wile picking a free pile on the side of the road the owner who was cleaning out his garage told me about this 440 snowmobile powered golf cart he had sitting around, he was nice enough to let us take it to see if we could revive it, lets see how that goes.

Hey guys, how's it going I Was at a free pile on the side of the road and I ran into Scott Scott Walked down and said hi to me and we started motor Motorhead talking and he said he has a funky go-kart he built go-kart golf cart I guess he called a go-kart too he built in his backyard that he modified with might as well show us Scott 40 Yamaha snowmobile engine in it and it's been sitting a few years and we talked about it. probably five I would say yeah and we're gonna see if we can, uh, resuscitate it and bring it back to life and have a little bit of fun. It's not, he's not giving it to me or anything like that. it's going back to him but we're gonna go have some fun with it and see what it can do.

Man, let's see mice sticking out anywhere. Seems a good pull start only. huh? Yeah, there goes. My arm started easy for four or five years ago.

so okay, so we're gonna go load this up and go bring it back to the shop and let's go see what we got. Thanks Scott You're all so easy. Flat tire in the front doesn't help actually. we probably get a couple of jack stands underneath it when we get the accent up off the ground.

If we get it running, we kind of want that uh, not to take off anyways. we'll get that set up I Wonder if we can get that back cover off or we're just better off trying to work around it I'm not sure if it's uh, feasible to do so. we should be okay. We'll get a prop rod in there though so it doesn't be a big musty one.

Mouse trap and eat us other thing too. The pull start goes up and through the back cover. I Wonder if we can get that out of there? Maybe just try to pull right from here? So I already had a prop Rod that has a like a little tab that you flip over and it locks the pin in so the hood should be should be okay. Let's uh, first see if it even turns.

it does all right. Let's get the plugs out of it and uh, we'll throw a little bit of oil down each cylinder. We'll give her a couple of spins, make sure everything just kind of feels okay. Then we can go look for spark.

what kind of horsepower you think this thing is I would think I don't know what's the stock motor in here? like maybe seven. What would this one be like 40? maybe? We say it was a 440 right and be my guess. Plus it's uh, 40 horsepower that revs up pretty high. Still up.

Let's go get some oil. It's just a little bit of motor oil, a couple of drips in each cylinder. It's a wet its whistle. Let's go get her a call.

I Wonder if we can kind of like tie a handle? Maybe here somewhere like you know, for a temporary one, Leave that one in place. Let's see why. Not right? How stroke is that? That's decent? Ah, let's go grab a plug and throw it in and see if we got Spark and I would not have no idea what the on off. it's got an on off switch or not anywhere on it.

Let's go get one of those in there and go up here. Don't see anything. Let's see if we could find. It's gonna be a kill for it somewhere.

right? See wires going to what's this thing that turn? I See wires going to it? You push it in? Yeah. I would think that would probably be it right? What? If you need a key, you should have a screwdriver in it? Okay, let me go see what we can find. It might be like, uh, like an old lawn tractor setup. Yeah, that's what it is.
You could see if I have one of those keys laying around might be one of those those early garden tractor ones. Yes, no. yeah, we could always disconnect the wires. I Guess too right? Yeah.

I don't think that's it. might be a little bit more snazzy than that. Let's just go see if we can wait. Is it that's the whole lock turn? Yeah.

What about if we just I would think it would just ground it out? Let's just unplug. We'll unplug both of them. They're either going to be an open or a closed circuit for it to work all right. Spin it again, see if we get Spark yeah, see if that's anything for us, All right? Nope.

I'm gonna try grounding those two together and see if it works and see. third time the charm. I am not seeing anything. so I Gotta do a little bit of homework, a little bit of hunting and we'll go see if there's anything else that is tied into the circuit.

Maybe we're just kind of missing somewhere where there's something, um, that would inhibit the on off or the spark for it. Say that'd be choke, right? That looks like it's just a choke lever up there. You zoom me out. Yeah, it's a choke going to it.

Coils all right. So you guys going down to, uh, fuse, block, or a relay with a look in there and where those wires go, handles, wires go up to that switch we were just playing with. Let me go see if there's any more splits off it. It's set up like some wires for a battery.

but I don't think this should be a Magneto setup. Only if it's got pull start, it should not need power to these. I'm not positive of that. Who else we got back here? What's that one? Here's another two Hots and I don't know what that is.

Hmm, well excuse me. We get some kind of intermediate intermediary of a pull start in this thing. Now we wonder if we can kind of feed it up through like an old. That might be a long tough side.

I'm gonna cut that I'm gonna cut that back or drill it open a little bit and kind of use this for in between to work it. Let's see if we can. Uh, I drilled it open a little bit. Let's see if we can get a hook through it.

There we go and kind of work it up through there so you smashed the whole thing over. Let's get ourselves some slack. Let's see if that worked for us. There we go.

Drop like a bowl or something through there to keep it from falling out. Oh, you suck. Oh, that was gonna happen. Put it down in there I get that off of it as long as we don't spazz pulling this together.

Come on there we go. All right now. we got something okay. Give some tugs on all right.
I'm gonna go check for spark again. I can give her a little bit better Yank A little bit more RPMs See if anything happens with us, kill some lights and I think right now the wires are jumped across each other. Let's um, this is the piece of aluminum. Let's go try it up here.

