I picked up this chrysler sno runner at a motorcycle at a swap meet over the summer in very poor condition, in part one we got the engine to run, now lets work on the rest of its issues,

Foreign. Hey guys, how's it going? Uh, for those that haven't seen part one on this, I'll give you a quick little update on it, where it came from and then we'll just get into Wrenchen. it's a late 70s snow Runner made by Chrysler or acquired by Chrysler and I think they made them for two or three years and they possibly were made for a military military? Said no dice and that was kind of the end of them. And uh, here we go 50 years later, 40 years later.

I have one of the defunct ones that looked like it sat in a barn for I don't know. 40 years or so. The previous video we got into doing assessment all the stuff that it needed. got the engine to run, rebuilt the carburetor, uh, the pull start wasn't mascot that fixed and um, maybe a little bit of a shopping list.

Well since then the shopping list has come in for some of the pieces. has a track underneath it that's only about three and a half inches wide. This is the replacement one that was able to order. kind of amazing.

I mean we get parts for it too. The other one was like a hard plastic. This one's got some uh give to it a little bit of rubbery rubbery in this to it. Got a new sprocket for the rear where it's cowboy boot and somebody screwed up taking the clutch apart and killed the bearing in the center of it.

Now that's it in a nutshell. uh let's get into it. Let's start with um we'll try working on that clutch and uh, preparing that bearing that got cooked on it somehow and we'll kind of work our way down on the drivetrain to try to get power to the track. So here's that clutch assembly that we were talking about.

and uh, when this was on there. I Had a snap ring on the outside here. took a snap ring off. Went to go try to pull the clutch off and kept pulling the clutch off not realizing that I have to take the center out first and then the Bell will come off.

Well that caused the Uh key to punch through the center of the clutch and take that out. Hence that so we got a replacement for it. Let's see. I don't know how well that is priced in.

Now if we could press it out with the old one, or if we should just maybe try using a socket to replace it. Definitely tell that's old stock comes pre-rusted All right, let's go see if we can get a uh a socket that'll fit close to that so you could drive that out of there. Okay, let's try a deep socket and let's go with does it matter? I'm gonna go with that. I Got a hydraulic press if we need it, but I wouldn't think it'd be in there that tight Now that I say that right, are we centered? I Also wonder if there's a take a quick look at it? make sure it's not a lip stopping it from going One Direction I Wonder if we should push it now? let's try a little bit.

So I went decisive. Huh? If I still want to damage the shell, you know? Okay, get the device. you get. it looks pretty consistent.

Watch it stuck a socket stuck in there. Yeah, there's no shoulder on it and it looks like there's two different size lips on it. Yes, no and definitely looks fatter than that side, huh? Maybe we'll make that decide that we push on. Let's Lube that up.
I'm gonna go clean this up real quick and we'll lube it up and we'll just try to squeeze it in with a vise see if that'll work for us. Let's knock some of that rust off first before. the bearings in there looks pretty good. I Don't know what the mating surfaces are.

You would think kind of looks like it's metal on metal. Looks like it got hot too. You would think it'd be some kind of like a abrasive material on it. It may be all burned off.

or maybe not. All right. Let's uh, get some lube on that thing. You know He says you even need a bearing, right? Let's Loop it up.

I Think this one spins so much it slips so much that they end up doing a roller bearing setup like a lot of like the midi bike clutches have a brass, a brass um bushing in there. instead. let's get that started with a hammer. You thought I was gonna hit it with a metal Hammer didn't you? Yeah, you did.

She's a little cocked on one side. this is leather on each side. It's a little port in there that's not supposed to line up to anything is it? Let's make sure that it doesn't have like a little no. Okay, I'm sure you did.

Having an oil port Al Thank you. That's pretty satisfying I bet it's still up a hair. don't want to whack it with a hammer? It's um, get something flat metal to push on that? Yeah, what a washer and do it guys. Hopefully I'm still supposed to do what it's supposed to do.

Let's go. um, put that on the motor that looks like I should probably clean that up a little first too. It doesn't look bad. it's like the bearing rides there.

