I picked this 1974 Volkswagen Thing after being Donated to a auto museum. they did not have a use for there display so it was put up for sale, guess who bought it? ME!. so let's see what we got ourselves into,

Foreign. Hey guys, how's it going I'd like to introduce you to my 1974 VW thing. they were made sold in the United States I should say for two years 73 and 74. I think they actually made them from 69 to 80.

but in this country they were available for two years. A little backstory on this one. We're gonna start getting into it walking around seeing what it's got. but I was at a VW show last October in uh Boston and this the museum that had it had it for sale during the show and of course nobody bought it during the show and I inquired about it and I ended up with it.

It does need some love. It's got some issues I think it sat for a long period of time and then somebody tried to uh, rejuvenate it. That stuff will show up in a few minutes. It did run um, but it definitely did have some issues with it and still has some issues that we are going to iron out together.

Plus the stuff that we haven't found yet just like any used vehicle. so it was kind of like a I know you want to call like a trade-in or not trade in a um you take it the tax benefit and you donate it to you know, charitable places and the museum again is those charitable places that they donated to. The museum had no use for it in their collection so they sold it. They put up for sale at the BW show and I was the lucky winner.

I'm saying that now 74 you can tell there's some difference between 73 and 74. There's these covers over the vents on the back. You can immediately tell that's the 74. the 73s do not have that.

They got some heat system differences in them and a couple other Smalls, but generally they're pretty much the same car. This one's got a optional hardtop on it. It'd be nice if the back window opened like a hatch to make that rear section. A Little bit more accessible, but it does not, but the whole roof does come off.

You can take the whole assembly right off of there. and they do make convertible tops for them. Actually, it would have came from the factory with a convertible top. It's got soft top doors so the doors have these that are in them that can come out of them.

You just lift them right up and out. There's one sitting on the seat right there, but it's a summertime vehicle for the most part. You can take the doors right off of it. The windshield can fold flat down to the front like a Jeep it was Volkswagen's I think attempt I Think it the it kind of started during the, you know, during wartime.

in Germany they kind of wanted to create some kind of Jeep for themselves and I think this is kind of like the predecessor to that. The outside does not look terrible. It's been repainted. It does have bubbling going on in it.

You can see mostly in this area, but right there it's got some. I know there was some on the fender. it's a blister right there. I'm sure it's showing up and you can see some there there.

but for a were we going on 50 years now, it is. uh, you know, not terrible compared to everything else. Then again, I Have not put it up in the air. This is the first time we were going to go look at it together underneath it.
So let's get the lift up, take a peek and see what kind of issues are happening under there. Then we'll start getting the at the assessment we'll start doing some wrenching. All right, let's go under, take a peek. I do have it registered.

That's kind of the first thing I did make sure all the paperwork was okay before we start picking away at it. So they are a combination of VW Beetle I think VW bus and Karmann Ghia parts is the components that they're made out. of. It's like it's got original floors in it.

Looks like we get a line hanging down here from something I Don't know what what that line is. it's flapping. That's what. I'm looking at a little bit of rust in The Rocker right there.

I'm gonna guess by the fact that it's no longer connected to anything. that line that's probably for like evaporator canister for the gas tank. You might guess like the floor is separating right here. It's typical I'm I'm not quite sure where the batteries in this.

If it's like a beetle, that's where the battery would be and that's the common spot where they blow out and it's definitely been undercoated or that looks like fiberglass somebody put on it. huh? Yeah, that's a jack point too. It was just fiberglass. The jack point? It'll be fine.

I Would suggest any older Volkswagen of any sort. you do not try to use the jack points. It's not terrible against a New England car. I Think the backstory on it was it was at a summer home um in south of Boston I Think it was got a little positive event.

your boxes are on the Crusty side of when. I'm looking at these right here: I Think we have an axle seal that's been spitting fluid out. Looks like the rear main seal on the engine is leaking I Don't know how bad it's leaking, but it's wet. That's all this moisture right here.

Yeah, it's not terribly. Rusty Again, I'm not familiar with them so I don't know quite what does and doesn't blow out. Tires look decent I Don't see cracking in the side walls I Kind of want to change them out for something else anyway. like that thrower for another time.

So the issue I had with it I Don't know if I'm gonna be able to see it from down here was let's go. let's see if I can get you up in there. So all right, somewhere up there you see a pair of ice creams hanging. Yeah! I Decided to put gas in because it had no gas in it and when I put gas in it, the gas came right back out of it.

So the I believe it's probably the fuel line in the front has been corroded off. So that's when I just clamped it and parked it. and that's where we were dealing with males. like some put a wire on that steering box for the horn up there.

The beam looks decent I don't see any rust on the front beam. All right, and that's terrible. The brakes are dragging. you can tell by the way when I was pushing it what was happening I'm not sure what that moisture is right there if that is.
It's been stored indoors that whole time too. so whatever we're seeing is not water like whatever this is that's not water I Don't know Again, if that's a a fuel vent I doubt it's the brake line. The brake line should be like a beetle. It should run down the inside compartment down there on the inside of the flex.

lines look older but not terrible I do see some cracking on those or is that just paint That's blistering off. you put newer. it's got newer wheel cylinder in it I Could see the the bolt and the hardware looks newer again like I said it breaks our Dragon let's go drop it down. we'll open the hood and we'll open the uh engine compartment and see how they look.

So one of the reasons why I think it sat so long. foreign. You could see that it's got a bunch of like black mold. Let me figure out where the support Rod is there it is and the outside looked like it was cleaned up but the inside definitely looks like it was not and you can see the after effects of something that either sat in a garage or something for a long time and all the the black mold that's I believe that's what it is all over the inside of the inside.

here. again this look terribly Rusty which is nice. It's like it took a hit right there. There's the repaint.

You see all the those little that's all Bondo Like some people take a dead puller and pull the front end out. There's a reason for the repaint and probably why that. Fender is kind of crappy in the front there. How about the rest? This looks pretty good so we'll probably shoot some bleach on that and we'll let it sit and that should kill a bunch of that.

Let's go take a look at the engine compartment. One thing that looks like an issue that kind of made me want to address right now. the hinge looks like it's ripping out of the back of the deck or is already ripped out of it because that looks like it's been bound up. Let's give her, uh, something at least to help out so we're gonna have to address that too.

Get this open. you guys need to back up a little. Thank you. Actually spray both of them.

Find ourselves another prop rod. you can see. there's more mold back here too. it's kind of the same indication like it.

