the warn atv winch in the back of my truck lives outside, well this spring I went to us it pulling a tractor into the bed and nothing but sparks. lets see what happened and if we can fix it,

Hey guys, how's it going? This is the season to get tractors and mowers and snow blowers from the free piles on the side of the road being Springtime normally I have a winch as you can see it's spoon out there and went to go hook my jumper pack up to reel it back in and it does not do what's supposed to I'll show you what it does right now. All right. So now that we got inside, we can kind of look at a little bit better and talk about it. It's a worn 3 000 pound winch.

They're on the better end of what's out there. I've had a bunch of Harbor Freight ones in there and essentially they kind of crap out over time too. Again, this does not have a controller anymore. it kind of remote to go use it.

What I've been doing is just taking a jumper pack and hooking one into one side and one to the other and it would wind in or wind out depending on which side you have. The positive and a negative and I just winch tractors up into the bed of the truck. Well, obviously that's not doing it what's supposed to be doing So I figured we turned the camera on and we just kind of do some exploration on what happened to it. I Don't know if it's fixable or not it's getting ahead of it, but let's go out, tear into it and see what we can find what the fault was.

This is going to be the Armature or the electric motor part of it and I believe this is going to be where the gearbox is tucked inside. So my guess is we're probably going to start from this end. Let's see if we can get this end, cap off of here with the brushes and give us an eyeball into what's happening inside. and from there it looks like possibly we could split it right here.

middle bracket: You see it sitting on the areas just so it goes over the rear rail of the truck and is slidable. okay man, and removable. You can take the uh, You see the corrosion that was getting in it. I Wonder if those two screws will allow the whole motor to come off? It's got water right there? I Would think it would have O-rings It's meant to be outside.

This is for like a four-wheeler and my four-wheeler has definitely gone through a bunch of water. Yeah, it's got water in it. Let's see if it'll break from there. Look at that.

There we go. Yeah, all right. I Came off really easy. huh? Let's um, let's try putting power to this and see if it's in here or if it's in the gearbox.

My bet it's this. Let's see what happens. Watch it. what's your answer? I Do know that this would probably be supported by a bearing out in front, but it seems like the corrosion if you see that.

it's right up on it. But maybe we can clean that up. I'm not sure if we could push the whole assembly out this way. Let's try to rig up something to support this.

Yeah, I'm surprised there's no o-ring around the seal. That's what caused it. huh? Let's give her a couple of TAPS of persuasion see if I don't want to move it off. Foreign magnets are pulling on right now.

There we go. Oh yeah, huh? Well, they should do that now. This should have a bearing that it spins on. Yeah, that's not good.
Let's see if you can get that out of there. the brushes are going to try to hold it also. let's go take a peek in here. see what that looks like sometimes too like electric motors that are the rust Gets behind the magnet and it kind of cracks the glue away from it and they'll come in and interfere.

also. All right, look at all that that got in there. All right. this is a little leather pads.

Let's go try gingerly cranking down on that and see if we can get the back removed. A tad tight and what's good though? the brushes. A lot of times the brush is going on an angle, you got to try to pull them back, put pins in them and all that kind of stuff. Let's um, find if we can get maybe a little brass wire wheel.

try cleaning this Armature up right here. It probably should look something like that on the other end. What do we got going on here that we can deal with? Hmm probably run a wire wheel around the seal. Probably we can seal it up with some kind of um, white stuff or something and these should float.

They do good all right. Let's start cleaners and stuff and we'll come back and see how we make out. So far so good. I try to get the big stuff off.

it looks like it's got some cavities going on in there. It's not like it ever went underwater or anything it said on the back of the bed of the truck and like I said although rain would go on it, snow would go on it, it wouldn't Um, it wasn't like it got submerged in water, got in it I think I took one of the Harbor Freight ones apart a long time ago and that actually had O-rings on the body like a big old ring going around and I think the O-ring had failed is the quality of the rubber was real crappy and when I took it apart I think the magnets on that one where what the damage was it the magnets like I talked about they the rust got behind him that white corrosion on the aluminum housing caused the magnets to kind of like Crush Inward and and bind up on it seem to be the case on this one. Let's go get um let me see if I have a brass wire wheel to clean that? I Just don't want to beat it up too much. How about like a Scotch Brite pad oh tool? You're gonna go clean the surface up with that and then yeah, you still have to deal with the bore inside of this.

Even if we do the same for that, let's give her a shot. Did you kind of drag? We get on and we put it back on. At least it turns. but I don't think we should use any lube on that? I think those are like silicone bronze bushings that have like an oil in them.

