Did a trade for some cool machines and this was thrown in for free. vintage Coleman Powermate 1500 generator. lets see what we have and can we save it.

Hey guys, how's it going? I Did a trade about a week and a half ago and a piece got thrown in for free which is this old Powermate 1500 watt generator in unknown condition. Looks like it's been sitting a while. Definitely got some cobwebs on it and eating around it. So I figure we'll bring it up to the bench and we'll see if we can revive it. If not, we'll figure out what is wrong with it. hopefully anybody alive in there without further. Ado Let's get into it I Guess we also start with some kind of see it's inside the gas tanks in actually it's really clean I was not expecting that. Make your job too easy. That's pretty nice. A little bit of dirt in there but nothing now like compared to the outside of the tank. Anyway, right? let's give her a couple Yanks over and see what it feels like. Let's give her a couple of chugs. Feels about right. take off. Uh, let's get a plug out of it and see if he has any. Spark Dear Williams we just get uh another plug. We'll leave that one in there. for now, we'll just shove another plugin on there. There's a little chainsaw plug here we go. it's got looking for a kill switch. didn't run. it's in run mode. You can do as well zapping myself I think I already saw one. Oh yeah, nice and bright. This one's not putting up much of a fight. I shouldn't have said that. this was not putting up much of a fight. Let's um, let's go pop the fuel bowl right off the carb anyway. Uh, it may have either run out of fuel or not. but I think before you even push any fuel through there, let's go get that bowl after they see if anything else is moving. throttle seems like it's good choke. Yeah, actually, let's go crack up later see if anything comes out of it. So I saw these little machines depending what you want to go use. like you're not gonna go power a house with it. but if you want to, uh, watch. That was like an air fuel adjustment because it's got the spring on it. Hold on. That might have been what it was. it's locked. Let's go pull right up. Uh, but if you have like, say, a pellet stove or your furnace like an oil furnace or a gas furnace and it's just running a blower motor, yeah, it's like a I don't know. That may or may not be a bullet journey. I Don't see anything coming out of it. Let's get rid of some cobwebs. Let's get that fuel line out of there. Um, you have to get the furnace or something you want to run. These are fairly efficient fuel wise. especially like The Hondas The Hunt is what? I treated away treated away a Honda for a couple of different things. this was just a freebie thrown in. We got like a 9 16 under the bowl. let me grab a wrench. but like on your on a furnace? Yeah, I might I disallow any knowledge of what I'm about to say. But you could essentially put a cheater plug on a furnace. like generally they're just running on 120 volt. They put like a plug on them and a case emergency. keep the heat going in your house. Yeah, it's got some crud. It was definitely worth pulling the bowl out to put a uh, you know, essentially they're all hardwired in. but you can put a plug on it. You can still run your furnace. Let's um, I'm gonna take an air gun and blow some of the crap off of this gate. The cobwebs and stuff out of the way probably should have done before. The bulbs on it will dribble a little bit of fuel down inside it and we'll let that go through the carb is that the fill? That's that's the dream. It was a dream. A fuel line going too and we'll let it kind of like Purge through and let it see. If we get a good fuel flow going through. it doesn't look terrible. Let me grab an air gun. Let's go layer on a belly real quick. we had going on. It's got an ID tag here. so Jim like when they say they're 1500 watt, that's 1500 watt. Max It really doesn't meant to run at that. Yeah, it's actually a 1200 and then 15. It'll take a spike like you're starting an electric motor up. They have a surge in the beginning of them so they take a little bit of a a load to go on them and it's a Kawasaki I Thought it comes to how's that look? All right, we'll go with Kawasaki I Don't think they're lying to us. Look, it's been sitting in the dirt or something for a while. I Don't know if it's indoor or outdoor so we'll see if we get any power coming out of it. Uh, we want to do. Let's go get that fuel line. That's where it goes right there. Look at that fuel line back on. there. is that in the wrong spot that wasn't attached to that when we took it apart. Did it was it? I Don't seem to remember climbing underneath that up. Go plug that fuel line in there. I Think that was plugged into the wrong thing. You guys have just seen it so you'll remember better than. I Will All right, let me go get a fuel line. Actually, will We leave the fuel line off? We'll run some fuel through it. make sure it kind of flushes out the fuel. uh, line itself and get some clean fuel. We'll hook her up and see what we get. I Don't know if we can even bother screwing with that carb. Where's the light just doing it? Let's go look at the chat in the center. Yeah, it looks pretty clean. Definitely put it away away Pretty good. Okay, let me get the fuel line on the. uh. the float intake. Pop that air cleaner off of there. man. it's holding that a little