a viewer sent me a note about some machines he was getting rid of. and this was one of them, he picked it up none running and sat in his basement for a long time, this Benelli Andretti version m50 scooter only has 500 miles on it when it quit running. lets see what we find while trying to fix it.

Hey guys how's it going so. I went on a pic and i was getting another machine and this one decided to come home with me too. It was offered to me for free, i don't know much about it. He had gotten it cheap or free from the original owner and it had lost a spark on him, a benelli andretti andretti, the racer edition z50 scooter.

My guess is a honda clone of sorts from china. You now know about as much about it as i do keys in it, which is good. It has 528 miles on it. They started to pick away at it, trying to figure out what was going on and apparently just kind of gave up.

So i got it, as is, i think it would make for a good video see if we can revive it see what, if not what happened to it and we'll go from there. It's that's a yamaha, though yeah, i'm a tot. It's a yamata all right. So let me go get her tied down, bring her up in the air and we'll start getting into it.

So we can figure out what went wrong, because that first thing we do when we turn the key on see if anything, powers up man totally stoned. Yet all right, let's go through a jumper pack on it, one of the first things like this. I kind of like to go back and just confirm everything, especially sometimes you know over like two people, the story gets lost. What was that game telephone? I think the tail light came on.

Why would the taillight come on with the key, because the key's on, let's see if we can kind of crank out of it? I think we have to hold the one of the brake levers in and it looks like the spark plug is out of it and where's crank on it. It's worn there you go, it does crank over. That sounds good. Let's go get her up in here.

We'll get a look at that spark plug see if it's doing anything so the plug's got to get grounded out to metal somewhere. Inside of that case, right there give her a shot. It's got spark. It's got plenty of spark.

I wonder if it may have another issue. I don't know, but i'll tell you this we're going to throw the spark plug back in it may dump a little bit of fuel in the carb see if she kicks off all right so make sure that working throttle. It's not frozen. Let's go give her a little pre-mix down the throat give her a fire.

Think she'll go. I think it's gon na go smoking pretty good out the exhaust. Let me back you up a little. You give me some throttle too.

It kind of yeah. You really like smoke, it kind of sounded like as soon as you let off the key. It went away, which might be the case a little bit more go she's a smoker, though it's trying, i don't want. I wonder if uh something else happened to it.

That is not the case with the the no spark he did say. I then kind of bring it back a little bit that it was. He was riding it and it died. It's just pumping oil out.

Where does that come around the plug hole, or i wonder if there is a oil feed line to the carburetor? That's off a separate, oh, is that coming out this is just overflow, that's not it! It's dripping right from there see anything the exhaust. You know that flange there, maybe let's go, give a little bit more fuel a little bit more prime and see what she does. There's the oil tank right there, the oil feed yeah i'll, probably one more time, see we get. Let me try feeding a little bit of gas while i'm cranking it oh good for mosquito control, so yeah, so something else is going on uh either.
The crankcase is just really full of oil and it's pumping all that out, or maybe something happened to the top end, where it's uh, possibly grenaded itself. A little bit. I'm gon na go with some fans on air us out a little and a little cloud float and we'll dig into a little bit more. Let's go pop that plug back out of it and it seems oil soaked.

My guess it would be, i'm not sure it's dripping stripping something else now that gas from the float. You have no idea how long it's been sitting either, but right now it's leaving his mark on the bench is dripping fuel. I'd say we should probably maybe we'll pop that carb off of that bowl off and we'll see what kind of condition the fuel system is in. I wonder if the oil was allowed to keep going and it kind of filled up the jug.

I'm not sure how these are set up a lot of times. They have like a little metering system when it's running that allows it to have fuel uh fuel and oil really uh and, as you work the throttle, it allows more and less premixed oil to get added into it. I always say that line going across. Let's go.

Take a quick peek on the other side, so it was this line right here, yeah, where the throttle cable goes into. You see that here's, the oil line, there's a throttle, cable and there's gon na - have something that indexes how much oil gets put out. Let's probably pop that carb off it's dumping fuel anyway, and that the same thing with the carburetor, the carburetor, probably has a diaphragm there. It is right there right there and usually what that does is sees vacuum from the engine knows the engine is cranking over and it allows fuel to flow through and then when the engine stops cranking it shuts the fuel off.

So i have a feeling. The float is stuck causing that to happen. Well, it's time to have the seat out of the way it makes it easy to access the carb actually so throttle cable is going to be this right here we take those two screws. The slide should come out.

