I picked up this homemade volkswagen tractor built in the 70s off th e internet needing a bunch of love, this is the final video of what it needs fixed. then we take it out for a spin to see how it does,

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this homemade Volkswagen powered tractor I Picked up a couple of weeks ago. We actually got two videos under our belt on it and the first one was kind of giving an assessment on it had a huge oil leak. We ended up taking the transmission out of it, getting the flywheel off, doing the rear main seal. On the second video, we put the transmission and everything back together, gave it a run, and uh, found that everything was working okay.

Got the back tires spinning and went through the gears. Saw how fast it's going to be in third gear. It's kind of scary looking. Uh, so that's where we are today and we need to address.

uh, we have no brakes, we have a fuel system needs to be go through. the charging system's not working I Think the tire on the right rear goes flat and whatever else we find with that. So further. Ado Let's get into it, get some wrenching done, and hopefully this will be the last one on it.

So I kind of want to judge on the charging system real quick, but one thing I do see right off the bat is one of the fuses that are up in here is blown. so let's go yank that out of there. I Have a feeling that's probably for the lights and not the charging system. Let's just go change that out real fast.

I Actually could probably steal the one from over next to it because there's nothing wired to it. Let's go take that, put it there. and I know the headlights weren't working. they're still not working.

All right. Let's um, turn a key on. Yeah, that's what it was that was for the headlights. All right.

So we got that cured. Let's uh, look into the charging system I'm gonna go fire it up real quick and make sure that charge light still does stay on your stuff to go full system so that's not taken care of. Let's go give her some choke and a little bit of throttle so the charge light is still on. So that is still an issue for the charging system.

So there's a way to test the generator by itself and that is by back feeding it power and it should spin like an electric motor. but to be able to do that? I've got to get the belts out of our way because it it spins but it's very light. So this is a kind of odd setup because normally a Volkswagen just has this belt. this one has another pump running off of it so we got to get the both of them off of there.

Looks like if we can loosen that up, we should get some adjustment and uh, be able to take this one off. and then there's shims in the middle on this one that we should be able to take apart. Get the bottom one off. I Kind of want to change that belt anyway so you can wiggle a 9 16 in there I Don't know if we got to loosen the bottom one up to it yet.

Now we gotta get one more. We ain't getting to that one easy. Uh, there's another one here. I Don't think that's gonna that.

looks like it's just fixed. This looks like it's the slide. There's one further in. Let's go try that.
I don't think that's it. All this stuff is homemade so I'm not quite sure what is connected to what. see if that's anything for us now. I Gotta get a a ground down wrench to get back to get the other one back here into my stash of ground down wrenches.

That should get us in there. Hopefully it slides there. we go. All right.

Come on off. So on a regular Volkswagen set up the shims to adjust the tension. This generator does not adjust like that pump did. so you gotta take shims out and put them from side to side.

But to get to him you normally take apart like this. Let's go see how that homemade pulley was put on there. Just throw that anywhere. That's what we get.

Yeah, looks like fun to get those shims in there. Looks like they've welded it I Don't know I Don't know if that was welded right around there or if that's like maybe one that had AC or something. they took a pulley off a looks too good to be homemade, right? All right. Anyway, we're gonna go throw this back on there real quick and just to maintain whatever shims around what side.

And now what we're gonna do is we're going to backfeed it. Power. You know they got all that off of there. So we're gonna get these wires right off the generator and we need to ground.

I'm gonna use the jumper pack right there. We're gonna ground the body of it as normal ground would be. the regular battery's been disconnected out of the circuit. We're gonna take a jumper lead, we're going to run hot to the battery out and then we're going to ground the field wire on the on the generator and that should spin it like an electric motor.

Let's See, we get all right. let's go hook us up a ground and I got two red wires. Of course we'll take the bright red one, we'll call that the hot and we're gonna take the dirty red one and we'll call that one the ground. So hook the ground up that one and we'll connect that to the ground on the jumper pack or anywhere.

it doesn't really matter. and then with the hot lead if we touch the other one should spin like electric motor. There we go. You don't want to do it long but showing that it is functioning so I believe our generator is okay.

We'll probably have a problem with the voltage regulator. It's also a way to flash the system too. Sometimes when they sit for a real long time they lose the polarity. I Don't think that's going to be an issue.

Now with that, I'm gonna put her back together again one last time without the pump running on it. We'll just put this belt on and we'll see what we get. foreign. There's the voltage regular you get mounted underneath the dash so it's got.

this is the heavy wire going to the generator which would be the B plus or battery and then it goes kind of through the regulator out to the other side which is going to be connected to the battery and or connected to the ignition switch. This little green wire is going to go up to the dummy light up top telling that it's not working and then on the other side you can't see it. There's a blue wire that's the field wire going to the generator to tell the generator to put more out or less out accordingly. and I have a feeling that we're going to take this off.
There's going to be like a a winding going around that's probably going to be broke on it. so it looks like we got two stainless bolts to take out. We'll drop this down and then we'll see what it looks like. I'll probably do filling that out of the way and we disconnect the battery first.

It'll wiggle that out. now the bolts are off. I Take a peek which is kind of Cobb Webby A lot of times you'll get a break right on that somewhere. Let's go look underneath the on the bench I Didn't see any actual Brakes in the underside of it.