clasp. A lot of times this this foam here turns into that's still pretty good. Like you'll you'll squeeze it with your fingers in. it just turns into dust. Actually looks like somebody made that up a couple of pieces of home because that's what the old one did. Yeah, we got a live one. We got a runner at Moving Day I think I need a filter? not for me for the machine? Yeah man. easy. I Want to end up like Jay Leno Too soon? That's enough. Yeah, we're just gonna see if it'll um flush through the fuel line to get any crap coming out of it. All right? Yeah, it took a little bit of dirt out with it. Shove that off, make a little bit of crap in it. I Would have sat in the bottom of the bowl. just a little bit of dirt as we get that bowl cleaned out. Yes. I guess Jay Leno Was working on a, um, a steam core and the fuel that made the generated the steam flash back at them. They're reading information right. cooked himself in the face a little bit. Had that once a um, what was I working on my Paloma satellite? We were setting it up and uh, it was like 35 years ago. we did the motor and uh we're setting the carb up on it I'm using it over it I think I was turning like the distributor kind of tweaking the car trying to get rid of a flat spot and it popped back in my face and uh took out my eyebrows. There was a friend of mine's kid, probably six years old. he starts laughing his ass off. so I guess let's get him to team it for him anyway. yeah hopefully he comes out of it good with no issues that's fighting me a little bit there. the um one time we had no power for uh 11 days. we had a ice storm that came through about 10 15 years ago. The only thing I had for a generator was this um I still have it. One was uh the Lincoln Arc welders gas powered arc welder but they also make electric too can make like a 77 100 watt generator big so it was myself, a neighbor and the neighbor on the other side and of course they hear it running and um where we live. We had some pumps I don't have one anymore I fixed that but we had some pumps in the basement and worry about the basements flooded. that was the biggest issue and then keeping furnaces going I had things at Pig it's um a gallon I want to say a gallon an hour? it burns so 24 gallons a day times 11 days you can imagine. Plus power was out so there was no place to get fuel. So that was like you had to go like three towns away to even find a gas station that was open. So we were taking turns with the neighbors filling the thing up, trying to keep it going and it had like a a three and a half gallon tank on it. So in the middle of the night you just hear the thing start surging, you'd have to run out. Try dumping fuel in it and um, you kind of had to do it with it with it running if you could because uh, if it shut off, it was hard to start after afterwards. Definitely not what you're supposed to do, but let me grab a little pick, grab that one last little bit of crap out of there where that drain hole is. So I went and uh, we ran that ran that ran that for 11 days and it was Christmas Eve We finally see the electric company we're like, well we're on a main road too. one of the um, we're like one of the last ones to get power back and they were saying you know on your local Town Facebook page that if you didn't get power today being Christmas Eve you weren't going to get it till after New Year's so it's gonna be like another seven days and uh, we got it that evening. Well that was like I was our Christmas present. It was awesome! Finally able to shut that generator off, but that's when. like like something like this is good because you can run this. This will probably burn a gallon every five hours and it's a good enough to run a sump pump. Uh, it's closer by myself because I couldn't depending on the side. like a half horsepower. third horsepower should be okay uh and or furnace. Ever since then I have actually have a couple of different sizes like this, but they always have a value when power goes out right? I Have to go blow that out. We go put that back on the machine and we'll let the fuel ball fill up. Give her a couple Yanks and see if she fires up. Keep that facing towards us so you can access it. Get that fuel line on there. That's an event now. I Took the air cleaner body off to get it out of her way. Where is she hiding right there? Yep, do they have that? I was like that when we came over. wasn't it? That's not where it goes. Yeah, nipple up back here. Let me get that on over there. I Don't know where I was put on down here by accident because there's not even enough room to get the clamp on there. I Think the fuel line might be too big too right now. It's sloppy. Try cutting it back a little if it's more of a snug fit. Yeah, you probably have like one of those spring clamps on it. There we go. That's better. Even that's kind of sloppy. Uh. I'm gonna go check and see if I got a piece of fuel line? that's probably metric. This is probably maybe standard size. What's that? say? Fuel injections? Yeah, this is gasoline off or something else. This is good stuff. Tigon Tubing: Yeah, it looks like a smaller ID see how that fits on there? but I found one? Yeah, that's much better. I'm gonna go get one of those little spring clamps and run it down the hose before. I Uh, put that on there. this stuff. I haven't seen it break yet. um, or leaked like through the sides