I took a chance on this 80s Bobcat skid steer that the last 2 owners could not get to run. lets just say, OHH BOY,,,

Thank you hey guys and how's it going? Always wanted a skid steer so I bought one I Don't know if this was the greatest idea in the world, but this is what I got. It's a mid-80s uh Bobcat I think it's a 642 is the number that is on it. It does not run I've never worked on his skid steer I've never even driven a skid steer before so I figured I'd just jump in with both feet. Why not? Getting on the trailer was a little bit easier because we had the winch and it does crank but it just does not run I was able to spin it up and spin the motor and hold the Hydraulics up to get the bucket up in the air a little bit.

It has since relaxed and uh, let itself back down on the trailer and he's definitely had some love lack of Love given to it over the course. I Don't even think that's where the radiator is supposed to be I think it's supposed to be up top and somebody has cobbled that into there. There's wires hanging off things all over the place I threw the battery charger on it. It's been sitting on the trailer for about a month or so so I Don't know if our best bet is trying to get it off the trailer first so we could open that door a little bit further.

or maybe even just kind of. Crank It Forward I'm not sure what's going to be the best option for that. Actually, you might be able to get if we drop this this. Trail It drops on an angle like that when it goes down.

I'll show you it may get a far enough away from the winch week where we can open it. Let's continue to do a walk around. Tires hold air. That's about best we can kind of save for them.

They are in the pretty rough shape and it looks like somebody like picked some of the good pieces off of here and put them maybe on another machine when they were having problems with it. If you notice the rims don't even have the same offset, the one in the back is in about two or three inches compared to the one in the front. I Went looking for wheels that they are six lug which is kind of a weird size wheel pattern. The bucket is permanently welded on.

you're supposed to have quick connects the two levers that you would flip and the bucket would come off. It's missing one on that side and this one they welded in the locked down position and it definitely has looked like it's done a bunch of work in its life. It does have a front uh Hydraulics extra auxiliaries missing the door that would be on the front of it and at least the Hydraulics did work when we cranked it like I said, it did lift the bucket up. so there's that.

Other than that, it's up to us to try to figure out how to get this thing up and running. Hopefully or and or figure out what happened to it. The last two owners have not been able to get it running I think somebody bought or made a trade from somebody and then same happened to the next person and they kind of played with a little bit and then this kind of gave up on it. Like I said, it does crank.

It does sound like it has some compression. It may be just totally wore out on the engine side. don't know. So all right, we have our little Show and Tell let's go try to figure out how to get that opened up a little bit more and hopefully either get it off the trailer, maybe on dollies or something so we can go and work on it.
Foreign. Do it for us. close. Better than what we had before, right? Let's go throw a Bungie on that.

I Wish I could lift that door right off. Yeah, it definitely looks like it's blowing a lot of soot all over the place. Let's see where the exhaust comes in. Well, that'll not be very good rate to begin with because there's a muffler and that usually should come up and out there.

That's not happening. It's got a little three-cylinder Kubota that's in it. Yeah, somebody's made a fan shroud around that radiator. Looks like somebody plasma cut a hole out here.

Things live a rough life too, You know they work so hard and a lot of times you don't get the love that they should like. I said it does crank. I Don't know if even that's the original engine for it. I'm seeing like motor mounts on the bottom that are hacked out of something.

looked like they tried to. Maybe they did that to get the uh, this piece of Plumbing from a house on there. All right. let's uh, pop that oil stick out real quick, see if there's anything in it.

Yeah, the uh. just like gauges and controls above this heating area and they're all like you're written in with white marker. At least there's something happening here. Seemed kind of high in a stick.

Didn't it tell? This isn't Factory either. Let's go get ourselves in there. Is this how it's gonna go? Continue to get it? so it's way way overfilled. I Don't know if that would be diesel.

maybe going into the crankcase? Yeah, we're supposed to be there. We're up here somewhere. All right. We'll kind of keep that in mind and let's go up front and gives ourselves a little crank.

see if we can get the bucket up. I Like to get it off the trail if we can just get a little bit better access to kind of move around. we're going in deep down. you see better days so that's your steering left and the right.