Let's um, just clean up the outer foreign clutch, get rid of the excess. so we're looking for that on there. My guess is that we may just take it apart to kind of clean stuff up if I want to paint it later. I'm trying to get the Mechanicals up and running first.

you know I say that now, right? So was that the outside? Does it matter? Is it symmetrical? I'm gonna say it was like that Rusty side out. it's uh, it's gonna push the key out I know it Is Yeah, you know that struggle I mean yeah. so what? I screwed up on last time I Took the snap ring off the outside and I thought I was getting held up from the uh shoulder on the snap ring So eventually I put a puller on it I Pulled right through the bearing. Idiot.

All right, let's go get that snap ring on me, see if we can launch this across the room. Always try to keep my fingernail on it. Yeah, in there, let's go tap it with something. it's not quite in foreign.

Let's go look at the chain that's on the bottom of it I Think it was okay, but we may need to soak it to try to bring it back to life. This is the one that was in there I Mean it's pretty crunchy right there. I might have another one. Let's um, clean this up.
leave it on the wire. We'll try to knock some of the rust off and we'll stick it. We'll stick it in a carburetor cleaner. Ultrasonic Cleaner See if that does anything for us, it might free it up.

Everybody in the pool with that cook for I Don't know however long that we're gonna work on something else foreign thing. Let's go see what it takes to get that out of there. I Think it's just stuck in there? Oh, it's a pin. I'm gonna get that.

Hopefully it goes through the bottom right. We have to pull up on that. You could try to lead on the side, see if there's a spot in the bottom. Could drive that pin through to get it out of there.

Hmm, yeah, there's something right there. but should we back that bolt off? Could probably line it up with that, because right now it is. It's there. Yeah, Is that a continual slot? Yeah.

Let's back this all the way out of here. And where is it? It's lined up right about there. That's way up there though. I Don't know if we're gonna be able to get that.

Let's get the bolt out of it. see if it does it. I Think there's like an area for the nut gets captured in some plastic. It feels like all right.

allow us to drive that in. Whack it a little. I would think it's probably all the way in where it needs to be. Let's go and get some kind of punch.

Hopefully that's gonna move. Let's go look at the other one real quick. We got chalked up with some wood underneath for support. That punch makes it through there.

Let's see how it looks gonna be. It's going to want to drive out of there. it's coming out. Yay! that's a tad bind up huh? Go clean this out.

There should be a my guess is like a nut that floats around in there with jokes right? themselves. Yeah, so that's the adjuster. It's a jam nut. Yeah, so that pushes on that when the threads come through and just make the tension of it and the pin just keeps it from falling out and trying to rotate, keeping it square.

Go clean up some stuff, let's get a little bit of a bath. it's just WD-40 I Guess we can kind of go deal with putting a Sprocket in then it will jump up. run I Don't know if this is supposed to Pivot at all or is it supposed to be fixed I Think it stays fixed. it just has like a flex of the plastic.

My biggest concern is that this is so old that if we're gonna go run over some bumps and stuff that she may, uh, decide to crack on us. so I guess we're just gonna have to find that out, huh? So I'll bring you back after it's kind of cleaned up a little bit and uh, we'll probably get that rear sprocket in there, see if we just shove it on the other screwdriver. work our way up there in the hole just like to forget that, right? Yeah! I Think you got it started and let's go get our our shoe. Spark There's a on the dry side I think a lot of this stuff is New Old Stock So although it's new it's 40 50 years old.
you know it's your little Lube won't hurt it. It's already quieter that start then just hit it. it's going to fall over. That works.

I wonder if she bought the ticket that apart? My outer bearing is a little growly. I'm just a little. you start beating on plastic. it's just my concerned or we just kind of shoot some oil in there.

Let it rip. Yeah, we'll just try to feed some. it's got a seal on it anyway. We're not really gonna be able to get in there, but it's gonna hook a drill to it.

You can spin it. but yeah, the one on this side's growly took it apart. You could pick that seal out of there and get some fluid in it. I'm gonna contemplate.

yes. Do a little bit of prodding while it's in place. You can get it sometimes. you can hang with that.

trash it though. Yeah. I Feel like I'm gonna wreck it. But what we can do now that we got that open, we could shoot something right behind it.

Let's see the fact that this is gonna be sitting in. you know it didn't snow so to speak. Foreign too. Do that.