I'm not saying that it's not bad, but you want to see what's inside one. Let's go. There's potting material here and there should be a screw underneath it. It's got a wire wheel grinding out of the way and we'll take the top off.

I Believe there's a set of contacts in there that can go bad too. Watch your eyes all right there we go. Yeah, two relays and they have contacts on them. A little set of points it should.

Flex like that Katrina and turned on and off and same on the other side. Straighten it out. Okay, so we're looking Mags Energize and bring those contacts across. Hope to turn on and off.

I Don't see any really cooked areas I'm looking for like burnt windings. Again, those contacts could be no good too and you got another set right here. I Don't know if the lighting's gonna be good enough. Let me hang up and they're looking a little a little on the cooked side too.

Huh? I'm gonna go upstairs, see what I got and uh, we'll just replace it. Open the stash I Don't see any of these are any good neither. Oh, one of these should be right, right? that's an aftermarket one. I Guess we could just wing it.

Which one you want to try? That one's never been opened I Don't know the six volt though. it looks like it I believe they say somewhere on it right there. All right, let me go hide. see what I have it looks like? What is this one new in the box? It's probably the old one that I took out.

Knowing me, it's probably not a new one in the Box Prove me wrong. Will ya again? As long as it's 12 volt play, not even matter. Let's go try that one. 12 volt.

There you go. I Get that thrown up underneath there. Let's give her a spin and see if it goes out. Yeah, my bet is probably if we took those contacts that were in that old regulator and clean them, it would probably work positive that.

but that's kind of what I'm thinking I think the contacts just got too over corroded and they're just not doing what they're supposed to be doing either. That would you know you could have burned out one of the windings not allowing the relay to pull in. Hard to say but charging system fixed all right. We want to jump on next.
Uh, probably the next important thing would be either fuel system or brakes. maybe. um fuel system kind of stinks up the place when we get into that and gotta run it. So let's go and maybe? jump on the brakes and see what we got going on over here.

So I got two Master cylinders. uh, one a single and one a double one. That's kind of like what it is, but you see all the plugs that are on it. none of this is being used.

These are used for the brake light switches and brake lights. brake lines going out. This only has one line going out to the two rear circuits. so uh, let's unbolt that and we'll eyeball the two other Master cylinders I got and we'll see I think the other one is shorter so this line would have to make a new one.

I Don't know. Let's get this out of here. Yes, you get that brake line to crack loose without a line wrench and I am not thinking. so yeah, let me grab a line wrench lion.

Ridge is just a wrench. It kind of goes around further but still has an opening to go over the line. Let's try it like that. There we go.

Foreign. Probably get rid of this wrench just because easier to work around it. That's got it all right. Let's get these two out.

He made his own bolts. It's like the comes out I'll show you. It's like he welded the nut on a rod. a place for a ratchet.

It's kind of like he welded the you had to ground off. At the head of it, it looks welded to me though. huh? Yes, no. Let's get the other one.

Yeah, they're homemade. I should be able to pop out of there. We go. What are the chances are you think that was still good? Not very.

Uh, let's go eyeball the other new master cylinders to it. Okay, so we have this should be the same. It looks like it right? and then we got a single. It's much simpler, but the only thing is maybe we'll just have to make a new lineup to go fit there.

I Think the SN is the same bolt pattern is the same I don't think there's any difference there. I'll pop it in real quick. we'll just eyeball it. Maybe we'll go with this kind of simple, simplify it a little bit and we still have to come up with a reservoir scenario.

I Think they had like a it was like a oil can or some kind of can was up here feeding it. I don't know what I have for any kind of reservoir? Well, that's probably make that too. All right, Let me make sure that bolts up I'm pretty sure it does and we'll go from there. Okay, so that Wiggles down in there? Yeah.

I Think that'll be just fine. Even better, you need to come up with a reservoir and a longer line. I Grabbed two lines and my stash. That one should do it.

Let's see what I can find I'm gonna bolt this up and uh, see, we can come up with for a reservoir so that's a rod and then put it in on the center of it and that's going to need to have what's called free play. Let's get that boot up further. The Free Play: It's so the massive cylinder internals come all the way back. so there's a plunger inside of here that you're pushing down and pushes fluid out that side.
Well, the plunger has to come all the way back to allow fluid to fill the chamber back up and that needs again. Free Play. Like on a previous video, we talked about the clutch having the same scenario, but you kind of need the same for a master's number so it has to go to where it touches and then now it's pushing that plunger inside. but you need that little bit of free plan.

There's an adjustment here I'm not quite sure how this is going to line up for us. Let's uh, feed that through pedal, go up and see where we end up and we should have see a little bit of click. As long as we have that, we'll be okay Again, that's not quite in place, but that should be good. If not, we'll tweak it a little bit here.

I Gotta go get those other plugs out of that mask. So I'm going to plug off all the other spots that it can come out except for we'll probably use that top one again, taking those little fittings out, cleaning them up. They're actual brake line fittings too that he, uh, plug welded on the back side trying to bolt it up and there's that threads in it I don't know if that's just a screw up or did the singles come with no threads? Hmm. so I guess that's what happens between 19 bucks on eBay here's the one we're looking at.

no threads. There's another one I had in my stash threads. same thing just I think they're gonna they for uh, forgot part of the process I don't know if I'm just gonna put through bolts on it I may try and tap that. Hey I'm gonna try Quick and dirty.