It sat for a long period of time and my guess is they probably brought it to a local repair shop of some sort and you could tell by that bright shiny carburetor that's on there and looks like it's got a new voltage regulator on the back wall there that they kind of went around and did what they did to try to get it running and maybe they got it running and solve the other issues that it had and decided to, uh, take the uh, the tax write-off For the most part it looks pretty complete. This is a bunch of stuff is um BW thing specific on the engine only and it looks like most of that is still there. The air cleaner set up and all meet well. I Think we should try to get it running for a little bit of rust right there.
Try to get it running first and we'll make it so at least I could don't have to push it in and out of the garage anymore. That shouldn't take too much again. I it was running when I had. It was running great but it was running.

We still have to go through everything so let's get, uh, back up in the air. Let's get that front tire off of there and see if we can replace that fuel line. Let's go see how much fuel is still in it. I don't have a better off draining it or trying to be trying to be fast about it.

The battery may still be good to see what the gas age does. If anything, I'm looking at that right there. she's going. It's good that both of these lights come on.

They should go one's oil light once generator. It's kind of like a self-test When you turn the key on it, they still light up I wonder if the gas pissed out of it? Anyway, let's go look down the cap. Yeah. I Don't know why it's so hard to push.

Both sides are like that. Yeah, give a little access to get in there. Now yes of my earlier opinions seem to be kind of following the same path. Looks like it's a newer gas tank and even the pickup with a fuel line is that's the brass thing in the center that we're looking at.

that's all new and my guess it was all contaminated, maybe full of rust or whatever it was. And they changed it all out and tried to uh you know, get it to run right again and I don't know again what happened after that? but uh definitely is that showing the tales of being sitting for a while? So let's um so it's got a in. the tunnel is one side of it and it's gonna be hard to get you in there with a camera. Tunnel is on one side connection and then the other side is the tank.

um sometimes your best bet this the gas. This doesn't have a easy access for the gas cap. we could try to drain it out. the Cascade shows that it's empty I filled it and when I saw it leaking I clipped it off.

So I don't know if that it's just gas station not working or it is is almost Is this is is almost out of gas. so I'm gonna go try and change that out. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hit the camera in there. there's just not enough room for the for the two of us.

so let me get that knocked out and we'll get rid of that crappy piece of fuel line there. I decided before I do that front line I'm gonna go jump on the back. there's another line back here. we're we are back by the transmission.

that's where this is and the engine's back there. There's a steel line that runs through the center tunnel of the car which is this and then goes back to a flex line. Because the engine is a motor mounts, it moves around. it can't be a hard line so that goes to the engine and then the engine has another metal line that runs up to the upper part too that.
we should also do those fuel lines while we're doing it. So let me get that one out of there. I Literally just touched the line on the other end because if we did it and it, they had the clamp here. but I think it was only put on about that far.

so that was doing it. Not much of anything. How about this side? Plus it's the wrong side. Yeah, look at that.

It's the wrong size fuel line. So Volkswagen uses a seven millimeter fuel line. This is probably quarter inch. It's too big.

Then you have to clamp down and kind of crush down on it. It's not a good setup then this is original. Volkswagen Fuel line is this braided fuel line that you can kind of see and this really doesn't need hose clamps. The outside jacket of it is a weave that keeps tension on the the outside.

Jack is almost considered a hose clamp, but the problem with this fuel line is for the most part it's not good for ethanol fuel. It deteriorates them and causes a lot of problems. This I was able to find I haven't tried using it yet. This is seven millimeter fuel line that is set up for ethanol fuel so we're gonna go try to set this up.

Use this. We'll use those hose clamps over if they're needed and uh, we'll find out in the future if that works out for us. Well I guess over the eight months that it's been sitting in storage, it's slowly seeped the gas out of it as those were the white. Now the wet stains that we were seeing down below because I got the fuel line off of it and there is nothing coming out of the tank.

So gas gauge works. I Think it's just bone dry? All right. We get the fuel line back on there with a clamp and we can move on. So I bet you can guess look at that fitting is made generally.

if you look at it from a side profile, it's straight and then it has like a little bit of a bulbous into it. This has sharp edges on the outside of it. Bring it there! I Tried putting the fuel line on it. cut right through the fuel line so it's like they cut it with a chop saw or something on the end of it and this whole upper side right here is like a razor blade.

So I'm gonna work on that kind of file that out of the way and hopefully get our fuel line back on there without cutting it. I tried piling on it and I did I got you know, a little bit kind of cut away on you can see I was running my file on the edge there but it still didn't see anything. It's like a razor blade on the edge of it, just too sharp. It's actually kind of like I said it should have like a bulb to flare and then come back to a taper again.

and it's not. It's just like a razor blade. Edge and I actually think it's what maybe the original failure would because that is right where it was brought up to and the line cut through it would have failed anyway, but that did not help it. That was the abrasion that took it out.
you know. So a bunch of crap in the tank too. This is what's sitting in there. looks like just some crud.

it's in the base of the tank. I Don't know if I have another one of these or not. but like I said I'm probably gonna go and we'll take a um, a pipe cutter and we'll cut the edge of that and at least have it just so it's straight and uh, not that setup that's on there. but I'm gonna go look and see if I have another one of these.

No, we got to go to the ghost one we got Cisco scene to flush on the end. We'll go. take that, we'll hit it on a wire wheel so it doesn't have any sharp edges on the edge. I'm going to gasket for it too.

Let's see how this goes together now. Oh much better. That's what we're looking for and when it bends, it doesn't cut. I was putting it in it was cutting right through the side of the jacket.

Perfect. Nice snug fit so the fuel lines are all back on up in there. We got this wheel off I Figured maybe we'll go chase. uh, backing off the brake adjustment.

Hopefully it is not the wheel cylinders that are seizing and it's just that there's rust in there I Don't know if you can see the little star wheel right there. so that's what we're gonna go back off. That's the brake adjustment. uh, all the year? cool.

VW Stuff has manual adjusting brakes so we're just going to go in there with a spoon, take a little bit of pressure off of it. Let's see what that does for us. There we go should be two and one on the other side too. There's a lower one, one for each shoe.

I Have to take my word for it. So I'm gonna go hit the brakes real quick. and I'm gonna see if this wheel locks up again and or if it's just Ch3 but it locks it up. Then we got probably wheel cylinders that are, uh, all rusted up that pumped up a couple times.