I feel a little bit better View That's a definite no. Let's go unplug those wires again. Oh I think it would be an open circuit, but you never never know. It's a lot of times.

it just it grounds out. Where'd the plug go? Lost everything, huh? Don't know if it's going to show up on camera. The wires are disconnected and it definitely seems to have some spark now. So you know what? I want to try and do? Let's go dribble a little bit of fuel down each plug hole.

Give her a couple of Yanks and see if it'll cough over for us and let's give some for you and a little something for you. So cranky is a little to worry about in this. It's just a two-stroke so there's nothing down below. It does get lubricated from the oil that you put in it in the premix, but for the couple seconds that this can hopefully chug over, it's not going to hurt anything.

A lot of this stuff has roller bearings on the bottom too. It's not, um, a flat bearing. Let me call it all right. so you'd want choke I'm guessing that is choke off throttle I Think we're just gonna leave alone.

The intake looks pretty simple I Don't see anything on there so I'm not worried about Mouse nests or anything in it. just looks like that's the air filter and that's the intake. So let's give her a yank or two and see if anything happens. Come on, let's mix a noise really uncomfortable position trying to pull this thing up.

What's to live? All right? Yank that belt out of it. Looks like the clutch tried squeezing together and sucking it in on itself. Um, actually we got off the ground. We could probably put that right back on and keep it out of Harm's Way right? Uh, we gotta look into the fuel system and see what we got going on with that.

Uh I know maybe we just flip that carb right up and over. It's got a fuel pump on it. Did anything fuel trying to draw a fuel? She doesn't look terrible actually. I Saw some color in it.

Um, how do I get a urine sample out of it? Let's go look in the gas tank real quick see what we see because he said he put it even. you know, put it away and drain the fuel or nothing out of it. These lights got a little pointy light on the tip. There we go.

So it looks like it's got I don't know, a quarter of a tank third of a tank on the very bottom. Let's um, actually we've got a fuel pump pump and fuel. Let's uh I wonder if we could prime it again? We'll take the fuel line off. We'll kind of like run it into a cup and see if we get anything going through it and what it looks like.

Still gotta pull that float Bowl off of there I Still want to look into that? We'll clean that out so you can walk that belt on. Get it out of Harm's Way you'd be able to. Okay, there we go. All right.
So that should spin free the way they work. For those who don't know, uh, it's a CVT constant velocity clutch setup. so right now if it's idling, nothing touches the belt. the belt just is kind of sitting there and this can spin from the engine.

but nothing's going back to the transmission. As the RPMs come up, there's like fly weights and springs inside here. As that accelerates this ship sheave tries to squeeze together and starts biting on the belt and higher the RPMs it's allowed to go the more this belt can climb on the wall on the outside here and on the back. it does the opposite It goes draws down.

it's got a spring tension on it, it draws down on it and it changes the gear ratio between the two of them. So that's uh I don't know why I had I think so we can roll a little bit better. that's why he had taken the belt off. We get the ass end up in the air and hopefully as long as it doesn't vibrate off the jack stands, we should be okay.

Actually, I think we're going to go pull that carb off if you know every time I don't do it. it needs to be done. So let's um, dig into that carb a little bit. We'll flip the bowl up.

maybe we'll just take it right off and we'll go through the fuel system. I Don't know if anything's holding this or not. it's yet tie wrap around here. It's like a boot in the boot by the way.

That was easy. Let's get that fuel line off of there and it's like a hose clamp. We should be able to get the carb off choke or if you want to thread that no place. No, it's like an enrichment valve and we got so we need a screwdriver for that and that and that it came out.

must be must have been pumping some fuel when it fired. Let's go do the throttle cable next. So we definitely have to figure out we got to make a kill switch on this thing because if it gets stuck Full Throttle there's no way to put it in neutral. There's no way to uh, shut it down.

You're just gonna have to crash it into a tree to stop. So we got it at one of those wires that we pulled off of the ignition. We got to do something there. All right.

let's go over to the bench. let's go pop the bowl off of it and see what it looks like. Let's go see if we can dump if there's any fuel in it out of it. Oh yeah and definitely looks like uh I would say you said it was like five years or so that it it's uh, it definitely looks like fuel I Think the oil has settled out of it.

Let's see what we really got going on. That one's rounded off. That one's rounded off. Get a bigger screwdriver.

I am using the correct one beat. Damn it. There you go. You got that one.

That one we'll probably get with a pair of vice grips sideways. It's all egged out. This is a these are Jas J-i-s-g-a Yes Japanese I think JIS Japanese Industrial Standard looks like a Phillips but it's not. Let's get a little pair of vice grips and see if we can get that to break through and hopefully it just has a little bit of green to it, especially by the fuel that came out.
I Do see water settling out of it, so definitely it's flooded out with that. does not look terrible I Don't know if that's black sludge on the bottom. it's not terrible. Get the float off of it.

I should have a pin that we can push out. Let's just take it right off. What's that float out of her way? I'm going to take the Jets out anyway just to blow them out. Right Tool for the right job since we're here this far right.

I Actually have a I mean one that comes right out over there and there's a little one down the center here. We got to get out. We're just gonna blow them out. I don't think we're gonna soak it.