of it. but it just gets hard over time. So it's kind of like when you go to take it off you're never going to go be able to cut it back and put it back on. He's got to get a new piece, but let's get that on there. Yeah. I'm sure there's a name for these little spring type better than threaded. Once the threaded ones seemed to tear up the uh, the hose, these kind of keep even pressure. Let's see if that'll be the right one for us. Wrong players for the wrong job. Yeah, they'll do and make that where we can get it. We'll feed that on there. We'll just run. Hopefully get that on the other end of that fuel filter. Foreign I Gotta get in with some needle nose and pull that up. Definitely not a ton of working room in there. There we go. All right. So let's go see if we can get that over to where the fuel filter is. Let's get rid of that one. This one is if you can't get it on here. um I have like a the ones you use on the air cool VW and they have a double step on them. Maybe you want to cut this one? Let's give us about that much length and we can kind of tie it back later. Foreign When I grabbed the coffee before I came in here that like the drive-in was packed, you know you're waiting for the next car to pull up. Well the thing in front of me was a big truck and I knew it was gonna happen. They started asking for your order but you're like your Hood's equal with the box and you're trying to like shout out your window, shut the truck off so they could hear me. Yeah, that's the way I was saying about it. Fighting me like that you're almost there. Get on there, heat it up with a lighter. plus what? I like about this. You know that this tiger on tubing too is. um, you can see when fuel's in it there. Get up over there all right. fill her up. let's see if the float Bowl decides to play. Well, it starts pissing out of it or not, let me get some of this junk cleared off the bench. We'll get it out of our way and we'll give her a couple Yanks and see if she'll fire up for us. How many are we yelling at least? I Check the oil. you need to check the oil. Yeah, some of them have a low oil shut off I don't think this one does the Honda's do I think we're good. Looks pretty clean. see how she looks at her after. It runs a little all right. so power switch is on I Should probably grab a drill or something so we can plug it into if it fires up. can I get in there. it does not want to play the seals. see this run up. feels like one of the rubber legs are kind of weird too. It rocks. no matter what position you put it in and go grab a drill. we'll get it ready to plug in. We'll give her a couple Yanks if she fires up and makes power want to take bets. I'm gonna stay on three if it goes I'm gonna say it's gonna go on three. See what we get? Foreign? A little bit. It doesn't have the air cleaner on it that causes a little bit of drag. Nice. Sounds pretty decent. Looks ugly? It Sounds good. That's all I care about. It'll do the job. I got a camp in the woods that um I've left stuff there before and anything that's nice looking gets stolen so this might fit the bill to leave it ugly. Maybe it'll leave it alone. They took one of those I had one of those little uh, the little Chinese ones there when they first came out and I hated it every time. To start it, you had to go take the spark plug out, take a straw and go into the fuel tank like load up a straw. go into the spark plug hole and that's the only way it would start. You wouldn't start with ether, wouldn't start with anything else. you had to go do that every time. Once it was going, it was okay, but it was a pain in the ass so they stole that and uh, it's kind of like a Montezuma's Revenge they're more than welcome to it I hated that one but uh, this one seems pretty good. That was a non-ethanol fuel that's in it so I'm not concerned about that. Uh, let's get I don't know what I got for me to see we got for voltage coming out of it and uh, make sure that's okay that we have a good 120. am I in the background noise, the heat is on I got a piece of cord, cut the end of it off, get our meter hooked up to it on AC Safety first. piece of wood and a metal bench so you can kind of lay these down a little bit better and let's fire it up. See we get and uh so we can switch it over to Hertz That would be a good idea if I put that one on the other side of the tape, huh? and we'll flip it over. we'll switch it from AC. we'll switch it over to Hertz and see if we're getting roughly around 60 hertz coming out of it and we can still put a load on it too. We'll check it like that. Okay, fire in a hole? I Don't try with no joke. Second to calm down. I'm taking a walk. go put a load on it. Foreign when I put a load on it, but it seemed like it was okay with uh, without that on there, we got a runner. Where'd he go? That's um, there he is. Your brother already ran away breaking up a family. All right. I'm gonna go take a little bit of time and just go spray that down. probably like some. Debbie deagle, clean it off. we'll go pop that air cleaner off. I'm probably gonna let outside, just let it run for a little bit, maybe run the fuel out of it. see if there's any issues with it getting hot, but it's looking pretty good for uh, it looks like a 70s or 80s machine to me. if I check DC output too. Maybe I think we're done. We're not done because over here I Wasn't going to go get my Honda