Batmobile go kart from Coney island park in the 60s, was left out behind a barn for 40+ years, this is part 3 of 3 trying to save it from the junk man,

Hey guys and how's it going hey we're going to continue on this batmobile go kart that i picked up at a swap meet the end of last year. So quick story behind it. It came from an amusement park. I believe it was coney, island and uh from there.

It sat behind someone's garage for about 30 or 40 years with all the weather attacking it, and it showed all the tires were rotted off. Everything was just a mess. The first video we got an assessment done on and got the engine running, the second video we started getting into the drivetrain and getting power to the rear, wheels put new tires on it. Repacked, the bearings got the brakes functioning and squared off all the drive system of it.

It was a mess, so that's been taken care of, but on that video we were having problems with the carb overflowing and the fuel pump leaking got the carb off. I found what was wrong with that i'll show you that in a second and then we're going to go jump on that fuel pump and see if we can go, save that, let's without further ado, let's go over to the bench and start wrenching. So on the carb, the problem was, the float was not allowed to come all the way down. So it's upside down right now, that's off! That's on normal position of carb is sitting like that.

You see, fuel comes up, pushes the float up shuts the fuel off. Well, the problem was at first, i thought it was a needle seat having an issue. So i went and i polished it with a q-tip and rubbing compound or a lapping compound, but this right here this i'm going to call it a deflector was arched up. It was in the center right here had a big hump in it and it was not allowing the float to go all the way closed and with a little bit of scissors, we cut that offending piece out and i tweaked the post on the float a little Bit just so, it sits a little higher and now it shuts the fuel off.

That's the car fuel pump we haven't opened yet let's go get this area cleaned up a little bit and do some dissection see if you can stop it from leaking and get it at the function too. Crack some screws, this yeah, so that carb has a like a breather hole, a vent hole and that material is supposed to stop the when the carbs bouncing around stop the splash from going up the breather hole and into the base of the. I think it goes right into the throat of the carburetor, so if we have a problem later on we're running it and we're going around a turn and it starts flooding itself out - that's what it is. I don't have one so i would suspect fuel did its number on this.

This was leaking right here on the seam, judging by the external flappiness of it, it's probably pretty cooked, so you can get her to pop free. I think we'd be able to pull it right out of there probably have to get the top to come off. Yeah look at the crap, that's coming out of there. Now that diaphragm has a hole in it.

We're screwed we're not going to be able to use this. It's looking pretty crunchy. I do not have a rebuild kit for this. Neither it's a problem with stuff.
That's 60 years old, then it'll be a check valve yeah. There's two, let's say surprises not two. So one will be on the way in one's gon na be on the way out. Little doorways allows fuel to pass this direction, but then, when the diaphragm comes back up, it blocks it, and the same is with this one: going the up opposite direction, but it was leaking around here.

Sometimes, what happens is the body of it warps over time i had a vw. I just showed this on the on the last and i kind of think that's what's going on here. The body of it starts to warp the corners come up and that it can't seal right here, so we can put this on a stone or a piece of sandpaper and flatten it out how about the other side. The other side looks more beefy.

It may not be an issue. You think that we butchered some like trick to getting it out. Can we twist it? Ah there we go yeah, you can even see kind of the coloring of it where it's dark here shiny there. So, let's go see.

If we can square them up a little bit on some sandpaper and put it back to bed and wood back together and we'll just kind of give it the best hope it has some movement in it, but not great. The fuel tank is kind of high up. Might be able to gravity feed it and bypass it. Yeah get rid of all this crap too, because all this right here, it's gon na, find its way into the curb.

So let's get it cleaned off of there too. All right, let's get some sandpaper, got a stone, but that should work soak some oil in it really want to do a figure eight. But it's not that much room. You can see right there where it's touching the corners, but not in the center.

This sucks up the oil, doesn't it so i'll keep working that both halves, so we get a smooth going right across i'll bring you back. That looks pretty good. Let's go. I get some of the crap out of them.

The valves let stuff come off. Is anything. That's in there it's gon na get it. Actually, this side should be dry.

