this is the trash picked snowblower that we dragged out of the woods last week, lets see if it can be revived for next to nothing,

Hey guys how's it going hey we're going to continue on this homeco 1962 snow blower that sat in the barn for 40 years and then sat outside for another 10 or 15 after that uh the first video we got it so that it had no spark, and It had no compression both of those were taken care of, and then we dumped a little bit of gas down. The spark plug hall gave her a yank and she fired off and died. So that's where we left off. I think we're gon na go continue going further and see if we can resurrect the rest of it.

I think the next thing we should probably get into is the fuel system. I am willing to bet that it might have some issues. So let me get you understand, let's get started and get some wrenching under our belt, so this carb setup is a little bit different than your normal, something with a float ball setup. The way these work is, they have like a constant flow that keeps a chamber inside the gas tank at a certain level, and then it just overflows and pours back into the tank again.

That's the air cleaner. It doesn't uh snowblowers, don't run an air filter anyway. So that setup needs a little bit of a pump to keep the fluid moving around and that's what's inside. The rig here is a spring with a diaphragm and then two check valves that allow a pulse from the engine as it pulses to run the diaphragm and that diaphragm in turn runs the we're gon na call it a fuel pump for a lack of better uh Words, but when we get into it further, it'll make more sense.

So we got this ready muffler to get out of the way, and then we got two bolts holding the gas tank on to the block, and i think it's three that goes straight down one two three it'll allow the gas tank to drop straight down. Let's see if we can get rid of some stuff off of here, it's got a governor set up. What's called a vein governor on the first video i kind of showed that was underneath the fan shroud or the pull start and then uses a spring right. Remember it was on the lower hole.

That's what that guy is. So all right looks like it's missing some pieces. Also, possibly i'm not sure this is your throttle she's a little a little dry and i saw there's some fluid in the tank believe it or not. Yeah after 40 or 50 years, but it doesn't resemble fuel at all kind of, has a oh.

It doesn't smell like fuel at all, either all right, let me get the gas tank, probably dropped down, i'm not sure which way it's going to come apart, because the back screw, because that one's a bit tricky to get to so usually, if you have the tank Out of the way you can kind of come straight at it, sometimes you can reach underneath it with another screwdriver, but anyway, let's get that out of our way. We go more throttling, as you take off of hasn't, taken an apartment looking at something. So this is your idle speed. This stop right here runs against that pad it's a throttle and that would allow it to go down to an idle uh yeah.

Somebody was definitely been in there before us, because at an idle that would be cranked out, probably half the distance threads on each side. You can see this is actually a spring and it's all crushed up. Somebody ran it all the way in so i was definitely having run issues the last time it was used. Yes, i was afraid of there's a pickup tube, the frame's in the way around the drop down.
So there's a pickup tube right there. They got to go clear, get her out of some. At least i have access to try to get that other other screw loose i'll get the two cards two screws off the card. We'll get that up out of the way.

Then everything can come straight up to the bench. Let's go see what that gas tank has to offer yeah it smells like it looks it's a whole new meaning to fossil fuel. Huh, take a peek inside there. Let's see what we got, that wouldn't say terrible.

I'm gon na say great. So when i was talking about the float ball area that, if you look right in there, you can see how that is not as deep as the main part of the fuel tank. So fuel gets drawn up this side and deposited into this area, and this area has, i don't be able to see it. The capacity to it comes up so high and then overflows into the side.

So, like a regular carburetor's got a needle and seat the float. Ball comes up, shuts the fuel off and maintains a certain level of fuel in the float ball. Normally the fuel comes in and the float maintains probably about right. There's one stuck but get the idea.

So, as the fuel comes in, float comes up shuts the fuel off and maintains a level probably right about where that silver line is right there well the way these work, it just has a little chamber considering we'll consider that the float bowl that fuel pumps constantly Into that spot goes into that chamber and then just overflows back in, so it maintains a fuel level of that high and again, the rest of it just kind of dumps out. So it's a constant flow going through of it. Instead of just shutting on and off of the needle and seat, that's how they're set up all right, let's go ahead and get into that carb see what we got on that yeah she's, looking a little scabby on the bottom side there you can see like this Is the pickup that sucks the fuel from the bottom of the tank? That is definitely plug solid, and this is the one that actually draws the fuel into the carburetor and here's the air fuel mix for that with a jet behind it. We'll get that out.

In a minute, let's uh pop the diaphragm off, so this is that little diaphragm that's supposed to be moving up and down on this end again from the when the engine is running, it creates the the flow going through. The carburetor isn't an even flow. It's not just air just being drawn through it and even flow. It's a pulse well! That pulse gets affected.

