take the air hammer and we'll try to push from the back of this plate and we'll see if this thing goes to pull forward some. If not, maybe we'll just take a cutter. We'll cut it right here and get this out of the way.
We'll just leave that little Hub on there. Actually, if that little Hub is on there at that point, you might be able to get a puller on the back of that. Go see what happens. Foreign Godly Loud I Don't see any movement there did you? I Didn't see any moving out here.

Let's um I think we're gonna cut that right off of there I don't see a purpose for it? Hmm I make a whale on it a little bit more. We'll just keep up in our game. Oh foreign. Snap you there.

we're in now. Hopefully we didn't cook anything on the back side. I Don't think they were given to us is these collars and what these collars do? You are able to put them on whatever Hub that you have, run these bolts down, it bites into the side of it and then you the puller can go on this lip and try pulling that off. So we're gonna go set that up.

I Got to go kind of clean it up, just maybe a little bit more. Maybe we'll just go with that side. We'll run these in and we'll give it. You know, it's not imperative that we get that collar off of there.

but I would like to get any other trash that's no longer. I Still feel that? that's that. Center is gonna come off though and just a little cautious on what we'll have left to work with. We'll see.

Well, ain't that the setup? There it goes. a bowl. The whole thing is, uh, keeps walking off the boat. Hmm.

at this point they might just leave well enough alone. We'll get on to looking at the rest of it. Let's say the next thing is, when we get rid of all this mess, it looks like two bolts right there. Hopefully you get enough clearance to get the bolts all the way out.

We'll take this whole assembly up out of our way. We shouldn't need it. Well I'd say that probably put definitely the least amount of fight good. Um, we can get rid of and we'll take all the crap off of here that we don't need.

We can get rid of that busted shock mount because I don't think we're going to use rear suspension. Shouldn't be an issue. There is like two sections of frame. you can see like one, you know right there.

Yet it will keep that. That might be what we weld to. Uh, we'll get rid of the shock and then we're gonna start. We'll flip it around and we'll look in that brake assembly.

We've got to try to figure out why this doesn't spin, we put in gear, Why we don't get anything out of the axles coming through what's locked up inside of here. again. this is gonna be maybe another its own gearbox that possibly could be full of water. Sure has been up a fight foreign we're going to get into.

Next is getting that brake assembly off of here. Possibly it doesn't look like it's touching though. I Don't know if that's what's holding us up. I Would think this would just spin right with that shaft right through and then when you would engage this lever which is fixed, this brake pad would stop this from spinning.
but there's definitely an air gap yo that's not touching right now so something's up. I'm going to take a minute, go clean some of this crap off the bench and uh, have at it. That's what do you think is going to fight us as much as the other side? Hope not. Well the bolt came out, that's a good sign.

So I don't know I would figure that's kind of tapered on the shaft too, right? Uh, let's give her some like love Taps around it that out of there. Yeah, it's got a key on it and just like before, we don't have a way to, um, get a puller on that. How many yelling at me to use heat? Um yeah I don't have enough of a lip to get a puller against you? plus I don't want to damage this. this part I need this is gonna be the brakes for it.

So let's um I don't know if it's necessary I I Just don't know if we're gonna have to get into the center of this unit. It does have a drain plug on it. Let's go take that plug out. we'll see what comes out of it.

Gear oil comes out, We're good. If water comes out then we know it's definitely right over. Let's get the um, this would be the drain plug anyway. it's gonna allen wrench on them.

Is it that one? Nope. I Want that one There we go. from that home, you think water? I'm guessing water? That's why wouldn't it turn right? If it was full of gear oil that's looking like a rust right there. Uh, look at the other one.

Keep that one a free up and we could probably roll it into a pan or something. We'll see what we get. Yeah, it's a little exploratory. Some Rust in there and definitely see some rust on the side of whatever that is right there.

Uh, I would think we would have to pull the axles. Let's go dump it in the pan. See, we get coming out of it. Wiggle that over camera.

Give me something. Yeah, that was water. That's a very, very luminescent gear oil. Yeah, there's no fluid in it whatsoever except for the water, so that's not a good sign.

Uh, my guess is we may have to just kind of tear it apart, clean stuff up, put it back together. Not exactly what I wanted to do, but the other thing I'm looking at too I wonder if it's um, more of like a worm gear, but it should still turn when I turn the input shaft. You know worm gear is. uh, so a worm gear? it goes through here and there's a gear that's kind of like a worm.