Yes, yes, we are a little bit of lube. Where's the problem? Is it? It's cast too. It's not, um, regular Steel Foreign. No problem fixed I tell you I just bend yourself up a line for that.

Yeah, we think we're just gonna eyeball it in that height you can. um 67 I Think was the first year for duel, dual circuits or dual chamber master cylinder trying not to Kink it a little bit a little lower, huh? That's gonna be close. the uh, let's flip it around. Try that again.

We need the bend right? uh there and you could take an early car and just put a later master cylinder in it. You just have to normally I think it was the front was like right wheel, left wheel and then this one just went out. a single brake line to the rear. You just have to break that up and put it on the other one on the other.

Uh, holes. and what? That gives you? Because what happens. The problem with this system is if you get one hole in a brake line or some something somewhere, the um, whole system loses pressure. you have no brakes.

hence that's where it was called an emergency brake instead of a handbrake because in case emergency, that's what you used I think we're going to end up bending it out this way. you're gonna be too long. Um yeah, so let's try. Makes it look like it doesn't want to fit down in there.
Why does that feel weird? If you have enough depth to catch the threads? That's because that's got a different fitting on it. Well there you go won't work. so we're gonna have to cut it, flare it and put this fitting on it to go in there I don't know if you guys can see the difference but it they went from um European to it looks like an American coupler here. Well actually they would have because this rear end is uh, who knows, like a early American Ford or something.

All right. So we gotta do some chopping. Make that style and one stays that style. Buddha thunk One step forward.

two steps back. so I was getting ready to go cut the other odd fitting off of that line. I'm prepping I took the longer one and I think it will make a a new one and I noticed they actually braised the these two lines together and this is a fatter line than that one is. so the plot thickens, it just keeps digging a hole.

You know that's what happens when the homemade stuff like this. the stuff that you think would just be normal is not. I'm gonna go see if I have one of these fittings and not destroy this. Worst case, we'll go over to that dual that I got, but I'm thinking if I can get that flare out wide enough anyway, it should be able to hold.

it's not going down the street I don't know if I would do it for that and I don't know if I want to try dealing with uh, trying to do what they did Brazen that line together? you gotta work. Is that about the same size as the one that was on there? A little smaller? Yeah, that one is. definitely. Um, I'm gonna drop it down a hair and we'll give it a little more.

hopefully it won't split on us. So I'm gonna just lower the block that much. Foreign? You go too far. sometimes.

that outer ring will, uh, split just continually about it. All right? Yeah, I Don't want to go any more than that. Well I spared you some other Shenanigans but I think we are connected. Hopefully it does not leak there.

We're gonna go find out. All right, we gotta come up with a reservoir it had. Let's go find a can that was on there. All right.

it was this thing. I don't know if it's bolted to the probably was bolted right there, huh? And just a line running down. Let's go open that up. I'd like to use it over if we can, but brake fluid usually has a whip recruiting the crap out of something and it's Breeze too.

I Guess as long as it doesn't leak, let's open that up. Hmm. we need a new pair of ice grips. It's better.

Teeth out camera. There it goes. I think we deformed it though. that is not a good sign when it came apart like that.

actually doesn't look terribly terrible. Maybe I Can bring over to Parts washer. clean it up a little bit and maybe we can try to make that round again. Yeah, hit a wire wheel.
It's got pin holes already in the side of it. Let's see if we can kind of make that a little bit more resemblance of what it was supposed to. It now has a built-in air vent. Let's look at the cap that was on there.

He actually made a vent. He punched through the center of it. He braised a piece of small tubing on it and I'm sure that's got a hole down in the center too and it comes out there. The amount of time that somebody spent on this is amazing, but now it's got pin holes kind of going in this way.

so it's going to vent in that location. I Think water. It does not matter low. so if this even this gets water on it.

I Don't think it's going to come up over and go in there. All right. let's try to get that back on there. I don't know if there's any rust on the bottom.

I Guess we're gonna go find out. Let's go gurgle some fluid in it. They don't spill. let's go for.

Brooke We have to bleed it anyway, so that's about two-thirds of the way up. Let's crack them a line. Let's go see if we can catchy foreign here, see if we get some. Hopefully that's coming back all the way like I said I think so.

if I should have bench bled that wouldn't have hurt. Let's um. I guess you can take the barber out of the end of it. so we get the brake fluid to piss through it like I said.

it should grab the feet at least out of the master. I Have to shoot a little air down there. Maybe try to get it going. Nothing there we go.

Something was going through I Don't want to mess up the paint? Let's um, bring that in, push it down, crack it, turn it in with the mask to fill up a little. Yeah, yeah, it's coming out the line right there. I saw it taking some of this stuff up and that's the one that's going to be questionable. whether it concealed anyway.

so that one always tight. That's not a good sign. You got a brake pedal though. Get that the seal? Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

Yeah, getting better. Let me just check the mess. It looks like the Master's dripping a little too. That might be just residual.

all these homemade fittings all over. I'm gonna go out, blow this off and wipe it down and we'll give it some pressure. We'll see where it is. it is not having an issue.

I Have to. I Might have to do something better for that. And we had a great pedal. I Think somebody's doing a burnout? You hear it? Yeah, let me get a good brake pedal.