This diaphragm gets affected from that pulse and allows it to move a little bit, and it draws fuel up through here through this check valve, allows fuel to go into this little chamber along with the diaphragm. Then the pulse goes the other way shuts this door. This door opens up and allows fuel to go through and get deposited down through the other side. I do believe how that works.
I don't think it goes directly into the carb again. I could be wrong on that there's a couple of different styles of this, but i'm pretty sure how that that's, how that setup is, let's go see what uh we got for a diaphragm on these a lot of times he's just turned. This has probably been sitting so long that way, it never saw ethanol, fuel and ethanol fuel kills all these. Even on.

Like your little two-stroke weed, whackers and chainsaws, it's a death of them. I mean it's pretty stiff, not as bad as i've seen some of them again. These are the little check valves too, and these need to kind of be able to open and close, and if they get all stiffened up or contaminated, or you know frozen in a wacky position, they don't work anymore. Neither the question is whether this one's going to clean back up again, let's go get a screwdriver to get that main jet atom, there's not really much to them, and then we got to see if we can get these passages opened back up again, i was, i Think smart enough to actually get carb kits ahead of time.

That's usually not how i roll all right see if we get that mean out of there and we'll get these passages clear and then we'll soak it. Let's see if we get that mean out of there. I don't think it has a separate idol jet. It might be wrong, but i i don't think it does again.

This one had somebody tied up the governor, so it was, it was set to run full throttle. It was definitely having problems and last time it was used. This is the choke. I don't know if you can see that it opens and closes a vein on the inside of it.

That's chokes already it's open again, it's not too much again. Somebody took that idle speed and cranked that way down. Let's see if that back off out of there should be probably right about i'm gon na guess right about there we'll tweak it later. If it survives all right, i'm gon na go.

Take the wire wheel. Take this on a wire wheel, clean the crap off of that and that so you can get those guys to shoot air through them. I guess before i tear that base gasket off of there. I should look and see what i got, because i just went on ebay and eyeballed what i thought it was going to need, i'm going to grab two different sets.

I think one's more complete than the other yeah. So that's the pump part of it. These two are the pump and i think i grabbed the larger set that has more packages. One of these here we go one or two of those just one a slacker all right, so we need to make sure that that matches what we have before we trash that look at me.

Getting the right thing all right, we'll get that off and we should probably wire wheel the base of this get all the crap off of it, see all that crud that grew. Sometimes these will break the stems, will break off too plus. We don't know if they're clear yet sometimes, especially if they've been sitting like in a gas tank that is full of fuel, the fuel level is like up to there, so this whole thing gets plugged up solid. I'm amazed that that fuel that there was actually even fuel in it, i think it didn't, evaporate all the way and it literally sat for it was 40 years.
He thinks at the barn and then it was like 10 or 12 years out in the field there. So yeah, 50 plus years, whatever we're sitting in there crud it's a passage right there. Let's go get an air gun we'll blow through this one see if we get this one to clear out and then the same on this one, this one, i think, should go to that passage right there. Actually, we should be able to if we shoot fluid in, it should come right out the bottom, and that goes to that passage in the face good thing wearing glasses yeah.

I don't think that one's clear what about this one, this one should go right through to the jet yeah that one's clear one thing you could do to get around. That, too, is if you fill the tank up all the way, instead of just having like you know, that much fuel, if you fill the tank all the way to the top, it fills that reservoir in also all right. So this one's clogged, let's go hit it with an air gun yeah that one's pushing back. I don't think that one's doing anything as i blow everything off the bench make some room.

Sometimes you can get the end of it off we're dealing with some old brass out. I start wrenching on them. I think i'm just going to end up cracking it. I am going to go work on this.

We could also probably soak it too in the carb cleaner. Sometimes that may free it up. That might be a better idea and then we'll come back and work at it. This is the piece of screen go get her.

This ice out back people are having fun doing donuts yeah, maybe go we'll, go soak that and get on to the rest of the machine yeah. That's probably what the inside of that tube looks like it'll. Look like that, just all gummed up probably up to you, know right about there at least yeah. I want to go clean that a little bit more of the wire wheel.

I thought that was a screen. I would not say that's the screen. I don't know why. Anything's not going through it yeah she's just plugged up solid roto-rooter now we're in we're still going to let it soak, though i'm going to let that soak and then we'll do our best to go clean out the rest of it at least now a fluid can Get up inside it, you know to go and clean it.

I think i think we'll be able to shoot through it. Now there we go good the carbs over the ultrasonic, cleaner, doing its cleaning and go deal with the tank play with our nuts. This is uh. Kerosene, i'm gon na.

Try it just something to kind of break up. The crud need a little more hmm. Those screw holes go all the way through too. Oh.
If that's gon na stick or not, i'm just going to do a bunch of i'm going to do that for about 10 minutes and we'll dump it out see what we get. I feel like it made about 30 margaritas, see what we get actually looks, pretty good i'll, give it a quick. I'm gon na go run a screwdriver down there and see if that little bit of brown comes off. That's on there really good! I'm not gon na.