generator away so I knew I had another smaller one that would uh function and it does not function. We did this one a while ago. this one was a uh I think from a scrap yard and it has electric start and never got it to run. I Went to put the jumper pack on it to make it crank and I was getting nothing out of the starter which is kind of clanking. Let's go jump on this one and see if we can get this one. Resurrected Oh the button with the air cleaner. Trying to figure out why they have a tie wrap. part of a tie wrap going to a screw and it looks like the bracket is underneath it. still there. The sense of that? Let's see if we can get that out of there and just put a washer on there and hopefully we'll just be able to capture a broken off a little end there. Get rid of that. another one's making a break for it. Definitely broke up a family. It's like that crawling on you huh? Foreign? Probably start it and just feed it. Yeah, hasn't got enough room to feed over it. might have to get a socket to tighten it down. Question Between those two, they're gonna go. That's where it's gonna be fun is trying to get get it tightened up. Let's get as close as we can though. Huh now? I See why there was a tire up there? All right? I'm gonna get a little fancy. Probably like a little ignition wrench. We'll get that tightened up, make it fit. bending there. call that for the wind. We'll put that back. Nobody was even over there. Never happened. Give her a quick wdbath. Let's go for Squish Did you find it? Find one of these? Uh, when it goes empty, you can kind of like pop the top off. Yeah. I'll show you you pop the top off, fill it back up with a gallon jug and it as it's shooting its load, it'll just pop back on again. seems to hold up pretty good. make it look Purdy Well, it might be over exaggeration. So again, for a little bit, wipe that down with a rag and we'll move on. And number two. And because I am one of dyslexia I'm going to mark my choke. so I know what's what in your future? Put the gas back together and it's got like a a gasket. There's a centerpiece in here which is kind of like a vent. You can see a little Channel that's cut down in there so there's a channel for air for air to come into the gas tank because as you use fuel eventually, it would starve itself. Kind of like uh I'll use the example you put your you have a drink, you put your thumb over a straw and drink, you pull it out, the fluid won't come out well. same thing with a gas tank if you seal off the top completely where no uh, air can enter the tank as the fuel level goes down. it'll eventually starve itself on a gravity feed. So that's what that little channel is in. there runs up and under this cover and there's a little pinhole in the center. Well that was falling out because I think that was supposed to hold it in place but does not do anything right now. just Falls right out. So every every time you take the gas cap out what's falling apart. So let's grab the no ring and shoved it in there. that's about the a little bit larger to hold that all together. We'll see if it holds up the fuel and after cleaning it looks no different. and victim number two see if we can get this one going. So I just peek in this one and it's got a little bit of fuel in it and it is crappy so we may have to do our purging, but these were two tabs it had like a external battery setup you could put on it. That's what we're doing now and I'll show you what it does. Watch that fire right over. And Betsy Essentially this has a key. like a crank key on it so that starter is stuck I believe it's still pulled so still poles. It's not nothing like the engine's locked out, but that starter's not turning. Let's uh, do a little bit of dissection on this one. Let's go first, let's see what's got going on. Would you guys hide my light? There she is. See the nastiness down there? look terrible I don't know if that stuff is. um, thank you. wiggle that around. Maybe just some steaming on the bottom of the tank? I'm not even sure where the pickup is. feeds it somehow. great there. I think it's great and six o'clock that little nub, but the craft is probably where the fuel is supposed to come out of it. uh I don't know if we split the covers right off. I'm gonna go put that gas cap back on there. We'll hit it with an air gun like some of the the dust out of there before it goes down in it and I screwed that. I'll just access to the plug. Yeah, let's go get the skins off of it and we'll see if you can find out where that electric starter is. Actually got an access panel right there. Let's get that out of the way. it just gains this access too. I'm gonna screw right into the carbs I Can do anything for us for the starter, but at least we can get to the drain Bowl And it's got a fuel on and off. Uh, let's go see. So a lot of the old stuff I'm not gonna call this old. Oh, it depends on whether there's a lip. Yeah, it's got the lip in so you can't just like pour it out. That's the problem. and they make it so that you can only fill it up so it has a little bit of air space in the gas tank. but when you go to dump it out, you can't because of that. if you'll almost dry. Looks like I probably ran it out a few would be the guess on the left time I did it. It's got a primer bulb. gas on a gas is on. Let's go pop a screw off the bowl. Let's go take a peek what's going on inside