Let's um Jack it up. see if the wheels are locking up for us because I have no idea what's even in there for breaks. Yeah, they're They're not doing anything. So so I don't know if you can go check the other side.

how's your dexterity? That's gonna give her a while so the left side works, right side does not seem to. Let's um, go pop that wheel off. I'm curious. what's in there anyway.
so it kind of looks like a Volkswagen setup with the center. but I know it's not Volkswagen Yeah, let's get this wheel off. This tire looks like a sieve. Anyway, we got to go fix that.

Let's get that off. Get the drum off and we'll see what it looks like for, uh, breaks. Hopefully this comes apart I Think sometimes you might need a puller for this setup. It goes on and captures that.

Yeah, it's a taper fit. It turns off nuts off. I Do not expect that drum to fall off, but let's go see what happens. Let's go give her a couple of.

We got to come up with some kind of puller to tug on that I don't know what I have let me go see look at my polar case. I'm like there's an odd looking one that would look like something like what it should do. Not it though. too wide I guess we could make something to fit that then.

I have What about just like a regular puller, can we get that on there? You need some kind of point there so it doesn't walk? Yeah. I think I have another one too that you can. You can hold pressure on the sides. sorry Marie Now you think the chances are that's gonna work? he's gonna pop off on us.

It's if it was more squared off. you know, like if that jaw was more like that. Priced in a better Fighting Chance Here's the other one I was thinking of but the pause on them are not the right way. I Don't know what you want to do? Uh, can we make something that fits in there? maybe? Hmm I wonder if we can get you know the ones that you clamp on the the pullers that you you clamp together? I don't know if there'll be enough room for us to get this behind it? Let's go look.

here's the stash that we're picking from I was thinking maybe something like one of these. We need one like in the middle of those too. Isn't always a way right that's too small. Oh yeah, the thing I can think of is that one with the three claws on it.

if we wrap like a big hose clamp or something around it was this one. Nah, same thing is too shallow. just pop off. Actually, this one we had there's like a cone that goes over the top of it and it it holds the pressure in I Know that we have that though.

This is just a a hodgepodge of all crap I've found over the years. You'll see it there. all right. Back to the drawing board.

I Don't give this too much hope, especially right here is where I have an issue: I don't have the little tapering cone I put grease on it but I don't want to take out the threads. give yourself timing. Is everything all right? We'll take for the compressor to pop off and slide that backseat. We got busted off the rest of the lane.

All right, we're in. That's gonna be nice and light right there we go. All right. So yeah, there's the taper shaft I was talking about.

So you want to look at that wheel cylinder? Hopefully we could save it. Let's go hit the brakes and see if anything moves. Yeah, so both of them are Pros and the other side I guess is working but this was the same. Doesn't this look like the same ones that were on the Dodge the Plymouth rather yeah, let's um, what we gotta do to get the brakes away from it.
You just take these Springs off. Get the brake shoes away. you want both I put over the band, see if you could punch the um Pistons out of it I'm Gonna Pop That Brake line off. Hopefully that comes apart decent and the two bolts will get the wheel cylinder out of it and we'll work on the bench, see if we can get it freed up.

If not, we'll try to possibly find something else I Don't think I Don't know if he saved any other parts from that other one. many guys who watched it or not that red 1930 Plymouth it looks very similar to that. So I tried getting that brake line off. it's not having it.

We're gonna. We're gonna end up trashing that and it does run behind. So I'm gonna try so you can get the brake shoes away from it. Come on baby! This Ring Off See if we can get that just the brake shoes to sit away from the cylinder, we can grab access to it.

That side's good. this one do the same thing. Okay, we'll try working on it right where it is. if there's a Fighting Chance of even doing it.

No cursing there. so we're gonna have to try to drive that out of there. I'm gonna go see what it looks like inside. Let me go change that light out so I can flicker.

Yeah, when the white doesn't want to move. Um yeah. see the brake line on the back? so how pretty that is. It's like a stainless line, but the fitting is really kind of rotted right into it.

Uh yeah, let's take an air again. We'll blow some of that powder out of the way. Clean up as much of that crap as we can. Let's get the light map.

Let me go get a little pick. we'll scrape at that. I Have a feeling it's got like going make it snow. um because it it's got a taper to it.

this and I'm showing up. This is thinner than this side so I would think that maybe everything's got to go drive out that direction if at all. Take a quick peek the other side. How bad that side is? We need What we really need is two wheel cylinders, but they're much better, huh? All right.

Well, I'm gonna go pick at that for a little bit, see if we can get any kind of movement out of that. I think I left all the parts that came with the Plymouth with the Plymouth. We also have that um I got that Ford pickup I gotta go finish up and that's brakes on that thing also that we got to get into, they're all need to be done all right. Let me go work on that and see if anything I can get anything to come out of there.

Kind of doubting it though. huh? Give her a couple of hits, see if it by any chance will move I don't even know if it's gonna be able to drive back that way. Neither though it might have the I Think that the problem is that Pistons are cast aluminum I Think they're gonna shatter at some point. Yeah, foreign.
did they survive? That's the thing. Yeah, a little faith, right? Yeah, it's got two different sizes I Don't know I think possibly Again, it's just a mower, not a more a tractor. It's not like it's going to be doing well. It might be doing 40 mile an hour down the road.