Be that concerned about it i'll just rinse it out and we'll call that good. Sorry about the background noise. That's the heat on! So i rinsed it out with water and gets rid of the water. You hit the propane and then light it.

You can kind of. If you want to just hit it, you can, but the little bit of a pulse helps plus it's fun to do all right. Well, that carbs over there cleaning itself or getting clean, i shouldn't say, cleaning itself: it's not a cat. Let's get that muffler off of there.

It looks like it's a better half a tetanus happening to it, see if that'll come out of there, there's a gm nut and it's threaded into the block. That's that part of it yeah! Oh there, it goes. Let me see that was what i was afraid of. I do believe on the floor over there is a new one.

I think that one served its useful purpose. I'm gon na take a thing of uh parts, washing fluid and just kind of clean. Some of this crap off of here and hit the air gun over the other side, and on that note, actually, let's get the oil out of it here, i'm sure that's a day or two on so look too bad, all right, we'll let that pee out fill The engine back up with oil: let's go quickly check that gearbox, i'm not quite sure whoops. I would think it probably uses like a maybe a straight 30 weight.

Let's just go see if there's anything in it, yeah, let's play doctor, i wouldn't think it would be. All the way full for the top - it's not that kind of should be about an inch or two from the bottom, though i'm not feeling anything there we go. I don't think we have anything in it. Good thing we checked, huh yeah, there's really nothing coming back in there.

I'm gon na go crack that drain plug real fast. I don't just got one underneath it or i see a screw hanging out of the side right there. I would think that would be the level of it. Maybe try getting that out.

You got a little access hole here. We go yeah. I would think you probably fill it to that level and let it run out and it's looking kind of muddy. So, let's get i'm going to grab some, probably just some straight dirty weight, yeah i'll read the comments later find out.

If i put the wrong fluid in it, let me know when it pees out, probably should just dump a bunch in it with the plug in it. Yeah it's going to come right out. Let that um. I wonder if that's the bottom, nothing! I wonder if that is the bottom of it for the drain, we'll give it a second yeah where's my drain pan come forward thinking right there.
Actually, we should probably level it again too yeah what, if that's a drain, that you only have so much amount in it, so i think we're just so that it's at least wet, because that's everything coming out of it look down below. So you can find another drain screw. I don't see anything there's one in the front, but it's that there's one in the front, but it's on the same plane as that i don't know we're just going to throw a little bit put the screw in there. We're probably going to fill it to about right here and we'll call it a win, because when the gears are spinning, it's just going to splash them around and keep them all wet, but i'd rather have a little over than a little under or we could tilt It and see if we get a bunch of fluid out, try to yeah so that that is the level it's supposed to be.

I'm gon na do my best to drain that on the bench and i'm top it back off till it flows out evenly. Let's get carbs probably about ready to go, but i figure maybe we'll scoop around a little bit more. So this is the engage and disengage for the drive of the wheels. So it has a chain that went from the top sprocket down to there and then had a lever that came over and it looks like it's hard to tell.

But like there's like a cog in there, that's supposed to slip into. I see like a cutaway in the back of the sprocket there and down in there, and my guess is probably like spring loaded. It's meant to you, know pop in and pop out in those little bars and then transfer energy to the axle and spin the axles. That looks like it's pretty much frozen.

I wonder if it's not going to be too much of a pain. Yes, all depends on whether these two guys want to play well and come apart, that if we could take the front of the snow blower off and just unbolt it, i don't know what it's got. Two yeah. I also don't know if anything transfers yeah see more stuff back here.

What do you got going on? I don't know is that an adjustment or something see that might be the spring? It pushes it forward if that will stay behind and we get that front of that snow blower off. Actually, if we take these bolts out instead we'll leave more of it. I don't want to start with that stuff. Neither you know all right.

I'm gon na go poke around a little bit see if we can get this separated. If not we're, i probably should have waited had an oil and i just flipped it over. We could have probably attacked it from the bottom. Let me do that real quick.

Let's go flip it up like this and see if we can access it, that's a little better. I always say that's supposed to slide freely back and forth. I don't see that happening. It's not too much of anything huh, so that's spinning, and then it has to transfer power through this shaft and i would think this collar.
Okay, i see it so that collar is pinned to that one and that needs to slide down so that that pin that pin right there needs to drop in to that cavity. So that has to go that way. It's all frozen, i'm gon na go, try shooting some oil on it and maybe take an air hammer, try to do a little bit of a ratatat's hat, so you can get that to move down see if we get the free up without tearing it all apart. How about the rest of this stuff, nothing's saying? Oh! This is any good! Neither right yeah! That's where it's gon na start.

