well let's just say one must take there lumps in life,

Hey guys, and how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on on this Uh halfs scale VW man style Doom Buggy that kind of gathered free and some cheap parts. kind of mix and match and we are in the process of building it. Quick recap and answer a couple questions from the last video and then we'll get right back into wrenching. So a couple questions came up.

One was the fact it doesn't want to idle. rev is fairly High I Don't know what this engine was off of, but people were saying the governor was coming into effect. The governor is built in internally through here. Running through this linkage I backed the idle stop off and held the throttle all the way so the butterfly valve in the carburetor was closed.

It was still idling too high. It could have intake leaks. It could have some kind of issue that is causing that problem, but we're going to kind of. Step Up Above that.

the governor had nothing to do with it like I said. I was holding the throttle all the way closed and it was still revving higher than what it should be. Probably like 12200. RPMs We like to try to get it down to about maybe 600.

RPM Someone was saying about the brake band that I put on there. It's two pieces you see in there. There's like a bell and then there's a hub and people were saying you have the Bell on backwards that the the Uh The Hub should fit inside the bell. In other words, the Bell should be flipped around and fed over it that does not fit with inside there.

and there's only one pattern of bolts that will fit through that it's you know, they're cheap. eBay China Parts They probably weren't even meant to be together because that Hub is the same one that came with the sprocket and seemed like it was more suited to that. so not quite sure what was mixed matched together. Say sell it but for I think it was like 18 bucks for the clutch, the brake rather.

that's what you get. uh, accessing and changing the oil because I put the muffler in way. People were concerned that I would not be able to access the fill for the oil, but we do have two of them and the body is going to be removable so that's not an issue. As far as changing oil, you're probably going to change the oil once in a lifetime of this thing.

and I have a thing that you stick down the drain hole. you actually draw it out instead of pulling the plug out of it. But worst case in now, we could always just drill a hole right there so the oil would drain out. All right.

All right, we're up to speed. let's get back into it. I Ended up going shopping, waited for some like knockoff motorcycle carbs. We going to go with one of these.

Styles I Want to say one was a 20 mm and one is a 24 mm throat and kind of trying to figure out what we should go with. Sizewise: each carb is like 20 bucks. They are not terribly expensive, but they are what you would, uh, expect to find on a motorcycle. So we're going to go with one of those hopefully.

And let's start with pulling this carburetor off. We're going to go see what the boore looks like. I'm going to try to match up whatever that hole is that's in there sizewise and it should be about the same. Say so.
Looks like we're probably going to go with the smaller one. Let's get this carb off of here. Oh, before I Forget here's the original brake drum that came off there. It's kind of beat up.

This is all one piece and you can see that that is kind of built the same way. The offset did come from the side of it. It was not in the middle of it. so hopefully we can get that linkage off of there.

I Think something like that like that? Get the fuel line there you go. So we're going to look at that bore. probably use that gasket right there for calibration. It's a little larger than that hole.

Let's keep going. I Think this: H piece of plastic is for, um, not having heat transfer. That's a pretty decent Siz opening that's in there show you that's a decent throat. I Said this is like a 13 horse.

I'm going to go measure the two of them up. This is what was on there. actually looks pretty good cuz that's going to be the mating surface right there. I Think the carbs going to sit right there and looks like the lines are up to the bo I Think the other one's going to be too big for us? Yeah, that's actually can do more damage than good.

And sometimes it's good to to scale the size of the carburetor to what you're running so you get like a better idle circuit you're drawing. It's it's matched to it and look actually looks perfect. What about the whole bolt pattern it is? Let's go find out. Shove it right on there.

a little snug so we'd have to just cut the ears away. On the side, you'll be able to slide on there. plus that looks like a little offset high, right? Actually, that one does too though. good.

Let's um, start doing some whittling. Let's get rid of these studs. I Think they're going to be too long for us and we'll try to get something a little bit shorter and we're going to make we're actually going to want to drop it down cuz the body was really close to up here. Let's see if we can get the carburetor in this area somewhere.

