this is pt 2 of 2 on this Benelli mini bike that has been parked for 40+ years, lets see if we can revive it and find why it was parked,

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this. Benelli Buzzer mini bike that I picked up about a month or so ago with some other projects and we already got one video of it. We kind of went and did an assessment on it. went through the carburetor, the fuel system, the tank, the uh engine I think was stuck.

We took the cylinder head off there's a bunch of carbon and bits in stuck inside there and got it to run and then we tried to pop it in gear and or just kind of see if I had it neutral. Left the back tire down on the ground and the back Tower had no air in it and it spun the valve stem off the tire so for some reason it doesn't seem like it has a neutral. It does have a clutch lever up on it up here, but as far as I understand that it's not really meant for like standing still and taking in and out of gear. I think it's just it.

It tightens the clutch up once you get moving to kind of like lock it into Top Gear maybe more like a torque converter. We popped the cover off of it and that's kind of like where we left off so we got to kind of look into that more and figure out how that system works and even with the comments from the other one, it still seems just as confusing. It's a 1970 and it roughly sat for about 40 years I did get tubes, they came in for it. They're sitting around somewhere in a box.

so let's start with trying to stop it from doing any more damage and see if you get that back tire assembly off of there, throw a tube in it and you'll probably do the same for the front. And while we're there, we'll check the brakes out and then we'll work our way back to that clutch situation and hopefully get it running like it should. Without further. Ado start turning some wrenches I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to be doing I Don't know if that healthy kick stand up or something.

Maybe definitely someone's clothes hanger. All right. So we got an adjuster on there. Let's get that off of both sides.

We should be I Don't know if the bolt pulls right out or if we're able to take it out from the rear. I Don't know if that cable is going to survive getting taken out of there. it's all frayed. Let's see if we can just kind of unbolt it and leave it in the holster.

Is that brake? Jump's gonna have to go with it. Looks like a couple of the Uh strains are already outside of the uh yeah, it's already got a couple. Let's see if that's free. That's free.

We'll not worry about it, it's not. We have to try to chase another cable. All right, let's get that unbolted. huh? There's a slide.

Yeah, there's a slide in the back, so there we should be able to take the wheel right off. Hopefully we can clear that. See, it's got a master link on the chain. foreign independently.

That one. walk that chain right off of there. Let's go to the outside see if it'll free itself. There is a snubber holding the brick drum from turning.

I'll show you. Looks like we got to clear that that has to be able to kick out far enough to do it. There you go. Yeah, there's that that brake assembly.
It's going to have to kind of go with it. Can this just pop right out of here? I'm probably gonna take the shaft apart, take the brake drum off, and leave it all right. We just. we just pull that cable out and say screw it.

we'll deal with it later. Looks like I Lost a couple back in here too. There's a strand hanging all right. Executive decision because you're never gonna get that back up.

So sometimes you get pack them with solder. like afterwards. tighten them up. freedom I Do see nuts down inside there.

stuck with the jokes and see if you get that so the rim should split apart. We gotta figure out how to get some of this stuff off of here though. Yeah, it's gonna be behind that brake drum. Would you probably take it all apart anyway? just to kind of see what the shape? Things Are Bearings feel pretty good I Don't know about kind of conditioner brakes are in though.

Let's go open one up. why not? Foreign Looks pretty good. actually much better than they expected. Yeah I think anything as many miles on it at all.

A lot of the shoes are still there. generally. you know every kid I Everything I ever ruined ruined rode. the back.

brakes were all chewed up. Anyway, let's go see about getting access to the valve stem. I think supposed to be Yeah, let's um I guess we gotta Buzz the sprocket off out of our way. Then we get to those rubber bolts.

Split that tire. Now we can see them. foreign. it's just going to lift right out of there for us.

Oh yeah, push out the other side. where's our valve stem? I wonder what happened to that? Who caused that to happen? Fix that if you had to. Yeah, this happens when you give it gas when there's no air in it. spun the the rim inside the tire.

Let's go grab another tube. I Don't know if I got the exact same size. they were kind of like one tube size fits all. Looks like you should be able to get in there.

I'm gonna take the valve stem out of it actually because this Rim's cutting open in half and we don't have to feed it in. We just takes some air out so it kind of like maintain its shape. you know, all right. So just shove that in the tire.

let's throw a little bit of air back in it, fluff it up. if I just screwed up or not I think the indexing is off so that's where the hole is. You got four places you can kind of rotate I guess to try to get air into the valve stem, but no matter what I try and do. if I go with that, it's off and I go with that, it's off.

So I unscrewed it again I think because we got six points here, we should be able to index that maybe a little differently. I'm sure I would think possibly we could rotate this assembly to where it would line up. so we need because it looks something like that, right? Those two lined up. so let's go see what looks we need the valve stem right about there.
Will that? Workforce we do that I think So foreign. So I'm going to screw with that a little bit. see if I can get all those pieces to. Jive Is that going to be right? Still, the same thing is there is there not a window where it'll it'll line up to that.

It's kind of dumb, huh? I'm gonna go pick at that a little bit, see if there is a solution. Yeah, essentially just I need to get those two lined up I'm gonna lined up I'm not quite sure if that was even lined up correctly to begin with. Likely story right, you got a one in one and six shot of getting it right. Bolt that back up.

