this antique Continental military engine made in 1959 was picked up on facebook market place in unknown condition for $50 lets see if its any good and if it will run?

Hey guys how's it going we are at, i don't know. If he wants me to say, do you care? No, no at zak's place and zach on facebook marketplace put on this little uh military engine. He said what is it? It's got compression, it's got compression and it spins it spins. I have no idea anything else about it.

Awesome i got a tractor show last summer, something like that and one of those things where i thought i'd tinker with it and just not enough time and trying to thin out some junk. Would you say it was like a dual fuel you can mix it with. Like kerosene or something that's what the guy i bought it from said, i haven't been able to find anything to really verify that um. There's not much information on these things online that i could find it is a four stroke right, yeah, yes, yeah um.

I thought at first when i first saw that it was a diesel because the i thought this was an injector line. Yeah, it's a braided yeah, but they just cut lines yeah all the military stuff, all that kind of stuff go up and above the uh yeah, exactly everything's, built to the to the tilt, looks like it's got the gas tank down below huh yeah. I'm not sure that looks like it was homemade and kind of cobbled and hobbled together, because there's a pipe on one side and all kinds of weird stuff um. I think these were running like air compressors is what i found with like the three belt pulley on the back yeah.

It's kind of i agree. It doesn't have much horsepower. I don't, i don't think it's well. It's just meant to run for a long time.

Yeah exactly and it looks like just meant to kind of run at one speed to get that thumb screw up there. You set your throttle and that's it yeah on that yeah and it's missing the the cuff for the pull start, the pull start, and obviously that's just a regular brake, muffler and stuff like that, someone put on there yeah, that's styling yeah, exactly it's good to get Out of there a little bit if we could yeah i'll, let you do the other yeah. It's neat, looking yeah, that's good make a nice bike engine. It weighs a bit, but i bet yeah um i mean probably most.

The weight, though, is in this. That's all just like just right, tube and stuff, but it's i think it's probably a mix of cast and aluminum, but it looks like yeah. That's there yeah, there's some a little lighter shrouding here and there, but we'll need we'll go grab that and bring it to the shop and see what we can do. Thank you, sir hi guys.

We've got it back on the operating table. I guess we'll start getting into it so other than the conversation we just had about it. You know about as much as i do tag says it is made or was made on two of 59 continentals manufacturing is eight cubic inch displacement and again it's military. So that's about it, don't know any of the history of it.

It's kind of. I don't know if somebody tried cobbling it together for some kind of purpose. With that goofy muffler hanging off of there and uh, you know it may or may not be good. I don't know why somebody would have stolen the coupler off of there unless they had another one in need of parts, but sometimes when parts get stolen off or something it means the there was issues with the original one that you started.
Picking the parts off of. Don't know we're gon na go, find out either what that was or hopefully get it running. So without further ado, let's start getting into it, i want to start taking some of the cosmetics off of it a little bit. First, i want to get an idea.

What the cylinder head and everything look like just for future references i like building gas powered bikes someday. I would like to get back to that. So, let's start with getting. Maybe this tin off of it, get the muffler out of the way get some of these tins off and see what the actual engine looks like come on.

It looks like it already has a muffler built into it and then they tapped onto another muffler. That's kind of weird: maybe they wanted it really quiet, because that's already a muffler and i wonder if it just had like a a tailpipe coming out of that section. Let's unbolt that and we'll get this cover off. I think it'll clear, oh funky spark plug lead there we go, they did a pretty good job of welding that in there it kind of looks, dare i say factory that doesn't look too bad.

Does it kinda looks the same as that? Maybe not it's thin. I, like that, it's a joke there, let's get the let's get the pull start off, keep digging away good we're going to do the air pry, the air cleaner. Being our way. First, let's see what we got and definitely everything military is made to a different standard and what you would buy in a what would a homeowner version be called what we got looks like the c-clamp holds that on there.

Let me get you understand, we'll get those two screws off: it's the billion version that we're looking for three screws on the air cleaner, one, two, three, four! Let me get them popped out of there. Is it a bad sign if it has three different types of screws on the cover yeah, please been in there by a few people. My fear is that it's going to be spark. Maybe here we go, you do is underneath the flywheel yeah.

I like how that's not too proud again for a bike for bike use. You look like that's been off for a while one's been in. There try to get a socket set up on it. Maybe we'll try spinning it looks like it has been rubbing we'll spin.

It we'll see if it has any spark again. He said you know the gas tank looks homemade. I would definitely agree with that. There's some shady manufacturing going on there or it's out of something else.

We got an oil check on it. What does it use to say here? We go sae 30 and it's really cold. Sae 10 thin oil huh a funky tab. How you lock that all the way over, like that yeah all right, let's go, get a socket set up and a drill we'll see.