I think it has a vacuum hose right there, this right here with wires coming out of it. It's probably going to be a fuel shut off. You just unplug that and then the fuel line going in loosen the boot screw up pop it out we'll put on the bench, take a peek. What's going on inside, let's get a urine sample out of it, see we get for fuel, it should still be fairly full and the cup's clean, so we'll have an idea what we're getting in the float bowl! Oh, it's coming out like started to come out like mud at first, and that should be straight gas.
There should be no pre-mix in that and it's a decent amount of fuel too. For the size of that float ball. You can tell that float, wasn't shutting off. So the uh two-stroke oil actually gets added with where i said that was a vacuum line.

It was a vacuum line, but it was vacuum connected to the oil, that's where the oil gets injected and i'm still going huh. Judging by the color that fuel the carburetor can be a tad dirty yeah, we don't know how long this has been sitting either. So all right pop that bowl off of there in case i didn't explain it. The machine is a two-stroke and two-stroke does not have oil in the crankcase.

It uses a pre-mix with the gas. The gas goes to the bottom of the engine where the crankshaft is the oil kind of like sticks and gets stays behind, tries to anyway. To do the best to lubricate the bottom end and lubricate the bottom of the cylinder walls, but too much will cause it to smoke like a pig. So i don't know if we have a problem with that pump there we go yeah a little bit of crappy, not terrible and new fuel is does not hold up all that great.

So i don't know what the time frame of this was sitting. If we can get that needle out of there, you get a little poker get that needle out of there and we'll see if that jet is dirty. So generally, when a carburetor overflows fuel, it's either what's called the needle in the seat, which is what we're taking apart right now the needle will be on the float. This would be the thing i'll be hanging down.

That's the needle. The seat is the part. That's on the inside right there generally, a little piece of crap will get stuck in between that window and not allow it to shut the fuel off all the way or the float sinks. It's generally the two issues that cause that, if you're getting puddles of fuel underneath something underneath the carb or the float levels off, but usually the flow level doesn't just change on its own.

You know possibly it's sinking and i'm going to go quick. Look at that surface inside there see if i see a little bit of crap in there i get my old man magnifying, glass and yep there. It is. Hopefully i can show it on camera right about nine o'clock.

You see a little speck. I try to get the light. You can go right down there, you go and then right at nine o'clock there's a little piece of speck of debris. Sometimes it's actually the fuel line too, like the fuel lines start deteriorating from the inside and it'll break away.

So that was what was happening. It was allowing when the float was coming up to try to shut the fuel supply off, maintain a certain level. The pin was not able to go against the seat all the way and shut it off. That's what we're doing with that, while we're in there we're going to go clean, that jet was the main job we're going to pop that out of there blow it out.

Does it have an idle jet? It does, which is the little tiny one it's in the tube. Next to that, i'm going to go pop both of those out. If i can, i'm going to go clean those try it again without the float coming off, because what was happening was. It was flooding over when, when this does not shut, the fuel off the fuel level keeps going higher and higher and higher, and then at some point was the bowl generally.
What happens? It'll go up over this tip right here. The fuel level goes up over that and then that's the last stitch effort. It runs it out that hose and lets it drip out of there go clean that bowl up some too yeah. One intention is to go pick up.

Another item machine we'll call it a machine, and this was a on the side as a freebie says you want that too. I said sure this is i'm just gon na hold this up to the light and look through it and it is partially clogged. You should look at this on a little one: you're not gon na, be able to do that. It's gon na be so tiny.

The port's gon na be still small on it, so the other one's really cool. The other item - i'll call it an item - needs to wait for a little bit warmer weather, though, if that's a hint and there's a little shmegma growing right down here on the base a little bit of crap on that one. So i'm not going to bother putting it in the ultrasonic cleaner, but i am going to do just run some carb cleaner through it blow it out, looks pretty good and let's get that out of the way i'll do a little rinse on there. We'll pick out some of the sludge these little pieces of crap, because what happens is you don't get rid of this stuff? These little particles that gets put drawn up into the jet eventually and will clog the jet off and most of times the idle one? Because the other one's, even a tinier pinhole, that's in it, but this one's a little bit larger, so yeah.

So this right here is going to be electric choke. It's going to open up an enrichment circuit when it gets power to it. It'll allow choke to come on, i believe it's power on and then it goes away or it's going to be. Vice versa.

Power is off and then, as it warms up, it puts energizes the solenoid and it shuts off not quite sure which way it operates. But that's what it does is no choke on here, and there was no uh anything on the inside, showing a solenoid blocking off one of the ports for the main jets coming up. It would have been something that interrupted that fuel from getting sucked up and again this was for the oil injection, so the oil comes in here goes into the engine. Just a little port on the side gets metered by how much throttle you give it all that oil that we saw we're going to keep an eye on this.