there I think where I drilled those two holes through it. It had a, um, a battery in there but I wasn't about to buy a battery for it because it just goes to waste. You know, after the thing says for six months, no sense of having the a good battery because it won't be good. obviously because I got along with this set. Hopefully this is nice and clean in here. Foreign talk to me? Oh yeah, good. I Think if we just get the fuel system cleaned out and figure out what's going on with that starter, this one may be okay. Yeah, I ran it out of fuel but it didn't quite get it all out of that the base there. so I don't see I'll take a better peek in a second and I'll see where the starter is I might run around there with a little bit of a light. this is day two thousand. The other one was a 1500. which again is good for and we're on the front. This is good for camping too. I don't think I don't think this one's an inverter. They make it what's called like an inverter generator and the older one's a Transformer the inverter I think makes a better sine wave. It's better for the electronic equipment. I think the old uh Transformer ones. um I actually call it that but are we good enough? they um, you cut by the weight of them too how heavy they are. The inverter ones are pretty light. same thing with like plasma cutters and Mig welders. You know the old Mig welders and plasma cutters to do the same work. They would be three times the size, three times the weight, and require three times the amount of power to make the same output. So that's the later stuff again. I Don't know what this one is. uh engines on this side. let's can we see what it's got for our starter and where the starter would be this gas tank, fuel pump, pull start. Do not see it over here. It must be somewhere on possibly the other side. If you have any covers you can open up. I Have a film. We're just going to end up splitting that whole case. What about underneath it? Okay, yeah, nothing. Let's um, run around a screw gun. take this panel off, see if we can take a peek underneath there, see if you see anything. They all got to come off to split the case anyway, right? if we have to go that far missing two of them I Think we're going in. split it. We're right here, right? Yeah, let me go. take a few minutes. Buzz A bunch of the screws out of the case. Let's see if we can separate that case a little bit. I Think we got them all. You know the other side. it's going to want to fall off. This one will stay actually. I Think the uh, foreign? Nope. What the problem is, forgot one and the feet got to come off because it goes right through to the body of it. How about now? Yeah, in some place, a little yank of that pull start, give us some play, starts up and takes off. shove that panel through the hole. I Think we're in a little Honda engine on the Clone I Wonder if this isn't going to be that relay clicking and it's not going or we had no power going over there. Can we see the if you can see the lead sometimes you Can grab the jumper pack, put power to it, see if we can get it right here. Just because it's black doesn't mean it's ground. it's just the hot comes in. This side, this is a relay. I Think it's a little tiny signal signal wires. that's the that's the key switch up here. you turn that makes this latch and it's supposed to have power, go across it and then to the starter. So what we can do is we're going to go take the jumper back. We'll put. we'll ground one end out to the body somewhere and we'll just go touch that post and we'll see if that starter cranks anywhere on it should work. For that, we'll put this on a screwdriver touched up post. That's what it is. start a relay. So if we put Power to that side and crank it, watch it work. now. Yeah, so that solenoid's pulling in there, it's ready to be beat up on a little bit. Um, you can put a Ford one in there. Sometimes they kind of self-clean themselves too from when you start working with them. I'm gonna go unbolt that. we'll pop it over on the bench. Possibly maybe we can dissect it and clean the contacts because you want to see what's inside, don't you? Maybe we can peen them back a little bit and open that. um, does that unplug? let's get that unplugged there. There we go. Yeah, if we really trash it, we can probably just put like a a three wire forward one in it. Got that? It's in the vice? Let's go too so we can get in there with a little bit of surgery. One thing guys got me concerned: I see a little bit of a epoxy so it might be all glued. Let's see, we'll try. They really got a crimp over you because my screwdriver is getting shorter and shorter as I'm hammering on it. The joke there. How's about a little bit of wire cutter action? Can we get in there and just kind of get behind it and lift it out? It's like just three of them too. one. you can't see that one. that's the one's got the epoxy underneath under under it. tighten it up. I Think if we get two very beautiful, wiggle it out of there. I think we got it. Can we wiggle it out? Yeah. one holding it There She Goes until we get a ton of corrosion is what we got. Gotta be careful. The little wire so the little white is down. below is a coil and ground is one side of the shell and the other one's a little wire going down. That kind of energizes that and the Piston moves up and down. I Don't want to trash that too much if we were