If you could spin it - and hopefully we get spark, if not that's a bit of an issue yeah, i think we'll be able to find parts for this hey. We think our chances are. You think your chance. Our chances are that i'm going to zap myself, especially with that shielded jacket on the outside.
Let's see right about there and what would have for kill switch. You got some kind of kill right, yeah, we'll try it we'll see. We get, if not we'll, hunt that down good sport all right and that part's the rest of it. We could always you know if the carbs, no good or anything, we always come up with something else.

Let's get that plug out of there see what that looks. Like i'm curious to see what that setup is, i apologize for the dripping noise. In the background, it's warm out almost snow's melting off the roof. I do not have a socket deep enough to go down on there.

I'm gon na go stop it. I'm gon na go see. If i have a ratty. I guess it's 7 8 socket we'll cut the top off, so it'll drop down over the top of it and maybe we'll try to grab it with, like a a pair of vice grips or something give a return part of the junk drawer cool that worked like.

I haven't made adjustments before right. Yeah, we got nothing, there got to go to the alternate location, that's more like here. We say it was 7 8 right, i think 13. 16..

I wonder if i know a half inch isn't gon na what about three quarter? I don't know if i have a three quarter drive that have an end to open up for it to go right through it see if we can find a 7 8 right over here and we'll move on yeah, i'm not. I don't know if i have any three-quarter deep sockets got a half inch drive that'll. Do it that's carboned up a bit huh a funky plug hope. We don't need one of those.

We should probably we'll we'll thread that end back on there just make sure we get spark on the other end, that's insane that still works right, so somebody grabbed it with a pair of vice grips around the top to get it out. Yeah chop marsh right there. All right we're looking right, there see we get not great, not great at all, give it some rpms it's up there, but you're not going to pull start like that's, not good hello. Do you want to dribble a little bit of fuel in it and we'll just see if it'll go off of that? My guess is somebody.

You know, of course, you know, kicked it to the curb because it had issues, but let's yeah we'll go through a bit of fuel in there we'll thread this whole assembly in and we'll try to give her a kick see. If we'll go, i would guess. Maybe we could put like a regular spark plug in if we have to right and just change the plug wire over to our regular, because it looked awesome when it was jumping off of this. But as long as it's got enough to run, hopefully not kick out of my hands, which one which way do you want to spin it is, it should be this way right.

Spinning the nut off. That's coming off: hmm yeah we're gon na have to try to come up with a pull. So let me just go. Give it it's probably gon na backfire on me and hurt like hell, surprised it even coughed.
Yeah we're gon na have to go. Try to come up with a cup or something to rotate the other that the other direction we need to spin. This way you can tell by even the way the fins are, the way that would push the air up and around can we come off of this side anywhere? No, i don't see anything there. Any ideas can we take that pulley off and work with something? Hmm.

Let's go see what we get for a cup anyway, at least something. Maybe we could bolt something to here and then put a drill on it. I don't know, maybe we'll look at like a an old tecumseh or something just see what the cup is on. One of those - and maybe we can go steal it and put it on there, don't quite know what i have here.

That's not going to be just regular pull start setup. What's that right, there that's a start, and it's not really meant for a pull start, but it's the cup that goes on one of those keep looking. What is rope starter is this little tractor set up a bolt pattern, doesn't look like it's gon na. It's way too large, that's like a big old eight horse.

Well, keep that in mind. If we have to come up here and steal that off of there, we don't think that's gon na work for us once again here i'll show you the other cup in comparison. Actually, i grabbed a couple of bolts for those two spots. I think our best bet for now is maybe we'll just try to make something that, like a piece of plate with a nut welded in the middle of it, that we can put the drill on and we'll spin it with that.

And then we'll worry about the apparatus how it's going to start in the future. Let's just see got to move forward, we're trying to get it running and stay running. Okay, if we scrub it. Let's see we go over a law over law overall length, we'll cut it there carpenter's eye, we'll call it there and there carpenter mechanics eye, which one would it be.

So you want the center line, we'll guess right there, that one's gon na be there the other one. I think i got ta go transfer no wrong one. I heard you should probably redo that one too she's a tad off. How close do you think i got for off a little? I think we're a little not close enough together open one up a little all right, i'm going to uh trim off that much that we had the mark on and we'll see about cleaning it up and we'll weld the nut to the center of it.

Hmm i'd say we go for a plug weld right down the center of that we need the outside exposed for the to drive it. I need more power. Cranker, it's not playing well, gas is on go all the way up. Hopefully, the nut is stuck to the plate.

Let's go give her a couple little a couple of them, so i got that separated roll. This is a ratcheting setup. Youtuber sent me which allows you to spin it without uh once it starts up and then have free play, so it doesn't try to take itself apart. The only thing is kind of confusing me is generally when you're looking at an engine like this you're spinning it in this direction.
You pull start you're, pull starting it like this, so i'm looking at the fins that would draw air in instead of usually the air comes in through the center of the cover draws it in through the center of the cover and exits up and out around there. If this is spinning this way, is this not trying to draw air this way right? All right am i wrong. I i just don't. This got me a little confused.

