12 years ago 5150mxvw bought this machine of a fellow that said it was making funny noises, well time has not been good to it and it needs a bunch of love, lets see what happened to it and if it can be saved?

Hey guys how's it going we're at 5150, mx, vw, otherwise known as jason's channel. That is a humble abode and uh hidden in the back. Oh that's, not a good sign! Oh that's! The other one is a four-wheeler that would you bought like 12 years ago. You said yeah when i moved back from florida, 2010 or 11 yeah and you bought it.

Will you tell me a story yeah? Well, it comes with a plow it's over here somewhere and uh. He said i had an engine issue, i got it and then i ended up getting the kubota because uh i got up when i moved back. I had a snowblower, a plow truck and i bought a kubota. So this thing just sat, i never got to it.

So you were going to go work on it and try to get it where the engine issue is yeah. It's a cool. You know it's 86.. I thought that we were going to walk around the corner.

We thought that was a tent. It was this one's been here for 2010.. Is it there? It is yeah mouse just ran across the top of it. Literally yep just ran across the gauges as we walked in um yeah.

All right does that does that other wall open by any chance, uh, possibly but i'll, leave you i'll leave you to it. Okay, i think i have that much time. No, it's hard to believe your gizzard. This is where your gear came on, looks great, got nice handlebars all right, guys, we're gon na go dig that out of there and uh hopefully drag that home, and we should either find out what is going on with it.

We'll, hopefully, uh get it fixed and make her operational again, so we got some digging to do. Apparently, oh boy, we'll just uh yeah yeah, carry it where we'll just back it out i'll, throw this stuff in my truck this stuff like the doors and bring it over the other shop house unit. I think your sleeves, oh you're thinking. Oh, i see pull the bikes out.

We kick the thing to the side and come down this way at least they roll. This is going to take all this nightmare. Yeah yeah, that's that's like powerful monkeys, so we'll just lift uh something low, that's better! Yeah! Now we can see, it actually looks pretty clean yeah. Oh it's clean yeah for 86 is how many years i'm like yeah, it's even has the uh side covers.

I think both are still on there. Yeah it's got both side covers. You don't see that 36 years old, oh i'm not going to try to figure that out i'm going with 36 years yeah. It doesn't look bad at all, listen pretty, but not a headlight bolt yeah.

I think he ran out of the little hole right there. Oh you're you're running across the front you're gon na see more. I popped the uh i checked go ahead, check check. I looked in here years ago.

You ready go for it. You scream like a girl. Oh my god. He hasn't improved much at age, yeah, she's, gon na be fun.

Oh, it only gets worse from there. Give me your. Does it roll? I don't know, i don't think so. White hold on you're going to go up again.

Let me move that sweet wow. He rolls hi guys we're back at the garage it's been about about three weeks or so, since we grabbed it from jason's house and again, i think that backstory was it he bought it, as is it was having some engine issues and then he just put it Away, never really did anything with it, so it's been 10 12 years since then, so i'm sure it hasn't improved or fixed itself. So i don't know we'll get you understand we'll start getting into it for we'll first figure out. You know what kind of condition it's in you know the fuel and all that kind of stuff and hopefully get it running and then from there try to fix whatever was broken at that time.
It's a cool little machine. I think it's kind of like when honda first started, making four wheelers with the uh four-wheel drive setup on them, it's kind of like when the end of the three wheels and then the four-wheeler started up got some nice tires on it all right. Let's get, you understand, start doing some wrenching. This should be interesting.

Yes, i may scream like a girl rodents come out and you can definitely see where they're traveling, i think he said the back section was the we opened it real, quick there and it's packed with material. Come on scared. Oh man, yeah they've been having lunch. I don't know: what's in there, i don't that's the battery box or the uh fuse box.

That looks like the beginning of a fuse box. I'm gon na grab some gloves garbage can dig some of that crap out of there. Shall we something he owns is missing. A lot of padding didn't see what goes out of the seat of this patio furniture or something yeah.

I don't see a battery that looks like a maybe a fuse box or something no, it is there it's down lower, though pulling a bit. It's not very good. Oh strong, whiff of ammonia, all of a sudden all right, i think i'll get the shot back. I don't see any carcass if i get any carcasses when we grabbed it a live.

One ran out of one of the uh there's like vents in the front. I'll show you, in a minute all right, we'll go back in that out real, quick and we'll jump around to the front yeah. But as soon as i walked in the tent garage here, one ran right out of there. You can barely see in the video.

So i would suspect, that's probably the intake part of the intake. Let's go open that up see what we get. I would suspect to be packed. Sometimes they put a metal screen in between find out yeah, it's been home for somebody yeah, actually, probably a chipmunk.