There should be nothing from this side. This is, i call it the oil side, the crankcase side, where the plunger comes up and works the diaphragm, but no no fuel should make it through the diaphragm onto that side, which is going to be that side. This is the side that you definitely need to get pertied up all right. Let me go clean that a little bit a little bit of that some scotch white.

I see it in most of the videos when we're dealing with stuff. This stuff is not designed to run ethanol through ethanol as alcohol, and it attacks the rubbers deteriorates it new stuff is meant to handle it this stuff can't. So if we continue to run this should really try to run fuel that doesn't have ethanol in it. I hear we're going to 15.

Isn't that lovely about killing the old equipment yeah? It's got me a little concerned with all the wrinkles that are right there, like i said all you got ta do is get one hole in it and then it's done looks like it might be. Actually a couple of layers, though well we're gon na find out. Let me put it back together: yeah give it a test. Before we put on the machine, that's about 50 cents.
I swapped that piece of line over to the the intake side see if we make it back in the pool plus it'll flush it out too. Not. Looking good, it's trying, i see it pulling up the tube. I think one of the valves are not working well there we go yeah thanks for a good flush.

Let's look at the body of it make sure we don't have any leaks happening. Can i make that side of the pool deeper there you go uh. I think it's. Okay, those little check valves, probably clean themselves up they'll go the dirt that came out of the internals of it.

That would go right in the car and we'll bolt that back on. Hopefully we don't see anything kind of going through the center of it too, because what will happen? Is the oil we'll start getting the oil on the bottom of the engine fill up with gas? All right, let's go fire it up, so you can get any leaks. If we do anything about this, let me flip it around. Let me go trim that off it's one of those ones.

It's like a uh, a slinky. If you give it a yank, it's just going to keep on doing itself, break it up that noise in the background, is an air conditioner, because we warmed up 90 out hot. For me, i like it about 50. that work kinda sorta there we go, throw an exhaust on our face.

It's gon na take a little while for us to prime, let me take an air gun or a rag. I want to dry that off first to make sure we're leaking give her some choke, there's no fuel in the bowl, because it's got ta go through the fuel pump. The fuel pump's got to fill up and then fill up the bowl portal gallery. Really not one thing, i think we might be fixing that all right.

Oh, that was the spring no we're working on now i say: that's not a good start to things i figure out where it's leaking from, because it looks like it's wet up above you know not a crack or anything in there is it that screw right. There yeah tighten them up more we'll, let that be while we're screwing with the pull start so far, so good, let's wiggle, that out of there, hopefully i'm just going to get a tight squeeze, get it around. I had this motor off too to procrastination. So it's got screws holding the pull start onto.

I tried putting a screwdriver on them talking about those right there. So, let's see if we can get them free. When you take the pull start itself right off the cover, then the whole thing can come out. That's the old saying two steps forward: one step back: it's not even tight! So when you pull on the pull start little cams these little cams flip out and catch on, what's called a cup and there's little indents on the cup and then when you let off these fall back into place, but we lost the spring.
So we already know that i think we needed itself spread a little tab broke off one of the ends now they're, both on both sides. Why is that? On that side, i really took a ride so that supposed to catch on that, i bet you, the screw was loose and it's got screws and it allowed it to lift up and made room for the spring to come off. It was going to fall apart. No matter what so the other end catches on what? Where is it that end that little paw has to grab on that? Think that's right.

Can we get the rope and see if we can get the rope out of our way try to get it wound up? You know hook the rope back up later. You can get the wine first all right, so all of it needs to sit in there. It's already been wound too far out. Let's go explode, so we need to kind of do one of those get it to shrink up small enough guess it's going to go on that one, because it just looked different than all the others.

I'm going to keep winding that up. I'll probably put some tie wraps on it and we'll cut them off after so let me work on that, probably put it in the vise. Well, it's all good, except for one problem. It's upside down! It's got to go the other way around.

The hook has to go on that side. Not that side. Now we got ta do is cut those off the red wire. The blue wire, like we're, diffusing a bomb easiest one to get out right, stay yeah good.