Whether which way is the correct way to spin it well, the one good thing is we're going to find out. I guess uh yeah, i just don't know the answer to that. My normal they're, always spinning clockwise. Actually, now let me look so it was all set.

All along, oh well, so how does that so it pulls air across it. I guess we're gon na go find out if we fire it up, we can uh if we later on, we get the cover on it with the cover on it, we'll see if it's puffing air out around it or if it's drawing air through it. I just don't see how being cupped like that spinning this direction. Dyslexic, that's the only problem.

Is it might my thought that would have been curved the other way, but maybe not i don't know i i may just went off on a total tangent for nothing all right. Let's go hook her up, get a drill on her and see if we can get some fuel and see if it'll fire what it sounds like. Let's go pop the end of that intake off the carb and uh. Maybe we could shoot fuel directly into that.

Instead of trying to screw with taking the plug out, if i throw one of those back on there for the throttle, you guys yelling at me the whole time that the uh trying to spin it the wrong way all right. Let's go give where's our okay. Looking out with a flashlight, for which way, i think that's full throttle all right, okay enough to get a cough anyway, it hits hard. I don't know if we get high speed out of it mommy.

I do think we have a spark problem. Let's go give her one more shot. Well, it's definitely fast enough for spark. Let's go uh throttle yeah got issues who doesn't do you want to maybe we'll try to shove another plug on the end of that see if that helps things out at all, um really guess right now is i don't know what we can hook to the end Of that you know it's again, it looked like it had great sparklings like that, just so, when it went to go through this funky spark plug.

I had a guy that sent me a bunch of odd spark plugs. It has a bunch of rust. I know if you see it, let's try cleaning that up first and see if we get anything better. I don't think maybe that can come apart definitely got a lot of rust in it.

Let's uh i'm gon na blow that with air see if that's possibly like a it, looks like a phillips screw down on the center of that definitely blew a lot of crap out you guys, like. I can't see anything through that glass. You clean that glass. It's just a flat piece of metal on the end of it.
There i'll try shoving the screwdriver down, but i don't think so. Probably wouldn't hurt getting rid of all that crap too right doesn't matter. Don't you have a 63 year old spark plug in your stash? No, no, i don't specialty is perfect. It feels like there was a screw on there.

Yeah, i don't know it's gon na. Allow us to take apart. The lid came out of it is that the center of it, no, maybe that's, broken they're, not supposed to be like that. You would think that you'd be able to push the electrode right out of that one.

If it's broken in two pieces, let me go get a fine. Little screwdriver doesn't seem to be moving. Then saying it's not all carboned up. My guess.

That's supposed to be one piece and it's broke yeah. It's not moving you're not going to force it till it does. Because does this not look like it's snapped off, let's go put it back together, one more time put that screw down in the center of it all that rust is out of there we'll check it again and if that's not going to work for us, probably clean That up too i'll get some of the rust off of it. That's not going to work for us, we'll get a regular spark plug and try to figure out how to adapt that wire to it.

It's all put back together, but i don't know if you hear the dripping in the background it rattles so that doesn't make a tight fit down on it all the way. Sorry digging the mud out of it too. I'm sure that's not helping all that carbon just down alongside it. Let's hope we can take it apart.

Just clean all the bits that goes down there, far too got a deep hole. I don't want to break the insulator off. That's like porcelain in the center. What happens is the plug gets valve this? This stuff runs up the side of the insulator.

This is the insulator here, and it makes a ground path instead of jumping across here. It kind of just runs down the side of it, so that stuff can screw you up a lot of times. You used to sandblast them, but they started finding out that the um sandblasting oven was doing the engine damage. What would happen? Is you you'd think you'd have all the sand out of it and then the thing would run and this would seem to be stuck in there.

It doesn't take much gets alongside the rings and just would score up the cylinders, real bad, get wedged in there and we best finish cleaning that out and we'll try it again, maybe get some acetone or something maybe down inside there to help clean it. Even under there, too path of least resistance that seems immediate difference for us. We got. We got nothing at all.

Now i'll, explain it. Let's go pop that off of there and see if we lost it just across the plug or we lose in the electrical. No spark at all, i think we lost it all together. All right never have to go backwards, like that usually starts out the other way around.
Let's go: look: there's a magneto and a kill right here. The this is the uh shut off button stall. Little grounder probably a set of points that are in there it's gon na fight me a little bit. Let me get that uh jump ground wire off of there come on.

Let's uh give that a spin we'll take a close look at those points, they're opening. Okay, definitely think we'll try dragging our file across so it's just case there's some corrosion on them. Hopefully, it's not down in the magneto with this wire anything on there look funny to the condenser funny how he had such good spark in it with the crap huh murphy's law. The water dripping in the background reminds me of like a they're getting ready to go to war.