Yeah, it's gonna be an issue. Um, let's not kind of jump on that right now. we know we have to address it, but let's continue on. Throw a couple bolts in I Want to get it? kind of like running and yard driving.

We know we have that to deal with. Hey just check out back what we got for fuel line. so we got the front one done, the one underneath done. It looks like they did the carve.

this all looks like new fuel line that's on there. let's give you going. there's a line. here's that steel line I was talking about that I attached to on the other end that goes to the fuel pump and it looks all decent and then from the fuel pump out to a fuel filter out back in up to the carb now it looks pretty decent.

All right, let's go dump some gas in the tank and we'll make sure we don't have any leaks and go from there. All right, you keep an eyeball in there for me. Let me know if anything pisses out. I Put I replace the gasket on there, but it wasn't exactly the right size.

that's just what it's whistle anything. pour it out right kind of bread with that. that brass nipple is what I was really concerned about right there. no dripping.
Yeah. I'm going for it. put a whole gallon in it because we got to get up over that went up into the tank about about an inch. Keep you from getting picking up the crap you know that we saw.

We can be rust or sediment. How about now because you don't kill the battery, let's um, we'll fill the float ball up manually. This is a vent that goes into the float. so instead of us cranking and cranking and cranking and trying to get the fuel pump and everything and fuel lines to fill, this should be able to run long enough for it to do just that.

Yeah, let's give her a crack. see what we get. Foreign There we go. Let it sit like that for a second.

Feels pretty good. Okay running. nice things sound terrible. Taking a quick look for any leaks shouldn't be.

that's all under vacuum. It's not like it's pressurized. The fuel pump's in the back, you know, not in the front. pressurizing.

all that system. Let's take a quick look at that front setup. You want to let it run too long either? I Want to adjust the valves? All right. Excellent.

Give her a couple of revs of the throttle, listen to it real quick and we'll shut it down a little bit longer. I'm going to open the door. gonna let it run for just a couple minutes to make sure that the fuel system fills all the way up and it's running on the fuel tank. Not what I put in the carburetor should run about about a minute here.

A little chirpy. We got just a belt slipping around the generator a little. Sure the batteries blow some rust on that bottom pulley gets all the way off. Good.

That's the idle up that fuel pump. So you get a little wet around the bed and basically that fuel pump. Yeah, I Think it's the pump itself. Let me go.

shut it off. Yeah. I Believe there's a little vent hole right up here somewhere and looks like that's what's leaking down. We're going to keep an eye on that.

I Think we need a fuel pump though. Uh, some pumps too. I Also know if they'll leak internally and what I'll do is it'll go into the oil and thin the oil out and cause you to have problems. Yeah, it's starting to look like it's kind of an issue, huh? It's not a cheapo, aftermarket one either.

It is a Volkswagen one. It's too bad. I would like to have kind of kept that one well considering it's crappy out and raining out anyway. I Think now maybe it'd be a good time to.

We'll back it outside, we'll spray it down with a bunch of bleach where all that mold is and we'll let that set up and we'll hit it with a pressure washer on top of the gas line is leaking underneath. It looks like the fill neck probably right here is leaking. Also, you see, it's all wet down there. where I pour gas in it and it's all running down.
This keeps on giving doesn't it? Oh well. 50 year old cars right? All right. let's get this thing outside and spray all this crap down and see if we can get rid of some of this mold that's in here. First drive, if anything else works all right, time for it.

Take a bleach bath if it goes away. That's what it was. It was also like a bunch of black mold. If it doesn't it's dirt.

It's kind of looking like the mold to me though. Give that a good soaking. Yep, I'm going with mold. it's already disappearing.

It goes from like a black color to like that tannish brown over here might be a different story. This is where the gas is. That might be just discoloration from the gas. Let's go give the hood some love.

Fortunately, all the wiring is down at the dash. It's not like a beetle where you're open the hood and you see the wiring. This is all. Nothing's in here.

I Don't have to worry about too much getting stuff wet again. We're gonna hit it with a pressure washer so we might have to, uh, punch some drain holes in the bottom down by the tire. Well, we'll see. let's get behind the license plate.

Oh my. God All right, we'll let that set up and um, let's go to the back engine bay. put a shot in there. I'll probably just soak everything back here, even the the engine itself.

We're gonna hurt it. sorry. pressure wash the whole engine down. Also, one time get rid of the crud if you can see it on the engine lid there that looks like this.

the original color more of a a bright white whereas the rest of it looks like it's kind of like a cream color. I Don't know if it shows up on camera. I should have popped that air cleaner out of there. give us a little bit of room.

We'll let that do its thing. we can go weak. The chances are that that's a drain plug. could be.

grab a screwdriver, try to stab underneath that. If not, we're gonna drill a couple of holes. There we go, that's a drain hole and what if I just punched out of that is now a drain hole sticks. Five days to make it a pretty big difference.

Pretty quickly, get some dirt on it, but mostly that's all it was. was mold going in there. whoever humid, sticky garage or wherever it was parked. I Think the whole thing was like this too and they kind of like washed the outside, cleaned it up.

but you can get into any of this. Yeah. I'll give it a little bit more time and fire up the pressure washer and give her a shot. You may have to do it twice.

Maybe not that I'm gonna aim for, but let's try to see if we can, um, maybe throw some duct tape over the top of that generator. Let's try to keep water out. that's gonna stick or not though. give it a Fighting Chance right? Probably just gonna blow right off of there.

too oily. I Think it's okay. we can't get wet if you look at like a Karmagia Karmagia. The engine lid is open on older ones and you can see right down to the generator.
so every time it rains it does go right on them. Not that that's what I'm aiming for. it's like that's cleaning up. pretty good too.

All right, foreign. About a good 45 minutes or so, but definitely made a decent Improvement Anything that is that was not, um, mold. you know, the greasy dirt still kind of stays on there. This is probably all just sitting here.

I think I'm gonna let it. we'll try to fire it up I think chances are of that, huh. Soak the engine down pretty good. Got inside here.

These are all moldy up in here too. I Probably should have speed I shot from Bleach from the inside up I Probably should have shot down in here too. Done the same. Not saying that it can't go for another bath, but definitely got rid of most of the heavy crap that's in there in the bottom of the deck lid.

Looks decent good. You think you think she's gonna fire you? A little faith our tape stayed on. Let's go turn the key. see we get If not, I'll just kind of crank it in on a starter and we'll let it dry out overnight.