The only way the rear is going to spin is if this is turning. you can't turn the axle to have the worm gear move. It's just too much of a drag on it, but that there's no reason why that is doing that. It's kind of weird because we could turn through it and we could turn it so that the other side turns.

Yeah. I wonder if we put yeah, water's pissing out of it? Well if we put the socket back on it and we get like a big breaker bar. I Wonder if we could try to roll it through and get her to free up or rather not tear it apart. We don't have to.
Probably wouldn't hurt us I put some oil on it too. right when we do it. I'm gonna let that pee for a little bit and uh, we'll contemplate. I put the other plug in it, that's going to the bottom one.

Let's go throw some diesel in it and then we'll try to spin it and move it around see if that kind of helps us. I'm just gonna piss out the other side or not let go with that right now. So pissing out it is not, let's go for more. So that does mean that the gearbox and the differential are two separate Chambers altogether and the gearbox seems to be okay as far as not have moisture in it.

So let's go throw that plug in it. We'll flip it over, we'll put the bolt back in where the uh, the brake is and we'll see if we can try to get it to break and spin free. Throw a breaker bar on it. Here to go Sometimes if you get a little bit of play, kind of rock it back and forth.

All right. Oh I Snapped a bolt off. not very strong. Okay, sometimes you can work that play.

I'm gonna take a second and try to get some clamps off, clamp the rear end down so without bouncing around the bench and see if that makes an improvement. I Think we're gonna end up having to take axles out of it. It's in the bot. Like I said, the top going through here seems like it's okay.

just whatever here on the bottom is trying to turn. If I keep working a little bit more, let's take a marker and we'll mark the top of it. We'll see if we're getting any more movement as we go. Let's go with like white paint, let's just do one of those losing my clamp.

I'm gonna work on that a little bit, see if we can get it to do anything foreign. Looks like it's getting a little bit. I'm getting tired sometimes you just can't give up. Oh yeah, something's happening.

Make it all the way around. Oh yeah, it's a little grindy, but let's go see if I wonder if we could. um, it's popping here. That should be reverse forward.

awesome I wonder if we get like a heavy drill? put it back in neutral, hook a socket up to it I just kind of work it and then now we'll drain the fluid out. let's see what it looks like. but I kind of wanna give her a couple hundred. RPMs you know, nice all right.

Wasn't looking forward to splitting that, but we're gonna make a good video. I'm gonna get drill all right, see if a little Jewel Do it great. Oh asbestos of it. nice kick in the high gear.

see if we go. nothing holding it in gear though. foreign. So here's the thing I wonder.

let's go see if we could turn. Yeah that. I'm not crazy about that because that means if you let off or or whatever, you can't push the engine. you know? So if you lose power or stall, it's just going to lock the wheels up.

So it is like I said a worm Drive Bouncing in and out of gear, there's nothing holding it. We got the RPM of the wheels too, trying to get an idea like what we're going to have, what the ratio is going to be? What's that drill say for high speed? It'll tell us what our ratio is right. Probably look it up, you think you would see right on it though. So say if the drill is 600 RPM and we can count how many that turns, you're definitely going to need to spin it fast because uh, we got plenty of horsepower.
Again, we got 40 horsepower. We're going to be pushing it so we don't need to gear that low so we may wanted to maybe like a almost a one to one to start seeming I wonder if we can now flip over the CVT I Know we're getting ahead of ourselves, but you know that I think a CVT transmission. We'll call it three to one and it's probably a one to one at top ratio that when the belt changes. Yeah.

I Spun it for about five minutes. Definitely got noisy bearings in it and I know it's diesel fuel that we put in. It's kind of thin for for gear oil. One of the axles is uh, wet so it's coming past the seal on this side of it too.

Uh, let's go flip it back over. we'll take the plug back out. we drain out see what kind of comes out of it. Let's see if we get I would think it'd be kind of like a rusty looking color I Don't know what you can put it in there too.

It's a literally growly dirt. can we have it? That is not exactly what I was hoping for. There's like chunks of stuff in there I love that piss a little bit pull to the side. we'll see what like settles out of it.

It will run a magnet in it and see if, uh, again, like a bunch of rust particles. Well that I would not say is uh, a good sign to have coming out of there. Let's um, we're on a magnet. Any of that sticks to it.

the bowels of the mud. Oh yeah, I would say that is all metal. It's not what I was hoping for. Um, you know, sometimes you do something you you think it's a good idea.