The indians are ready to attack, beating the drums that do anything for us. Let's try, spinning it against you. We get hey there. You go got one all right back.

I think the chances are we throw the plug on it, though that kind of thing like does this spring touch the bench side of the metal, there's a big insulator down the center of it. I think this goes down and around it and that's like rubber. It feels like almost like a pencil eraser all right come on baby talk to me, goose kind of it's just nowhere near what's happening up above all, right, let's go throw it back together again, try it again. What's the over under this, i town, we're about 50 50.

come on baby sounds pretty good too huh. Take that we got a winner. Awesome awesome, awesome, cool, let's um dive, diving now we're gon na make it so it stays running. Let's go dive into that carb.

Real quick uh, i don't know what we got going on with this, so here's tank fuel filter fuel pump going up to whatever that's supposed to be, and then it has another one tapped off the side like. Why would why would you have another? Where would that go like alternative feed? We can do an external tank, i'm not worried about that. I don't know what the thought was with all this stuff. I don't know you want to, can we get the bulb bulb bowl off of it? We got ta.

Take the whole thing off looks like we got, ta, take the whole thing off and that jet we have to take this out. That's even not even tight yeah, that's not even tight. It's got no drag on it whatsoever. That's an air fuel mix which probably goes into a jet, but we have to back that out to get the bowl off.

Let's go just take the whole thing right off of there. What do we got two and then i think there's some kind of governor set up on it, possibly in there, because it feels weird like so. This is throttle speed right, but when you look inside it, the throttle plate is just moving a very little bit and i think, like this is the actual throttle which feels like it's a separate. I don't know where it goes, though.
I don't know all right, we'll take the two screws off that that we'll kind of see what's behind it did sound good, though got a nice little quiet thumper to it, and that's without that other muffler on there. I don't know how quiet it is with that other one on there like what would uh you know, never know what they were trying to use it for. Why they'd want it like whisper, quiet, how's, the governor, you think it's got to be tied to the engine. Somehow for rpm, if it has one something's holding it, so there is a rod there.

It is yeah. I thought that was just a breather attachment underneath that rubber boot there's a rod going down below and that's where the governor is all right. Let's go get this cover off and we'll figure out. This is like a linkage.

We could disconnect a lot to get to just to clean the carburetor. I think there's like a linkage in there we just pop off and uh yeah. It looks like a regular screw. It looks like somebody made like a man-made gasket or something right there.

It doesn't look uh, very military. Does it all right? Let's go get that regular screw out. I think that's. What's holding the rod on there yeah one of those pinch ones, that's adjustable all right! Now we go over on the bench and take that bowl off i say: maybe we just try getting the four off the bottom first and we'll see if we have access again, we don't know what to find like.

If somebody ran it with modern fuel, it could look like crap or if it was run in 1963 last. It could be perfectly fine you're about to find out working with a new camera too, and a little different. The camera has to be further further back away from what i'm filming. So i'm trying to keep that don't mind while i'm working.

What do you think? I think we got ta back that jet up huh told me i get it. My guess is, like i think that whole jet something out there, let's go see what these do. First, though, i would think this would just be like a drain. You know yeah, so the the new camera similar to the other ones.

This is a 360, a elf, 360 canon elf 360. and what it does for the stabilization it kind of takes to make the picture bigger or like stan stands back away from the picture a little bit and then, if it's a little jiggly, it can kind of Correct it itself a little bit more yeah. It looks like it's two grab some pliers and take that right off of there. You think that is three ace.

I got ta keep look at the viewfinder, make sure i'm not screwing it up that got it for us. There we go now we're in they look totally dirty. Well that floats hitting it or not, is a different story. Let's pull that whole thing right out of there.

It's got some crud in it. I think that's a like a cork type with like a sealer on it and it's got a bunch of once you sand down in the bottom there floating around. So how does like? What's the deal with that? Oh that's, the needle! So that's access to the needle right there, let's get that out of there, so fuel comes in through here and through that needle let's go give a little toot on that. Oh, you will see it.
It's popped out of there. There we go a little nitrile end on it doesn't look. I don't see anything standing out at us that says warning here's the pickup, i guess it's looks like it's got like a separate mean and idle jet in the center of it. I think that's the main and that be the idol like what would that go into that goes into there plow truck outside.

How is that working, so the float belt fills up a gas i'm trying to get. I think these are just two separate things right here. You know gas is coming in through here. The needle opens up fills this chamber up with fuel, but then there's a hole down here.

I don't know if you can see it hold down there that it draws fuel up to center. I don't think, there's anything tied between these two i think they're just on the same boss, they don't think they're proper to each other, so that would suck gas up through there. Just this seems just a little weird to me. Like i don't see fuel, i don't see the fuel level being all the way up to there to be able to draw fuel in you know i see drawing from there, but that seems a little odd to me.