Hey I'm gonna say no, but let's see what we get I wonder if I'm gonna let it run out here a little bit. You stay running I guess you just working I Guess okay. I'm gonna let it run. let it burn off whatever water's in the engine bay a little bit.

I Also let the engine just run but I filling up the the shop with oh I had my teeth right. see if we go much better, let's go pop it in second gear. I don't feel I gotta go about 15 feet forward 20. see if it'll crank in a second.

That was a decade shutting down. Come on up over the hill. How many people are feeling bad for that starter? All right. that'll start right now.

Points are wet all right. Well, it's the next day and I left the cap off of it just in case any water got in there. Good piece of dirt just went in and uh, hopefully everything dried out if that's what the case was. Finally the thought is possible.

maybe we blew a fuse for the coil, but I think the wires just got wet and it caused it to shut down. Give her a crack, see what it does, see if she'll fire up. Thank you! Yeah, sugar. Miss him a little bit so it might be a little bit wet on something.

I don't want to get it too hot, get it back up on the lift and uh I want to pop the valve covers off? Start looking in the valve adjustments. We're just going to kind of go over things because it's new to us and uh, see what condition things are in. foreign? Let's get it. So that number one cylinder, which is going to be this plug wire right here.

We want the rotor facing that so we're pretty close. Just go rotate, rotate that. There's a little notch in there too. and essentially wherever the rotor is pointing at whatever cylinder that is, that's the cylinder that I can adjust the valves on.

Kind of quick and dirty way of doing it. Let's get her up in the air a little bit more. who's gonna pop the valve cover off and that's going to tell us the history of I again I Have no history of this whatsoever. so I don't know how well it's been maintained and when you pop the valve cover off, whatever crap is in there is going to kind of indicate the oil was changed or not valve's adjusted or not.
Let's go find out. All right, let's see if we can do this. I'm knocking the light off Chevrolet Wolf give a decent indication of How It's been maintained that actually looks really good. That actually looks awesome.

Happy for that. I'm just gonna take a quick look see if we have any studs pulling which would be these kind of be showing a lot of threads. They look decent, looks pretty clean. So we're gonna adjust number one cylinder which is going to be this one and we are looking for six thousand.

That's a cold adjustment. That's why I didn't want to heat the engine up too much. That's real sloppy and that one's real sloppy. You really need to get the some of the play.

Um, sloppy is not so dangerous is when they go. tight is when they burn a valve. so I'd rather have it loose and tight. Yeah, all right, knock it off.

Uh. so I'm gonna go get a wrench. We'll go crack them loose, start adjusting them, and work our way around. I'm not sure how many miles are on this thing.

did you guys notice when we were at the Um speedometer. Go take a peek and it looks like we have. It's not 290. now that's 29 000.

at 29 000 miles on it, 129 . it doesn't look like it has 129. That's the original engine, that's not. Yeah.

I would say that would look about right for what's shown inside the valve cover. I'm not happy about that. Hopefully that's what it is I forgot on the paperwork when I even looked into. they probably wrote it down as 29 000.

Awesome! I Think it was just used at a summer home so it doesn't It probably didn't get that much use just putting around going out for ice cream Maybe Yeehaw Yeah, it's a little bit of tight quarters, but let's see how this works out for us. so we're just gonna go crack those BM that's loose on both of them because we know both of them need to be adjusted and sometimes they sit for a long time. the center is kind of frozen to it. Let's see what we get.

yeah, a little bit. So I'm just going to set them up. so I have a little bit of drag on them I'm sure the lighting's getting it terrible. see if we can move that light all right? So I want to get up on there and just get it so that drag something like that and sometimes when you tighten the nut up it'll change it.

That's pretty good. That's too sloppy. So I'm going to do the same. I'm going to do all the cylinders going around the next cylinder again.

I'll just rotate the rotor so it uh, points at cylinder number two. I'll adjust number two and then number three and number four. Anything funky shows up I'll bring you back, but looks like it's pretty straightforward. Yeah, everything was fine all the way around.
I Did go and notice that we do have a issue with the exhaust. This is the heater box. This is. uh, exhaust flows through that Center pipe right here and then air from the engine blows through here and up into the cabin and creates heat.

Okay, exchanger of some sorts. Well, the exhaust part is wasted right there. so they make a repair kit for I may have some, but we'll just kind of keep that in mind. Actually looks like somebody might even weld it on it a little bit.

Go see how's the other one I thought I noticed that one right? You'll notice the second one. It looks pretty good. Still, all right, so we need it I wonder if they I was gonna say maybe they've replaced one of the either boxes. This one looks a little cleaner than the other one.

my my lights having a bad day. Yeah, they're about the same vintage. just needs a little love. One thing I noticed too.

I Don't know if it's showing up for you guys. Look at the muffler you see on the left hand side. see how it's leaning downward like that? There's it's tighter up on that side than it is on that side. I Don't know if it's optical illusion for the bumper or the the.

It's kind of fixed. There's not. It's not like that bumper is hanging from, you know, long lengthy tubes. It Bolts right to the cylinder head I Don't think you're really gonna be able to see anything but up here.

The muffin goes. Yeah, it's got a tin over it so the muffler bolts right to the side of the cylinder head. so if it's bent. um, actually, it means the combination of both because I'm looking at the Gap here right that Gap gets smaller on the bumper so the Bumper's out of whack a little bit.

but I don't think it's that I think the Bumper's out and I think the muffler's out both. I'm gonna keep an eye on that. Maybe it took a hit in the ass end. Not sure.

All right. I can go button this stuff up. Another thing we want is check the point cap. you want sixteen thou on the top of the lobe.

Essentially, you're just trying to put the points in there and not have them open up at all. that wires in our way a little too big, that's how much plate isn't I gotta close that up I Also need the center of that I can definitely use dropper to oil going down that there's already grease on I can see white grease is already on the uh, kiems. So the point? What happens if this is not Lube is a little tab on the points. You know it's not like a bird chirping while it's running.

Wear that little pad down and then the point gap will close up on it. You're gonna close that Gap up a little bit. It's about 20 thou. I'm gonna make it about 16..

One last thing before you put that cap. I'm going to check Vacuum Advance. So this distributor has, uh, vacuum and Mechanical Advanced vacuum runs off the distributor up here. where this hose is going runs down to a diaphragm.
Sometimes these diaphragms will fail such again. This car is 50 years old, so I'm going to just draw on that I'm going to suck on it and we should see that rotor move the plate rather the point plate, not the rotor that's working correctly. And then on the rotor, there's mechanical. Advanced You can see how much I'm moving it there and it's springing back.