There's two rods that are there and then the pedals down below are going to be your uh controls for the bucket. I Believe let's get ourselves in here. look at that seat's not full of water. All right, All right.

this bar drops down 2 700 hours on it is what that says. and like I said, it looks like a whole bunch of stuff just been yanked and disconnected and wires hanging off of different things. and who knows, like if it was a CV that was here and somebody wrote non-existent wipers, a set switch, there lights. there's no lights on it.

All right. So that here's what cranks is this key right here? Let's give it a listen. Fuel pump works. sounds good, huh? Let's um, see if we can get that bucket they go up for us.
forget which one it was which pedal. so I just gotta wiggle one see what happens? Let's go try the other one. How about this one? I think that's just curl on the bucket I'm trying to get the one that lifts it. that's why it's lifting in front of the machine off the ground.

So I'm like standing real hard back on both pedals and it seems like so I'm gonna go get myself out of here and hopefully try to get the battery charger disconnected and try to pull the trailer back a little bit. Give us a little bit of room so you could get it off the trailer and get the trailer out of the garage. Foreign to get us cranked off of here. And the other part is I gotta be able to turn that key at the same time pushing both of those levers forward to get a go off the trailer.

So how are we gonna accomplish that? I don't know I got a yardstick I wonder maybe if we can, uh, you like jam it? The feeling is like a bad idea. Jam Both of them forward crank the key and hopefully it doesn't start take out the bus. Let's go try to get that all set up see how it works. It's something like one-handed like that.

I Just gotta figure out how to mount you guys with the camera. That's why women live longer than a man, right? All right? So let's just give our cranks people even move forward Right now Where? I got a position? Please don't start because you know what moves right? That's a little bit easier to work around. Definitely marked its spot though. Maybe we're sitting on the trailer? It's all kind of covered in oil I Think we're gonna over attacks them? that's how heavy they are.

Two more we'll see if he does a she's been around Hey, my guess is about six thousand pounds. It weighs a little more good. I'm gonna scoot the floor out and try to spin it around so that the engine bay is facing towards where the tools are to make our life a little easier. Oh there you go.

Looks like we got an office job. Somebody even hooked me up with some new wheels for my buggy. I Don't get stuck in the cracks anymore like skateboard wheels, All right. So we've got to kind of educate ourselves on you know what's happening here and whoever did what to it to make it, how how it looks I see like somebody did a bunch of different wiring.

all that's got all new ends made on it. So someone's been through this kind of Cobble and stuff together you'll want to hang it off here. another one hanging. those two seem to be hooked up.

that one seems to be hooked up I Know what we have for throttle. once you be throttle and once you be like a um a throttle shut off on the injection pump. see behind that what we have happening and also when we were cranking it, it seemed like the fuel pump was running all the time and I would think they would build up pressure and stop like regular pumps. That may not be the case if you find it funny if it's just out of fuel, a little strip up there that is for glow plugs so there should be something that energizes that wire and glows set of plugs that are in there that heat the intake, the compression the cylinder up to help it kind of get fired off.
and I don't remember seeing a switch up front for that, but this warm temperature really shouldn't eat it or 70 degrees. Trying to figure out where the fuel pump itself is. I See the fuel filter in the back I Don't see a pump yet though. All right.

Looks like it's got a a plug for uh, open like a block here. Put the light back on. Yeah, why don't we hide? So it looks like right here they have should be like a plug end on it. Yeah, that's just for winter time.

It probably is. Uh, heating the cooling system. Would that make it a heating system? All right? Let's uh, also figure out on the start. I mean we can get a starter button hooked up to it so we can kind of crank it from back here and you know, program and see what we have again.

we're just trying to educate ourselves. the starter is there. Yeah, let me go ahead and get some jumper wires on this and see if we can get it to crank. from there it does not have a wire.

It looks like an oil pressure switch is missing a wire on that. and then we'll look for a fuel pump. It's just it. a remote start button and all it does is connect that wire to that wire when you hit the button.