Wish for the best. A lot of times what you'll see is like rust will start puking out of it. So do that and then we'll come back with oil. and Washi shoot some oil in there.

try to use that that PB Blaster is like more of a cleaner I already see it kind of puking out a little good. Okay, but the other side popped out of there I may go work on the other side a little bit more to chase it. Let's see if we can flush all that crap out of there. like I said.

actually you can see like crap that's in there. I don't think I could. Air gun? Yeah. I'm gonna go work on the other side I think we need to do the same.

Blow it out with air, get the dirt out of there before it trashes itself and then repack it with like, probably a grease. Yeah, it looks like Humanity actually looks much better. You know what it is too. This has a, um, a sprocket sitting in front of us and maybe kind of covered it.

that growling is coming from the other side. Time for the air gun. watch. Your eyes should really be almost silent and do the same with the other side.

What's the old saying? work some water, not harder How well that there you go. They'll flush him out. what's up I'll blow them out one more time, pack them with oil and grease and call her good. if we get something like that in there, be better than the oil I don't know if you can.

kind of. It's like load it in and spin it. Yeah, foreign going somewhere. The other side's the one that really needs it.

Looks thoroughly plaqued, black packed. Go clean that seal up there and get them tapped back on both sides. I Would think we can go get her with a size socket to get it back in the groove and you believe this. It's got a snap ring there C-clip that has to go back on that when you wish you had a screwdriver.

There We go there, we go. Let's go take a wire wheel. let's go just clean off the crap that's on that sprocket right there. Let's go check out our chains, see how it's doing.
It's probably been about 40 minutes. Maybe did it. It's definitely better. The ones that were crunchy.

Do you want to move? I Think if we could put that on and spin it and put some oil in it, it may come back. There's a couple of tight ones yet right there I Think I think it worked. It might be okay. that is hot.

Catch of the Day see if we can sneak on that thing on there I Don't know what it uses for an adjustment. if there is one. was it like that like that? Do you remember? Let's go with that for now. It lines up through the key you came off of there that's not sitting up proper up top.

My idea is if you can see if we can fire it up you know and just let it kind of work itself I Wonder if I need to clean that up, see if that just fits on there? Foreign. That key is kind of like binding. it's sitting a little tall. There it goes.

That's what we need. It's right there. You're right there you think. hit it with a hammer, key flipped out and get that in there.

And of course as soon as I shut the camera off. yeah, let's get that clip on there. I'm going to work through a little bit I don't know if there was a tension around there I don't think there was. and I don't see anywhere to you know shift anything one way or another.

Hey, this would be a cold start I Guess let's go give her some choke and turn it on. see what we get. I'm gonna start it with a drill. Well, we're waiting.

Foreign? Yes, ain't got no gas in it, right? Let's go the prime thank you Laughs: That's funny. Yeah, loosen it right up. Do you have some kind of run issue going that doesn't want to start right away though? Looks like the exhaust is leaking right out of the manifold. Oh, we're missing a nut.

I'm gonna do it out there. I Guess we've been gone for a while too. Let's get that back on there. it may.

We may have some other issues. Well, that was so hard to start that we had to go climb it. Not sure. Oh I'm gonna go air us out I'll turn that thing on.

Got some ventilation in here and we got some something else is going on here. While it doesn't start right away, uh, but let's continue on. Let's go and see. I Don't know you want to try getting that track on the bottom or really just kind of want to assess the spinning part of it so you can get power to the ground.

I Mean we'll have to go and jump back into that. Let's see what this uh, is there even a direction on it that seems like the pretty much look like a letter t. Foreign. You should have a ton of slack in it.

Adjusters over again. Let me get that master link. You know it's going to fall as soon as I let go. right? Yeah.

Can we get that massively? Can We'll get that clipped on there. Let's snug that up with the drill. Probably gonna get away eventually. How tight you think we should go? Let's make sure it's all on the.
it's pretty funky, huh? Let's make a racket. The chain itself is stainless. Stop it from getting rusty. You can buy individual links too.

Let's see what we got going underneath. Does it look good? they say yeah. Pretty much you need like either hard packed snow or like three inches. Two or three inches of snow is what's gonna be ideal.

I Think that change could be too sloppy for us? I Think it'll work, but hmm I don't know if it's gonna start for us? Let's um I don't know why I want to do one jump back to the motor I Know the decompression valve is stuck on it too. You would use that for starting on the pull start which is that guy right there looks like you take it out with a socket. Let's get some of the tins off it. I Want to go kind of check stuff and make sure we got no mouse nests in it.