It's a set of weights on Springs down below that are just doing this as I'm going out. Well as that spins faster faster spins. the more those weights move out, the more that that rotor will advance itself. So as vacuum and mechanical Advance both of them seem like they're doing what they're supposed to be doing good.

Hey, looking at that belt, it's got a bunch of dry Rod You can see the cracking in between them so on the Volkswagen she always kind of carry a spare anyway so we're gonna go take this one off. I Do believe I have new ones upstairs so we're gonna go change it out and Maybe hold on I'm twisting. you only had to take I think somebody was trying to tighten that to taking the belt. It doesn't work that way.

It's got shims in it and you adjust the shims for how far apart the um two halves of the pulley are and it tightens up on the belt and change the adjustment because the generator doesn't move, it's fixed so you would take shims. You see some shims inside here. you would take more or less of them in or out of here and it allows this pulley to get closer or farther away. Come on, don't fight me.

It gets closer or further away and that changes the adjustment. How far up the belt rides? Let me go look for a new one of these. You can see how they're cracking that is in it. That's really kind of Punky and we'll just throw this one a lot of times.

You put it in the spare tire in the little clips that are in it and just kind of make sure there's a spare so that's a new belt that's in there. and I left the shims the way they are and you can see how tight that is. So I got to take some shims from the outside here and place them on the inside. So I get yeah, you want about like out half inch amount of movement.

so I'm probably gonna jump. The swapping maybe about three shims in three or four is pretty tight and over time they do kind of wear in. and the biggest thing I like to annoying me. The biggest thing is, um, this is more than just a generator.

this is the fan. That's why it's so important to have a good belt on it because you lose this. it will overheat and probably about five minutes or so if you're driving it, you know? So I'm just going to keep rotating those shims around. It already feels better and you got to put the spares on the outside of it because it needs to.

This can't bottom out if you if you just took the shims out and didn't use them, it needs I Want to say it's 11 total in the stack. It's something like that and that'll make it so that keep spinning it around. and I'm gonna screw with this and take that light and throw it. throw it out the window.
You got to kind of spin it around too because it's got a the belt's got to kind of like come up out of the groove as you're tightening it that's still too tight. I'm gonna probably go, maybe another two shims and should get us in the window. There's a little more tweaking and that's got it. It's good.

Like I said, like a half inch of play. Uh, you don't want to go too tight too because it'll kill the bearings in the generator so that's a good compromise. Yeah, she was due for a change. not terrible though, which we're gonna pull that down.

There's a fair oil filter he's up inside here. it's a piece of screen and after this gets done draining, we'll take a peek and see how crudded up that is. So that's why the valve covers. though.

my guess is not going to be too bad. one of the bolts had a uh two washers on it, which was wrong. not so big of a deal, but yeah, she's done dripping Let's uh, the last one off of there. one of them pulled out as a stud too.

So I'm doing the same together. Sometimes this stud will come right out. he's putting back in the same way. All right.

So look at the sludge on the bottom of that is really not that bad. I've seen him with the whole thing's been packed solid. Again, that's the whole idea of it too. So let's get this down.

and I can tell this has not been apart in a while. A lot of times two people change the oil. they used to have a a plug in the center used to be able to pull out and the screen would never come out. Nobody would ever remove the screen and we get all clogged up.

There we go and uh Volkswagen decided later on to get rid of that plug in the center. so you have to drop the screen every time you want to take the oil out of it. All right, that's looking pretty good. looking through the side of that all that's fairly clean.

A lot of you'll see they're all mudded up is a little booger right there about it. Felt like a piece of rubber. That's good. I'm gonna go wash these components up and go clean that out.

and I'll just put all that back together I Clean those components up. you just. you get. they sell these little gasket sets like this and it has the new brass washers in them and you just clean them.

You don't have to replace them. they do sell new ones of these but for the most part you just rinse them out and put them back on again. One thing I was noticing compared to regular Beetle it looks like I think this is on BW things. Maybe there's a skid plate.

All the stuff that you see here is not on a regular Beetle So I don't know if this is an aftermarket thing or all things aftermarket thing. All things came with this I'm sure it'll pop up in the comment section. I'm gonna clean that up. we'll throw it back back together and before we go back up top we're gonna take the drain plug out of the trains and we're gonna go stick our finger in the hole and see what the gear level of that is.
I have no history on this so I just kind of want to. You know. check all the boxes, make sure that uh, we're not going to burn something up. So this has a transaxle meaning the transmission.

The rear ends the same thing. So this is the drain plug. It's uh, like a big 17 millimeter. Allen get something.

That's how you would drain it and then it's got a fill right there. So I'm gonna go work a wrench up inside there and I'm gonna put another 17 millimeter wrench on this to try to crank it. Sometimes it'll go. it depends to tighten it.

yeah, 17 millimeter wrench on there and turn that. We take the plug out and all you gotta do is just stick your finger in. as long as you go down. you know about that far.

your finger gets wet, you're good. Stop it. And generally unfortunately like this, we haven't driven it much. If we, if we drove it a bunch, any crap would have got kicked up in it.

and when you put it when you uh, do the dunk so to speak. if um, you see contaminants and you change it Chevrolet it stays pretty good. I don't know what the maintenance interval would be on gear oil. Motor Oil is 3000 on these now called cleaning my finger to your bacon that's looking pretty dirty.

I'm gonna go see what I have for gear oil. Yeah, I could use a change. Definitely. Mana even hasn't even spun much right? Just drove it out and drove it in.

We we haven't even run this thing up to speed so it's too late at night for me to go I don't know I gotta drain that until I have fluid but we know it needs to be done. At least there's fluid in it and we're not going to burn that up. but that needs to be addressed as I got that filled up straight 30. also.

um, a lot of people use that I use it too is um, the diesel oil because diesel oil still has. um I want to see Teflon it's not Teflon um, it's like Coating in it that helps protect the camshaft. I'll think of it in a second when it's too late. but yeah, the soy holds like 2.7 quarts.

There's not much to them. the older bugs would have a oil bath, air cleaner, and essentially what was left of the 2.7 you put in the air filter and that was part of it. This does I Do not think it has that setup I gotta look into it. nothing.

we still need to kind of check on. I'm gonna go put my preheat hoses back on and my PE hose and my computer box hoses back on I took them off when I was pressure washing them. that's just air that pumps out of here down through those heater boxes that we showed. and I think the next thing that we really need to kind of go deal with so it has any kind of drivability is looking into those front brakes while they're dragging.
So let me go throw that together and we'll hop back on the front. when I looked up the engine code and am that's what's stamped on the block right? there is VW Thing only because it has um bosses for that skid plate that's underneath it. That's good. It is the original motor or at least it's original.