Hopefully that way we can try to go catch that that inner one i was afraid it's gon na stay too far away. Let's see how this goes a little bit of graphite, it's a lube, let's go with catches it now we got ta, get all our goodies back in, remember how it went. I think it was was that under it not much left of it whatever it is. We're gon na go like that.

Is that washer, even part of it, it was on that side. Let me in there you go, you have room to catch, let's go hit them a little too. I don't know if that's going to get down in there or not. That's supposed to spin, isn't it in the center? Is it? Is it not yeah, that's not going to work, probably why the screw was loose.

So i have a feeling and then i assembled it wrong yeah that washer has nothing to do with it. I have a feeling that washer has nothing to do with it. I think that was from one of the screws that held the cover on. I think it goes like that find out.

Wouldn't it need something that i'm gon na throw some more flint flint. I'm gon na show some i'm gon na learn how to speak. I'm gon na throw some teflon in this area, some more get that to slide from that moving it up. That screw did back off.

So my guess is: let's have an interference problem. Yeah, that's more like it! We get that center of the catcher. Is it going to skip on us see if we can get that feels pretty good. All right, i'm gon na go wind.

It up and clamp it. I need more out of that. Where's, our starter holes right there, we're gon na go feed the we can go, clamp this somehow that's got it. Let's go twist the end of that a little, so it doesn't come apart.
Yes, i did move the gas and we should be able to feed that through that's how you're, not in it and i'm going to give that knot a little bit of heat too just kind of glue it glue it together. There we go. Let's go release that clamp, see how we made out for tension. We don't quite have it, but there's an easy fix for that.

I'll show you that some of them will have a little indent on the wheel and you could pull material or rope up through there. I'm just gon na go grab the excess and i'm going to wind it up a little bit more. I should have enough room to make it probably go two times around one more. Hopefully, that's not the spring skipping.

I don't think so. I'm gon na find out right now pull that excess through there we go, hopefully that stays together. Let's go plop it back on. Let's see our fuel pump's doing a little bit on that corner, i'm gon na go.

Try tightening that up a little bit more. It's pretty tight, i'm really cranked down. That's gon na try it again choke is on throttle. I don't know what we got for throttle.

Let's take a little bit to fill the float bowl like i said. Maybe not, let's open it up. Let's turn the idle speed up a hair thanks for put losing our on it. There we go must be up there.

A little alright get some reps out of it, just not enough fuel in the tank. We don't know how to kill smith. Yet so there's our kill switch good. I think we're okay, let that set a little bit.

It looks like it's again a little bit around the top up there. I can live with a little yeah yeah, that's what it's doing hopefully doesn't keep flowing and running down, though let that sit for a little bit tighten the bolt up a little see if that does any better short that out. That's it for a second yeah. It's still wet up there yeah it's running down.

I know the o-ring is crap. That's inside that i'm going to try to help it a little bit, get a little bit more tension on it, so the bowl nut threads up to a post. That's sticking down the center of the carb, and that's all that puts pressure on this edge to push up on that seal. But if that's making contact at the same time, that is there's not much preload on it.

So we're gon na just gon na go and tap that down so that when i tighten it up, there's a little bit more pressure on that edge. Well, i think we should jump to getting the throttle hooked up the brakes hooked up that kind of thing, and then we can finish up, steering front wheels and steering. I i'm gon na run a vacuum around clean some of the crap out of here and then see what we got. I everything looks pretty intact again everything's built like a tank, so it does kind of seem to hold the test of time.

I think the brake pedal is stuck. The lift is on the rod under it. A little bit of that, i said a little, not a lot overkill, barn chain oil for chainsaw loop, it's wet, it'll work. We got pivots down there.
I think we got to get them from underneath, except for that one you can get that one up here might as well hit the one for the brakes too. When in rome do roman things all right go go make a piece of linkage up for the back. So i got a spring just shoved on it that was just holding the throttle down. You should be able to get rid of that and they made it's like a piece of coat hanger bent up and around then the spring was lower.