able to get. that's why the epoxy was there too. You want to get the plunger out, We go clean it up. This is what makes contact across ball surfaces. Get that out of there without breaking that wire come out Yeah, kind of a good. So I'm going to go take a little bit. we're going to go wanna see you in there? Yes, all the corrosion that happened around there, we're gonna go clean that corrosion out of there. We'll clean up this piston and this is what makes contact across the two surfaces. but you see the rust that's on there. So we'll go clean that crap off of there. Hopefully we can put it back together and see if she'll function that looks a little cleaner. Let me get you over. I'm just gonna do my best to press that back in place I scrub down what? I can on the bottom. but this is just a coil that the corrosion that's on there, you know I picked off what I can but it doesn't need to be spotlessly clean as long as that plunger can move up and down freely as the coil energizes should be able to make contact going across them. So we're going to go do our pesto putting those back together. I'm going to shove it in on ice again in the pop and line them up and we'll just take a little screwdriver and a hammer. We'll we'll peeing these little tabs over. Hopefully she stays together. We'll put it back in, we'll see if it works. Hey, somewhere through all that mess is that put back together with the caps on it, Let's go flip this panel up and the jumper packs on the other side so you feel crank for us. Sure enough, ones keep trying it. There you go. All right. Well, that parts squared away. Let's go see if we can get it to run now. Might as well leave maybe the sum of this stuff off for a little bit and make sure I don't want to put it all back together and find out it still has an issue. Uh, it also has a remote start I Doubt the battery's any good in this. Let's go. Oh, you wonder why I was trying to get the electric start to work? because it's gonna be inside your house and see if you do have it hooked up where the power is going on and off. or whatever the issue is, you want to turn your furnace on and off. You could do it remotely foreign and that's that. Receiver right there. That's what's doing that. There's the antenna for it, that's the bottom of the tank. Here's the fuel line right there. but it's gonna piss all over the place. I'm gonna try getting it off the, um, the valve right there. wiggle that out so you can pour it into a cup. try to drain it the best we can probably just take like a rag and shove a paper towel Rag and clean the rest of the crap up inside the tank. We'll put some fresh fuel in it, let it flush through. We get it going clean, put it back together and see if she runs. Yeah, I'll throw it that gas. Okay, look at the last time we made a video on this. I'm gonna say it's probably four or five years ago. That's just what wouldn't come out. Yeah, that I screwed up putting it away, right? All right. So I'm gonna go take a rag. We'll clean the inside of that out, see if that drains it all out. Pretty good. Okay, I'm gonna go wipe that down. It looks like it. Well, we'll see if that stuff moves around or not down in there. The Little Brownie crap I might just be rust on the bottom of the tank if it's uh, stuck on there. I'm not going to worry about it too much, but if it's uh, moves around, I'll keep rinsing it and flushing it through. Till It's Gone Let's see what we get. A little bit of rust came out of it I'll keep doing that so it comes clear he's got a little bit of crappy fuel up in the float. Bowl I Got new stuff in it. Let's see if we can. uh, get her to Prime and I think it may end up cranking her for a while. This looks like it's uh, the valve might be stuck. it looks like he's going back and forth. You know? let's give her a crank a little bit. I think it's got a the choke is a, um, a electric one. Yeah. Also looks like it might have an idle circuit too. a um when there's no load on it, it goes to idle I don't remember though. Uh, let's go get the jumper pack. looks on those leads. That's where the battery was. It had a little tiny battery inside there I Just figured if I'm gonna go use it I always have a jumper pack. Okay, so she goes for us. Thank you. It does have a fuel pump which is a pulse pump. Now you know why I Wanted an electric start I don't think it's drawn any fuel up to the Bowl uh I might try and just give her a little bit of a bottle feed. Let's see if we can get her to go and once it goes, it may take right off. We'll cheat a little sidewall so you can feel that float Bowl up. kinda sorta. it's gonna piss out the vent up top. Let's just see if we can get enough in it. quickly to. uh, let's give the jet something to uh, draw up on and maybe want to get some RPMs in it and come to life. How about now. Thank you people. Stay running though. Oh that's doing it. I Got something plugged in and see if it makes power pumaluations back up. This little valve is a fuel pump in there and they take the vacuum pulse from the engine. The vacuum pulse move the diaphragm back and forth with this little two little check valve. Sometimes those valves get stuck, they want to stay open or closed and it just can't flow any fluid through it. That's why the primer wasn't working. What's it coming? We've worked this up a little bit. It seems like it freed itself up. Now it's