Hopefully we can get it out of there. it's gonna be. Those screws will take this outside cover. Let's see if we can get that pull started off.

We'll see how much it fights us. it may. Um, you know you got steel screws going into aluminum Sometimes that could be a bear. We'll try it, see what we get? Let's go pop this little one off first.

One screws left. My guess is like the CDI or something's underneath it. Yeah, cover for the coil? All right. How about these? Yeah it went good.

I'll bring you back when I get them out of there I'll try pulling this off the screws actually to put up too bad of a fight. Let's see ya. Well it's hiding in here. Any Critters gonna jump out at us? Just some corrosion? Get into that one though.

I know two two screws going straight down if we can, um, even get a socket in there. Maybe a plastic cap on threads from the end the socket on it because he's just twisting. Then you'll pick away at that a little bit. I believe you push it in and it pops back out kind of a little.

I Like to take that out and free it up though. let's see what I can do I think I got to get that black plastic piece off. unfortunately because I don't think a socket's going to fit over it. Let's try a hose.

Uh, I was afraid I Even like that sound classic. Hey I'm drinking a socket on that now. It's something that'll come out of like a little tiny spark plug and see what we get. because I think it resets itself like after you go to pole as using his compression or fires it goes back to called The Off Position Got it? Let's go over on the bench and take a look at that.

Oh that works. My guess is we just have to kind of free it up and put some some lube and it's going to give her some Well I guess is pull There She Goes Actually it's time to go. It's all I needed. It's got a little little detent that helps, so is that it? It's all needed right here on a wire wheel.
nice and the crap off. and I guess the compression leaks down around it. comes out of that hole as soon as it fires up and has a little bit of pressure behind it. It pushes the valve shut.

Probably what killed the pull start in the first place, didn't have it all right. You can go. Uh, blow that out, rinse it, clean it, wire wheel, it, all that kind of stuff and hopefully the cap goes back on it. Pop on there.

I Know it sounded like it made it like a little crack, Didn't it? There we go, but it only has to do that so that would be no compression or low compression. It doesn't peel all that different. Try spinning it with the drill again. My guess is since we've got a spin, it's probably going to pop out.

I'm not going to show up on camera. All right. Yeah, that's still out. Yeah, it doesn't feel that much different for compression track spins.

Uh, let's see that should uh pulled out right? You think when it would start moving a rabbit, it'd be enough to go push it in the out position. Hmm. Is there a way to take the muffler apart? Can we like clean the? I Think you see now. remember this hand.

the exhaust is pretty restrictive. plus who knows who's living in it. You know anybody looks like a face doesn't it? huh? Yeah. I Don't see any uh ways to open it like a like a motorcycle one you would have.

You could take the resonator out. Yeah, all right. uh what do you want to jump on next? I Wonder if maybe we can try to get rid of this crappy thing of a fuel system? they have like this weird disconnect. Quick Connect Rather, kind of like a, you know, an airline? your host? who knows if that's any good, let's go take a peek inside.

The tank actually looks pretty decent if that is right there. You guys got a better look than I do. Is that rust or a pickup or something? I can't see whatever that is. All right? I'm gonna go look.

get out of my way. Okay, so it looks like again, like at the end of an air hose and it's just got a check valve on this side that probably opens and closes the circuit and then the same on. here is a is a nipple inside there that I pushed on with a little screwdriver has the same for that. Let's um, just cut the rest of that hose off of there.

Maybe we'll dump some fuel in it and see what happens. It with it connected. it should have gas pissed through it. Once you disconnect, no gas should come out of there.

No gas should come out of here, just just wing it. If it keeps pissing out, how do we empty the tank? I Don't know. Flip the bike over. Plus it'll give us a good ability disc just rinse out that hose.

now. Nothing should come out now. should you know. how deep that tank is? Want to try to get it so it's above? I Think it holds like 1.7 gallons.

Let's go take a peek in there. I can't see it I wonder if it's like a vacuum? Let's go hook up to it. You might have to draw on it. Who wants to suck on that? Let me? uh.
let me go get like a turkey baster. hook a turkey baster up to it. Might need a piece of hose on there too. Oh yeah, it's got some mud coming out of it, huh? I Don't know how we go about clean in that there's a bunch of sludge probably sitting in the bottom of that tank.