They had a spring yeah. This one right here actually still hooked up. That's why the gas pedal's returning, i say we cut this right off, maybe we'll make up our own coat hanger, maybe a welding rod. I say we go for this funky bent one enough strength to it.

Yeah that'll be good nope ain't gon na fit. I had to go thinner that was too fat. We've gone from 90 degrees to 50 and raining so we're just trying to make ourselves a little hook. This side back to itself a circle all right, so the gas pedal.

That's full throttle right. That's idle! Now we're gon na go right about there. I do the same on both sides. I guess right around, so it can't pop out pretty much what they had too.

All right idle, full throttle, isn't getting full throttle yeah pretty much. Let's go, tighten those little unions up a little bit better. I think that should hold it there's a return spring for it kind of a mess. What's the hook on there, let's clean that up a little get rid of some of this junk, we'll see.

If we can pick one loop off of it, you could try and bend it but it'll fight you it's because you can take a hammer, so you can get a good spot on it. Take a hammer and just kind of give her a good whack on a sharp edge. The end of a vice works pretty good there. You go something like that.

Yeah i got ta loop that through there i'm going to shave a little bit more of that off. So it doesn't have a sharp edge on there. We go that will fall off now, so the lift bar is going across. The frame is hitting on the brake lever.

I'm going to let it back down. Put a couple two by fours on each side, give a little bit of space and we'll get that freak pedal set up. Flaps now see we got on the other end, here's the other end of that. Normally, that pin would go in here, but it looks like it has a slide or something on it with a spring, so that would want to push backward and just i think, that's just rod, rod and is that an adjustment looks like this, maybe twists inside here And it's all the way in pushing that plate will be okay, or should we free that up, let's just go, throw a pin in it and we'll see how far the brake pedal travels before the brakes come on.

Just could be long enough. We got ta get that it's got a return spring too. What if she get a longer bolt, maybe same setup, probably went around. Let's go see what we get first, let's see if that does what we want to do as long as it as long as it's all right that sucks, it's all the way down we're going to need to get more.
Is there some in the front too? We could probably cut that rod down right as long as that, threaded rod is long enough to dance to the floor. Let's go take the end of that. Apart see, we can do. I just took the whole rod out from underneath it.

It looks like that spring already even broke it's kind of like doubled up on itself. I think this rod goes to this place, so this is all one piece and when you hit the brakes it's supposed to have some cushion in between the the high and the low. I don't know how this would come apart. It almost seems like it's one piece: doesn't it because i don't see any threads on these like? How would you unbolt an end of it to take it apart? Whatever, possibly we don't? Do you not even worry about it like these would have to be bolts that come out? Wouldn't they? How else would you get that out of there we go run a wire wheel on clean, some of the crap off kind of looks like it was put together and then welded looks like it was assembled, and then they just kind of welded up the ends.

Let me go clean it up. It's pretty much! What it is it's welded here here here and here so this part's not going to come apart, but i think, like that's open in the center there, we could unthread the rod. This is not, i don't think attached to there. I think it's just run all the way in possibly possibly if you can get it to spin.

This is essentially a nut holding it all together, we could run all this out, get all this crappy spring out of there clean up everything and put it back together. Let's go see how that works out before i start trying to thing at least fairly straight. I always forget to tighten that up, so we could spin it out of there. You know in a straight shot, let's put this in the vice and put a wrench on this.

I think we're gon na have to put a bunch of heat up. Let's just see what we get so we want to go clockwise think so i don't know if the it'll go. Let's get some lube on her. I didn't want to put the lube on this, because if it's gon na put heat on it, i'm gon na burn all that off.

Is it doing anything that rod goes straight through that? Let's get some back there lube in the backside. There you go see if we can find something a little bit better than that. I think a wire wheel will clean all this crap up. Maybe we'll beat that back into submission a little too little a little bow, legged yeah close enough tucked in my stash this one's kind of light, both the uh yo diesel on the large side.