So we're going to make a we'll make our own intake manifold. We need something with an s in it with roughly about that size. Boore. Let's go look in our scrap, see what we can find.

Maybe like a bicycle? uh, handlebar? Something like that that pile of junk we pulled apart for earlier I I So something that makes an S might be something we could use I think that was the Muff the tailpipe for that. Let's keep looking though. we could always heat something up and bend it too. but let's see if there's anything that we can, uh, repurpose.

I'm thinking like I think handlebar is going to be the the iding a little to be too small, but that would be good for the curves. It looks close in size. We got that for our handlebars right there. There's two sets Possibility: Yeah, that's going to take a little work.
Let's keep looking. We know that that's there. What about? That's the thing we cut off the four-wheeler. The front end might be able to use a section of that and I'm going to take a quick peek upstairs.

If not, we'll bring that stuff over there. Maybe we'll try working with that. I Don't see anything else curvy that's too small. It's copper work with copper already.

bend that in a position too. they going to be a little too fat you take for a Volkswagen and it's a little too big set of handlebars. Bring those down there and looks like an exhaust pipe from something. Let's go grab that.

So somewhere in that pile is an interesting intake manifold just waiting to be born. You sry getting those studs out of our way cuz they're about N9 miles too long. There we go. Didn't put up a fight at all.

it's all lock that's in there. Let's go see if we can find a set of bolts that are about an inch and a half long that will thread into that think you threw a boltt B I kind of set a Volkswagen exhaust studs. we'll take the bolts off of. We'll thread them in.

We'll work with that. We have that. I'm going leave that black spacer on there. We'll keep that and then we'll work with building A FL for the outside and start attaching to it.

Go clean these up. hopefully get the bolts off of there and we'll run them in. well. one of them came apart fairly easy.

the second one, not so much is putting up a fight. So oh, this fails. Just heat her up. should do it.

I Want to go. Just got to heat up a little bit more. Want you hear an annoying sound? There you go. I'm going to take those.

Clean them up on a wire wheel. Get it'll. get rid of the dirt that's in the threads and it should be able to spin right back on there. Do Not pick that nut up when it falls.

Just saying that one's warm. Go clean that up on the wire wheel. Get rid of that crap that's on there. Good as new.

I'm going to go throw those two studs in there in that black spacer and we'll see. We kind of come up for a flange. Probably have to can make that should be enough room. Let's go throw that like was like that, right? Put that back on.

Yeah, we got plenty of threads to work with. Uh, let's go take the gasket. That's the gasket that was on there. We got to watch here.

We don't create an intake leak underneath there. There's a U, A channel, a path look like it comes down wraps around. We got to make sure that is not going to bleed through. but this can be our template for a um flange that we're going to go attached to the pipe.

So let's go see if we can find ourselves a piece of Steel that we could trace over. that. actually we have one flange I Think that one's going to be too small for us? So now right right, yeah, that's no good. We're going to make a bigger one.
The trigger's not working. it wouldn't let off. Tell me what it does. So there's that.

Hey, Milwaukee My drill. suck. It lost the variable speed on it a little while ago. It's just either on or off.

Oh well, there's that. I'm going to knock them out. Get three holes across the then a hle saw. we'll blow out the center, then the band saw should take off the outside edge.

Let's see how that fits. Suck if it doesn't, huh? Here we go. Get enough room to get a gasket. where's the gasket that we took out of there that put your nuts on? and I think from here we can, um, start cutting a piece of pipe.

Which one do we want to go with? I think it was the smaller of the two? right? Let's go with that one and let's see if we can kind of kick that one. Got a piece of pipe with some curves on it. we can heat up and bend it too, but I want to try to get it cuz the body is is right is like touching the the spark plug. so if we can get it right about there, that should give us plenty of room for the cable to come up and out of there and get room for an air cleaner on it.

Uh, did the other flange? Can't be that lucky can we? We might be to use that one. The offset's off a little. let's um, if we go to the bottom of those holes. oh, it's close.