Moto 4 VW Thing you could put a Beetle engine in there, but those skid plates I guess are from the factory I screwed that up with the pressure washer I think I got new ones. Um, but that is the correct one for that skid plate and it has I guess the bosses for the mounting holes for that skid plate that we saw underneath there. So I think it's got 29 000 miles on it. so it's kind of looking at the front end and I was thinking about a little bit so we have, you know, definitely dragging.

We already backed that one off and we saw that it tightened up soon as we hit the brakes again. Now I'm going to show you the other side the other front wheel. Here we are over on the driver's side about the same amount of drag. so I'm thinking that we may have a different issue.

So inside there you have brake shoes on both sides, these little hydraulic wheel cylinder brake fluid comes in through here. There's pistons on the outside here and here that move that move the brake shoes out and they may contact at the same time with the brake drum. and when you let off the pedal, the cylinders squeeze back together. If you look if you were to have a radar Vision Inside here there's a spring in the middle, uh, a cap and a cap, a diaphragm and a diaphragm and the fluid pushes out.

When the pressure goes away, it relaxes the spring pressure. the Springs going across these brake shoes right across here that push these shoes back together and it doesn't touch anymore. Well what can happen is the wheel cylinder can get credit up over time and those little Pistons they push out because there's a lot of pressure there. but when you let off the pedal they kind of relax and you know again get out of the way and sometimes it does not happen and get your brakes Dragon What it is.

But here both our brakes are dragging the same amount and although it can be both wheel cylinders uh are doing the same thing, there's a possibility that we may be having another problem. How many are following me right now? The same I know what it is, so get on it. So what I'm going to try doing is I I Think the system might be holding pressure in a way we're going to be able to tell. We're going to go take one of the bleeders.

we're gonna go put a wrench on it. We're gonna go crack the bleeder open if we get like a bit of fluid that kind of under a little bit of pressure that shoots out of it. Then the system was holding pressure and we do that and both Wheels turn. These aren't our problem.
Let's go try that and see what happens. Awkwardly positioned here, right? Let's even get a wrench on it. doesn't matter which side you do because the both fronts are tied together, it's an eight millimeter. Hopefully it'll break free.

We'll see. Uh, actually that might be a seven. Yeah, I think that was a seven. I Think it'll be a different range hold.

That thought Yeah, it's better. One chance not to strip it out right. See anything I'm gonna let the dribble for a second. Let's see if they made any difference.

Oh, if my thought was right, it would have been. Yeah. So the brakes are still locked up just as they were what I was thinking was the master cylinder. The plunger in the master cylinder was not returning and it was holding pressure on the lines along both front wheels to be locked up.

we're going into the front wheels actually I Kind of prefer that it's not the master Zone It's more of a pain in the ass to get to. All right, let's get the, um, the wheels off of here and the brake drum out and we'll see what they look like. Oh foreign. that looks like a newer wheel cylinder though.

I Really? Kind of. uh. sometimes you can push back and forth. Let's um, take get the Clips off and get the brakes right off of it and we'll see how pre-op read up they are.

Fronts are super simple. It's got a little, uh, kind of half turn flips that fold them on a whole assembly should just lift. You should be able to lift it right out of there that keeps the brakes together. Shoes look pretty good.

So much wear on there so these should be able to rotate. Let's go put a little bar in them. Yeah, but it was so it just bound up from sitting both of them. So let's go get a uh a set of pliers.

You can not even have to take the um, the guts out from below it. maybe just the upper part of the Pistons that are stuck. Somebody definitely did. It looked like they put new brakes on it.

Let's get these out of here. There's probably just a little bit of crud on them. Yeah, because you got aluminum and steel. These are aluminum and that's just the kind of corrosion that built off on them.

It was not allowing them to return. so we might have to do this. All four wheels. there we go.

So I'm gonna go clean them up on a wire wheel. We're gonna take a quick look. Let's go take a quick look at that bore that's in there. Go see.

Did not look really corroded. Too much light. It's too much light, right? You can see that that's the little rubber piston that's down below. I Think they're gonna be all right.

We just gotta clean the crap off of them that is crowded up on them just from sitting. Yeah! I Thought this thing sat for a while and then we gotta get. that's the inner bearing and then that's the seal behind it that's supposed to stay inside the brake drum so that's gonna get popped off. Let me just kind of go and clean them.
Repack them anyway while they're here. Adjusters seem like they're all free. Somebody greased up the backing plate like it should be. So let's pop them in there and see if they are free.

They won't. Um, that's fine. You don't put any grease or anything on them. Um, the other part really won't stick.

If anything, that'll Leak with a little rubber. um, caps are. they shouldn't really be an issue. We're gonna find out soon enough.

So I'm going to go through it. I'm not going to waste you guys time. We'll put all this stuff back together. I'm going to repack the bearings I'll take the wheel off the other side.

I'm not going to do the rear quite yet. I Want to kind of Jack it up and we'll check and see how those are if they're mining or not, but we're just going to concentrate on the front I Think it's just the two front that felt like they had an issue. So I'm going to do this with the proper tooling instead of my fingers. Throw all this back together and we'll maybe we'll jump over the other side.

take a peek what that one looks like too. The right tool for the right job. Let's see if I got some new ones of them up upstairs in my stash I think I do Yeah, this side's off. This one even comes complete with its own cobwebs I had to go pop that up I'm betting it's gonna be the same deal though.

Yep, that one's stuck that one. Not too bad. there's your problem I'll do the same thing all over again. Hey, do ourselves a test run.

they're both spinning. Let's go jam on the brick pedal a couple times and make sure it doesn't lock up anymore. and driver's side. they'll make a little bit of, um, like the shoes touch.

That's a little bit of a noisy here and that's fine. We'll smash that a couple times. We break pedal pads too. Let's get rid of these shot.

I should have a set of those around somewhere. That's the clutch that clutch should have. Um, free play? Maybe a little less than that. and it should kind of return.

Feels okay though, that that's good. That's got a little too much replay too. There's a stop on the floor that uh, creates where the pedals rest at. It's a little pad that's behind these two.