It's like getting this wheel assembly I might take a minute and clean the bike with some uh, some cleaner while the wheels off of it. This is just WD 40 inch spray bottle. Let's go try to see if all that crapple I don't want to break off a little. soak that down.

probably like Scotch Brite pumper's not pumping good. Taking the heavens anyway. you get the idea. So I'm gonna go spray all that down so you can get some of that crap off of there and bring it back.

Get that wheel on there. You must get that chain off too. soak that in something. It's already half fallen off.

The master link was even clipped in. yeah. I'll find something to soak that. Oh yeah, I think it looks a little better.

It's not shiny or anything but. I Went around with the WD and Scotch Brite and just got all the dirt off of it and then brought outside. Hit it with the pressure washer. I think that all that crud out of our way you can see now with a uh they all painted black which is the chain guard the muffler was Chrome My guess is that front end was too one thing I see.

Which gets me a little bit concerned. somebody's definitely been in before. Let me go plop the light up so you can definitely see the sealer and I had it I Laid the bike down and hit it with a pressure washer that goes all the way around. So someone's been inside there before and maybe played with the clutch and maybe we've had a problem or still has a problem.

Maybe that's why I was parked because something got screwed up inside there. That's just a guess. Let's um, I I just threw a ball a nut rather on the back tire just to be able to roll it. I'm gonna take it back apart I'll get the fender back on it and we'll get that chain assembly.

won't worry about the brake for another cable. Hook that back up and we'll start jumping into this clutch setup. I put air in that front tire too, so we're good. Yeah, so let's uh, get that buttoned up and then we'll look into here.

Kind of curious what's going on. hopefully we can you know, cure that or figure out how it's supposed to work? Yeah, you thought I wasn't going to repack the bearings I thought I forgot about it, didn't Yeah I did. I'm gonna go clean that out I don't know these all fell out of the race so I don't know if they are just like an individually packed setup and they sit in there. the balls are all over here and uh, the other side so far staying together.
but I'm going to rinse both of them out. see how the race looks itself looks? Let's see any scratches and it's packed with grease if it's not. Rusty So that side kind of stayed together so far. I'll take both of those.

kind of wash them out, repack them. The grease will actually hold them in the socket when we put the axle back in. Let's go take a quick look at that axle. Sure, we got nothing going on.

We want to look at that surface right there for scratches. let's see if it's tore up at all. Actually looks pretty good too. and then whatever.

the the collar for the other side would that end up right there? This is the other race so the balls kind of kind of roll on that without any restriction. Yeah. I Think it's fine. It looks like we just got to pluck them out of there.

Wash them up? Yeah. I Think these things definitely did not sit. Outdoors Still got the original upholstery on the seat and all. You know it's at some point it in its young life it did.

That's why the muffler and everything got painted for that turned to rust. But it wasn't like the 40 years it sat outside because all this stuff. eventually water would have got in it taking it out. Yes, I'm not gonna bore you with this.

I'm gonna take a minute, clean all that up, repack them, and then we'll get that wheel on there. see how the chains do. I got the chain soaking in lacquer thinner, load her up It's gotta be kind of the glue to hold it in there. so I need to kind of pack that? Reservoir Yes I wash my balls.

we're running around with this kind of pack all them in there I Gotta flip it over and set up the other side the same way it'll be smooth rolling. Thank you. Waiting for me to drop one down the middle? Aren't you? So am I getting tight? one more spot. There you go.

Ah Get Jinxed me I Jinxed me. Let me see how the size not together yet. get in there a little tickle around them. pack them into place.

Good for another 40 years. that's around about a half hour unlocked I think I also cleaned it I took out the wire wheel and I got all the heavy stuff off of it. No hamlets? Yeah, t-step We're gonna take in a parts washer too. I'll hit it with a scrub brush.

Maybe knock off the last little bit of I Hope that's paint that's on there. Kind of seems like it doesn't it? Maybe when they painted some of the other parts of the bike, they painted the chain. All right. let's go rinse that off.

I'm not gonna oil it now I'm just gonna get it cleaned up and throw it back on there. That's all back together. A little bit of play in it. You can kind of tweak them.

There's cams on the back here and they're an eccentric pulls back on the bolt against that stop and that's how you can adjust it. Plus you got to pitch it from left to right. I might be off a hair I Think this way, but we'll run it. If you get like the chain binding a little bit like popping a little, you can tweak it.
I Look down the center of it. It seems like I'm fairly straight a lot of times too. It'll show up like right there where you the chain view that goes off or on. it'll do like a little bit of a sideways vibration.

We'll see. All right, let's go to the other side and look at that clutch a little bit. So normally the way the clutch works, you pull the cable, there's a cam on the inside that, um, pushes on a rod and opens a clutch, pack up might be some water in here and I just threw the cover on to pressure wash it. There's no gasket in it.

There's also had oil in it when we took it apart, but this one. even. like in the comments, people were saying different things like how it's supposed to work centrifugal clutch when it's in the like regular position. You start it up and then you pull the clutch lever in and it kind of like locks it into gear.

I Don't know about that. Guess we're gonna go find out. She's Joey is a rod in the center. so in this cover there's a little arm that pushes on that rod and that opens a clutch pack.

which is going to be this what's in this basket right here. but it feels like no matter what we do it's locked all the time. and that was the problem that we ran into on the on. The first on the first part was it was always engaged so it looks like it's got a spring clip.