There's that piece and what are we missing that pissed in? I'm gonna go clean everything up and see if anything is salvageable and then we gotta look in the board see what the board looks like. At least it came out of these are torn. This is what actually makes the seal. I'm gonna go push that brake pedal down and stop the fluid from running.

Have a honed it yet? an idea what we got going on there. It's looking pretty rusty though. the other side doesn't look too bad. the uh, the fatter of the two bores and let me take that back.

Let's go grab a home stone and we'll run that a little bit. clean it up, see how it does the other components. The seals don't look terrible. Part that does the work is this Edge right here so pressure is pushing against it, fluids behind it and it uses this lip has to seal against the cylinder and actually as as pressure hits it it kind of wants to push outward give a better seal.

These should be clear enough to they really don't Yeah, they're just there for the the support. they're not there to make a seal and this just kind of keeps tension. I'm gonna push them apart a little bit. All right.

let's go run that hone. Yeah I Hope he's enough room for all of us to fit in there. A little cup on the floor with um, brake fluid in it? I'm just gonna wet the stones, wait your stones and get in there. I have to back off my attention a little.

You can adjust how much pressure is on it. Let's go see what that works. Foreign. Any chance you know it's going back together with whatever it has anyway.

but I'm going to work on that a little bit. if I backlight it will that be better and it's making it worse. Huh? You can't see anything so I'll keep working on that. see I can get it actually looks decent I Can't remember that the um the seal is going to be in really about an inch and a quarter is where it's going to be sitting.

It's not really going to be sitting out here. this is where the Piston kind of. Lies So in a little further it doesn't look terrible. Let me take care of a little bit.

I'll bring you back I ran that going through both sides and that's about the best it's gonna get. Let me have some steaming on the outer edges, but we'll see it did improve a bit from what we started with. Huh? All right. So I'm going to reassemble that and uh I don't know I don't know.

we're gonna be able to bleed it though. Huh? Yeah? and I'll give that bleeder much chance and working its way out, but we'll see, let's see how much air we can see what kind of pedal we get. Really, that's definitely better than it was before. Huh? Yeah, no lube goes on there.
unfortunately if you think you would, but it's not gonna work with the brake fluid. All right. Look at those shoes. flip back on and we'll hit the pedal a couple of times and see if we get some movement out of it.

Hopefully? Yeah. I think the chances are it's gonna self bleed and push that air out of there foreign a little bit, but it's just got too much air. The thing I could think of is like we we let it back off and let that little diaphragm pop out and bleed some air out of there I am going to throw a wrenching up leader just for shits and giggles and see if we get it's a move I am not giving it much hope but we are functioning kinda I think I heard it. What does that mean I'm going to work on that.

See what I can come up with if I hold this one still. the other one should move all right. Let me see if we can get to do to get some of that air out. We have a six point wrench on that bleeder.

Let's see where you think it's stripped I don't know I think we might have got it. We gotta take it apart and clean it. Okay, there's a whole little hole in that bleeder. I'm actually kind of surprised.

Yeah, so that's got a hole through the center of it and then it should be right there. It's all plugged up a crap. Let's hit that pedal, see if we get some fluid coming through it. Oh yeah, it shot out some mud.

huh? Look at all that crap that's in there. Fresh stuff going through it, All right. I'm gonna go clean that bleeder up and put it back in. yeah, See if that'll take a bleed now? Oh yeah, now she's moving.

huh? You better bite on it Anyway, yeah, she feels pretty good. Let's block this one and then the other side should go there. we go. So they're working tandem when the brake drums back on good.

I Always gotta do all over again on the other side. Just give it one less reloading and stick that here. Make sure my reservoir didn't go dry. Look at that brick drum.

big ass roller bearing in there. huh? There's a key. The uh drum itself actually doesn't look too bad. I'm just going to scuff that up a little bit.

I'll put that back on there I Want to? This is where that bearing rolls on them. You wanna clean that up some too, huh? All right. Get that knocked out. Talk about throwing tools at it, huh? All right.

I Did the hard part. Who wants to do this side? Only one problem after hitting the brakes. that one's squeezed out and it's stuck in the outer position. so definitely has to go go in and get that one done.

Second, side always goes much easier because you know what to do. This one wasn't as a bad shape neither, so I was able to hone it out, clean it all up, and now this one's floating too. so hopefully the bleeder will pop free and I get all this back together and probably I should take care of that tire on the other side is, uh, last about a day before it goes flat. but you hate me to get done butting everything up and running it back in with the impact gun.
and then you look down on the floor and the two Springs that hold the brake shoes back through the backing plate are sitting on the floor. Got one back in? I Guess so I wonder where the leak is in the tire? It's pretty little foam and I went to lunch? Yeah. I have a good indication where that's coming from? Huh? It'll pop that off the tire machine I'd say Russ was the culprit. whatever that is, get it off of there.

This is blue strong stuff. I Think it really matters. You put it on the rim or the tire just kind of fills it in all the little voids, especially on old crappy stuff. I'm gonna keep an eye out for some like heavy snow tires, but for now, just get this one back on.