You see a little bit of offsets in there I might take a minute make another flame I may not. I'm not sure yet. Let's um, get that bolted up and see if we can find a piece of pipe that'll fit inside there. I didn't have a I don't have the Hle saws here that I need I had to go with what I got.

You see how much oversized it is? but I'm hoping I can put a piece of pipe on the inside of it. It'll give us a little bit of wiggle room to work with and then we just weld up around it, grind it flat on the other side. Looks like that piece of exhaust pipe should be just about what we need. What about that one one that's got the better bend on it and we could probably cut it here.

We'll get the the drop down, maybe we'll split it and rotate this one around. Follow me, let me get a marker. so say we're to knock off and say about that much, get it right to the curve and then we'll cut it. say here and then again here.

that'll make it so we'll have it'll. come. come down, it'll make an S and come back and get get our carburetor right around there. Let's go slice up some pieces, see if that works for us and we got a couple of cutout pieces.

Let's see how that concept will go. It had a little bit of a one of them has a fatter end on it. maybe not. We'll fill it with weld.

I'm thinking if we can do like the like that right and then make a fling kind of far out though, isn't it? It's that air cleaner is going to be behind the tire. Can we? um, it's back pretty far. Um, can you even see it but at the same token, you can't make it too sharp. You could probably cheat on that one.
A little cheat on. We can grind it. We can grind the faces of them so that we get the correct angle so they fit together. What I probably should have done was taken that pipe and heated it up and bent it I like to get it right about there I still have more pipe to work with? Maybe I'll do that.

Maybe I'll throw some heat on the length that we have here and try to I I'll try to make a drop. problem is a lot of times you do that it. Kinks I'm going to pit and putter away a little bit and I'll bring you back when I have something to tack together. Well, the camera had a meltdown on that shot.

Vision if you will, tacking it there, tacking it there and saying now we need to make a flange for right there improvise let's let's get some bolts. Well I Like to see it shorter up but I think we're going to go try that. The pull start might be a little bit of an issue. What we can do even with the pull start, we can pull it out like um, like lawn mowers do.

What they do is they relocate where the handle stops so we don't have to have it stop back here. we could have a bracket with it like even further out by the fiberglass right there be the stop of it. then you pull from there that we get getes around the throttle cable. We're also going to have to probably come up with a Support also going down to here to help you keep the little bit of Bounce out of it.

but before we get into that, let's go buzz it all together and these are slotted so I can kind of get the carb over the center of that board. I'm going to take a file I'll clean up the inside edges and all and we'll hook fuel to it and see what it does. It may be all for nothing so I'm going to take a few minutes. We're going to knock that out, we'll put it back on and we'll give it a shot.

You can hardly even tell was welded together. Let's um, let's go pop this carburetor Bowl off let's take a peek how this is, uh, what kind of shape this is in. Plus we got to take the top off and get a throttle cable on there that's cracker every time in between. I turn the camera off little key fob thing.

the little yellow thing hanging from me. everybody asks what it is that's a remote from stereo on and off but YouTube doesn't like that kind. All right, let's go see how well this is built. Make sure everything is kind of tight.

wouldn't beat the first time. It's a decent go crack that top off of there. Woohoo! So this is going to have a barrel slide in it that we need to hook a throttle cable up to and the way it works. Quick and dirty explanation.

So fuel's drawn up through that jet and then as you pull on the your throttle, this needle comes up, allows more fuel to come in and then the slide comes up and it allows more air to come through and you can kind of play with the mix in between by doing some different things. You move, the needle will have a um a uh, there's a ring, uh, snap ring on this needle. This needle can adjust up and down a little bit to affect the ratio between the two of them. All right? So I'm going to take a throttle cable we have here and I'm going to weave that into there.
You got to take some more of it apart. There's uh, like a little clip and base down there. Basically this cable kind of goes up the right hand. No, you don't.