Let's go stack. We had four pieces up that came out of that. One if we have to we'll cut it back a little starting to look like the same size, though isn't it and we'll leave it the full length. So this went on which side this side right yeah, so that would have to go in there.
Then the rod go through it gon na launch it across the room, and that gives i guess so. You can't just lock the brakes up, it's probably what they don't want to do on the track and fishtail. It sounds like something i wanted to do, though there we go, and so if we can get the rod to go through there, it'll hold on that part right have to start go pop it in advice. You should be able to like pull on it, and then this should kind of collapse a little bit.

Let's pretend we're hitting the brakes yeah! That's what we want that spit up. That's another little spring like that spring spit out some spring kinda, but the problem is now it's too long. I wonder if we should just take and cut some of the rod out of it and leave the uh leave the size adjustment. The brake shoes are worn down, probably is what the real issue is, so we got taken up by the rod you got back together and the front the brake pedal is up.

It's so right there the brakes are on off on. I think we should probably make it even a little bit longer. Can we spin it? Let's put the pin in right there as long as the brakes don't drag, we get a decent pedal, i think we'll be okay and the lift's got me right now. It's hitting the lift.

I go a little bit higher. I think what happened was that was collapsed. It was actually making the whole assembly longer because it was staying. You know pulled out now, it's retracted, so that that's where the the plate need to get taken up.

Actually, judging by the rot, that's on this side, i think we'll uh omit this one try to find a newer one. We now have the deluxe model, there's one spring jobs for us. We got two. I couldn't find anything long enough and then i got a longer bolt on it and when i lifted it gave us more room, i did spin.

It two turns out to give us a little bit more play, but it's got a good return for it. That should be fine. I run that in that's a jam nut, so that's not going to back off and if we need to tweak it a little bit later so should be able to have the brakes get applied right about there and then that spring should kind of take over. So you know a little kid went and slammed the brakes down.

He didn't go. Locking it up, i think, is what the point was and if that don't work, i guess you just use the emergency brake. It's the next step, all right. What do you want to do? Next? Uh? We need a kill switch.

Maybe we should just try to concentrate on getting the power still be done, and then we can fix the front end to put the shell on uh somewhere. Well, this turns so i don't want to make it so you have a wire that spins around the column and if we attach it there is that a crappy place to reach to. I guess, if you get ready to crash, you want some place, that's fairly easy! It's really good on the steering wheel but yeah. I don't want it because it's not like it's um.
You know you got it's not like it's locked to lock like that much it's! You know. It's three turns around. Let me think about that. Maybe even i guess the best way is to hop in the seat in it kind of sort of.

Let's see. Oh, that's close thought. I have more room for some reason: uh, two little kids on each side or i'm guessing. This will be out of the way.

Oh, my god, now what are you gon na? Do i'd say we go for the tunnel, let's go for it right about i'll, be something like in a panic, you're crashing into a tree. You can kill it. I think so we flick it forward and back. We see what we got for switches, big man in a little boat, big man in a little coat, i think, is what it's supposed to be yeah.

It should be easy to kind of access to in the tunnel. You can wire it first and kind of run. It through can we go back a little further just for the sake yeah. Let's do that.

Let's try it right there because i think that's a closed tunnel to try to get the piece on the other side of the switch. As we have a section of wire that should be run, you flip it back. It should short out and all we're going to do is hook one into ground somewhere and one end to the point, and i'm just going to ground the points off and shut it shut it down, hopefully find out all right. Let's go get that in there i say we go for about as far as i can reach to get the switch up which should be about about that far so we'll go for right there should we offset it a little yeah, let's offset it to on that Side, no, that's some thick stuff.

Try it again! I'm gon na go over a little bit, i'm trying to make it so that the rod won't interfere with it. Hello, all right, okay, sneaky fingers! Do your thing get up in there come on. You can do it! Watch it so thick, i can get the nut on there. You go probably trying to get a washer huh, so that'll be off i'll, be on back by the motor.

Really all i needed to do was splice into this wire. That's the signal from the points and ground it out. It kills spark, but i'm going to try to pop this cover off. Hopefully i can run a wire up next to it probably screw on to that same terminal.