It's looking pretty good comparatively speaking. I think we just gotta Purge out what we have for fuel I'm not sure if it's showing up or not, but uh, it definitely has. um, water. sitting in the bottom of it shows probably through the whole fuel system.

Empty it out and start fresh. Yeah, screwdriver. get the other jet out. a little bit of crap on it like I said.

if I didn't take it apart, it would need it. if I took it apart I probably wouldn't need it. but I think we're good on cleaning. That's it.

can be our idle speed. I'm looking for external air fuel mix screws anywhere I'm not seeing anything I don't quite sure if that is or not. Kind of a weird place for it to be. Usually it's down like on the side here somewhere they would have them if there is one.

it's uh, go count how many turns in that one is. half one. not not even a turn out. it has a look of like one.

Let's go see what it's got for if it's got a point on it. Yeah, it's a jet of some sort. it's a meat or something. Um, my guess would be idle.

all right. So I'm gonna go clean this out with some carb cleaner I Don't see a reason to really soak it that well. I may go pick away. there's some corrosion going on down in here.

The fuel gets picked up. He's got a lot of corrosion. See all this stuff here? just rot. It Off it's gonna get sucked up in the jet I Don't know if we want to try taking that plug off the bottom of there.

It looks really corroded I Still want to open a can of worms? Hmm, it's not going to work on that where it is I Think it looks like it's a big nut with threads on it, but you can see how deteriorated it is and so we're gonna leave that well enough alone. I'll just blow out the passages and we'll put it back together I Got a little fuel sucker. Let's see how this does. I don't really feel like I'm bolting that tank and getting it out of there.

Okay, we'll do what we needed to do. See, we get there we go. Oh yeah, a bunch of rust came out real at the first part of it. Put this in my neighbor's car more than I thought yeah, switch over to another pail.
Yeah, right when it first picked up, it picked up a bunch of crap. A bunch of like brown. Rusty stuff came out I Don't know if you saw it. That's a pretty rich looking mix, isn't it? like 50 to one? Can't always go by the color, but it just seems like it's got a lot of oil in it.

How many gallons are in this thing? We'll get to the bottom of the barrel. What's good is I Think the um, the fuel pickup is not from the very bottom of the tank. It gets drawn from the top of the tank. It's probably about a half inch or so off the bottom.

We're going to take a look. We don't have to worry about getting all the little everything out of it. Definitely had about three gallons in it. Two and a half.

I Got the card back together. People would just shove that back on there and what we'll do is uh, maybe we'll body, um, will backfill the float bowl with the little squirt bottle and we'll hook the fuel line up to like a jar or something and we'll let the uh. Even when we get it to run, we'll let it kind of purge itself through and push the fresh fuel coming out of it so that it cleans out the fuel pump and the lines and all. And that filter, we just push all that crappy stuff out of it.

So I'm gonna dump about a gallon of fuel in it. I Got some non-ethanol that's mixed 50 to one. I See, he's got a pre-mixed tank here on the side too. Let's take a quick look at this.

make sure this is not tied into anything it actually is. Hmm so that is hooked up I Don't know if there's any oil in it I Don't see anything. in it will you? I know he had another engine on here I think he said he had a 550 with electric start I think that's what all like the battery, cables and stuff were from when that was hooked up. Uh do we need a throttle right? yet? it's to nothing.

Actually this cable goes to the fuel pump for the oil. so there is an Oiler this is the cable that hooks to it. It's not hooked up to anything. so uh, that Oiler although it's in the circuit, does not seem like it's um, adding to it.

So I'll just go put some 50 to one. We'll fill this bowl up right now. The stuff that we were using I should be able to fill the float Bowl slowly and that should be enough to run it for a little bit and then we can um run it till we get some fresh fuel out of it and then the same token I Want to? um you got to get kill switch set up on it. We gotta look at brakes and a bunch of other stuff too.

We're getting ahead of ourselves I'm getting ahead of ourselves I should be enough to run it I would think let me get something to drape this fuel line in like a jar or a container. they can. Finally, no funnel. Didn't make a mess that's about the same color, a little clearer than the fuel we took out.

I'm gonna eyeball it I'm gonna go see if that is below the Uh I can see the pickup for the fuel I'm gonna go make sure that that is submerged in fuel and we'll give her a couple. Yanks So I think there's enough fuel in that car for it to go? Let's go that um in the Richmond with a choke. We'll give her a couple of good turn that choke off, see if it does anything throttle you know. probably went to screwdriver in there.
I'm gonna try dumping a little bit more fuel down that carb. I added a little bit of hose to it so you can kind of get a better fill. See what's going on because it kept on uh Persian on us. Well it's a good day, a lot of activity so I'm just gonna keep watching that fuel until it stops flowing.

Yeah, it's looking pretty good. Go call it right there, it stopped so now it's got some fuel in the float. Bowl Who kind of guessing before? Let's go back up and give her another yank. Let's see how we put that enrichment valve back on again with the shop.

There we go, we've got the fuel Purge out of it. That's what. I wanted to push the old crappy stuff through. Good.

Seems like it starts fairly easy too. All right, let me go hook that fuel line back up to the carb that fuel lines hooked up. Let's um, seemed like the lights with the enrichment valve on more foreign. Thank you.