Looks like it needs to be kind of brought up because that pedal is kind of. They're a little too far forward. I Think just that's just out of whack a little about. Fix both of those three places.

That's gonna see what our brakes are like, see if they're free and driver side. Oh yeah, they even settled themselves the brake shoes. You can hear it's not even touching as much. Let's go see the other side.

Hey passenger side. Oh yeah! I don't know about the back brakes but the front ones are working now. What? I Found cuddle pants and one for you. It's Volkswagen upside down? What? Come on now.

attention to detail. I'm gonna have to probably get up there with my little claw hook to get behind there. Okay, kick you guys out of the way standing in my spot. Good! Ness Foreign box repair kit I was talking about.
So you you cut off the damage that was there and you Hammer this into the uh exhaust part of it and it just it's just a a tight fit wedge fit and then this goes into the muffler and there's the clamp that goes back around it and it just gets rid of that rotten spot that's in it. They're pretty common a long time ago in the aftermarket one, which is because they're gonna have that uncomfortable feeling about not checking those rear brakes for Dragon like the fronts were I Think we should, uh, let the front down Bring It Forward a little bit Jack The ass in up in the air and see what we got just in case. Well, is he able to roll it Forward on the left, fairly easy. That one's fine.

Let's go check the other side and how do you want to play? Sorry I had an emergency brake on. So I think we'll keep an eye on it. it's not bound up. um again, would you keep an eye on it when we take it for a test drive later, we'll just kind of feel if we're getting some heat uh, generating on the wheels.

What? I Did pick up though was a bunch of gear oil for the transmission so let's fire it up. We'll put it in like third or fourth gear. We'll let it run for a minute so it turns up the gearbox and then we'll drain the fluid out of that. It's running for about a minute or so.

It's pretty quiet I Don't hear it any whining out of the pants in third gear Jack Failed launched across the room. Sounds quieter too. It's about adjusting. Those brakes are fine.

We went on for about another 30 seconds. We'll shut it off. That's good enough. I Don't want to fill the shop up with exhaust? There we go.

Yeah, it seems decent. All right. Flip that up and get the crappy stuff out of it. Yes, let her rip.

We get on there. It's probably my bet. I'm like yes, it's probably never been changed. Uh, yeah, definitely needs to be done.

It's pretty. Mucky it's like black milky 50 year old gear oil. Let that piss for a while and see how it does. Anyone's gonna pan looks more like motor oil than it does gear oil, huh? Yeah, at least there's something in it, so there's that.

So if any have ever dealt with trying to get gear oil up inside of one of these, I Got one of these little pump jobs set it up. let's go purge out. I think it was automatic transmission fluid we used it on Last, let's see if this will work for gear oil not looking good? Yeah, all right guys and we'll try and injecting that up in there until it overflows and it should be full. Well I was working on air cool Volkswagen and I guess the VW signal bat signal went up in the air and uh Brian decided to show up because he wanted to go play too.

You brought over. would you get a buffalo a buffer you brought over? Yeah. So I think we're going to work on cleaning up the the body of the paint a little bit while he's here and we may even go raise the roof. We're gonna go looking to see what it takes to take that top off.
Maybe it'll help us access, try to clean up some of that well in the back and all. So look at how it's connected. Didn't look at this all that much. It looks like like right there here there's a bolt that goes through probably the regular pivot for the convertible.

It has these that are like like for Jeep Hood latch down the back side and in the front. It looks like it's got a couple of latches here and one more in there. So let's go get the bolts out of there and hopefully this thing's not too stupid heavy. I don't know if you can see there's a rack right there.

we're not quite sure if that's going to hold it or not. We're gonna go find out. We've got a plan B setup too, but uh, neither one I don't think is a great idea. It's like a Flintstones with their uh nope it looks like dirty you went to uh Brian went to go on bolt it it like you touched it with a wrench and the bolt fell right out of it.

Was like one thread was holding each one of them. Don't look too bad underneath, they're just dirty. It's not like it's a got a bunch of rust or anything and that's how long it would. Yeah, that's the one that.

uh, plenty. Good thing they're slow, slow moving vehicles all right. So we're gonna go get ready to go clean this thing up. Maybe we'll wash some of that crappy dirt off of there and let's see.

I think I showed it before. it was the rust kind of coming out where the hinges are. it's kind of bleeding down on the body. I Don't know if the camera is picking them up or not.

Like right here you see streaks coming down. Let's go see what makes out. I Wonder if the chances are that windshield will fall down without those hinges? Yeah, there's a latch on your side. Let me go pop you guys in the stand.

You Released it last time. Yours yet? it is released I Mean it. Just move. That's a good time that click right into that hood.

You won't have to do it. but yeah, found some rest that's getting a little bit of left-handed Stop picking it right. Stop picking out. You're gonna be the worst.

That's terrible. That's okay. Famous last words right? with glasses staying in it? Um, he does. It's got cool look to it.

It made it three and a half feet shorter. Doors come off too. You just turn them and lift them. The doors come right out of it.

Keeps getting lighter and lighter enough playing. Let's go get some cleaning. Then a little pre-surgery prep doctor doctor, how's the paint underneath? It actually looks pretty good. Oh rub marks where it was.

Uh, just chattering. so we're in the middle of a complete meeting. It's uh SpongeBob before we start getting the waxy stuff and uh, we're talking Brian Went with me to go get it I did and uh, he remembers the story I guess better than I do I do and he said he said it was from Nantucket Yes, well there's that and he took it's an island. there's Martha's Vineyard and that's kind of one of the ritzy Islands Well then there's me and Tuckett which is deep in a smaller Island that uh well, the prestige people are I would explain why it has 29 000 miles on it because it couldn't go anywhere.
Well how far are you going? You're right. it's my circle at nine times today so that explains a lot of stuff. Also kind of explains the kind of weird russets on it. The game: Go play an animal.

I Get a clean up around the hinges. real nice sir. I Do believe I do as long as it gets rid of most of the staining. Yeah, elbow grease just takes a little elbow grease and the right chemical program, but just hitting this with a wire wheel will just kind of Ripple right back.

Maybe we'll paint that section of it again. I Think it's common on all of them to do that. It's not rusted right across. I Guess we can point now.