I don't know mice, oh mice, have that bigger nuts, let's uh i'll shop back it out, it's looking pretty yeah, it's been a while turning back in the dirt yeah yeah they got in made it all the way in. It's definitely has a car. That's missing! Some fluff from its interior and there's a passage up through here, which i bet is that vent where they're going up through. So i didn't want to try cranking it yet until we explore where they are, because i don't want to suck all that crap into the engine all right.
Let me go shop back there chop back that out too we're more than likely to uh get to that. Carburetor anyway, so i want to get the the boot off of it. This elbow out of there and make sure there's no nest material down inside there that we're gon na suck in, especially with that hole eating right through that cleaner. Is that going to come off for us? We got four more under there, oh kind of weird that it's got like a double clamp on it.

I haven't seen that before same up here, all right he's got ta go yeah a little bit of something. You know what that is, there's the screen. I was thinking of right down there i'll show you it kind of protects it from anything getting in there, a bunch of crap below it, though all right uh, let's go see if yeah the slide. The slide doesn't even move all the way, so the carbs, the carbs frozen slowly going see that the cable there it goes all right, uh, let's go check and see what it has for oil in it and then we'll pull the plug.

Can we get this out of here? How hard is it to get to the plug all right? Oh, not bad! We get to plug at it. We'll shoot a little bit of oil down there and then maybe we'll hook power to it see if the starter will crank or if it's got a kick start on it. You see one might be on the other side something's up. What's that, is it hidden all right? Let's get that kind of cleaned up and set up get some oil down the plug hole.

Give her a couple of chugs to make sure she turns over. You see, i think it's good about four wheelers. Well, i should say four wheelers that are all together plugs in my size is that they kind of aren't open to the weather, they're sealed up pretty good. So the fact that they're left outside the plug plug is wiggling.

I don't have the correct size socket for it anyway. The wall you'll see too much of a chance of water going down the cylinder. You know unless you swamp it, it's all different story but itself, but as far as being out in the weather like this one was it's only hand tight i'll bring you back in a second looks like a rain with the plug loose for a while all that Carbon blowing up around the side of the plug definitely was running rich last time it was used, possibly maybe with the choke on that's why it came out gummy all right. Let's go throw some oil down the cylinder and, just in case moisture did get in there.

You just kind of give it a fighting chance. You don't break a ring, i don't know if we have an access port somewhere on it, that we can turn it. Maybe we'll just try to kick start a little bit first. If not, i think we can.

If we get any resistance, i think we can pull that plug on it right there we kind of rock the engine back and forth. If it's jammed up a little bit. Let's try the kickstart see if that yeah she's going good a little a little fighting me for no plug. It's got a decompression valve in it too.
That's what that is popping right there. You see it reset itself, each time. Now it's getting smoother right there we go now she's going. Let's see if we can find a uh.

The oil level is right in front of us actually right, there see we got in it. Sometimes you have a sight glass on them. This may be a dipstick. Look too bad, but again, everything's probably set all the dirt settled so level it it's on the stick.

So it's good enough to run it all right, see we get a jumper pack and we'll put it on the battery. Oh hit the key and see what happens to plug out, see if it'll, spin and we'll see if it's got spark any arc in nope. All right dash is lit up, though yeah. If you have a crank button on here somewhere, i don't do.

We might have to hold a break or something down here. Start hey! Thank anything all right. That's that electric fuel pump too good. Everything mechanically seems like it's doing what it should be doing chance any lights.

It's a reverse! Lockout high low on yeah headlights. Nice! Is it got tail light on yeah, two of them and they're both lit? I think this one's liking to come back to life huh, let's uh, go put a plug in it and we'll see if we got spark, let's see what we get where's the start button. Oh yeah, nice, nice don't get over confident if it's looking good, i think the plug-in just kind of cleaned the threads off on a wire wheel. It's got so much like carbon in between it's hard to thread in and out, go clean that up real quick.

This one just has straight gas in it: let's go, give it a little down the plug hole, get it in the plug, get it in the hole yeah about that. Much we'll just throw that in there by hand. We have to crank it down, but remind me later, and hopefully she just kind of kicks putters a little bit and dies again. They said there was something wrong with it.

I know hondas are kind of notorious for the timing chain. I think it's. The timing chain guides that become an issue on these. I think they fall apart.

I think they're plastic, like plastic, on a piece of metal. If they do recall all right, let me back you up for a second all right get on there. Let me back yeah see we get. I have no idea where the choke is, i think the choke is on.

Oh, it shouldn't hurt anything though. Okay, electric choke, let's give her no kidding no huh, i'm gon na make this running on whatever fuels in it. One click off shut her off, i think that's the gas cap looks like a gas tank. I don't see another fill for it, it's like.