I'm quite sure best let's go dig out some of the crud that's in here though. huh? Okay, what if I get in there like a little tiny bottle brush or something. Clean those surfaces up. It looks like it's kind of that same oxidation that was on on the shaft there.
Yeah, so we got in the old Dremel kit. That one looks pretty good, huh? The middle? yeah and we'll try to give them that one a shot. Get all the bristles in there. Yeah, one on the outside fighting us.

See what we get That's real. It's the end of that, huh? There's one too many rip-ons Hopefully he did the job. Let's go while. I get the motor.

There we go. That's more like it. What's your thoughts on putting oil in there? Not quite sure. Maybe like a light whale.

They help just kind of even just keep the corrosion down. I know if any kind like you can't use like a motor oil, it'll just cake up over time cause it to bind all these moving free. I'm gonna take a little time I'm gonna take a wire wheel I'm gonna go clean up this surface again. We still have to deal with all this.

So I'm gonna get something a little bit more aggressive and we'll wash all this out and see what we can kind of come up with for um, this lip that's on here. Actually, we talked about using this didn't we? Let's go see how that works for us. that sucker right down to the rubber. The joke there new one all right once I was what? I think the answer is much more deeper I Don't ever want to do anything about that or not.

let's go see what we think. I'm gonna blow it out when air gun first. the magnet's got a bunch of crap stuck to it. Let's get rid of that.

that kind of stuff casualty on the floor. Another brushes broke a chunk off the front of it. I Think we're still going to put it together without it? Maybe Yeah. I forgot I Have your gun so you can get rid of some of the heavy scaly rust on this side.

Let's see if we uh clear for interference. magnet's gonna grab it though. There You go. just kind of support it.

The bearings are what hold it up. At least we got. we got a wiggle room now we didn't have that before. So all right, let's go.

Um I think I Want to maybe pack some grease around these edges to try to help seal these two surfaces up so they're not doing what they're doing? At least give it a Fighting Chance right? Anything like a real thick heavy? Grease Yeah, so this is like machine oil. like what you would use on a um like sewing machine or something. Let's go give her a couple little let's see. probably just to keep it any moisture gets on.

you know, stop rust. I Don't want to get it too much on the contact. so let's see. we'll give her a little bit down there.

Then we get some good old heavy grease from the 40s and we'll try to make a a moisture barrier around that top. Edge Probably should be better off on this. Maybe give us some place to put it right. just gonna build that up all the way around.

It's gonna go one way. It's got a notch that it lines up with. One thing that's gonna fight me is that brush that's hanging out of it. Let me even that out.

I think I'm doing one of those painting shows happy little trees all right. So somewhere is a notch. I Think that right there that tab winds up with that tab. Yeah, so let's um, you think we should stick the two bolts in it? Kind of have it like line us up.
Let's try that over there. Square I'm gonna go clean these up on a wire wheel real quick. First though, you think that's what it was made 9 30 of 77. definitely got some age to it.

so I'll take away some of the things I said. All right, let's go see if we can get that on there. It's a one brush. he's gonna fight me.

and it did awesome. I Wonder if I could try to pinch that together? and maybe the weed if I stick it in the Vise With that, maybe the weight will just kind of hold it downward. Let's go kick it a little bit on an angle so I could turn the bolts. Yeah, they're just float them.

Yeah, you know for you to do anything to the I Still want to pack this one with grease like you did the other side? Where's the motor gearbox? rather? maybe we'll leave well enough alone. That should all be packed with grease inside. There's just be a set of um, prelimitary gears on the outside with the gear on the middle of it. Gives it a gear reduction.

Yeah, see if we can get all that pressed back on there? I'm probably gonna put this in a vice. I Think yeah. I think a little Lube before insertion will help on the big end. Maybe a little in there too.

We're gonna go give that a couple a couple of lumps. This site doesn't have any electrical connection, so I'm not worried about being overzealous. I don't think it's gonna hurt anything. All right.

Back you up, you can shove it in the hole. Now does this end index at all? I gotta there is a tit on it. It's got to go either like that I think that's the way it was. See if not the label will be facing down.

you wouldn't be able to see it. and I see it's keyed on the end I don't know what we got to do is turn that back the bolts off so you can get it to there we go. Things gonna work I'm gonna give us more than 50 I'll give us 60 percent. Yeah that Smoke's gonna come out right? So Buzz them in problem is I can't wait.

Top is binding or not, you know? I can't really All right? Drum roll Please let's get some power. It could be bound up on it. So all right I'll find out. Screws felt like it kind of squished it together.

You know? instead of having a little bit of free play ready. Ah, you suck. got overzealous. Let's um, back the bolts off.