It is pouring fuel out of the car. not a good thing to have going on. So I don't know if that valve is open. what's going on with that down there? You'll get a pan underneath it real quick.

Yeah. I hope the float stuck. Oh, one way to find out. Pop that off right there and I didn't put a wrench on that I never even went to go loosen that.

Well, that would do it. Might as well take it off now, right? Yeah, look at all the cruise Nets out of me, that's the problem. It might be so rotted away that there was nothing to hold it it literally. Um, that's why I didn't want to mess with it.

Yeah, it's got nothing to hold that bowl on anymore, just literally no threads left. I'm gonna go upstairs and see my stash. just possibly if I have one of these. If not, we have to try to figure out some way to plug that.

Hmm, that would do it. Off to the land of carburetors. I Think there's a box of larger? You know, a box of smaller and we definitely need something with a float Bowl on it. Oh, is that like a Mikuni or something wasn't? It should be.

So maybe they'll recall. Ever seen a carb that had large of a um I guess you want to call it a drain plug? Go pick for a little while and see what I can find. He had a couple of uh I know we had a couple of golf carts. Looks like it would have been what we needed right if it was on that.

that's a pull. Start digging a little bit see if I could find anything I know he had uh, some more golf cart stuff but that's gonna be a snowmobile engine so that's not going to fit us. I'm going to continue to peek around see if we can find anything that'll suffice if not be able to try to modify what we got in our hand right now and see if we can get that the lock up in some fashion. Unfortunately I did not find anything that's going to work for us I Kind of wonder.
and the other thing is too. This has like a little pinhole in it and I don't know if that is a feed for something. kind of looking where it lines up looks like it's just going to be in the middle of the thread. So I don't think so I wonder if we can throw that on there.

Maybe we'll put a wrench on it and see if it does want to Snug up I doubt I think it just watered itself off. Let's see what happens. Can we get that lucky? Wish I Luck Yeah! Meanwhile, I'm gonna go dump a little bit of fuel in it here and let it sit. make sure it doesn't leak and then if we're good, we'll put it back on the uh should we call it a snowmobile or golf cart? What's a slang for the two together? snow cart, golf ski I Don't know I should be more than enough to tell.

Well, that's it for a few minutes. I Kind of wonder if the vibration of the machine too made it loosen up. Okay, so I never even I mean I didn't want to touch it just just by the looks of it. I let that sit for a few minutes see if anything happens.

Let me kind of wipe it with a paper towel or something. make sure it's dry. I'll come back in a little bit. You'll know right away.

you can get a shininess on your finger when you rub it. Oh it is a joke I didn't show it on this video. but generally what I do like when I put the card back together. Um I Blow through the fuel line and air should be able to blow in when it floats down.

I Flip the carburetor over the float shuts the other way and it should shut the the passage off. You can't be able to blow through and that did work so the float was working I Think we're all right. let's go plop that back on there and try it again. I Cleaned up all the fuel underneath it, hooked the card back up again and again.

I'll throw the pan underneath there just in case and we're gonna go with choke on and it should have fuel in the car so it should fire right up. Thank you. Mm-hmm it's like an idle. It's a joke.

off it doesn't want to rev up. yeah. so I'm gonna try to Baby the throttle. it's um, again.

the Richmond it seems like it's okay with that. Hold the camera foreign. there's um, you know, the air cleaner should go on it. There's really not much of an air cleaner for drag.

I Don't think that's going to make much of a difference for us. We'll plot that on there. but I said I Don't think that's uh, what's causing her issue. Sometimes it gets rid of the mix off, but it could be other things.

All right. Let's uh, choke it back on. yeah. feel the cuts that come just from where he has it going through the body.

It's hung up in that. Let's get the idle. let's go let it run a minute. Gonna turn a fan on foreign? Thank you.
It's been about five minutes. You should have something got warmed up. come figure out which wire ground down that one. That's when we got to put a kill switch on or a kill button on it so that in case it gets stuck.

Full Throttle We have a way of stopping so it's going to be that one that's something new. All right. let me have to place air out I'm gonna go I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air when we come back. We got some other stuff to take care of before and uh I think we just got to kind of baby the throttle I bet you once it gets really hot it may go away.

I mean I wouldn't say it's man. it's really nothing right now. Wait, a motor moves on until you see that shifting around. it's sitting on a plate so the whole motor's sitting on the plate.

This is fixed. This is not. and it's on rubber motor mounts. So that's what's moving is the mounts are torquing on it.

I Don't know if that's going to be an issue for us or not I want to look at that? um with a bolt on the clutch? It's like right away against the gas tank I was kind of worried about that. looks like it's clearing it by a little bit, but still I'm not I'm not rebuilding this thing for him I'm just we're just kind of like uh I guess having fun? Yeah, there's the where the rubber motor mounts are I'd probably stiffen that up with a maybe hockey pucks or something underneath them to give them a little bit more stiffness to it. Yeah, looks like he's made some brackets. All right.

I Gotta go get some air. So that's the swish that was in it that we don't have a key and it just you know, completes a circuit the ground out. Let's go see if I have anything else. Imagine if that I think that key.

oh I doubt it. That'd be funny, huh? No, it's in though. Um, what else we got? Are they all the same? Yeah, it looks like they all have three terminals on it. No, you could probably buzz it out, find something that, um yeah, just two terminals that are common each other.