Possibly this is not on the carburetor, but you know again what's feeding it is either continuing to dump oil out or just from sitting the crankcase filled up with two-stroke oil there's a gas that was in it. Let's go: dump that out and we'll take the pliers off. We might put vacuum to it for it to flow fuel, but let's go run that till we get some clean fuel, if not we'll just dump the whole tank. Let's pop those vice grips off, see if we get any flow, oh yeah yeah just enough for to run the fuel line out, though uh i'm gon na have to create just give it a quick crank, see if we'll go with a crank, where's the spark plug Wire, i'm gon na make sure that's not gon na spark anywhere near our fuel.
You know there we go yes, it's up. You got some age to it. What that done trickle better when we had the first shot around, but not great, i'm not gon na dump. It out yet i'm gon na let this cup sit for a little bit.

I wan na see if water kind of forms on the bottom and see if it took up a bunch of water yeah. I said fuel's, probably about five years old. If it took on a bunch of water right here, you would see a a puddle formed on the bottom of it and it hasn't happened. So i'm going to move forward with this because i'm lazy, i just have a piece of clear line, going up the handlebars with a clamp on it and right there, it's where fuel level is, and it's holding that's a good sign.

That means that the float the needle and seat are stopping the fuel from coming in any further. Let's give her a shot see we get, let's see what happens so we're gon na pop that plug out real quick. Let's see if it's flooded out again the thing with a two stroke again, it uses the bottom of the crankcase first and it could really do a job flooding it out and take a while for it to clear out. It doesn't look too bad.

I'm gon na go dry that up a little bit, though i'm also gon na check recheck for spark and see how it looks. Okay right there sparks plenty good. That's not the issue try to get to run for a second, let it kind of clear out yeah. So i see this guy.

Some other kind of issue spark was not the issue, maybe that's what they thought it was, but something is happening where i think either we have crank seals, i'm just guessing. We have crank seals, possibly that are leaking in or just the top end is wore out and there's no compression. So let's go pop. The plug out real quick, go, put our finger over the hole and give her a crank and see how it feels yeah yeah.

Never mind so rightfully should kind of push my finger off when i go to crank it. She doesn't feel too bad got something there, but the mix just feels wrong. It feels like it's not getting the correct air fuel mix uh. What do you want to go? Try it just sometimes too what happens is a plug of fire in the open, but you go into compression and it doesn't not for just for the help.

I'm gon na go through another plug in it real, quick and see if it makes any difference for us. Yeah see if it makes any difference, i'm kind of suspecting we are having a engine internals issue, possibly so what i'm gon na go do is take those we got three or four screws on the intake. We're gon na go take those away and we should be able to look at the sides of the rings in the piston and see if they're beat up see what we get. This one's actually got reed valves and they are those right there.
I'm gon na go through a little bit of gas in them and let that set for a second reed valve is a one-way door. It allows it when the piston uh creates a vacuum to draw in, but then when the piston goes, the other direction it blocks. The passage going back, they look like they're ceiling, pretty good, so i don't see a reed valve problem. Unfortunately, we can't see the bottom of the piston or the side of the piston through there.

You do it through the exhaust, whether that's going to be viable for us or not. I'm not sure. Let's go take a peek where, if you want to get that off, lay the bike on its side and see what we got going on yeah. We got to our underbelly, we get this pipe out of our way.

What is that? What would that do maybe a spring, or something went to that? It's the last one. It almost looks like it's designed to break off. If you try taking it off right nope, it also has like a weird emissions pipe coming off of it, not quite sure what goes on with that. How much stuff can you put on 50 cc's this this over here, going on to it and she's locked up? Let's take a peek he's, definitely soaked pretty good.

Can we? What can we access to turn this with anything standing out right away as far as um scoring going that's kind of what we're looking forward still can be, let's um pop this cover off and the fan which will turn it with the fan yum there we go. Let's go see if we can rotate the board looks pretty good. I'm looking on i'm trying to look at the back wall, i'm looking at that back wall back there, i'm looking for scoring going up. I see a little bit, nothing terrible, there's a restriction.

They got on this exhaust port huh compared to the size of the pipe coming out of it. Let's go. Take a look at these rings. Real close, don't see anything, let's go poke at them with the stick a little bit whatever it was.