Let's go get that's hard to take apart, huh? Let's go see what we got underneath here, what it looks like. So now you can kind of see the inner and outers free from each other. So if you kick the motor over, this should be the inside that spins. So how would that work? You have to squeeze the clutch for it to be in neutral? That would be a pain in the ass.

Wouldn't it like if you're trying to if the bike's just sitting there trying to warm up. Is it always going to be in gear? Man it just doesn't make sense to me like this. Maybe there's a spring missing because normally there's a like on a regular motorcycle clutch. Yeah you have like a spring pack.

There's like movie Springs facing straight out at you that keeps pressure on it all the time. and then when you pull the lever in you, you pull against the springs and you take the tension off of off of the spring pack. But this just kind of keys everything right together, doesn't it? That's just locking this and this together. Hmm.

Get the nut off of it. will take a piece. Maybe it's a possibility. they just kind of stuck together and they need like a little bit of freeing it up if there's only one clutch.

again. I I Just don't know the answer to it. and judging by that silicone going around the outside of the case too, someone's had something apart before. What if it's left or right hand thread too is the other part of it? That's definitely been a part too.
the nuts. All beat up lying ass. Parks Everywhere it looks like it's set up for maybe a puller in the center part of it and it's keyed. Yes, you can get a little puller on there.

we'll pop it off. I'm just curious to see even how it works it, just even if it's I Don't know if it's okay, but one of these just hmm. make your puller work a little better. Okay Grease The shaft and the pivot point on the inside where it makes contact.

Let's go find it. looks like uh, what do you think Half inch yes, had the wrong socket? All right. Run that in there we go. Yeah, so that's the regular clutch setup that it has on the inside and the outer locks up.

That's a weird kind of setup, huh? Let's get this clutch thing off of here. Foreign. Now we can see what we got and it's wet all the time. So just like a mini bike clutch, when it revs up, it doesn't touch the drum.

but then when it revs up, these shoes Rock to the outside makes contact and makes the inner and the outer part of its spin. but it was turning all the time on us and I think what was happening was I see some crap here I think the face of it, this part right here. let's get all the stuff out of it all right. So this is really not supposed to have any pressure on it and then when you squeeze the lever, you put more pressure on it and it helps lock the clutch up.

So that's what they were talking about where I kind of like I want to call it shifting gears but so my guess is these two surfaces were kind of bound up with each other. I do see some crap like in between the veins plus it just been sitting so long it's soaked in oil. So let's go clean some of the up and take a little bit better peek at it. and maybe maybe the cable is just too tight.

Where is pushing too much? Not sure I just wipes it down. it looks like it's got adjustment on it too. You can take screws and add or take away how much tension it takes for the for these to start to engage. The monkey setup: never really seen something like that before.

Kind of cool. I Guess maybe it keeps you from Burning It Up So and that's in there. they should not touch and then when it spins it should lock and the outer shell should only transfer. That should only push on it.

That's the only push on it when we push the lever with the little pin in the button and that set setup is on there. So to get it to lock up they push a little bit harder. Kind of like opposite of what a regular motorcycle clutch is set up like. All right.

So I'm going to take a little bit of time just make sure everything is okay. I'm gonna throw some stuff back together again. Maybe we'll fire it up and we see, um it will just back that lever off altogether. See if we we'll see if we have like free play on this.
Come back here. you can definitely see one hot spot where that plate was touching more than any other. Almost got a Bend or anything to it. I'm gonna lay it on like a piece of glass to see if it has any kind of rock to it.

It's got a little bit of a rock to it. I would I don't think I want to try getting any kind of Bend out of it though I think I might just trash it. make it worse I think if you get it if we can get it so it just does it in touch should be okay. So even right now it should have play in it, which it does.

the motor should be able to spin if we can't grab with our fingers. right now, that's a problem. It's gonna throw that back in the gasket. It's got a little bit of a tear in it in one spot.

I'm gonna go clean that we'll do. we'll probably we'll Mount that in the upmost position can we? Actually, it looks like it's dedicated to a certain like that. I'll do our best to piece it back together. It looks like a little 10 millimeters to drain and this would be the fill.

Let's even get the fill out of it. Always take the fill out first, not that it really matters in this one, but nothing worse than draining something. Does it look like I rear end on a car? you uh, drain something and then go get the fill plug out and it doesn't come out so that could be an issue. All right, let's go grab a wrench.

take that out of there, see if there's anything left to piss out. We'll put some new fluid in, it might be a little bit still trapped back there. It looks like somebody put some some thread or something on there I wonder if it was leaking? There's like a um cloth or a like tape that you would put on a Pike joint that is stripped out and maybe put that in there. All right.

So much for just cracking. At least let it spin off right? This is a mile long. Yeah, water's coming up and oil. Yeah, they had some kind of like, um, something on there.

Let's let that pistol I can lean it this way. you stab at it. a little bit of crud's coming out, a little bit of mud now here because it's probably like clutchman clutch material or something. All right.

Should just run right out. You can always take an air gun, take an air gun, try shooting it in there, see if you want right at us with that light out of your ways. You guys see what we get I know, not bad. It's pretty dry.

let's see. Finally, a little nylon washer or something that can put on there instead of whatever they used. They're both the same size. Yeah, so we just GM one of them all the way down to the end of the threads.

so we'll take it in there with a funnel or something. I Tried different setup, something like that. the hose is too big. I'm like, well, what? what about just like a gearbox gear, oil set up with a cap.