Do we need a windshield? You have glasses? That's the sunglasses. Therefore, yeah, let's just take it off. Yeah yeah, it's summer. Where's your windshield summertime? Go on top I'm a stairs Summer of the time is gone going topless so Brian's getting ready to run the buffer and him.

and I found on Marketplace carpet kit for a VW Thing I don't know what pieces it's got so we're gonna go lay it out and see what we have and that's a good place to try and do that anyway. you bet. I think we got more pieces than we do have car I don't think there's that much floor in there. keeps going.

you can go pieces back here I might wait on putting those in. Foreign cameras picking up just like like acid rain specs that are in it over here and over here. Nada feels nice is so how many you were yelling at us to flip the thing around on the stand? It'll be just fine. Well there you go, we heard you.

Well I got about 70 of the carpet figured out where it goes up down around the seats. there. we got that which they don't know where it goes. there's another one that's like that having a feeling it's probably for the tunnel that goes through it or up in the footwells in the front, but not sure I might want to get some wiper blades on it.

That might be an issue. any old one. size fits most. I think we needed about about that long.

Let's go a hair longer just in case see how that works out. So Brian did an awesome job at detailing it all up and I think we're ready to go for a ride. but the only problem is we, uh, don't have an inspection sticker. so I think that should fix that problem.

So I feel like, um, the programmers movie the Cop cuts the roof? put the evidence in the back. Junior Junior: what's your mother's day? So fast, a little windy, foreign was kind of wet so I was a little concerned about that. So we're gonna go pull the motor anyway to go change your rear main and a clutch disc. He's got a Corral One Direction oh yeah, is that I've never heard something? It might be a speedometer cable.
It's time, judging by the alignment of the steering wheel too. We're going straight and that's what we're getting so it might be scrubbing real bad. Yeah, that that we're fine. just going right.

it's quiet, you're all right. Somebody wrecked their way. That brakes pretty good. pretty even.

Other than the wacky steering wheel, let's go putter around the samphet or something. now. we got it all. nice and clean.

Nice. I Like that. Yeah, so we are looking for a gas leak somewhere. Popping it here.

we go right there. I Think this is really dry too. like the Sahara Yeah, oh you think it's pissing? Oh yeah. oh yeah, that could be an issue with a pie.

No, it's great. we're on that one. I think we'll uh, chill out at five gallons Maybe Okay, as we're driving, it's gonna Splash up through there. probably.

Is it a smoking flight s foreign? Well guys. I think we've come to the point of the video we're going to be calling it on this one. We've definitely got more work to do, but at least we got a good idea what we have. and uh, it seems pretty decent.

Hey, you know, a little on the rusty side, but it's a low mileage machine. Uh, basically we have to go. Chase is still the oil leak in the back, the clutch disc we're gonna need to replace in that exhaust. uh, heater box that has that leak in it and all that can kind of get done in one shot.

You've got to pull the engine to do it and you'll take care of all three of those at the same time. I'm pretty happy with it. Uh, you know I got some stuff? How about Smalls We still have to go Chase I Think the speedometer cable needs a Lube it's kind of making a noise when you're driving growling. Uh, the gas fill? We have to take care of that.

the driver's seat, the back of it. the foam's all gone. so if you look at the passenger seat, you can see it's kind of smooth and then you look at the Pat the drivers. you can see the wires coming through.

All the padding is blown out of it so we should be able to take them off of there. maybe put something else in its place. uh, glue in the carpet kit I may or may not want to do a little bit of welding on some stuff. so I don't want to glue them in yet so I don't cook them.

uh, the top I'm not sure I may want to try to go for a soft top I Kind of like it the way it is right now. Um, then again, the hard top is not that hard to put on. It's not like putting a cap on a back of a pickup truck. It doesn't have that weight to it.

That's it. The whole thing is maybe 80 pounds. So two people it's you know. fairly simple.

two bolts and four little latches locking in place. and I think Brian for uh, detailing her up, making it all look pretty for us. I'm gonna appreciate on that. and uh Nantucket is where it was from and that explains what the two um, things are on the front bumper that was for fishing.
You would take those caps off, you put your fishing poles in there. I Found some fishing lures and some fishing weights inside where the glove box. there's like a glove space I should say was in there so that's probably what it was used for on the island. All right guys.

Well you enjoyed this one and you stick around and uh, we're probably gonna go do a part two on this. at least fixing the engine issues and uh I got some wheels and tires on order and you know Chase that we will kind of make it more appealing to what I want and uh, we'll see how that works out on the next one. So till then I will see you guys then whip bye. All right foreign.

By Mustie

15 thoughts on “Junk or jewel? the 1974 vw thing charity car purchase.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars napoleon1235438743 says:

    it needs a fill of gas

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William E Rentfro says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yves F says:

    Pretty cool looking vehicle ,nice video .

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon van Coevorden says:

    I imported one of these from Bali (to Australia) a few years ago along with 3 Vespas . I believe they were manufactured under license in Indonesia. Mine had less rust than Musties . They are still popular in Bali as tour/ rental cars .

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Moore says:

    what a nice thing. They have a special muffler that came out the 2 holes in the bumper. The fan shroud is also unique. Note_ the glass in the hard top is a goner first time it falls off the wall. NICE rig though and the price is skyrocking

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jtreg says:

    Brian is the dude!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Luchino says:

    Mustie, I've been sporting around in a 73 for the last several years and love it. You gotta enjoy the fact that life goes by real slow at a top speed of 55 mph when you drive this beast. Indeed the 181 is the next gen kubelwagen (bucket car). There were about 24K that were imported into the US back in the day. Because they were imported under a special vehicle designations they were able to forgo some auto safety features. But alas Ralf Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed finally caught up with the 181. The main reasons they were pulled from the US market was no wipelash head restraints on the front seats and because they have no dashboard it was considered very dangerous as the driver was way to close to the windshield. One of the beast things about your 181 is the elusive original cigarette lighter and stock AM radio! Question is it a Sapphire?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maniacal Offroad says:

    For those wondering, it's a bad idea to use bleach on metal vehicles. Bleach breaks down into salt water relatively quickly. He essentially washes vehicles with salt water.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Saunders says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I976 Scirocco says:

    There once was a Thing from Nantucket…..
    Great Job man !! Keeping another VW alive ! โœŒ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J D says:

    No bleach. Vinegar is what you use for mold. Bleach kills the top part and mold comes back. Vinegar kills the whole thing and mold never returns. You want to breathe bleach vapors or Vinegar?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Face says:

    Classic opening!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jos Touw says:

    Stop it!? you started it!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‡

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars malkucken says:

    Great video. Looking forward to an update

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Crooks says:

    Once restored these are highly sought after collectable vehicles and they are fun to drive

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