We probably use one of them. Let's see if you can see anything else down below. it's more of the same, right? Yeah, let's um. I'm gonna take an OHM meter.

see if I can find like an open and closed circuit, this one might have a start. Now this feels like three positions. Yeah, go on that out, see if we can get, uh, just replace this right in there and put those two wires back on. There's no meter.

Um, oh, meter is just telling you. Essentially if you have a path between something or not, a path between something and a path. A path with drag, a path with resistance. So closed circuit open circuit so see what the key is off, he should come out on off right? He comes off.

out in the middle. So let's just go probe and see what we got. So one of these should be my guests. Let's see if either one of them is closed so both of them are open.
I Bet you switch. One Direction One Circuit's Open switch the other direction and another one is open so it could just essentially tie. One of them is going to be common. All right.

So that closes that circuit Open. Go back Open. I'm betting that. uh, let's go see.

So we were looking for a circuit here. that's probably the common one of you my guess and we'll come off of that should be open so that one's doesn't make any sense. Open Close the other way, Closed. So let's go for so.

the only position it this one so that's not run. it'll shut it off, that'll run, That'll shut it off. So let's use these two that way. Either way, you turn the key, it'll kill it.

and when you take the key out is when it'll run kind of backwards what it should be. but you may have the key for the other switch so we'll just give that back to him. But for now, I Just want some way to be able to shut it off as long as I can turn the key. Either Way In the panic and kill it I'll be happy with that.

So I think we might even be able to get those Spades to kind of go over these screws. so I'm gonna just unthread them and hopefully and it'll be the two with no um tabs on them. we'll see if we can get those uh speed connectors to uh, go over the top of that full on the fat side, but that should work I Just ended up flattening a couple of uh speed connectors and threading them down because it was just too fat, but that should be good enough to hold the wires on. Thank you! All right, let's start it up and then that key that we turn it either way should shut it off and it shouldn't run now.

So the chances are it has brakes I think it's got brakes. Nice thing about cable operated stuff, all the Hydraulics don't go crappy on you. Let's go fire it up and we'll try, uh, hitting the brakes a little bit. Good enough for me.

So at the gas pedal back up again. It's kind of janky the way it's set up so although it's moving the throttle a little bit, you know that that's idle. that's not so getting too much pull on it. but they have um, like this set up here with like two cables go together and then all the play is moving over there before it does anything.

I see this clamp I Don't know if that was part of it that it was tied in where it wasn't moving like this needs to be supported so it doesn't slide right. This needs to be fixed and then come back around. and uh, even. this is kind of crappy too.

Like this should have some kind of guide or something to pull on it a little bit better because like right now, how do you get it? I guess we can back off the throttle and get it. What about that? Big Spring that was down there was that. You think that was hooked up to it? Where'd it go heavy though, isn't it? I wonder if this was on there I just don't remember if they would have it. not like that I wonder if they had it on the barrel on this side to help hold down on it and then screw it a little bit.
We got these up with this though. this is not. This is not gonna fly, that's just taking all the slack up. Yeah I'm gonna have a little thing.

we can kind of see like one of these but really tight that we can kind of maybe just screw to this Fender or something. Yeah, so it seems like this where I wanted a kill switch. so I hooked up how pretty much it was. you can see again the movement that's in there.

My guess is that little bracket below. It was supposed to be doing something and we're not even moving. The only thing that's happening is the carburetors moved I got that spring on there but now it just kind of racks the whole carburetor even if I hold this. Yeah, yeah, all right.

I'm gonna go pick away and see if I can find something that's a little bit better. Suited for doing what we need to do, we actually should be like pulling up from an angle like this. I Don't know if the body gets in the way or not though. looking where all that stuff kind of, you know folds down.

does it interfere with it? Hmm. The body down. See what? we got? Plenty of room. just there is two brackets.

Those two brackets hit that bar looks like for support. but I think we have plenty of room. Maybe to try to come up on an angle. we just have to stay away from that bar going down and that bar going down.

just kind of so. from that hose clamp about a quarter inch over is what we have to stay away from. The one bracket that's on is all kind of beat up and when I picked up some new ones so it would go something like that, we'll put a self Tapper through it to that main frame and that should grab the black cable and then we'll figure out what to do about that one right there. Yeah, let's see if we can get that started.

I don't have to bracket right about there you go. Well, the clamp is You want to crush down a not quite enough to get tight on that jacket of the cable. So let's go try to put a dent in the center of it where it can pinch it. That did any.

Force You can get a little bit a little more aggressive. That's got it. You open that up. We'll get the cable around it and then try to run the bolt.

We'll run the bolt through it and pinch down on it. That part seems better. My lower jacket's not moving a little bit more stable. so I've got to run I Already took the upper clamp off over there thinking maybe, uh, we can extend this or get a different bracket so we're coming down more on an angle to the throttle like kind of lining up with the throttle because right now the cable has to kind of like a loop around it and be able to spin it can't.

Um, you know it's it's almost pushing, pulling in a straight line against it. If there was a little bit of a cam or shoved in here that the cable can wrap around, that would be good. A lot of motorcycles have that, but this does not. Go use that Barrel too, right? It looks like it's set up for a throttle.
Hmm. now that I think about that, we should ran the cable down here. Oh well. So let's go shopping for a metal bracket like an L bracket and or something that we can bend into an L bracket that is taller than what was on.