Use it oil that's supposed to go in it. Uh yeah, really. So I gotta go. Probably drain one of these out and I'll fill it with this and hopefully get that in there.
If that does not work. we are going to go for the old squirt can which already has oil in it too. So I found a solution my little pumper valve so purge all the power steering fluid out of that automatic trans fluid out of that. We'll try sticking into one of those so you can rinse it out first.

we'll just run some into the tub. I Guess we got a color change right? I Don't know. Get in there, that's looking pretty good. Awesome.

So switch over to the bike pretty much. We're just gonna fill that until it starts to piss out the top of the hole it. That's kind of like what the level's supposed to be. Sit up as you can see so we're just going to keep on going.

I should forgot I had this. have it. Give it a second to flow forward on the motor. will give her a couple more shots.

All right, so they were probably about right there. Do it one more time. It's pouring out for about about 10 seconds. 20 seconds for this week for that to stop to a drain plug-in Yeah, let's go clean some of this crap off of here and fire it up.

see how it does? Let's go looking. Uh, free play is what we were talking about, which seems like it's got plenty. so you pull the lever I Like how they have it the other way around. Yeah, that's how much free play is.

It's got more than enough replay before that is touching the center of that. See what we get. This has been a little bit. Let's go see.

I think that would be gas on I don't know if we could see. Yeah it's going up and in and that's got a choke lever on it that we click and then when you give it full throttle it pops off. Let's give her a couple of kicks, see if she'll go. Let me back you up.

let's throttle I Had to cover over the points I'm gonna take a quick peek and make sure we got Spark It's just got a button for the kill so I don't That's the point where I ripped right out of it. It's not like it has an on off switch. see if you still got support? Yeah got. Spark Give her a little bit more, gotta slide that coil forward.

The plug wires just barely long enough. Here we go. Choke it by hand. should be able to stop.

Gonna run for a second with the choke on it and we'll pop the truck off. You gotta turn it. Full Throttle for the stroke to release, get a little heat in it. first up and see if it'll pop off.

This stupid idle man just dies. So I don't know if we, uh, need to go do a little bit of tweaking and let it warm up a little bit more on the choke and we'll try it again. We'll see if we can get a good idle, make sure we don't have any intake leaks if we did the first time around. I'm also going to slide this coil a little further forward because there's just enough room for that to make it.

You had to go cut it a little bit off in the last video. Yeah. I'm gonna go see if they shimmy that forward and we'll fire it up again. It's loose, should go.
That should be enough. Yeah, it's dripping gas some so that float's got to come apart again. See if it'll go though. Let that run.

Let me grab the air cleaner. Foreign. Probably got some more crap out of the tank. We cleaned the tank, it wasn't great though.

Let's go pop that off originally. They're really simple setup. It's got enough room to turn it. I'm gonna take the fuel line off the other side.

That fuel line is the original one. It's kind of stiff, foreign it too much. see. let's go get the bowl off of it.

and I don't think we didn't put a needle seat in it because we didn't have one. Probably looking one up for it, but she's still idle. shouldn't um run just on choke like that in a second by how much craps in the uh football got the debris from the tank comes down. It will make it so the needle is heat, has material between it and it won't shut the fuel off.

Okay, you might have had it's got water in it. there's your problem I don't know. that's probably just from you washing it over there. That's it.

That's like, yes, it would move like that water well run on water. I'm gonna let that Purge out a little bit. I'm gonna let it just kind of piss out and run some of the fuel out of the tank for the pet and then put it back together and give it another shot. Yeah, you can see it in the tray too.

That should be pressure washing it. Whoops. All right, All right, yeah. I think we need to take an air cleaner deck.

Even out the mix a little bit is my guess. what's happening right now and what's in there I Don't know if this is the correct one or not they're supposed to be there. Kind of looks like a 70s what a 70s moped would have, but there's nothing there to hold it like there's more of a container that would be on it and then it had a bail that went on there. Gonna go look up in the stash? One of those little china doll Motors Seem to have something that's somewhat similar.

Do that. Let's go turn on the fan too. huh? As well as yard sale spices. Again, with this little china doll.

things. What I was talking about was this thing screwed on there so eyeball that Maybe tight Is it? Of course I didn't make a screwdriver with me I Think we're gonna need a screwdriver for the face of it anyway, aren't we? Let's get screws in it and we'll grab screwdriver. Let's see if this has anything to offer us. Maybe Go see if that'll fit over the face of the carb.

plus split that Bale up I Wonder if we can, um, put a slice in it? be able to get it to fit because I think that'll work? I Think we can get it. Problem is, it's almost like the exact size of it. Let's go try putting that filter in it this one. Yeah, because that's the size of that hole.

What if we could do something like that? maybe put the bail like make a extension to the Bale Or maybe we'll just throw a tie wrap or something around it for now. Try it. Let's see if that'll help. Maybe That's better if that doesn't work.
You know, possibly we have an intake leak and my guess is where that sealer is right? There might be an issue I don't know if we ever took that off. We probably did because we had the did we take the head off? I think we just took this off I Don't think we take the took the jug off. So yeah, maybe we didn't have that apartment that's an intake leak right there. Give it another shot.

See, we get, um, should grab some spray. Generally if you spray it around there and if it comes back to life or dies, it would makes any kind of difference. It's got a leak that didn't make any difference. Hmm.

all right. So there's a couple things I'm kind of thinking of. that could be an issue Why it's doing what it's doing. One is crank seals and plus you have to.