If there's enough room, if not i'll, just i'll t into it and then the other half of the wire can go ground out on a bolt, probably that one maybe right there, so that's all it is. I jumped on that same post, where the red wire is so we go down to the out to the switch, come back and pick up ground over here, and both of them are just unscrewable. So if you need to pull the motor, we can't so hopefully i can put the cover on and nothing interferes got ta get that wire tucked over, because that cover has a little slit in it for the wires to fit out of. But it still has that kill button.

You know it has to be able to push on the center and ground to that post. I think we'll be okay. We're gon na find out right now. Let's go try that switch see if it fires up.
First i'll give her some choke. I got spark there. You go all right me: go label that real, quick all right, so we got brakes, throttle, kill, switch and i think that's it for components running to the engine. Again, the gas echo gets set up because the there's a gas tank on the chassis, the body we'll deal with that when we put that on there so i'll, probably put like a a fuel shut off and some other things.

But for now we can finish up getting the probably the front end fit and then we're done with the chassis part of it. Steering it functions. I think maybe what we'll do is just kind of wire wheel, some of this crap off of here and just pack. It with grease, i don't think it needs any other love other than that everything else looks pretty good.

I don't think it's going to break any ball joints or tie rods. We got to do the wheel bearings, i know they're crappy. I think one of them was growly. Wasn't it yeah that one? So let's get this cleaned up and then we can jump over to the wheels? Yes, it's mandatory.

You make those noises, i think, for the most part, it's just going to keep the rust down. I don't know what it's got for the gear. That's inside there, i'm not gon na bother splitting that up. It was bindi.

I probably would it seems like it's pretty free, we'll just keep working it with that. That was simple. Well, i said that something will break inside there because it didn't take it apart and maybe just a little up above there on that pivot point. I think it's funny that the one over here is noisy and this one it's quiet that one's missing a dust cap.

It's all full of dirt and crap. That's probably why it's quiet it's just packed with sawdust. You know. What's bad, i mean you have to hit them with a wire wheel and they got pits in it.

You could hide a small cat. Yeah definitely sat in one place for a long time, i'm actually going to hit that believe it or not, where the wire wheel just to knock off whatever corrosion is in there, we'll do our best to pack with grease. Does it need new bearings? Yes? Yes, it does so you're going to get them. No, not now hey run what you brought lovely yeah, they suck they are horrible and we'll give them the old in the plastic bag routine compared to squish them through with your fingers and packing them we'll do it.

This way keep the heebie-jeebies off of us squish her through. I can't get it back. I don't think it's gon na do much for it, but at least they get lube on them. This thing again, if it was a car going down the road, this life expectancy would be very short, but this is gon na go putt around for a day, probably get about 10 miles put on it, and i'm betting they'll survive that long and the problem is How do i shut the camera off all right, and that was the side with the dust cap and you think this one's gon na fair? It actually sounds better.
I don't know, maybe the other side held water in it, caused it. Let's go find out and the side with no dust cap on it perfect go figure right should leave them all off then that side's, nice and quiet the other side, not so much all right make the noise. You know you want to good got the wheels on the front. I do believe that makes it a roller.

Should we put the body on or let's try to demo it? I wonder if we could run it off of that tank and just plop the seat in any issues we have to address, and we may want to move it to a bit better non-collision location and see what it can come up with the old cap and the New cap got a weird rubber plug in the center right. Not quite sure he said, is to have access to put grease in them. It's kind of weird when you just take the cap off. I think the last thing before we put the body back on try to get this off of here, because i'm not sure we're going to be able to use that exhaust pipe is kind of trash that little flexibility flexible one! That's on there, i'm sure.

There's some movement between the body and that so let's get this off of there and possibly we'll run a straight pipe or i think i might even have flex pipe. That's this diameter, i'm giving this a slim to none chance of breaking loose without heat and the belts. How about the whole thing spin out of there double duty, breaks the cylinder head off. No all right, let's go see, possibly we just cut it with the saws off.

I got ta roll. This, i'm feeling it's gon na be the same size as the pipe, though yeah. I think it's the same size that fit in there. It's got a lip around.