I don't know if we can get that all right so that one's going to come out through the top, that's probably the little one. Then we could probably get a screwdriver on the other part there. We let's get some go on the top there. I don't think it's affecting anything though, and then we should be able to get.

Maybe this one out, it must have fuel all the way up. It must must have a good uh float gasket around it because, usually on a carb i'll, try to keep like the gas level want to be probably about right about there. You know below this surface, but this one seems like it travels. This part is so high to suck fuel.

Let's go clean all that stuff up, we'll put it back together, we'll figure out how to get fuel to oh. You know what i was also thinking too. Why had that other tap on it remember he was saying that it was like dual fuel, so i wonder if they introduce something else or mix it with something else. Maybe kerosene, i don't know, is it it's just a regular spark type motor? I don't see it kind of running like a diesel, it doesn't have high compression or anything, but maybe that's what that little t was to run a different kind of fuel.

But what you do like gas and white gas and what was what was popular in 1959. For military like to move fuel around cooking fuel like white gas, i think you just run. You would just run that on. I think i think i'll kind of run on that anyway.

Wouldn't it okay, oh clean up some parts: let's take a quick look at that governor too, so here's the rod that would have the feedback coming from. You know some probably mechanical vein down the bottom end and there's the throttle plate on the inside. I want you to see that but full throttle. It is my new.
It's barely opening i'm trying to figure out what gives it more of a window. So on that wood there it goes okay, so that's how they're backing it off. So that's full throttle and if you push that back, it's limiting the governor how much it can open. So that's idle right there, star idle, is all the way that way judgment by the arrow and then, when you want to run it, you do that and it goes to a faster rpm and then you can adjust the governor.

It looks like by this screw right here: would that be heavy idle speed that so that's idle speed right there, how much it's opening joke and you think that one is an air fuel mix for and now because we have this one: wasn't there another one that One's fixed that one's not doing anything, you just run that one all the way in so it's this one this stays put and then he is, i guess it's gon na be like idle circuit, so the other bottom one's main and that one's idle. I guess we should pop that out of there too, before we clean it. Try to. I think, i'm gon na throw her in a parts washer for a little bit parts washer the carb, cleaner, ultrasonic, cleaner.

It looks terrible yeah, that's a definitely not a fine, fine tip one like like that. One is all right, probably take that off of there, so it doesn't get corroded. I don't see anything else. That's gon na get beat up at the gasket in the cleaner.

Sometimes, if these are too rough, i'm just going to leave it on because i'll do more damage trying to take it off than i am yeah leave that well enough alone. All right, i'm gon na go wash all the parts. Well, that's over there cleaning. Maybe we can kind of poke around this thing a little bit and see if there's anything else, we can get into probably adjusting the valves.

I don't know some are just that hot some are cold. What's that say, set hot lash looks like 14 intake 14 exhaust 14.. If i see what's going on with that fuel tank down below too, is this a? Is this the fill? Little weird, i wonder if that was the hose that went to there. What would the purpose of that be? Ah, you know what maybe that's what it does.

Maybe it's like a it's a circular pattern. It doesn't so it doesn't over over pressurize it. It draws fuel up goes through here, say this is 10 psi or whatever goes through uses, whatever it uses and the rest just went back to the tank sound. It's not a good idea.

All right we'll go with that. Uh, let's go grab something again. I think. That's the gas cap to go to fill it also.

I don't see any other way in. Let's get that cap off, oh boy, oh my god. The last time you think this is wrong. Oh man, that's got all kinds of stalactites and mud and everything else growing inside there.

Let's go poke at it with a stick. Oh, it reeks poppy in the stand, there's chunks of stuff. What do you think stuff like that is kind of like cork? A little bit, doesn't it just crap man it's everywhere down in there too. I don't think we're going to concern ourselves with cleaning that tank for now, just because um we may not ever use it.
So i'm not going to chase that happening, but he's rough that has definitely been a day or two since that's been run, let's go um tilt it, something underneath it. Let's get ourselves a little turkey baster! You can see the walls on the inside there. That's how bad it is go grab a turkey baster! Oh boy, that's supposed to be gas! Ah, the the aroma. It's almost like a die all right.

I think we'll go cap that off for now we're not gon na go screw with that we'll leave. We know we're dealing with at least a carb. Didn't look like that right. Just in a slight chance at that fuel filter works for fuel pumper works, let's see if we can get that off of there i'll cap that with a screw, i just don't want to draw any of that crap up into the fuel pump, even though it did Always spin, but the filter is still dry.

I just don't want to suck any of that up if there's a chance of saving that fuel pump, so we're still waiting. Maybe we'll get some more of these tins off that one's wrapped around the pushrod tubes. I don't see that one getting out of there without taking the the head off and then maybe it comes out. Let's go get this one often is it is the motor mount blocking that one? I think so.