Getting kind of hairy too, is the uh. How do you get those drums off? You have to take all those screws off that faceplate. I'm not expecting them to come acro apart all that great huh all right! Well, first things! First, let's go see if we could spray that down and get that to move at all and go from there. There's the spring.

That's supposed to supposed to bounce back on that weird noise is my air compressor that one's free you can get that one hammer down? I said it's pretty frozen the lever's not holding us now moving. Judging by the way it's moving, though it's uh gon na have to come apart and get freed up. I don't think that's gon na by tapping it back and forth, but we'll give her a shot. Close to it, yeah, i think we got ta have to go dig a little further, so i'm gon na bring you back once i get some stuff screwed with, because i have a feeling this is gon na, be a little while and see if we can get That to we should probably throw some pliers on it.

Real, quick on here, maybe we'll see if this even turns this whole assembly turns, if not, we know it all has to come apart. Then i'm not sure what does and does not move if we can even get on it. Yeah smooth also here is crunchy rust, yeah we're gon na have to dig. I doubt it's gon na come apart, but let's you want to try all the four bolts out that are holding the front and rear half together, yeah she's gon na fight us, i think, in two spots.

I think that's going to be an issue and there's somewhere else too. I was looking so it's it's sandwiched between this plate of sandwich between this side and this side. Those bolts are out, so i thought it would have a little bit of wiggle room and i thought this is just going to be a spline and it might be hard to tell i'll get you in there. I see better than i can i'm going to try with the pry bar just prying a little bit see if i can get it to start to pull away.

If not, i don't quite know yeah. I want to keep digging a hole. You know, i don't know. If we can get that unit out, i wonder if we can get this assembly out of there.

Maybe pop try popping this wheel off because it looks like it goes through. The axle goes through the center of it. I know it's dark down. There.

Yeah looks like the whole assembly would have to get taken apart through the wheel and then the axle pulled out and it goes from left. You know going in that direction and again free up everything that's inside there, so it may have to come out of there to go. Do that i wonder if we take the four bolts out of it or three take those three out if it would spin downward it gives at least better access to it. I don't know we're digging we're going in yeah.
I grabbed an air hammer from top, and i tried hammering on here to get these two to separate and it's not just not going to have it so i think we're going to go to plan b or see whatever we're on and try to get that wheel. Apart, which is going to be those screws yeah, i know, hopefully they come out. We can have access to the uh, the innards of that. Maybe we can work our way backwards if we're able to get it apart and get that out of there.

I don't know. I think we can we, i wonder if we get it far enough apart, where we can get this plate to lift up and off yeah. Maybe we can access it that way, get this side open. Let's say we wake the ball up.

First, let them know we're coming: oh yeah, it's not get overconfident right, it's just the first one plus we'll take it off and it does absolutely nothing. Yeah i'll bring you back when we're ready to go in and last one come on to do anything. There is a little snap ring in the center the cool looking breakdown. You guys get that snap ring off and see if we can get this outer skin off and that's a tiny comment: don't watch good yeah pretty much like a lawn mower, a little planetary gear setup that just drives it.

That thing is we're gon na. That was easy good, so you can get. Maybe that pin out of there drive that that pin out we'll bolt i'll, try and bolt all the stuff from this side and see if we can get it to to open up actually should be able to slip it out of there huh yeah, all right, i'm Gon na get some more hardware out of the way and uh get us to that gearbox, a bunch of hardware out of here. Hopefully there you go, i tried punching that out and wasn't having it a little bit of rust hiding behind there.

So i think we have the what we got left. We got the handlebar. These three should already be attached to that gearbox probably come up with it. Yeah that pins are gon na have to come out anyway, huh because it's gon na is it gon na leave the shaft behind hmm hope.

I don't dig into the other side and have the whole thing come out might be like get a better shot at it. Now dad i'm not trying to hit down on an angle, i said: move yes, no, maybe well we're closer anyway. You definitely see the assembly that we got probably get that apart and work on it. Let's get a better look at that yeah.

So how about the that part of it i'd say if you could take a wire wheel to those gears? I think that's just what they're going up on. I wonder if that's got opinion, if that's got a pin in it, we might be able to um. I think it would right put some light on it. Okay, right there, possibly, you could drive that pin out.
We can move the assembly and yeah. Like i said i like to try to be able to. You know press this stuff off of here. We got to get this moving and then cleaned up, probably on a wire wheel.

We might be able to get that if we have to right there again. I don't think that pin is going to move the more you beat on it. The uh actually get rid of we'd have to get both of those out. Won't we because which one's frozen this collar is frozen on this shaft.

So this is just retaining the spring. Yeah, i'm gon na pick away at that see what we can do to get that got a snap ring there in the middle too, you see how the crud build up in the middle there yeah that one's fine, the other one not so much. You know what it is, because this one spins all the time they probably stay, kept itself lubricated. This one doesn't spin on the shaft.