The outside edge - i don't know - i bet you if we got that off where the taper was it would have, went let's go see. Let's go check the other end out just not fold it over as much oh yeah yeah. I think that'll. Do it we'll worry about it, we'll put the body on, i can get in there with a sawzall and cut this end off if we need to once when it's in the car, it's in the when the body's on, i should say well, i'd, say before we Put that back on there, let's go deal with the gas tank.

I think it's got two straps kind of holding it. I guess our little bolts are that one and that one should get that. What do you call that jimmy strap antenna, yeah so undo those? So you can drop that tank down and deal with whatever should have dealt with that a while ago. I think all right see what we get all right.

So you want the good news to the bad news. Yeah, good news, tanks out bad news is see. If we get this right, it is all pretty inside there saying that's not too bad here's the problem. There is a wall, you can see, there's a wall right here going inside that they welded when they were putting it together or soldered.

However, it was put so, although i can clean out that section of it with like muriatic acid, get all the crap out of it, i'm not gon na be able to make sure that this section is clean and the pet is over on that side. So i don't think we're gon na be able to get. It actually looks like it's blowing out anyway. Judging by the looks of that, it's starting to seep through yeah, it's gon na be rotted out so we'll leave that tank out and we'll do is we'll probably try to get a plastic tank someplace.
Once the body is back on we'll try to figure out some place to feed it fuel and not not use that i probably should have looked at that a long time ago. We could have been proactive, but hey it's a hovercraft now to lower that and slide it underneath there and hopefully lower that right back on with no problems whatsoever. It's hitting the steering wheel guess i should have thought that one through oh we'll, get her close and drop her. I think it's close enough.

We wiggle it around and get the bolts on it. I saved my back well, i got the four main corners bolted in and where the gas tank was had some critters hiding up inside there a little wing on the other side. This area was packed solid, all right, so we need to get exhaust going out, but you had the flex pipe going out of this hole before you probably do something and we straight line or we got ta yeah, it's not straight. I got a piece of salt pipe too, that could possibly use and we got ta get a gas tank in there.

I would say this is probably our only area that or and maybe right back in here somewhere. Let's go see what i got for tanks, if not we'll just use that little red one that we're using before for the uh supply wiggle that in somewhere the big tank was for. You know when it sat at a park and would run all day. So they didn't want to fill it up every 45 minutes or an hour because it was constantly running so they ran a larger tank.

I don't think we need to deal with that you're in my secret stash. If you want to call it my stash and we are looking for a gas tank, there's a little orange orange green, let's go grab that one now we're not gon na have an outlet for that. There's a couple: that's one of those four wheeler tanks, two lines coming out of it. I like just like a regular snow, blower tank that will be good right there.

Let's go see if we have anything off before my wrench and steel, you would think i would have one coming up here and a plethora of hidden engines, that's probably just as rusty inside as rust is pouring out of a hole. Yeah yeah that one's not going to work and anything else, see anything. I got a red one right here, too. Problem is a lot of metal tanks, which is what i prefer.

I have a tendency to rust out, though, just sitting about that one looks like it was held on by the same way too: oh she's, pretty inside too, all right, so we'll grab that one, it's kind of tiny. I said if we could find, i don't know, should we steal this one, let's see about unbolting, that let's go check it first, it's worthwhile yeah that was clean, too good go grab some wrenches or how about a plastic one right there on a little crappy, snowblower And to see that we should have room, i think that'll work out. He wants to favor that side, see if you can spin it around yeah. That way it looks pretty good.
I wonder if we could actually just drill the two holes that bracket hey get back out here. Can we just drill those two holes? Have it drawn up, should probably take this lip right here. We'll grind this off, so it can come up more yeah. Let me do that, we'll get rid of rid of that.

We should be able to figure out right where we need to go that may work. You could probably just take those straps that were on there too. The two that are hanging see if we can kind of make them around and give them a little extra support, but it could hang from that for the most part might melt it, so it melts it, but that should do it. I don't leave the cap on.

I don't want to get all the crap inside it. I got two bolts in it started, but it wants to go to this side. Just it was either gon na be one or the other. So i think we need to do just a little trimming.