We ran it a little bit and crying feels is essentially the air fuel mix goes down in the bottoms like below the piston and uses the crankcase area not where we put the whale. that's that's separate, but it uses the bottom of the crankcase as like an air pump to draw air fuel mix in and then it pumps it around to the top of the cylinder top of the Piston rather. and if the seals on this crank are no good, instead of it trying to pump up into there, it'll pump into this area and cause like a massive air leak or a vacuum leak, it's possibly that could be it. You really don't want to tear into that unless you really have to, you would normally also kind of like feel a little bit of play and stuff that that's in there.

Um, also the fact that somebody opened up the crankcase is got me a little leery. Oh, what's going on with that? I'm gonna go pull that carb apart one more time. just give it a better once, overtake it right off and just kind of look at everything and and see what we have. Possibly I can find something.

We'll blow it out. just one again. there's not much to it. There's one jet in it and I already blew that out.

Um, but anyway, I'm gonna go clean that one more time and put it back on and just give it one more shot. The other thing I was hoping for was that the emulsion tube was that brass piece in the center right there like one of those are collected I wasn't able to get that out of there to clean it. I'm gonna go shove some fuel up inside it and just see what the flow is I already did it so I know the answer but see if I can demonstrate it. So as you can see, both of those ports are clear, that's not an issue and the main jet was fine.

There's nothing going on with inside there and again. I'm going to put it back together one more time and I do not see. it's not gonna get any contaminants in it. So like if the tank brought a bunch of stuff, it's starting to look like those crank seals unfortunately.
But but I got the carb off. I'm gonna pull that intake manifold off of there I said the sealer and everything that's on there. Just it. Make sure we don't have an issue going on.

that's cool. That was a little egged out. See the other side of it. looks like I would think like this wouldn't be the gasket I would think that this would be like a spacer.

I'm gonna clean all this up. so I got the intake off I'm going to kind of check that bottom of the crankcase. the Piston is up a decent amount all the way up and I should be able to blow in there and I should have a bunch of resistance. if I don't it'll be blowing out around a crank seal.

I could blow through a little bit, but you should expect a little bit. You better push you know, past the Rings a little bit going into the exhaust. Ah, I'm not thinking that's what the issue is. Still not sure though now sometimes I'm riding mowers and stuff the the manifold where it's bolted down a kind of shaped like a a hoop to it or a curve.

Give a little sanding on it and see what kind of pattern it leads for us. If that's the case, it'll It'll just kind of see in the ends and it's just doing just there and there for now. So I'm going to keep going on that a little and see if we can get a even surface going across. You would think that black you know that piece of plastic would be able to take the Gap up.

but still, we're gonna work on a little bit. and because we also saw that that was flipped over, it wasn't sitting in there correctly so that's looking pretty good. Yeah it was jumping on backwards. The way it was set up before was like that and that the path was totally wrong.

We are gonna go like I said and take some of the a real thin layer and probably way too much right there of the right stuff kind of coat that I probably should have did the manifold instead of the head. The other place you can have an intake leak too is right, you know with the base of the jug meets it. but it would have done the same thing when I went to go put the tube on it and blew through. If there was an air leak it would have leaked out through there.

Looks pretty good. Let me, um, a little bit on here like I said generally and so what you're doing is it's actually running lean. There's not enough gas is sucking too much air so the mix is off. As people say, it's running lean.

That's what it means and so possibly it's happening With this is that instead of drawing through the carburetor and and pulling fuel as it goes along, what it's doing is it's sucking air for them, just totally throwing the mix off. Hence why it gets that like that knot, wanting to drop down to an idle and and revving high and then slowly going to an idle, then falling off and not responding to the uh, not responding to um, input of what you're trying to set it even. It had an air fuel mix on it kind of do the same thing too, just not make sense I'm gonna let that tack up a little bit and then we'll bolt that down, put it back together and give her another shot. All right, let's try it again.
See what we got? No air cleaner on it? Let's give it choke I already sounds better foreign. What's up That screws all again. Now it's like the other way. Now it's too rich.

Let's do it all right. I think I Found a throttle response but it doesn't seem like it has. Yeah, it died I Think it's gonna fight. Definitely a big difference from what it was.

Definitely had a new technique before. See how fast it drops down to it doesn't hang up like it used before the runner attack. Get in there I Hope it's got an exhaust restriction a little right there. I Lost the O-ring that one gotta go punt for another one.

Then it just ran. Now it just fell out. that's not the crank seals and the back tire seems like it's stopping too because you can stop that with her foot. Yeah, so that clutch is working and we're supposed to be able to do is squeeze that lever.

Let's give that a shot. my salt motor. But let's see what we get. Yeah and that makes it dry.

It cuts off good. Get in there. the adjustments like I said that's run all the way in that all that does is it holds that slide from different positions and uh, give me a screwdriver on there. We'll give it a.

It's like almost there. especially not bad where it is right now for Steve's idling. What happens is this stuff's kind of like finicky that there's a reason why you're able to grab that with your fingers while you're riding. because that gets hot and warm cold, the weather changes.

you kind of tweak that idle all the time. Definitely needs to be run some, huh? Get all that? Sounds like it's a low on the rich side though, because it doesn't rev like it should. Sounds like it's gone the other way. Yeah, like I said, too rich? I Wonder if somebody opened up? That means yet they were trying to fix it and maybe they drilled it a little too large.