There is it. It's all dry round. you see the cracking, it's in the sidewalls. All right.

let's get her mounted. I Think it's time to start working our way out from the center I Think we'll put the uh, the giblet protector back on, take care of the battery in the seat generally. I'm not one to complain very much, but yeah, we're two for two. All right.

You see what the problem is I Tried tightening the cable down um of that and the nuts just kind of fell right out of it quick. generally is supposed to be recessed from this side and then a little bit of a peen holding it in place. not from this side. so as soon as you tighten it up, they just pull right out of there.

there's nothing to hold them. they were close I may try putting it together. maybe like that. um, turning in that way.

this just fell apart I didn't even get tight at all. Oh my. sizes the wrong type, but that's what it's supposed to look like. recess down there with a little bit of Mass on top.

Ah yeah, it seats a little falling apart so hit her with some glue. a couple of slices probably wouldn't have heard it. huh? Like new? Well, other than the exhaust leak which I think is actually inside the heater box on the other side when I watch the other videos, it was leaking when I picked it up so internally on the heater box, it's going to need to be fixed. The cab I'm not going to put on right now until fall comes along.

I Think it'd probably be easier to use as it is right now and we are just down to the fuel system. A Volkswagen setup has a electric shut off and an electric choke which are these two right here? So let's go double check. make sure they have power going to them, it hasn't. Somebody put a manual uh choke lever on it so the electric part of it I don't even think is set up and then they have another one for the throttle.

but let's see if we got power going to those and then we'll maybe get this carburetor off of here. We'll give her a little bit of love so she's that bottom one that's a fuel shut off so it won't idle. I won't do pretty much anything so it would be this wire. Let's go turn the key on.
Do not see Power Yeah I Do not see Power going to it should be coming off the coil. What's that going to right there? Yeah, that should be the hot side of the coil. Let me make sure my light is working correct I Always test your light. let's try that again.

Now there it is all right. So now we should have power. Yeah okay. and then when we go down plug that should hear a click.

There it is all right. So it's working. Let's turn the key off and let's get that carb right out of there. We'll give it a good once over and we possibly I'd like to make a gas pedal for it.

This does not have a governor set up on it and the governor should be like I know it's a good example. uh, cruise control in your car. You know you set your car is 60 miles an hour and the gas pedal kind of changes as the load on it changes. so that's kind of the same idea.

Not so much with this tractor. but if you're running like a PTO with a rototiller or something on, no matter what the load is, you want it to adjust to it the same say if it had a mower deck on it and you're going to, you know some High Grass you want the tractor if you set the throttle for say 3000 RPMs you want to try to maintain that RPM no matter what and that could be anywhere from just a little bit on the gas to Full Throttle So I do I have one some A lot of these engines were used also like and Commercial units too. It could be like for a pressure washer or a generator or whatnot and they had Governor setups for them. We could always make one for it.

I'm not running anything other than probably just pushing this plow and running it around at car shows. so I'm not that concerned. but I would like a gas pedal just so you can kind of like shift it through the gears and you know, change the load. As you're pushing up against dirt, you have the capacity to floor it and then let off instead of trying to use this lever which is the only thing that's set up right now.

this is the throttle and it's idle and that's Full Throttle Yeah, just doesn't really cut it though. good. Anyway, get ahead of yourself. Let's get that carburetor off of there.

give her a good cleaning, and uh, figure out what we want to do. From there, we're open. First, we'll piss some of the gas out of it. I wonder if they actually have any part of the choke in there since they have it hooked up to a cable? There's a coil in here and when you put power to, it, heats up over time and then it changes position and that's what turns the the choke off and then it has a spring that returns it.

Let's go start operating on her and it's still there. So that would heat up and uh, this is like a reistat behind it. It would heat up and it would just rotate the uh. the choke.
Uh, let's get the body of it off. Another thing too, there's a what's called an accelerator pump. Let's get the spring out of there. There's an accelerator pump.

that when you hit the gas the uh vacuum actually kind of goes low for a second until it catches up and it does not get as much fuel. Plus it also helps with net happen to be. Oh actually on a little rich side of fuel. So the carburetor has accelerator pump that squirts raw fuel right down the throat of the carb and generally on these old VW carbs.

especially if it's been running any kind of modern fuel with ethanol in it. The diaphragm turns into a brick and it no longer wants to function so I would suspect that might be an issue too. Hopefully I have one. I should.

As far as the VW stuff's concerned. I try to keep that stuff on hand. we should be able to crack that open crap is in here. There's a little bit of dirt down there, but not terrible.

I See it? Yeah, not bad. All right, that accelerator pump is in here. Let's get uh I might want to get this one hand here. There's that shut off I was talking about and it just blocks off these ports, going right through with a plunger internally on it.

Need a little baby screwdriver? Hold on one second. Yeah, let's go see what that diaphragm? It's like. It actually feels pretty good. Nice.

Well things sat so long it didn't have ethanol fuel in it yet. Yeah, that one actually seems really decent. It's got a bunch of crap in there though. only all the dirt that will sit in there.

All right. So we have a air fuel mix. Oh the idle speed I Think on this carburetor is done by right here on. there's like a hammer setup that is missing.

We need ourselves a once you get that last one out. All right. That's not normal neither. that looks like somebody kind of boogered that together and another jet.