I just want to get a better idea. What the the engine block looks like you know without all the crap on it anything even in there just spiders and spiders and junk. So what would that do? Let's be the exit the air be blowing through and down just exit out the bottom of it to let heat out of the exhaust. Is that more part of the? What's this thing, just the oil pan well, there's an exit.

I don't see any opening over there, for why would air want to come down to here to have no place for it to exit out it's kind of weird? Now we got nothing to do anyway. We're waiting for the car to go. Do its thing: let's go buzz this plate off, so you can get this right out of here and see what it looks like: keep remembering to back up with this camera, we'll get that out of here! Get this off and just get a better look at what the engine looks like like two screws hiding underneath. Hopefully they i think they might be nuts too high it's nuts, underneath it looks like it threads into the oil pan.

Hopefully now the bolt out of oil starts coming out. It kind of has that look like a really motorcycle engine would just you could run it without the tins. Good, nothing uh tad fat. They all are, you know that's.

The problem is like i like to make engine assisted bicycles, that look. I guess you can call it eclectically period correct. Let me show you one later just to kind of give you an idea back when life wasn't so hectic. He used to make one or two a year, unfortunately, although they're fun they're very time consuming, this is kind of how a painter feels too.
You have to give me a minute i'll get that off of there. I stab myself i'm willing to bet that that is not an oil pan down there. I think it's a passage, you know, that's the passage all the way through and it doesn't have an oil pan so to speak. This is part of the block.

Ah, come out of there: oh you're in there yeah looks like it's welded on tacked on yeah, that's tacked on, and it's got two more over there i'll get those out. Let's get the whole thing slides out. It does have an oil pan, though i thought. So i just hadn't bolted that motor mount all together.

Let's take it right off, i don't want to use that base really anyway, stick to high heaven and we need to get cleaned out. Anyhow, there we go, it looks like yeah, it just kind of runs cool air. Can you see cool air across the bottom of the oil pan and on a bike i would probably try to eliminate because it'll be moving, there's airflow around it. It's not like sitting stationary, and this is trying to cool itself there.

We go it's kind of neat. Looking like a little car oil pan, i done pissed some oil out. I think it's got a oil pump inside it too, because there's a tube there's a tube going up to the top of the head to the valve cover, so it probably has a little oil pump inside there try to get rid of that oil anyhow, you want To go in a little further yeah, why not? Let's get the oil out of it before we go any further yeah! It's pretty muddy, hold that drain out for a bit and don't see if we can flip it over possibly get that oil pan off. There should be any metal in the goo, oh just dirty, not too much of a rainbow.

Sometimes you see like metal flex, it'll be inside there, not too bad, though let's get the oil pan off of there. Let's see what she looks like, i was hoping it was just gon na be like a court gasket on there all kinds of goodies. Let's go uh, grab a light and take a peek inside there, so that looks like a dipper right there on the crank and what a dipper does it splashes down into the oil and splashes it around still might have an oil pump, though my guess is: that's The governor here's, the fuel pump cam, so those who don't know crankshaft piston. This is the crank then going to the connect uh, the um camshaft.

Here's the camshaft going across this is the fuel pump. There's a little lobe on here. That's like an offset cam washer that pumps the fuel pump. You actually see it removes just the light.

Then it has a drive also coming off of that. That goes to looks like a set of flyweights for the governor. So it's got a fancy governor system. In a decent and as this spins faster, it's got a set of weights that move in and out and then a piston in the center that kind of moves up and down which is connected to that rod.
That was hanging out that metal rod right. There is connected hold on a second, let's see if we can uh, maybe manipulate that gon na lose the whole thing there. You can see the lever down below. You can see the whole thing kind of move hold on your better light on it.

I need another hand you see that those the parts moving around 11 o'clock there, that's that governor set up moving up and down and i'm kind of pulling on that. But what normally would happen is the engine would spin that would move up and that would slow the engine down. The engine would start slowing down. That would close up again until it got too slow and then it would give it more throttle again and then start spinning back up, and it will just find the tapping medium of governor of how to maintain an rpm.

So, let's set up, i don't see an oil pump. I thought we were going to. I just need to splash it up. An oil pump would be like a circle down, but below here.

That would just be sucking oil up the fact that that tube was up there. That's what was getting me. I don't see anything that would be considered a pickup anyway. They have one inside the oil pan.

So it's got a little isolated chamber in the middle there, which is where the dipper is yeah. So this right here is where the dipper is going through. I don't know if that's trying to create an oil pump of sorts, it's got. Ta have a passage to the rest of it right somewhere.

Here, there's a hole right there. It keeps the level of it. What the purpose of that is, because really what this does it takes it and it splashes it against. The cam makes the cam wet and also kind of throws it on the base of the cylinder walls, and then the rings wipe it clear.