This cable will go up and through some of those components up through there into the center. There a little clip that it's got to get kind of locked under with the spring and the cap going through it and we'll put it all back together. dump some fuel in it, see what it does. You can see down the throat of that the cable on there.

you pull on this end of it. There we go. Works your throttle. let's go pop around there, get me fuel in it.

uh I the the flange on the other end I Ended up putting an o-ring instead of that gasket that was in there cuz there was, um, that little weird channel that went around it and exited it out. I Was afraid that was going to be an intake leak. Yeah, right in here. I put an o-ring on the inside of it, put some grease on it to like stick it to the pipe and then bolted it up.

Going to pop that chain off so we're not dealing with a meat grinder. things open, kind of screw around with things without. uh, all that stuff spinning, filling the carb up, keeps taking fuel, keeps taking fuel. I Don't know if that's stripped out or what it is, but uh, the Overflow is pissing itself out.

So either the needle CE not working or they just don't have the valve shut off going, let drain out. What do you think think I'm going to bet to you don't see? Yeah, that's tight. Well good thing we took the bowl off and checked it. Let's give it a couple.

see if that'll do, dump a little bit more fuel on it, see if it just goes right through it so there's that good thing. like I said good thing I checked it all right. I'm going to go pop that bowl back off of there, see what's kind of happening with that uh float that it's not seating and uh, go from there. let's get her a little uh purging put back together.

try one more time. If not, we'll uh, maybe have to adjust the float cuz after I was done I uh loosened the screw up and the whole float Bowl did drain down so it was filling the float Bowl up and overflowing. Round two: I should be able to see it fill up the fuel line and then the fuel level just stop. If not, it's going to come out the Overflow again.

it should stop in a second. Think we got it. Yeah, a fuel fuel level staying now so you can get the air out of there burp I Tell you all right guys, I'm going to fill that fuel bottle up one more time so that we can kind of continue to back feed it once it gets fired up. So this has a choke or a uh enrichment circuit which would be that being up.
Try that and then um I don't know where the idle is I don't know where anything is, just kind of see what it does if anything. CED Let's go turn that idle speed up. Where is it? So it'll be the screw for that slide. Reach in there and we'll give it some.

We'll get like want to try to find the higher side then we can kind of back off with as an idle. let's give it choke again. There's an air fuel mix screw underneath I'm going to go take that back that out just a little bit. Sounds like a little on the lean.

Sign Plus It doesn't have an air cleaner. Sounds pretty good though. I Think we're uh, much better off with this setup. Where is that? Where is? it should be there.

It's half a turnout, you see. if that made any difference for us, choke it again. Go little warm up for a second and we running into it has issue. Try rev it up.

I think we used all the fuel up. Smoke him if you got awesome. That worked out pretty good. That should dial in very nicely.

I'm probably going to take some um, like silicone or something. We'll just kind of go around where the welds are just in case there's an intake leak on there. but we'll worry about that after the um, you know, get an air cleaner and stuff set up. So uh, what do you want to do next? Ask if we have any intake.

Yeah, we got intake leak right up by the very top. that's why it's a little tricky to try to get it to dial in and I got to turn a fan on. Woo yeah! I got a couple of turns on the nuts and ranom in. It seems like it's much better.

slow down, just slow to go. that's pretty slow. We're into the decompression. Val Here make a little sound difference a little bit more nice.

it'll putt. We got to adjust the out though. that's a little tiny. you got to remember it was thrown out so that with sock at the Eng is no good.

I think go find another one that's the same size. let it run out of gas. What should be? I'll stop by. No, just the way it sounds.

go Pop That B Cover off it's a little clanky gra to ground it out and have die do that one. There we go. let's go pop that b car off. Sounds like the bottom end is a little clanky to me though.

and I did top it off with oil. It was low, had oil in it, but it was somewhat low. Let's um, just looking for uh, unusual Play Let's Go bring the other one up. yeah they're kind of.

that. Seems a little ex does seem a little excessive. I don't know what to call this for a valve adjustment CU I don't really know what the um Champion it's like a Honda clone. So yeah, we're not going to be able to I'll try it I'll see if anything comes up for valve adjustment.

but I don't think that's all our noise I think it was more bottom end. Well, it actually showed off for a generator for this engine. Same engine though. uh, 6 and 8 thou.