I Don't know how far down it goes. Let's see if we can get a piece of hose on there and a piece of hose on here. We get a better seal. I will keep purging that out I guess so it runs clear.

We don't want to shove that down the card, right? That might work a little better. Get a good good draw on it, you know? Oh yeah. I wonder if that's just like old oil? Yeah, a lot of times the oil settles out from the gas. I'm too sure.

probably should have took the bike and like shaped it around. I'm gonna do that so I guess I I Purge If I put a longer one, it'd probably just siphon itself out on the home. Should I put in there a decent amount. Apparently we should approach to the little all right.

So I'm gonna keep doing that. I'm gonna go grab a pan and then maybe we'll put some more fuel. I'll keep doing that. So I got a good flush.

Well, in theory that should siphon out when I draw on it I can do that much a little at a time, but that's the lowest part of the tank and we're lower than that. Let's see if uh damn it, come to me. yeah, we'll let that run, drain everything out of it, and try to put some more fresh stuff through it it already. You know that's that's pre-mixed So I some of the stuff I had in there did have color in it, but it does look like it's taking on some dirt too.

Huh? Much darker than it should be in the pre-mix Can that? it will put a lot less in it this time. see if it's clean, but it keeps coming up dirty. Maybe we'll have to like figure out how to shake the bike and uh, agitate it. or you know, shove something down inside there and kind of, you know, scrub with that old stuff of Brian's car when he's not looking.

Let's go keep it about that. Much like why just get some real clear glass, clear gas right? that's starting to look more like what it should be able to do that? Maybe I'll get some. We'll do one more time with straight Fuel and we'll see how clean that's coming out. That's more what it should be like.

Now if it's showing up in the camera, it's more of a green, blue and clear fuel. clear air fuel. no oil in it. That looks pretty good.

Let's see if the disconnect works. We got to get all that out of there anyway, so that's about a point. Good one. System flushed without having to.

you know, gas tanks part of the frame. so that's not exactly as easy as another tank to shake around to get out of there. It's looking pretty good, all right. So let's all put together fuel lines on it.

so if we want to disconnect it now, we just unplug it. It should not piss both directions. I Give a little bit of a primer shot because I think it's going to have to Prime itself and I still think there's a carburetor problem. Let's go find out.
Yeah, right now, whatever I put in there, let's see if it'll go. kind of what it is. suspected choke is open. My thinking is the needle and seat when I put them together I Was kind of questioning it a little bit on the um where the seat was sitting.

It's kind of a weird. it's like it was already in so you screwed the seat into the base of the car. but then the the little there's piss fuel around the exhaust. the little um can I even get that in there I think I shot it right out of the tenth.

So I don't think it was sitting correctly and which is going to make that carburetor if the it's not sitting in the correct location, it's not going to have enough fuel. it doesn't have much in that little little area anyway. But all right, let's see if it stays running. If not, we know what it is.

Take the nut off all right. We gotta go back in to the carburetor. Now that did that go into yeah? So what happened. So people were asking me like what this is this, That's this piece.

This is just the socket that's on the end of it and all it is. It's like a ratchet head and you can switch it from forward to reverse. Drive And this would be like you use on a breaker bar. turn a breaker bar into essentially a ratchet.

but if you use it on something like this, usually that doesn't happen. So you put that on and you can spin the engine. But then when the engine starts going faster than the drill can go, it goes into neutral where it can kind of click like it was just doing so. that's what that is.

So I popped the carb back off of there and this is the Reed valve. One of the first things I do see the revas little one-way door or check valve that one is not shutting I'm not sure it's going to show up. that one's not shutting. That one's kind of iffy too.

That one seems good. That one seems good. Let me. um I'm gonna unscrew this.

I'm going to try flipping it over and hopefully he's got a little cup to try to hold against it. Not sure where that, but let's see if we flip that over if that'll help us. Do we get that's better? Oh, you could put a light behind it too. You can see any lights coming through it.

It's got a little on the top right there. you can see around it exactly. call them perfect. They're leaking leaking.