Just can't get the gas cap on plus, i think it'll drop a little bit further. I want to say something like roughly like that oval that out, because you think the cap would go on, but no she don't yeah hope it's enough and factory other than the bright red cap. The exhaust pipe's a little on the high side, see if we can pitch it down a little. It did the original pipe.

It is flex pipe right supposed to flex. I think we'll go with that for now, but i'm probably going to change it later. That's what they had i'll hammer that, on a little further i'll run a fuel line who's your daddy. More than that, i don't think it's going to fall off.

It does need a little bit more downhill, we'll go with that. It's just gon na split! If i try nailing it anymore, i know i've got other stuff to chase, but i think we're close enough to do what we need to do to putter around still need an air cleaner. Yet and i'm gon na see so air flows up across and supposed to go across the engine and cool it. I don't know if that was removed for a reason or not, but i'm going to go run it we'll see how it goes.

If it runs hot i'll, either try to find one or i'll make a shroud. It doesn't need to go all the way. I think it just kind of goes to about right here and meets up to that, so you can just bend the pin a piece of tin for it, but i also eliminated the fuel pump, we'll see if we need it. I ran the fuel pump just back to itself, if not we'll, just plug the fuel line in that side and hook that back up to the carb i got, the gas tank line runs up around.

It's got a fuel filter in it and i got a fuel shut off. Let's go dump some gas in it see we get. I got a little in the tank. Let's see if that fuel filter fills up, i don't see anything all right.
The bottom of the tank is flush with that yeah, so that's definitely lower it's two or three inches lower. Only thing i could think of, i don't think the carb. If the float was full, it would not allow anything to go through. Let's go give her a little uh positive reinforcement that do it.

That did it, whether stage running or not, we'll find out. Let's go, give her a little fire. She stays running, i'm gon na choke him by hand. Oh, you know what i got.

Ta turn run. Switch on hit the brake seat - that's tough! It's got warm up a little too good. Just that air fuel mix. I'm gon na went one more wind on that full start.

I think we can plop that seat in there set it on the ground, all right, shut. That off we don't want to worry about any overflow out of the carb. Hopefully that doesn't leak. They have a tendency to yeah once it maintains fuel drop it right.

Push is easier when it's running forward anyway see that clutch really slipped hahahahaha. Oh, she is definitely a bouncy ride cause. The only thing it has is the tires. Ah, she died.

Oh i hit the kill switch getting out. That would do it so so so do so. Well, definitely not me for this kind of terrain, just saying, except for a flat track. Those tires get bouncy boy.

I think i almost flipped it once and uh definitely got it on. Its side seems like it's doing good uh popping a little bit. I don't know if it's dancing around so much that the fuel is kind of starving a little just need some hours on that, and the clutch seems like if you hit it full throttle, it doesn't engage you got to back off for a little bit for it To grab and then go especially probably pull that apart and look into what's happening with it literally a shakedown run, but we got an event to go to in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, weather permitting and we'll get to take this thing out and go for a cruise on an actual track.

This is again just a literally a shakedown around to see what would come out of it. I'm not gon na run it too much harder in here, because i've going to break, i think, running out of gas. I think i just ran out of gas. I got to go, get some.

I didn't put much in it, but it does pretty good i'd say prop. Top speed is maxed out at 20.. If you get a good straightaway and you let the clutch grab and then back off again all right guys, i'm gon na go get some fuel fire. This back up, bring it back to the shop and then hopefully we'll see it.

I don't know three or four weeks: it'll make a debut again when we're doing some actual running on a track till then thank y'all for hanging out with me doing some wrenching and we'll do it again. Sometime soon till then it's not the clutch. It's the belt! All right we got ta go deal with that, at least you know what it is at least, that clutch isn't cooking.

By Mustie

5 thoughts on “Forgotten old amusement park ride, could we save it?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Ulicky says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason D'Andria says:

    Morning everyone! Time for coffee and tinkering!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedMar says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Hello mate πŸ‘

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atariforever2002 says:


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