My guess is That's supposed to be cold, but we're going to do what. we just check, see what we got. They said to do it with the valve in the opposite valve in the down position so that one's collapsed. so the exhaust valve should be eight.
I know it's the exhaust valve cuz the exhaust is there. that's even tighter than eight. that's tight all together. Wait a minute, that ain't right.

Try that again, that's somewhat loose. Let's try. the intake should do the intake when the exhaust is all the way down. Intake is sloppy too.

I'm going to go tweak those both I'm going adjust them and pop the V on. Fire it up one more time. Give it a listen it. we'll try changing the oil.

see if any metallic bits come out of it a little. when you, uh, tighten a jam nut. sometimes it changes on you. you'll think you'll have it and you tighten the jam nut down so what you do is, you just kind of Advance it a little each time.

Sneak up on it. actually feels pretty good. I do the same for the exhaust Val should go get that plug out of there long. it's not too tight.

put a socket on it, get a socket on I can't get a um, barely might be able to get it. Let me grab a socket. some uh, any sparkles and a little bit kind of watery. It's not water, water, water, itally show right up.

But let's get let that piss out of there. We'll put some fresh stuff in there. probably like a straight 30 weight or something that ain't looking great. see why? It was in the recycle pile.

Maybe kind of funny too because it, whatever it was hooked up on, it had a low oil shut off switch. That's what this thing is. It goes into the side of block when it doesn't see oil pressure. it's supposed to shut itself off.

Let it piss. We'll put some oil it. Try it again. Hey, you listen real Clos you turny to crank.

that's to play in the rod either at the Piston or the crank I think it's the crank. It could be where the cam and the crankier are too. but I think that's a knock from a um, a rod. where it? Mees to crank I won't tell if you don't I about some 2050 mud we'll put in there.

Slow. the slow. the slow. death down.

aad that. do this thing Nice. Set the roll bars right there to hold the filter. Yeah, I'm looking at that oil down below and that does not look promising.

See all that shiny in there? It should not be there. It came from somewhere and that somewhere is more than likely the bearing surface chews itself apart. We'll see, We'll fire fill her up. Fire it up gang, take a listen.

All right let's see if a a valve adjustment and put putting mud in it helped it at all. I'm not giving that much hope but let's go see. chokes on should go. got got to rev up a little bit.

not I got to turn the Ole off just a little bit that's cold again that would be too low anyway to run it let's go that going to warm up a little. It's not terrible but I do think we need to kind of keep an eye out for another one we can continue to build it. Thing is we have to find another engine that's going to be the same as this. The Ben is rattling proba we can turn it down.
get in there where our fuel bottle in up there it is. Yeah it's 10 louder. Too bad it would sound awesome. It wasn't making that noise far as the rest of it.

it's caring. Pulled out too soon. didn't like that. All right.

Oh let's fill it up a fuel and listen to it see if that blew it up or not. That's see it. I think that did it. Think she's done? Oh maybe not.

There is a um a de compression valve like got on a cam. The amount of smoke it's pushing out is showing that it's not in very good condition either. Too bad it didn't show up when we were first playing with it. We had a better idea what we had to work with.

Sometimes it's just how it goes walking the key out I don't think I have the set screw tight H All right I'm going home. we'll pick it back up in a morning. We'll figure out what we're doing. Well, it's the next day and I had a little bit of time to, uh, contemplate where we should go with this and I also kind of looked on the local Facebook to see what kick up I think a GX 340 Honda engine is what this is cloned after and I try finding one of those.

There's a couple you know, not close to me and they're all $400 They're not cheap I guess you know they may have a a decent following to them. but Tractor Supply has the Predator which I believe is almost the same thing too and it is I would say 379 new. wasn't really looking to, uh, have to go buy a motor for it, but I think we're kind of committed because we've already made the base plate to fit. The shell is in the right spot.

We made the intake and the exhaust to match up to it. so I think that might be the best bet. but I'm still going to kind of look around and see if anything pops up in the near future, but it may be the way that we have to go. Maybe we'll do a dissect on this engine too to find out kind of what happened.