So once that's going to get connected to the positive of the battery. and I see two probes, two outputs on that, uh, starter and click one on one and we'll see if it does anything. When we hit the button, we'll try the other. I don't even know if they need both.

not quite sure. So let's uh, poke and Hope let's see what you can you can't see I'm gonna go try that one right there. Get on me. There you go.

Fancy feeling nothing? All right. let's go look at that. I Don't know if you guys can see right there. Look at this orange wire right here.

see if we can get kind of come out through a little probe or something? I'm gonna try just holding it against it, see if that's it first and then hit the button. Yeah, there we go. All right, let's go get that locked on. I Don't think the key position really should matter I Don't think it has any other kind of kill except for like a mechanical kill.

Maybe the key would be for charging, but that's about it. actually. key turns on the electric fuel pump. Maybe we can follow the noise and see that is it back there right there.

A little aftermarket pump, but if we have a bleeder or something, we can open up. Okay, right there. let's try getting a wrench on that. we'll crack that see if we get any fuel coming out of it.

Actually be kind of nice if we didn't get anything. What's that hanging? What's that? Do you know this difference? Yeah I think they're fuel I wouldn't call that much kind of pressure at all though, huh? This is that one. Not much. I wonder if um, we can take some of this intake, boot off of there and maybe give her a little spray and see if it wants to try to do anything? I started popping the intake off and if you can see it literally poured but it looked like fuel out of the air cleaner.
Yeah, it's got oil up in the air cleaner so what's up with that? That's kind of a you can see it in there now. oil water. both neither. Let me explain why the oil was so full.

Hey now we got that out of the way. You can see ourselves a little bitter in here. it looks like so this was probably an electric shut off on this lever and then they went. They put a cable on it and they're just doing it manually to shut it down.

So and this will be our throttle and I figure that's probably idle and it's a little bit of throttle. Let's uh, spray. the intake is right there. The whole let's go see if I can start off that, we'll give it a little shot in there.

we'll give her a crank and see if it tries to do anything. I Also, don't think it'll matter what position this is in I think it just chokes off the fuel, but we're putting our own in. Where's the crank button? Let's give that a shot. hahaha Give another shot.

Maybe we'll try the glow plugs so we'll be eating it see if it helps. It does have to skip it on a cylinder though, doesn't it? Our battery's gone all right. I'm gonna go throw the charger on it and uh, maybe we'll look into those glow plugs I apologize for the hum. You have a choice.

so I want to kind of see if we have glow plugs working at all if any of them work. So I gotta test like one inch hooked to power and anything I should touch on the body should light the light up. Yeah saying that it's ground, so although there's a filament in there, if I touch that strip, it should light up there. It goes that meaning that the little coils that are in there are connected and going down to ground.

The wire is still kind of connected too, but um, that's that's a good sign. At least one of them. it's possibly working. So let's go make a jumper wire up from the hot side of the battery to power this strip up and we'll kind of let it cook a little bit.

Don't give it another try I Think it's like one side's a positive. It should kind of even spark a little bit too to draw. Yeah, they are. okay.

so let's um, find where my crank button is I'm not gonna give it any more ether yet. We're just gonna throw a little heat in it. We'll glow them for like I don't know 30 seconds. My feeling is you.

My guess is that the engine's tired and they just weren't able to get at the start. That's just a guess of my part right now. Even like listening to it like it doesn't have sounds like one of the cylinders when it goes to crank, it doesn't have the same amount of compression. All right, let's give that a shot little shot and we'll try to load it again.
That wire's cooking in my hand and we're out of ether. One last. Yahoo Okay, do that. Glow them.

I'm hoping for a fuel problem, but again, just don't know. All right, you ready? Let's uh, turn the key on. So the fuel pump's running, so if there's injectors doing something, they'll do it. I Figured that's just a pump that kind of feeds a larger pump though.

Next thing we're going to try, we're gonna try cracking one of the lines to see if we get anything going to the ejectors. but let's um, glow it one more time. Yeah, the battery charger bog down when I Hook it up. They're like thing like your toaster.

The little wires inside your toaster light up. That's pretty much they look something like a spark plug on the other end, but that's what's in them. And the Diesel doesn't fire off of a spark plug. It dials.