They are. The Heat's gonna be coming on in a second. so let's go see. you do have fuel.

get into that part. A little bit of dirt that came up too, huh? Foreign. Being concerned about if that was opening up the right spot. The other part is the fuel pump is in here and that's going to be that.

and that they're gonna be on this side trying to seal does it? Yeah, so those little doors have to shut and open on that port and therefore kind of something like what the Reed valves would do. I do not see anything obvious I'm gonna go, probably take that needle and seat back out of there and just look at that base of it where it's hooked up. Maybe we'll put it back together. Maybe it was that Reed valve not being sealed off like it should.
The other part too it could be crank seals I thought they were okay. they were. um I didn't see much play in it and it was running good. It didn't have any issues but then it acted up nothing saying that they could have failed on us.

afterwards. me and old and dried up crank seals are the uh now get into that later if you have to. So I did take a second and push down on the needle more and that there's like an O-ring or seal on the bottom of that that opens and closes the door. and I think that this tab is sitting a slightly higher.

I was kind of questioning it when I put it back together. like I said it was already in the seat. they already had it assembled. but after I put it in, there was no shoulder on the bottom of the seat to hold it.

So I just kind of screwed it in, left it where it was and never kind of tapped down on it. That may have been what it was. We're gonna go find out that was definitely running off the fuel going into it but kind of coming and going wasn't it. You keep backing out to us.

I Find a happy medium. All right. Hmm. we got it.

Okay, wasted, All right. that's a break. I Don't have any cooling going on right now. Neither a rat you could shut it off I Want to get the fan shroud back on it because nothing.

There's no air blowing across the top of the cylinder head. We may be okay. all the pencil gets cold and how's you know? how does it want to recover to go start again? All right, let me go clean this cover up a little bit and throw that back on there. All right, let's see how hard it starts the drill.

I'm not going to put the pull start on again. Hope I turn it on. All right, let's get a bowl for that. A lot of slopping, huh? Let's get a bolt for the a nut rather with that exhaust.

kind of shut that up a little bit. I'd say indeed. Brass I think it's all you want to have them that size. Let's see if that'll fit you.

Got the Heat and the exhaust going. corn. money right out the window. Price we pay for clean air right now.

Looks like it'll do it that is warm and go grab a half inch and tighten that up. Does that have a washer behind it too? I Grab one. let's go fire it up. I Don't want my hair I Just feel the air coming across the engine but not out of there that's gonna smoke.

The lens is cracked. there's no air in it. The headlight's gone I Turned on for a second and Susie did see the smoke happening in it. It lost its seal so that this is a seal beam, it's no good.

Probably just the bulb you might guess. All right. So where are we? we need really need that chain? I'm surprised. Just no.
they didn't make it so you can kind of tweak it a little bit. You know, either move the engine up and down or the Jack shaft a little bit to get some kind of adjustment. I don't think there was anything that, um, went on there for tensioner when we took it apart. Let's go take a look at that cover real quick.

I don't think so. it's been a while since I took it off I don't know. Yeah, there's nothing there. Hmm.

here's the old chain that was on it. You're gonna see part one: the drive chain anyway. I May uh, have a piece for that? I'm not sure unfortunately. guys.

I think we are kind of out of time. Let me go kill the heater on this and uh, it's not like if I get it together. Anyway, the weather outside is not conducive. We got a foot of snow.

Heavy wet snow. This thing is not going to go anywhere in it. We need to kind of get the right conditions or yeah, somebody maybe where they pack down a trail. but I think we're getting decent.

We're getting somewhat closer so we got that to go. chase. We have lights and the headlights all out of whack. The cover for the track of the back is split in half to go.

address I Don't know what we got for a front end for bearings and all that kind of stuff and shifters and cables and you know, some of this stuff's going to be kind of addressed also, but we're getting there. We got power to attract that would if you put it on the ground it would move. I Got an air cleaner coming like a foam filter to go over this. so we get the fuel system squared away.

Drive is set up, the decompression valve is working, the coupler is together. I'm Gonna Leave the pull start off I'm gonna see what it's like when it's cold. after it sits for a while, make sure it's not going to have an issue. we're trying to go crank it and eventually you can put that pull start back on there.