The gearbox could be locked up too. Let's back the bolts off. get a little bit of play. I wonder if we were kind of like locked up on the um, that key where it gets keyed together? Yeah, let's go try it like that.

Nope, you suck man. let's um, unbolt it. We probably should try turning the input before, but my jumping ahead. get that off there.

that was gonna work didn't you let me try? I wonder if that um, that brush got in there good too. Oh best way to tell if we get that wrench fit that oh yeah, doesn't sound great. and on that note I don't think that size the issue because I literally can't take it. That's how it does spin nice.
Let's go put it back on there one more time. I went and kind of Spun the motor in its housing with the wrench and the other thing is too. I Just wonder if we had it kind of like bound up like I was saying. so we need to be one of those 180 out on that I don't remember if the label was facing up or down.

Do you trying to find a little this little tit right there they go indexing tip If I had that in the wrong spot, that would make it so it was racked so we had it like that. Let's go try it the other way. see what happens that feels like it actually has a bit better seeding to it? 'd be nice if that was what it was. Sorry back up a little, you're too.

close that back up. Thank you. It's um, just leave them hand tight. yeah.

I'll give a little wiggle room see if that did it. Ready There we go. That was it. Let's tighten it up see if it works.

What I should have done was probably taking a marker when I took it apart. put some index marks with how it came apart. What do you think? Sticking a turn? All right. that's one way.

switch gears or reverse? Yeah. I've been bad for about 15-20 minutes worth of work. Let's um, get it cleaned up a little bit and wind that cable on one thing. I do when using the winches.

I try to not have a really large spool on it. you get more power at it. Like say it says it's the three thousand pound winch. the three thousand pound winch.

but I think it's at the very lowest level on the windings. so if you have a really high spool of cable on it, it's probably like a 1500 pound pull capacity just because the gear ratio. the further you come out from the center, the lower your should say the taller your gear ratio is. If you can understand that like um, let's explain it.

like how much cable you're putting in so that the winch has a certain RPM it runs that say it's running at 60 RPMs it's been 60 times around for every minute. Well if you're spinning wire up here on the inside that's 60 revolutions say poles will make up a number. 12 feet you're out here. it's pulling 30 feet of cable because it's you know it's that much further wrapped around it is much more cable the further you get out so you lose the power that you had.

You don't get nothing for free so that's where the you know the gain and the loss is is right there. So this the more cable you can have closer to the center of the drum the more power it has. The further out on the drum that's pulled up the more cable speed you would have. So I try to run them like this, you know? of course this is all the way in, but um I'm pretty much when I'm pulling something up.

I'm starting with uh, just probably about two levels of wrap on it. All right yapping. let's go shove it back on the truck. All right back on the truck.
time for a load test, see how she does. All right there and we got ourselves a tractor hooked up to it. Looks like it's doing fine. when the back wheels hit is when the load goes on it.

Perfect. This pulls up once. I Don't have it in the middle right now and usually I hop up in the middle of the truck but thank you that's it. Good to go all over again Tis the season for Dragon Busted up the horse in the back of the truck.

All right guys. with that get off hanging out a little. uh Side Video kind of thing. there's a failure that I had that needed to get taken care of.

so I figured I'd turn the camera on with that. Maybe we'll go play with this in the near future. Till then, I'll see you take care.

By Mustie

11 thoughts on “Flooded and stuck warn winch. why did it fail?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ndafara Chaitezvi says:

    Awesome as always.Thanks for sharing and taking us along

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MASI says:

    Great video one again 🙂🙂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Finke says:

    its called mageic lude

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Finke says:

    show me haw thety work ?.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Colman says:

    Just a drop of 3-1 electrical motor oil. 😎

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Just Stuff says:

    Tie a Walmart bag around it when not in use. Great video..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Duffey says:

    Good JOB Dogg!!!!!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twofeathers says:

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 64bzkbfan says:

    Always great videos Mustie! Excellent video and audio quality, plus, outstanding troubleshooting and repair skills. Wish I had 1/4 of your talent. Thanks for sharing your extensive knowledge; sprinkled with a little humor along the way. When it comes to great YouTubers, you’re in a class by yourself.👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars throttle bottle says:

    maybe the whole housing/magnets were flipped 180 (end for end). that could through the magnet placement(brush alignment) off and make it bind, even with the keying aligned.
    as the brush end is rotated slightly the current draw will change some in forward vs. reverse. probably not enough to effect it's performance greatly, in such high power draw heavy load usage, vs a long running device like an floor scrubber or pumping device. 🤪

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin blough says:

    of course it will work your amazing

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