It fires off of compressed air that gets really hot when it squeezes the air. All right. but if your compression is too low, it'll never make enough heat to be able to fire it. All right, let's go get a wrench.

We'll throw it on one of the lines here. We'll crack one of them loose and we'll see if we get any fluid coming out of them. That's what happens. Still should have kind of fired on that ether too, though.

Even if it didn't have any fuel, it should have kind of tried to run on that. Let's give her another crank. see what it does? You know it'll only do something when it's cranking too. Can you see honey? All right? Kind of like wet, but you know that's supposed to be a lot.

It's supposed to have a good kick behind it into that really didn't get you in there. Yeah, that's not doing what it should kind of in a way. I like um, you could do a compression test on them I don't know if we want to get into that part of it yet I wonder what else we can kind of go check? We know we got fuel going in there I Wonder if I don't know if we just have to bleed the system and I Also kind of wonder that shut off that we were talking about. That electric one is in the right or the wrong position.

You know that cable operated I would think that you would pull it to shut it off? That wouldn't you? Okay, let's just guess, just go try it one more time with that lever in a different position. All right. So I gotta take a little bit of time. I'm gonna go probe around a little bit see if you can find anything that's going on with the fuel system.

if you have places that we could either like crack a bleeder open and see if we can get anything coming out of where the pump is maybe like right down there ceiling. I'll bring you back I got rid of the rest of the air hose. You can kind of see better on what's going on. Let's take the fuel line that's going to it right off.

We'll stick it in a jar. We'll turn the key on, just see what kind of flow we got. The fuel looks like that kind of thing. I Put the line off, doesn't look terribly dirty.
Let's go give, uh, turn the key on for a second, see what we get for a flow. kind of chug. something kind of weird there, didn't it a little bit? Yeah, that's decent. Hmm yeah.

let me get enough fuel to it and then it has to have its own pump that that generates pressure to a high pressure that's just more of a like a lift pump going to it. Ah, this fan shroud, radiator looking debacle. I Wonder if we just get all this crap out of our way? We get a little bit better view to what it is. Who knows if there's even a coolant in it? There's an overflow bottle here.

Yeah, it's got nothing in it. Let's go. There's anything in it. Yeah, I'm not seeing much of anything.

A little bit of wetness on top. so what's up? Dream that down. Maybe we can get this crap out of our way. I'm probably going to want to go clean that mess up anyway in the long run, but let's get out of our way.

It gives best better access to the pump and all. and even just for filming, you can kind of get on there and see what we're doing anyway. Looking for a lower radiator to see what I had? It looks like it's got this is a bracket and a bracket holding the radiator. They sandwiched it between the original one with this piece of metal that's bowed and just bolted this upper piece and this lower piece like two bananas.

Go get on it. Going across like that and it's just sandwiched in between there. so get them off and I think we got to kind of deal with that. Plumbing on the side there.

to try to figure out how to get fluid out of it. Oh boy. I think we got the bolts out of the makeshift shroud shooters. Whoa.

Coolant first. I thought it was a whale. all right. so let's tuck that back up into herself.

It's a good sign. All right. Let me go see if we can find like a a valve or something under the radiator that we can open and drain it. Lower hose right now.

Piss everywhere. see if we can do a controlled dribble really well. at least the fluid looks good. No oil in it.

that's out of our way. I don't know if that's the factory radiator. like maybe the it just really cobbled together to try to get that where it is. getting that out of our way and uh, now we can see a little bit better.

Yep. oh before I decided to polish the floor I was trying to get the button out so it can crank it over. just get whatever was out of the system. Yeah, the water pump.

maybe push a little. let's go see how that works. Kind of a mute point now enough. Okay I just want to make sure we went to go crank it.

was gonna go catch us in the plums. looking back in the cab. I see this lever here? That's that cable that they added so I don't know if that would be shut off for that would be shot. So we're gonna go try it in both positions.