I think they're a little not finicky but like uh uh, not very strong wimpy. yeah. I still have the the side of the this off for the linkage in case you have to take the carburetor apart, but I think we may God maybe it was that Reed valve either that read valve or like I said that seat was just not pushed down all the way and the float fuel level was just off I did have to back the two air fuel screws way out from where they were when they had it running the first time. So all right guys I Thought this is uh I wanted to get further along in this I always do.

but I think it's super. Gonna have to go sign off on this one. We got a track spinning it's getting ready getting close like that. Thanks for hanging! I'll see you soon later All right I Gotta See You Again pull start now I can go home.

yeah it's gonna go through Metals that's gonna be in there pretty good. let's um, we'll hang it over the edge. Let's get like a two by four or something. Whoa, there's that.
I might want to tie that in. just saying. Never get to feeling they're being watched. Let's start with the four-wheeler I thought it was scared him away.

By Mustie

18 thoughts on “Junked snow cycle in sad shape.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Bunch says:

    I consider myself a small engine "piddler", but I have learned so much from you over the last 3 or 4 years. Great information, awesome entertainment and puns galore!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francesco Trevisan says:

    My father bought one identical in the late 70's. I'm sure that somewhere we have some old VHS with us kids having fun using it. At the the we lived in Brookfield WI. Then we moved to Boston, we got to use it for a few winters in Charles River park, next to Mass General Hospital and I remember that during a blizzard we were having fun in downtown Government Center Plaza at the amusement of people, we even had a TV crew film us and air it in the evening news😂. The SnowRunner always worked well, especially with us small and skinny teens. Obviously it preferred compact snow but it did surprisingly well even in snow that was deeper. It took fuel for 2stroke engines, mixed with oil, and one day we forgot to add the oil, it was the last day we used it in the US😢. Many years later it ended up in northern Italy and the engine got fixed, a bigger carburator was replaced and the thing got a few more years of use in Asiago and even in the Dolomites. It's resting place is an uncle's garage, we hardly ever see it anymore but when we do it brings back tons of great memories

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Etan Kohcz says:

    The intrusive, background blather/Noise; in this vid was an unwelcome,aggrivation!!. .. .. .And, , ,I sincerely hope it will not become a redundant distraction in your future, vids!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Eather says:

    There is a Chrysler 2 stroke snow runner online that someone has restoration

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gravedigr12 says:

    it's crazy how we have so much at our disposal that we can afford to go buy something to drive with and throw it away like a candy wrapper and go get another one meanwhile in the poorer parts of the world like congo some people have had the same vehicle for 40 years because unlike us it takes them literally a lifetime just to afford what we would call a beater. not trying to guilt anyone or anything just thinking out loud.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davy Aston says:

    It's always a good idea to pop the bearing in the freezer overnight and the clutch in the oven for a bit.
    Get the temperature differential as much as possible and it will slide in a lot easier.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxid1 says:

    What did that clutch bearing cost.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Do RC says:

    Quick suggestion. When you're pulling a seal from a bearing put the pick on the outer edge not the inner edge. The inner part of the seal is the part that actually rides on the spinning inner race and is a bit more delicate than the outer part of the seal. The seal is also being retained on the outer edge so you're actually pulling the area that's being retained.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Ansley says:

    Liked your videos before they became more about building a shop and playing with toys ( saw mill).

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Job Kneppers says:

    Mustie, these needle bearings sometimes have a direction to push them in. Mostly it's the side with the text on it. Best, Job

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dane Hendrickson says:

    Classic weed eater/blower carb set up in larger form. The height of the tab on the metering lever connected to the needle has to be a certain distance from the diaphragm nipple to correctly meter the amount of fuel being drawn into the carb; the engine will run too lean or rich if the height is incorrect and the adjustment screws generally don’t make up for it. Walbro and Zama have a fuel metering lever height tool just for setting that height. No clue how to set that one haha. Perhaps a straight edge across the carb body and bend the tab to contact the bottom of the straight edge

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars phil towle says:

    Strangely watching Sleaford Recovery working on R-R engined recovery truck earlier and he bought a new air cleaner that was pre rusted.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bernie disney says:

    Hi Mustie, too mix up the dirt in the tank of that snow ski have you thought about putting a hose down the tank and stiring it up with air…..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    That’s not a sled. It’s a chain saw. Or the first ever ditch witch.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRIFLEMAN308 says:

    Please! New camera.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myk Streja says:

    Someone must have said this already, but you should take a link out of the drive transfer chain. It doesn't need to be perfectly tight, some slack is good.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Conger says:

    Mustie, are you adversely affected by the power outages and heavy snow in NH I’m seeing in the news?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dale poppenhagen says:

    U wouldn't let nobody in u're shop anyway

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