There could be fairly stiff, you know. I seem to remember I may have brought that for another project already that I'm working on. What's that exhaust cleanup that's not gonna be thick and it might be. We'll keep keep an eye on ash yet.

I shouldn't even be here anyway. I should be with the exhaust stuff Let's uh hmm I remember some looks like that, but it was an L bracket a little thicker. No, not that it's too thick. something in the middle? oh well.

we steal that. that might work. Let's go bring that over. We'll give a quick look, see if there's anything else in here that, uh, fits the bill.

I Think we could drill and Hammer that into what we need, right? There's another piece with a bunch of holes in it, but if we may have already taken it, we got two of those hanging right there. so they're coming up off of that bracket there. And if we were just to replace that and drill a hole actually, that upper hole right there might even be pretty good. and we could probably even lean it forward a little bit too.

you know, so it's kind of down on an angle facing. it. feels Corners welded. Yeah, we keep able to beat that into submission.

Yes, let me go modify that. I'll drill a hole. Actually, we could probably use that hole right there, right? We'll Mount that to there bend it forward and we'll use this and open this up so that that cable can fit in. Sound like a plan? All right, that's our plan.

Let's give her a couple of smooshes to get it to spread out. More than that or no. Yeah. I'll get a little more.

I'll call that right there. Let's go open that up good enough. and we want to do the upper one correct. Foreign Carpenter's eye.

So it's like that oil bottle. It's not even doing anything. You can just get it right out of here. It's a little more trouble than it is good.

Oh, that's a tie wrap. I may have a oh we still connected to get rid of the bracket that it was on the hose underneath it. two hoses underneath it. I'm gonna follow where they go I'm probably gonna go plug them.

get rid of it all right. We got her attached up pretty good. I relocated that oil bottle to the side a little bit, pick the different bracket was tied in with that one with another L bracket I Still got to put like a a tie wrap around the back of it back there, but we hit the gas pedal now. Definitely looks pretty good.

It's almost full throttle. it's like a that much from it I think I'm gonna leave it alone for now I just don't want the rev. My what's more important if as long as it returns without a spring on it I'll be kind of happy with that. So we always go tweak it a little bit more just to pull a little bit more cable.
But I think we're going to leave it just like that. for now I'm going to secure this and uh, probably look in the tires, huh? that looks like it's missing a lug. Hmm, we're going to tell All right? What do you think I see five PSI yeah it's bad. 11.

I'm gonna make them all like 20. Like you said, this thing sat for five years so they may be okay. They may not bump them up around 20. find out the next day if they have more flat zero I think I got it.

you can see him at 18. 11. 18. Now all right you get the idea right? Watch a guy feel tires up? What's wrong with you I was trying to fire it up and uh, see where gas pedal works? go for choke.

Everything else is okay. thank you. Foreign. Whoa.

Seems like um I was like more tire speed should be coming out of it though, right? Like the Rpm should be a little bit higher on the wheels. Maybe just that's just how it's geared down. This thing can go very fast I I would I Was hoping it was I Thought we can see more RPMs coming out of the wheels when it got into the upper range. Oh well.

like I said I didn't build it. That's uh, turn the fans back on and defog us a little bit and uh I don't know. maybe we'll get off the jack stands. We got breaks.

They seem like they kind of are doing what they're supposed to be doing. We have a kill switch I Don't think there's anything else we're missing. Speak up other than blowing all the crap off of it. please? got packing on the exhaust.

It's doing a little bit of smoking. All right. You can get rid of our uh start deal here. Etc You got to get that bolt out All right.

Hang on that end. yeah. stab myself in my finger. Let's put the hook the other way.

Pull that right out. No harm, no foul. So the brake pedal. you push it down and then in front of it separate.

You can take that and lock it and the brake pedal is locked on. I'm afraid it's going to want to try driving the belt and making it go. Um, let's see what happens. We got a forklift to stop it.

You can just smoke. Okay, so hopefully we get a tire to spin a little bit. If you're that low, it really should. Kind of wondering if like we're like a key fell out of one of the clutches or something and it's not spinning it.

The alignment's horrible too, huh? look at that. But again, this was the transmission from the uh go uh golf cart originally and then you know the front clutch is off a snowmobile so that engine probably should be pushed over that way. about an inch or two would help things. Wow.

I'm gonna try it without the uh, the stopping of that. Let's see what we get. Yeah, well again. I don't know if the belt is just slipping or you would think being geared that low or something's just not working in the gearbox in the back trying to see if there's a key or something and it's possibly missing.
Let's go see what happens because it does Want to try to drive a little bit? All right. foreign. how do you hit the gas? Thank you. Foreign Acceleration: a little boggy.

I'm gonna Jack it back up again I Kind of want to rev it and I don't know if the belt is just totally crap or it's a little bit of all of it. Could be that that engine you know, under a load of engines pitching even more and it's not allowing the belt to lock up. Definitely loading up a lot too. We just dropped out and started.

let's even get to clear out. I'm gonna turn the idle up a little kind of stage running YouTube Foreign thank you thank you. Yeah, definitely. it's got to be too much oil.