It just has to slide back and forth, so it never kind of polishes up the middle there. We might want to get a better shot on it with him. The air hammer too right, where it is instead of trying to hit it on an angle. Now i can kind of hit it on the face of it.

I might need to support it a little bit, though. Let's see what we come up with, that's stuck i'm going to try to get the pins out of it. I think i'm going to try to get a jack stand because you got to get a hard hit like this everything's flopping around you don't get any energy trying to drive the pin out, so i'm going to probably come over with a jack stand or something and We'll support this a little bit and try getting. I think we got to get both of those out of there.

We have to. We can drill them yeah this one's got so much. I can see rust over the top of the hit it with a wire wheel to clean some of the outside crap off of it and again until we uh the snapping, i think just disappeared on us. It might have been all cruddy.

The snap ring that was right there, stopping it from sliding down, took a ride right there with a real hammer. Moving problem is, i think i probably should try to get that one out first, because now there's even more load on it, hmm try that might have to put some heat on that one huh. Let me go work around it worst case. We cut it cut it get the spring off of it, get everything off of it, clean it back up and drill it.

It's really kind of getting into it. I'll do all we need to do is get this freed up, so it slides back and forth. I think it moved the problem is now i'm thinking about it. We have that snap ring that has to get in there now, so it has to come apart to get a snap ring to hold the sprocket.

I don't know what happened to it. It must have like literally broke broke on the back side of it, and both halves just fell right off all right. Well, it's got to go because the sap part is that's now free one's good. I think the snap ring may have just walked off.
I see something in there, it might be still there got ta clean it out yeah. I think it just it popped out of the groove, but there it is. I think it popped that one was just sitting up in here, because now it's retaining the sprocket again. I wouldn't say it's actually, the most tightest.

I think it'll be okay. I don't think it's gon na again we're hammering on it caused it to bounce out of there. I'm gon na go pack some grease up inside there and we'll get that. So no corrosion will happen again.

It seems like it's pretty free same with all back in here. We'll do the same, we'll i'll. Let that pop forward and i'll work that back and forth lube all that up, so that she's, nice and pretty. I think we can do some reassembly.

I'm gon na go hit that the wire wheel, while it's out there kind of clean up a bunch of those teeth, so they're a little bit smoother. I think the axle is free on both sides. Uh we may or may not pop the drum off the other side, we'll see how it is that should do it. I don't know why that pendant wouldn't come out of there.

It's one of the they are hitting the center to get fatter and tighter all right. We fast forwarded a little bit to get this thing moving along, so i got all the linkage put back together and sheet metal deck on it, so i believe, take away from underneath that's neutral the chain be driving that all the time and the linkage rod comes Out through a pivot and up through here spins around, and it should click in already in that's in it, that'll be drive for it and flip it back out back in neutral. That was easy. I got ta fill it back up with oil and i think we could probably reassemble that carburetor and get that ready to rock and roll.

Oh one. Other thing i had to go screw with was there's a preload for the chute. The rod comes up and it had a torsion spring, which kind of made like 16 different, turns around here and kind of grabbed, the end of it like a knuckle and spread it back, and that went to dust. So i did not have one of those.

I came up with that just a spring pinched, with a between two washers bolted together and the washer's bolted to the lever, good it'll, lock it in place. Well, that was in there way longer than needed. It's been in there so long that the heat shut off that runs for about two hours an hour to two hours, and i made our change colors a little overcooked. Our steak is medium well, it starts changing the finish on it.

You still be okay, that's what i get for screwing around with other stuff too long and go wash that stuff up. Let's go put it back together, it's probably one of the simplest carburetors to put together. It's really not much to it. It's got the little spring and you can see um here's the new one, the old one.

You see how much they collapsed over time, uh, how much spring it was gon na have and that little ring just kind of protects. The gasket from taking a puncture pretty much like that, throw some four screws in there and she's good. The only other thing you have, i believe it's a main and idle circuit. Yet i think it's all one there's only one adjustment on it, but i think it's.
I don't think it has a separate idle circuit, i'm not sure of that. A lot of times you'll have two adjusting screws. One is for the mixture at an idle. You can idle nice and then and the other ones, for when you're up on the throttle to adjust it for that, and that's just going to be, i believe it's just a one circuit, so that's the main jet going back in again come on.

I blew all the passages out already and then all you have is the metering of it by adjusting that screw. That's going to get cranked in i'm going to go, throw a new gasket on. I think i have a new one of those somewhere and go clean. This up a little bit before i put that in and that just gets bolted back to the top of the tank with the gasket and the carburetor gets bolted to the body.