I'm gonna say like I don't know. maybe that's run and that's off. We'll just pick one and what we're gonna do. We'll crank it again I'll get the electric fuel pump on and we'll see if we get anything going to that injector line.
Yeah, she's cranking again. Let's uh, find our button where that ended up? Here it is and that that is still off of there. Can we pull that up a little so we can get a better visual here? So that's that's with that one all the way cracked open. We're gonna get a little cup underneath there.

we'll see what kind of volume we're getting out of that. I Mean it shouldn't be a a ton, you know, but it's hard to tell. everything's just so wet. I Found the uh eight millimeter socket hiding underneath the fan.

Let's go crack it that whole line loose I'm gonna see if I can get that line. we'll pivot it out here a little bit I'm not fighting it I Have a feeling we're gonna be pulling one of those injectors anyway. So come on out of there. Have to drop it.

'll take that wine. Loosen it up. We'll spin it out here somewhere. I'm gonna blow through that real quick.

make sure nothing's clogged I Doubt it, but you never know that's open I Must say the antifreeze smells better than the diesel. Tastes better too. Probably either one's good for you. There we go.

All right, let's go see if we can get there pee out of that line. Can you see? Let me get yourself a little better. Look at the throttle about halfway up too. Foreign pressure out of it.

Come on. I'm not gonna hook it back up now I'm kind of get in there a little bit I think we'll try. um I'm priming it a little I think we're gonna have to. uh, it will pop the valve cover off it.

just it doesn't sound right to me. It sounds like it. One cylinder's got compression and the other ones aren't doing much. That's just a guess.

but your thoughts right about the valve cover off too. and check the valve. I Would think we'd have a little bit more fuel pressure than that, but like I said, probably the next thing would be is a it's even taking an ejector out and put an ejector to the side and see if there's enough pressure there to overcome the injector. But having said all that I would think that if we primed like we, if we, uh, hit that intake or start off a little bit, it should kick.

It should at least try to run on that even if there was no fuel system on it. you know? So I kind of think there's other issues on top back you up a little bit. Go it. So if we need to kill this thing, pull this back and this back.

Hopefully they both go. Worst case, we could shove a rag on the intake and get in there. Okay, come on. Yeah.

Starting to think that we said dust doesn't have enough compression of fire. Uh, let's get that valve cover off and we will check valve clearances which make sure we don't have any tight. Valves And also we'll kind of see if everything's kind of doing what I should do in there. Let's blows up my crap off before we little pine needles and crap around the valve cover as you get the Break Free Foreign.
Let's um, do a little probe. Let's go just like kind of. let's get excess that's got decent excess. that one's already down.

That one's got play. They seem like they all have a so this one and this one we have to check Let's uh, bump it over a little. that one's fine. That one's fine.

so they all got play. It's got a lot of blow-by all that you see coming out of there. that's the compression leaking around the Rings and going down to the bottom of the cylinder and it then it comes out like the CR the crankcase. Yeah.

I think we're starting to find what our problem is. Fortunately I kind of paid around what you would pay for one that needs a motor. Maybe a little too much? I'm not confirming that yet. Let's um I did buy a compression tester for diesel I've never used it and maybe now is a good time to try to figure out how it works.

Huh? Yeah, See, we got some of this valve adjustment so like that's a lot. that's like 80 thou. So I don't know what these would be, but no make on say a regular engine gas engine I should say uh tenthau would be like a normal valve adjustment. Just ridiculous somehow.

I wonder if it overheated and then like later on they tried up whatever radiator they put on it or the radiator failed and they were running it and again I'm just hypothesizing is that a word and then they started putting that shield and all that crap around it and it just went to the point where it was dead. Uh, let's uh, like I said, let's see what we can do. We get the box with the uh compression tester on it, see if it gives us any kind of heads up of what to do. I knew this will be coming handy someday.

I think have you opened the box yet looking yeah, looks like we just take the injector out and then we thread in whatever one that kind of fits down inside the orifice and then the PSI should be fairly. High It's not like a gas and gas engine is like, you know, 100 like 175. PSI These are going to be much greater than that. I Don't know if it tells us anywhere.

we should see. Sure you could probably look it up, but so they say Kubota on there anywhere. Kubota right there. some models 10 times 125.

with the F adapter do they say what letter Zone What good is that? There you go. F is going to be that one. We'll figure it out. Get injector out.