pumping fuel dirty too. while I have that cover off I may let it run a little bit. I'll pop the bowl off when I can just kind of drain any crap that's in it. It won't fill all the way up if you expect it won't do that. It's whatever air is in there. As long as there's some fuel in the bottom, it'll rig it through the filter. You can turn the filter to a side. Sometimes you get the air to purge out of it. It's no big deal I Gonna let that run for about four or five minutes. We'll shut her down. Sounds pretty good though. Keep the remote, will shut it off and see if it'll start. Hmm, let me get that one in there. You go there. We go. Sure will. What'd you do? It's probably gonna hurt putting the battery in it I wonder. Hold it. That works well. It may go to a low idle after it runs a while. Thank you. All right, All right so I'm going to start butting some stuff up and we'll let it run for a little while and we'll check power and kind of frequency and all. but I don't want to run it with falling on broken leg there. but I think we got it 37 screws later, all buttoned back up again. it's got a uh, like a an economy mode. It doesn't see any load coming on, it's never revving a 3600. RPM You can turn it on and the idle should calm down. and then when you plug something into it and put a load on, it should kick up and see what we get. Okay, maybe you need to be a greater load I Don't know to let it run a few minutes. Get something that draws a little bit more power than that. It might be because it's an inverter setup it doesn't need. It doesn't work on the same Principle as a uh, he's got to do it. Let's go take this on. Yeah, depends on how much of a load is on it. Put them a little bit though. Keep that calms down. So when you shut this off, you go back to low. I Shouldn't stop I have to clean that carb I'm gonna give it a few minutes. it's been about two minutes calming down. Now it's hunting a little bit on the idle circuit. Wrap it up. it's good. The idle check right under there. I'm gonna pop that screw out and we'll pop that jet out and we'll blow it out real quick. Let's go pop that out of there real quick. We'll clean that one jet out. The main looked like it was okay. Uh, if the main was an issue, we'd have a problem on the higher. RPMs Again, we could have sucked some crap there. you look at the fuel now. definitely looking a lot better. Foreign. Just blow that out with air real quick. Blow that out repair real quick. We'll try it one more time see if it calms down a little. Yeah, it's hunting a little. I Don't like the uh. economy mode? Fast is fine. foreign. Sounds like a little too rich to watch the throttle running around. Just trying to maintain an RPM is what's doing and then the throttle just keeps them just in front of maintain it. but be much smoother than that. A little polywog into one corner. there 'll pull the rest of the way off though. Yeah, a little bit of brown sludge in there. very bottom. They could do it. I'm gonna rinse that out one more time. We'll put it back together. I'm not going to do the trouble of pulling that carb and blowing it out I Don't think it's going to do much for us, but I'll work with what we got right there. a case of mouse nests. Decide to go inside the air clean. Let's go pull that out so you got no issues going on. No, that's all clean. That's our problem. It's all low now. It seems like it's got it. Hi got a meter hooked up to it. 123 volts to load on. It holds pretty good. It could be different frequency I'm not playing well with that. Is it not hurt? I just want to read that Duty cycle 50. I'm not quite sure how that's dancing around so much so I think we call that a win. Two for two? Idle down. Yeah, seems like it's calmed down a lot. I'm not quite sure what deals with that I don't know what lock is it on. the remote is on I don't know what the lock does, sets it up and I'm not quite sure what the maybe. it just needs a little bit of time from shutting it off I don't know I'm guessing. Oh and all, not a bad day. We got both machines up and running again. 15 a 2000.
at some point I have a old diesel uh like when you put out in your yard I think it's got a three cylinder Kubota in it that a friend of mine had he brought to a repair shop. They couldn't fix it and then he kicked it to me I think I gave him a couple hundred bucks for it for the diesel engine but possibly to get it tomorrow I think it runs and just shuts off really quickly and doesn't generate any power but that that wouldn't fit in the scope of this video unless you got a couple more hours. but maybe we'll bring that one down and kind of pick away at that. Fortunately, he had books for it and the Uh kept the books and then after he didn't pick them up for a while, supposedly threw them out. Yeah, sure. so we don't have anything to go by for the repair manuals and I think on that one, it kind of kicks out codes. What's wrong? Try to figure it out. so maybe there's something online? I don't know. but for this one guys I want to thank you for hanging out. gotta go clean up the bench, make a little bit of uh, neatness back again and then we'll jump on something else. But I want to get these ready Winter's coming! So uh I want to make sure I had a couple little machines ready to come along that I gave my little Honda away. Yeah, we got these all right. Until then I'll see you later.