You see something, it's a plan and then you start getting into it. you start seeing things that doesn't quite jive with what you want to try to do. I'm not writing it off yet, but there may be better options for us to try to use for. I Just like the fact that it had neutral photo in reverse, that was kind of the part of it that I was really kind of excited about.

The differential does not seem like it wants to play very well and it has a bunch of damage on the inside of it. I Wonder if we could probably even just take this section of it and we can still have the gearbox of forward in? Reverse I Don't know about trying to get the bottom bolts off of there. You probably have to gut it first to do that and we're still not dealing with all that crap, you know? Um, for shits and giggles. I Don't know if we're gonna need to pull an axle to get it apart from the diff.

I I Wouldn't think so. we're this far. Let's go see if we could split it right here. We'll take a better look inside and see what's happening.
Just everything's growling. Plus, when I'm trying to run the differential part of it, it's like you want to spend one One Direction in one the other. That's even fight. you're fighting you.

I'll show you hold on. So if you're making a turn, a differential wants to be able to roll right. You can see how like one side wants to go the other direction. but then it.

it binds right there. It's binding. so that means those gears are kind of cruddy too. Let's clean up the bench a little bit.

Let's go split it open. You know we here. Let's go see how it ticks on the inside. And yeah, possibly we could use it.

Possibly not. Again that you know, it seems like all the bearings are cooked too. I'm gonna take a minute. Yeah, I'm not gonna bother showing you.

but I'm gonna go around and I'll buzz all these bolts off and we'll see if this side of the case will be able to come off of there. Hopefully at least I think so. let's see if we can get a, uh, a chisel down inside there and I'll have an attempt to split sometimes. Usually there's like a tab that you can kind of work a corner I don't see any though.

let's um, a couple of real hard hits out back first. jiggle or loose. you know. all right now let's try not the more to slip is up.

Double check and make sure all the bolts out. Let's uh, hang this end off the bench because I'll meet you over there where you can see I said I Don't know if I need to pull the axles out or not. starting to piss out this axle. Let's uh, there you go.

Yeah, the mud that's coming out of that. Let's get ourselves set up and we'll look what it's got for for. Gears Take a look. Yeah, definitely.

Uh, so that's what it is. a worm gear if you look on top the one that's up there. So that's what's called a warm gear and a regular differential like on a car, uses a different setup and when you let off the car, you never let off the gas the rear end. This input of the wheel turning can influence the other.

It's actually going to be over here. Uh, it's a ring and pinion gear. It can still spin the output of the transmission back towards the engine. With this, when you let off the input, it's going to lock the tires up.

This does not have any influence, it can't speed the engine up. You can't use it for like engine braking. It's just going to lock right up and stay right where it wants to be. So that's kind of an issue for us.

What we want to go use and one oil bearings a little bit. Huh? There's no way they're growling. So like I said I thought it was a gonna be a good option force and still might be that gearbox at least still might be something we can use in. um, you know, input, output and neutral from it.

but I'm going to keep looking I think I'm in no hurry on this project. it's just something to do for fun. but um, this may just go up on our stash and we can go use it for something else. Now you have an idea what we need and it's going to need all the bearings and I don't see any burned up gears.
They look all okay I think it's just sat with water in it for so long it caused what it's doing. Yeah, because all this looks pretty good. I haven't seen water coming out of there. that's our forward Neutron reverse so we'd have a flange there I Don't know if that is all one piece on the inside I Don't know if this can be, you know is that I would actually think it would be.

You know at least up to that gear right? Let's go put it in neutral. So I would think and we'd lock into a gear. Okay, next go this way. Yeah.

I wonder if it's inside on those and it locks up? I Think this the middle one. The middle one is connected to that and then that's the forward and reverse forward in reverse. on news. see if one's got two gears, one's got three gears.

That's how it reverses itself. This is reversing an input with just two gears. You know one gear spinning one way, the other gear spins the opposite way. With three gears, it goes one, two three.

it returns itself. So whatever way, this one's spinning the same way that one's gonna spin. So it maintains the Beautiful the forward gear and again, that would be the reverse gear. It goes the opposite direction.

Hmm, what a mess. what a pile of crap. I'm a little disappointed, but nothing ventured. Nothing gained, right? Well, I was kind of hoping for something a little, maybe even a little bit wider.

uh, wheelbase on it. but I could have worked with that. So hey guys, they're on all winners unfortunately. But uh, we got to go play and make a mess and take out some plasma cutters and cut stuff and beat on stuff and Destroy stuff and uh, it's a lace about right? I guess two of it I'll see you later.

By Mustie

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