Why would you have a vacuum hose that you got to take off to yeah, maybe not where's, the gas fill on this thing. Someone who owns it's like it's right there in front of you, you're looking right at it, go take a peek down inside the tank and get a little sample a little urine sample out of it see what it looks like. That's got to be it huh, but you wouldn't take that off all the time. What else would it be? Is the fuel on and off it looks like i'm amazed that uh i did what it did back here somewhere come on you're, looking right at it, you're not telling me, i'm not gon na go.
Look it up on my phone. We will find it all right. My guess, that's it! I'm gon na go try to dig in we'll get a little sample out of it. I must say it's probably the easiest cold start.

Now, it's going to fight with me go grab some pliers for that pull. Some of that crap off out of there cover the card. Put some oil around it. It's only plastic.

I don't want to break off. I can see locked, it says locked right there, i'm sure it's like locked and open somewhere. I don't know there we go. Does that lift it off yeah! That's a weird setup! Huh i've never seen under the seat like that.

All right, let's go get a urine sample once that have a sealed system generally have a better chance at all. Right then, and actually a couple of potty walks floating around in there, but not terrible yeah a little bit of dirt, not bad! I'm definitely surprised she just wants to live. That's all i can say well we're not going to go screw with that for a little bit because it doesn't seem like it wants to play. We should probably definitely purge all that out of there, but compared to the one we did that antique engine we just marine engine, we did in the last video that uh i like mud, it just pops into place.

It just springs in yeah. Just push it down. Neat all right uh, we know we should probably look into valve adjustment or the chain. One of those things is making the greatest amount of noise, and that's probably what our issue we should be focusing on now, whether we clean that carb or not we'll get after runs we'll see how that works.

I know every time i don't clean the carb. I regret it, but let's see so we have to get to getting the valves access to the valves which i'm going to say is getting this air box off. I want to just take all the plastic off the front all together, that can be a total pain. The ass bolts or hmm, let's try getting the air box out of the way, we'll see what our access is.

After that now we're going to put up a fight - hopefully there's no hardware in the front, but it just got. This two point sets locked in huh, yeah, nope something's, holding it two screws out of the front of this. These look like i thought it was gon na, be those ones that turn like a half a turn. I guess this is too old for that, as i lose it, i thought there are plastic screws.

They look a donut, now they're metal a little closer little that duck work. That's where that mouse was right inside there. I have it feeling that pulling this whole thing apart, yeah we're going in it'd be a good time to fix that plastic too, when we get it off people easy to work on this chunk, that's missing over here. I think we got it some duck work in there for the intake.
I don't want to force it. I want to break more of the plastic up now we can see all the goodies looks more mainly now yeah. I could see the guts of it and that's where that mouse went actually kind of chomped on this one, a little bit more nest material. Let's see your wires chewed up, though that's good some of the uh, it's just japanese cars.

They change the wiring harness to a different material. It's like a plant-based or something and all the rodents eat them. It's got a cooling fan on it. Let's see that for an air cooled engine all right, should we get this out of our way, because we still have to get that off right, so we can split it there with a double clamp set up.

It's like a bolt and a bolt. This will come out of our way. We want to go clean that out anyway. Anybody home yeah definitely see the the pathway that we're going though little turd road, oh, you can yeah it down inside there too wiggle that sucker out of there we're in plug something too.

Now we can get to them now. You know why. Probably the valves are never adjusted, hopefully that's what it is um. If not, i don't know we have to take that motor mount off too.

So that's a valve cover and that's a belt cover right there. I don't know if this is going to be. Our way, though, might be able to sneak it out around it. We'll see.

Let's go get this one off first and we'll kind of crank the engine over see. If we can find a valve, that's got a real lot of play to it. Let's get that easy valve cover off and i'm hoping it's in the valves and not in the timing chain, but whatever it is, we'll get it fixed and we are going to need to. It's got an o-ring for a gasket two bowels per side.

I think, on the i think, it's on the exhaust side has a the decompression valve. Let's go crank that around yeah kind of makes that sound, huh. Let's go get a little more. It feels like that yeah.

That sounds like quite a bit. I'm not sure what the valve adjustment is. My guess is going to be like 8, 8 and 10. Maybe i don't know if it's hot and cold too, it feels like a decent amount.

Uh, let's get the other one off. I don't know it might be better off. We just take that. Maybe we'll just take this mount right out of there might give us a little bit more, especially if we have to adjust it.