Oh yeah look how clean they are now other than that fuzz yeah. I think this one did have a spring uh spring, a screen attached to it and uh, possibly even both of them - i'm not sure but she's going as she is all right. So i got that card all back together and just got a quick little run down and what's happening, how it works so inside here is a fan at the flywheel. It blows air over the top.

The cylinder head cools the engine, but it also has a a governor on the side of governor main, which is just affected by the air flow. How much is on that? Well, that is what tries to maintain rpm you're, not like on a mini bike or something you pretty much get rid of the governor. You just kind of run it directly to the throttle. That's the throttle up here, how much it that's idle! That's full throttle! Well, this setup is you have a cable coming in not connected right there on the handlebars, you pull.

You want from idle to full throttle so at idle. It allows this to be all the way forward. This is spring attached to that fan and what that does it influences how much pull it has on there. So, right now, it's running even if it was here as soon as it would run, it would try to just push it right back down to idle speed.

Well, if you pull on this more, you pull on it, the more it influences giving it throttle. Well, say you have all the way forward and the engine starts to over rev. The fan will still be able to push it back down by the having that. Little give in that spring there.

I don't know if that makes sense to you or not, but that's pretty much how it works. I don't think it's going to work that great, i think somebody was in here meatballing a bunch of stuff around. I have feeling that spring might be too light again. The governor on the inside had string wrapped around it and it was tied up, and this was all screwed up with the idle speed cranked all the way out.
So i think they're probably having problems with it at some point, but uh we'll find out. I'm gon na go steal the choke off of that junker down there choke the muffler get the muffler on there and i got ta do something about a cable, this one's kind of ratted out up on the top side here all busted and bent up. So let me go see if i have something else to go put on there, if not i'll, try and fix that one. Let's take that cable right out and it's a razor knife and just slid off, slid the jacket off on one side.

I should be able to peel the whole thing off. It's done, you're not going to do much with that. You can see how much rust that held in there and unfortunately you cannot get fluid to lubricate that with the jacket on. So that's why i'm taking it off some of them even come with no jacket on it and essentially, if you look at it, it's a it's a big spring and right on the inside of that is a metal solid wire going down.

So i'm gon na go. Take a wire wheel actually take it over to the wire wheel, clean it up, knock all that rust off and then i'm just going to try soaking right through the outside of the jacket right here with some oil and that will penetrate down the inside. If you kind of tilt it, it actually goes right, the inside pores and hopefully that'll free it up enough where it can be a usable cable again after working a little bit. I should do it.

Try that so they're putting some gas in it. I think we're ready to kind of fire it and try to dial in the carburetor and leave the chain off for now, so that at least one part of the deadliness isn't connected the auger is going to be spinning. You know all the time. It's a direct drive well to a gear reduction and we'll probably do our best, maybe to get rid of the crap.

That's on the table, so we're not launching like a spray can or something through it, although that would be entertaining. Let me clean some of the junk up off the bench, we'll get some fuel in it and we'll see how she fires up and we'll dial that carburetor in. Hopefully i got this. Can yes, it's actually got a little bit of premix in it.

Shouldn't hurt anything, but it doesn't have any ethanol on it. I'm not going to fill the whole thing up just enough for it to run. I shouldn't want that enough, but it's probably going to take a second for it to prime, like i said it has to pump fuel into that second chamber. If you fill it all the way up, it automatically fills that chamber up.

I don't want to do that. We have to we'll give her a couple of yanks see how long it takes, if not we'll, dump a little bit of fuel in it and prime it we are choke is on. Let's give her some throttle, see we get. Let's give it a like.

I said i don't want to screw with that forever. Let's give her a little, you have to keep her going. Do it one more time, maybe gastly. That might be me, though somebody just want washed out of it.
Yes, it's washing out be dumping. It that's here. It's gon na gon na make me feel it. Thank you.

It is leaking like a sieve. It's probably got a warp to it. It's common that that happens. I'm gon na take the muffler back off.

Try tightening that up a little bit more! That's why it wasn't working. It was sucking air around there instead of trying to draw it up through the carp, and i took that back apart. Apparently, i screwed up and screwing it together. I did not have that one in the correct and it chomped its way right through that passage again in a second here you can see the it was a fold down the whole thing i done crimped her, i screwed up good thing.

I bought more right. This, on the other hand, too, can be concerned. You can see, it's got an angle to it. I'm gon na try taking a piece of glass and putting a piece of sandpaper glue to it and take this level that out a little bit because it's got a definite bow to it.

So, although that was screwed up, i also think it's it's leaking right in this area too. I actually don't have a flat piece of glass here, at least i don't want to screw up, so my bandsaw case should be. This is just carotene, and i think this is 400 grit might be a little too fine. It should show rub marks where it doesn't doesn't touch like i said you can see the whole area right.