It's kind of like a an instant feeling because he said we're just riding it and it just died and it's only got 500 miles on it's like. It's got a ton of miles, i'm just looking for a ring to make sure it's not broke that one's got spring too. It feels pretty good. I don't know about yeah.

It's got some spring to it, not saying that it doesn't have a break on the other side. I think what you possibly do. Everything i'm thinking of too is maybe we lost a crank seal is the only other guess on my part, and we already get the side cover off. Let's go get this out of the way, get the magneto out of the way and see.

If we can see anything, if we did, we should probably see some gas. That's for me. Normally, you would see some gas kind of you know wetness around here moisture. If you will there's a torque piece of paper, gasket right there, yes get this off, take a peek under the flywheel.
Getting that out of the way you need a little puller that goes down on the threads on the outside of this and it'll push off the center. Let me see if i have one get that washer out of our way: no fine! So this, hopefully the threads are the right size. It's got two different sizes on it. You can flip it over.

Hopefully, one of them work there we go run that in and that goes it pushes off the center and pulls up on it. That's a pop for us something to support it there. It goes we're in i'm not seeing anything jump out of us right away. Let's keep digging it it's just what i'm kind of suspecting right now.

It just seems like it. The way it quit so quickly is that possibly the seal blew out could be on the other side too. Yet so sometimes you could draw a little vacuum on it too. If you have the capacity to do so on the crankcase, you can tell if you have a leaking seal, i figured you want to see the inside of one of these anyway right.

How boring of a video would have been? I just fired up and had no issues, so you can get that out of there as one piece that come out of there, not trashing it, damn it so there's we see the pump too. The little oil pump was talking about that's the oil pump down. If you can see it closed, here's the oil pump drive and that as it spins as the rpms come up and then here's the throttle that you're giving as you're giving it more and more throttle allows more or less oil. So it knows how fast it's going and it knows how um much oil see that the cooney's written on it, so the seals a little further down.

I'm wondering i don't think we're gon na be able to get those screws out to get this up out of our way. It's got a locating, pin yeah, let's go see if we can get that ring snap ring off of there. Let's see if we can lift straight up on that, get it out should be able to seal it, see the seal behind it. I don't suspect this side is an issue.

It's looking pretty clean, but we're this far right until it's warm out all the bikes are out. It's been a while. Well, it's 50 degrees out. Let's put it that way: there's no salt on their eyes.

So hopefully we can lift straight up on that. Maybe maybe not, let's get some little kind of pry looking things to jab underneath it here we go that pump's getting turned too so i can come up i'm trying to. I don't want to grab it over here because it's threads. I want a big ass pair of water pumps.

There she goes looks pretty good. I don't see an issue that pink gon na fall out on us yeah. Let's go pop that sucked let the strip out another snap ring in there. I'm gon na go pop that out of our way, let's go see if we can get that pin out of there there you go now we'll get that snap ring out and we could probably just put some fuel to turn that light.
Put some fuel around it. We'll see, if am i gon na, need a straight honor. I can't quite get it. Did i get it close, so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go? Dump some fuel around that.

I want to see if it maintains a level on top over. Just all sinks right in let's fill up for a second looks pretty good. I don't see it doing anything that shouldn't be i'm just looking at that edge right there with where i puddled it up to see if it would maintain if it's lifted or anything again, he said it was an immediate stop. When i stopped running so - and we say we want to flip it over and we'll maybe take a quick peek at the other side other than that, it's going to be the the fact that compression is just so low.

It won't run, but i'm not canceling, that out yet uh the displacement is so hard uh, so small, it's hard to put a compression gesture on you get a good reading on it. It's just the nature of the amount of compressed air it's moving, and the compression has that i have is meant more for a car. It probably won't even show up on there. So that's why i'm avoiding using that.

I just flipped it over. Let's get rid of the kickstand kickstand kick start on these. You got ta, take the bolt all the way out. Shifters and kickstarters have a shoulder in them.

You loosen the bolt up and you'll think why can't i get it off of there in the center? There's a little bit of a like a taper that the bolt locks itself into and it can't come out until you take the ball all the way out. Let's go buzz all these screws off around the center of the cover and it'll, be a belt drive underneath there little cvt transmission. Okay, you see only has 500 miles on it too. So let's go see how that kickstart.

Look at that apparatus huh! It's a sprag that goes right on there. Let's go see if we see any moisture or spitting out around it. I don't see a thing. I don't think any of that is our issue.