I Wonder if that oil feed is still working in some fashion? It's definitely loading up. I Think we will probably do it. Just pinch the line off going into the intake, figure out where that is and we'll just pinch that off and uh, maybe we'll have that out of the circuit. see if it clears up.

Let it run a little. I think a light Peak down there, see what we got going on. Definitely too much. uh yeah.

either too much oil or I don't think there's an exhaust restriction that sounds perfectly fine. It looks like it's muffled whatsoever. And of course, that alignment's pretty bad on those belts. and Bill Harper use He has a line that just pulled off right there.

You can definitely tell and it's full of oil on there. That's the intake side of it. This is going out to feed I Don't know if it directly ejects into the bottom of the crankcase. it might.

That's definitely pissing oil out. So let's um, we should just leave the line off a little bit. Look at that just runs straight gas. I Think we're gonna leave it off a little bit.

We have to use up all the oil that's in that pump though. Unless we unplug this, it's bleeding all over the place. or elevated high enough where it's not. Um, that, where it's not below the level of the uh, the bottle.

Let me work on that a little bit. see if I can plug up? Try to plug up that intake on that too. Try to get a cap over that, see where that hose goes I Would think it would go into the intake like would generally like. basically intake there would be a pickup I'm gonna look underneath with the magnet, see if see where that little tiny hose goes I wouldn't think it would go into the base of the crankcase.

might but can't see where it's going I need a mirror? Yeah, it goes right there I didn't even see it. It's right to the base of the intake. probably has another one going over the other side. Maybe Sure that.

but so I plugged off I put a plug right there on the intake side of it. It's gonna have some oil that's still going to feed for a little while I'm doing. kind of leave it out so you can get it to idle outside. Just let it run, run so you can get it to kind of clear up and get rid of some of that.
Uh yeah, it's probably around 21. It's getting oil fed to it and it's got the oil that's in the gas and I went off what was in the gas before I did that. So let's go see what happens. It already sounds better so you've been about 30 seconds.

Go let it run a little bit. We're gonna turn the idle back down. Foreign. so so it was good for like a second and then it kind of went away.

I'm wondering if the motor is pulling or like torquing in One Direction or another. and it's pulling this cable for the choke and it's turning the choke on more than it should and it feels like it's up like that. should have much more. That doesn't help much higher than how it should drop down.

if it's so it kind of like run like with the choke on I'm gonna go. uh, pick up the forklift I think and um, screw with it so that's off the ground. Yeah, that'd be something that ran fine and then just totally bogged all down again. So let's go try it again.

I Got it up in the air. get started from here, turn your handle back up again. I Can't tell why it was parked. So get into these aggravating things you know like I'll get to it another day and you never do.

That's enough. I'm going to drop the cover. We'll start from the back, get a fire. She's on fire.

Mayday. Mayday. there's that and the pull starts stuck. Yeah, there's definitely too much Rock fuel going out of the exhaust and bogging it up.

So I'm kind of thinking that might be what is going on and they're dropping in. We'll fire it up, try to and get it cleared out and maybe we'll do is we'll disconnect that all together and just like let it sit by itself and the twisting of the engine. it seems like what you know, we've seen how much um rock that engine has to it. Thank you.

pull the plug wire off one at a time I was gonna check see if we're out of gas foreign, it's all cleared up and then as soon as you run out a little bit it really starts loading up. so it's taking on a lot of fuel that it shouldn't and or it's just like all over the place you know? I'm wondering maybe I would think it probably has Reed valves inside here and possibly they could be bad. So like we passed like a little one-way doors um that allow people to come in one way and not back out the other. Not saying that that is what the issue is, but I'm also at what time do how much time I want to put into this again I don't own this and we're just trying to have some fun with it and uh, we're trying to revive it.

Um I think we might be starting to get a little bit over what I bargained for I can play with a little bit. maybe the next day? I'm gonna go pick away and see if I can kind of find what's going on or you know, brainstorm over the course of the evenings even come up with something that um Pops in my head like hey, that's what it is, that's what I should try. Thank you. Didn't like that air cleaner that's for sure.
doesn't seem like it's restricted. Yeah it'll go from Rich to lean to. it's like all over the place I open that card again see if we can go find anything. So right now you got to kind of start it with the Um enrichment valve on.

If you're quick enough, you turn Rich from that valve back on, it'll pick up again. you can recover. it gets like the right mix. I'm kind of wondering maybe if we're even starving for fuel? maybe the fuel pump is on the way out and starting to fail? Let's go see where it picks vacuum up from because you probably feed it from maybe higher.

Make sure we're not losing anything on the what it does. It gets that that fuel pump gets a pulse from uh, the uh bottom of the crankcase and that allows it to fire that pump back and forth. I'm gonna hook a gas tank up to it externally and we'll gravity feed down. Let's see if some of our problems possibly go away.

Got a fuel bottle back on the hose off? just gonna go fire it up make sure it's uh, pushing fuel out like it should. Yeah, I wouldn't say that's a bad. Um, that's more than enough to kind of keep it going. That is not our issue.

Yeah, whatever's the problem I think has been there all along I Don't think it's something that just kind of developed. Um, I'm thinking we're gonna probably look into it tomorrow morning. We'll pop the intake manifold off. We'll take a look at the Reed valves and see what they're doing.