There isn't doing any contact, so i'm going to try to get it knocked down so that that is kind of smooth going across. You get the idea right, i'm going to keep working on that. So i get at least a uh, a solid line going across the top of that. It's almost there.

Let's see we go with that, it looks pretty good should i know i was doing the car all right. Let's try it again with no choke. That pull starts still gon na be noisy on us, but let the fuel out a little bit governor's, not working all right. Well, we got to take that pull start off anyway, because it's got issues, but the governor is not responding like i thought it was going to have an issue.

I think that spring first of all is the one that's on there. I think it's kind of screwed up it doesn't give enough pull on it. I also think some stuff is bound up and bending it's got a breather on that fill cap and it pushed some out of there. So maybe it's going to self-adjust its levels.

I might be a little over full on that too we're getting closer all right. Well, i am going to go home and eat and then i'll hit this brain early tomorrow morning and, like i said, we'll take that pull start back off. Unfortunately, i got ta. Take that bracket back out of there and we'll do it the pull start and the governor, and then i think, we're ready to rock and roll other than putting the chain on it.

All right opened up the back of the motor again, so the the goosing is that right here i got ta put a light oil. Sometimes it's better off with none, it kind of depends. So this wants to stay put. This wants to spin.
If there's any kind of drag between the two of them, it tries to push the pull start out. That was that noise that you're hearing so by me, spinning it. I can hear it's kind of chalky, so i'm going to put if you try putting a regular leg motor oil on it, it's kind of heavy and what will happen over time. It will still cause that same problem just because the oil is so heavy that it causes drag between these two, so like automatic transmission, fluid is good or just a light.

Oil. A light machine oil like a sewing machine oil, will take care of that. Then the governor, i kind of suspect we were going to have a problem and i think what is going on everything looks as far as i can tell. The vein looks pretty good, but what i think is happening is the spring that is on it.

You can see that in the back right there, how much play is over around that. I i think it's not giving much feedback when you hit the throttle and you pull the throttle up. Where is it? Let's grab that see how much it's not even doing anything through most of the strokes, so i think we just need to tighten up on that. I'm gon na go see if i have another machine and see what it has for a spring on it, and possibly this tab might be bent not quite in the right direction.

I'm not sure. I hope i can maybe find another one, but we'll try our best to get that dialed in i retake the shot. I have it while we're pulling the cover. This is an old tiller.

That um is waiting its turn it's another one that has come from. I'm dragged out from underneath the house. I took the pull start off, hoping to get a better look at how the correct setup is supposed to be, but slightly different. It does not have a spring that goes from the throttle right to the linkage right to the governor.

Instead, it has a little curlicue inside the throttle plate that feeds it at the same idea, and this is the throttle. It's full throttle, that's idle, i guess, but you'll even notice at idle. It's already got holding the throttle in a higher position where ours just kind of lazy like a lame duck. I do believe they've got to tighten that spring up, get rid of some of that.

Slop because there's no feedback, good feedback coming from it, so we'll take care of that. The vane angle looks correct how much of a bend it has on it. I think we got it. I don't think we need more information, we'll leave this cover off right now.

Just kind of eyeball it but yeah this should be a good resurrection. I won't do any more i'll. Just put the cover back on her all right, two-handed stay and we'll do this. This will be for another day.

She's a peach tighten up that spring. I still think we need to go a little more. It's just light. Oil, like i said, try to get that to work down in there get rid of the goose we'll do is we'll put it back together, but we won't put this back plate on it.
So it's only three screws to take it off, because i think we still have to kind of dial it in. As far as the throttle tighten up that loop, i tighten up this loop a little bit too. It still feels at full throttle like that is a little on the light side, but i guess we'll find out. I also put a uh tension spring over the top of it.

It just gets the play out of the linkage a little bit. Sometimes it'll, hunt and there's rid it off and it can go to idle still feels like a little on the weak side, though i may have to uh shorten that up a little. It could even be the wrong spring. That's on there who knows what's happened, like i said before, uh someone took when we took it apart, there was like string tied around and the governor was was uh cranked up this way it was tied up this way to keep it full throttle.

So again, someone's been screwing with it probably had a problem with it. I think we're here to fix it. Try to anyway all right. Try it again cold start.

Hopefully the pull start doesn't goose away. Let's give her some choke throttle we'll give her a half throttle. Yeah throttle doesn't seem to respond very well, though i know it's rubbing or possibly the throttle itself. No, i still got something wrong.

I don't know, maybe it's. It feels fine when it's off, though, when it's on it feels like it's binding. I wonder if the linkage down below on that plate is like a skew a little bit, so it's kind of pinching when the air's on it, because right now it moves like butter, but when it was running it just seemed like it was. It was frozen in one spot.