I don't think to like. I i'm on an older machine, not so much on a new one. Like then just dying is the fuel of the uh exhaust can get plugged with too much carbon coming out of it and they will plug themselves up a solid. I don't see anything i'm not going to pull that clutch out of there, yet the whole assembly i'm gon na i'm not seeing any like dampness.

If we saw something around there. I would definitely see that that is an issue, but i do not all right so we're gon na go check next uh we could probably put the ignition back together. On the other side, i believe it came with here's. The other thing, too, is what, if it's got spark with the sparks at the wrong time could be an issue and then again we can still have an issue with the inside of the engine being puked out and it just doesn't have any compression.

So they don't have the answers kind of half-assed. Do it back together, just want to see what we get no exhaust is on it, but all the electrical is hooked up and it's got fuel in it. Let's see if we get to hold the brake in. So i want to wrap, try giving any throttle it dies, though.
Let's go throw that exhaust back on and we'll top up the fuel. I am wondering if the exhaust has that i'm not quite sure what it's going to this right here, just some sort of emissions or something that is in the middle of that, if that's some kind of feedback for it to wait to run, we can clip. You know put it on we'll we'll, try it then we'll try clipping it and see if it goes away. There could be a restriction in the exhaust too, but it should have still revved right then, and it didn't as well.

I was talking about that extra hose where the, where that goes up to all right, just a quick recap. So at first it would kind of fart and cough run smoke real bad die, wouldn't idle. Try to give it any throttle, would kind of fall on its face and die. We took it.

Apart. Looked for crank seals looked at the carb found, you know, you know the bat fuel and everything that was in with the carb looked at the magnet behind the magneto for the crank seals being leaking. Look, the three valves didn't see anything took the exhaust off. Looked up at the piston, so if we saw anything with the rings that looked funny like a burned up, cylinder didn't see anything and now we've put it back together, minus the exhaust it idled would not take any gas.

Now the exhaust is back on everything's haphazard. You know it's not nothing's permanent, we're just trying to still troubleshoot. Let's go crank. It again see what we get.

So let's go take off that one hose going up to wherever that, one that we kind of questioned on the exhaust and see if we get any difference with that officer from here either brake work. Let's go open the flange up, so it has a bit of an exhaust leak right there more of an exhaust leak, so bruh dies, you might put more fuel in it, won't take any throttle i'll. Let it run for a while clear up. Some of the exhaust makes no difference we'll let it run out of fuel, definitely loaded up with oil huh.

Sometimes you need the rest of the air cleaner on it. I'm not saying that that's what the issues are, but sometimes you need the rest of the air. Cleaner for the carburetor to work correctly running out of gas now he's got a pretty good flow going for it light detector working cause. Do a bunch attack on it.

While it's running right, the rationals are working. You know the horn works got no cooling either. So i i don't know i i don't have any answer to it. It's the restriction on the exhaust, which you know it has a restriction just because of the style that it is.

I don't think it's got. An internal restriction doesn't feel like it putting over the end. Usually it won't have any flow going through it at all um and it still wouldn't rev without the exhaust on it. So that's not it.
Let's get the air cleaner assembly, which was in the seat box and see if we can go, throw the boot on the end of it. If we get any difference, here's that air box - and you can see it goes through a bunch of baffles and a filter on the inside, and this is the intake part of it right here so drag is across. That box sometimes affects the lip of the carburetor right here on these ports coming in what how much is being fed into it kind of directs the air and causes drag to it, causes it to say choke the carburetor. Let's go see all right air cleaners on just let it run for a little bit if it clears up burn up some of the oil in the lower part of the crankcase.

Let's go pull that slide out of that carb and make sure it's not missing something. Maybe they took it apart and like there's a pin that drops down in the main jet. That is not there. It's my guess, so we're gon na go.

Take these two screws back out again, we'll lift this cable up. Take a look at the inside of that slide. Let's go pop that out of there the needle's there is it. It's got the resistance on it.

There's like a clip on the inside that holds that in place strange. I tell you i'll figure this one out. Let's go hit that throttle. Let's let that sit there and hit the throttle.

I'm sure, can you never know what you know somebody else somebody else has gone through and done. It looks like it's in the correct order, just looking to see that the needle to see what happens is this allows more air. This allows more fuel. You'll, pull up on a throttle should be freely matched together.

I don't see anything out of whack. It looks really correct. There's two ways: this can go in well, there's one way you can go in a lot of people screw it up, though you'll see, there's a thin channel and on the other side, there's like a thick channel over there. That thick channel is the idle speed on that little ramp and the thin one right here goes on this pin as a locator, so it doesn't like, like that, does it slide all the way down it screws back in? Let's go fire it up again.