It looks like it's got some crap sitting on it too. So we're gonna go take this whole thing. We'll throw it in the ultrasonic cleaner and we'll let it get whooshed. I got one more up here.

back together. see if I got a carb kit for like I said and I think we can, uh, probably Purge we'll look into that gas tank and hopefully you can Purge the fuel that's in there out of there. we'll go soak that a base gasket will come off. huh? Don't rip there you go.

get off of there. Hey, that can get washed. Uh, that can all get cleaned. Oh, we got another another little diaphragm up in here that, um, works this.

We are not actually even all that concerned about that, neither. Let's go pop that out. I'm going to work on that and I'll get that out of the way. That's the last piece.

It just has to come out. It looks like it's got a issue down below there I Know you wanted to see it like at the center of that out of there and just allows that to come out. Now it's bath time because you've got a urine sample out of her doctor's orders. Oh yeah Jeffrey needs to drink more water I need another? Bowl Oh sure.
thank you foreign neighbor's car when they're not looking. So we really don't need the hand throttle if we get a foot throttle set up on it. So that's this lever and it's this black cable coming through. It has a bunch of linkages on it I Wonder if we could run a cable down if I can find something we could use for, maybe like a pedal that we kind of stomp on straight down.

Somewhere in this area is the only area we have to work with Again, that's going to be our break, our clutch rather, and then the throttle on this side. Hmm. I'm gonna look at my stash. You can kind of come up with anything that um I don't think like a VW bus gas pedal might be good because it has a bracket that you can bolt down.

How about as I'm looking around stainless hinge work with that to start right? Yeah, so figures maybe somewhere around here be good for the gas pedal to run like a, um, a raw. So we have to pull on cable when this goes down. So if we come out with a rod here and cable that expands, how else can we do? That should be about it right? So we got this jacket, we'll probably leave in place and we will try to run a new cable through it if we got room. and I grabbed a stash of different things.

Maybe we can use this one on the end that's on the carburetor. It has a barrel that tightens down to just raw cable. It does not need to have any kind of end on it. so I don't know if we need that or not.

Hopefully that'll be long enough. All right. So I'm going to kind of Jump Ahead guys and work on this and I'll bring you back because we're getting really long in the tooth and I'm running out of time to get this video up. so let me, uh, see if we can Whittle out and I'll bring you back.

Get that throttle all set up in the floor. I'll show you that in a little while. Went back to putting the car back together, dumps of fuel on it and just checking the accelerator pump. so I should just right out of that.

I should get a P stream. it should Mark its territory right? so hey, that is no good. We got a leak right there which is common. That body uh gets warped I gotta go take that off.

sand it flat, put it on the table. kind of sand it flat and get it to the seat. That's why you check it before you finish putting it together so close. I took a sanded that flat and we're getting better.

A good shot and we're not leaking a good pea stream. No bog for us. All right we get that finished. put it back on the on the engine.

All right. Some cars have a foot for gas pedal. I got a stainless steel hinge I should do it. Ran some brake lines and we're in the cable through that and then just mounted that in a couple places.

So I use the original jacket that was there came out of that with steel cable. um, brake line. Uh, these are brackets for the fan assembly where the cables go through that. so I just grab them, kind of molded them into what we needed and then that the big section is still behind here and that's it.
That's all you need I threw some lube in there I May want to try to go back and get something a little bit greater than just like motor oil, so maybe a little thicker like a grease or something. but I'm gonna cut my foot and that's our gas pedal I Love the choke. disconnected I I Went with the factory setup. We'll see if we need be, we'll put this back on I Want to see how it is just with its regular setup and uh, just like a Volkswagen would have instead of all this if it's an issue I'll put it back the way he had it.

he may have had it that way because of having the manual throttle. I'm not quite sure. Let's go throw some gas in it, throw some hoses back on it, see what we get? Oh yeah, the name of it reason why I guess it's green in color on the outside. it's you say Sweet Pea on top.

Well the tractor's name is Sweet Pea Popeye I Don't have the idle speed and the air fuel mix adjust to either one. See we get I did uh Prime The carb I filled it so you can kind of warm up a little bit to try our gas pedal. Don't forget instead of warm up so that the choke comes off should be about a minute or two, fuel line's leaking a little bit and dead. I wonder if not get any fuel? that would have been about amount of time that it would taken to use up what was in the float.

Bowl I Put yeah. the other part two is who knows. as far as the the uh I put about a gallon in it. that's about what we took out of it.

So let's um, put you back in the stand. We'll try firing it up without priming it. Let's just see if uh we choke it if it'll go together. Air Fuel mix I Don't want to stick my hand in there though.

You got to get between the belt. it's right down there. I'll try it. Let's keep it idle choked all the way off.

I Don't think the timing's off. It's tripping. Why is rabbit so high? dude? Maybe on the timing, you're gonna die I'm gonna let it run for a few minutes. We'll let it warm up and we'll see what we can do about dialing it in.

I Like to travel. Maybe while it's warm enough if I popping it in gear, drive it back and forward just a little bit. Yeah, how things operate. Worth it.

Gonna move that timing a little bit. It sounds like it's off I'll hang a light on it later. but I think it's got to get rotated this way a little? Nope. All right, that's really where it should be.

right about there foreign. thank you, thank you. Pretty good at some point in Utah points and give condenser in it too. but uh I think we can go hang a light on it? No.