It doesn't look like it has much or any hours on it whatsoever. I Don't know if it was new. Maybe they tried firing it up with no oil in it. not sure.

The other thing too is, uh, wonder if I can get electric start for it? That'd be neat. If we can get one that has the electric start on it, we can sit in the front, just hit a button and make it go. but I don't know. what's your thoughts, What do you think happened to it? It has a lowo shut off.

Maybe it wasn't working? Maybe it it works for a second and whoever had it brand new didn't put oil in it and ran it on whatever it was on and it blew up. It just doesn't seem like it has much for hours on it. Let's go look at the original. Muffler Let's go see like that doesn't look like much exhaust has been ever run through that see a little bit of rust on there.
Yeah? I Don't think that thing has an hour on it is my guess. can't see the output. There's not even any kind of standing on the uh screen coming out at the spark arrester. yeah that's why I'm willing to bet maybe somebody had it and uh, wasn't paying attention.

Brought it home, kind of ran it. Maybe it was on a pressure washer or something. something that had a throttle we talked about uh you know on the first one kind of thinking that was a uh, a generator but people pointed out a generator would not have a throttle on it so it had to be like a log splitter or something that you would alter the speed on it. Either way, she's dead.

Oh well, it happens right? It's life. It's all part of it so well. I'm not sure again how it U is going to work out. we we have to go jump on something else for a little bit.

but I do want to continue this I need it ready by 4th of July like a little bit of time. All right guys. with that I'm going to go sign off and uh, it is what it is. till then I'll see you later.

but on the plus side of things, I did finally get a Kabota engine for the uh skid steer and that hopefully is good. We'll find out.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “Dune buggy build gone wrong. didn’t see that coming did you?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Thomsen says:

    CLANK CLANK CLANK uh ohโ€ฆ. WIDE OPEN hahah โค๏ธ

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars darkwing4 says:

    Engine parts for a Champion engine are inexpensive except to the major castings,, Rings, rods, etc. are cheap,, Sooo,,, disassembly, will let you know exactly what to shop for,, Lots of companies have parts for this engine,, ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nrgate says:

    What is the governor doing now. could be your noise

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bubbagreen Smith says:

    Bummer ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ I know youโ€™ll get it figured out!!! ๐Ÿ‘

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lowell Stewart says:

    Yes, saw it coming from from the start….not really. Should have tested the motor before you put all that work into it. I really enjoy your channel, I have learned a lot.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Wilson says:

    Air filter will be close to the dirt off the rear wheels, needs to be be in a clear area

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jp8jeta says:

    when one vise grip won't do, use two…I like it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars housmass45 says:

    Maybe time for the Machinery Restorer to the rescue ! Probably can't find parts for this Honda clone ! And ya ……he's across the pond ! OH well ! The Robot Cantina guys doing some cool stuff with those Preditor motors !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lornaz1975 says:

    The yellow thing being a remote to the stereo. I thought it was a call for help device in case you were knocked unconscious it would call 911 for you!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Harrelson says:

    If I was him I would put another engine on there

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happy Trigger Mansson says:

    is it the clutch that makes the noice sounding like a really bad bearing somewhere or is that the exhaust?

    nvm u looked in to it. its in the engine

    donยดt think that engine gonna live very long… defenatly not normal for it to blow exhaust out the carb my guess the camshaft is what making the sound because the cam lobes are ground down.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Stant says:

    I just think you have another big boy playtoy lol. Don't blame you there, I would too I'm a heartbeat Darren.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Posh panda says:

    Why not fix the engine…๐Ÿ˜ข

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bashkir097 says:

    Good grief, I'm starting to recognize individual pieces in Mustie's bone piles. I'm wondering if I'm spending too much time on YouTube.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. W. says:

    Yeah….step one, check the oil! Hope you find something. Love seeing you fix/build things, but seeing you rip it around is the best!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twocvbloke says:

    After the oil change, that engine sounds like my POSgen engine did, generators never get serviced, they just get run 'til they're effed and then their owners wonder why it's conked out when the internals were literally starved to death… :\

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