Let's try it again: it's filled up for fuel again too, so all right, we can't get any revs out of it. That's our issue. It's getting closer, though at least it's to the point where it stays running at an idle exhaust restriction. Don't again, i i do think this is all packed up with oil.

I think that was more an effect from the cause. Later. I don't think that was the original problem that we had an issue. I think that happened later on.

I did find over by the parts i'll show you they did crack the seat open. I know there were some parts that were in there and in there was another magneto whole system and it looks like a plug and a cdi. That's, how can you were used hard to tell huh, and this looks like i know you think that's new or used that's staining on the back there. Let me say: maybe they tried changing it out.
I wonder if we're having a problem where it's got uh some sort of built-in advance, and it knows from the rpms, you know from the pickup to no to advance let's and it's not doing that. It's just still. Rev, though, that's really got me, let's go find where this is we'll throw this in, swap it and see if we lose spark - or you know whatever happens, we're looking for some kind of change, we're looking for something that you know either happened to the machine or Somebody has put in the play causing more problems than the original one. That was there, and you know someone's been here before us.

I'd say that might be our victim right. There huh, i wouldn't think that would be the factory one right, definitely wouldn't be the factory one with all that running on there. Let's go unplug that and we'll swap it put the other one in. I don't know that's the factory holder right there and there's no way that one just fits in there.

If you look well that one's bigger go figure right, let's go, try it see we get yeah, it might not even run at all man no spark noise. Well, there's an issue: i'm quickly gon na go pop that other one in make sure it didn't hit the uh kill switch. You know i'm gon na pop the other one in real quick see if it fires back up again swapped over keystone, didn't like that. Did it could be just running out of fuel too? Let's see if we have any intake leak, don't see anything man, this one's got me this one's kicking, my ass, a little bit! Hmm, no rip! Why don't you want to rip? That's asleep on this one? Well, i see we go back into that car again.

I want to go check an enrichment circuit, some other stuff and see if somebody maybe was in there and we're missing a piece, and it's just not getting anything on the main side of things it just has it. It just seems that way that it's just not getting any fuel other than coming off the idle circuit. Let's go back apart. The only thing i see so far is the seal looks like it was rolled or pinched right there.

I don't know if that was causing an issue or not. I would generally a float. Ball is vented to the outside. So having a leak there i don't think would cause an issue.

Come on. There's my little there's no little stabber there. It is i'm going to blow through that mean clear, then, that slide, that pin would be on the other side of this venturi, and it would allow more fuel to be drawn up. It just doesn't seem to want to take it, no one for giving up.

Let's get that gasket out of there real quick, let's try pushing that venturi down, so you can get that to pop right out of there and i have a bad o-ring or something around it. You go. I should have cleaned the first time around, which i did not look real, quick and make sure those pores are open. I do see some crap around there.
Sometimes they have an o-ring on that part of it too. Let me go look real, quick underneath and i do not see them being clogged. I should have taken that apart. I should just learn that every time tear the carb down to nothing and clean it.

Let's get that enrichment, electric choke, whatever you want to call it out of there. Another thing i was thinking too: i wonder if that emulsion tube was all the way up. It wasn't in the flow it's kind of like take a straw, you put it in water and you blow air across the top of it and it draws and it's not up in the path of the flow of air. Usually they protrude about between, like an eighth and a quarter of an inch into the the path of the air, that's going through the carburetor.

Let's see if we got anything here again, this is just going to be electric solenoid that should fire and pull itself in as needed to add more fuel when it's cold. Let's go pop that and go blow through that real quick feels like it's clear: let's go! Throw that emulsion tube in real, fast and you'll, see what i mean by the the passage of it make sure that was, let's see how much it sits in the pathway there. That looks about right, though i was just kind of questioning how far this was tightened up in there like it could have went down further. It looks normal, though i don't see anything wrong with that, not seen anything guys, i don't know what's causing it.

I wonder if it has just spark yeah like something telling the spark not to like being governed electronically. We can test that. I don't think that's our issue, though, if it's 12 volts across that you can see if it fires and draws in you probably just put a ohm meter across it too. We can open out and just make sure that uh the coil on the inside is good.

We can plug it in the bike. Turn the key on right kind of needs to be guided yeah. It sits in a sleeve that kind of supports it in the center. Well, let's just go turn the key on see what we get runs are no carburetor yeah.