Foreign. Get some of the air evacuated out here. would have gone a little. I'll bring it back a little pot a little bit.

I Know the fans are loud, but put up with me for a second. So I've been screwing around with it. and if I turn the fuel on and off to kind of maintain the float level, everything kind of dials in like it should. The screws in the right spot, the throttle even sound good, but then of course it's going to run out of gas in a second because the float level goes down too much.

Gotta give it a second. Give it a, give it a little bit of gas, turn it back on. you kind of dial it in and kill this. You can kind of dial it.

You can get it to run just like it's supposed to with the throttle in the right spot and it seems about the right richness. So my thinking is the float level. The float fuel is allowed to come up way too high and it's kind of like throttling itself into the carb and or the main jet just got opened up and it's a little too big. Somebody changed it to try to fix that problem that was down there.
So I'm going to pop it off one more time see what we can do to try to fudge the float level. I wouldn't say I See you. The flow is yeah. Generally you kind of tell by the way the float sits if it's perpendicular.

A lot of times there's certain rules that you think of roll pain you put underneath. Here you check the measurement. this really doesn't have an adjustment on it. Let's see if we can get that pin out of there.

It's just kind of a fixed it's it's captured in the the pin is captured in the groove of the float. Click that. But what I really think is happening I don't think it's just shutting off all the way because we did see it with a little bit of fuel kind of pissing out around it. and I'm looking at the little Nitro natural tip which is on there.

I'm gonna show while it's going to show up but it is somewhat distorted so if that tip has been like hammered down it will make it so that the the float level is higher. I'm going to take a real better look at that tip too and I want to see if somebody possibly drilled it out I don't know if I'm gonna be able to tell but I'm going to look under the scope real quick. The opening does seem again kind of guessing. You know we'll peek on that see if somebody drill that open a little bit unless I would have done if it was running lean.

but I don't know if I can look it up. There should be a number on here. Maybe it'll It'll say what the jet size is and possibly look up what's supposed to be in it, but it's something that's 53 years old. I'm not sure it's going to come up or not.

I'm gonna do a little bit of homework see if we can find. Looking through my carb kits is like something for like a weed eater type car. Found another needle. Looks like it's roughly the same overall length.

Of course it's got a a new tip on it I'm not sure if that's no it is I Think sure it wasn't metal. let's um, skill that fits in the bore and actually almost feels fairly decent. Let's go try it with that one in there and we'll see if it probably just turn the fuel mile. We'll see if it overflows I looked up the means yet it was supposed to be a 56.

There is a 60 that is in it I think which way does it go? Is it smaller than number? The small little number? the larger the size. So a 60 is smaller than a 56 right off the bat. So I'm not sure if that's gonna help us at all. Let me go put this back together and we'll put fuel tools, see if it, um, they'll close it off.

Yeah, it definitely sits much more up on an angle. Hopefully I saw too much though. What I can do I just don't know. like when we go to bowl.

actually might be okay. Got the height of that float ball? How much room does it have to travel? It's still got some room. Let's go try it. We've got to lose that's hooked up.
Turn the gas back on. well, hopefully probably been a couple of seconds though. Let's give it a kick, see what it does? No joke. All right, no joke.

Thank you. See if it maintains its title shows now the air cleaner on it yet but still around the gas in the tank again too. Let's bring this fan on. Sorry about the noise I'm gonna die still.

Same issue All right huh? Put the air cleaner on. it's going to get worse I'm just going to choke it out more I don't know if I have a I'm gonna look and see if I have a set of yet you can kind of play with. go a little farther, a little smaller. you can dial it in.

Watch it when I'm going to rev it up I'm going to turn the gas off. Foreign. Really, it'll be right in tune as you kind of let the fuel run out and let the float. The fuel in the float go down a little which again you're leaning it out.

The indication is okay, get worse. Yeah it says that. I gotta get some Jets dude we just gotta I I think somebody opened that up is my guess I think it's probably the correct yet, but somebody opened the sides up to try to cure a problem that was caused by something else. Fun working on old junk isn't it? If I get the smoke cleared out and noise shutdown.

so poking around what? I got I found a couple of Jesse's are way too large. um I thought I had a kit my TW that you can adjust them. couldn't find it but here's what was in it and I used drill bits for like my index and these have numbers on top so the one that came out of it is a 71 drill bit would fit in it and this one is a 73 or 74 roughly that fits through it. You know again that much smaller than the other one.

So I'm gonna go try that. We'll put it back together and see what we get and can only help right? Oh yeah they think you could do is you could kind of fill them with solder. You can take like one of these, you fill it with soldering and you just open it up with a drill bit. It doesn't have to be, it's only letting so much fuel going through it doesn't care if it's a nice smooth Circle or if it's Jagged Whatever it is, it's just the amount of fuel that flows through it.

so it's not like, um, try to explain it. um its efficiency. It's not in how smooth the flu the fluid goes through it, it's whatever restriction it is. whatever restriction it is up top.

When you start getting into the emulsifying tubes and things like that, then you're kind of concerned about how much of it. Mist it's being broken into, but not at this point. It's just raw fuel that's sucking through there and take 743. Give us some chill for a little bit.