We got ta get into a field gauges anyway, right yeah, a couple of 12s and 14s and buzz that off of there can you see in there get your vice grip to the frame, getting that one to pop off kill the o-ring come in get up there. There you go, i would think the exhaust would be the one that got screwed up more anyway. Hey, let's go crank her over starts up on me. Definitely you know it.

Has that area where the sound is. It doesn't feel much different than the other one. The problem is they're they're, not like a separate rocker shaft. Both sides are tied together, so it's kind of hard to tell like so one side's got tenth out.
The other side's got 30 thou. You can't really feel it because the first one bottoms out, i don't get anything on, though, just like, where the rocker is kind of making noise. Doesn't it like on the the cam? Let me get a little light in there and go see what's happening with the cam. Where do you think that came off yeah? Let's go get a little light in there see if you can see uh the other end of it and i'm gon na get you in there to see i'm looking at that cam right there looks kind of chewed up.

Doesn't it that right there could be just a little bit of rust that came off of it. I don't think he uses any kind of roller. I don't know if we can uh leave that stuck in there just want to see if that wiggles. I should probably poke at that with a stick a little bit see if that cam's just kind of slopping around in there.

It just sounds like when i'm wiggling the valves, it sounds like the sound, is more here instead of the clearance. On this end, i guess your best bet would be to adjust the valves yeah. Let's see it's not flopping around in there and you know it might be under. I found attention right now: let's go eyeball that, unfortunately, the light wants to be where you are, but hopefully you see down in there and i'm just seeing like the end of that cam really looks kind of rolled over there too bad.

I can't see the with a rocker it's rubbing on it like something had to give it. Let's go see all that clearance. You know, yeah, there's something like that area right there. It looks a little funny to me.

It's like you know, possibly i'm thinking on the the rocker assembly. It's got some defects, i'm going to try taking a mirror, see if i can peek around from the other side, see if i can get a little bit better. Look on it and or possibly look at the exhaust and see if there's got any issues to it, i'm not going to get the camera in there. It's literally it's down inside there here.

Let me know how it is. I can't even get you in there. We do it this way, yeah. You can definitely see what i can't see right now, all right, i'm going to go, take a poke in there and then maybe our best bet is maybe we'll just adjust the valves and we'll fire it up and see.

If we got quiet well, i think the valve adjustment i got ta double check is supposed to be three and eight. I think three on the intake. It definitely feels like more than three. Hopefully, that's where our noise is coming from when you don't have any cam damage exhaust, that's probably right.

I got ta take up. These are a bit of a pain to do too because they have that um they're, not like a screwdriver tip head on them. If you look at them, they're like little square drives. So let's see, if i have a bit or something i can kind of come up with to work with that and the other parts you know 10 millimeter, then we've got to get a feeler gauge.
That has probably put a bend on the end of it to get underneath there right, i need top dead center, which is the piston all the way up. I think i'm actually there right now i'll go around once yeah it's going down and i won't play in both valves because there's going to be a intake and a compression stroke exhaust stroke, i should say so. I want the top of this one right now right. There i passed it by a hair, but i should be okay.

That's where i want to adjust it. It's actually, three and three, three thousand three thousand these are gon na, be a little fun to get into, though, because there's not much room. I have a fourth outfielder gauge, with a bend on it and we'll try getting that in there. I actually may have to go, modify it and trim some of the material off just so i can get down under where the get down in the hole see how this works.

For us, it's definitely more than fourth out. You know trying to find something. That's a like a little tiny square, headed yeah, something to try to hold that. I was thinking like little pliers with my stash.

I found that it seems like it kind of fits on there, see if that'll work for us, i'm just looking for a little bit of drag, probably a little more than normal. Because again i got a fourth out. I don't have a three and then lock it down and sometimes when you lock it down, it'll change on you just give her a little. So you got ta play a lot less than it had good.

I'm gon na go do that to all four and then we'll fire it up hear how it sounds yeah. This has ever been done. Newer machines have a an hour meter on them in a speedometer. Give you an idea how much time is on it.

This one. You kind of got ta go by what the body looks like. It's got a new set of tires on it. You know they burned up a set of tires.

It was quite a bit that was almost a full turn. I think it's too tight in the back off of here yeah that slipped on me like i cranked way down, i'm sure they make a little driver to hold that actually a lot quieter than it was right. All right, i'm gon na go chase the other two. The bells are adjusted.

I wan na try and show you something and see if i can get it to work so right there. This is the decompression valve or decompression, we'll call decompression valve what it's doing. Sometimes they have a separate valve little tiny valve by itself and sometimes what it does is it just takes these two exhaust valves and if you're trying to kickstart it, it can be very hard to kickstart getting over a high compression engine, and so what they do Is they temporarily have a little cam? That's this it'll fire and what it does is on the compression stroke on the exhaust it'll bump the exhaust open for a second and let a little bit of the compression out. So it's easier to go.