Let's, i wonder if that might be suspect, let's go. Take a uh, oh meter, a little a little hard to probe that let's go take an oh meter and probe that, and i wonder if that passes like we were talking about earlier in run mode, it just pulls down. I would think it would just be for a cold period of time, not all the time. That's maybe why it doesn't fire now, but if the coil is no good in it, then we know it's beat.

I would think for a coil. We should see like like three ohms across it. You know something very, very low if it's like 58k, it might be an issue so that coil looks to be okay open touch, while it jumps to 31 hold up, get a better bite on it. Yeah.

It's weird huh: it goes right from uh, it goes to like and then jumps to 31.. Can we can we run it without that, even in there all right. So it's the next day i've had a night to kind of sleep on it. Put the carburetor back together, we'll throw that back on confirm that everything is still the same status as what it is, and i think at this point we are probably chasing a spark issue where it's either not advancing or is at the wrong time something along those Lines so what we can do is we'll put the original components back, on which i d, i think.
Actually, this is probably the original one, because the other one has that aftermarket writing on it, like it's a high performance one and then we'll do the same with the stator assembly that goes on there, we'll put that other stator back on, which i think was probably The original one, too start from scratch, or start from the original components and not introduce other stuff that may be suspect and we'll go from there. The process of putting that card back on one thing that looks odd to me is that throat, if you're, looking at the gap between here and here generally on a carburetor, i idle it's about that much open, just a hair work. The throttle like that thrill is already half open and here's the stop. That's on the side of it, we'll take it right out.

I don't know if the cable is limiting, how far that drops or something else is causing the issue, but something's not right right there. I don't believe they have that pain in upside down. It's normal! How it would look possible, though yeah someone's just pop the ball back off, i'm gon na go see, i'm gon na go drop the main out of it and we'll see if that drops down further. If that's the case, that needle is running into something it shouldn't be and if not maybe the cables they just have it, maybe they got it running, and that was the area where it idled.

I also see that the adjuster is loose too. So, let's go. Let's go run that in that might be the case right there huh. Let's draw some cable down it close up.

Oh yeah! Yes, that's what it is. They ran the cape so to try to keep it running. Whoever was playing with it before ended up doing that. To increase the throttle now that we messed it up and it won't idle at all all right, let's go put it back together, see we get here, we go cold start.

Let me break hey for a second hey. You try to give it a gas. It falls on its face, yeah and then dies. Okay, let's go change out the stator assembly.

First, i have a feeling that other one we tried it doesn't work, but it might work with the combination of what's there or i'm it's starting to look. I think i'm just speculating that the original one failed, the black one was probably one that was in it that failed. They've got an aftermarket. One aftermarket one does not work correctly.

That's where i'm going right now now before we do that. Look at the pickup, it's on an angle. You even see on the screws how it's kind of cocked on an angle. Let's straighten that up.

It actually almost looks like it's touching it. I wonder if that might be interfering with its signal a little bit just that one just pry up on it. There we go. I don't know what the air gap should be, but it should be a little bit better if it was there.
That would also be the timing of it, but i don't think we can affect the timing that much let's go a little bit more. Let's increase that gap. That's pretty decent, so make sure it's not touching. You know, give it a fire.

Where is it nope? I think i might have found it so in the process of unwiring unplugging, that little harness and that red wire was going through this taped up wire. And if you notice that's green on that side and this wire blue with a white tracer or white and blue and that wire is blue and yellow, you would think that they would put a male and a female opposite of each other so that you can wire Them backwards, i'm to go quickly, go give that a shot and see if we get anything yeah trust that i might have had to screw up, and i think one of those is a signal for rpm and i would think would be like an advanced and a Tad i got them swapped quickly, put back together, let's go, try it one more time. Welcome battery hold on no is that it man. I get the break locked on two way.

Think right there we go pop that rig three. There you go uh kick my ass. Will ya? Well there you go, the coil got the gdi got put in and two wires got swapped around and i think one of them was signal for uh the rpms, and so it was not allowing any kind of advance we got. It kicked my ass awesome.

Let's go button up all the crap that is on this and get the air cleaner, hooked up and the exhaust bolted correctly and all the pieces on like they should. But how cool is that we got it yeah man, that was a good one. You want to see this: the um, the uh cvt transmission work so on low speeds. Well, the clutch.

Actually, the clutches back here is kind of a different setup, usually a lot of times. The centrifugal clutch is on the front, not the back, but pulleys will change size for gear ratio. So it's an automatic transmission right now. You see it's got a very small pulley here very fat on here.

Well as it revs up, you get speeds going. This has weights on it squeezes this pulley together, this belt will go on the outside and this belt will get drawn into the center. It just changes the gear ratio on the back tire before we button it up. Let's go, do a little show and tell there you go normally i get rid of that.