Seem like a reptile kid though. if I can still go smaller is my guess. foreign and we're not like pounding the smoke out of the thing. neither like it was.
I'm gonna go set that air cleaner back up on it. We'll kind of double check it again. I Think it's about as best we're gonna get with what we have for jets, but we're definitely on the right track. I Think we go a little bit smaller.

we'll kind of give it, put it in that correct window, but again, working with what we got, let's go kill that. let's see how it restarts. Yeah, there we go, All right. we're gonna go pop the air cleaner back on.

I'm gonna try to run it a little bit. you may help it help or hurt, but it's under control. At least it idles and kind of does what it should. So I think I'm gonna jump ahead I'm going to throw the front fender back on and some of that stuff.

uh, the chain guard. we can Loop that we can Lube the chain put the chain guard on. We got to make a brake cable up for that rear. See what we got for that? I don't think we're ever going to get that one back together.

I think I saw a thrash down the end of it. We're not going to get a bed deck through. so I'm gonna go see what we got that maybe we could push through that jacket in, up and around like a bicycle cable or something. What does he got for an end? It would be this one.

whoever that uses for a barrel and I gotta check into I think it's just captured. Okay, all right, keep watching. Pretty good too. Now when something runs lean, it runs hot like smoke myself out again.

let me go chase a bunch of that stuff and I'll bring you back. Hey going over some things I took the muffler off. kind of cleaned up on a wire wheel. Let's give her a little listen choke.

Foreign works huh? the Tad rough. that's more like it. Smooth that out first. it's got nipples It's gotta like nipples.

It's got that little key on the top and the bottom that it locks into. Let's see how it does for us now. falling off before I think we're twist back I need two hands I'll get it. That's it.

Oh I think we're down to the last funked out brake cable and this is uh I think Walmart sells these. Let me give you that. I got on a line I Got like 10 bucks to set and it's like everything for all the cables that you put on like a 10-speed bike or a mountain bike. So hopefully we steal the cable out on one of those.

Maybe we'll just use this jacket over. let's look at the handlebar. we'll start taking it apart. We'll see what it's got on the on it for an end so it looks like it goes into this.

Barrel you gotta push like the cable in then the barrel can come out that'll light, might fall all right. there we go. Yeah see, he's got on it for an end round ball. So let's go look for some round balls in that kit.

Plus we need someone that's got a decent amount of link to it. actually looks like it right there. Let's see if that'll just as long as it locks into the socket. Yeah.

I'll do it. Let's go lay that out and see if it's going to be long enough. Again, we don't even need the jacket I Don't really want it. you know because of the colors, the original ones that tan I Guess you want to call it.
Just go see if this is gonna be long enough. I think it is. Oh, saddle part of the handlebar. Let's not walk it more than enough.

All right so we can get rid of this end we don't need I'm gonna um I might heat it up a little bit of solder on it to keep it from spreading apart. or I may just try to grind the barrel that's off of it. not sure yet. almost like a little piece of Steel they peened over the rest of it was solder.

So we cut that frazzled end off and we'll try pulling it through. No turning back. now. How about some chain and cable? Lube I Found.

Let's go shove that up in there and hopefully it kind of pushes out up by. The Handlebar I'm gonna try to feed them from the other end. grab it, get gravity on our side. There we go.

push it through. and so I'm gonna go feed that new cable down through there and just put everything back together. Put the little tip fell off the end there. Yes.

I'm gonna go try pushing this new one through. probably about five miles too long. We'll have to cut it again, but there we go. Plenty of room, all right.

So I'm gonna hook all that stuff up until we get rear brakes two minutes later. I Think the kit may have a little plastic cap that you can put over this. You slide it open, you can cut it so it doesn't spread out. Yeah, it might be one of those little the little black things right there just kind of keeps them from spreading.

Either that or that that little Barrel right there. my light's spazzing out. Let's go spin that on there. Very wire colors would be better for the crimp, but let's see what that does.

This doesn't fall off, That's good. you're getting near the end. The only thing I have had foot pegs on it with like these gushy what's left of. Yeah, there's just nothing left of it.

Let's go see if we have any kind of like maybe heater hose or something that would fit on there fairly snug. Something's Gonna Be better than that right? Hey, as you can tell, my Holy Stash I don't know like this is heater hose right here. it might be a little fat. We'll bring that down with us.

smaller diameter one when you know what's gonna happen. One's Gonna be too big One's Gonna Be too small. see if we have anything else, this is Volkswagen specialty hose from Bws. This thing's probably the same size as that though.

Yeah, I won the bet. It's probably going to be this one if we. maybe we heat it up real good. See anything else? What's that right there? That's the same thing.

smaller. We'll bring that down and the other one wherever we had it that one I think that's about what we got that right there. That too because you're always wrap them with something too also. so no I think this is gonna be too big.
It'll go on there. but I don't know. Maybe we can, uh, glue that? Let's go try that. Whatever this is, it's probably about the same massive cables though.

huh? Let's um. I'm gonna cut up a couple of pieces of this and we'll spray some spray glue in it and just see how it holds up over time. Hand grips are too big. Hmm, how about some super trim adhesive I Feel that way in the morning? Can I take a piss? Let that tack up a little.

we'll that set up a little bit. It is contact adhesive though. It's not really meant to kind of go together like that, but we'll see how it works out for us. It's gotta be like when you, um, I'm just worried it's gonna.

we're gonna push it on halfway. You know the other part too. You could probably take the smaller one and slice it. Let's see how this works out, is that matter? You could just take the welder and weld a bunch of Nubs on it so your foot doesn't slip off, shall we? Let's give her I don't think we waited long enough.