Hopefully i can get that on film, i'm going to try kicking it over. I can't see it happening on the camera, but let's see if this will work for us here. Click right there just momentarily hits that valve to release a little bit of the compression. Just so you're able to go, kick it so like standing on the thing, and you know like not going anywhere.
That's it's dropping that has an adjustment on it too. I'm gon na leave that alone, but it should be okay. If you can see there's adjustment right on here too. Let's go see if it makes noise, i got the jumper pack back on it.

I left the valve covers off, might splatter a little bit oil. Let's see if she'll fire up with just what's in it, give it a second, oh, but i'm going to pop those valve covers on it's getting me. Let's try it again get those valve covers on i i wanted them off, so i can put my fingers on them and see if i could influence the noise more or less you know you kind of hold pressure down on them. Didn't seem like it made any difference: let's uh warm it up for a second definitely joke's off you're gon na stay running.

What do we do when you want to hit that button for me, while i'm hitting the throttle sure all fuel's not helping too? Let's uh give her one click on the choke maybe hold on. Let's go for the ride. Turn the idle up. A little bit definitely sounds like a valve, though it doesn't sound like a timing chain noise.

Doesn't it all right, let's see if we can? Okay change that fuel out next, probably the next thing: let's see, if there's nothing there, you go and idle speed. We can bump that up a little just so it stays around for now, if it'll turn two two thirds of a turn a little warm up. A second i'll get it and we're gon na go crack the oil lines. You've got oil pressure coming to the upper end up there that part's fine sticking a place out all right.

Well, that was not what our issue was. Definitely has noise, i'm guessing it's going to be the timing chain. I don't know this is the tensioner right here uh. I believe, there's guides on the inside of here that break or fall apart.

Unfortunately, this is not a very easy one to access the upper end on some of them have like a valve cover. You can kind of remove. It gives you some view, and sometimes they have like a side cover on them to get in there a little bit not on this one, i'm going to do. Sometimes you pull these out it kind of screws it up.

I'm not sure i might go. Do a little bit of homework first before we go ahead and do that it'll be hard to get you in there, but about that cover back off again and i'm looking at the timing chain, which is right there on it right there and the tension feels good. It does not feel like as much a slop in it and if i i do yank on it fairly decently, though the light's in the way, but the band, i guess we're going to call it. The detention rides against right.
There seems to be intact because the very tip of it is showing - and it's hard to tell inside that - can't get you really any closer, but that seems to be okay and it doesn't sound like a time machine clank the teeth. All look good. I don't think the chain is stretched. I don't think that's what the problem is.

Hey jeffy just sounds like a valve: tap, does not sound like any other and again that i'm starting to suspect that that scoring. I see there is some of the issue that crazy about seeing that one and you can see even on the other one too, and you get down there. You can see that one funky side also not this upper piece, i'm looking down there, so i don't know. I think just maybe we're probably just going to run it and we'll keep an eye on it, but i think the cam is like our original thought is what the issue is and that's why it probably would have got so much of a gap also that it Started to wear down, i don't know, i think we're just going to keep moving forward with other repairs and we'll run it in the worst case.

You know we got ta, pull the head off at some point and redo it. So i was thinking possibly for the noise. I was wondering if, if the cam wore that would make this side of the rocker come up the cam's on the other side of this rocker. So if the other side of the rocker gets smaller, this side is going to come up higher and then you're going to make a valve adjustment to make the difference of it.

I was wondering if it was coming up so high that possibly it was on the it's got some dirt in there. If, when it was coming up, it was hitting the decompression cam that is right there and causing some tapping noise, but i put it at top dead center, where the free play was and lifted up on the valve and then pushed down on this or up on This, i should say - and it still had play in there, so that's not where the tap is coming from thought. Possibly that would have been it and that only does anything when you're using the kickstart. That does not turn when you're using the the electric start.

Electric starts got enough push to go through it i'll show you see it's a little plug off, just crank it, so i don't see that being it all right see if we get the crappy gas out of it siphon it out see if we get crap from The bottom - oh, oh yeah, it definitely had sludge in there, huh, probably just all settled from sitting still we were putting that in brian's car he's not looking and try to vacuum up. What's in the bottom, that's it yeah. It looks like 12 year old gas to me. That's more like it huh you want it, you have it yeah.

Why do i want an idol? I want to see of mucky. I think i'm going to take a rag and a little claw, i'm just kind of grab with the claw and do one of those and move all around and try to scrubbed out whatever crap is in there getting a tank out and be a big ass. It looks like i don't know how i don't think it has enough room to drop with the rear. Still in it.
You know, i don't know if you want to get into that yeah. That's looking like a penis to me. Well, i'm gon na go with my better judgment. Better judgment is to say we should really get that carb off of there or at least flipped up and look on the inside of it because you know, if i do it, it'll be fine.