Let's take that back off of there again, i really don't see. Okay, when i was running, was locked right up. The only thing i could think of like when the air is blowing across it and it pushes on this side of it to back it off. Why would you know? Is it racking and causing a bind? The thing i have is that i have another one that my guess is unmolested.

It also has you can see the it holes. One says t and one says s do not know. One thing i can think of is s is for spring. I think this top is bent because of getting removed.

This was on the mini bike engine mini bike parts. So i'm going to go twist that out change this out. Okay, maybe it's a little less trashed than the other one. I wonder if the other one kind of looks like it's something a little bit right there.

It's got a tad bit of a bow to it again. It had a problem before because somebody had it tied up. So it may be something totally obvious or missing that i don't even see, but i don't know i changed this out. I don't think there was anything wrong with it laid them too over the top of each other and they seemed like they mirrored each other pretty closely.

So i changed some stuff around. I went for the higher hole on the spring. This is still the same, and then i swapped these two around so the further you get away from the pivot, the more of a stroke you get so the spring has much more influence on it and the rod the cable pulls. It has more travel, probably best way, to put it so, it seems like it goes to an idle and full throttle.
That seems a little light to me. I think it's hard to tense. I will put the cover back on. Try it again see what we get yeah.

I also oiled that pivot. That's what the wetness is down there, not that okay, it seems it wasn't running, and i i'm having a feeling that, possibly that spring that is on there is the wrong one. Maybe it's just too light, and it's just a guess and another engine to take apart. That was complete and make a life a lot easier, but we don't: let's try it again.

It is that that's idle. Why does it seem like it's laboring, so hard give her a little bit of throttle? So that's how we go with that close enough. All right, i'm gon na go get a chain and pop it on that sprocket to run the drive setup, it's off a little. I know it is still not doing uh what's supposed to be doing completely correctly.

It's now over revving, so it's there's like a fine line in between where that needs to be fixed, but we're going to move ahead. This is oil from when i sprayed to try to pivot oil. This pivot, underneath here just in case and a shiny new one, no expenses spared on this. I think that's got all the components figured out, except for again that throttle is off it's working, but it's not correct it's over revving.

It's it's off by bits either i just have the spring set up kind of wacky or the location is not correct. I'm not sure on that part, but it's good enough to function it so well. I can't say i have much in the way of snow to work with it's old, probably uh. I don't know a week or so ago.

Maybe we can kind of find a spot that has a little bit of something to it and we'll give it a shot. But again it's not like fresh snow 68, inches fluffy kind of stuff that we can go, give her a decent pace with. But let's go. Try it so tie a rope to it.

Let's do it by itself too funny getting he's got to get that governor squared away to get it calmed down a little bit more but she'll. Do it in the snow he's not very good to try to do anything with it and plus he's getting caught up on like little ruts and stuff in the grass i was doing a smooth driveway, probably just pull itself right along, that's pretty cool. I would think it would throw it much further too again, you're only dealing with what you're dealing with two inches of snow, that's kind of old and compacted. So again, if i get another good, snowstorm i'll run the uh case 580 with the plow we'll see how that does in the snow and we'll try to run this in a little bit better in heavier snow and hopefully maybe get that governor entitled in a little Bit better than what it is, but she's alive, she survived 60 year old machine that has been abused and stored in a barn for 40 years and outside for about 10 or 12.
It did come back, stuck no compression everything all locked up and seized up. Essentially, what we put in a head, gasket, a chain, carp, kit, a horn, some fluids and i think, uh a coil. That's the other thing that we put in and that all the mechanical parts stayed the same again. It's all made out of steel.

It's not like! It's the tires are gon na go flat right all right guys. I think, with that we're gon na go jack it up, and thank god for hanging out with me and uh. We may see this one a little bit later and another snow storm will be make like a little short wednesday, video or something we can kind of see it in a decent snowstorm and see if it'll blow just a little bit further. All right guys with that inside off thank y'all for hanging out with me and then welcome on another date until then later.

What's the story behind this one, do you know this was in a guy's bond and my uncle called me and said: hey come look at this thing. I said: what is it it's a snow, blower, it's steel wheels, you've got to be kidding, that's got ta, be! Oh, that looks like 50s 40s. 50S. I don't know, i don't even it's a god bird.

No. I think i was like the first snow blower i ever made. Let me dig it out. There sure bailey have a motor in it.

Yeah take the bonnet off sure. It'll come off, that's got like a later briggs on. It can't be that old. No, it looks like it's got like a um, torque converter or something that runs it westin tool and stamping company minneapolis iowa.

That's a cool! Looking right, wow! Let's go dig that thing out of there. You want this, i think so. Okay, pretty cool will run you.

By Mustie

4 thoughts on “Could it be saved? 1962 homco snowblower from the scrap pile,”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vintage Engine Repairs says:

    Thanks Mustie!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All You Need says:

    Good Morning

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Smith says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serge says:


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