By Mustie

17 thoughts on “Free old generator, any good? let’s find out”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Troy Belding says:

    For your camp, have you ever looked into setting up a solar panel driven, motion detection camera, like is used for wildlife observation? You might be able to find out who has been raiding the cottages.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frankie says:

    I got to say musty that I hate to see your videos end

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J S says:

    with the red generator, it may actually output 50 htz, which is the standard frequency of household current in other countries (China?) Many electronics (old hifi equipment, etc.) have either a switch in the back to change the voltage (120-240v) and also a separate switch to change the frequency of the AC current in use. As you can imagine, the difference between 50 and 60 htz will make a difference in the speed that a tape player drive motor will spin, as well as a record turntable prior to quartz lock motor speed controls. There may be a switch, or a combination of DIP switches, or an alteration to the wiring harness to output 60 htz.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy 105 says:

    “No wildlife was injured in the making of this video..” 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Bourke says:

    Is the Excel 2stroke or 4, I couldn't see the oil filler.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamie Katz says:

    I really liked the first unit better, although an electric start would save on my old arm. Big question… I live in an apartment what can help me?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Grieve says:

    The areal wire should be protruding out of the hole on the side, could this be a problem???

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Lancon says:

    after hurricane Katrina we were without power for 6 weeks. It sucked big time.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Iglesias says:

    We're finally getting to the good stuff 🙌

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael George says:

    Always amazed how you can make a interesting video out of “nothing” love the occasional back stories. For us old techies some of the best videos on utub.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garage Worx says:

    I have an old coleman powermate 2800 watt with a suzuki engine. Runs awesome..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ➏➏➏ⓋⒺⓋⓄ says:

    you might have to press the start button on the remote 5 times for it to start, most are like that to prevent accidental starts

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuff Bud Duz says:

    I remember that ice storm. It was closer to 20 years ago. We weren't without power that long, so we were able to host some family who were. They were with us for about a week.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lnmwr says:

    Storytime with Uncle Mustie… oh and a genny revival thrown in for good measure!😁

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Simmons says:

    Great little generators, red one is fairly sophisticated. Who made the drivetrain for the red one? Green one maybe Kawasaki? And once the oil is changed to a synthetic , shouldn't run better? Thank you, great video

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Hammontree says:

    It was

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G. N. says:

    Thanks for the small engine repair Mustie! I do enjoy these.

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