The draw feels pretty good. like on the back of the intake. put your hand, cup your hand over it. It's got a good draw to it.

Um, the AdWords got a carb issue inside where it's um, it's sucking through a location that it shouldn't be or something along those lines. Something's not right I'm guessing inside the car. but I do want to check the revals if it has them. So I'm gonna go clean up, bring this inside for now, and let the cops go by.

and uh, go hide in the garage. All right? Well, it's a few days later and it kind of contemplated on it a little bit. I'm I'm kind of leaning towards it needing crank seals and a two-stroke The bottom of the engine draws the air fuel mix in to the bottom. As the Piston comes up, it draws air fuel mix in to the bottom and the Piston goes back down.

It pushes that charger around to the top of the combustion chamber. hence the with the two stroke oils for sticks to the bearings and one on the bottom of the engine now lubricate them well. If you get an air leak anywhere or a vacuum leak anywhere in the crankcase being the the block having it's bolted together, a seal on each end of the crank. hence the crank seal.

this is the crank right here. The seal would be right, there could be an issue and then on the other side with pull start is the same thing it could have. Uh, it's a little bit of a pain in the ass to try to isolate that and draw a vacuum or put pressure on it to see what you got. You got to kind of plug off exhaust and that kind of thing and find a port that you can kind of charge it.
So having said that, I'm not going to go and Chase all that again. That's just an assumption on my part. A couple things we are going to still look at. Let's go pull the plugs out and pull it over through a compression tester in there.

see what we got on the cylinders? Let's make sure that they're up there where they should be. They feel okay with the pull start. I Don't feel like one cylinder Dragon more than the other. And again, the other thing is the mix is just all over the place.

It goes from lean to Rich to um which is somewhat in the uh. a bit of an indication of having crank seal leaking or crank leaking but uh I'm not uh, canceling I'm not uh gonna hang my hat on that. Let's put it that way. Uh, let's get the plugs out of it and then we may look into the carb one more time and like I just set the Reed valves.

look into them all right. Go get a compression tester All right? I Got it. It's Full Throttle so there's no resistance for the air going and that can screw up your reading. and the Machine is up off the ground because it's trying to drive the back tires because the belt's back on again.

let's go over a couple a couple of chugs and see what we get pull too. That one is a pretty low. it's 80 psi so that is not great. That could definitely be a problem right there too.

it might be just so wore out. Let's see if we get the same reading on both of them. That's why you do a quick question test number two, that one trying to make it so you can see. How about that? I'll keep going.

So that one is at like 90 pounds too. That's not great. it's I think that's what our issue is. We should be 150 um on an engine like this.

I would say probably have to call it at 120. would probably do the bottom any pretty much any engine unless it's got a decompression valve built in. should uh, be uh above 100 for it to run run decent. So I think we found our problem.

Uh, we could. Triple A little bit of oil. yeah a two-stroke it's leaking past the Rings It is what it is. If it was a four-stroke you can try to identify where it's coming from.

a lot of times. what you do is you'll put oil down the plug hole, you crank it over again, the oil temporarily makes a seal better and the compression will come up. But this has no valves. no um.

overhead valves. You can take them exhaust valves that would also be leaking. So that is the issue. that it could be a head gasket too, but they're they're even I think it's just cooked I think it's burnt up and that's why it is doing what it is doing.

but we tried. we had fun with it. I didn't mind screwing around with it. um someday this might be something that I try to put together.
maybe not in a golf cart, but I'd like to use one of these engines and maybe like a Honda Odyssey or something like that. but uh yeah. Well there you go well guys I think that's uh gonna be out as far as we go we I think we found our issue is that the engine is just on the tired side of things and it does not want to perform like it should for a little bit there I was doing like you would get it clear up and you'll get the revs out of it. but um, and then it will just start breaking up all over again.

So that is definitely an issue. Without that being corrected and having enough compression to do what it's supposed to be doing, it's just not going to get there. They may have other issues on top of it too. It does need, you know, other work he said.

he just kind of slapped it together. Have some fun with it. Um, you know the alignment of the pulleys being out of whack and I'm sure the motor mounts are getting soft over time. It might have been fairly decent when you put it together, but now that the rubber is getting old and cracked, it just has too much Flex to it.

so the the belt distance is not maintaining itself and a myriad of other things of gear. the gear ratio is too low. uh for me I Would want to definitely try to come up with something that, uh, you know? my guess is probably it's probably about the same as a regular golf cart. maybe a little faster because the RPMs on that engine should be I Don't call it taller, just higher, you know I Don't know what a golf cart engine would probably rev out at? say we'll just make up numbers say a golf car engine revs out at 4 000 RPMs and say this revs out at 8 000 RPMs So if it did 12 miles before this at full speed would probably be like 20 22 miles an hour.

Uh guessing. All right guys. Well I think that's it I am going to load this back up and drop it back off with him and uh again, it's not mine so it's uh, just for having fun with it I do appreciate him. uh, allowing us to go play around with it and will it run? it'll run.

kinda. that's not what we're hoping for I was hoping to be doing wheelies across the parking lot. That just did not happen. All right guys.

I'm babbling I Want to thank y'all for hanging out doing some wrenching with me I got a bunch of other stuff to go uh have some fun with so until then till then yeah I'll see you later.

By Mustie

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