I Got the fuel rail off of there. see if we can get one of the injectors that come out a lot of great fit. Good having an eyeball. What size that thread is? That's our injector.

You guys look like you got a stye in your eyeball and go clean your lens. So we need something that looks like that to thread in. Try that one this little small. doing it skinny-wise Hope we got something suck, If not, that's too big.
All right, let's go shove something in the hole, see if it fits. Unfortunately, we don't have anything that fits. Kind of wonder if that's the same thread. I Don't mind cannibalizing one if we have to.

you know, cut it. This is too fat, that's too skinny. I think I'm gonna go across. Hmm yeah.

spare injector from something. We could probably cannibalize one of them and make one. you know. Hit this on a wire wheel real quick.

Real quick, real quick and just see if this kind of comes apart in any fashion that we can use it. Hey, you want to see the inside of ejector injector looks like anyway, right? See if we can get the compression ring off of it? Let's try to go around it. There may be a big spring in there, that's that part of it and just essentially has a little check valve on the other end. Put all that back together.

Hopefully we have something that thread into that. Maybe Kinda that's not looking very good either. I Don't see anything that has anywhere near that size. It's gonna fight us every inch of the way.

Is it? Oh well. I'm gonna go pro around a little bit see we can see if we can come up with something that will, uh, function for us just for times. different. Desperate Measures I'm going to try crushing that into the other one a little bit.

Here we go, they run some solder around it. You think the chances are that'll Stay Together Let's give it a shot, see what happens? Well, she's a tad cab Cobble together and hopefully it stays together. Let's go see what we get. 125.

yeah, if that's a gas engine, be okay. I Don't even be too good for a diesel though. Let's go do the other two and number two. keep it out of the fan.

40 Yeah, it really doesn't sound great. And our last victim with your bets I'm gonna say one of them sound like they were kicking with a little bit, but it's probably that one that's got 120. I Can see this one's probably got like 40 also. yeah, 100.

none of that it's gonna be good enough for a diesel to run because you found our problem. The injector pump looks like it's working okay there. you can see that kind of they're shooting like they should and we go gather my thoughts. Hey, a little asking of Google there maybe 275 to 400 is really kind of what we should be seeing and you know, fairly, even across them.

That's unfortunately just not enough to generate enough heat to burn the fuel if it got spinning up. If you if you were able to get it fired once it was running, it would probably stay running just because of the speed up at the compression. actually kind of, you know you're you're cranking it at yeah, we'll be doing 200 RPM maybe. and once you get it running, you bring it up to about seven or eight hundred.

RPM It probably goes so fast it's able to stay running, but once you shut it off, we get it. it's not going to, uh, be able to survive. So that is why it got retired because it's a pile I Gotta go look up what diesel it is I Don't know if they it would be better for us to try to get a rebuild kit. try to find another engine that's together and you know one of those in when pulled.
You know those come out right? I'm like, well, why did you pull it out if it ran fine Ah, repair on it I don't know. put a Volkswagen engine in it but at least we know like we cranked it. the Hydraulics worked for the bucket going up and down and the Hydraulics work forward in reverse on the wheels so at least it does have that part of it. I'm trying to make it sound better for myself.

so I don't know I don't know where we're gonna go from here I don't know how much time it's gonna get me to go find something. If you guys see something you know when the video first comes out. after a while I would already got it figured out or sold it to the next person. All right guys, unfortunately it's gonna be on the shorter one I Was kind of hoping to get further along with this and do some more repairs, but uh, you saw what I ran into I don't have an engine I don't think all right guys, stop by and keep junk.