As it goes back, it's got a roll of roller bearings in it. I wonder if the the uh - i don't know, if you can see it on the connecting pin down there, i would think it is. You can see the roller bearing on that one too neat. Well, i'm gon na go wash it up.

Here's the base of the lifters when you can see anyone in there put the valves right there and there are the lifters that open and close, open and close the valves. It look dirty just you know the oil's a little cruddy, but not terrible for how old it is. I'm gon na go rinse all that stuff off we'll put the oil pan back on it, we'll flip it back over and uh start reassembling. It get it together.

Probably a bunch of those tins off of there and we'll see how it looks. I guess i really should spin if i put the oil pan back on, see all the bits moving around. It's got a large cam for the uh fuel pump. The offset on this ridiculous - usually it's like it, moves about that.

Much and that's it. That cycle moves about an inch all right, buttoner up, you're, ready to flip it back over. You can see the fuel pump's got a manual pump on it, so you can, prime it it's been sitting a while all right. We got to pop that valve cover off right.
I want to see what's in there too. I don't know how you would get this tin off of here. Oh you know what it is. You got ta spin out the tubes, so you would take the valve assembly off and you would spin you would spin the push rod tube right there and that would work out and then you can get this tin off the back side.

We're gon na leave that there for now again, i'm not sure what we're going to be using it for now, where does that go all right? So that's just a breather. That's all that is, as the breath is probably going to the air cleaner. I don't think it was like an oil drip to the top. Let's give it a quick little feels about 14 hours.

Yeah, it's about 12.. All right! Go pop, that on ready to put that points cover back on here's the shut off. It's got a little bridge that goes across here spring loaded and it looks like it touches this post and then the post in the center just kind of grounds. Those two out to kill spark i'm going to watch that and see how the crock pot is doing kind of figured.

It was going to take out the paint, don't lose the needle they're clean, though that paint's gon na blow off of it yeah. That's! Okay, all right, i'm gon na go wash that off in the sink and put it back together. I don't think you missed anything. Let's put it back together.

A couple things you can kind of see is uh, there's that air fuel mix going through and it chokes off that point that it draws fuel up from the center. It doesn't line up. It's not like it goes into a pin here, but i think it just i'm not sure if it's using that orifice that's right down in the middle there and does it allow just how much of a puddle of gas is able to go from this chamber into Here and you're restricting that and then it has jetting going up. That's my guess.

The other thing too i see is it has. This is the with the throttle? Is there idle in full speed? It looks like it's got a a spot. You can put a cable on it, so if you want to run it remotely, you probably put a screw in the back right there to tighten it down, but that if you would just leave that that thumb screw loose and then that would be like a throttle That you can control from a remote location. Look at that bracket.

That's all bent up. You think that that should be straightened out. You think it's bent on purpose. Let's put that in there you watch where the the slide is on it.

It looks like you know: it's got a nice even drag there. Then you see how the gap gets all kitty wampus right inside there. I don't know. I think it might humor that that looks to me, like it probably took a bend and shouldn't be like that.

If i straighten it out, will it hit anything yeah? I think i should be straightened out. I think it should probably just took a in its lifetime. Just got banged around and took a shot. That's a homemade gasket.
We actually did pretty good, though let me tell you the dimensions, it's a little rack to one side and all, but actually i think we did pretty good i'll put it on a leak like a sieve right. I think we set up over on this bench. Yes, coming down yep and clamp it to the wood instead of trying to into the metal bench, hopefully that stops in a second that makes means the float's working. You know all right: let's back you up, get the drill, see if she'll fire up for us and, yes, i did put oil in it all right.

So what was it idle? I think it was that way. I think i saw something: dripped, okay, that should be choked. Let's see what we get pretty nice, i could slow it down. I'm gon na put you back in the skin and try dialing it in so so it doesn't have a good idle circuit.

All the way down, yeah yeah, the idle circuit - is not great to try to dial in uh. I don't even know if it was kind of meant to have that low of an idol. Probably doesn't i kind of like to get them for. Let's push for a bike to get them to just the putt right along like 600 rpm or so 5 600 rpm, just when it's sitting right alone, just chug along revs up pretty good once you start dialing it in, but i think we can kind of work With that, i, like it, sounds pretty decent.

Even you know, half a muffler on there, i'm sure without it, and if we ran a straight pipe coming off of there, it would do pretty good heat without the fan on there. It's not terrible, it's hot, but it's not terrible. What do we run that five minutes, or so i mean you, can touch it. You remember on a bike.

It would be moving one of them. What i did was now the gas is leaking one of them. What i did was, i took a heat sink. I took actually the it had a fan on the side of it.

I cut. It looks like it's leaking right out of there base of the bowl all right. Well, yes, for everything on the first shot right. She lives, though she's running, i was waiting for everything to come off the bench.