It'll be perfectly clean. If i don't do it, it would be totally crap and then i'll be dealing with it when all the plastics are back on and in the way, so i don't want to screw up. These boots get real hard and brittle over time. So it's got like a clamp on it, and then it's got a detent on the inside of it.

That kind of helps hold it and that'll fight you. So i think i'm just going to go. Take the two screws loosen them up and see if we can just take the carb and like flip it up towards us and take a look at the ball, hopefully kind of clean it right on the machine. If not, if you have to take it off, so be it, but we'll worry about that.

When we get there see we got to work with well, it ran and idled. So i don't expect it can't be too terrible. I do expect to see some sludge on the bottom of it kind of like. What's in that, using that gas tank that brown, let's give her a crack they're, not really that bad definitely need to come off and get clean, though there's crap in it and we can't go, it should be a rubber plug yeah, i'm just going to blow them Out i'll blow the jets out, i should be able to come off of there, i'm going to pop those jets out blow them out with air.

So i'll. Take that one out that one out i'm not going to soak it looks pretty good. It wasn't overflowing and we'll clean the bowl out, we'll get rid of whatever sludge was in there, some kind of something right there. Eventually, that would have drawn up that dirt right there in the middle, a lower cavity, because that's where the fuel gets drawn up right from there that would have plugged it turn the key on see the fuel pump kick out whatever's left in there.

We could probably put some fresh fuel in there too, and let it push through you know all the crap. That's in the fuel pump see what we get nothing. Now we heard the fuel pump running the first time there we go. Hmm that worked pretty good huh yeah, definitely kicking up mud yeah.

It's also going to i'll run some fresh fuel in there we'll run that till it comes clean. Actually, that's going to settle out to have some water in it too. That's right again! I should push them better to get that fuel line to go down a little lower, they're shooting straight up in here. Oh there it is ah what if it's got like on and reserves, try moving that yeah.

That's it. I think it was on reserve. I mean now it's on reserve, go ahead and fill the tank up. You know, yeah he's still kicking out a lot of mud.

I'm gon na go run that through we'll keep doing that till we get it clear. It looks worse than last time. Don't it yeah we're getting there, maybe one or two more times cloudy though huh yeah, we'll call that for the win good all enough, let's fire it up again get everything i think hooked up run some fresh gas in there. I got the plug wire on i'm hoping i could turn the idle down.
I turned it way up because of the crappy gas. All right stop blowing smoke anymore either. Should i say not as much off of the uh the air box, the drag of the air box on the air system kind of needs to be on there to dial it into that'll, knock it off a little bit. I'm not i'm not going to adjust the air fuel mix.

There is one candy has to get to up under the bowl run a minute, though, what you probably do is get a uh a jack. I got a motorcycle jack, we'll put it underneath it and we'll lift it up, get the wheels off the ground, we'll pop it in gear, we'll take a quick, peek and see what the drive train is like and yep see what the center of gravity is. It's gon na get four wheels off the ground because it's uh four-wheel all the time there you go, they all spin together, that's a good sign. The rear is going to be locked the front.

I don't know if it's got a diff lock or not for the front. Let's go fire it up and gingerly put it through the gears. I don't want to launch you off the bench for vibration, so it's got a weird button up on the dash. You got to push in, get it reversed and go.

Try that out do so. Yes, so well, i was kind of hoping the noise is going to subside a little bit. Transmission seems good. All the gears seem: okay, uh reverse works, just kind of learn how to operate it.

I'm talking about you got to go pop, that in push it down and give it a yank, and then i think your button, you pump it in first gear. I forget anyway. Finally, it did what was supposed to do as far as the uh tune of the carb again it until it gets the rest of the air box on there. I think i got it back off in the air.

Fuel mix seems like it's a little on the rich side. This is the choke, cable or enrichment cable. I should say - and it's stuck on back off the choke it's supposed to go back in. It's not that's why it's running rich because she's enriched so i was able to get.

Unfortunately, the tip broke off. The cable couldn't get it and it's jammed in there. So i tried working to get it all the way out. It wasn't happening.