Take it back off, put some air, get to it. almost like to. Win It cures and then you just attack. Touch the two of them together and then the glue bonds.

All right. Missed it by that much. That kind of sucks. actually.

run a screw right down through it self-tapper keep it from spinning well. I Found a solution that seems to be working. Clean them up and took the smaller hose and I split it down the center, sprayed that with glue, sprayed this one with glue while it's open. let it air out and cure.

Yeah, let's see how this goes for us. Seems to bite pretty good now. Of course the bottom is not Shield up going across it, but I think it's good enough. Feet don't go on the bottom anyway.

right? Yeah, that's on. They're pretty good, all right. So I think we got pretty much most things settled. They got the Um air cleaner too I took that and um, put a grind Mark in it for that Bale and bent the Bale So now the air cleaners held on you.

pop the Bale off and that air filter is half in this one and a half in there allowing it to. You know it's keyed beside the side because this and this are pretty much the same size. but the air filter Bridges the Gap and then the Bale is holding it like a cap on a master cylinder. All right.

I Think it might be that time. Foreign. foreign. That might be an issue.

You know you're having fun when time goes by and it's it's now night time. So I figure I Throw it in the back of Krusty between the two big brothers there and we'll go take it someplace else for a neat little ride. See how it works out for us? Okay, turn the gas on. turn the gas on before it runs out.

How you doing Foreign? All right. there's the tractor. Wanna run it Foreign? Foreign? A celebrity? How much for a cookie hide? Oh, what's up sir? So wait. you want to trade for the tractor? Look at that.

huh? Gets pulled over by the cops? The little parking lot? cops. That's all right. Good company. kill buttons right there.
Hold it down. there you go. Awesome. Thank you.

Hmm. foreign. What seems pretty decent I've read about an hour, hour and a half or so and more runs. It seems like it's getting better and better with that four stroking on the lower RPMs which again is too much of a rich condition, but it seems like it's all right.

It's again, it's still literally get off the line. It's a little kind of Boggy if we tweaked that main jet I think we can probably get it to run a little bit better, but I'm just going to keep running it for a little while. see if I can order a jet kit, see if we can go a little smaller and or like I said, fill the one of the Jets off the solder and drill it to the diameter that we want. but it's a pretty cool little rig.

It's tiny. Yeah, the handlebars fold down. compared to anything else. Like a bicycle, it's like half the size of a small bicycle.

That's it's good to even like. you want to go pop in the trunk and go cut around and you know, pulse my 200 pound ass around. Fairly decent, a little too squirrely in the sand. I'd say that's a cool little rig because I think it's going to wrap it up for this one and get some other stuff to go work on.

but I just want to go and show this one off I Have fun with this little Bike Dude You know, quite enjoyable. It's really simple to work on and uh yeah. I think this one's a decent uh rig? I Still want to get rid of that black paint that's on the handlebars. gotta match the rest of the patina of the rest of the bike.

And yeah, get it all looking and see if you've seen with that little glass pipe on the Bottom Clean that up a little, make it just look like a 53 year old bike should. in my opinion. All right guys that we're gonna go. Sign off and thank you all for hanging out with me.

A little bit of wrenches, a little bit of screwing around, and acted like a seven-year-old and we'll do it again sometime soon. Go back later. Orange 70 mile. You need the mirror? Do You have any miles per hour? Just when I've done the wheels? Yeah! Dumber You go and do something like this and don't even Lose Yourself.

By Mustie

15 thoughts on “Can we save it? trashed 1970 benelli mini bike”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan6832 says:

    I wouldn't bother restoring chrome or removing paint unless you find out that it has serious collector's value. As long as it's there to be used, just use it. It will need plenty of functional repairs. There is no shortage of stuff to fix without spending much time on chrome.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Man Cave Workshop says:

    The lever is pulled in to help the bike when climbing hills.
    Plus it allows the bike to be push started.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doak 48 says:

    Do all machines in New Hampshire piss? Never ran into that anyplace else. I notice that every one of yours do.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrQuasar1958 says:

    Have you checked the ratio of fuel / oil mix?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Ponath says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bren says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joneser up in smoke says:

    That thing sound like it's gna hit 40 easy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N. B. P. Davenport says:

    Can you use a fuel filter on it?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Clarke says:

    It did not look easy to work on.😢

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gray Harker says:

    We carried one of these from coast to coast not one jc penny's had parts. Pa rigged it to keep it running. It got lots of laughs but it would run circles around a Honda mini trail! We took it back to penny's and they gave us our money back!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Seven says:

    Looking at the garage footage it looks like Mustie is immune to Carbon monoxide gas. 🤔💨

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HARLEY DAVIDSON says:

    The second time I watched your videos ,I had a great time. Good job! Señor..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jocke Thörngren says:

    If only YouTube (or the internet for that matter) was around when I was a moped youth…
    When the moped drew (unwanted) air, we just used milk cartons to create extra thick gaskets 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jocke Thörngren says:

    Opposite you say? Well it IS Italian right…ever hear of MotoGussi? They had the gear and rear brake pedal opposite from the rest of the world (atleast on some of the bikes in the -80's), which made for an interesting first ride for those who didn't know it 😀

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