It was shaking everything the drill press was moving. It was walking its way towards the edge along with hunks of metal and bits and pieces of stuff. I thought it would have been a better situation for us over here than uh on the metal bench, but i guess not cool but yeah. I go air out to placer real, quick and i'll.

Bring you right back, so oh bring over the other side. Let's go so that's as low as i can close the throttle. That would be a good idea. I like it like that the kill doesn't work, can't get it off yeah the kill doesn't work.

That's funny! Oh well, doesn't want to stop. That's all yeah, so we'll dial in i just had to run that from this one, almost all the way in usually it's about a turn turn a half two turns out it's the window of. It is all the way in and finally, we start to get into the idle spot, but the throttle plate is closed internally. It's closed all the way i can't close it anymore and usually what they do.
Is they drill a little bit of hole in it to have a little bit of uh go through on it? You should be able to dial all the way down, so it shut off, but it just doesn't do that. Just doesn't want to stop running nice, nice and again, it's not not terribly hot for sitting that long, all right guys. So i think i've made him enough of a mess for one day at least he didn't drop the drill press on the floor. She does definitely was walking around and depositing its little bits, but uh it's a pretty cool engine.

A little again like i said, on the fat side, it's when you're building the bike. You still want to be able to pedal a big story, a long story um, so you want to be able to try to shrink this dimension down like a lot of this. Can go away, you know you need a stub would say you know that much of the pulley showing you you don't need the rest of this. You can cut that back or put a different pulley on it, of course, but i would say, that's probably 16 inches across, so you got to make your pedal swing to kind of clear that on both sides, what's good good looking engine, it's got the correct kind Of look to it with the exposed, cylinder head and the uh, the uh overhead valve cover, and it's got a fairly old look to it.

You know i i can't stand the uh, the little kit engine bikes that you buy now with the stock trying to grab the cover. Let's just go, see aesthetically what that does for it, which is not terrible, but when you put those on it kind of gives it that lawnmower engine look to it. So i try to. I can stay away from them, but i think we dress it up pretty good.

A lot of the bikes, the uh, the really old, i'm talking like 1910 bicycles, were turning into motorcycles. They would have a tube, it would kind of drop down like a cradle and come back up around it again, and the engine would be cradled down in that area which doesn't look terrible on this. We can work with these brackets for mounting yeah. I think we've done enough damage for one day.

You guys want to go check out one of the bikes. I'm talking about. Let's go, let's go, take a look there. You go! Here's the! I think this is the second last one.

Third, the lesson that we made: this is one of the longer more eclectic of the bikes that i've done, there's rows of them. They keep going anyway. Uh. If you look at that engine, you see how it's got the the cradle, that kind of goes down below it and back up again that's kind of what the style those bikes were back then, and you know loosely going off of that style and then just doing My own thing from there on this one, i think we pretty much made the frame made the gas tank.

I just kind of made everything. It's got a springer front end on it. The wheels are these from a wheelchair also. I think they are no a heavy wagon like one of those uh carts that you would do like yard work in and then that little ring in the front that little little one right there that's a baby carriage rim and it's got suspension on it.
The whole front articulates it's got a leaf spring front, end and uh, there's a section of leather that runs down around back up to chain up to a hand, grip and that's the front brake little hillbilly handbrake. That engine is a military engine also that was off of a generator like a two-stroke, uh military. I forget what i think: that's like vietnam, er. I think that was yeah when we looked up i forget ah, and that one had a little bit overheating problem off.

I took after i took all the tins off it, but if you look on top of the cylinder head, you can see that that little round circle that's on there. That was the fan that was on the side of the engine. I cut it and put it into the fins of it and then that kept that engine cool didn't have a problem. It'll just sit there and idle all day.

It doesn't overheat and yeah. It's got a it's a it's a collector. There's a fire extinguisher down below. That's the exhaust tubing going around uh the seat's, a shovel.

The luggage rack is a uh like a garden hoe and get a better closer look on it. We can see how the pedals got to kind of swing out like this. When i push the pedals back further to give a little bit of room, but you can see what i'm talking about, you want to try to keep the engine fairly skinny as possible on it my battery's flashing. So hopefully i can get back to doing these one day, as i said, i did one or two a year.

There's the tag from the engine all right guys there we go shutter out right here. I think y'all hanging out maybe we'll bring one of these down for like a little short wednesday, video, we'll fire one up and just kind of do a little once uh once over of it and do a little show and tell i guess, but for now i Think we're done for today, but thank y'all for hanging out with me doing a bit of wrenching and we'll do it again soon. Sometime till then see ya, oh what'd, you think about this new camera better worse same thanks.

By Mustie

5 thoughts on “Forgotten $50 antique military engine, is it any good?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tas Nikas says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conner Sisco says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian B says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAY Gee says:

    3rd , lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason T says:


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