There's too much corrosion around the lip of it, so i tapped it back down which essentially turns the choke of the enrichment off and you hear now and then the item was screaming, so i turned the idol way down so definitely idle's a lot better. Now, like i should definitely tell before i was running too rich, i think what i'm gon na do is gon na, let it get cold and we'll see how it starts cold. Sometimes a lot of the four wheelers i have had in the past really never really needed it if they seem to fire it up, no problem so we'll see what we get worst case. What i'm going to probably have to do is drill the center of it out and get an easy out in and try to pull it out see if we can go get another one for it again for not taking the car apart and soaking it right.
Oh well, i can let it heat up, see what it does. Let's see if the noise kind of gets any better or worse, you know oil thins out and here's what that issue is. I don't think it is getting related, but i'm not sure it just sounds. Like val the more you rev it, the worse it gets, i tried running it for a little while and see if it would go away.

It just did not happen again. Like i said i adjusted the valves. They were way off on the first one. I want to say they were like at uh, 18 000 right around there.

They have an adjustment of three thousand, so there's four valves adjusted all four still noisy. So i think that we're going to have to dig a little bit and see what is going on. Possibly can still be the time to change. It doesn't sound like a timing chain wrap just sounds like a large valve tap.

These are two valve covers that are on it, and then this section it looks like it breaks right here, so i think what we should. Probably do is it cools down a couple of minutes, take the oil line off of it and uh we'll see if we can unbolt that and pull that to the side, we'll get a better look at the valve train and see if we have a bad camshaft Or something in there, so just pop you in the stands, get some wrenching and see what happened. I think i got all screws out, let's see if we can give her a couple of love taps. I don't know like this is for the rockers.

I don't know if they need to come out and then you could take the top of the head off. I don't know we're just gon na go find out no good. It comes off in one piece. Ah, that's hot! I got ta flip that around so you can get the decompression cable off of it come on.

Let me get it right out of there. I'm waiting to fall out while we're waiting, oh yeah, i have feeling the camshaft is junk. It's looking like it's all egged out right there and that paddle's burned off yeah. I was peeking through on the first video kind of looking at it.

I'm wondering it sucks all right. Let's go! Take a look up top see what the damage is all right. So why was this so noisy, though, if we were able to adjust the valves? I wonder if the valve was hitting on the top of the cover. Making noise definitely ate up those two lifters, though those two um rockers.

Rather, do you think a? Let me go get a better light. This one's going dead, yeah there we go. Let's go check that timing chain now that the chain feels good, it doesn't feel like it has a bunch of slop in it and you'd be able to lift it like up off of there and that's not it. Oh, hopefully, that that's a little chewy right there.
Huh, let's, hopefully it stays together. Let's try taking the um kickstart i'll just try to rotate it a little. I don't want to pop out of there, but i wan na yes yeah. I was kind of suspecting.

We've got to figure out what causes the the noise. If the valve clearance is good, why would it tap so loud though? Let's go? Take a look at that valve cover. I guess we're going to call it. Let's get a better look at that it looks.

You definitely can see where it's it's transferred, metal and ground. It off like this should be a tab that doesn't have this double concave to it. Just like a concave here and then another one here. I think it's just supposed to be a actually like crowned all the way across, and it has a lip on that side.

There's a lip kind of on that side, and it's both valves that one the same thing too, i'm wondering when i was trying to set up with the feeler gauge. I was kind of coming up against well, no because the fuel gauge is over here. This is if you're adjusting you're not adjusting over here. You can't even see this.

I wonder if this, though, when it's not running is kind of sitting on that tall part and then when it runs it does the camshaft move when it moves to one side of the other, the camshaft. It falls off that high part onto this other area and the gap gets much greater. That's the only thing i could think of. I don't know again.

What's toast it kind of looks like it ran out of oil, doesn't it again, it wasn't like anything. We did when we fired it up, because this is what it was bought making noise. So it is what it is. It's chewed kind of right there look at it.

You know there's no bearing so the surface is the surface definitely looks like it transferred aluminum to steel right here and this i don't know it just looks like it got real hot. Doesn't it because there's actually like a burn here in here, my guess, is it ran? It ran with no oil? That's the only thing i can come up with. Unless there's you know possibly a factory issue where there's a and it you know some kind of bad cam, shaft or something that was back in there and back in the days again, this is 36 years old. So the problem is, i don't know, what's available.