There's about four bucks right. There dilute that in about 20 gallons of good stuff tried saving the battery, threw it on the charger and like spiked it a couple of times with a heavy charge. Sometimes it brings them back, but if it was a six volt battery it'd be good. Unfortunately, it's not so she's got a couple of dead cells.

I'm gon na throw it back in there just so that it has a placeholder for something for the charging system to kind of bounce off. Sometimes the charging systems. The regulator is the battery on cheaper stuff. Don't know if that's the case here or not, but i'm going to throw that in there and it does have kickstart so i'll do that battery in there.
I think it's going to do very much of anything, nothing even lights up, yeah, let's go through the jumper pack on it, see if you fire it up, so it should be all buttoned up might adjust the carb. I don't know the idle speed and all that and it's going to prime the fuel system. Let's see we get if she starts yes, i know it's gon na take a second before the filter. Carb, don't know if the battery's gon na affect the chart, the uh, how it runs the lights seem to be okay, i think it'll.

Stop. I disconnected the jumper pack. No, i think it'll rip seems a little loaded up all that all that crash sauce get cleared out of it. Well, i don't have it registered, but fortunately it's got nice little knobby tires on it.

We say we take it for a spin in the sandpit. If it stalls, it's got a kickstart and it's easy to push without liking that battery bring those rpms up a little clutch isn't engaging river, maybe a little higher. It doesn't have the air fuel mix too. Let me go tweak that after we run it showing the cold, the idol will be down as it warms up.

It kind of comes up. He's got attack on it. No okay, it's about a king, jumper pack won't fit there. Probably like a little battery put down there, we just run leads up to it.

I just don't want to kill the charging system on it by having something. That's so fried just imagine a theme of born of you. Wild, oh yeah definitely sit on a lot higher than i expected. I'm kind of tippy-toeing something breaks up a lot see if she'll, clear up it's supposed to top out at 30 and 30 would be right there for 49 cc.

That's probably got them governed to you, know: hey laughing whoops cat, the groove good thing. It's light. I think we got ta go fix them push them back a little, so anything over half throttle it breaks up. I wonder if somebody tried adjusting the uh the car, then the pin on the carburetor usually has adjustments how far it comes out.

They may have lifted that up to try to get it to run better. So i think one last ditch effort we're going to go and take that and change that pin up a little bit that may just have so much oil in the bottom of the crankcase. That's trying to broad because it does still smoke pretty good and that's just going to be two-stroke oil lots of it. The other part, i'm thinking too, is that they uh the chart that um tdi being wired backwards, that might have damaged it, some and in the higher rpm.

Just not working correctly. You just test the rpm where it breaks up come on baby. I buried here all right, so we got ta. Take this apart.

Okay and this pin, what positions it can go in seems like it might be. Right, looks like it's on the middle one, so i'm going to go and lower that pin. So it gets a little less fuel, a little more air see if that four stroke goes away, the four strokes doesn't go away. Then i'm going to say it's just damage that the cdi got.
So you move the c-clip and go all the way. We'll make a see if we get any major adjustment on it too. So that's going to allow the pin to stay lower, allowing less fuel to higher rpms to drop in make sense. If not, i think the parts of these are fairly cheap as far as electronics are concerned, maybe we'll order another one of those cdi's, probably like 20 bucks or something at least it runs all right, i'll bring you back, hey, let's see if the kickstart got a Dead battery, you know that but kind of went.

I wouldn't want to rely on that. Okay, oh so hi guys! Well, it still has a little bit of an issue again. It is not getting the full rev out of it, but it does get to the point where you can ride it. So i'm going to call this one, a mostly successful video how's that i'm going to wear a battery for i'm going to order a new cdi.

I do believe that's what got taken out. I think it was wired backwards and it probably did a little bit of a electrical damage to the cdi, not allowing it to rev, but for this one i think we're going to call i'm out of time. They got to get the video together, get it up for you guys to watch, and hopefully we can get on the other machine that came with this, which is uh really nice compared to not that this was bad, but for what it is, i think it would Be really cool video, but that's uh a little bit of time off yet for this one. We're done guys thanks for hanging out i'll, see you soon later.

By Mustie

6 thoughts on “Free broken scooter, can we fix it?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Cranberries says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Two Old Campers and a Dog! says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ohio yoder toter says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason D'Andria says:

    Good morning MUSTIE and all the MUSTIE followers !

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Afternoon mate

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AL B says:

    Good morning!

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