Hi Guys, this is part 2 of this John deere 318 that was given to us from a viewer so we could fix it up, in this video we get into finding out what the loud clacking sound is and if we can fix it, lets just say I did not expect to find this as the problem.
Nice save! Can’t believe you got it out….. but glad you did 👍
Don't forget the foil faced foam heat shield on the firewall since you're at this point.
Stick a big magnet on the screwdriver at the handle end ane that will magnetise the entire shaft.
I’ve really enjoyed watching this series on the John Deere 318 garden tractor! Thanks for taking the time to produce this video!
is there another part to this that shows how you finished it I love watching your vids I've learned a lot thank you
The coolest thing about these old JDs is the big truck style heavy duty frame. The new ones are probably made of plastic…
I know way more now about a 318 than I ever wanted to. Good work! I've been there myself.
The lashcap adventure!
Im surprised you didn't have to take off the steering wheel and left back wheel to get the muffler out in front. 😀
What a tear down, just for a smal metal thingy that wanted to go on adventure inside the engine. Glad i didn't do any damage, and it made for very entertaining and educational video, as always 🙂 (and yes i know this video i 3 years old. I have been diving deep into your backlog the last month or so)
Thanks for the video 👍
A trick I picked up working with jet engines where a lot of the internals and fasteners are non-magnetic, you can use a length of brake line/hardline tubing, cap up a vacuum pump and have an air retriever. Nothing worse than trying to go fishing into a compressor section to chase a fragment of a snap ring or something ridiculous that would wreak havoc by blowing through the various passages, or worse, getting jammed up in a friction surface.
Add: Just for 100% clarity, most times when you have a vacuum pump out, you'll have a dump chamber preceding the actual pump intake, but it doubles as a handy retrieval vessel for fluids and things like chipped Inconel blade tips. Be kinda silly to suck directly into a pump trying to save one machine and destroying another needlessly. 😉
The SEAT Replacement ! I might want to start with more pressing issues first
Some of those 318's have a 3 point hitch on the back.