I'll see what we got. That's pretty close to what it should be though. That's why the Idaho was so high. They actually took the thumb screw out of it.
They were trying to get it to idle lower and it wouldn't go there, but it's because it was because of timing I Have a feeling they might have to distribute or index possibly incorrect I'm not sure that it seems like it should be one this way. that would be with the gear in the bottom. The gear in the bottom can be put in like every now. every 20 degrees or so you can change it.

I don't have a timing light here. let's shut it off. Let's see how she fires back up. I think I see at the gas pedal.

foreign headlights. Got it? Okay, this is still alive I can't get in the air cleaner before I think they even have an air cleaner on it Also because they had the choke cable going up with where it sits Madness is in a way for a regular Volkswagen one I got a little foam one over there I don't know if it's gonna be good enough? yeah if I could be big enough. wipers don't work. when that's it back on you can home to yourself.

Feels pretty good. Defrost Yeah, we're just gonna have to make a heater box for the other side I think but while there's no cab on it I think we're good. oh yeah. I'm gonna go give her a once over real quick and uh, you know what's next, right? foreign Second: let's try a second gear run I'm afraid for third attack let's lock him up.

foreign button your eyes I did if I have a top view of about 30 and third which is way too fast for someone. no suspension. laughs like on pavement to push Dirt Off let's try dropping the blade first gear on. uh, where the heart attack is.

The other stuff is all dug up so soft you don't have any snow to run it on, but it's all the way. Drop her down. Foreign, foreign, foreign. All right.

All right guys, it's making the mess. Let's cut it out. Cool machine. it really works well.

Timing up I can do that statically I can take a uh a test like well, it's off and finding where the points are breaking and tweak that in. Still burning off all the crap that's in. it breaks in like they work fine. Um, definitely needs chains.

it'll dig a hole. It's not a posi rear so like one one slip that just digs. but again, this is made for snow, not gravel and dirt and that's you know pretty much what this stuff is. so nothing's pissing out of it.

like an air cleaner set up for it. Again, that Cable's in the way. so I'll try to find something for that. Yeah, nothing's pissing out control to work.

You got a generator like we're in the oil light flickering a little. probably seen that again. grab that that'll go out, but that's all that sludge and crap that's in there. Can't wait till we get some snow.

I Shouldn't say that. maybe about nine months maybe. but for now I think we're just gonna, uh, use it for the shows We're Not Gonna cab on it like I said I'm gonna leave it that way for the summer and then when the winter time comes around again, we'll play with it and um, see what it actually does in snow with some chains on it organizing nice knobby tires? I'll look for all right guys I think I'm done playing. Oh, you kind of hanging out with me.
just kind of going through all this weird stuff like this and having some fun. and just whoever built it did an awesome job. They really put a lot of time and effort into it. It really came out awesome.

I Gotta go clean up the mess I made over here and uh, pretend like it ever happened. So the bathroom you're gonna sign off and uh, we'll play with something else fairly soon. like a whole bunch of other stuff waiting at the turn. So for this one I think we're gonna go call it hi guys with that I'll see you later.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “Let’s bring this awesome tractor back to life!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will of ways says:

    You come up with some of the neatest little gadgets…..๐Ÿ’ฏ

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Wagner says:

    Sometimes you have to rev the motor up a little bit to get her charging.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Ballenger says:

    I think that bearing separator was good ideal
    but if the holes in it are threaded you can
    use gear puller

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anti- Groomer says:

    Mustie – Got a question. I have an icemaker like the one you did a vid on. Brand new and it made a few icecubes but then was stuck on "add water" no matter how much it had. I took it apart and the metal probe in the back that is in the stream of water from the pump looked shiny and new but I filed it a bit anyway and when I put it together it worked. However, I did notice that in the little tunnel/tube part that the water comes out of, right before it hits the probe, there was a screw tip that had penetrated the water tunnel, with the screw tip coming out of the bottom of the tunnel so the water definitely touches it. I couldn't even see where the screw was located and didn't want to take it apart even more. It's working on and off no, still saying add water when it has water. I had three questions:

    – Would the water passing the screw mess with the accuracy of the probe that detects if you have enough water? If they just monitor the resistance or wtv to determine if water is being pumped?
    – Should I be worried about the screw rusting and poisoning me or something? I'm assuming that it's not stainless or wtv.
    – Could this be something that they do intentionally? Maybe they figure that when the screw rusts it'll somehow trash the unit or even just the water sensing probe won't work right? The screw would act as a ticking tome bomb that forces someone to buy a new one in 6-12 months?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herb Whitmore says:

    That looks like 40 ford drum ,backing plate and the rear axle

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Gambill says:

    It sure would spread crushed rock and top soil like a champ.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Gambill says:

    The brass spray nozzle in the carb. body often times get clogged up

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GeneralPublic0000 says:

    Now Iโ€™ve seen everything! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Perkey says:

    The was designed was Walter Larson of Plainview Tx where they were manufactured for several years as a spray rig for agriculture use.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Perkey says:

    That is just a Larson Spray rig that has been cut down to the ground. They started life looking like this tractor with tall legs all around.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Les Taylor says:

    Looks like a bunch of fun.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Ling says:

    You sure know your Dubs Mustie

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Strachan says:

    Wow, someone put some engineering skills into this๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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