Bring it home. that's the answer. but that guy's going to thank you all for hanging out, have a little bit of fun and we're trying to educate myself and maybe educate you guys along how things work a little bit and uh I'll see you on the next one till then later. Yeah look at the bright side, it's off my trailer I could drink more junk home so just a little bit more thinking about it.

so it's got Blow by. so it's going to be rings and pistons and sleeves of what the issue is. so I don't know if they make I don't know if it's a wet sleeve, wet sleeve is a the cylinder comes out of the block and you're able to replace it with a new pistons and new rings that I have a feeling the head is kind of beat to the fact that the Gap was so large I have a feeling that something might be happening inside there too it? just that or just no. maybe it's yeah.

the back cover is probably never been off the whole 2600 hours it ran. Plot twist you ready some things start to reveal themselves so I started doing a little bit of homework just trying to figure out you know what engine that would be okay. So looking I've tried finding a tag anywhere on the engine I don't see anything and of course it has the only tags I see on it is this one and we thought it was a 642b or 641 not sure I kind of looked all these up and um they do have different engines that are in them. Hey you guys guessing torching on here.

that funky radiator setup that was on there, that homemade linkage. That homemade linkage. all the wires that fuel pump up there that is just kind of hanging by one bracket not looking. Factory On the 642 came with a four cylinder.

Ford Gas engine diesel diesel gas. So I think this one was originally equipped with a gas engine Somebody went through all this cobbling and fit in like even this isn't Factory Welding here on this aluminum plate down here. they modified it to get a diesel in there I don't even know what it is. My guess is the Kubota and I would kind of think maybe the most popular stuff is like something out of a reefer unit.
a refrigerator truck trailer that runs that and it would have been like 28 horsepower. I think if that gas engine that would have been in here would have been like a 32 horse. Any of those are fine, but yeah, that's starting to explain some things even like the gas cap. I looked at it you would think if it said if it had diesel it would say diesel on the gas cap and it just doesn't say yeah of course.

I couldn't say anything you know. Also like the uh, the shut off had a uh after market cable setup hooked to it on the lever down there. that's not correct and then looks like they ran a big heavy red wire going up there. that was probably for the glow plugs to get them to work so it's starting to make a little bit of sense I know an air cool VW engine starting to look better and better.

The gifts keep on coming, don't they? the hits? whatever you want to call it. All right with that Now I got to do some more homework try to figure out I Still wouldn't mind trying to fix this one if I can access parts and figure out what it is. but uh, until I do that I'm not gonna have any kind of answers back. Bye did you really think I wouldn't have one? Got an old Generator up in here just looking to see what set up this diesel is.

It's got a three-cylinder Kubota in. it. looks like the intake is totally different on it and what the coupler would be on the inside. He's running an old onen where's the radiator in this thing? 500 E1 hours on it.

Hmm. 30. but 26. a little Marine Diesel ran good I think it was only like 12 horsepower.

it's a crap. give you a good deal on it.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “Gambled on a non running bobcat. will it run?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul "Big Stan" Stanley Jr. says:

    It sorta looks like it had been on fire and someone tried to replace the burned wires!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Boisvert says:

    Some use a glowplug hole for compression test

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rorschach1024 says:

    BTW. The Carrier reefer units use a similar 3 cylinder Kubota engine, not sure of the size though. Maybe if you find a wrecked reefer trailer with a good refrigeration unit…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R C says:

    Injector pump seals might be leaking diesel into crank case

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARK LOCKWOOD says:

    cough n fart on either. should run on whatโ€™s in the filter. should pressurize shut off if the pumps done or the injectors no bueno. i d drain off excess oil too much earl set up a return to a bucket and temp tank;

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rorschach1024 says:

    @Mustie1, you can get a rebuild kit for a 3 cylinder Kubota, complete with cylinder liners for between $300 to $500.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blazeaaronvr says:

    Vw engine please mustie!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary S says:

    Try a leak down test to see if the valves are leaking.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Burgett says:

    My dad had a bobcat …and it had a Ford pinto engine in it…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Reid says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AndrewChilcott100 says:

    Please never put your finger over the injection pipe ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ high pressure fluid injection is no joke, I think time to pull the head off, looking forward to part 2 !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Brown says:

    The 642 had a pinto engine in it, did it not? The old one I ran did. I miss that turd. Decent little machine.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve O says:

    I vote for bugbobcat!!! VW time!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜†

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