I think they only made this engine for two years. I think it's only 86 and 87 have this design, so i don't know what i'm going to be able to find worst case we're going to have to just go clean up these pads kind of like try to resurface these and file these to get them some Kind of semblance of something smooth and do the same with the camshaft, but i won't know that until i do some shopping so unfortunately, that's where i am right now that sucks huh, oh well, diamond chain's, good and seeing like i can see like that, lip right There, if, when this cam kind of walks, i'm sure it does, you know it's not like perfectly. It has capacity to slide from side to side that the lips on the side possibly started doing the the damage where the cam was just soft and the cam kind of wore down, and i think if the cam was soft, the lobe on top would be much More dissipated, maybe it is, and we just don't know it that's my guess is that why would it generate so much heat either? It's starved for oil to come up top and cause a dove heat or just ran low on oil. I don't see it leaking anyway.
I don't see the the bike leaking, but again you never know what's happened in its history, it could have got water in it. Maybe you know somebody swamped it and didn't get all the water out of it and that caused damage and changed the oil and just started getting noisier noisier than they bailed hard to say all right, i got ta go shopping so previously i took the oil line Off feeding the top of this, and i made sure oil was flowing to and it was and that oil would come out there in there on the camshaft, let's back feed it and see if oil comes out of here. Let me show that passage is open. Yep that one's pouring out, i just want to see you know if it possibly starved.

No, both of them are fine. I think that's it right. I don't think it goes. I think the rest of it just gets soaked by so it will bleed out of there land on these two pads and as the camshafts spinning it kind of throws it the other direction same thing in the camshaft to spin spinning around too.

That's also throwing drawing oil up from the back the bottom and throwing it down yeah. So it's not a blocked oil passage all right guys. So it's the next day i was able to do a little bit of homework and went shopping for parts. The only thing i can't find anything really new and the other thing i really looked on was ebay and uh.

Unfortunately, well this section i can get used with the rockers, the you know the new. I guess we're gon na go crawl. This, the rocker housing, maybe rocker cover - and this is available - 150 plus, like 15 bucks shipping, there's a used one on there. The problem is the camshaft camshaft.

There's only one available, it's on ebay, it's 300 bucks, so you're already 450. I got you know batteries. Other parts you kind of go, get for this on five getting five six hundred dollars a used engine is like and huge. You don't know what you're gon na get it's 750 plus another 159 shipping.

This thing all said and done with perfect plastic is, is worth two grand. It doesn't have perfect plastic. So it's probably a fifteen hundred dollar machine when it's you know put back together. So i'm not sure what to do.

A couple of thoughts are one, is, you know, maybe just see what kind of kicks out from the comments. Maybe someone's got a junk machine that is thrash, that they want to break up for parts or you guys know of a link or any other like websites that sell parts that are a little on the more reasonable side for what they are and, if not uh, Either i got ta bite the bullet on those if they're gon na still available, when i do the shopping, or we can try just maybe we'll take these and we'll we'll try to resurface these and polish. These up do the same thing with the camshaft put all back together and you know i'm sure it'll stay together for a year, so this probably looks like it ran a long time like this to make it get this far get this bad. But again, you know just is what it is.
So i was hoping for a better outcome than that. I was figuring. I can go, find everything for 150 bucks get it in a couple of days and we put her back together, but it's probably the weak link. I bet you they probably have just poor camshafts or something because it seems like every like you can find cylinder heads and like these rocker covers.

All of them are missing the camshaft. So i think camgf sells really easy. The other parts not so much unless it you know, throws the timing chain and bends valves, but that seems to be the weak link that everything is burned up with so mine's no different and definitely see how bad they are. If you can see on the profile, that's actually like it's like a double: does it burn out there and like a burn out there on both of them and the other thing too? You really kind of want to change like if you get this, you kind of want the camshaft that was with it, because it they're kind of like polished to match each other.

So you introduce a different style. Uh different grind, we'll call it the uh. You kind of want those mating surfaces to match. So although she started out easy when fired up and stayed running on its original fuel, it was looking good.

We thought that was probably just going to be a valve adjustment or a timing chain issue, but she's uh. Definitely has a little bit more. She has more she's more needy than that kind of expected, so i'm not sure again, like where's, going to go uh, maybe a little bit before we get back to this and we'll see what kind of kicks up. As far as the parts are concerned, if somebody has a link to something feel free to send it along and the other thing too, you know even the head, you figured the surface was kind of scored up right here on that rocker that this head is probably The same way you pull that camshaft out of there, i'm sure.

There's some. You know some raspberries in there and there on those two mating surfaces. Yet, but oh well, stinking honda. I was praising you all right guys with that.

I'm going to go, shut her down and thank y'all for hanging out. I got some other stuff i need to go get into, so this is going to go hop off the bench for now and uh we'll start moving on them and then hopefully this comes back because i don't want to leave it like it is. I want to use it all right, see ya. What do you think we're debating whether that's going to be a good thumbnail or not? Can you tell what that is a vw, trike.

By Mustie

4 thoughts on “Honda’s first 4×4 atv left for dead. will it run?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars realfreshfood says:

    Yessss, I'm early!!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ripple says:

    First 👌

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony P says:

    Hey man love the videos!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrianW says:

    Yesss mustie 💪

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